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Analyse des dynamiques spatiales et épidémiologie moléculaire de de la maladie du swollen shoot du cacaoyer au Togo : étude de diffusion à partir des systèmes d'information géographiques / Spatial dynamics analysis and molecular epidemiology of the cocoa swollen shoot virus in Togo : spread study with geographic information system.Oro, Zokou-Franck 16 November 2011 (has links)
Le Cacao swollen shoot virus (CSSV) est un virus infectant le cacaoyer transmis par des cochenilles farineuses de la famille des Pseudococcidae. La maladie qui en découle existe aujourd'hui dans les principales zones de production de cacao d'Afrique de l'Ouest qui représentent 72% de la production mondiale de cacao. Le CSSV a été découvert en 1922 au Ghana et identifié avec certitude dans le Kloto au Togo en 1955 ; le premier isolat étudié moléculairement est l'isolat très virulent Agou1 du Togo. Cet isolat provoque des gonflements de tiges et de rameaux ainsi que des colorations rouge intense au niveau des nervures des jeunes feuilles engendrant ensuite une défoliation complète de l'arbre et sa mort au bout de 5 ans. La progression actuelle du CSSV dans les nouvelles zones de production, notamment au Togo (Litimé) en 1996 et en Côte d'Ivoire (Issia, Bouaflé, Sinfra) en 2000, indique une nouvelle émergence de la maladie. La découverte de ces nouveaux foyers soulève des questionnements sur l'origine des isolats et sur les mécanismes épidémiologiques impliqués dans la propagation de la maladie à l'échelle parcellaire et à l'échelle des territoires.Ces questionnements scientifiques sont pris en compte dans cette étude à trois niveaux : i) l'analyse statistique de la répartition spatiale et temporelle de la maladie à l'échelle des parcelles (fonctions de Ripley et analyse du nombre de liens entre arbres malades) et la cartographie des dynamiques d'évolution au moyen de systèmes d'information géographique (SIG), ii) la diversité moléculaire des isolats de CSSV en lien avec leur répartition géographique afin d'établir une carte de répartition dans les deux régions de production (Kloto et Litimé) et d'essayer de retracer l'historique de la propagation du virus, iii) la cartographie des zones cacaoyères, des cacaoyères saines en comparaison aux cacaoyères malades, à l'échelle des territoires par la combinaison des données satellites Spot5 à 2.5 m de résolution spatiale et des motifs de paysage relevés sur le terrain.L'analyse spatiale avec les fonctions de Ripley et l'analyse du nombre de liens ont montré que les différents états sanitaires (sain, malade, mort) des cacaoyers sont agrégés indiquant ainsi une propagation à partir de foyers d'infection au niveau parcellaire. L'analyse du nombre de liens indique un processus de contamination de plante à plante dans les parcelles. Les études des dynamiques d'évolution au moyen de SIG ont montré à travers des cartes de densités que les cacaoyers malades et les cacaoyers morts sont regroupés en agrégats dans les parcelles et que la taille de ces agrégats augmente entre les deux années d'observation (2008 et 2009). Les dynamiques de changement ont permis de détecter une progression de la maladie plus rapide dans certaines parcelles, qui peut s'expliquer par leur moins bon entretien. La caractérisation des isolats de virus dans les cacaoyères togolaises a montré l'existence de trois groupes dont les groupes A et B uniquement dans le Litimé, et le groupe C uniquement dans le Kloto, indiquant une forte différenciation géographique. Les coefficients de corrélation de Pearson et de Spearman indiquent qu'il existe un lien entre distance génétique et distance géographique des isolats du groupe A, ce qui implique une contamination de proche en proche pour ce groupe à l'échelle du territoire. Compte tenu de la différenciation marquée entre les groupes du Kloto et du Litimé, nous pouvons conclure que les cacaoyères du Litimé n'ont pas été contaminées par du matériel venant du Kloto mais plus probablement à partir de parcelles cacaoyères situées au Ghana et contaminées précédemment pour se répandre ensuite dans le Litimé. L'étude des images satellites a montré qu'il n'existait pas de relation simple entre l'état sanitaire des motifs de cacaoyers et leur radiométrie en raison de la forte hétérogénéité du système agroforestier du Litimé / Cacao swollen shoot virus 'CSSV ' is a virus transmitted by mealybugs, insects of the Pseudococcidae family. The disease occurs in all the main cocoa-growing areas of Western Africa. It induces swellings on shoots and roots and mosaic and chlorosis on the leaves and has caused very serious crop losses in Ghana, Nigeria and more recently, Togo and Côte d'Ivoire. The cocoa production in Western Africa, representing about 72 % of the worldwide production is particularly important for the economic equilibrium of these countries. The actual progress of the CSSV epidemic in the large production areas in Togo like ‘Litimé' and ‘Kloto' and in Côte d'Ivoire (Issia, Bouaflé, Sinfra) requires to understand and forecast its spread in time. The discovery of these new focuses of the disease raises questions about the origin of the isolates and the mechanisms involved in the epidemiological spread of the disease at field scale and across territories.These scientific questions are addressed in this study at three levels: i) the spatial and temporal distribution of disease across the plots with