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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experiences of Urban Cycling: Emotional Geographies of People and Place

Dunlap, Rudy, Rose, Jeff, Standridge, Sarah H., Pruitt, Courtney L. 28 January 2020 (has links)
This study explores the experiences and associated contexts of individuals who use a bicycle as their primary means of transportation in a metropolitan city in the United States. Using a qualitative approach, researchers employed semi-structured interviews to explore participants‘ narratives related to adopting cycling as a means of moving through the urban landscape and as a leisure experience. Findings revealed an evolutionary process whereby participants tested out, experimented with, and sustained various practices of riding a bike in the city. Whereas participants began cycling for a variety of practical, outcome-oriented economic, health, or environmental reasons, the practice was sustained by its often unexpected experiential benefits. When compared to automobile use, urban cycling was also found to foster an enhanced connection to place and a comparitive sense of control and autonomy. Participants articulated pragmatic, physical, restorative, and emotional rationales for initiating and maintaining urban cycling practices. Analyses are developed through emotional geographies that intimately and relationally connect people and place. The study’s findings highlight the presence of a political, economic, and spatial regime of auto-centricism against which participants must struggle.

The Shape of Consent: A Commentary on Emergent Forms within Suburbia

Shaver, Andrew Charles 03 June 2024 (has links)
This thesis reveals relationships between the neoliberal subject and the suburban subject relative to the built environment. It argues that today's "architecture" is an integration of digital and analog worlds. The thesis articulates that American society's subjectivity is imposed by a consumer condition that is tied to the iconography of suburban landscape, such as the iconic house shape or a recognizable brand icon. The advent of the internet accelerated this condition by providing additional conduits of capital-based icons to emerge from and merge with the suburbs. The work focuses on creating parallels between the American suburban landscape, the suburban home, digital infrastructure, and the emerging structures which merge with the internet. The thesis asserts that the suburban project dominates the entirety of the landscape and is the governing force building an incipient landscape. The written part of the thesis discusses how our modern identity, influenced by both physical and digital worlds, has evolved from suburban roots, while the visual commentary uses architectural drawings to reveal four modalities which frame our environment and shape our lives and interactions. / Master of Science / This thesis looks at how architecture shapes our lives and frames our interactions with the world around us. It specifically focuses on how suburban landscapes influence our identity and behavior, emphasizing the typical suburban elements like single-family housing, commercial strip development, and global consumer goods that define this environment. The rise of the internet has intensified these suburban influences by connecting the suburban environment more deeply with the flow of money and data. The research interrogates and uses images and symbols from the suburban landscape to comment on their latent impact on our surroundings and how they now blend with digital technology. The thesis develops the connections between the physical suburban environment and developing digital infrastructures to articulate emergent structures in their combination. The written part of the thesis discusses how our modern identity, influenced by both physical and digital worlds, has evolved from suburban roots. A visual commentary uses architectural drawings to reveal four modalities which frame our environment and shapes our lives and interactions.

Practising constructive resistance through autonomy and solidarity : the case of Ya Basta and solidarity trade in Milan

Pecorelli, Valeria January 2012 (has links)
The thesis explores how European social movements have actively contested that there is no alternative to capitalism by constructing alternative trading practices in solidarity with marginalized peoples in the global South. The study adopts the example of the European Zapatista solidarity network (Redprozapa) to examine the nature of organizations involved in radical political practices. One organization Ya Basta-Milano is focused on to examine in detail the operation of, and challenges faced by, an autonomous political group that engages in solidarity trade. Solidarity and autonomy are the key conceptual themes, which the investigation revolves around. The research dwells upon the potential importance as well as the limitations of solidarity trade as an emerging form of constructive resistance. It concentrates upon the subject of autonomous spaces that embodies the physical and political context in which autonomous social movements promote their practices. It questions the contradictions met in this environment despite the romanticized idea promoted by some academic literature. Finally, it provides methodological insights about solidarity action research and personal implications of working with radical groups as an activist academic.

