Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ger"" "subject:"gera""
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Ingredientes derivados do milho em dietas para tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) e pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus): digestibilidade, desempenho e viabilidade econômica / Ingredient derivated from corn in diets for Nile tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus) and pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus): digestibility, performance and economic viabilityMariene Miyoko Natori 01 July 2011 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a digestibilidade, o desempenho e a viabilidade econômica da inclusão de derivados do milho: água de maceração (AM), glúten (GM), farelo de glúten (FG), germe (GEM) e dextrina (D) em dietas para tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus) e do pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). No primeiro, secundo e terceiro experimentos, avaliaram-se a digestibilidade in vivo do AM para a tilápia e para o pacu, e GM, FG, GEM e D somente para o pacu. No quarto e no quinto experimentos, foram avaliados o desempenho e a viabilidade econômica de AM para a tilápia e o pacu. Para os ensaios de digestibilidade, foram utilizados 126 juvenis de tilápia (peso médio de 35,93g±7,64g), 120 pacus (peso médio de 29,50 g ± 5,13 g) e 108 pacus (peso médio de 77,69g ± 17,65g). Estes peixes foram acondicionados em seis gaiolas submersas em seis aquários de alimentação com capacidade de 100 L de água, e para a coleta de fezes, utilizaram-se três aquários cilíndricos de fundo cônico de 250 L. Para os ensaios de desempenho, foram utilizados 200 alevinos de tilápia (peso médio de 2,81 ± 0,15g) distribuídos em 20 caixas de 130L com densidade de 10 peixes por caixa, e 140 pacus (peso médio de 3,42± 0,30g) distribuídos em aquários de 40L com densidade de sete peixes por aquário. Foram obtidos os seguintes valores de coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) de proteína bruta (PB) e energia bruta (EB) de AM: 94,15% e 84,93%, para tilápia e 97,10% e 98,43%, para pacu, respectivamente. Já para os ingredientes GM, FG, e GEM obtiveram-se os seguintes valores de CDAPB para o pacu: 99,62%, 84,92%, 70,97%, e para CDAEB: 98,13%, 76,89%, 62,88%, respectivamente. Em relação à D, foi determinado apenas o CDAEB de 85,16%. Quanto ao ensaio de desempenho, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas para os parâmetros zootécnicos avaliados, para as duas espécies, exceto para a taxa de eficiência protéica referente à tilápia. A análise de viabilidade econômica demonstrou que as inclusões de 8% de AM em dieta para tilápia nilótica, e 6% em dietas experimentais para o pacu foram os tratamentos que mais reduziram os custos relacionados à formação da dieta em comparação ao controle. / The aim of this research was to evaluate the digestibility, performance and economic viability of corn derivative ingredients inclusions in diets: condensed fermented corn extractive (CE), gluten meal (GM), corn gluten feed 21% (CGF) and dextrin (D) to Nile tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus) and pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). In the first, second and third experiments, were evaluated the digestibility of CE of tilápia and pacu, and others ingredients, just for pacu. In fourth and five experiments, performance assay of CE of tilápia and pacu were evaluated. For the digestibility assays, were used 126 juveniles of tilápia (weight mean 35,93g±7,64g), 120 pacus (weight mean 29,50 g ± 5,13 g), and 108 pacus (weight mean 77,69 g ± 17,65g). The fishes were assigned were assigned to six 100L feeding tanks and three 250 L cylindrical tanks with conical bottom, to feces collection. For the fourth and fifth experiments, were used 200 tilápia fingerlings (weight mean 2,81 ± 0,15g) distributed in twenty 130L tanks and 140 pacu fingerlings (weight mean 3,42± 0,30g) distributed in twenty 40L aquaria. For the CE digestibility assay, were obtained the following values of apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of crude protein (CP) and energy (CE): 94.15% and 84.93%, for tilápia, 97.10% and 98.43%, for pacu, respectively. For the GM, CGF and CG digestibility assay, were obtained the following values of ADCCP: 99,62%, 84,92% 70,97%, and ADCCE values: 98,13%, 76,89%, 62,88%, respectively. In relation to D, were obtained only the ADDCE value: 85,16%. For the performance assays, no significant differences in relation to parameters evaluated were found for both species, except the protein efficiency ratio of tilápia. The evaluation of economic viability demonstrated that inclusions of 8% of AM in diet for Nile tilápia, and 6% in diets for pacu were the treatment that most reduced the cost related to diets elaboration.
