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No description available.
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A Holistic Approach to Taxonomic Evaluation of Two Closely Related Endangered Freshwater Mussel Species, the Oyster Mussel (Epioblasma capsaeformis) and Tan Riffleshell (Epioblasma florentina walkeri) (Bivalvia: Unionidae)Jones, Jess W. 01 April 2004 (has links)
Primers for 10 polymorphic DNA microsatellite loci were developed and characterized for the endangered oyster mussel Epioblasma capsaeformis from the Clinch River, TN. Microsatellite loci also were amplified for individuals collected from the following additional populations or species: (1) E. capsaeformis from Duck River, TN; (2) E. florentina walkeri from Indian Creek, upper Clinch River, VA; (3) E. florentina walkeri from Big South Fork Cumberland River, TN; and (4) E. torulosa rangiana from Allegheny River, PA. Allelic diversity ranged from 9-20 alleles/locus, and averaged 13.6/locus for all 5 populations investigated. Average expected heterozygosity (HE) per locus ranged from 0.78-0.92, and averaged 0.86.
A genetic characterization of extant populations of E. capsaeformis and E. florentina walkeri was conducted to assess taxonomic validity and to resolve conservation issues related to recovery planning. These mussel species exhibit pronounced phenotypic variation, and are difficult to characterize phylogenetically using DNA sequences. Monophyletic lineages, congruent with phenotypic variation among species, were obtained only after extensive analysis of combined mitochondrial (1378 bp of 16S, cytochrome-b, ND1) and nuclear (515 bp of ITS-1) DNA sequences. In contrast, analysis of variation at 10 hyper variable DNA microsatellite loci showed moderate to highly divergent populations based on FST values, which ranged from 0.12-0.39. Quantitative genetic variation was observed in fish host specificity, with transformation success of glochidia of E. capsaeformis significantly greater (p<0.05) on the greenside darter Etheostoma blennioides, and that of E. f. walkeri significantly greater (p<0.05) on the fantail darter E. flabellare. Lengths of glochidia differed significantly (p<0.001) between species, with sizes ranging from 241-272 μm. Underwater photographs of mantle-pads and micro-lures of female mussels documented fixed phenotypic variation between species. The texture and color of the mantle-pad of E. capsaeformis is smooth and bluish-white, while that of E. f. walkeri is pustuled and brown, with tan mottling. Based on extensive molecular, morphological, and life history data, a population of E. capsaeformis from the Duck River, TN is described and proposed as a separate species, and a population of E. f. walkeri from the upper Clinch River, VA is described and proposed as a separate subspecies.
Genetic management guidelines were developed to assess taxonomic status, genetic variation of donor-recipient populations targeted for augmentation, and field and laboratory protocols to maximize genetically effective population size, minimize genetic changes in captive-reared progeny, and prevent the release of juvenile mussels into non-native drainages. A pragmatic approach to species recovery is advocated; one that incorporates the principles of conservation genetics into breeding programs, but prioritizes the immediate demographic needs of critically endangered mussel species. / Master of Science
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Étude sur le rôle des mutations de novo dans l’étiologie génétique de la schizophrénieGirard, Simon L. 08 1900 (has links)
La schizophrénie est une maladie psychiatrique grave qui affecte approximativement 1 % de la population. Il est clairement établi que la maladie possède une composante génétique très importante, mais jusqu’à présent, les études ont été limitées au niveau de l’identification de facteurs génétiques spécifiquement liés à la maladie. Avec l’avènement des nouvelles avancées technologiques dans le domaine du séquençage de l’ADN, il est maintenant possible d’effectuer des études sur un type de variation génétique jusqu’à présent laissé pour compte : les mutations de novo, c.-à-d. les nouvelles mutations non transmises de manière mendélienne par les parents. Ces mutations peuvent avoir deux origines distinctes : une origine germinale au niveau des gamètes chez les parents ou une origine somatique, donc au niveau embryonnaire directement chez l’individu.
L’objectif général de la présente recherche est de mieux caractériser les mutations de novo dans la schizophrénie. Comme le rôle de ces variations est peu connu, il sera également nécessaire de les étudier dans un contexte global au niveau de la population humaine. La première partie du projet consiste en une analyse exhaustive des mutations de novo dans la partie codante (exome) de patients atteints de schizophrénie. Nous avons pu constater que non seulement le taux de mutations était plus élevé qu’attendu, mais nous avons également été en mesure de relever un nombre anormalement élevé de mutations non-sens, ce qui suggère un profil pathogénique. Ainsi, nous avons pu fortement suggérer que les mutations de novo sont des actrices importantes dans le mécanisme génétique de la schizophrénie.
