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Interaktionen mellan lärare och elev ur ett genusperspektiv : lärares uppfattningar om, och bemötande av, pojkar och flickor i skolan / The interplay between teacher and pupil from a gender perspective : Teachers notions and treatment of boys and girls in schoolMattsson, Sophie January 2002 (has links)
I mitt examensarbete har jag undersökt om lärare anser att det finns skillnader i flickors och pojkars beteende och om de, om så är fallet, upplever att de bemöter elever olika på grund av detta. Jag ville också veta om de har sett sig föranledda att utverka strategier för att utjämna eventuella skillnader och om de anser att flickor och pojkar är jämställda i undervisningssituationen. För att få svar på mina frågor har jag intervjuat sex lärare som undervisar i år 3-6. I litteraturgenomgången redovisar jag en del av de tidigare rön som finns i ämnet. De beskriver i stora drag att pojkar åtnjuter mer av lärarens uppmärksamhet i undervisningssituationen på flickornas bekostnad, att flickors och pojkars beteende skiljer sig åt, att de blir bemötta på olika sätt beroende av könstillhörighet och att de för det mesta inte är jämställda i undervisningssituationen. I min undersökning framkommer att lärare anser att flickors och pojkars beteende skiljer sig åt, att undervisningssituationen inte är jämställd mellan flickor och pojkar och att lärarna har sett sig föranledda att ha vissa strategier för att befrämja ett jämställt klassrumsklimat.
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Våldtäkt : rätten att tolka lagenLindström, Carolina, Zadruzny, Camilla January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att diskutera hur rättsväsendet är påverkat av normer och värderingar. Vi undersöker om sådana normer och värderingar visar sig i enskilda individers berättelser om ärenden som rör våldtäkt/sexuellt våld riktat mot kvinnor. Vår teoretiska utgångspunkt är feministisk och vi utgår därför från Joan W. Scotts förståelse av genus i vår studie. Vi har även använt oss av andra forskares tankegångar som exempelvis Stina Jeffner, Simon Ekström, Christian Diesen och Helena Sutorius/Anna Kaldal. Vi analyserar åtta personliga intervjuer med individer som är verksamma inom rättsväsendet.1 Syftet ringas in med hjälp av tre frågor: 1) Vad är det för faktorer som enligt våra informanter påverkar rättsapparatens hanterande av fall som rör våldtäkt/sexuellt våld mot flickor och kvinnor? 2) Kan den juridiska definitionen och de utsagor som återkommer i massmedialt material, rättsprotokoll och våra intervjupersoners berättelser relateras till varandra? 3) Till sist vill vi även resonera något kring vilka följder och effekter som dessa relationer bidrar till. Våra slutsatser är: I våra intervjupersoners berättande blir tydligt att när de konfronteras med våra frågor som bl.a. rör den massmediala kritiken angående felaktiga beslut i våldtäktsmål, så försvarar man sin egen yrkeskår och förskjuter problematiken till att gälla andra aktörer inom rättsväsendet och man ser sig inte själv som delaktig i denna process. Det blir även påtagligt i det mediala materialet och i rättsprotokollen att fokuseringen ligger på kvinnan, att våldtäkt i första hand förstås som ett kvinnoproblem. Detta tycker vi oss även återfinna i vår analys av intervjupersonernas berättande där problematiken runt våldtäkt/sexuellt våld riktat mot kvinnor främst förskjuts från att vara ett socialt samhällsproblem till att framstå som ett individuellt problem.
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Mapping Gender in Academic Workplaces : Ways of reproducing gender inequality within the discourse of equalityMählck, Paula January 2003 (has links)
Sweden is often described as one of the best countries in the world for women to live in. Despite this and despite a number of equal opportunity interventions within the area of higher education from the mid 1990s and on, Sweden follows the international pattern of the "leaking pipeline" when it comes to gender distribution in academia. The higher up in the academic hierarchy the more men and the fewer women. The topic of this thesis is mapping gender in academic workplaces. The aim is to explore ways in which the social relations of researchers everyday working lives are gendered. This involves studing ways in which gender inequality is produced, maintained or ignored within the discource of gender equality in Swedish academic workplaces and in Swedish society at large.