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Determinação de mutaçães somáticas e germinativas em pacientes pós menopausadas com câncer de mama / Somatic and germline mutations in post menoupausal women with breast cancerTauana Rodrigues Nagy 07 August 2018 (has links)
As maiores taxas de incidência de câncer de mama ocorrem em mulheres idosas, que apresentam tumores com expressão de receptores de estrógeno e/ou progesterona, de baixo estadiamento e menor taxa de proliferação, se comparado com as jovens. Um dos fatores de predisposição ao câncer de mama é mutação germinativa nos genes BRCA1 ou BRCA2, que podem compreender entre 5-10% das pacientes diagnosticadas. A grande maioria dos casos são ditos esporádicos, em que não há como estabelecer um único fator determinante. Dentre o escopo de possíveis causas estão as mutações somáticas, acumuladas no tecido mamário ao longo da vida. A identificação destas mutações permite melhor compreensão da carcinogênese e possibilita a criação de tratamentos cada vez mais personalizados. O gene PIK3CA, por exemplo, já está determinado como driver (responsáveis pela obtenção de vantagem seletiva de um determinado clone) para câncer de mama. As mutações patogênicas que ocorrem neste gene levam a ativação da via de Akt/mTOR, entre outras, que mantém o ciclo celular ativo. Um gene que vem sendo estudado recentemente é o PRKD1, cujas funções parecem estar ligadas à manutenção do fenótipo epitelial das células do tecido mamário. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho identificar mutações germinativas nos genes BRCA1 e BRCA2, analisando também o histórico familiar para câncer de mama/ovário/próstata, e mutações somáticas no gene PRKD1 em pacientes pós menopausadas,. Foram incluídas quarenta e nove pacientes diagnosticadas com carcinoma ductal invasivo em idade superior a 54 anos, que preenchessem critérios da NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) para Síndrome de Câncer de Mama e/ou Ovário Hereditário e tinham disponível um fragmento tumoral emblocado em parafina coletado na ausência de tratamento neo adjuvante. A extração de DNA foi realizada a partir do sangue periférico para sequenciamento de BRCA1 e BRCA2, realizado através da plataforma Ion Torrent(TM) ou pelo método de Sanger. Os resultados obtidos por Ion Torrent(TM) foram analisados, primeiramente, através da ferramenta online Ion Reporter e os de Sanger através do programa Mutation Surveyor v.3.20. Para a caractetização das variantes encontradas foram utilizados: os bancos de dados BIC, LOVD, LOVD-IARC, UMD e ClinVar além dos preditores in silico da conservação dos aminoácidos entre as espécies Polyphen-2, SIF, Provean e AlignGVGD e do preditor de efeito no splicing HSF e bancos de dados de frequência alélica ExAC, 1000 genomas e NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project, seguindo os critérios da American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics em conjunto com a Association for Molecular Pathology. Para caracterização de mutação somática do gene PRKD1 determinou-se duas regiões de maior importância para serem sequenciadas: Ser738/Ser742 e Ser910 que fosforilam o domínio quinase da proteína, ativando-o. Vinte e três amostras tumorais tiveram DNA extraído. Também foi realizada uma análise das informações sobre PRKD1 do banco de dados COSMIC (Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer) e a construção de curvas de sobrevida (Kaplan-Meier) da expressão de PRKD1 utilizando a ferramenta online KM Plotter. A idade mediana das pacientes foi de 62 anos ao diagnóstico e de 64 anos na época de inclusão no estudo. A maioria tinha tumores de grau histológico II (63,27%), estádio clinico II (20%) e do subtipo luminal B (53,06%). Trinta e duas relataram parentes de primeiro grau afetados com câncer de mama/ovário/ próstata. Trinta e oito pacientes tiveram sequenciamento completo de BRCA1 e BRCA2 por Ion Torrent(TM) e onze tiveram sequenciamento parcial de BRCA1 e BRCA2 por Sanger. Variantes patogênicas foram encontradas em quatro pacientes (BRCA1=2/BRCA2=2). Uma nova variante missense foi identificada em BRCA2: c.3371A > G (p.Q1124R). Para o sequenciamento de PRKD1 quinze foram sequenciadas para Ser910 e de oito foi possível analisar o resultado. Nenhuma variante patogênica foi encontrada. Os dados obtidos sobre PRKD1 no COSMIC foram: de 2773 amostras, em apenas 15 (0,54%) foram identificadas mutações em PRKD1, 46% (7/15) provém de mulheres com idade superior a 55 anos e subtipo molecular Luminal. PRKD1 apresenta maiores frequência de mutação em câncer de intestino grosso (4,22%) e pele (4,02%). As curvas de sobrevida construídas no KM Plotter demonstram a alta expressão do gene parece ter impacto positivo na sobrevida das pacientes. Apesar da baixa frequência de mutações no PRKD1 este gene, outros dados demonstram que parece ter um papel de gene supressor de tumor no câncer de mama, que deve ser inibido de através de outros mecanismos como metilaçao de DNA / The highest rates of breast cancer incidence occur in elderly women, who present estrogen and / or progesterone receptor tumors, with a low clinical staging and lower proliferation rate compared to the young women. One of the factors predisposing to breast cancer is germline mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, which may comprise between 5-10% of the diagnosed patients. The vast majority of cases are said to be sporadic, in which there is no way to establish a single determining factor. Among the scope of possible causes are somatic mutations, accumulated in the breast tissue throughout life. The identification of these mutations allows a better understanding of carcinogenesis and enables the creation of increasingly personalized treatments. The PIK3CA gene, for example, is already determined as a driver (responsible for the selective advantage of a particular clone) for breast cancer. The pathogenic mutations that occur in this gene lead to the activation of Akt / mTOR pathway, among others, which keeps the cell cycle active. One gene that has recently been studied is PRKD1, whose functions seem to be linked to the maintenance of the epithelial phenotype of the mammary tissue cells. Thus, the objective of this work was to identify germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, also analyzing the family history for breast / ovarian / prostate cancer, and somatic mutations in the PRKD1 gene in postmenopausal patients. Forty-nine patients diagnosed with ipsilateral ductal carcinomas over the age of 54 years who completed NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) criteria for Breast Cancer and / or Hereditary Ovarian Syndrome and had a tumor paraffin embedded in paraffin collected in the absence of neo adjuvant treatment available. DNA extraction was performed from the peripheral blood for sequencing of BRCA1 and BRCA2, performed through the Ion Torrent (TM) platform or by the Sanger method. The results obtained by Ion Torrent (TM) were first analyzed through the online tool Ion Reporter and those by Sanger through the program Mutation Surveyor v.3.20. The BIC, LOVD, LOVD-IARC, UMD and ClinVar databases were used in addition to the in silico predictors of amino acid conservation among Polyphen-2, SIF, Provean and AlignGVGD species and the effect predictor