La deuxième partie du projet porte directement sur les gènes identifiés lors de la première partie. Nous avons séquencé ces gènes dans une plus grande cohorte de cas et de contrôles afin d’établir le profil des variations rares pour ces gènes. Nous avons ainsi conclu que l’ensemble des gènes identifiés par les études de mutations de novo possède un profil pathogénique, ce qui permet d’établir que la plupart de ces gènes ont un rôle réel dans la maladie et ne sont pas des artéfacts expérimentaux. De plus, nous avons pu établir une association directe avec quelques gènes qui montrent un profil aberrant de variations rares.
La troisième partie du projet se concentre sur l’effet de l’âge paternel sur le taux de mutations de novo. En effet, pour la schizophrénie, il est démontré que l’âge du père est un facteur de risque important. Ainsi, nous avons tenté de caractériser l’effet de l’âge du père chez des patients en santé. Nous avons observé une grande corrélation entre l’âge du père et le taux de mutations germinales et nous avons ainsi pu répertorier certaines zones avec un grand nombre de mutations de novo, ce qui suggère l’existence de zone chaude pour les mutations.
Nos résultats ont été parmi les premiers impliquant directement les mutations de novo dans le mécanisme génétique de la schizophrénie. Ils permettent de jeter un nouveau regard sur les réseaux biologiques à l’origine de la schizophrénie en mettant sous les projecteurs un type de variations génétiques longtemps laissé pour compte. / Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric disorder that affects roughly 1% of the general population. It has been clearly demonstrated that the disease possesses a strong genetic component, but thus far, studies have had limited success in identifying key schizophrenia genes. With the advent of new DNA sequencing technologies it is now possible to study a type of genetic variation that has been previously looked over: de novo mutations (new mutations not transmitted by parents)
The main aim of the present thesis is to better characterize de novo mutations in schizophrenia. As the role of these variations is not very well known, it was also necessary to study them in a global context in the human population. The first part of our project was to do a comprehensive study of de novo mutations found in the coding section (exome) of patients affected with schizophrenia. We found that the mutation rate was higher than expected. We also observed an aberrant number of nonsense mutations, which suggests a pathogenic profile of mutations. Thus, we strongly suggested that de novo mutations are key players in the genetic mechanism of schizophrenia.
The second part of the work builds on the genes bearing mutations identified in the exome sequencing analysis. We sequenced these genes in a larger cohort of cases and controls in order to establish the profile of rare variants for these genes. We were able to conclude that the global mutational profile of the genes identified during de novo mutation studies are indeed pathogenic, which confirms that some of those genes are really involved in the disease and are not sequencing artefacts. Additionally, we were also able to identify some genes that had an aberrant rare variation profile.
The third part of the work aimed to characterize the paternal age effect on the de novo mutation rate. Indeed, in schizophrenia, it has been shown numerous times that paternal age is a risk factor for the disease. Thus, we have chosen to characterize this effect in a cohort of healthy subjects. We were able to observe a high correlation between paternal age and an elevated germline mutation rate. We were also able to confirm the existence of genomic regions that present an elevated number of de novo mutations, supporting the notion of mutational hotspots.
Our results were amongst the first to be published on the scientific area to directly involve de novo mutations in the genetic mechanism of schizophrenia. Those results bring new clues on the biological networks underlying schizophrenia by investigating a genetic variation type long overlooked.
