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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvinnodominerad ledning i mansdominerad bransch

Aurelius, Adriana, Niklasson, Kajsa January 2007 (has links)
<p>Detta är en genusvetenskaplig uppsats och syftet är att undersöka förutsättningarna för de kvinnliga ledarna i en kvinnodominerad ledningsgrupp. Undersökningen är kvalitativ och baseras på intervjustudier och fältanteckningar från företaget som gjorts under okt-dec-2006. Deltagandeobservation av ett gruppmöte samt företagets årsredovisningar och lönelistor har använts som kompletterande material. De teoretiska ramverken har varit Moss Kanters teori om organisationer och La Clau och Mouffes diskursanalys. Resultatet och analysen är indelade i tre avsnitt.</p><p>I första avsnittet behandlas chefsideal och normer för ledarskap, och dess könsmärkning problematiseras. Hårda krav på prestationer och bemötande gäller för de kvinnliga ledarna när de mäts mot idealchefen. Andra avsnittet handlar om hur ledningsgruppens förutsättningar formar gruppkulturen och fortplantar sig i organisationen. Tredje avsnittet behandlar motstånd och försvar mot diskursiva uppfattningar om kön och ledarskap. Ledningsgruppens situation kan beskrivas som att de befinner sig i ett konstant tillstånd av ifrågasättande, men de har de utvecklat en ledarstil som minskar trycket på de kvinnliga ledarna.</p> / <p>This essay is written from a gender perspective and investigates the conditions of female leaders in a female dominated management group. The investigation is qualitative, and based on interviews, the annual report of the corporation and field notes from participant observations in the autumn 2006, when we frequently visited the corporation. The theoretical framework is Moss Kanters theory on corporations and La Clau and Mouffes discourse analysis. The result and the analysis are different in three sections. The first deals with gendered ideals and norms created around leadership and the image of the “boss”/ manager. Demands of performance and treatment are harder on the female leaders when measured against male norms, and expectations of female gender. The second part discusses how the conditions of the management group repeats through the organisation. The third part treats combating and defence of discourses on gender and leadership. The situation of the management group can be described as being under a constant pressure, but the leaders have constructed a form of leadership that facilitates the pressure on the female heads.</p>

Talutrymme och uppmärksamhet i förskolans samling ur ett genusperspektiv.

Rastell, Angelica, Ojala, Monica January 2007 (has links)
<p>Vi vill ta reda på hur kvinnliga pedagoger i förskolan fördelar talutrymmet och hur kommunikation/samspel ser ut mellan pedagog, flickor och pojkar. De frågeställningar som ligger till grund för vår studie är:</p><p>· Skiljer det sig i flickors och pojkars tilldelade talutrymme/uppmärksamhet i samling på förskolan. Är det så att pojkar får större talutrymme/uppmärksamhet?</p><p>· Finns det en medvetenhet hos pedagogen i hennes förhållningssätt/kommunikation/samspel/interaktion?</p><p>· Finns det skillnader i pedagogens uttryckssätt till flickor och pojkar vid tillsägelser och bekräftelse?</p><p>· Använder pedagoger lika/olika ordval, röstläge, tonfall, kroppsspråk gentemot flickor och pojkar?</p><p>I vår fallstudie har vi observerat pedagoger och barn genom videoinspelning och intervjuat pedagogerna angående genus och jämställdhet. Intervjuerna dokumenterades genom ljudupptagning. Vår studie visar att i kommunikationssammanhang skiljer sig flickor och pojkar åt. Det har visat sig att pojkar både tar och får mer utrymme.</p>