statistical methods (Ripley and analysis of the number of links) and geographical information systems (GIS) to map the dynamics of evolution, ii) the molecular diversity of CSSV isolates related to their geographical distribution in order to establish a distribution map in the two regions of production (Kloto and Litimé) and try to understand the history of the virus spread, iii) the mapping of cocoa area in Litimé, the mapping of disead cocoa in comparison with healthy cocoa at the territories scale by combining satellite data with SPOT5 2.5 m spatial resolution and landscape motifs field surveys.The spatial analysis with Ripley's method and analysis of the number of links have shown that the different states of health (healthy, disead, dead) of cocoa trees are aggregated indicating a spread by patch at plot level. The analysis of the number of links indicates a process of contamination from plant to plant in the plots. Studies of the dynamics of evolution from Sig showed through density maps that disead cocoa trees and dead cocoa tree are grouped into clusters in the plots and the size of these aggregates increases significantly between the two years observation (2008 and 2009). The dynamics of change have detected a similar progression of the disease in plots 2 and 3 speedy than Parcel 1. This difference of the disease progress on the three plots can be explained by better maintenance of Parcel 1. The characterization of virus isolates on cocoa plots in Togo has shown the existence of three groups with groups A and B only in the Litimé, and group C only in the Kloto, indicating strong geographical differentiation. The correlation coefficients of Pearson and Spearman indicate a link between genetic distance and geographical distance of the isolates of group A, which implies a contamination step by step for this group at territories scale. Given the marked differentiation between the groups of Kloto and Litimé, we can conclude that the cocoa tree of Litimé were not contaminated with material from the Kloto but more likely from plots located in Ghana and previously infected then spread in the Litimé. The study with the satellite images showed that there was no simple relationship between the health patterns of cocoa trees and their radiometry because of the high heterogeneity of the agroforestry system of Litimé. The combination of landscape motifs and radiometry, however, possible to distinguish areas with dominant "cocoa", areas dominated by "crops", areas dominated by "forest". Among the areas to be dominant "cocoa", we have distinguished the cocoa denuded areas that correspond to potential disease areas and cocoa shade. These various studies indicate that disease progression is slow and works gradually. Emergences observed in new areas probably come from human movements
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Apport d'un système d'information géographique et de la télédétection dans la prévention du risque de survenue d'épidémie de paludisme sur les Hautes Terres Centrales de Madagascar / Contribution of a geographical information system and remote sensing in the prevention of risk of epidemic malaria in the Central Highlands of MadagascarRakotomanana, Fanjasao 07 January 2009 (has links)
La recolonisation des Hautes terres par l’An. funestus dont les gîtes larvaires principaux sont les rizières a été l’origine de l’épidémie des années 1980s. La pulvérisation intra domiciliaire d’insecticide a constitué l’une des stratégies adoptées pour contrôler l’épidémie. Notre étude s’est intéressée à six zones des Hautes Terres centrales. Les résultats de la détermination des rizières utilisant la télédétection, combinés à d’autres facteurs connus influençant la transmission du paludisme ont permis d’établir des cartes de zones à risque prioritaires pour la pulvérisation d’insecticide à l’aide de l’analyse multicritère par la méthode de combinaison linéaire pondérée. Le paludisme urbain d’Antananarivo diffère du reste de celui des Hautes Terres. Un Système d’Information Géographique a été utilisé pour étudier l’impact des facteurs environnementaux sur le faible taux d’incidence du paludisme observé à partir de neuf Centres de Santé de Base ayant participé à l’étude du paludisme urbain / The reappearance of epidemic malaria in the highlands of Madagascar during the late 1980’s has been attributed to the reestablishment of Anopheles funestus. Rice fields constitute their principal larval habitats. Control strategies to prevent epidemic malaria, have been based on indoor residual spraying of insecticides. Our study was conducted in six zones in the Highlands. Rice fields were determined using remote sensing imagery. Results were combined with factors known to influence the transmission of malaria. Multicriteria evaluation, by the method of weighted linear combination, was used as basis for improved targeting of actions by determining priority zones for intervention. The factors driving malaria transmission in urban Antananarivo differ from the other regions of the highlands. A Geographical Information System was used to study the role of environmental factors on the low malarial incidence rates observed in nine community based health centres in Antananarivo
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Elaboração de carta de susceptibilidade à erosão das bacias dos rios Araraquara e Cubatão-SP, escala 1:50.000 / Elaboration of the erosion susceptibility map of the Araraquara and Cubatão river basins - SP, scale 1:50.000Silveira, Leonardo Luiz Lyrio da 27 May 2002 (has links)