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Selective improvement of rainbow trout : assessment of potential in UK strainsUreta Schmidt, José P. January 2009 (has links)
The research assessed the potential of developing a selective breeding programme for the UK rainbow trout industry. Levels of genetic variation at 12 microsatellite loci were first compared in seven different commercial strains. The Observed heterozygosity ranged from Ho = 48.1% in a gold rainbow trout strain (GTR) to Ho = 66.4% in a newly derived broodstock population constructed from a number of different sources (GIT). The Expected Heterozygosity (He) was highest in GIM1 (He= 79.5%) and lowest in the GTR strain (He = 56.9%). The Effective number of alleles (Mae) showed that the GIM1, GIM2, GIM3, and GIT strain (5.4; 5.2; 4.8; 4.2) were significantly more variable than the other strains and that GTR strain had the lowest value (2.5). There appears to be substantial genetic variability within the commercial United Kingdom rainbow trout strains surveyed in this study. This appears to be the case despite very different management histories and levels of record keeping. The strains appear to be genetically distinct (based on population genetic analyses), though the reasons for this remain unclear (and possibly unanswerable given the poor records kept by the different companies). The Glenwyllin farm strains (GIM) were chosen to form the base population for the project because of their high genetic variability, disease free status and because the farm produced around 20 million ova per year, so any genetic gains would have a widespread impact. The farm has an early (Strain A) and a late spawning (Strain B) and these were mated in a partial factorial design, 20 females and 20 neomales per strain (A & B) were chosen on the basis of maturity and gamete quality in November 2002 so that each male was crossed to 4 females (2 in the same strain and 2 in the other), a total of 160 families were created. All broodstock were biopsied to enable them to be genotyped. The families were reared separately up to the eyed stage at which point the eggs from each family were divided into three to generate three communal replicate populations. One of these was sent to a fingerling producer (Iwerne Spring) for ongrowing to fingerling size and formed the basis of a commercial production trial at Test Valley Trout farm (TVT) in Hampshire. When the fish reached an average weight of 5 g they were transferred from Iwerne Spring to TVT and 1500 were randomly selected, PIT tagged and biopsied to enable them to be assigned to their family using 11 multiplexed microsatellite loci. Parental assignment was based on exclusion (FAP) but the results were compared with another parental assignment based on likelihood (PAPA). Of the 1500 offspring (OIM) PIT tagged 1242 82.8% could be assigned to a single family utilizing different combinations of more than 6 loci (6 to 11). The growth of the 1500 OIM fish was tracked throughout the grow out period before they were finally harvested and fully processed. The results of OIM strain at the end of the trial period were mean weight of 415.5 g, and a mean length of 314.5 mm. The visual measurement of colour gave a mean flesh colour values of 26.01 on the 20-34 scale (SalmoFan™), and 11.0 with the colotimetry evaluation of colour (a*). The heritability results for the IOM strain were 43 ± 9% for weight, 42 ± 9% for gutted, and 28 ± 8% for length. The heritability estimates for the visual colour variables were 19 ± 7% and when using the colorimeter, the red chromaticity (a*) heritability was 14 ± 6%. Therefore, the heritability results of the IOM strain indicate that there are opportunities of substantial and rapid improvement of the growth rate and flesh colour traits. Also no line effects were observed or indications of non-additive genetic variation. In contrast to these last results, the overall survival of the GIM strain from the time of the physical tagging with PIT until harvest was 52.8%, and survival heritability was extremely low, 3 ± 2%, hardly significant.
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Étude sur le rôle des mutations de novo dans l’étiologie génétique de la schizophrénieGirard, Simon L. 08 1900 (has links)
La schizophrénie est une maladie psychiatrique grave qui affecte approximativement 1 % de la population. Il est clairement établi que la maladie possède une composante génétique très importante, mais jusqu’à présent, les études ont été limitées au niveau de l’identification de facteurs génétiques spécifiquement liés à la maladie. Avec l’avènement des nouvelles avancées technologiques dans le domaine du séquençage de l’ADN, il est maintenant possible d’effectuer des études sur un type de variation génétique jusqu’à présent laissé pour compte : les mutations de novo, c.-à-d. les nouvelles mutations non transmises de manière mendélienne par les parents. Ces mutations peuvent avoir deux origines distinctes : une origine germinale au niveau des gamètes chez les parents ou une origine somatique, donc au niveau embryonnaire directement chez l’individu.
L’objectif général de la présente recherche est de mieux caractériser les mutations de novo dans la schizophrénie. Comme le rôle de ces variations est peu connu, il sera également nécessaire de les étudier dans un contexte global au niveau de la population humaine. La première partie du projet consiste en une analyse exhaustive des mutations de novo dans la partie codante (exome) de patients atteints de schizophrénie. Nous avons pu constater que non seulement le taux de mutations était plus élevé qu’attendu, mais nous avons également été en mesure de relever un nombre anormalement élevé de mutations non-sens, ce qui suggère un profil pathogénique. Ainsi, nous avons pu fortement suggérer que les mutations de novo sont des actrices importantes dans le mécanisme génétique de la schizophrénie.