Ladies-in-Waiting: Art, Sex and Politics at the Early Georgian Court

Weichel, ERIC 29 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses the cultural contributions – artistic patronage, art theory, art satire - of four Ladies-in-Waiting employed at the early eighteenth-century century British court: Mary, Countess Cowper; Charlotte Clayton, Baroness Sundon; Henrietta Howard, Countess of Suffolk; and Mary Hervey, Baroness Hervey of Ickworth. Through a close reading of archival manuscripts, published correspondences and art historical treatises, I explore the cultural milieu, historical legacy and historiographic reception of these individuals. I argue that their writing reveals fresh insight on the switch from Baroque to Rococo modes of portraiture in Britain, as it does critical attitudes to sex, religion and politics among aristocratic women. Through the use of satire, these courtiers comment on extramarital affairs, rape, homosexuality and divorce among their peer group. They also show an interest in issues of feminist education, literature, political and religious patronage, and contemporary news events, which they reference through allusions to painting, architecture, sculpture, engravings, ceramics, textiles and book illustrations. Many of the artists patronized by the court in this period were foreign-born, peripatetic, and stylistically unusual. Partly due to the transnational nature of these artist’s careers, and partly due to the reluctance of later historians to admit the extent of foreign socio-cultural influence, biased judgements about the quality of these émigré painters’ work continue to predominate in art historical scholarship. While little-studied themselves, these Ladies-in-waiting were at the center of political, social and cultural life in Britain. Their letters therefore have much of value in reclaiming, not only their own contributions to the development of British cultural life, but those of the French or Francophile émigré artists patronized at court. By studying the work of these artists and the lives of their patrons, I examine the intersection between biography and artistic practice at the early eighteenth-century British court. / Thesis (Ph.D, Art History) -- Queen's University, 2013-04-29 03:14:47.731

Contemporary indie and the construction of identity : discursive representations of indie, gendered subjectivities and the interconnections between indie music and popular fashion in the UK

Lifter, Rachel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents a historicized account of the construction of identity within contemporary indie. Indie emerged as a music scene in the early 1980s, and existing scholarly accounts of it focus on practices of music production and consumption. Indie has expanded and diversified over the last 30 years, however. Crucially, in the UK it has become increasingly interconnected into popular fashion – a development that has transformed indie from being a space solely for the construction of masculine identities, as it was in the 1980s, into a space for the construction of both masculine and feminine identities. These transformations within indie have not been addressed, and one of the contributions of this research is to fill this gap. This thesis contributes to the field of youth cultural studies by providing new knowledge on the relationship between youth culture and popular fashion. Drawing on the Bourdieuian concept ‘field’, the thesis explores the relationship between the sub-field of indie music and the field of popular fashion in the UK, arguing that contemporary indie forms at the points of overlap between these two fields: where their value systems are mutually informative and where their value systems diverge. Drawing on Foucault’s concepts ‘discourse’ and ‘practices of the self’, this thesis explores the way in which this complex popular cultural formation creates a space for the construction of identities. Through an analysis of media representations, it considers the discursive constitution of indie, and through an analysis of participant observation and interviews, it explores the ways in which those people participating in this formation construct the self. The thesis contributes to the field of fashion studies in that it draws together these two methodologies into an examination of the construction of identity and, more specifically, gendered identities.

”Säsong tre räddade mitt liv”: en receptionsstudie av SKAMs icke-heterosexuella representationer / “Season three saved my life”: a reception study on SKAM’s non-heterosexual representations

Strokirk, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to study in what ways an audience who does not identify as heterosexual reflect over the Norwegian TV-show SKAM’s non-heterosexual representations. The research was carried out through five focus group interviews with thirteen people and used theories on identification, stereotypes and the media together with queer theory and intersectional theories. The study’s interviews show that SKAM gives different opportunities for identification. The respondents all identifies with ways the show deals with coming out and how the process is shaped by subtle forms homophobia. The show’s focus on heteronormativity and internalized homophobia is also strongly identified with and considered to be skilfully told. How Isak and Even’s relationship is portrayed is appreciated as well, which was a source for positive identification. The character Eskild was also brought up as a clever way to show how stereotypical representations can be used in a positive and inspiring way. The show’s general lack of non-heterosexual characters and their portrayal as all white, cis, middle class men was critiqued, as well as how the show handled fetishzation of non-heterosexual relationships. It becomes clear from the interviews how the respondents negotiate the non-heterosexual representations in SKAM in order to find identification, which helps them validate their own sexual identities. Moreover, the study also shows how representations, how they affect and regulate people’s social lives and identities, can be better understood by favouring not only the media but the viewers as well.

