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Från datasal till en-till-en : En studie av lärares erfarenheter av digitala resurser i undervisningenPerselli, Ann-Katrin January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis a study upper secondary school teachers’ experiences from using digital resources is presented. The study was carried out in two upper secondary schools where the students had each recently been given their own laptop, a so-called one-to-one computer. The purpose of the study was to describe and analyse the teachers’ experiences of using digital resources in teaching. Four teachers, three men and one woman, from two upper secondary schools in a Swedish municipality, participated in the study. Empirical material was collected during autumn 2010 and spring 2012. The methods used in the collection were interviews and participatory observations, so-called go-along observations. The study’s theoretical approach has its foundation in phenomenological philosophy. In the result care, time and teachers’ lived experiences of didactic work emerge as important for the utilisation of digital resources in teaching. In the teaching, the teachers’ experiences and knowledge of their subjects, teaching, digital resources, and life experiences and knowledge seemed to interact. This interaction between experiences and knowledge is described in the study as lived experiences of didactic work. The study shows that teachers dealt with the new digital technology and designed learning environments for the students with the starting point of their lived experiences of didactic work and assumptions about the students’ interest for digital resources. The teachers’ care with relationship building and creation of trust and confidence was shown to have importance for how, and to what extent, digital resources could be used in teaching. Both similarities and differences in the teachers’ experiences of, and knowledge about, how teaching is carried out with one-to-one computers emerged in the study. Two of the teachers were more experienced users of digital resources in comparison with the two others. The teachers’ experiences of digital resources are often related to their own interest in these, but their experiences are also related to the lack of time for learning to use digital resources as pedagogical tools. / <p>På omslaget har en liten felaktighet i titeln smugit sig in. Titeln på omslaget ska lyda: Från datasal till en-till-en</p>
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Limit comparison-shopping? : The effect of new establishments of independent upper-secondary schools on public school costsKallberg, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
In the 1990s, an educational reform changed the Swedish school market. The reform allows anyone with permission from the Swedish Schools Inspectorate to establish an independent school. The main objective of this paper is to examine how new establishments of independent upper-secondary schools affect the public school’s costs per student during the time period 2005 to 2014. Using application data, we can separate municipalities in which independent schools have been established and where they have not. This data allows us to estimate a Difference in Difference model where the treatment is a new establishment. The results reveal three key findings: first, on average, municipalities experience a cost decrease if new independent schools are established. Second, a common trend exists in the pre-period between the two types of municipalities. Third, decomposing the total public school cost per student, the establishment of new upper-secondary schools reduces teaching, equipment and healthcare costs. Further research should examine the political objectives on the municipality level for new establishments. In the future it may be important, from a policy perspective, that if municipalities are given a veto right in the establishment process, market competition will be determined based on political preferences.
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Från datasal till en-till-en : En studie av lärares erfarenheter av digitala resurser i undervisningenPerselli, Ann-Katrin January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis a study upper secondary school teachers’ experiences from using digital resources is presented. The study was carried out in two upper secondary schools where the students had each recently been given their own laptop, a so-called one-to-one computer. The purpose of the study was to describe and analyse the teachers’ experiences of using digital resources in teaching. Four teachers, three men and one woman, from two upper secondary schools in a Swedish municipality, participated in the study. Empirical material was collected during autumn 2010 and spring 2012. The methods used in the collection were interviews and participatory observations, so-called go-along observations. The study’s theoretical approach has its foundation in phenomenological philosophy. In the result care, time and teachers’ lived experiences of didactic work emerge as important for the utilisation of digital resources in teaching. In the teaching, the teachers’ experiences and knowledge of their subjects, teaching, digital resources, and life experiences and knowledge seemed to interact. This interaction between experiences and knowledge is described in the study as lived experiences of didactic work. The study shows that teachers dealt with the new digital technology and designed learning environments for