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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimativa de parâmetros genéticos de características produtivas e reprodutivas de bovinos Nelore, utilizando análises multicaracterísticas, componentes principais e análise de fatores / Estimation of genetic parameters of productive and reproductive traits of Nelore cattle, using multi traits analysis, principal components and factor analysis

Isabela Rocha Menezes 20 January 2017 (has links)
A realização deste estudo teve como objetivo a estimação de componentes de (co) variância e parâmetros genéticos das características: peso (PES18), perímetro escrotal (PE18), precocidade de acabamento (PREC), musculosidade (MUSC) e altura (ALT), mensuradas aos 18 meses de idade, ganho de peso da desmama ao sobreano (GP345) e idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) de bovinos Nelore, utilizando-se modelos multicaracterísticas. Foram avaliados dados de 107.332 mil bovinos criados entre os anos de 1994 e 2009 em fazendas localizadas nos estados de São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul e Goiás, e pertencentes ao Programa de Seleção da raça Nelore da Agropecuária CFM Ltda. Utilizaram-se três diferentes modelos: modelo multicaracterísticas padrão, modelo de componentes principais e de análise de fatores, esses dois últimos contemplando os três primeiros componentes e fatores, os quais foram comparados por critérios de informação de Akaike (AIC) e Bayesiano de Schwarz (BIC). O modelo que utilizou a técnica da análise de fatores contemplando os dois primeiros fatores (MFA2) apresentou melhor ajuste, seguido do modelo que contemplou os 3 primeiros fatores (MFA3). Estes possibilitaram estimativas próximas das realizadas pelos modelos multicaracterísticas padrão, às quais se mostraram parecidas com os valores já relatados e estimados no Brasil. / This study was objectified the estimation of (co)variance components and genetics parameters of traits: weight (W18), scrotal circumference (SC18), precocity finishing (PREC), muscularity (MUSC) and height (H), measured at 18 months of age, weight gain from weaning to yearling (WG345) and age at first calving (AFC) from Nellore cattle, using multi trait models, with analysis multi trait standard, analysis of principal components and factor analysis. Were evaluated data from 107,332 bovines, managed between the years of 1994 and 2009 in farms localized on states of São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goias, and were participants in Nellore Selection Program from CFM Company Ltda. Was utilized three different models, multi trait model, model of principal components and factor analytic, these two last contemplating the four first principal components and factors analytics and that was compared by information criteria of Akaike (AIC) and Bayesian of Schwarz (BIC). The model that used the factor analysis technique contemplating the first two factors (MFA2) presented better adjustment, followed by the model that contemplated the first 3 factors (MFA3). These allowed close estimates to those performed by the standard multi trait models, which were similar to the values already reported and estimated in Brazil.

Critérios de seleção para características de importância econômica em ovinos da raça Santa Inês / Selection criteria for economically important traits in Santa Inês sheep