Multiple Roles in Later Life| Role Enhancement and Conflict and Their Effects on Psychological Well-Being

Quach, Emma D. 09 June 2017 (has links)
<p> Holding both work and family roles can be a central experience for men and women, young or old. Yet, to date, the bulk of knowledge on holding roles in both domains is specific to young adults, a critical gap as conditions warrant longer work life. This inquiry thus focused on older working men and women (over 50 years of age) with at least one family role (spouse, parent of adult children, caregiver to an aging parent, or grandparent). With survey data from the Health and Retirement Study in 2010 and 2012, latent profile analysis, path analyses, and regressions were conducted to investigate multiple roles in later adulthood: 1) The extent older workers experience role enhancement and conflict between work and family roles because of role stressors and rewards, and patterns of role enhancement and conflict experiences, 2) The extent role enhancement and conflict (a) mediate between role rewards/stressors and psychological well-being (aging self-perceptions, life satisfaction, and depressive symptoms), and (b) interact with each other when exerting their psychological impacts, 3) Gender differences in role enhancement and conflict experiences and in their psychological consequences. Holding multiple roles in later life was characterized predominantly by work and family roles mutually enhancing each other, rather than conflicting with each other, a pattern driven primarily by low role stressors and secondarily by high role rewards. Role enhancement and conflict mediated the effects of role stressors/rewards on psychological well-being, especially on self-perceptions on aging. Interactive effects were also found: Psychological well-being was fostered by work conflicting with and enhancing the family but compromised by a similar circumstance in the family. Finally, gender differences emerged. Women benefitted more than men from multiple sources of role enhancement and from their work role (even when it enhanced and conflicted with the family). Men&rsquo;s psychological well-being was neutral to multiple sources of role enhancement, enhanced by multiple sources of role conflict, and compromised by later-life family (when it enhanced and conflicted with work). In conclusion, although men and women experienced multiple roles in unique ways, they overwhelmingly benefitted from socially recognized activities from work and family roles.</p>

What's In It For Me? The Impact To Social Exchange Dynamics Of Hispanic Males Serving As Mentors In Formal Youth Programs

Dawe, Annica Meza 11 May 2017 (has links)
<p>Purpose: The U.S. Hispanic population is on the rise and will continue to be an important thread in the fabric of American society as a whole. However, in the midst of this burgeoning group lies its male subpopulation which faces its own unique challenges. One outlet that has demonstrated success for minorities is mentoring. Mentoring can provide Hispanic males with numerous benefits in a social exchange paradigm. Unfortunately the majority of mentoring research has focused solely on the perspective of the protege, thus leaving mentor perceptions, particularly those of Hispanic males, unexplored. The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study sought to describe how participation in formal mentoring programs for youth impacted the dynamics of social exchange for Hispanic male mentors in the Coachella Valley. Methodology: This phenomenological qualitative study collected data via in-depth interviews of 14 Hispanic male mentors residing in the Coachella Valley region of Southern California. An interview script provided semistructured questions influenced by the framework of social exchange. Respondents were digitally recorded, and transcripts were reviewed. Triangulation included transcripts and artifacts. Findings: Five major themes emerged from the data to include (a) mentoring expectations and experiences, (b) perceived mentoring benefits, (c) the value of mentoring, (d) barriers to mentoring, and (e) the impact of Hispanic culture in mentoring relationships, all of which described how participation in formal mentoring programs impacted the social exchange dynamics for Hispanic male mentors in the Coachella Valley. Conclusions: The data and findings from this study concluded that: (a) Hispanic males set high expectations for themselves as mentors, (b) mentoring provides a positive outlet for the social development of Hispanic males, (c) mentoring can provide personal and professional development benefits for Hispanic male mentors, (d) previous mentoring experience of any kind promotes the value of mentoring and increased participation of Hispanic males, and lastly, (e) the sharing of Hispanic culture can strengthen mentoring relationships for Hispanic males. Recommendations: Further research is recommended to include expanding the study to all mentoring programs in the state of California as well as informal mentorships; replication of the study using a quantitative method; analyzing the impact of ?healing circles? on the mental health outlook of Hispanic male mentors; and investigating the effects of mentoring on their career development as well as their definition of ?success as a male.?