in the HSF splicing and allelic frequency databases ExAC, 1000 genomes and the NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project, following the criteria of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics in conjunction with the Association for Molecular Pathology. In order to characterize the somatic mutation of the PRKD1 gene, we determined two regions of greater importance to be sequenced: Ser738 / Ser742 and Ser910 that phosphorylate the protein kinase domain, activating it. Twenty-three tumor samples had DNA extracted. An analysis of PRKD1 information from the COSMIC (Catalog of Somatic Mutations in Cancer) database and the construction of survival curves (Kaplan-Meier) for PRKD1 expression using the online KM Plotter tool was also performed. The median age of the patients was 62 years at diagnosis and 64 years at the time of inclusion in the study. Most of them had tumors of histological grade II (63.27%), clinical stage II (20%) and molecular subtype luminal B (53.06%). Thirty-two reported first-degree relatives affected with breast / ovarian / prostate cancer. Thirty-eight patients had BRCA1 and BRCA2 complete sequencing by Ion Torrent (TM) and eleven had BRCA1 and BRCA2 partial sequencing by Sanger. Pathogenic variants were found in four patients (BRCA1 = 2 / BRCA2 = 2). For PRKD1 sequencing, fifteen patients tumors were sequenced for Ser910 and in eight samples it was possible to analyze the result. No pathogenic variant was found. The data obtained on PRKD1 in COSMIC were: from 2773 samples, in only 15 (0.54%) mutations were identified in PRKD1, 46% (7/15) came from women aged over 55 years and had tumor molecular subtype Luminal. PRKD1 shows higher mutation frequency in cancer of the large intestine (4.22%) and skin (4.02%). The survival curves constructed in KM Plotter demonstrate the high expression of the gene seems to have a positive impact on the patients survival . Despite the low frequency of mutations in PRKD1 gene, other data demonstrate that it appears to play a role of tumor suppressor gene in breast cancer, which must be inhibited by other mechanisms such as DNA methylation
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Desenvolvimento e estudo da estabilidade de barra de cereais de elevado teor proteico e vitaminico / Development and study of cereal bar stability of proteic and vitamic contents highFreitas, Daniela De Grandi Castro 03 October 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Roberto Herminio Moretti / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T02:30:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Freitas_DanielaDeGrandiCastro_D.pdf: 989026 bytes, checksum: c9f4c5d7a467d08716626299b2917043 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Nutrientes são necessários para o desenvolvimento e crescimento dos indivíduos. No entanto, uma nutrição preventiva pode proteger, minimizar ou mesmo protelar riscos a saúde que podem ser causados por pré-disposições genéticas, maus hábitos alimentares e até agressões do meio ambiente. As evidências epidemiológicas estão continuamente providenciando recomendações para que as pessoas consumam mais frutas e vegetais como medida preventiva para reduzir o risco de diversas doenças degenerativas. É notável o aumento do consumo de alimentos saudáveis devido à crescente preocupação com a melhoria da qualidade de vida, porém, o ritmo da vida moderna exige alimentos práticos. Dentro deste contexto, do crescimento visível do desenvolvimento de alimentos para fins especiais, da necessidade de combinar saúde e praticidade, e de reunir alguns ingredientes que vem recebendo grande atenção para a aplicação nestes alimentos funcionais, é que se elaborou o estudo de desenvolvimento e estabilidade de barra de cereais a base de proteína de soja, gérmen de trigo e aveia, incluindo como ingrediente a lecitina de soja, e suplementada com vitaminas C e E. Este trabalho teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento da formulação da barra de cereais e a avaliação das características físico-químicas, vitamínicas, enzimáticas, sensoriais e de textura durante o seu armazenamento. Um estudo preliminar de inativação enzimática no gérmen de trigo foi realizado devido à susceptibilidade a rancidez, fator adverso de qualidade de cereais desidratados. Amostras de aveia laminada integral e gérmen (produto natural inalterado da moagem do trigo) foram caracterizadas e a atividade de lipase e peroxidase medidas. Foi utilizado um delineamento fatorial completo para estudar os efeitos dos fatores ¿temperatura¿ e ¿tempo¿ na inativação das enzimas e para a determinação das condições ótimas de redução de atividade no gérmen de trigo. Foram determinadas como condições ótimas tratamentos térmicos à temperatura na faixa de 180 a 190°C, com duração de 4,8 a 8,0 minutos e obtidas reduções significativas (p£0,5) na atividade residual da lipase e peroxidase. O gérmen de trigo teve seu teor de umidade ajustado para 28% e a torração foi realizada em estufa a 180°C por 8,0 minutos, para que pudesse ser utilizado como ingrediente da barra de cereais. Desenvolveu-se então uma formulação de barra de cereais funcional sabor banana com alto teor protéico, à base de proteína de soja, gérmen de trigo e aveia, e enriquecida de vitaminas C (ácido ascórbico) e E (acetato de a-tocoferol 50%). A barra de cereais e seus principais ingredientes foram submetidos a análises físico-químicas para caracterização e três formulações variando o teor de ácido ascórbico foram avaliadas quanto à aceitação sensorial e intensidade ideal de doçura e acidez. A proteína de soja texturizada utilizada apresentou elevados teores dos oligossacarídeos rafinose e estaquiose (1,92 g/100g e 4,66 g/100g) e de isoflavonas totais (283,49 mg/100g) se comparados ao grão, farinha integral e isolado protéico. A formulação final da barra de cereais apresentou 15,31% de proteína e elevado teor de vitamina E (118,0 mg/100g) e minerais como fósforo (P), cálcio (Ca), cobre (Cu), ferro (Fe), manganês (Mn) e zinco (Zn). A formulação adicionada de 1,1g/100g de ácido ascórbico obteve maior aceitação sensorial diferindo significativamente (p£0,5) das demais amostras. Esta formulação, preferida pela equipe sensorial, foi então submetida ao estudo de estabilidade durante o seu armazenamento. Foram utilizados como embalagens três filmes (A: PET/PEBD; B: PETmet/PEBD; C: PET/PEBD/AL/PEBD) com diferentes propriedades de barreira. As barras de cereais foram armazenadas em condições de temperatura e umidade relativa ambiente por um período de 180 dias. Durante o armazenamento, estudou-se a estabilidade das vitaminas C, vitamina E, e a atividade de lipase e peroxidase. No período de 180 dias, as barras de cereais acondicionadas nos três materiais testados apresentaram uma retenção de vitamina C menor que 50%. No entanto, a embalagem com folha de alumínio proporcionou menor velocidade de reação e maior tempo de meia vida de 146 dias. Os teores de vitamina E (acetato de a-tocoferol) nas barras de cereais apresentaram pequenas variações durante o armazenamento. Houve um aumento significativo (p£0,5) da atividade de peroxidase durante o período de 90 dias de estocagem nas embalagens testadas, provavelmente devido à regeneração dessa enzima, enquanto que a atividade de lipase não demonstrou aumento