O presente trabalho consistiu na identificação de uma série de atributos do meio físico com o objetivo de gerar uma carta de susceptibilidade à erosão das bacias hidrográficas dos rios Cubatão e Araraquara em escala 1:50.000, ambas pertencentes à bacia do Rio Pardo. Os atributos do meio físico analisados foram o substrato rochoso, os materiais inconsolidados, declividade e uso e ocupação da área. A carta de susceptibilidade à erosão visa identificar áreas com diferentes graus de vulnerabilidade frente ao processo erosivo, de forma a facilitar o planejamento do uso e ocupação daquela região. Este estudo foi realizado seguindo as bases conceituais e metodológicas da cartografia geotécnica tradicional. Nesta pesquisa, foram utilizados sistemas de informação geográfica, tanto para análise de imagens de satélite para um fim específico, quanto para o tratamento dos dados do meio físico obtidos ao longo das etapas do trabalho. Procurou-se também compreender melhor a propriedade chamada de erodibilidade e identificar quais atributos relacionados com o materiais inconsolidados que mais contribuem para a predisponência do mesmo em ser erodido. / In this present work many environmental attributes were identified, in order to create a soil erosion susceptibility chart (1:50.000 scale) for the Cubatão and Araraquara hydrographic basin, which in turn, are part of the greater Pardo river basin. These attributes were bedrock classification, unconsolidated materials, slope and land use. The soil erosion susceptibility chart was meant to help the land use management of that particular region by identifying areas with different soil erosion vulnerability. This study was leaded following conceptual and methodological bases from the traditional engineering geological mapping approach. Geographical information system (GIS) were applied to analyze satellite images for a specific utilization, as well as for dealing with the environmental data, obtained along all the work stages. It was intended also to provide a better understanding of the property called erodibility and to identify which of the unconsolidated material attributes really contributes to its erosion.
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Création d'un système d'information pour la gestion des risques volcaniques / Volcanic risk assesment information system designHérault, Alexis 23 June 2008 (has links)
La prévention du risque volcanique est un enjeu majeur, notamment pour l'Etna, dont les éruptions fréquentes menacent la province de Catane. Sont exposés les éléments physiques nécessaires à la compréhension des mécanismes intervenant dans un écoulement de lave basaltique. Un système d'information intégrant les principaux aspects du risque volcanique et permettant la création de cartes de risques est alors proposé. Ce système comprend un modèle, basé sur les automates cellulaires et intégrant le traitement d’images satellitaires. Il permet de simuler l'évolution d'une coulée ainsi que son débit. Ce système est alors intégré dans un Système d'Information Géographique. Il est validé sur les éruptions 2001, 2006 et 2007. Enfin, nous développons, pour l’enrichir, un modèle numérique pour le refroidissement d'une coulée de lave à l'aide des Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Ce modèle, validé sur différents cas test, est appliqué au refroidissement d'un lac et d’une coulée de lave. Keywords : risque volcanique, automates cellulaires, système de veille, information élaborée, système d'information géographique, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics / Preventing volcanic risk is a major challenge, in particular when dealing with Mt Etna whose frequent eruptions regularly threaten Catane province. First, the physical elements necessary to understand the mechanism intervening in basaltic lava flow are exposed. Then, we develop an information system which deals with the main aspects of volcanic risk : lava flow evolution foresight and risk map design. This system is integrated in a geographical information system and is composed of both a model based on cellular automata permitting to simulate the evolution of a lava flow, and an infrared satellite image treatment module permitting to evaluate the lava flux rate. All the models and procedures developed were validated with the 2001, 2006 and 2007 eruptions. Lastly, to enhance the information system, we develop a digital model for lava flow cooling by means of Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics. This model is validated by different case tests before being applied to the cooling of a lava lake
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Prostorové analýzy nad 3D modelem města / Spatial analyses based on 3D city modelFlorková, Miroslava January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused on geographic information systems and geographic data analyses tools. Examples of spatial analyses and tools for their creation are presented in ArcGIS at work. The main goal was to create a simulation camera system in the 3D urban model and to create spatial analyzes resulting in the camera's field of vision being intersected with the 3D model of the city. The result is 3D visualization, which shows the range of camera shooting areas. The results obtained were evaluated at the end.