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Interaktionen mellan lärare och elev ur ett genusperspektiv : lärares uppfattningar om, och bemötande av, pojkar och flickor i skolan / The interplay between teacher and pupil from a gender perspective : Teachers notions and treatment of boys and girls in schoolMattsson, Sophie January 2002 (has links)
<p>I mitt examensarbete har jag undersökt om lärare anser att det finns skillnader i flickors och pojkars beteende och om de, om så är fallet, upplever att de bemöter elever olika på grund av detta. Jag ville också veta om de har sett sig föranledda att utverka strategier för att utjämna eventuella skillnader och om de anser att flickor och pojkar är jämställda i undervisningssituationen. </p><p>För att få svar på mina frågor har jag intervjuat sex lärare som undervisar i år 3-6. </p><p>I litteraturgenomgången redovisar jag en del av de tidigare rön som finns i ämnet. De beskriver i stora drag att pojkar åtnjuter mer av lärarens uppmärksamhet i undervisningssituationen på flickornas bekostnad, att flickors och pojkars beteende skiljer sig åt, att de blir bemötta på olika sätt beroende av könstillhörighet och att de för det mesta inte är jämställda i undervisningssituationen. </p><p>I min undersökning framkommer att lärare anser att flickors och pojkars beteende skiljer sig åt, att undervisningssituationen inte är jämställd mellan flickor och pojkar och att lärarna har sett sig föranledda att ha vissa strategier för att befrämja ett jämställt klassrumsklimat.</p>
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A qualitative ethnographic portrait of women's studiesRosser, Julee L. 20 July 2013 (has links)
In this research study, I sought to understand and describe the Women’s and Gender
Studies (WGS) Program at Berea College by exploring it through the experiences of students,
faculty, administrators, and alumnae. I designed and implemented a feminist organizational
ethnography. Organizational ethnography is a naturalistic, qualitative research tool for
understanding organizational communication and culture in organizations. I used qualitative
research methods to create a portrait of the WGS Program at Berea College by observing and
interviewing students, administrators, faculty, and alumnae, and interpreting their stories using
constant comparative analysis. Standpoint theory is the theoretical framework that guided how I
collected data because it requires the researcher to begin with the lives of marginalized peoples.
It also requires inclusion of multiple perspectives. The overarching research questions of this
study are:
1) How is the Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Berea College perceived or
experienced by its stakeholders (students, administrators, faculty, and alumnae)? 2) How is its reality constructed through the overlapping lenses of each?
3) How does the WGS Program approach, prepare for, and respond to political and
economic challenges?