Elisa Junqueira Oliveira 11 April 2016 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram: estimar parâmetros genéticos para: coloração da conjuntiva ocular (CCO), contagem de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG), volume globular (VG), proteína plasmática total (PPT), escore da condição corporal (ECC) e peso corporal (PC) e, ainda, explorar o perfil genético da população, utilizando análises de agrupamento com base nos valores genéticos. E estimar parâmetros genéticos para peso corporal (PC) e características de conformação (perímetro torácico (PT), altura da garupa (AG), altura da cernelha (AC), largura da garupa (LG), comprimento corporal (CC) e escore de condição corporal (ECC)) com intuito de definir critérios de seleção. Foram analisadas um total de 2.525 informações de 771 animais nascidos entre 2002 e 2013, filhos de 68 carneiros e 352 ovelhas, pertencentes a sete rebanhos localizados no estado de São Paulo. Os animais foram avaliados mensalmente durante junho de 2013 a outubro de 2014. Os componentes de covariância foram estimados por modelo animal em análises multicaracterísticas, por meio de abordagem Bayesiana. As estimativas de herdabilidade para CCO, PC, VG, PPT, OPG e ECC foram 0,21 (0,04); 0,18 (0,05); 0,30 (0,06); 0,17 (0,05); 0,19 (0,03) e 0,31 (0,07), respectivamente, indicando que a seleção pode ser realizada com base no valor genético dos indivíduos para estas características. As correlações genéticas entre a CCO e PC, VG, PPT, OPG e ECC foram -0,40 (0,17); -0,63 (0,09); -0,23 (0,15); 0,77 (0,09); -0,59 (0,11), respectivamente, e entre PC e ECC a correlação genética foi de 0,84 (0,15). Assim como as outras medidas de resistência a verminose, a CCO pode ser incluída como critério na seleção; esta apresenta estimativa de herdabilidade mediana correlação genética favorável com as outras medidas de resistência a verminose e com PC e ECC, além de ser de fácil obtenção e baixo custo. Foi possível obter grupos de indivíduos com perfil genético de resistência/resiliência a verminose a partir das análises de agrupamento. As estimativas de herdabilidade para PC, PT, AG, AC, LG e ECC foram: 0,25 (0,08); 0,22 (0,07); 0,24 (0,07); 0,25 (0,07); 0,19 (0,05) e 0,32 (0,07), respectivamente e as correlações genéticas entre o peso e as medidas corporais foram de alta magnitude, variando entre 0,66 (0,11) a 0,98 (0,016), indicando que as medidas corporais, principalmente o perímetro torácico, pode ser incluído como um critério de seleção complementar ao peso corporal. / The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for conjunctival staining score (CSS), fecal eggs count (FEC), packed cell volume (PCV), total plasma protein (TPP), body condition score (BCS) and body weight (BW), and also explore the genetic profile of the population, using cluster analysis based on genetic values. And to estimate genetic parameters for body weight (BW) and conformation traits (heart girth (HG), hip height (HH), wither height (WH), rump width (RW), body length (BL) and body condition score (BCS)) to define selection criteria. A total of 2,525 records from 771 animals born between 2002 and 2013 to 68 rams and 352 ewes, belonging to five herds located in the São Paulo state were used. The animals were evaluated monthly during June 2013 to October 2014. The covariance components were estimated by animal model multi-trait using Bayesian analysis. The estimates of heritability for CSS, BW, PCV, FEC, BCS and PPT were 0.21 (0.04); 0.18 (0.05); 0.30 (0.06); 0.19 (0.03), 0.31 (0.07) and 0.17 (0.07), respectively, indicating that you can select animals based on the genetic value of individuals. The genetic correlations between CSS and BW, CSS and PCV, CSS and PPT, CCS and FEC, CSS and BCS and between the BW and BCS -0.40 (0.17); -0.63 (0.09); -0.23 (0.15); 0.77 (0.09); 0.84 (0.15), respectively. As other resistance traits the worms, the CCO can be included as a criterion in the selection. For this trait has estimated median heritability (0.21±0.04) and positive genetic correlation with other resistance measures to worms and BW and BCS, as well as being easy to obtain and low cost. It was possible to obtain groups of individuals with genetic profile of resistance / resilience to worms from the cluster analysis. The estimates of heritability for BW, HG, HH, WH, RW, BL and BCS were 0.25 (0.08); 0.22 (0.07); 0.24 (0.07); 0.25 (0.07); 0.19 (0.05) and 0.32 (0.07), respectively and genetic correlations between weight and body measures were highest magnitude, ranging from 0.66 (0.11) to 0.98 (0,016) indicating that body measurements, mainly heart girth, can be included as a criterion in the selection in addition to body weight.

Evolution of insect life histories in relation to time constraints in seasonal environments:polymorphism and clinal variation