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Miljörättvisa i Stockholms län : En undersökning om samband mellan socioekonomi och miljökvalitetOlsen, Elinor, Rydgren, Tilda January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats ämnar studera miljörättvisa i Stockholms län genom att undersöka om det finns skillnader inom länet gällande miljökvalitet, och huruvida det i så fall finns ett samband mellan miljökvalitetsfaktorer och socioekonomiska faktorer. En GIS-baserad metod i kombination med statistiska analyser användes för att besvara frågeställningarna. Parametrarna bullernivåer, kvävedioxid- samt partikelhalter och närhet till grön- och vattenområden studerades i relation till inkomst, sysselsättning och utbildning i korrelationsanalyser. Observationerna bestod av Stockholms läns 1287 demografiska statistikområden. Analyserna utfördes på hela länet samt kompletterades av analyser där observationerna i Stockholms innerstad exkluderades. Relativa miljökvalitetsrankingar och socioekonomiska rankingar skapades och visualiserades med kartor. Studien visar en mycket svag korrelation mellan låg socioekonomisk status och sämre miljökvalitet, ett samband som blir starkare när innerstaden exkluderas. Alla studerade socioekonomiska variabler korrelerade med avstånd till vatten, ett resultat som indikerar att avståndet till vattenområden är längre i socioekonomiskt svaga områden. Undersökningen påvisar även att socioekonomiskt svaga områden har högre bullernivåer men en större närhet till grönområden jämfört med socioekonomiskt starka områden. Exkluderandet av Stockholms innerstad påverkade sambandsstyrkan för samtliga variabler vilket indikerar att inom innerstaden är den socioekonomiska nivån generellt hög medan den miljömässiga generellt är låg. / This paper aims to study environmental justice in the Stockholm region by examining whether there are differences concerning environmental quality within the region and, if so, whether there is a correlation between the socioeconomic variables and the variables of environmental quality. A GIS-based method in combination with statistical analyses has been used to answer the research questions. Noise pollution, levels of nitrogen dioxide and particles, as well as distance to greenspace and waterbodies were studied in relation to income, employment and education in correlation analyses. The observations consisted of the 1287 demographic statistic areas in Stockholm region. The analyses were made on the entire region as well as complemented by analyses where the inner city of Stockholm had been excluded. Relative rankings of the areas based on environmental quality as well as socioeconomic standard were made and visualised with maps. The study shows a very weak correlation between lower socioeconomic standard and worse environmental quality, a correlation that strengthens when the inner city is excluded. All examined socioeconomic variables correlated positively with distance to water, indicating that the distance to water is greater in areas with lower socioeconomic standard. The study also shows that areas with lower socioeconomic standard have higher levels of noise pollution but a shorter distance to greenspace compared to areas with a higher socioeconomic standard. The exclusion of Stockholm inner city affected the correlation for all examined variables, indicating that socioeconomic standard within the inner city is generally high, while the environmental quality is generally low.