O trabalho nas fissuras da crítica geográfica / Labor in the gaps of geographical criticism

Menezes, Sócrates Oliveira 27 November 2015 (has links)
O objetivo da presente pesquisa é analisar as formas com que o trabalho, tomado como categoria da análise social, foi inserido na crítica do movimento de renovação da Geografia no Brasil. Tal movimento se inicia na década de 1970, mas se mantém vivo em suas principais perspectivas ainda atuantes. Buscou-se identificar no processo de incorporação do trabalho seu papel na mediação entre a crítica social e a crítica geográfica que se montava, primeiro como denúncia capitalista, depois como consolidação epistemológica. A tese é que, na urdidura da crítica tensionada pelo movimento de renovação (que se pretendera como Geografia Crítica), o trabalho se estabeleceu como importante elemento de transição para a abertura crítica da análise geográfica, mas que, em seu processo de afirmação teórico-epistemológico, não o fora tomado em sua totalidade contraditória e dialética, significando, simultaneamente, sua própria negação. É, por isso, um estudo sobre a afirmação/negação do trabalho na gênese da crítica da Geografia em seu movimento de renovação a partir de suas principais perspectivas teóricas. Considerou-se, para tanto, as proposições teóricas que, de forma direta ou indireta, central ou apenas tangencial, adotaram o trabalho como objeto, tema ou perspectiva política para suas formulações. Essas perspectivas são aqui denominadas como geografias do trabalho. Dentre os objetivos específicos que comporão a argumentativa da presente tese, aponta-se: (1º) o papel fundamental da teoria do valor para a formulação de uma crítica que se volta contra o desenvolvimento e a expansão capitalista. Observou-se como o trabalho fora tomado como cristalização valor para subsidiar uma leitura que, pelo espaço, procurava desvendar os mecanismos de dominação e exploração do capital a partir de sua instrumentalização no território. Nota-se nesse momento, uma forte vinculação à interpretação concreticista confundida como leitura propriamente geográfica; (2º) a montagem de uma leitura geográfica que se pretendia ontológica teve no trabalho uma de suas principais referências. Mas se notou que as formulações, muitas delas por sistemas de montagem ou de fusão teórica, não foram pautadas pela autocrítica, o que levou a um discurso ontológico remoto e, consequentemente, confundido com a gnosiologia e com a própria epistemologia geográfica, dada a manutenção da interpretação concreticista que se conservara; (3º) a natureza da crítica geográfica e sua expressão teórica. Neste último ponto da análise se observou como o problema da contradição foi interpretado e inserido na crítica geográfica; constatou-se, em última análise, sua ausência. Tomando o trabalho como referência, constatou-se ainda que a dialética envolvida em sua formulação tendeu a ser mais um instrumento de conciliação teórica do que uma crítica social. Concluiu-se que, tomando a argumentativa da tese que se pretendeu partir do trabalho como referencial para análise da crítica geográfica, esta apresenta fissuras no interior de suas próprias formulações, fissuras essas que tendem a se desenvolver como autocontradição, deixando ainda incompleta sua efetividade como crítica social emancipatória. / The aim of the present research is analyzing the ways labor, as a category of social analysis, was inserted in the criticism of renewal movement of Geography in Brasil. Such movement has its beginning in the 1970s, but it remains alive in its most active perspective. It was sought to identify, in the process of insertion of labor, its role in mediation between social and geographic criticism which has been coming up; first as a capitalist denunciation, afterwards as epistemological consolidation. The theory is that, in the warp intended by the renewal movement, labor settled as an important element of transition to the critical opening for the geographic analysis, but, in its process of theoretical-epistemological affirmation, it was not considered in its conflicting and dialectical entirety, meaning, simultaneously, its own negation. That is why it is a study concerning the affirmation/negation of labor in the genesis of criticism in Geography in its renewal movement from its main theoretical perspectives. For this purpose, the theoretical proposals which, directly or indirectly, centrally or simply tangentially, have adopted labor as object, core or political perspective for its formulation were considered. Those perspectives are denominated as labor geographies. Among the specific aims which compose the argumentation in this thesis, it is remarkable to mention: (1st) the essencial role of value theory to the formulation of a critique against development and capitalism expansion. It was observed how labor was taken as value crystallization to subsidize a view that, by space, intended to reveal mechanisms of domination and exploitation of capital from its territory instrumentalization. At this moment, a strong linking to a concreticist interpretation, misunderstood as a properly geographical reading is remarkable; (2nd) the construction of a geographical reading supposed to be ontological had one of its main references in labor. But it was noticed the formulations, many of them through assembly or theoretical fusion systems, were not guided by self-criticism, which led to a remote ontological discourse and, consequently, mistaken as the gnosiology and geographical epistemiology itself, considering the remaining of concreticist interpretation. (3rd) the nature of geographical criticism and its theoretical expression. At this latter point of analysis, it was able to observe how the issue of contradiction was interpreted and inserted in the geographical criticism. Its absence was, after all, concluded. In addition, taking labor as reference, it was observed that the dialectics involved in its formulation tended to be more like an instrument of theoretical conciliation than for a social critique. It could be concluded that, considering the argumentation in the thesis, intended to be from labor as a reference to the analysis of geographical criticism, the present thesis presents some fissures in its own formulations, those ones which tend to develop as a self-contradiction, leaving its effectiveness as an emancipatory social critique still incomplete.