significativo durante os 180 dias de estocagem. Foram acompanhados também a umidade, atividade de água, pH, acidez total e medidas físicas associadas à textura como resistência ao corte, dureza e coesividade. A avaliação sensorial foi realizada através de teste de aceitação e intenção de compra durante o armazenamento. As barras de cereais formuladas com os ingredientes alternativos apresentaram variações na atividade de água (Aa), umidade e acidez total durante o armazenamento. A umidade das barras de cereais tendeu a um aumento, o que acarretou influência significativa (p£0,5) nas características de textura de resistência ao corte e dureza. As barras de cereais formuladas com proteína texturizada de soja, gérmen de trigo e aveia obtiveram boa aceitação sensorial perante consumidores nos atributos de sabor e aspectos visuais, porém, a aceitação tendeu a um declínio ao longo do tempo, associado à diminuição da intenção de compra do produto. O efeito das diferentes propriedades de barreira dos filmes de embalagens testados foi significativo (p£0,5) na estabilidade das barras de cereais ao longo do período de estocagem / Abstract: Nutrients are required for development and growth of individuals. However a preventative nutrition could be protected, minimized or delayed by way from health risks arising from genetic aggressions, the environment and also eating habits. Epidemiological evidence is constantly providing recommendations that people should consume more fruits and vegetables as a preventative measure to reduce the risk of various degenerative diseases. The increase in consumption of health foods is notable, due to the increasing concern with the improvement of life quality, although the pace of modern life demands practical foods. Within this context of a visible growth in the development of foods for special ends, of the need to combine health and practicality and aiming to bring together some ingredients which have received special attention for application in such functional foods, a study of the development and stabilization of a cereal bar based on soy protein, wheat germ and oat was elaborated, with the addition of soy lecithin and supplemented with vitamins C and E. Thus the objective of this study was the development and formulation of a cereal bar and an evaluation of its physicochemical, vitamin, enzymatic, sensory and texture characteristics during storage. A preliminary study of the enzymatic inactivation of wheat germ was carried out due to its susceptibility to rancidity, a process reducing the quality of dehydrated cereals. Samples of whole rolled oats and wheat germ (natural, unaltered product from wheat milling) were characterized and their lipase and peroxidase activities determined. A complete factorial design was used to study the effects of time and temperature in the inactivation of the enzymes and to determine the optimal conditions to reduce their activity in wheat germ. The optimal conditions were shown to be a temperature in the range from 180 to 190°C for between 4.8 and 8.0 minutes, obtaining significant (p£0,5) reductions in the residual activities of lipase and peroxidase. The moisture content of the wheat germ was adjusted to 28%, which was then roasted at 180°C for 8.0 minutes such that it could be used as an ingredient in cereal bars. A functional, banana flavored cereal bar was formulated with high protein content, based on soy protein, wheat germ and oat, and enriched with vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and E (50% a-tocopherol). The cereal bar and its main ingredients were characterized by way of physicochemical analyses, and three formulations, varying in their ascorbic acid contents, prepared and submitted to a sensory acceptance test and ideal test for the intensity of sweetness and acidity. The textured soy protein used showed high contents of the oligosaccharides raffinose and stachyose (1.92 g/100g and 4.66 g/100g) and of total isoflavones (283.49 mg/100g) as compared to the bean, whole flour and protein isolate. The final formulation of the cereal bar showed 15.31% protein and high contents of vitamin E (118.0 mg/100g) and minerals such as phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn). The formulation with 1.1 g/100g of ascorbic acid was the most accepted sample, differing significantly (p£0,5) from the other samples. This most accepted formulation was submitted to an evaluation during storage. Three films were used for packaging: (A: PET/PEBD; B: PETmet/PEBD; C: PET/PEBD/AL/PEBD), each with distinctive barrier properties. The cereal bars were studied under environmental conditions of temperature and relative humidity for 180 days. Vitamins C and E stabilities and the activities of lipase and peroxidase were determined during storage. The cereal bars packaged in the three materials tested showed vitamin C retention below 50% after 180 days storage. However the packaging including aluminum foil provided a lower reaction velocity and longer half life of 146 days. The vitamin E (a-tocopherol acetate) contents of the cereal bars presented slight variations during storage. There was a significant increase in peroxidase activity during the first 90 days of storage in all the types of packaging tested, probably due to regeneration, whilst lipase activity showed no significant increase during the 180 days of storage. The moisture content, water activity, pH and total acidity were also determined during storage as well as the textural measurements of cutting resistance, hardness and cohesiveness. The acceptance and intention to buy tests were used for the sensory evaluation during storage. The cereal bars formulated with alternative ingredients showed variations in water activity (Aw), moisture content and total acidity during storage. The moisture contents of the cereal bars tended to increase during storage, with a significant (p£0,5) influence on the textural characteristics of cutting resistance and hardness The cereal bars formulated with textured soy protein, wheat germ and oats were well accepted by the consumers in the sensory evaluation (flavor and visual aspect), although the acceptance tended to decline during storage, associated with a decrease in intent to buy. The effect of the different barrier properties of the packaging films tested was significant (p£0,5) in the stability of the cereal bars during storage / Doutorado / Tecnologia de Alimentos / Doutor em Tecnologia de Alimentos
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SCF-mediated degradation of the two translational regulators, CPB-3 and GLD-1, during oogenesis in C. elegansKisielnicka, Edyta 17 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The development of an organism and its adult homeostasis rely on regulatory mechanisms that control the underlying gene expression programs. In certain biological contexts, such as germ cell development, gene expression regulation is largely executed at the post-‐transcriptional level. This relies on RNA-‐binding proteins (RBPs), whose activity and expression are also heavily controlled. While the RNA-‐binding potential of RBPs is currently of intense scrutiny, surprisingly little is known to date about the molecular mechanisms that control RNA-‐binding proteins abundance in the context of germ cell development.