I concluded that the WGS Program at Berea College is a model program because the
leadership uses student-centered feminist pedagogy and they celebrate diversity, succeed with
low resources, and clearly value the experiences and voices of the students. The leadership in
the WGS Program at Berea College creates a home on campus where students go to learn about
things they can’t find anywhere else on campus. / Department of Educational Studies
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Becoming Travesti: A Partial History of OntoformationJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: "Becoming Travesti: A Partial History of Ontoformation" explores the discursive production of the figure of travesti, defined broadly as male-assigned technologies of feminization, as it circulates within public discourse in Mexico. In other words, through ontoformation this project highlights the historical and sociopolitical associations that congeal, through repetition, to give an identitarian category -travesti- a sense of essence. In order to do so, this project analyzes articles within the mainstream Mexican press, ranging from the colonial period to the present. The first phase of this project involved the compilation and analysis of all twenty-first century articles mentioning travesti in the three newspapers with the widest circulation in Mexico in order to determine the primary constitutive elements of the contemporary figure of travesti. The second phase, in turn, involved a historical exploration of these constitutive elements by way of analyzing mainstream news sources dating back to the colonial period. As such, this project explores the work performed by ontoformative narratives that congeal to give the identitarian category of travesti a sense of essence. Among the narratives explored are the detravestification of homosexuality and continued homosexualization of travesti, the criminality of travesti, the spectacularization of travesti, the disposability of travesti, and the affective registers mobilized by and through travesti. Moreover, this project explores the consolidation of the contemporary figure of travesti in relationship to other identitarian categories of sexual and gendered non-normativity in Mexico, such as the homosexual, the transsexual and the transgénero (transgender), suggesting that travesti has been instrumental in the historical production and sanitization of these categories. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Justice Studies 2017
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I am Queer. I am a Gamer. I am a Gaymer.: Phenomenology of In/Exclusion of Gaymer CommunitiesJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: This study utilizes semiotic phenomenology as a method of inquiry to describe the lived experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) gamers (gaymers). I begin by discussing my issues with the current gaming literature, arguing that the gamer community is a space that privileges cis, heterosexual, and hypermasculine men while oppressing those who may not fit this mold. I discuss the shortcomings of the current literature that attempts to critically look at race and gaming, noting that race in the gaming community is still portrayed as secondary. I focus special attention to how this space allows for more inclusion than the larger gamer and LGBTQ communities while also critiquing those whom this space privileges. Through interviews of members of the local gaymer organization, the Phoenix Gaymers, I discuss ways in which the gaymer community is more inclusive and conscious of others but still follows forms of what I describe to be gaymer privilege. I focus on gaymer privilege within the intersections of race, gender, and sexuality, where I argue from the phenomenological descriptions, reductions, and interpretations that there are still overt issues of sexism and transphobia as well as implicit issues of white privilege. While I describe the issues that are found within the Phoenix Gaymers, I also attempt to provide suggestions for change within the organization as well as in academic scholarship to create more awareness and inclusion for female, transgender, genderqueer, and queer people of color gaymers. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Social and Cultural Pedagogy 2017
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Le traitement esthétique de l'homosexualité dans les oeuvres décadentes face au système médical et légal : accords et désaccords sur une éthique de la sexualité / The aesthetic treatment of homosexuality in decadent works confronted with both medical and legal systems : agreements and disagreements on an ethics of sexualityCourapied, Romain 15 December 2014 (has links)