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Digitale Geländemodelle im Hochwasserschutz: Detektion, Extraktion und Modellierung von Deichen und vereinfachte GIS-basierte ÜberflutungssimulationenKrüger, Tobias 18 May 2009 (has links)
In der Arbeit werden Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Digitalen Geländemodellen (DGM) im Kontext des Hochwasserrisikomanagements aufgezeigt, wobei die Anwendung hochauflösender Laserscandaten im Fokus steht.
Zunächst wird die Notwendigkeit der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Hochwassergefahren hervorgehoben. Dies schließt die Betrachtung der Bedeutung von Geodaten (insbesondere DGM) im Hochwasserrisikomanagement ein. Es folgt eine Darstellung der verwendeten Daten, begleitet von einer Zusammenstellung von Methoden zur großflächigen Erfassung des Georeliefs und einer kurzen Einführung in die Hochwassermodellierung. Die wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsziele werden im Kontext eines interdisziplinären Projektes zur Hochwasserrisikoforschung definiert, in welchem DGM erstmals auch als dynamische Komponente des Risikosystems aufgefaßt werden. Die Arbeitsziele umfassen in diesem Zusammenhang die Entwicklung von automatisierten Methoden zur Gewinnung von Informationen über Deiche, insbesondere über deren genaue Lage und Höhe, und zur Modellierung von Deichgeometrien.
Nach der Umsetzung und Erprobung der Verfahren in einem Geoinformationssystem wird der Prototyp einer Softwareanwendung vorgestellt, der eine automationsgestützte und nutzerfreundliche Realisierung der entwickelten Methoden erlaubt.
Der Teil Deichmodellierung in Digitalen Geländemodellen beschreibt theoretische Grundlagen zur Realisierung eines speziell auf Hochwasserschutzdeiche ausgerichteten Geoinformationssystems.
Es wird der Begriff des Digitalen Deichmodells (DDM) eingeführt und dessen Modellstruktur sowie Möglichkeiten zu Datenerfassung und -pflege mittels hochauflösender Laserscan-DGM erläutert. Weiterhin werden bestehende Methoden der Objekterkennung in DGM zum Zweck der Deichdetektion und -extraktion adaptiert und ein neues Verfahren entwickelt, das speziell die geometrischen Spezifika von Deichen berücksichtigt. Mit den vorgestellten Verfahren wird deren weitgehend automatisierte Erfassung und Kartierung ermöglicht. Das DDM wird derart konzipiert, daß sowohl Rückbau, Verlegung als auch die Erhöhung von Deichen im Modell umsetzbar sind. Damit wird letztlich die Simulationsfähigkeit bzw. Veränderlichkeit eines DGM als Basis für Hochwassersimulationen realisiert.
Im Kapitel Vereinfachte GIS-basierte Überflutungssimulationen wird ein Konzept zur vereinfachten GIS-basierten Folgenabschätzung von Deichbrüchen vorgestellt. Dafür werden bestimmte Modellannahmen getroffen und zur Überflutungsmodellierung herangezogen. Die Ergebnisse werden im Rahmen der Modellannahmen kritisch als Möglichkeit der Abschätzung von im Extremfall zu erwartenden Wasserständen in Überschwemmungsgebieten bewertet.
Nach der Dokumentation der praktischen Umsetzung der vorgestellten Verfahren werden die Ergebnisse diskutiert und Ausblicke zur nötigen bzw. möglichen weiteren Forschungsarbeiten gegeben.
Der Anhang der Arbeit enthält Karten und eine Dokumentation des Programms Diketools, das als Prototyp einer Deichmodellierungssoftware implementiert wurde. / This study examines possibilities of using Digital Terrain Models (DTM) in the context of flood risk management. Thereby the focus lies on the application of high-resolution laserscan data.
First the necessity of the scientific examination of flood hazards is underlined which implies the consideration of geodata (especially DTM). This is followed by an overview of methods of large-area data acquisition of the earth surface as well as a short introduction into flood modelling. The scientific objectives of this study are defined within the context of a multidisciplinary research project which for the first time considers DTM as a dynamic component in the flood risk system. The objectives resulting from this point of view comprise the development of automated methods of acquiring information on dikes. Here the exact locations of dikelines and their crest levels are of special interest. The modelling of new dike geometries and their implementiation into existing DTM data is also included.