Geografia, educação e comunicação: dispersões, conexões e articulações na cibercultura

Tonetto, Élida Pasini January 2017 (has links)
Conectado e subjetivado pela Cibercultura, este estudo busca compreender que formas de aprender estão envolvidas nas práticas comunicacionais através dos dispositivos móveis da conexão contínua, e como estas formas de aprender podem ser apropriadas no/pelo campo da Geografia nos processos educacionais formais. Tem como objetivos específicos: (a) analisar como funcionam algumas das práticas comunicacionais estabelecidas pelos sujeitos a partir e com os dispositivos móveis da conexão contínua; considerando suas características gerais, funções, formas de usos cotidianos; a partir das experimentações de tais práticas empreendidas nas redes comunicacionais da autora em seu processo de construção de pesquisa. (b) compreender as formas de aprender emergentes das práticas comunicacionais na cibercultura a partir e com os dispositivos móveis da conexão contínua, através da articulação das ferramentas teóricas de três grandes campos do conhecimento: Geografia, Educação e Comunicação; (c) problematizar como as formas de aprender emergentes das práticas comunicacionais da cibercultura podem ser apropriadas pelo campo da Geografia, a partir da análise de plataformas educativas, bem como de práticas públicas dos sujeitos envolvidos em processos educativos e comunicacionais Para os caminhos teórico-metodológicos, foram adotados o Campo dos Estudos Culturais e dos Estudos Foucaultianos, no interior deles foram selecionadas a autoetnografia e a netnografia, utilizando o caderno de campo da pesquisa(dora) como ferramenta de coleta de dados, tais dados foram capturados nos fluxos comunicacionais vivenciados pela própria autora em diferentes espaços. Diante das diferentes metodologias imbricadas nos processos de construção da pesquisa(dora), a investigação direcionou-se para quatro modalidades de bricolagem (metodológica, teórica, interpretativa e política) que geraram instigantes possibilidades para uma pesquisa(dora) bricoleur, inserida em movimentos que implicaram em processos de coleta e análises de dados articulados, possibilitando a experiência de escrita-leitura hipertextual dessa tese. A própria construção da tese contribuiu para compreender que as práticas comunicacionais da cibercultura vêm ocorrendo em espaços intersticiais, em uma cultura de (hiper)mobilidade, possibilitada por dispositivos móveis, que operam em rede, demandam feedbacks constantes dos interagentes envolvidos, em ações pautadas pela colaboração, o engajamento, a confiança. Isso ocorre a partir de informação contextual, filtros e reusabilidade dos produtos comunicacionais gerados, fazendo uma intensa mixagem de conteúdos, linguagens e rompendo o sentir e os sentidos (corporificados) dos sujeitos. As aprendizagens emergentes das referidas práticas comunicacionais são personalizadas, automatizadas, adaptativas, colaborativas, interativas, distraídas, em rede, ubíquas, autônomas, redefinindo a espacialidade do pensamento, hibridizando a mente e alterando tarefas cognitivas As apropriações dessas aprendizagens se inserem em dois grupos principais: um em que as tecnologias em si são as salvadoras dos sistemas educacionais, o papel do professor é relativizado e o foco do discurso de melhoria da qualidade da educação recai sobre o desempenho do aluno e do próprio professor. O outro bloco entende que as tecnologias digitais são dispositivos que apresentam inúmeras possibilidades de aprender, que complexificam o espaço e, por isso, alargam o conceito de aula, demandando um professor reflexivo para pensar em apropriações criativas, críticas e criadoras de tais possibilidades. As problematizações e experiências de escritaleituras postas, no decorrer do texto, instigam outros modos de pensar as espacialidades do sujeito contemporâneo na era da (hiper)mobilidade e suas aprendizagens. Assim, as análises empreendidas apresentam o potencial de serem pensadas nos processos educativos formais da Geografia (escolares e acadêmicos) de forma menos binária e fundamentalista. / Connected to and subjectified by cyberculture, this work aims to understand what ways of learning are involved in communication practices with mobile devices for continuous connection, and how these ways of learning may be appropriated in/by the field of Geography in formal education processes. It aims to: (a) analyse how subjects conduct communication practices with mobile devices for continuous connection, considering their general features, functions, everyday forms of use; by trying these practices in the author’s communication networks in her process of constructing her research work. (b) understand the emerging communication practices ways of learning in cyberculture with mobile devices for continuous connection by articulating theoretical tools in three large fields of knowledge: Geography, Education and Communication; (c) think of how the emerging communication practices ways of learning in cyberculture may be appropriated in Geography, by analysing educative structures and public practices by subjects involved in education and