This work identifies the molecular mechanisms that shape expression patterns of two evolutionarily conserved RNA-‐binding proteins, CPB-‐3 and GLD-‐ 1, which belong to CPEB and STAR protein family, respectively. By focusing on their regulation in the C. elegans germ line, this work reveals an involvement of the proteasome in reducing levels of CPB-‐3/CPEB and GLD-‐1/STAR at the pachytene-‐to-‐diplotene transition during meiotic prophase I. Furthermore, it documents that CPB-‐3 and GLD-‐1 are targeted to proteasomal degradation by a conserved SCF ubiquitin ligase complex that utilises SEL-‐10/Fbxw7 as a substrate recognition subunit. Importantly, destabilisation of both RBPs is likely triggered by their phosphorylation, which is regulated by the mitogen-‐activated protein kinase, MPK-‐1, and restricted to the meiotic timepoint of pachytene exit. Lastly, this work investigates the potential consequences of target mRNA regulation upon delayed RBP degradation. Altogether, the collected data characterise a molecular pathway of CPEB and STAR protein turnover, and suggest that MPK-‐1 signaling may couple RBP-‐mediated regulation of gene expression to progression through meiosis during oogenesis.
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Regulation of the FGF/ERK Signaling Pathway: Roles in Zebrafish Gametogenesis and EmbryogenesisMaurer, Jennifer M. 13 October 2017 (has links)
Signaling cascades, such as the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway, play vital roles in early vertebrate development. Signals through these pathways are initiated by a growth factor or hormone, are transduced through a kinase cascade, and result in the expression of specific downstream genes that promote cellular proliferation, growth, or differentiation. Tight regulation of these signals is provided by positive or negative modulators at varying levels in the pathway, and is required for proper development and function. Two members of the dual-specificity phosphatase (Dusp) family, dusp6 and dusp2, are believed to be negative regulators of the ERK pathway and are expressed in both embryonic and adult zebrafish, but their specific roles in gametogenesis and embryogenesis remain to be fully understood.
Using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology, we generated zebrafish lines harboring germ line deletions in dusp6 and dusp2. We do not detect any overt defects in dusp2 mutants, but we find that approximately 50% of offspring from homozygous dusp6 mutants do not proceed through embryonic development. These embryos are fertilized, but are unable to proceed past the first zygotic mitosis and stall at the one-cell stage for several hours before dying by 10 hours post fertilization. We demonstrate that dusp6 is expressed in the gonads of both male and female zebrafish, suggesting that loss of dusp6 causes defects in germ cell production. Notably, the 50% of homozygous dusp6 mutants that complete the first cell division appear to progress through embryogenesis normally and give rise to fertile adults.
The fact that offspring of homozygous dusp6 mutants stall at the one-cell stage, prior to activation of the zygotic genome, suggests that loss of dusp6 affects gametogenesis. Further, since only approximately 50% of homozygous dusp6 mutants are affected, we postulate that ERK signaling is tightly regulated and that dusp6 is required to keep ERK signaling within a range that is permissive for gametogenesis. Lastly, since dusp6 is expressed throughout zebrafish embryogenesis, but dusp6 mutants do not exhibit defects after the first cell division, it is possible that other feedback regulators of the ERK pathway compensate for loss of dusp6 at later stages.