Kivelä, S. M. (Sami Mikael) 16 February 2011 (has links)
Abstract Both the length of the season that is favourable for insect growth and reproduction and the number of generations emerging per season (voltinism) increase with decreasing latitude. Thus, time constraints on reproduction and juvenile development decrease with decreasing latitude, except where voltinism changes and time constraints suddenly increase as the season must be shared with one more generation. I studied the evolution of insect life histories in relation to time constraints from two perspectives: polymorphism and clinal variation. Life history polymorphism in seasonal environments was studied with the butterfly Pieris napi that has discrete life history strategies, and polymorphic natural populations. Experimental studies showed that asymmetric intraspecific larval competition and divergent timing of reproduction between the strategies may promote the maintenance of polymorphism. A simulation model showed that the divergent timing of reproduction between the strategies is sufficient to maintain polymorphism even in the absence of intraspecific competition. Clinal variation was studied empirically with four geometrid moths (Cabera exanthemata, Cabera pusaria, Chiasmia clathrata and Lomaspilis marginata) and generally in theory. Due to latitudinal saw-tooth variation in time constraints, traditional theory predicts a saw-tooth cline in body size and development time. A common garden experiment with the four geometrid moths did not support the traditional theory even when a saw-tooth cline in body size was found, suggesting that the theory is based on unrealistic assumptions. A theoretical analysis showed that reproductive effort should be high in populations under intense time constraints and low in populations experiencing no time constraints, resulting in a saw-tooth cline. In the four geometrid moths, support for these predictions was found, although the observed clinal variation deviated from the predicted pattern. The results imply that clinal variation is expected in almost any continuous life history trait, whereas polymorphism of different strategies may emerge when life histories fall into discrete categories. When inferring the evolution of a single trait, complex interdependencies among several traits should be considered, as well as the possibility that the time constraints are not similar for each generation in multivoltine populations. / Tiivistelmä Hyönteisten kasvu ja kehitys ovat pääsääntöisesti mahdollisia vain kesän aikana. Etelään päin mentäessä kesä pitenee, ja saman kesän aikana kehittyvien hyönteissukupolvien määrä kasvaa. Kesän pituus aiheuttaa lisääntymiseen ja toukkien kasvuun kohdistuvan aikarajoitteen, joka heikkenee etelään päin siirryttäessä. Aikarajoite kuitenkin tiukkenee siellä, missä yksi uusi sukupolvi ehtii juuri kehittymään saman kesän aikana, sillä kesä on nyt jaettava useamman sukupolven kesken. Väitöstyössä tarkastelin hyönteisten elinkierto-ominaisuuksien evoluutiota suhteessa aikarajoitteisiin sekä diskreetin että jatkuvan muuntelun näkökulmista. Diskreettiä muuntelua tutkin lanttuperhosella (Pieris napi), jolla esiintyy diskreettejä elinkiertostrategioita. Kokeellisesti osoitin, että toukkien välinen kilpailu on epäsymmetristä, mikä yhdessä eri elinkiertostrategioiden erilaisen lisääntymisen ajoittumisen kanssa voi ylläpitää diskreettiä muuntelua. Simulaatiomalli osoitti, että erilaiset elinkiertostrategiat voivat säilyä populaatiossa pelkästään niiden erilaisen lisääntymisen ajoittumisen ansiosta. Elinkierto-ominaisuuksien jatkuvaa muuntelua tutkin neljän mittariperhosen (Cabera exanthemata, Cabera pusaria, Chiasmia clathrata ja Lomaspilis marginata) avulla ja teoreettisesti yleisellä tasolla. Aikaisempi teoria ennustaa ruumiinkoon ja kehitysajan muuntelevan sahalaitakuvion mukaisesti siirryttäessä pohjoisesta etelään, koska aikarajoitteet muuntelevat samalla tavalla. Tämä teoria perustunee epärealistisiin oletuksiin, koska kokeelliset tulokset eivät tukeneet teoriaa silloinkaan, kun mittariperhosten ruumiinkoko muunteli ennustetulla tavalla. Teoreettinen tutkimus osoitti, että myös lisääntymispanostuksen tulisi muunnella sahalaitakuvion mukaisesti suhteessa kesän pituuteen siten, että se on korkeimmillaan siellä, missä aikarajoitteet ovat tiukat. Mittariperhosten tutkiminen antoi jossain määrin tukea tälle ennusteelle. Tulosten perusteella jatkuvaa maantieteellistä muuntelua ennustetaan elinkierto-ominaisuuksille, jotka muuntelevat jatkuvalla asteikolla. Erilaiset elinkiertostrategiat voivat sen sijaan säilyä populaatiossa, jos elinkierto-ominaisuuksien muuntelu on diskreettiä. Eri ominaisuuksien monimutkaiset vuorovaikutukset sekä eri sukupolvien mahdollisesti kokemat erilaiset aikarajoitteet olisi syytä tuntea, kun tarkastelun kohteena on yksittäisen ominaisuuden evoluutio.