communication processes. For the theoretical and methodological ways we took on Cultural Studies and Foucault studies. Within them we selected autoethnography and netnography by using the research(er) field notes as a tool to collect data and these data were captured in the communication flow the author had in different spaces Due to the different methodologies overlapping in processes of construction of the research(er), investigation was directed towards four types of bricolage (methodological, theoretical, interpretative and political ones) leading to compelling possibilities for the bricoleur work(er), in movements causing collecting processes and analyses of articulated data, allowing for hypertextual writing-reading for this thesis. The very device of construction helped us to understand that communication practices of cyberculture have become intersticial spaces in a (hyper)mobility culture, enabled by mobile devices operating in networks with interactants’ constant feedbacks, encouraging collaboration, in actions based on collaboration, compromise and confidence. This occurs with the aid of contextual information, filters and reusability of communication products, leading to mingling contents and languages breaking with subjects’ (embodied) feeling and senses. Learning emerging from these communication practices are customised, automated, adaptive, collaborative, interactive, absent-minded, online, ubiquitous, autonomous, redefining, spatiality of thought, hybridising the mind and changing cognitive tasks Appropriation of these types of learning belong to two major groups: one in which technologies alone save the education systems, the teacher role becomes relative and the discourse focus on education improvement falls on performance of student and teacher. Another group understands that digital technologies are devices providing umpteen possibilities for learning, which ramify the space and therefore widen the concept of class, demanding reflective teachers to think of creative and critical appropriation. Problematisations and experiences of reading-writing along the text encourage new ways of thinking about the contemporary subject’s modes of spatiality in the (hyper)mobility age and his/her learning. Thus the analyses conducted here provide the potential of being taken in formal education of Geography in a less binary and fundamentalist way. / Conectado y subjetivado por la Cibercultura, este estudio busca comprender qué formas de aprender están envueltas en las prácticas comunicacionales a través de los dispositivos móviles de la conexión continua, y cómo estas formas de aprender pueden ser apropiadas en\por el campo de la Geografía en los procesos en la educación formal. Tiene como objetivos específicos: (a) analizar cómo funcionan algunas de las prácticas comunicacionales establecidas por los sujetos a partir y con los dispositivos móviles de la conexión continua; considerando sus características generales, funciones, formas de usos cotidianos; a partir de las experimentaciones de esas prácticas emprendidas en las redes comunicacionales de la autora en su proceso de construcción de investigación. (b) comprender las formas emergentes de aprender las prácticas comunicacionales en la cibercultura a partir y con los dispositivos móviles de la conexión continua, a través de la articulación de las herramientas teóricas de tres grandes campos del conocimiento: Geografía, Educación y Comunicación; (c) problematizar cómo as formas emergentes de aprender de las prácticas comunicacionales de la cibercultura pueden ser apropiadas por el campo de la Geografía, a partir del análisis de plataformas educativas, así como las prácticas públicas de los sujetos envueltos en la educación y comunicación. Para los caminos teórico-metodológicos fueron adoptados el Campo de los Estudios Culturales y de los Estudios Foucaultianos Los aprendizajes emergentes de ellas prácticas comunicacionales son personalizadas, automatizadas, adaptivas, colaborativas, interactivas, distraídas, en red, ubicuas, autónomas, qué redefinen la espacialidad del pensamiento, hibridando la miente y alterando tareas cognitivas. Las apropiaciones de esos aprendizajes se insertan en dos grupos principales: uno enque las tecnologías en sí son las salvadoras de los sistemas educacionales, el papel del profesor es relativizado y el foco del discurso de mejoría de la calidad de la educación recae sobre el desempeño del alumno y del propio profesor. Otro grupo entiende qué las tecnologías digitales son dispositivos qué presentan innumerables posibilidades de aprender, qué complican el espacio y por eso ensanchan el concepto de clase, demandando un profesor reflexivo para pensar en apropiaciones creativas, críticas y qué crea las posibilidades. Las problematizaciones y experiencias de escritura-lectura durante el transcurso del texto instigan otros modos de pensar las espacialidades del sujeto contemporáneo en la era de la (hiper)movilidad y sus aprendizajes, así que los análisis emprendidos presentan el potencial de ser pensados en la educación formal de Geografía (escolares y académicos) de forma menos binaria y fundamentalista.