the students with the starting point of their lived experiences of didactic work and assumptions about the students’ interest for digital resources. The teachers’ care with relationship building and creation of trust and confidence was shown to have importance for how, and to what extent, digital resources could be used in teaching. Both similarities and differences in the teachers’ experiences of, and knowledge about, how teaching is carried out with one-to-one computers emerged in the study. Two of the teachers were more experienced users of digital resources in comparison with the two others. The teachers’ experiences of digital resources are often related to their own interest in these, but their experiences are also related to the lack of time for learning to use digital resources as pedagogical tools. / <p>På omslaget har en liten felaktighet i titeln smugit sig in. Titeln på omslaget ska lyda: Från datasal till en-till-en</p>
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I valet och kvalet : Vilka variabler upplever lärare sig behöva ta hänsyn till i valet av de skönlitterära inslagen i svenskämnet i gymnasieskolan? / Shilly-shallying : Which variables do teachers feel they need to take into account in their choice of literary elements in the subject of Swedish in secondary schools?Olsson, Alexander Rolf Emanuel January 2013 (has links)
Följande rapport behandlar intervjuer av åtta svensklärares idéer om vad de känner sig måste ta hänsyn till i sina val av skönlitterära inslag i svenskämnet på gymnasieskolor i Stockholms norra kranskommuner. Undersökningen anlägger ett sociologiskt perspektiv på de praktiserade urvalstekniker som framförs och diskuterar intervjupersonernas upplevelser med utgångspunkt i Pierre Bourdieus teorier om kapital, habitus och fält. Resultatet av intervjuerna visar att pedagogernas litterära kanon genomgående utgår ifrån vem eleven är, vilket syfte undervisningen har, lärarens tidigare erfarenheter liksom dennes förväntningar på elevens tillgodogöranden av undervisningen. I efterord diskuteras eventuella konsekvenser av sådana strukturer och studien avslutas med förslag på vidare forskning. / The following report deals with eight Swedish teachers' ideas about what they feel they must take into account in their choice of literary fiction in the subject of Swedish in upper secondary schools in the northern municipalities surrounding Stockholm. The study applies a sociological perspective on the practiced techniques of selection that are raised and discussed by interviewees' and their experiences, based on Pierre Bourdieu's terminology of capital, habitus and field. The result of the interviews shows that teachers' literary repertoire is frequently related to who the student is, what purpose the education has, the teacher's past experiences as well as their expectations for what the student might benefit out of their teaching. In the afterword possible consequences of such structures are discussed and suggestions for further research conclude the report.
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Kvinnor i antiken och var man inte hittar dem : En studie av digitala läromedels berättelser om antiken från ett genusperspektiv / Women in the antiquityand Where to Find Them : A study of how digital school materials portray the antiquity from a gender perspectiveHedén, Tomas January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to analyse how the period of antiquity is portrayed in the Swedish upper secondary school material in the course History 1bfrom a gender perspective, by examining digitalized study materials that claims to follow the specifiedcurriculum. The course curriculum for History 1bstates the importance of including female groups in the historic narrative, as well as that ideas of equality between sexes should permeate everything connected to teaching, among other things. The paper aims to analyse how gender is portrayed by examining the digitalized study material of DigilärHistoria 1 100 poäng, Nationalencyklopedin, NE, Historia 1 and Gleerups Möt historien 1b. The analysis was done using theories of gender from Yvonne Hirdman and Joann Scott to put historical power structures in relation to gender. The questions considered were (1)Which male and female characters are included and (2)how are they portrayed? (3)Lastly, how are social differences between them explained?The results showan overrepresentation of men. In the Gleerups material no specific female character was represented. NE’s material had 26 % and Digilär’s 20 % representation of women. The female characters are portrayed with stereotypical female characteristics such as their body, seduction and their ability to bear children. Female leaders are shown only to influence issues regarding equality and other women, whereas all mentioned men are portrayed as changing society especially as conquerors and warriors. Masculinity and femininity are portrayed as counterparts and men’s greatest weakness is any inability to control their wives and daughters. There are some exceptions that blurs the line such as Athene, Apollon and to some extent Cleopatra which are portrayed by showing characteristics associated with the other gender. The writers of the study materials are limited by the limited number of available historical sources and the picture they betray but only NE points out the problems with this. Neither Digilär nor Gleerups mention the skewed picture as a problem but Digilär shows to some extent how people in Greece legitimized the patriarchal structures.