Genetics of fresh and frozen-thawed semen traits and their relationship with growth rate in rabbits

Lavara García, Raquel 02 September 2013 (has links)
Se utilizarán eyaculados procedentes de machos de la línea R (línea de conejos seleccionada por velocidad de crecimiento durante el periodo de engorde)alojados en diferentes centros de inseminación artificial. Una vez recuperados los eyaculados se procederá a su valoración y una muestra de todos ellos será crioconservada. La calidad seminal será de nuevo valorada tras el proceso de congelación. Junto con los anàlisis seminales se utilizarán los datos de crecimiento y pedigree de los machos y de todos los animales de la línea R desde su fundación para estimar por un lado los parámetros genéticos de las variables relacionadas con la producción y calidad de dosis seminales en fresco y tras un proceso de crioconservación y la correlación genética existente entre las variables seminales anteriormente citadas y la velocidad de crecimiento. A su vez se estimará mediante un modelo recursivo la relación entre las variables seminales en fresco y tras la descongelación. / The general aim of this thesis was to study the genetic determinism for some traits related to artificial insemination (AI) dose production of fresh and frozen-thawed semen, in order to explore the interest and limitation of different strategies for their genetic improvement in a paternal line of rabbits selected for growth rate during the fattening period (28-63 days). In chapter 1, genetic parameters of sperm production traits are estimated as well as the genetic relationship with daily gain (DG). The heritabilities (h2) of the semen traits were 0.13±0.05, 0.08±0.04 and 0.07±0.03 for ejaculate volume (V), sperm concentration (CN) and sperm production (PROD) per ejaculate, respectively. A favourable and moderate genetic correlation was observed between V and DG (0.36±0.34). From this chapter it may be concluded that if a seminal trait is to be included as a selection objective, a useful one could be sperm production, as it is a trait in which both volume and concentration are included. Moreover, there is currently no evidence to suggest that selection for DG in rabbits will affect sperm production adversely. The aim of chapter 2 was to explore the genetic determinism of some sperm quality traits and their genetic relation with the selection criteria of the paternal rabbit line. The heritabilities (h2) of semen quality traits commonly evaluated in a classic spermiogram were 0.18, 0.19 and 0.12 for NAR (%, percentage of sperm with intact acrosome), ANR (%, percentage of sperm abnormalities) and MOT (%, percentage of total motile sperm cells) respectively. We also estimated the h2 of some motion CASA parameters 0.09, 0.11, 0.10, 0.11, 0.11 and 0.11 for VAP (µm/s; average path velocity), VSL (µm/s; straight-line velocity), VCL (µm/s; curvilinear velocity), LIN (%, linearity index), ALH (µm; amplitude of the lateral head displacement), STR (%, straightness). Genetic correlations between DG and semen traits showed a high HPD95% (interval of highest density of 95%). However there is some consistent evidence of the negativity of the genetic correlations of DG with NAR and MOT (-0.40 and -0.53, respectively). Chapter 3 aims to determine the repeatability and heritability of sperm head characteristics: width (W, ¿m), area (A, ¿m2),length (L, ¿m) and perimeter (P, ¿m), and explore the relationships between them and with the selection objective (DG). The results obtained showed that sperm head dimensions are heritable (ranged between 0.2 and 0.29). The genetic correlations between sperm traits were always high and positive (between 0.72 and 0.90), with the exception of L-W genetic correlation, which was moderate. Regarding the genetic correlations between DG and sperm head characteristics, the resulting means ranged from -0.09 for L-DG to -0.43 for W-DG, showing consistent evidence of the negativity of the genetic correlations. The environmental and male effects that could have an influence on sperm freezability are studied in Chapter 4. Six different traits were evaluated: sperm concentration (CONC, 106spermatozoa/mL), acrosome integrity in fresh (NAR, %) and frozen-thawed semen (Nar-FT, %), sperm motility in fresh (MOT, %) and frozen-thawed semen (Mot-FT, %) and the percentage of viable sperm in frozen-thawed semen (Live-FT, %). In addition, two synthetic traits were computed: the relative reduction of acrosome integrity (Rnar, %) and relative reduction of motility (Rmot, %) after the freezing-thawing process. A multiple-trait recursive model was used to analyse the relationships between the semen traits considered. For the fixed effects studied, the season had the highest impact on post-thaw semen characteristics. Results of the analysis of recursive coefficients showed that fresh semen concentration and motility influence the future freezability of the semen. All traits studied presented moderate repeatabilities, ranging from 0.11 to 0.38. These results provide conclusive evidence that sperm freezability in rabbits could be heritable. Regarding male correlations, there were large positive male correlations between fresh traits (rm=0.77-0.57), as well as between direct frozen-thawed traits (rm=0.72-1). Male effects on fresh and direct frozen-thawed traits were generally positively correlated. This correlation was moderate to high for MOT with all frozen-thawed traits (rm=0.41-0.74) and for Mot-FT and all fresh traits (rm=0.5-0.74); these results suggest that these traits could be genetically related. The final chapter of this thesis focused on estimating the heritability of semen freezability traits and estimating the genetic correlation between frozen-thawed sperm traits and the growth rate in a paternal rabbit line. Estimated heritabilities showed that frozen-thawed semen traits are heritable (ranged between 0.08 and 0.15). In the case of Live-FT, the estimated heritability is the highest and suggests the possibility of effective selection. After the study of genetic correlations, it seems that DG was negatively correlated with sperm freezability, but due to the high HPD95% no further conclusions could be drawn. More data should be included in order to obtain better accuracy for the estimates of these genetic correlations. If the results obtained in the present study were confirmed, it would imply that selection for DG could alter sperm cell membranes or seminal plasma composition, both components related to sperm cryoresistance. / Lavara García, R. (2013). Genetics of fresh and frozen-thawed semen traits and their relationship with growth rate in rabbits [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31657 / TESIS