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Molecular links between nutrition, reproduction and aging / Liens moléculaires entre la nutrition, la reproduction et le vieillissementThondamal, Manjunatha 18 November 2014 (has links)
Une restriction alimentaire améliore la qualité du vieillissement et augmente la durée de vie chez de nombreuses espèces, y compris certains primates. Cependant, cette intervention s'accompagne souvent d'une baisse significative des capacités reproductives. Il est donc légitime de se demander si des signaux provenant du système reproductif contribuent aux effets positifs de la restriction alimentaire sur la longévité. Durant ma thèse, j'ai montré que l'expression de DAF-9/CYP27A1 et la production de l'hormone stéroïdienne D7- acide dafachronique (DA) sont augmentées chez C. elegans lorsque les vers sont soumis à une restriction alimentaire. De plus, la signalisation à l'acide dafachronique via le récepteur hormonal nucléaire NHR-8/NHR et la kinase let-363/mTOR est essentielle à l'augmentation de la durée de vie par restriction alimentaire. La signalisation stéroïde affecte également la plasticité de la lignée germinale en condition de jeûne. De plus, nous montrons que cette plasticité est nécessaire à l'augmentation de la longévité dans ce context de restriction. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse démontrent que la signalisation des hormones stéroïdes est activée par le manque de nutriments et est requise pour l'augmentation de la longévité par la voie mTOR. En effet, chez un animal sauvage, le niveau d’expression de let-363/mTOR diminue en condition de jeûne. Ceci n’est pas observé lorsque les hormones stéroïdes sont absentes. De plus, le nombre de cellules de la lignée germinale au sein de la zone proliférative n'est plus affecté par le jeûne chez des animaux pour lesquels la synthèse d'hormones stéroïdes est inhibée. Une réduction artificielle du nombre de cellules germinales suffit à rétablir une réponse normale à la restriction alimentaire. Ceci suggère donc qu'il existe un lien étroit entre la lignée germinale et la longévité induite par une restriction alimentaire, et que ce lien repose en partie sur la signalisation des hormones stéroïdes. La kinase let-363/mTOR joue également un rôle central dans l'intégration de signaux nutritionnels et reproductifs. Nos données suggèrent également l'existence d'un signal entre lignée germinale et soma produit en condition de restriction alimentaire. L'augmentation de la durée de vie par restriction alimentaire implique donc une réponse systémique coordonnée qui implique l'appareil reproducteur. / Dietary restriction (DR) increases healthspan and longevity in many species, including primates, but it is often accompanied by impaired reproductive function. Whether signals associated with the reproductive system contribute to or are required for DR effects on lifespan has not been established. In my doctoral thesis presented here, we show that expression of DAF-9/CYP27A1 and production of the steroid hormone ∆7-dafachronic acid (DA) are increased in C. elegans subjected to DR. DA signaling through the non-canonical nuclear hormone receptor NHR-8/NHR and the nutrient-responsive kinase let-363/mTOR is essential for DR-mediated longevity. Steroid signaling also affects germline plasticity in response to nutrient deprivation and this is required to achieve lifespan extension. Results presented in my thesis demonstrate that steroid signaling is activated by nutrient scarcity and is required for DR effects on lifespan extension through TOR signaling. In the absence of proper steroid signaling, let-363/mTOR levels remain high during starvation and the number of germ cells within the proliferative zone of the germ line is no longer affected by nutrient availability. Interestingly, genetic reduction of germ cells alleviates the requirement for steroid signaling for DR-mediated lifespan extension. Genetically lowering the germ cell count mimics the response of the germ line to DR. These data demonstrate that steroid signaling links germline physiology to lifespan when nutrients are limited, and establish a central role for let-363/mTOR in integrating signals derived from nutrients and steroid hormones. We speculate that this induces a signal that is usually emitted when nutrients are scarce and the germ line becomes less active. Taken together, this thesis work suggests that, diet-induced lifespan extension is part of a coordinated response that involves reproductive phenotypes.
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Découverte de nouvelles protéines impliquées dans la spermatogenèse chez le rat / Discovery of novel proteins involved in spermatogenesis in the ratChocu, Sophie 30 September 2014 (has links)
La spermatogenèse chez les mammifères est une fonction biologique complexe incluant des processus de prolifération cellulaire, de méiose et de différenciation uniques visant à la production des gamètes mâles au sein du testicule. Si l’épithélium séminifère est bien décrit sur le plan de son organisation et de la morphologie des cellules qui le composent, les processus par lesquels les cellules germinales diploïdes indifférenciées entrent en méiose pour donner ensuite des cellules haploïdes subissant par la suite de nombreuses transformations morphologiques, ne sont pas totalement décryptés. Ils reposent sur l’expression coordonnée et séquentielle de gènes dont les produits spécifiques de chaque stade de développement des cellules germinales sont essentiels aux étapes clés de la spermatogenèse. La transcriptomique depuis les années 1990 et la protéomique depuis les années 2000 ont contribué à l’amélioration de la connaissance de ces mécanismes. Une étude protéomique visant à caractériser par des approches systématiques et différentielles les protéomes des cellules de Sertoli et de la lignée germinale, et d’autre part une étude récente, réalisée dans notre unité, qui a permis de caractériser et de quantifier le transcriptome des cellules testiculaires isolées de rat en utilisant le séquençage de novo des transcrits (RNA-Seq), ont été à la base de mes travaux de thèse. Cette dernière étude a mis en évidence l’accumulation de longs ARNs non codants (lncRNAs) et de transcrits testiculaires non annotés (TUTs) aux stades méiotique et post- méiotique de la spermatogenèse chez le rat. Dans ce contexte, mon travail a consisté à valider le potentiel codant de nombreux gènes exprimés dans les cellules germinales par une approche dite PIT (Proteomics Informed by Transcriptomics) couplant protéomique Shotgun et RNA-Seq. Dans ce type d’approche, les séquences protéiques déduites des transcrits des différents types cellulaires, assemblés par RNA-Seq, sont intégrées dans une base personnalisée de séquences protéiques utilisée pour interroger les données de spectrométrie de masse obtenues à partir de protéines de cellules méiotiques et post-Méiotiques. L’approche PIT a permis de montrer que 69 TUTs ou lncRNA (correspondant à 44 loci) codent pour des protéines dans les cellules méiotiques et post méiotiques. L’expression post-Méiotique de deux nouveaux transcrits, l’un codant pour la protéine VAMP9, une protéine de la famille SNARE, et l’autre pour une nouvelle énolase T-ENOL a pu être confirmée. L’expression post-Méiotique de T-ENOL a été confirmée par immunohistochimie à l’aide d’un anticorps polyclonal produit contre la protéine recombinante. Cette approche nous a également permis d’identifier de nouvelles isoformes de protéines connues spécifiques