La deuxième partie du projet porte directement sur les gènes identifiés lors de la première partie. Nous avons séquencé ces gènes dans une plus grande cohorte de cas et de contrôles afin d’établir le profil des variations rares pour ces gènes. Nous avons ainsi conclu que l’ensemble des gènes identifiés par les études de mutations de novo possède un profil pathogénique, ce qui permet d’établir que la plupart de ces gènes ont un rôle réel dans la maladie et ne sont pas des artéfacts expérimentaux. De plus, nous avons pu établir une association directe avec quelques gènes qui montrent un profil aberrant de variations rares.
La troisième partie du projet se concentre sur l’effet de l’âge paternel sur le taux de mutations de novo. En effet, pour la schizophrénie, il est démontré que l’âge du père est un facteur de risque important. Ainsi, nous avons tenté de caractériser l’effet de l’âge du père chez des patients en santé. Nous avons observé une grande corrélation entre l’âge du père et le taux de mutations germinales et nous avons ainsi pu répertorier certaines zones avec un grand nombre de mutations de novo, ce qui suggère l’existence de zone chaude pour les mutations.
Nos résultats ont été parmi les premiers impliquant directement les mutations de novo dans le mécanisme génétique de la schizophrénie. Ils permettent de jeter un nouveau regard sur les réseaux biologiques à l’origine de la schizophrénie en mettant sous les projecteurs un type de variations génétiques longtemps laissé pour compte. / Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric disorder that affects roughly 1% of the general population. It has been clearly demonstrated that the disease possesses a strong genetic component, but thus far, studies have had limited success in identifying key schizophrenia genes. With the advent of new DNA sequencing technologies it is now possible to study a type of genetic variation that has been previously looked over: de novo mutations (new mutations not transmitted by parents)
The main aim of the present thesis is to better characterize de novo mutations in schizophrenia. As the role of these variations is not very well known, it was also necessary to study them in a global context in the human population. The first part of our project was to do a comprehensive study of de novo mutations found in the coding section (exome) of patients affected with schizophrenia. We found that the mutation rate was higher than expected. We also observed an aberrant number of nonsense mutations, which suggests a pathogenic profile of mutations. Thus, we strongly suggested that de novo mutations are key players in the genetic mechanism of schizophrenia.
The second part of the work builds on the genes bearing mutations identified in the exome sequencing analysis. We sequenced these genes in a larger cohort of cases and controls in order to establish the profile of rare variants for these genes. We were able to conclude that the global mutational profile of the genes identified during de novo mutation studies are indeed pathogenic, which confirms that some of those genes are really involved in the disease and are not sequencing artefacts. Additionally, we were also able to identify some genes that had an aberrant rare variation profile.
The third part of the work aimed to characterize the paternal age effect on the de novo mutation rate. Indeed, in schizophrenia, it has been shown numerous times that paternal age is a risk factor for the disease. Thus, we have chosen to characterize this effect in a cohort of healthy subjects. We were able to observe a high correlation between paternal age and an elevated germline mutation rate. We were also able to confirm the existence of genomic regions that present an elevated number of de novo mutations, supporting the notion of mutational hotspots.
Our results were amongst the first to be published on the scientific area to directly involve de novo mutations in the genetic mechanism of schizophrenia. Those results bring new clues on the biological networks underlying schizophrenia by investigating a genetic variation type long overlooked.