Co-inheritance of breast and prostate cancer in a pedigree with large family data

Calvo Chozas, Adrián January 2020 (has links)
The connection between breast and prostate cancer in relatives within a family is an intriguing question in the field since this information is valuable when diagnosing patients with either type of cancer as it may contribute to cancer prevention. The aim of the thesis is to ascertain whether these two cancers are inherited together. Markov Chain Monte Carlo estimation is used with the MCMCglmm package in R. The data used was the Minnesota Breast Cancer Study with up to five generations in families. The data consists of 28081 individuals in 426 families. Results show that the heritability for prostate cancer is 65% and 34% for breast cancer in the liability scale, regardless of other factors that may increase the risk of these cancers. The odds ratio of having breast cancer given the brother has prostate cancer is increased 1.59 times whilst the odds ratio of having prostate cancer given the sister has breast cancer is 1.58 times. This information can undoubtedly be useful to doctors to enable them to prevent the disease by bearing in mind the family history of both cancers.

Family growth response to fishmeal and plant-based diets shows genotype x diet interaction in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Pierce, Lindsey Renea 31 July 2008 (has links)
The ability of rainbow trout to efficiently utilize plant-based diets for growth and the genetic variation for that trait have not been thoroughly examined. In this study, growth of a pedigreed population from the commercial Kamloop strain was assessed while feeding plant-based or traditional fishmeal-based diets. Both fish oil (5.00%) and soybean oil (8.43%) were included in the plant-based diet, and only fish oil was used in the fishmeal diet (10.10%). Ninety-five full-sib families nested within 47 half-sib families were reared in a common environment. Parentage assignment was performed on approximately 1,000 fish fed each diet using eight microsatellite markers chosen for non-duplication, a minimum of five alleles with no known null alleles, at least 50% heterozygosity, and unambiguous scoring. Progeny were assigned to parental pairs using two allocation programs, PAPA and FAP, to increase accuracy and to test assignment efficiency. The fish fed the fishmeal/oil diet were approximately 8% larger than the fish fed the plant-based diet (P < 0.05). A significant genotype x diet effect accounted for 5% of the random variation. The genetic correlation for growth on the two diets was 73%, with a heritability of 30% across the diets. With this, I conclude that substantial genetic variation for utilizing pant-based diets containing soybean meal and oil exists in this widely used commercial rainbow trout strain. The genetic variation can be explored to detect and select for genes involved in proved utilization of plant-based diets containing soybean meal and oil if growth on plant-based meals becomes a long-term breeding goal in rainbow trout production. / Master of Science

Estudo genético quantitativo das características andrológicas de touros jovens da raça Nelore /