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Att lukta på rummet som Göran Persson - En studie om retorikundervisning på yrkesgymnasierFröberg, Cécilia January 2019 (has links)
Rhetoric is a vital subject of the Swedish school. It is only taught in the native language in the subject of Swedish but expects the students to be able to present orally in almost every other subject as well. Few Swedish teachers are educated in rhetoric, but all are expected to teach it. In vocational upper secondary schools, many do not students reach the highest letter grades (A and B) during national testing, where an oral presentation is a third of the test. This study aims to examine how Swedish teachers in vocational schools view their own teaching of rhetoric. More specifically the study examines what the teachers focus on, what their methods are for teaching and what factors they take into account when planning. To do this the study collects data through three interviews with teachers, their collected teaching material and a survey sent to 20 different vocational schools. A content analysis is used to analyze the transcribed interviews. The results show that the interviewed teachers tend to focus their teaching on what they believe is most important. This includes disposition, technical presentation aids, manuscripts and creating a safe environment for the students who fear public speaking. It also shows that teachers use varying types of scaffolding techniques to support their students’ needs. None of the interviewed teachers focus on rhetorical terminology and two of them create their own, but the students do not get the time they need to process the information and actually work with it in different ways. One teacher uses the terminology they see fit to use in practice with their students. This work later show that their students are able to apply what they have learned in rhetoric in written texts and through this elevate their writing skills. Finally, it shows that the teachers teach a very limited version of rhetoric.
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Demokrati eller marknad i fokus? : En studie om meddelarfrihetens ställning i universitets och högskolors respektive gymnasieskolors interna styrdokumentAndersson, Alexandra, Imeri, Leonora January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate, through a quantitative and qualitative analysis, how the officals freedom of information is expressed in policy documents from Swedish universities, colleges and upper secondary schools. The purpose is broken down into two different - but interconneted parts. The first part investigates and analyzes the issue of transparency in ‘general’ versus ‘image’ and market thinking through “our public ethos”. The second part concerns the status of officials rights of freedom of information in relation to other reaction possibilities. A democracy perspective is here set against a market perspective. Furthermore, differences and similarities in dominating perspectives and the position of freedom of information between these documents current descriptions is to be elucidated. The first question is answered on the basis of our public ethos theory combined with Fredriksson and Palla's model of six principles for government communication. The results show that the market perspective dominates both in the universities and college documents, as well as in the documents that apply to upper secondary schools. The second question is answered through Lundquist's model of different reaction possibilities. The results show that the reaction ‘whisper’ (freedom of information) has a greater emphasis in the documents that apply to upper secondary schools than those of universities and colleges.
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"Jag tror vi måste jobba mycket med det" : Om den digitala källkritikens roll inom svenskämnet på gymnasiet / "I believe we have to work a lot with this" : Critical literacy and the Internet in the teaching of Swedish in upper secondary schoolBahar, Yildiz January 2011 (has links)
Abstract The overarching goal of this study is to investigate whether teachers of Swedish at upper secondary schools in Sweden feel that they know how to teach critical literacy, especially on the Internet, and also if they know how it is taught. It also investigates the difficulties teachers experience in teaching critical literacy. A secondary goal is to investigate the knowledge of critical literacy among students at upper secondary schools in Sweden. The study is based on quantitative and qualitative research. The research consists of two parts. The first one is made through a digital survey-machine. The answers can be analyzed in both a quantitative and a qualitative way. The selected group for the survey consists of both students and teachers. The second one is based on interviews with three teachers. The majority of earlier research in this field focuses on the information seeking process. Not much has been written about critical competence when teaching Swedish and if teachers today have the right tools and skills to handle critical literacy on the Internet. The study points to school being an important place for learning critical competence. It is imperative that teachers teach students to navigate on the Internet, to be able to assess the impact media and technology have on their lives and also to review the information they find. One of the problems is that teachers feel insecure about how to handle critical literacy in their everyday teaching. Important tools for this work are knowledge of the different stages in the information seeking process, but also knowledge of how to integrate critical literacy in the classroom. The conclusion is that a great deal has to be done in this area, both at a political level, but also at an educational level. According to the results of this study teachers need more media competence to help students in an ever changing digitalized world.