de chaque stade de la spermatogenèse. Les cellules germinales et les cellules de Sertoli entretiennent le dialogue nécessaire au bon déroulement de la spermatogenèse. Une autre partie de mon travail a consisté à identifier des protéines membranaires des cellules germinales et des corps résiduels, susceptibles d’intervenir dans le dialogue entre les cellules de Sertoli et les cellules germinales, par une approche protéomique de quantification relative ICPL. Cette approche a permis d’établir une liste de 166 protéines différentiellement exprimées entre les spermatocytes pachytène, les spermatides rondes et les corps résiduels, qui sont susceptibles de jouer un rôle dans la spermiogénèse. Grâce aux annotations de le Gene Ontology, j’ai pu établir une liste de 8 protéines ayant un rôle supposé dans la transduction du signal, la reconnaissance cellulaire ou bien la différenciation. Par ailleurs, j’ai pu établir par protéomique Shotgun un premier protéome des cellules de Sertoli, des cellules germinales et des corps résiduels chez le rat. / Spermatogenesis in mammals is a complex biological function including cellular processes such as proliferation, meiosis and differentiation, aiming to the production of male gametes in the testis. If the seminiferous epithelium is well described in terms of organization and cellular morphology of cells that compose it, the processes by which undifferentiated diploid germ cells enter meiosis and give haploid cells that undergo many morphological transformations, are not fully decrypted. These processes rely on the coordinated and sequential expression of genes, including specific products for each stage of germ cell development These gene products are essential at each key stage of spermatogenesis. Transcriptomics since the 1990s, and proteomics since the 2000s have contributed to the improved. understanding of these mechanisms. A long term proteomic study aiming at characterizing the proteomes of Sertoli cells and germ cells, and a recent study that characterized and quantified the transcriptome of isolated rat testicular cells at high resolution using de novo sequencing of transcripts (RNA-Seq), have been the basis of my thesis work. The latter study showed the accumulation of long non-Coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and testicular unannotated transcripts (TUTs) at meiotic and post-Meiotic stages of spermatogenesis in the rat. In this context, my thesis work aimed at validating the coding potential of many genes expressed in germ cells using RNA-Seq combined with shotgun proteomics, a so-Called PIT (Proteomics Informed by transcriptomics) approach. In this approach, the protein sequences translated from the transcripts assembled by RNA-Seq in the different testicular cell types are integrated into a custom database of protein sequences used to query mass spectrometry data obtained from proteins of meiotic and post-Meiotic cells. The PIT approach showed that 69 TUTs or lncRNA (corresponding to 44 loci) code for proteins in meiotic cells and post meiotic cells, and we confirmed experimentally the meiotic and post-Meiotic expression for two new transcripts encoding for VAMP9, a protein of the SNARE family, and a new testicular enolase T-ENOL. The post-Meiotic expression of T-ENOL protein was confirmed by immunohistochemistry using a polyclonal antibody raised against the recombinant protein. This approach also allowed us to identify new isoforms of known proteins, specific to each stage of spermatogenesis. Germ cells and Sertoli cells maintain a dialogue which is necessary to the success of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis. Another part of my work aimed at identifying membrane proteins, in germ cells and residual bodies, that may be involved in the dialogue between Sertoli cells and germ cells, using a ICPL relative quantification proteomic approach. The ICPL analysis enabled us to establish a list of 166 proteins whose expression is differential between pachytene spermatocytes, round spermatids and residual bodies. Their differential expression suggests that these proteins may play a role in spermiogenesis. Thanks to the Gene Ontology annotations, a list of 8 proteins with a putative role in signal transduction, cell recognition or differentiation, thus potentially involved in the dialogue between Sertoli and germ cells was drawn. In addition, I provided a first proteome of rat Sertoli cells, germ cells and residual bodies obtained by shotgun proteomics.
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Évolution du cancer du testicule en Europe : expositions environnementales et professionnelles / Burden of testicular cancer in Europe : environmental and occupational exposuresLe Cornet, Charlotte 10 December 2014 (has links)
Les tumeurs germinales du testicule (TGT) représentent le cancer le plus fréquent chez les hommes Européens âgés de 15 et 39 ans. L'incidence a doublé dans la plupart des pays Européens depuis 30 ans. Cette augmentation rapide, les variations géographiques d'incidence et les études chez les populations migrantes suggèrent un rôle des facteurs environnementaux dans le développement des TGT. Cette thèse propose de contribuer à l'amélioration des connaissances concernant l'évolution du TGT en clarifiant l'impact des expositions environnementales et professionnelles, notamment pendant la période prénatale. Les objectifs principaux sont de: 1. Prédire l'incidence du TGT jusqu'en 2025 en estimant la part d'augmentation due aux changements démographiques afin d'obtenir une estimation de l'augmentation due aux risques. 2. Faire un bilan de l'état des connaissances sur l'association entre les expositions environnementales et professionnelles et le développement du TGT dans une revue systématique de littérature 3. Investiguer l'association entre l'exposition parentale professionnelle aux pesticides en période prénatale et le TGT parmi la descendance Les résultats montrent que l'incidence du TGT continue d'augmenter, mettant en avant un fort impact environnemental dans l'évolution du TGT. Néanmoins, la revue de littérature ne permettait pas d'identifier de facteurs de risque environnementaux avérés, mais montrait un manque d'études investiguant les expositions prénatales sur le risque de TGT. L'étude NORD-TEST menée sur les données de registre de quatre pays nordiques est l'étude la plus puissante à ce jour et ne montre aucune association entre l'exposition parentale professionnelle aux pesticides en période prénatale et le TGT / Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) are the most common cancer diagnosed among young European men aged between 15 and 39 years. TGCT incidence rates have doubled in most European countries over the last 30 years. This rapid increase in incidence, the geographical variations and the studies in migrant populations suggest a role of environmental factors in TGCT aetiology. This thesis aims to contribute to the knowledge of TGCT evolution by studying the impact of environmental and occupational exposures, especially during the prenatal period. The objectives are: 1. To estimate the proportion of the increased incidence due to overall changes in risk patterns compared to the proportion due to demographic changes, by predicting the future testicular cancer trends in Europe 2. To summarize and evaluate the current knowledge on environmental and occupational exposures related to TGCT risk by means of a systematic literature review 3. To investigate the association between the prenatal parental occupational exposure to pesticides and TGCT risk in the offspring. The results show that the TGCT incidence continues to increase, supporting an environmental impact on TGCT evolution. From the epidemiological literature to date no specific environmental risk factors emerge; however, there have clearly been a lack of studies investigating prenatal exposures on TGCT risk. The NORD-TEST study, based on registry data from four Nordic countries, is the largest study to date. No association was found between parental occupational exposure to pesticides during prenatal period and TGCT risk