À la fin du XIXème siècle, la médecine prend en charge de manière prégnante le phénomène homosexuel, à l'aune des découvertes en psychopathologie. Le personnage est non seulement identifié physiquement sur la base d'un certain nombre de critères dits scientifiques, mais plus encore, on dresse sa cartographie mentale. Bien que cette classification des comportements sexuels se fasse dans une intention moins punitive que curative, les pratiques sexuelles minoritaires sont encore stigmatisées. Au niveau juridique, les lois françaises sont réputées clémentes puisque les pratiques homosexuelles ne constituent plus un délit dans le code pénal de 1810. L'usage détourné de l’outrage public aux moeurs permet cependant de contrôler les comportements tandis qu’on observe une recrudescence des procès pour outrage aux moeurs en fin de siècle. Notre travail, qui s'inscrit explicitement dans le cadre des Gender studies et de la Queer theory, est d’abord épistémologique : il vise à analyser la construction d’un savoir sur l’homosexualité dans la seconde moitié du xixème siècle à travers le corpus médical,dont le rôle est souvent considéré comme majeur dans les études, et à travers les corpus juridiques et littéraires, parfois minimisés. Nos analyses relèvent également de l’histoire des représentations : il s’agit de proposer une définition de l’esthétique décadente à laquelle nous intégrons le signifiant homosexuel. Notre propos est enfin d’entrer dans l’étude détaillée des textes par le biais de trois thématiques majeures démontrant l’usage décadent d’une homotextualité : la symbolique des fleurs, la figure de l’androgyne et le mythe de Narcisse. / By the end of the 19th century, medicine overwhelmingly took hold of the homosexual phenomenon, basing itself on new findings related to psychopathology. Not only were characters physically identified thanks to a series of so-called scientific criteria, but they were also analysed through mental mapping. Although the aim of the classification of sexual behaviours was to cure rather than punish, the practices of sexual minorities were still stigmatized. As far as the judiciary system was concerned, French laws were considered to be quite lenient in so far as homosexual relationships had no longer been regarded as offences since the 1810 penal code. Nevertheless, the distorted use of the affront to public decency enabled to control people's behaviours and, by the end of the century, an increase of the trials focusing on cases of indecent exposure could be noticed. Our work, that definitely ascribes itself within the field of Gender Studies and Queer theory, is first and foremost epistemological and seeks to analyze how a body of expertise about homosexuality emerged in the second half of the 19th century, through the medical corpus that turned out to be prevalent in the studies that were conducted then, as well as through both legal and literary texts, although they were quite overlooked then. Our analyses also pertain to the history of representations, as we offer to define the aesthetics of decadence by adding a signifier: homosexuality. Finally, we also plan on scrutinizing texts by relying on three main themes that are meant to emphasize the decadent use of a homotextuality : the symbol of flowers, the figure of the androgyne and the myth of Narcissus.
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Poétique du roman féminin : Écrivaines mauriciennes francophones, Nathacha Appanah, Ananda Devi, Shenaz Patel / Poetics of the feminine novel : Mauritian French speaking women writers, Nathacha Appanah, Ananda Devi, Shenaz PatelVallee Jest, Cécile 20 May 2016 (has links)
Les trois auteures du corpus de notre thèse sont très souvent regroupées par la critique et leur œuvre romanesque envisagée sous l'angle de leur origine – ce sont trois femmes indo-mauriciennes – et de leur prédilection pour la représentation de la femme noire subalterne. Si les axes de recherche de cette thèse – qui embrasse l’ensemble de leurs trois productions romanesques – reprennent cette question essentielle du statut de la femme opprimée dans un contexte patriarcal – lui-même ancré dans la communauté indo-mauricienne insulaire – toutefois, ces outils incontournables et éclairants ont été inscrits dans une analyse plus systématique de la poétique de leurs romans afin qu'ils ne soient pas définis par des catégories externes au projet d’écriture et donc restrictives mais appréciés sur le plan esthétique, mettant en analyse leurs qualités littéraires plus que « l’originalité » de leur origine et de leur « francophonie ».Les termes du sujet, qui sont souvent traités avec une certaine condescendance – le genre romanesque est toujours suspect, d'autant plus s'il est écrit par une femme et qu'il est contemporain et périphérique –, doivent permettre de montrer la richesse et l'originalité de chacune des auteures. Comment racontent-elles ? Comment définir leur style ? Que font-elles de leur héritage littéraire ? Quel rapport au réel ? Comment s’inscrivent-elles dans le double champ littéraire de leur origine et de leur langue d’écriture : le champ littéraire mauricien et le champ littéraire français et francophone ? Ces axes de recherche ont été explorés en menant parallèlement le travail de mise en contextes et l'analyse des romans des trois écrivaines, liant analyse socio-historique et analyse interne des textes, plus strictement littéraire.Le corpus est d’abord inscrit dans l’Histoire de Maurice qui est celle de la grande majorité des romans : il permet de comprendre le choix de la langue d'écriture ainsi que la présence du plurilinguisme dans les œuvres. Il explique aussi l'essor et la position centrale de la culture française qui ont permis la création d'un véritable champ littéraire mauricien, principalement francophone, auquel appartiennent nos trois auteures.L'insularité est également un élément essentiel aussi bien dans la problématique des personnages féminins que dans celle de la représentation littéraire de l'île. Ces écrivaines doivent en effet se positionner vis-à-vis