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Dynamique de la variation génétique et épigénétique chez un vertébré kleptogèneBeauregard, France 01 1900 (has links)
La variation phénotypique est essentielle à la persistance des organismes dans le temps ainsi qu’à la colonisation de nouveaux habitats. Les principales sources de variation phénotypique sont la génétique et l'épigénétique. L'épigénétique a été proposé comme un atout important pour les organismes asexués pour compenser le manque de diversité génétique. L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer si l’absence de variation génétique est compensée par l'épigénétique en comparant les profils de méthylation d’individus gynogènes et kleptogènes des hybrides de salamandre à points bleus. Les individus échantillonnés s’organisent en cinq groupes génétiquement différenciés, provenant du même haplome paternel A. jeffersonianum. Deux des cinq groupes sont exclusivement gynogènes, pour des raisons écologiques ou génomiques. Les trois autres groupes sont formés d’individus parfois kleptogènes, car ils présentent une variation génétique plus élevée au sein d’un site qu’entre les sites, en plus de porter des allèles très divergents par rapport à la distribution globale des allèles hybrides, trouvés en haute fréquence dans les populations sympatriques de A. laterale. Les patrons épigénétiques sont variables et distincts entre les cinq groupes génétiques. Les groupes gynogènes sont les seuls à présenter un effet environnemental significatif sur leurs patrons épigénétiques, suggérant que ces individus clonaux doivent être en mesure de maximiser leur potentiel de variation épigénétique pour faire face à des variations environnementales. / Phenotypic variation is critical to the persistence of organisms over time and the colonization of new habitats. The main consistent sources of phenotypic variation are genetics and epigenetics. Epigenetics was proposed as a valuable asset for asexual organisms to compensate or to complete genetic diversity. The objective of this study is to assess whether lack of genetic variation is compensated by epigenetics by comparing methylation patterns of gynogen and kleptogen individuals of the blue-spotted salamander hybrids. Individuals sampled clustered in five genetically differentiated groups, derived from the very same paternal A. jeffersonianum haplome. Two out of the five groups are exclusively gynogenetic, for either ecological or genomic factors. The other three groups occasionally formed kleptogen individuals, since they display a higher genetic variation within sites than among sites, in addition of displaying highly divergent alleles found in high frequency in the sympatric A. laterale populations. Epigenetic patterns are variable and distinct among the five genetic groups. Gynogenetic groups are the only one to display a significant environmental effect on their epigenetic pattern, suggesting clonal individuals must be able to make the most from their epigenetic variation potential to deal with environmental variations.
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Contrôle génétique de l’épissage alternatif dans le contexte de la réponse immunitaire innéeTastet, Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Epistasia para a produção de grãos e seus componentes em milho / Epistasis for grain yield and yield components in maizeGarcia-Mendoza, Pedro José 01 December 2011 (has links)
O conhecimento dos diferentes fatores genéticos que afetam os caracteres quantitativos de importância agronômica é um pré-requisito importante para o planejamento dos programas de melhoramento genético que visam explorar de maneira eficiente a variabilidade genética disponível nas populações. A importância da epistasia no melhoramento genético das populações de milho ainda não é bem entendida, sendo assim ignorada na maioria dos estudos de herança dos caracteres de interesses para os melhoristas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (i) verificar a importância da epistasia para produção de grãos e seus componentes em milho; (ii) estimar os efeitos epistáticos em cada planta F2 para estes caracteres; e (iii) verificar a importância da interação epistasia x ambientes. A geração F1 obtida do cruzamento entre as linhagens endogâmicas L08-05F e L38-05D foi autofecundada para dar origem à população F2. Uma amostra de 100 plantas F2 foi autofecundada originando 100 progênies F2:3, que foram retrocruzadas com ambas as linhagens genitoras e sua geração F1, seguindo o esquema de cruzamento do delineamento triple test cross (TTC). As 300 progênies de retrocruzamentos foram avaliadas em 11 ambientes no município de Piracicaba/SP, em delineamento alfa-látice 15 x 20, no esquema fatorial com duas repetições por ambiente. As análises de variância seguindo o modelo TTC mostraram que a epistasia total foi altamente significativa para todos os caracteres e que os efeitos epistáticos não aditivos (epistasia aditiva x dominante e/ou dominante x dominante) foram mais importantes que a epistasia aditiva x aditiva. Os efeitos epistáticos estimados em cada planta F2 para a produção de grãos e seus componentes não foram unidirecionais e, além disso, sugerem a presença de epistasia