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Tilltal i bild och text : En studie av gymnasieskolors hemsidor ur ett kommunikationsperspektivLundholm, Janna January 2012 (has links)
Due to political decisions regarding the Swedish school, public and independent schools booth face the need topromote themselves in the quest for new pupils. This study aims to, from a communications perspective, examine how four selected upper secondary schools address their target audience; the pupils‐to‐be, on their homepages. Additionally, I intend to investigate whether, and if so, how, said addressing can be connected to the different target groups applying to the schools in question. The questions asked in this study regard the way in which the selected schools describe themselves on their homepage; how do they use the textual and visual content to address their audience, and can there be disagreement between the meaning of the text and that of the image? To answer these questions, I use a theoretical base made out of visual communication and semiotic as well as rhetorical analyses. The methodological procedure is a qualitative approach on the matter, allowing me to understand the “what” of the content on the homepages, as well as the “how” it’s being communicated. I have separated the text from the image, analyzing them separately, so that I can make sense of the whole based on what the segments tell me. I’ve come to the conclusion that there seems to be a pattern between the way in which a Swedish upper secondary school address their target group, and which pupils choose to apply to the school. The schools whose applicants have a high median value in their grades tend to refer to academic values in their descriptions, while the schools whose applicants have the lower median value tend to speak more of the world outside the classroom, and refer to such things as connections with companies or the pupils’ interests.
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"Att låta dem det rör komma till tals" : En studie om några elevers beskrivningar av att vara elev i gymnasiesärskolanLandmark, Angelica January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva några elevers erfarenheter av att vara elev i gymnasiesärskolan och att lyfta fram deras berättelser. Med fokus på lärande, inflytande, delaktighet och tillhörighet. Det är en studie som har sin grund i ett inifrånperspektiv som handlar om förståelse för elevers perspektiv. För att kunna förstå elevers perspektiv behövs tolkningar, tolkningar är den teoretiska ansatsen hermeneutikens grundsyn och därför fann jag hermeneutiken vara passande till min studie. Som metod för att kunna besvara mitt syfte har jag använt mig av livsvärldsintervjuer. Studiens resultat bygger på fyra elevintervjuer. Resultaten som framträdde var att eleverna var alla positiva till sin skola, de såg en skola där de fick känna gemenskap. De beskriver att meningen med att utbilda sig handlar om att lära sig något. Några har dessutom en tanke med att lärandet ska skapa bättre förutsättningar för dem i vuxen ålder. Resultatet visade också att eleverna är medvetna om sina behov, svårigheter och kunde relatera dem till olika situationer som de möter och har mött. Vad som också blev synligt i elevernas berättelser var att det förekom begränsad samverkan med gymnasiet. / The purpose of this study is to describe some pupils’ experiences of being a student in upper secondary schools forintellectual disabilities, and highlight their stories. The study has its focus on learning, influence, participation and belonging. It is a study with its base on an inside perspective; the understanding of the pupils' own perspective. In order to understand the pupils' perspective, you need interpretation. That are the theoretical approach to the basic view of the hermeneutic character, hence I found hermeneutics appropriate for my study. As a method to be able to find the answer of the purpose of the study, I have used the life-world interviews. The result of the study is based on the interviews of four pupils. The results that emerged was that all the pupils were positive about their school, they saw a school where were able to feel togetherness. They all describe that the purpose of education is about learning. Some also thought that learning could create better situations for them in adulthood. The results also showed that the pupils are aware of their needs and difficulties and can relate them to different situations they have faced and will face. What also became obvious in the pupils' stories was that there was limited interaction with high school.
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