Ett land som inget annat : Bilden av Sydafrika före, under och efter en utbytestermin i Stellenbosch

Olofsson, Terese January 2014 (has links)
The mental constructions of other places are based on impressions from everything that surrounds us in our everyday life, e.g. pictures, videos, texts and narratives. The tourism industry is especially influential when it comes to creating the image of before “unknown places”. Furthermore, it has a tendency to embellish and idealize people and places located in what is commonly known as the Third World. The mental construction of South Africa, today a rapidly growing tourist country among Western tourists, is especially interesting to investigate given its very long and complex colonial history. The purpose of this paper was to describe and analyze the image of South Africa among a group of Western exchange students who each of them had spent one semester at the Stellenbosch University, situated in the Western Cape in South Africa. This was made through a text analysis which was based on open conversations/interviews with five former students. They were asked to tell about their time in South Africa regarding expectations they had, what they experienced on place and how their image of South Africa altered during time. The analysis was made based on post-colonial theory with the emphasis on Edward Said’s notions Orientalism and imaginary geographies. The analysis was also put in comparison to what other writers researching the similar issues have found. The analysis showed that all students had an imaginary Africa. South Africa’s small town Stellenbosch in its colonial appearance surprised them and wasn’t considered as “the real Africa”. The exotic animals and the locals though, were just as they’d expected them to be – very exotic respectively nice and friendly. The study indicates that the imaginary Africa is deeply rooted and that it takes much reflection to change or influence these imaginaries.


Detamore, Mathias J. 01 January 2010 (has links)
Stereotypes about Appalachia abound through dubious and reductive representations of the ‘hillbilly’ icon. Sexuality and how it functions in Appalachia is usually cast from the outside as wild, violent, bestial, incestuous and generally base. Movies such as Deliverance and television shows such as The Beverly Hillbillies and The Dukes of Hazard render images of Appalachian sexuality as hyper-sexual, both naive and violent. These images of Appalachian sexual ignorance and violence that permeate popular culture have had problematic and reductive implications for rural gay/trans Appalachian folk. Mainstream gay culture has often used the perceived meanings of these images to circumscribe and foreclose upon the possibility of rural queer life, rendering the rural as monolithically homophobic and impenetrable. This research attempts to destabilize this perspective and critique the impulse for mainstream gay culture to further marginalize rural gay/trans folk in Appalachia. The project reveals the possibility for rural queer life to exist in Appalachia to show not only its presence, but also its varying forms of visibility. To do this, experimental methodologies are employed, drawing on autoethnography that have located my body as an active participant and research object in one particular Appalachian queer geography. By actively participating in a rural queer network, the possibility for Appalachian queer geographies to exist in ways that surpass popular representations emerge in a way that force us to renegotiate our understandings of homophobia and what sets its conditions. This project begins to uncover and theorize the ways in which kinship as a ‘social technology’ mitigates social strangeness and operates as a means for social protection and intimacy within rural queer populations. This research is presented in a way that neither dismisses nor emphasizes homophobic violence, but rather argues the imperative for strong political advocacy that recognizes both the struggles and accomplishments of rural gay/trans folk. Three interlinked approaches are used to highlight these possibilities and foreclosures: the exterior representation of Appalachian sexuality in American metropolitan gay cultures and its politico-cultural effects on rural gay/trans folk, a more nuanced interpretation of homophobia in Appalachia, and how ‘place’ is made through the operation of rural queer networks.