de sa représentation exotique, la détropicalisation sur laquelle on a beaucoup insisté n'est pas leur seule réponse. Cet axe d'analyse nord/sud est enrichi par un axe sud/sud, par l’appréciation des rapports de Maurice et de l'Inde car la communauté indo-mauricienne a marqué en partie le paysage mauricien. Nos auteures s'opposent à cet ancrage dans une tradition importée, imposée qui crée une île dans l'île.Ce refus du communautarisme va de pair avec la défense d'une hybridité qui est portée par les voix féminines. Elle s'ancre à la fois dans la relation entre les personnages mis en scène et dans la poétique des romans par le mélange des genres, des voix et une riche intertextualité. La place du féminin dans notre corpus ne se résume donc pas à la représentation de la femme de couleur opprimée des Suds. Elle interroge de façon plus complexe la société mauricienne et au-delà le monde postcolonial auquel nord et sud appartiennent. / The three writers of our thesis corpus are very often associated by the critics, and their fiction writing considered from the point of view of their origin – the three women are Indo-Mauritian – and of their predilection for representing the subordinate black woman. Indeed the research areas of this thesis – that embraces the whole of the three works of fiction – tackle the essential matter of the status of the oppressed woman in a patriarcal context, itself anchored into the insular Indo-Mauritian community. However these inescapable enlightening tools fit in a more systematic analysis of the poetics in their novels in order for these tools not to be defined by categories both external to the writing project and restrictive, but appreciated on an aesthetic level that would analyse their literary qualities more than the originality of their origin and their « French language character ». The words of the subject, which is sometimes looked down upon, – the genre of the novel always being suspicious, all the more if written by contemporary women from overseas –, should reveal the wealth and originality of each of our women writers. What is their story-telling like ? How could we define their style ? How do they deal with their literary legacy ? What of their link with reality ? How do they fit in the double literary field of their origin and their writing language : the Mauritian field on the one hand, the French on the other ? These research directions have been explored by carrying out both the contextualization and the analysis of the novels of the three writers, linking socio-historical and internal, more strictly literary, analysis of the texts. First of all, the corpus lies within the framework of the History of Mauritius, being the framework of the great majority of the novels. It enables to understand the choice of the written language as well as the presence of multilingualism in the works. It explains the development and the central position of French culture that allowed the creation of a Mauritian literary field, mainly in French, to which our three writers belong. Insularity is also an essential element as regards the problematic of the feminine characters as well as the literary representation of the island. Indeed these writers must position themselves vis-a-vis its exotic representation, and the detropicalization which has been insisted upon is not their only answer.This analytical north/south axis is enriched by a south/south axis, through the appreciation of the relationship between Mauritius and India since the Indo-Mauritian community has partly influenced the Mauritian landscape. Our writers oppose this rooting in an imported, compulsory tradition, which creates an island within the island. This refusal of communitarianism goes hand in hand with the defense of hybridity carried by the feminine voices. It lies both within the relationship between the characters and the poetic of the novels through the mix of genres, the voices, and a rich intertextuality. Thus the place of the feminine in our corpus does not amount to the representation of the oppressed southern colored woman. It questions in a more complex way the Mauritian society and further, the post-colonial world to which north and south belong.
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Humor as a Mirroring Self- Reflection : A Case study of a subversive Deaf Humor Aiming the Spotlight at the Hearing MajorityCirkelyte, Audrone January 2020 (has links)
Humor builds the ground to share the common and the uncommon, to ease the uneasiness, to laugh at oneself and the other. It is amusing and rebellious, revealing the obvious from the obscure and challenging the unchallenged. The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine the subversive humor use within Deaf communities, centered around the hearing society, as well as to explore subversive humor’s role in reinforcing the Deaf identity and resisting the often assigned otherness. Taken the form of a case study this thesis analyses two examples: a short film The Kiss, produced by Charlie Swinbourne and the series of graphical drawings from Tais, created by Alícia Sort Leal. Using visual analysis and close reading as analytical methods as well as classical (Superiority, Incongruity, Relief) and contemporary (Reversal) humor theories, this thesis provides an insight into reflective and mirroring effects of humor.
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