Chapter 4 (Deichmodellierung in Digitalen Geländemodellen, engl.: Dike Modelling in Digital Terrain Models) describes the theoretical fundamentals of the realisation of an information system focused on flood protection dikes. Here the term Digital Dike Model (DDM) is introduced. Accordingly its model structure is defined and possibilities of data retrieval and data management by means of high-resolution laserscan terrain models are shown. The detection and extraction of dikes is accomplished by the adaption of existing object-extraction methods. Also a new procedure has been developed which accounts for dike-specific geometrical characterisations. The presented methods enable the automated identification and mapping of dikes. The Digital Dike Model has been designed to allow the removal and relocation of dikes as well as their heightening within the model. Hereby the desired changeability of Digital Terrain Models is realised as a basis for flood simulations.
In Chapter 5 (GIS-basierte Überflutungssimulationen, engl.: Simplified GIS-based Flood Modelling) a concept for a simplified estimation of dike-breach induced floodings by means of GIS-based procedures is presented. This implies the definition of certain model assumptions which are adopted when performing flood simulations. The results are discussed and the use of this method for estimating maximum flood impacts is evaluated.
These parts of the thesis are followed by the discussion of the results. In the end an outlook for further research is given.
The appendix of this work includes maps and a documentation of the Diketools which has been implemented as a prototype of a dike-modelling software.
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Eco-route modelling using GIS : How to find the most sustainable route optionGillman, Malin January 2021 (has links)
In a time when the concept of sustainability is gaining increasing attention among the public, as well as among stake holders and policy makers, informing people about what the most sustainable choice to make is, is crucial in leading people in the right direction. Travelling is an activity requiring a traveller to make multiple choices, with one of the choices being which route between two places to take. The transport sector is also a strong contributing cause to global issues such as climate change, wherefore choices made in relation to transportation are highly relevant in regard to sustainable development. Up until today, most traffic information systems for passenger car users, only provide travellers with suggestions about the fastest, or the shortest, route option. This study aims at proposing a modelling structure using GIS software, that could also return the most sustainable route alternative. The complexity of the many spatial impacts of road transportation is thoroughly discussed in the literature review, together with dilemmas regarding route choice behaviours. A proposed modelling structure is presented, with the structure also empirically being examined as a “proof of concept”. The empirical work takes place in the urban area of Hörnefors, Sweden, and findings confirm the applicability of the proposed workflow. In the specific case of Hörnefors, three distinct route options are investigated, in relation to four sustainability impact variables. The variables investigated are fuel consumption, air pollution, noise, and safety. Results show that the, by far, longest route, is in fact returned as the most sustainable route option. The other two route options exhibit impacts of around double the amount of impacts yielded by the most sustainable one. The generalised sustainability cost is significantly mostly determined by the air pollution variable, due to its far-reaching spatial dispersion patterns yielding impacts even at long distances from a road. The potential application of the inclusion of sustainability in traffic information systems are additionally reviewed, according to the behavioural mechanisms mentioned in the literature 4review. Estimations of in what contexts “most sustainable route” suggestions are potentially most likely to yield behavioural changes, are also made, and assessed. Conclusions suggest that an inclusion of “most sustainable route option” modelling into travel information systems, have the highest potential to affect route choices when the user is driving at locations previously unvisited, due to the inexistence of a status quo route in such contexts.