Silva, Márcio Ribeiro. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: Diante do grande impacto da fertilidade dos touros sobre as eficiências reprodutiva e produtiva em rebanhos comerciais, o presente trabalho foi realizado visando avaliar as características testiculares e seminais como critérios de seleção de touros jovens da raça Nelore. As correlações fenotípicas foram, de modo geral, baixas ou nulas (P<0,01) entre as características testiculares, seminais e de crescimento. Todas as características testiculares ou seminais deverão ser contempladas no exame andrológico, visto a independência existente entre as mesmas e a importância destas na comprovação da fertilidade de touros. Os componentes de (co)variância e os valores genéticos foram estimados pelo método da amostragem de Gibbs pelo programa GIBBS2F90, sob modelo animal, o qual incluiu como efeitos fixos, os grupos de contemporâneos e a idade do animal e como aleatório o efeito genético aditivo direto. As estimativas de herdabilidade para perímetro escrotal aos 18 meses, perímetro escrotal no andrológico, volume testicular, formato testicular, aptidão andrológica, defeitos espermáticos maiores, menores e totais foram: 0,42; 0,41; 0,23; 0,22; 0,10; 0,16; 0,04 e 0,15. As correlações genéticas entre perímetro escrotal aos 18 meses com as demais características testiculares e aptidão andrológica foram baixas a altas, de 0,20 a 0,84 e, baixas com as seminais, de -0,16 a -0,24. A circunferência escrotal como critério de seleção deverá promover ganho genético rápido por seleção individual e, por resposta correlacionada, aumento do volume testicular, mudança para formas mais esféricas dos testículos, melhoria da qualidade seminal e aumento do número de animais aptos à reprodução nas condições extensivas de criação no Brasil. / Abstract: Considering the great impact of fertility of bulls on reproductive and productive efficiency in commercial herds, the objective of this study was to evaluate the testicular and seminal traits as selection criteria of Nellore young bulls. The residual correlations between the traits were analyzed and, in general, the phenotypic associations were small (P<0.01) or null between the testicular, seminal and growth traits. The testicular or seminal traits should be considered in breeding soundness examination, due to their independence of each other and the importance to fertility of bulls. The genetic (co)variance components and genetic values were estimated by the Gibbs sampling method, using the program GIBBS2F90, under an animal model, which included, as fixed effects, the contemporary groups and animal age and, as random effect, the additive genetic effect. The heritability estimates for scrotal circumference at 18 months, scrotal circumference, testicular volume, testicular format, breeding soundness classification, major sperm defects, minor and total sperm defects were: 0.42, 0.41, 0.23, 0.22, 0.10., 0.16, 0.04 and 0.15. Genetic correlations between scrotal circumference at 18 months and others testicular traits and breeding soundness classification were low to high (0.20 to 0.84) and, with seminal traits was low (-0.16 to - 0.24). The scrotal circumference as a selection criterion should result in rapid genetic gain by individual selection, and as correlated response, should result in testicular volume, changes to more spherical shapes of the testicles, improved sperm quality and increased number of satisfactory bulls for breeding under extensive conditions in Brazil. / Orientadora: Lúcia Galvão de Albuquerque / Coorientador: Joanir Pereira Eler / Banca: José Bento Sterman Ferraz / Banca: José Domingos Guimarães / Banca: Humberto Tonhati / Banca: Maurício Mello de Alencar / Doutor

Análise Bayesiana da área de olho do lombo e da espessura de gordura obtidas por ultrassom e suas associações com outras características de importância econômica na raça Nelore /