"For a better life..." : a study on migration and health in Nicaragua / "För ett bättre liv..." : en studie om migration och hälsa i Nicaragua

Gustafsson, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores and analyses the manifold relations between migration and health, what I call the migration-health nexus, in the contemporary Nicaraguan context. The study is based on fieldwork in León and Cuatro Santos and a mixed-methods approach combining qualitative in-depth interviews and quantitative survey data. In the thesis health is “traced” within the migration process; i.e. in places of origin, during travel, at the destination and after return, including the situation and consequences for both migrants and family members to migrants (“left-behinds”). The study shows that migration-health relations in Nicaragua are connected to broader economic, social and political factors and to the country’s historical experiences of colonization, neo-colonization and structural adjustments. Contemporary Nicaraguan migrations are primarily related to the strategies of making a living and the struggle for a better life (i.e. a practice of mobile livelihoods). In the study setting health concerns were both indirectly embedded in people’s mobile livelihoods, as well as directly influencing decisions to move or to stay, and migration involved both advantages and disadvantages for health. Through migration, women could see an end to physical violence and sexual abuse. Internal migrants could improve their access to health care and medicine. Vulnerabilities related to the unpredictable nature conditions could be avoided through moving. And, through the money made from migrant work people’s everyday lives and health could be improved, in terms of better nutrition, housing, and access to education, health care and medicine. However, remittances do not necessarily lead to development, as they are used to compensate for the lacking public sector in Nicaragua. Under these circumstances, I argue that the Nicaraguan population is not guaranteed their social rights of citizenship. I also argue that the negative aspects surrounding migration must be taken into account when discussing the development potentials of migration and remittances. Both internal and international migrants in this study experienced stress while moving to a new place. International migrants had difficulties accessing health care in the destination, particularly those lacking documentation. The separation within families due to migration often caused emotional pain. Family members left behind did not rate their physical health as good as often as non-migrant families. The vulnerability, stress experiences and sufferings of migrants and left-behinds varied, however. I therefore conclude that social differences (in terms of e.g. gender, class, skin colour, and legal immigration status) are key for the enactment of the migration-health nexus, and that an interplay of individual, social and structural factors influence the outcome.

Popular geographies: celebrating the nation in Canadian Geographic, Australian Geographic and New Zealand Geographic, 1995-2004 : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Geography at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Wilson, Andrew Charles Bruce January 2008 (has links)
Popular geography magazines like National Geographic (NG) provide readers with a lens of the world around them. Yet sadly they often only serve a limited utilitarian purpose as dust collectors on coffee tables of hospital waiting rooms or doctors’ practices. It should be of little surprise then that the relative importance of geographic magazines as a representational forum has been underestimated historically. The importance of geographic magazines as an outlet for creating and disseminating preconceived visions of what may be termed ‘popular geographies’ has only become the subject of scrutiny in the last two decades. Authors including Lutz and Collins (1993) and Rothenberg (1994, 2007) have reflected critically upon the place of NG as a powerful ideological institution for legitimating particular visions of the world in the wider corpus of the discipline of geography. Yet while there has been a substantial volume of work dedicated to unravelling the situated lens of NG there has been no research devoted to deciphering the lenses of other geography magazines such as Canadian Geographic (CG), Australian Geographic (AG) or New Zealand Geographic (NZG). These magazines also embody the ideals of adventure, discovery and nature made famous by NG but purvey geography through distinctively national narratives. Through discourse analysis the thesis examines these three magazines in order to unravel geographic imaginations of nationalism in CG, AG and NZG and in the process challenge divergent conceptions of geography itself as both an academic discipline and popular subject.