Who you gonna Call? Not Ghostbusters! : En genusmedveten analys av varför remaken Ghostbusters blivit hatad

Hamrin, Linnea, Holmstedt, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
This essay is about the hate Ghostbusters (2016) has received. To find out why the film is hated, a reception study has been done. YouTube and IMDb are the two websites used in this study to collect the hate-comments and reviews. Ghostbusters (2016) is a remake of the original film with the same name from 1984, the original solely has men in the main roles. A big difference between the two films is that the remake contains women instead of men in the main roles. The trailer of Ghostbusters (2016) got many “downvotes” on YouTube and there after the hatred streamed in. Why is the film hated?The theories used in this study contains subjects of representation, attraction and fat studies. As a method Stuart Hall’s Encoding/decoding was used to analyze the reception of the film. This essay contains content which can be connected to cultural studies and feminism.

Three essays on money arguments and financial behaviors

Cumbie, Julie A. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Personal Financial Planning / Sonya L. Britt / John E. Grable / This dissertation explores financial behavior outcomes based on economic, relational, and behavioral characteristics within marriages and individually. Data for the three essays are obtained from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 cohort (NLSY79) and the NLSY79 Child and Young Adult (1986-2008) survey. Essay one examined the determinants of money arguments within marriage utilizing Lundberg and Pollak’s (1994) theory of non-cooperative game theory. Respondents’ negative financial behaviors, higher income, and birth order (being laterborn) were found to influence a greater frequency of money arguments. Essay two examined the predictors of individuals’ financial behaviors, specifically socialization characteristics and gender role attitudes (traditional versus non-traditional). Using a theoretical framework of gender role theory (Eagly, 1987), younger age, not being married, being non-Black, non-Hispanic, being males, and having higher income were all found to be predictive of at least of one of the three financial behaviors used in this study. Finally, using a theoretical framework of Becker’s (1993) theory of human capital, essay three explored the intergenerational transfer of attitudes and human capital across two generations and their possible link to the respondents’ financial behaviors. Results showed that mothers’ enhanced human capital, endowed and attained, and nontraditional gender role attitudes have a significant positive impact on the children’s financial behaviors. Respondents’ income was also found to be significant. Combined results of the dissertation reveal that a link exists between the three issues discussed in the individual papers. Essay one examined what factors, including financial behaviors, might influence spousal money arguments. In response, essays two and three explored the predictors of financial behaviors within one generation and across two generations. These studies may be beneficial to financial planners, counselors, and therapists by exposing specific determinants of positive versus negative financial behaviors. These findings also provide useful information for policymakers in creating programs that best serve the needs of individuals related to their personal financial issues. Overall, by exploring not only monetary, but attitudinal and socialization effects of financial behaviors, this study adds to the body of knowledge related to the encompassing field of personal financial planning.

The Stars of David

Millman, Eric B 15 May 2015 (has links)
The Stars of David is based on the true story of a woman whose love of baseball stood above all. Set in the midst of the Great Depression, Jackie Austin, disgusted by the chauvinistic expectations of her impoverished father, sets off on her own to play for whatever team that will have her. That team proves to be the barnstorming House of David Baseball Club, an ascetic religious commune struggling to regain past glory after a decade of tragedy and shame. Outsiders and freaks to the rest of the world, these new "Stars" of David must learn to work together on the field in order to prosper in life. Can they succeed in the staunchly traditional, largely racist world of Depression-era Major League Baseball? Or will they, too, be whitewashed by time?

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