pleiotrópica para PG e a maioria dos componentes da produção. A interação epistasia x ambientes foi verificada apenas para o caráter número de fileiras espigas-1. A presença de efeitos epistáticos positivos poderiam estar contribuindo significativamente para a elevada heterose reportada para o cruzamento entre as linhagens L08-05F x L38-05D. Os resultados sugerem que a epistasia é um componente importante na arquitetura genética dos caracteres estudados, o que significa que o modelo aditivo dominante não é suficiente para descrever a variação genética da produção de grãos e seus componentes na população. Diante disso, os efeitos epistáticos não deveriam continuar sendo ignorados e sua consideração nos modelos de predição da performance dos genótipos e na seleção assistida por marcadores moleculares poderia aumentar significativamente a eficiência da seleção nos programas de melhoramento genético de plantas. / Knowledge of different genetic factors that affect quantitative traits of the agronomic importance, is an relevant prerequisite to plant breeding programs aiming to efficiently explore the genetic variability available in populations. The importance of epistasis in breeding populations of maize is still not well understood, being ignored in most inheritance studies of characters important to plant breeders. This study aimed (i) to verify the role of epistasis in grain yield and its components in maize, (ii) to estimate the epistatic effects in each F2 plant for these characters, and (iii) to verify the role of epistasis x environment interaction. The F1 generation was developed from the cross between the inbred lines L-08-05F and L-38-05D and the F2 population from the selffecundated of F1. A sample of 100 F2 plants was self-fecundated resulting in 100 F2:3 progenies, which were backcrossed with both parental lines and their F1 generation, according to the triple test cross (TTC) design. The 300 backcross progenies were evaluated in 11 environments at the municipality of Piracicaba-SP, Brazil, using an alpha-lattice 15 x 20 design in a factorial arrangement with two replications per environment. Analysis of variance based on the TTC model showed that the total epistasis was highly significant for all characters and that non-additive epistatic effects (additive x dominant and / or dominance x dominance) were more important than the additive x additive epistasis. The epistatic effects estimated in each F2 plant for grain yield and its components were not unidirectional and these estimates suggest the presence of pleitropic epistasis for yield and major yield components. The epistasis x environment interaction was observed only for the number of row eras-1. The presence of positive epistatic effects could contribute significantly to the high heterosis reported for the crossing between the inbred lines L08-05F x L38-05D. Results suggest that epistasis is an important component in the genetic architecture of the traits considered, which means that the additive - dominant model is not enough to describe the genetic variation of grain yield and its components in the population. Thus, the epistatic effects should not remain ignored and its account in the models for predicting performance of the genotypes and in the molecular marker-assisted selection would significantly increase the efficiency of selection programs in plant breeding.
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Caracterização genética e fisiológica de Crinipellis perniciosa. / Genetic and fisiological characterization de Crinipellis perniciosa.Lana, Taís Guimarães 23 April 2004 (has links)
O fungo basidiomiceto Crinipellis perniciosa é o agente causal da vassoura-de-bruxa do cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao), podendo causar sérios perdas na produção. Este fungo é capaz de colonizar, além do cacau, várias outras plantas hospedeiras, onde pode se adaptar às novas condições, contribuindo, dessa forma, para o aumento da variabilidade genética desse microrganismo. Assim sendo, o objetivo desse trabalho foi isolar e identificar C. perniciosa de tecidos sadios de cacaueiro e comparar a sua variabilidade genética e fisiológica com isolados patogênicos por meio de análises moleculares e fisiológicas. Após a desinfecção e retirada da casca dos ramos, colônias morfologicamente similares a C. perniciosa foram obtidas de tecidos sadios de cacaueiro, os quais foram considerados como endófitos. A identificação preliminar desses isolados foi baseada nas observações morfológicas, tais como coloração da colônia e presença de grampos de conexão. Posteriormente, os isolados de C. perniciosa foram caracterizados geneticamente por RAPD, e sequenciamento de regiões do rDNA (18S+5.8S+28S), resistência a fungicidas, produção de exoenzimas e patogenicidade ao cacaueiro. A análise por marcadores RAPD separou os 37 isolados em 8 grupos (G1 a G8), sendo o grupo G1 dividido em 2 subgrupos (G1-1 e G1-2). Por esta análise foi possível observar que linhagens com 100 % de similaridade foram isoladas de locais diferentes, enquanto que isolados obtidos de uma mesma planta podem ser geneticamente diferentes. A análise da seqüência do rDNA dos isolados de C. perniciosa mostrou a formação de 6 grupos