Geografia, educação e comunicação: dispersões, conexões e articulações na cibercultura

Tonetto, Élida Pasini January 2017 (has links)
Conectado e subjetivado pela Cibercultura, este estudo busca compreender que formas de aprender estão envolvidas nas práticas comunicacionais através dos dispositivos móveis da conexão contínua, e como estas formas de aprender podem ser apropriadas no/pelo campo da Geografia nos processos educacionais formais. Tem como objetivos específicos: (a) analisar como funcionam algumas das práticas comunicacionais estabelecidas pelos sujeitos a partir e com os dispositivos móveis da conexão contínua; considerando suas características gerais, funções, formas de usos cotidianos; a partir das experimentações de tais práticas empreendidas nas redes comunicacionais da autora em seu processo de construção de pesquisa. (b) compreender as formas de aprender emergentes das práticas comunicacionais na cibercultura a partir e com os dispositivos móveis da conexão contínua, através da articulação das ferramentas teóricas de três grandes campos do conhecimento: Geografia, Educação e Comunicação; (c) problematizar como as formas de aprender emergentes das práticas comunicacionais da cibercultura podem ser apropriadas pelo campo da Geografia, a partir da análise de plataformas educativas, bem como de práticas públicas dos sujeitos envolvidos em processos educativos e comunicacionais Para os caminhos teórico-metodológicos, foram adotados o Campo dos Estudos Culturais e dos Estudos Foucaultianos, no interior deles foram selecionadas a autoetnografia e a netnografia, utilizando o caderno de campo da pesquisa(dora) como ferramenta de coleta de dados, tais dados foram capturados nos fluxos comunicacionais vivenciados pela própria autora em diferentes espaços. Diante das diferentes metodologias imbricadas nos processos de construção da pesquisa(dora), a investigação direcionou-se para quatro modalidades de bricolagem (metodológica, teórica, interpretativa e política) que geraram instigantes possibilidades para uma pesquisa(dora) bricoleur, inserida em movimentos que implicaram em processos de coleta e análises de dados articulados, possibilitando a experiência de escrita-leitura hipertextual dessa tese. A própria construção da tese contribuiu para compreender que as práticas comunicacionais da cibercultura vêm ocorrendo em espaços intersticiais, em uma cultura de (hiper)mobilidade, possibilitada por dispositivos móveis, que operam em rede, demandam feedbacks constantes dos interagentes envolvidos, em ações pautadas pela colaboração, o engajamento, a confiança. Isso ocorre a partir de informação contextual, filtros e reusabilidade dos produtos comunicacionais gerados, fazendo uma intensa mixagem de conteúdos, linguagens e rompendo o sentir e os sentidos (corporificados) dos sujeitos. As aprendizagens emergentes das referidas práticas comunicacionais são personalizadas, automatizadas, adaptativas, colaborativas, interativas, distraídas, em rede, ubíquas, autônomas, redefinindo a espacialidade do pensamento, hibridizando a mente e alterando tarefas cognitivas As apropriações dessas aprendizagens se inserem em dois grupos principais: um em que as tecnologias em si são as salvadoras dos sistemas educacionais, o papel do professor é relativizado e o foco do discurso de melhoria da qualidade da educação recai sobre o desempenho do aluno e do próprio professor. O outro bloco entende que as tecnologias digitais são dispositivos que apresentam inúmeras possibilidades de aprender, que complexificam o espaço e, por isso, alargam o conceito de aula, demandando um professor reflexivo para pensar em apropriações criativas, críticas e criadoras de tais possibilidades. As problematizações e experiências de escritaleituras postas, no decorrer do texto, instigam outros modos de pensar as espacialidades do sujeito contemporâneo na era da (hiper)mobilidade e suas aprendizagens. Assim, as análises empreendidas apresentam o potencial de serem pensadas nos processos educativos formais da Geografia (escolares e acadêmicos) de forma menos binária e fundamentalista. / Connected to and subjectified by cyberculture, this work aims to understand what ways of learning are involved in communication practices with mobile devices for continuous connection, and how these ways of learning may be appropriated in/by the field of Geography in formal education processes. It aims to: (a) analyse how subjects conduct communication practices with mobile devices for continuous connection, considering their general features, functions, everyday forms of use; by trying these practices in the author’s communication networks in her process of constructing her research work. (b) understand the emerging communication practices ways of learning in cyberculture with mobile devices for continuous connection by articulating theoretical tools in three large fields of knowledge: Geography, Education and Communication; (c) think of how the emerging communication practices ways of learning in cyberculture may be appropriated in Geography, by analysing educative structures and public practices by subjects involved in education and communication processes. For the