Yokoo, Marcos Jun Iti. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: Objetivou-se com esse trabalho estimar os parâmetros genéticos para as características área de olho de lombo (AOL), espessura de gordura subcutânea na costela (EG) e espessura de gordura na garupa (EGP8) obtidas por ultrassom, ao ano (A) e ao sobreano (S). Além disso, foram estimadas as correlações genéticas entre essas características de carcaça obtidas por ultrassom (CCUS), e dessas com outras características de importância econômica em bovinos de corte, como peso (PS), altura do posterior (ALT) e perímetro escrotal (PE450) ao sobreano, idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) e primeiro intervalo entre partos (PIEP). Os parâmetros genéticos foram estimados em análises multi-características pelo modelo animal, utilizando-se a inferência Bayesiana via algoritmo de "Gibbs Sampling". As estimativas de herdabilidade a posteriori para as CCUS foram: 0,46 (AOL_A), 0,42 (EG_A), 0,60 (EGP8_A), 0,33 (AOL_S), 0,59 (EG_S) e 0,55 (EGP8_S), mostrando que se essas características forem utilizadas como critério de seleção, as mesmas devem responder rapidamente à seleção individual, sem causar antagonismo na seleção do PE450, PS (A e S) e IPP. A estimativa de herdabilidade a posteriori para as características IPP e PIEP foi de magnitude moderada a baixa, 0,26 e 0,11, respectivamente. A ALT apresentou correlação genética (rg) negativa com a EG_S (-0,38) e EGP8_S (-0,32), evidenciando que a seleção para animais mais altos pode levar a animais tardios em termos de terminação da carcaça. A seleção para melhorar as CCUS, o PIEP e o PE450 não afetará a IPP, contudo, animais mais pesados e mais altos tendem a ser mais precoces sexualmente (rg variou entre - 0,22 e -0,44). Com exceção da EG_S (rg=0,40), a seleção para as CCUS e as características de crescimento não afetará o PIEP, por resposta correlacionada. / Abstract: The objective of this work was to estimate genetic parameters for the traits longissimus muscle area (LMA), backfat thickness (BF) and rump fat thickness (RF) measured by real time ultrasound at 12 (Y) and 18 (S) months of age. In addition, this study aimed estimate the genetic correlations between these carcass traits measured by real time ultrasound (CTUS), and those with other economically important traits in beef cattle, i.e., weight (W), hip height (HH) and scrotal circumference (SC450 ) at 18 months of age, age at first calving (AFC) and first calving interval (FCI). The genetic parameters were estimated in multi-trait analyses, with animal models, by Bayesian inference using the Gibbs Sampling algorithm. The heritability estimates for LMA (Y and S), BF (Y and S) and RF (Y and S) were 0.46 and 0.33, 0.42 and 0.59, and 0.60 and 0.55, respectively, showing that if these traits will used as selection criteria, they must respond quickly to individual selection, without causing antagonism in the selection of the SC450, W (Y and S) and AFC. The a posteriori heritability estimates for AFC and FCI were from moderate to low, 0.26 and 0.11, respectively. The HH showed negative genetic correlations (rg) with BF_S (-0.38) and RF_S (-0.32), suggesting that long term selection for taller animals would tend to produce animals with less subcutaneous fat, i.e. later-maturing in terms of carcass finishing. Selection to improve CTUS, FCI and SC450 will not affect the AFC, however, heavier and taller animals tend to be more sexually precocious (rg ranged between -0.22 and -0.44). Except for the BF_S (rg=0.40), the selection for the CTUS and growth traits will not affect the FCI, by correlated response. / Orientadora: Lucia Galvão de Albuquerque / Coorientador: Guilherme Jordão de Magalhães / Coorientador: Cláudio Ulhôa Magnabosco / Banca: Maria Eugênia Zerlotti Mercadante / Banca: Raysildo Barbosa Lôbo / Banca: Humberto Tonhati / Banca: Henrique Nunes de Oliveira / Doutor

Vztah exteriéru prvotelek k výkonnosti a dlouhověkosti dojnic českého strakatého plemene / The relationship of exterior of first calved to the performance and longevity of Czech Fleckvieh cows

NOVOTNÝ, Luboš January 2019 (has links)
Genetic relationship was analyzed between type traits and longevity measures in dual-purpose cattle. Data from 91 486 Czech Fleckvieh cows first calved between 2003 and 2009 were used. Longevity was defined as the actual number of lactations initiated per cow and also as functional longevity, which incorporated an adjustment to account for variation in voluntary culling based upon milk production. Lifetime performance was defined as cumulative milk production through the 6th parity. All cows were scored for conformation traits during their first lactation. Genetic correlations between these traits and longevity measures were estimated by bivariate analysis using the DMU variance component program package. Type trait heritabilities ranged from 0.30 to 0.59, while heritabilities for longevity and functional longevity were 0.06 and 0.05, respectively. Heritability of lifetime performance was 0.08. Genetic correlations between type traits and longevity measures ranged from low to intermediate values. Genetic correlations of the measured body size traits to the real and functional longevity ranged from ?0.06 to ?0.29, for udder traits from ?0.02 to 0.33, and for foot and leg traits from ?0.03 to 0.17. Genetic correlations between the measured body size traits and lifetime performance ranged from ?0.03 to ?0.30, for udder traits from 0.05 to 0.47, for foot and leg traits from ?0.07 to 0.15. Genetic correlations of composite trait scores for frame, muscularity, feet and legs, and udder with longevity traits ranged from ?0.20 to 0.41 and for lifetime performance ?0.14 to 0.51. The highest genetic correlations between a type trait and functional longevity were for composite udder score (0.25), feet and legs (0.26), and udder depth (0.33), suggesting that these traits could serve as indicators of functional longevity. We conclude that selection based upon easily and inexpensively measured type traits could improve functional longevity of cows as well as lifetime milk production.