distintos (R1 a R6). Isolados obtidos de uma mesma planta não se agruparam, reforçando a hipótese de que isolados geneticamente diferentes podem ocupar a mesma planta hospedeira. Quanto resistência a fungicidas (tebuconazole, mancozeb, benomil e óxido cuproso), foi observado que tebuconazole foi o mais eficiente na inibição do crescimento miceliar, enquanto benomil apresentar menor taxa de inibição. Isolados endofíticos e patogênicos apresentaram comportamento similar em relação aos fungicidas. Resultado semelhante foi observado quanto a produção de exoenzimas (amilase, lipase, pectinase, exo e endoglicanase). Foi observada a produção de todas as enzimas avaliadas, sendo possível detectar variações entre os isolados. Entretanto, esta variação não foi correlacionada ao hábito endofítico ou patogênico. A patogenicidade de 8 isolados de C. perniciosa foi avaliada em mudas de cacau Catongo. A porcentagem de plantas infectadas com sintomas variou de 55% a 100%. Isolados endofíticos apresentaram baixa virulência sobre o cacaueiro, tendo o isolado endofítico 31 induziu sintomas em 60% das plantas inoculadas, resultado este provavelmente devido à alta pressão de inóculo. Este trabalho mostra pela primeira vez C. perniciosa como endófito em tecidos não meristemático do cacaueiro. / The basidiomycete fungus Crinipellis perniciosa (Stahel) Singer is the causal agent of Witches' Broom Disease of Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) which is the main factor limiting cocoa production in the Americas. Pod losses of up to 90% are experienced in affected areas as evidenced by the 50% drop in production in Bahia province, Brazil following the arrival of the C. perniciosa in the area in 1989. The disease has proven particularly difficult to control and many farmers in affected areas have given up cacao cultivation. Any useful control strategy for Witches' Broom disease must be effective against in range strains of the pathogen. It is already known that pathogenic variation exists among isolates of Crinipellis perniciosa obtained from different areas and host plants. However, any study was developed about the variability between endophytic and pathogenic population. In order to evaluate the genetic variability of 35 isolates of endophytic and pathogenic populations of Crinipellis perniciosa, the RAPD technique, ITS sequencing and fungicide susceptibility were performed. Genetic variability between 35 isolates of C. perniciosa was analysed by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique, which indicated that isolates from other host plants were more diverse than isolates obtained from cacao plants. Among cacao isolates was observed at least two groups, one formed mainly by endophytic isolates and other by pathogenic ones. Analysis by ITS sequence grouped isolates independently of endophytic or pathogenic status. Fungicide susceptibility showed that cupric oxide inhibits statistically more endophytic isolates than pathogenic ones, showing that could have physiological differences between these populations. The present study highlighted the possible genetic and physiological differences between endophytic and pathogenic population of C. perniciosa.
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Caracterização biológica e molecular de cepas híbridas Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis/Leishmania (Viannia) shawi shawi isoladas de pacientes com leishmaniose tegumentar oriundos da região amazônica, Santarém, PA-Brasil / Biological and molecular characterization of hybrid strains Leishmania (V.) guyanensis / Leishmania (V.) shawi shawi isolated from patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis from Amazon region, Santarém, Pará - BrazilLima, Ana Carolina Stocco de 03 November 2016 (has links)
O conhecimento a respeito de mecanismos de reprodução e geração de diversidade genética de organismos do gênero Leishmania vem sendo alterado com o advento de novas tecnologias. Estudos de laboratório demonstraram ocorrência de reprodução sexuada experimentalmente em organismos do gênero Leishmania. Relatos na literatura mostram a ocorrência de híbridos no ambiente natural, associada a casos de leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LTA). A partir da caracterização fenotípica realizada utilizando anticorpos monoclonais e eletroforese de isoenzimas em linhagens isoladas de pacientes com LTA na região Amazônica do Brasil, sete isolados (M15983, M15984, M15987, M15988, M19672, M19676 e M19697) apresentaram um padrão intermediário entre as espécies L. (V.) shawi shawi e L. (V.) guyanensis. O presente estudo visou realizar a confirmação da identidade híbrida desses parasitas através da clonagem dos isolados, seguida da análise do polimorfismo pela clivagem do produto da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR RFLP) tendo como alvo a enzima de choque térmico de 70 quilodaltons (hsp70). O hsp70 PCR RFLP também foi utilizado para análise comparativa da intensidade dos produtos de digestão, para estimar a ploidia dos híbridos e a proporção da herança dos alelos de hsp70. Foi realizada ainda, avaliação do comportamento biológico in vitro e experimental in vivo desses parasitas. A curva de crescimento foi realizada na 