theoretical and methodological ways we took on Cultural Studies and Foucault studies. Within them we selected autoethnography and netnography by using the research(er) field notes as a tool to collect data and these data were captured in the communication flow the author had in different spaces Due to the different methodologies overlapping in processes of construction of the research(er), investigation was directed towards four types of bricolage (methodological, theoretical, interpretative and political ones) leading to compelling possibilities for the bricoleur work(er), in movements causing collecting processes and analyses of articulated data, allowing for hypertextual writing-reading for this thesis. The very device of construction helped us to understand that communication practices of cyberculture have become intersticial spaces in a (hyper)mobility culture, enabled by mobile devices operating in networks with interactants’ constant feedbacks, encouraging collaboration, in actions based on collaboration, compromise and confidence. This occurs with the aid of contextual information, filters and reusability of communication products, leading to mingling contents and languages breaking with subjects’ (embodied) feeling and senses. Learning emerging from these communication practices are customised, automated, adaptive, collaborative, interactive, absent-minded, online, ubiquitous, autonomous, redefining, spatiality of thought, hybridising the mind and changing cognitive tasks Appropriation of these types of learning belong to two major groups: one in which technologies alone save the education systems, the teacher role becomes relative and the discourse focus on education improvement falls on performance of student and teacher. Another group understands that digital technologies are devices providing umpteen possibilities for learning, which ramify the space and therefore widen the concept of class, demanding reflective teachers to think of creative and critical appropriation. Problematisations and experiences of reading-writing along the text encourage new ways of thinking about the contemporary subject’s modes of spatiality in the (hyper)mobility age and his/her learning. Thus the analyses conducted here provide the potential of being taken in formal education of Geography in a less binary and fundamentalist way. / Conectado y subjetivado por la Cibercultura, este estudio busca comprender qué formas de aprender están envueltas en las prácticas comunicacionales a través de los dispositivos móviles de la conexión continua, y cómo estas formas de aprender pueden ser apropiadas en\por el campo de la Geografía en los procesos en la educación formal. Tiene como objetivos específicos: (a) analizar cómo funcionan algunas de las prácticas comunicacionales establecidas por los sujetos a partir y con los dispositivos móviles de la conexión continua; considerando sus características generales, funciones, formas de usos cotidianos; a partir de las experimentaciones de esas prácticas emprendidas en las redes comunicacionales de la autora en su proceso de construcción de investigación. (b) comprender las formas emergentes de aprender las prácticas comunicacionales en la cibercultura a partir y con los dispositivos móviles de la conexión continua, a través de la articulación de las herramientas teóricas de tres grandes campos del conocimiento: Geografía, Educación y Comunicación; (c) problematizar cómo as formas emergentes de aprender de las prácticas comunicacionales de la cibercultura pueden ser apropiadas por el campo de la Geografía, a partir del análisis de plataformas educativas, así como las prácticas públicas de los sujetos envueltos en la educación y comunicación. Para los caminos teórico-metodológicos fueron adoptados el Campo de los Estudios Culturales y de los Estudios Foucaultianos Los aprendizajes emergentes de ellas prácticas comunicacionales son personalizadas, automatizadas, adaptivas, colaborativas, interactivas, distraídas, en red, ubicuas, autónomas, qué redefinen la espacialidad del pensamiento, hibridando la miente y alterando tareas cognitivas. Las apropiaciones de esos aprendizajes se insertan en dos grupos principales: uno enque las tecnologías en sí son las salvadoras de los sistemas educacionales, el papel del profesor es relativizado y el foco del discurso de mejoría de la calidad de la educación recae sobre el desempeño del alumno y del propio profesor. Otro grupo entiende qué las tecnologías digitales son dispositivos qué presentan innumerables posibilidades de aprender, qué complican el espacio y por eso ensanchan el concepto de clase, demandando un profesor reflexivo para pensar en apropiaciones creativas, críticas y qué crea las posibilidades. Las problematizaciones y experiencias de escritura-lectura durante el transcurso del texto instigan otros modos de pensar las espacialidades del sujeto contemporáneo en la era de la (hiper)movilidad y sus aprendizajes, así que los análisis emprendidos presentan el potencial de ser pensados en la educación formal de Geografía (escolares y académicos) de forma menos binaria y fundamentalista.

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