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Landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen : Utveckling av LIS-områden i Dalarnas länDahlvik, Simon, Grönlund, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Strandskyddet upprättades för att trygga tillgången till strandområden för allmänheten och för att skydda djur- och växtliv från exploatering. Landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen (LIS) togs fram för att inom ramen av översiktsplanering ge kommuner möjlighet till utveckling av landsbygden. LIS har dock visat sig otillräckligt i vissa avseenden och många kommuner i Sverige har uttryckt missnöje med strandskyddslagen. Syftet med studien är att bidra till en bättre landsbygdsutveckling genom att undersöka hur kommunernas framtagande av LIS-områden ser ut i Dalarnas län. Förslag på förändringar pågår i en strandskyddsutredning och därför ska studien även undersöka hur kommunerna i fortsättningen tänker arbeta med strandskyddsutredningen. Studien använder sig av tre olika metoder. Inledningsvis granskades miljöbalken, översiktsplaner samt strandskyddsutredningen. Vidare genomfördes intervjuer och enkäter, som besvarades av utvalda personer på kommunerna. Kommunerna använder sig av ytterligare kriterier i deras översiktsplaner som inte förekommer i lagtexten. Exempel på dessa kriterier är vatten och avlopp, infrastruktur, service och attraktivt område. Dessa kriterier är mer av betydelse för de ekonomiska faktorerna. Kommunerna i denna studie är positiva till att strandskyddslagstiftningen ses över, eftersom de anser att LIS-tillägget är svårtolkat. Kommunerna har däremot många åsikter om strandskyddsutredningen och menar att den fokuserar på fel saker. Länsstyrelsen kommer fortfarande ha stort inflytande och kommunerna menar att beslut om att helt eller delvis upphäva strandskydd i stället bör ske på en kommunal nivå eftersom lokalkännedomen är högre hos kommunerna. Resultatet av studien är en mall med kriterier för kommunerna i Dalarnas län som kan användas vid utpekning av LIS-områden och fungerar som underlag för kommuner att använda i geografiska informationssystem samt multikriterieanalyser för att utveckla landsbygden. Mallen visar att kriterier som biologisk mångfald; riksintresse naturvärden; landsbygdsutveckling samt befintlig bebyggelse värderas högt av kommunerna. / The Swedish shore protection law aims to make shores accessible to the public and provide good conditions for plants and animals. Therefore, a shore protection law was established that protects against exploitation. Rural development in shore sites (LIS) was implemented within the boundaries of city planning, as a tool for the Swedish municipalities to develop the countryside. LIS has proven to be insufficient, and a lot of the Swedish municipalities have expressed dissatisfaction with the LIS addition. The purpose of this study is to contribute to an improved rural development by examining the process behind the selected rural development sites (LIS) by the municipalities. The Swedish government is currently investigating the public shore protection laws, and the investigation might lead to significant changes to the laws. This study will also compile the municipalities view on the ongoing investigation and how it might impact rural development in the future. This study utilizes three different methods. Initially a document study was performed in order to gain knowledge on the subject, followed by an interview and survey by the participating municipalities. When suggesting suitable locations for LIS, the municipalities use some criteria beyond the ones addressed by the Shore Protection laws. Examples of these type of criteria are sewer systems, infrastructure, service, and attractiveness of the area. These criteria are highly valued because of the economic opportunities that they provide. Every municipality’s overall perception of which areas that are suitable for LIS, is based on a selection of different criteria. These areas are further investigated to decide whether exploitation is possible. This investigation is done with different aspects in mind, such as, natural values, cultural environment and flooding. The municipalities in this study are all in favor of changing the public shore protection laws because the execution is problematic and difficult to interpret. However, they proclaim that the ongoing investigation by the government is focusing on the wrong areas and that the suggested law changes are not enough to further enhance the development of the Swedish countryside. The result of this study is a table containing different criteria that the municipalities in Dalarna county can use when designating their rural development shore sites (LIS) in geographical information systems. The criteria table shows that public health, biodiversity, rural development, natural values and existing buildings, are highly valued by the municipalities.
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Geospatial Analysis Of Public Green And Estimation Of Maintenance CostZohra, Sadaf, Rajasekaran, Anitha January 2023 (has links)
In accordance with the guidelines set forth by PBSGEO, this study aims to highlight the significance of public greenspaces within cemeteries and to propose cost-saving solutions for graveyard maintenance. This research employs a Design Science approach to examine the impact of various factors, including geospatial data, on cemetery maintenance costs. Through a case study of graveyards in Frankfurt, this thesis explores alternative solutions and presents graphical data analysis to better understand the properties of public greenspaces and graveyards. The main findings of this study indicate that effective cost estimation can significantly decrease maintenance costs and improve long-term profitability for cemetery management. While no specific model has been created, the availability of a comprehensive analysis and management portal will assist managers in making informed decisions in the future. The research concludes with the presentation of an online interactive map that can be utilized by cemetery management to reduce costs and enhance productivity. This thesis provides valuable insights into the importance of public greenspaces in cemeteries and the ways in which they can be maintained more efficiently. In addition to its exploratory analysis, this study offers practical implications for the cemetery management industry. The proposed cost-saving solutions can be easily implemented by cemetery management, leading to a reduction in maintenance costs and an improvement in the overall profitability of cemeteries. Furthermore, the findings of this study can also inform future research on the topic and contribute to the development of more sustainable cemetery management practices.
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