4° e 12° passagem após isolamento do parasita. Infecções experimentais de BALB/c foram realizadas para avaliação da evolução da infecção causada pelo isolado híbrido selvagem M19672 e sua comparação com as cepas parentais L. (V.) guyanensis e L. (V.) s. shawi. Foi determinada a carga parasitaria em pele, linfonodo e baço dos animais infectados e análise histopatológica das lesões. Os resultados obtidos a partir da clonagem dos isolados demonstraram que se tratavam de populações homogêneas de parasitas. Três isolados apresentaram padrão heterozigoto de L. (V.) guyanensis/L. (V.) s. shawi e quatro isolados apresentaram padrão homozigoto, apresentando somente os alelos de L. (V.) s. shawi. O ensaio de clivagem de sequências polimórficas amplificadas (SNP-CAPS) mostrou que os homozigotos apresentaram o mesmo número de cópias de hsp70 de L. (V.) s. shawi, enquanto que nos heterozigotos os alelos de L. (V.) guyanensis são mais representativos. Os parasitas híbridos apresentaram uma maior plasticidade fenotípica no crescimento in vitro. A infeção de BALB/c pelos parasitas híbridos apresentou uma evolução rápida tendo seu maior pico entre 14 e 28 dias pós-infecção, com regressão posterior da lesão. Esse período foi acompanhado da maior carga parasitária na pele e linfonodo. A infecção causada pelas cepas parentais mostrou aumento progressivo da lesão a partir do 21° dia de infecção para L. (V.) guyanensis e 35° dia para L. (V.) s.shawi. As alterações histopatológicas da lesão causada pelo híbrido apresentaram um padrão intermediário entre as de L. (V.) s. shawi e L. (V.) guyanensis, guardando, no entanto, mais características desta última. Nossos achados confirmam que as cepas analisadas são híbridas entre L. (V.) guyanensis e L. (V.) s. shawi da região do Baixo Amazonas, estado do Pará, área com alta ocorrência de casos de LTA na Brasil e grande diversidade de espécies do parasita, vetores e reservatórios / Knowledge about the mechanisms of reproduction and generation of genetic diversity of the genus Leishmania organisms has been changed with the advent of new technologies for it studies. Laboratory researches have shown the occurrence of experimentally sexual reproduction in the genus Leishmania. Reports in the literature shows the occurrence of hybrids in the natural environment, associated with cases of american cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). From the phenotypic characterization performed using monoclonal antibodies and isozymes in strains isolated from patients with ACL in the Amazon region of Brazil, seven isolates (M15983, M15984, M15987, M15988, M19672, M19676 and M19697) showed an intermediate pattern between species L. (V.) shawi shawi and L. (V.) guyanensis. This study aimed to perform the confirmation of the hybrid identity of these parasites by performing cloning of the isolated, followed by analysis of polymorphism by cleavage of the polymerase chain reaction product (PCR RFLP) targeting heat shock enzyme 70 kilodaltons (hsp70). The hsp70 PCR RFLP was also used for comparative analysis of the intensity of the digestion products to estimate the ploidy of the hybrids and the proportion of the inheritance of hsp70 alleles. It was also observed in this study the biological in vitro behavior of these parasites. The growth curve in vitro was held at 4° and 12° passage after the isolation of mammalian host. Experimental infections of BALB /c mice were carried out to evaluate the evolution of the infection caused by the hybrid wild strain M19672 compared to the parental strains L. (V.) guyanensis and L. (V.) s. shawi. The parasitic load was determined on the skin, lymph nodes and spleen of infected animals and histopathology of the lesions. The results from the cloning of the isolates showed that these are homogeneous populations of parasites. Three isolates presented heterozygous L.(V.) guyanensis/ L.(V.) s. shawi pattern and four presented homozygous pattern with only the L.(V.) s. shawi alleles. The cleavage amplified polymorphic sequences assay (SNP-CAPS) showed that the homozygous had the same number of copies of hsp70 L. (V.) s. shawi, whereas in the heterozygous alleles L. (V.) guyanensis are more representative. Hybrid parasites demonstrated a higher phenotypic plasticity growth in vitro. BALB /c infection by M19762 hybrids showed a rapid evolution with a peak between 14 and 28 days post-infection, with subsequent lesion regression. The period of greatest development of the lesion was accompanied by higher parasite burden in the skin and lymph nodes. The infection caused by parental strains showed a progressive increase in the lesion from the 21th day of infection for L. (V.) guyanensis, and day 35 PI for L. (V.) s. shawi The alteration in the histopathological lesions caused by the hybrid strain showed an intermediate pattern between those of L. (V.) s. shawi and L. (V.) guyanensis, keeping, however, more characteristics of the latter. Our findings confirm that the strains analyzed are true hybrids between L. (V.) guyanensis and L. (V.) s. shawi from Amazon region, Pará state, an area with high occurrence of ACL in Brazil and diversity of parasite species, vectors and reservoirs
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