Estimativas de parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos de uma população de soja avaliada em quatro anos. / Estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters from a soybean population evaluated over four years.

Rossmann, Heiko 23 January 2002 (has links)
Os objetivos do presente trabalho compreendem o estudo dos efeitos da interação entre genótipos e anos sobre as estimativas de parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos, tais como: variâncias genéticas e fenotípicas, coeficientes de herdabilidade, coeficientes de correlação genética e fenotípica e ganhos esperados com seleção. O material experimental foi constituído de uma amostra aleatória de 89 linhagens de soja, na geração F7, de uma população oriunda do cruzamento entre os genitores BR-80-14853 e PI-123439. A população foi avaliada durante quatro anos agrícolas, em Piracicaba, SP, utilizando-se um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados. O número de repetições variou de 3 a 6 ao longo dos anos de avaliação e as parcelas foram constituídas por linhas de 2 m de comprimento espaçadas de 0,50 m, contendo 35 plantas no estande ideal. Os experimentos incluíram, além das linhagens, as testemunhas IAC-12, IAC-Foscarin-31 e a IAS-5. Foram avaliados os caracteres número de dias para a maturação, altura das plantas na maturação, acamamento e produção de grãos. Detectou-se a presença de grande variabilidade genética entre linhagens para altura das plantas na maturação, produção de grãos e acamamento, indicando boas perspectivas de ganhos com seleção. A interação entre genótipos e anos foi também altamente significativa, provocando mudanças na classificação das linhagens ao longo dos anos. A magnitude da variância da interação entre linhagens e anos foi menor que a da variância genética entre linhagens para altura das plantas e acamamento, ao contrário dos outros dois caracteres, onde as duas variâncias apresentaram magnitude semelhante, indicando que os caracteres dias para maturação e produção de grãos são mais sujeitos às oscilações decorrentes das interações com anos. Devido a isso, observou-se uma inconsistência para as estimativas dos diversos parâmetros (herdabilidade, correlações genéticas e fenotípicas e ganhos esperados com seleção) entre os diversos anos, principalmente para a produção de grãos e dias para maturação, indicando que para caracteres muito sujeitos às interações entre genótipos e ambientes, as estimativas de parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos obtidas a partir de dados experimentais oriundos de apenas um ano de avaliação podem acarretar erros graves na interpretação dos resultados e tomada de decisão relacionados com a seleção de genótipos superiores. / This paper was carried out in order to study the genotype by year interaction effects on the genetic and phenotypic parameters as: genetic and environmental variances, heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlation and expected response to selection. Experimental material comprised 89 random inbred lines in the F7 generation from a soybean population derived from the cross between the BR-80-14853 and PI-123439 parents. Three to six replications were used over the years and plots comprised a row 2-m long spaced 0.50-m apart with 35 plants after thinning. Two commercial checks were included in the experiments: IAC-12, IAC-Foscarin 31 and IAS-5. The following traits were evaluated: days to maturity, plant height, lodging and grain yield. For plant height, lodging and grain yield a large amount of genetic variability among lines was detected. Genotype by year interaction was highly significant in the analysis of variance, leading to changes in the line ranking over the years. For plant height and lodging, the magnitude of the genotype by year variance was lower than the genetic variance among lines, while for days to maturity and grain yield the magnitude of both variances was similar, indicating that these traits are more influenced by the genotype by year interaction. As a consequence, the estimates of the parameters (heritabilities, genetic and phenotypic correlations and expected responses to selection) were different over the years, mainly for grain yield and days to maturity. These indicates that for this traits, estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters based on only one year of experimental evaluation can lead to a misinterpretation of the results and consequently to mistaken decisions related with the genotype selection.

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