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A study of the aetiology and epidemiology of cancers in teenagers and young adultsArora, Ramandeep January 2011 (has links)
Introduction: Little is known about the aetiology of cancer in teenagers and young adults (TYA) aged 15-24 years, although in England, cancer is the most common cause of disease-related mortality in this age group. The most common cancers at this age are lymphomas, central nervous system (CNS) tumours and germ cell tumours (GCT). The commonest carcinomas seen at older ages including lung, breast, large bowel and prostate account for only 3-4% of TYA cancers. In this thesis I describe the incidence patterns of selected cancers in TYA and the variation seen with geography, time and in population subgroups. The focus is on CNS tumours, GCT and bone tumours as they either peak in incidence in TYA and/or contribute disproportionately to cancer related mortality in TYA. This will allow formulation of hypotheses regarding aetiology of cancer in this age group which can then be tested by further research. Methods: For the majority of the analysis, anonymised national cancer registration data from England on individual patients of all ages with newly diagnosed cancer between 1979 and 2003 were used. To contrast the incidence patterns in England with that of India, data from five Indian urban population based cancer registries were used for part of the analysis. Age, sex, site and histology specific incidence rates were calculated and expressed per million person years. All rates, where appropriate, were adjusted to the world standard population using direct methods. To explore the link of growth with development of osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma, a random-effects meta-analysis was undertaken on studies which investigated an association of these tumours with height at diagnosis. Results: The incidence of cancer in TYA overall in England exceeded that of India. This was also true for most individual sites including epithelial cancers of lung, colon/rectum, breast, ovary and cervix, and non-epithelial cancers including melanoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and testicular cancer. Notable exceptions to this pattern were cancers of the mouth, gall bladder and stomach (females only) where incidence was higher in India. In England, CNS tumours in TYA were a composite of pilocytic astrocytomas and embryonal tumours (representing tail end of childhood CNS tumours), pituitary tumours, nerve sheath tumours, high grade astrocytomas and meningiomas (representing early-onset of CNS tumours that peak in incidence in the 6th and 7th decade of life), and of CNS GCTs, pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas and neurocytomas which show a peak incidence in TYA. Irrespective of site or histology, GCT in England showed a peak in incidence between ages of 10 to 39 years which was more marked in males. This however varied by site and the peak incidence was seen at 10 to 14 years in the CNS, 15 to 19 years in ovary, 25 to 29 in mediastinum & thorax and abdomen & pelvis, and 30 to 34 years in testicular tumours. Osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma were the predominant bone tumours in TYA in England and showed a distinct peak of incidence at 10 to 14 years age in females and a larger peak at 15 to 19 years age in males. The peak incidence of osteosarcoma of long bones of the lower limb was six times more than that at any other site while the peak incidence of Ewing sarcomas located in the bones of the central axis exceeded those in long bones of the lower limb. The average height of patients with osteosarcoma at diagnosis was found to be significantly above the average height of the reference population, at the 95% level. The association of greater height at diagnosis with Ewing sarcoma was also significant at the 95% level but much weaker. Conclusion: In this thesis I have explored the epidemiology of cancer in TYA using some of the established methodologies which have previously been used in advancing our knowledge of childhood and older adult cancers. These studies provide some clues to aetiology. Variation in environmental exposures and lifestyle factors between England and India can explain the majority of the differences in incidence patterns observed. Genetic predisposition to cancer along with carcinogen exposure could lead to early onset of some cancers generally seen in older adults. Regardless of site, the similarity in age-incidence patterns of GCT, suggests a common initiation of these tumours in embryonic/foetal life with variable rates of tumour progression as a result of local factors or events during postnatal and pubertal period. The incidence patterns of osteosarcoma along with the strong and consistent association with a greater height at diagnosis indicate that bone growth is important in the development of this tumour while different biological pathways which may be unrelated to growth could also be relevant for Ewing sarcoma.
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Caracterização da expressão de Coup-TFII durante o início da diferenciação de células-tronco embrionárias / Characterization of Coup-TFII expression during the early differentiation of embryonic stem cellsRosa, Viviane de Souza, 1988- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Henrique Marques Barbosa de Souza / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T10:31:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Células-tronco embrionárias (CTE) são células indiferenciadas que possuem a capacidade de (1) se proliferarem indefinidamente (auto-renovação) e, quando induzidas, (2) darem origem a qualquer tipo celular presente no embrião (pluripotência). Uma das abordagens mais comumente utilizadas para o estudo de diferenciação de CTE é através da formação de agregados multicelulares esféricos denominados corpos embrióides (CE). CE passam por um processo de morfogênese semelhante ao observado em embriões, originando derivados dos três folhetos germinativos. Durante o desenvolvimento embrionário, a formação e o posicionamento dos três folhetos ocorre por um processo altamente coordenado que culmina na formação de um embrião polarizado no eixo anteroposterior. Entretanto, um dos grandes desafios de pesquisas que envolvem o uso da diferenciação de CTE em CE é encontrar indícios de que esses processos são recapitulados in vitro e se entender como que células derivadas dos folhetos germinativos, que no embrião ocorrem de forma altamente organizada, são originadas em estruturas celulares sem nenhuma organização global evidente, como visto em CE. Coup-TFII (Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor II) é um fator de transcrição o qual possui um papel fundamental na regulação do desenvolvimento embrionário e na aquisição de destinos celulares específicos durante a diferenciação de CTE. Utilizando CE como um modelo de estudo, caracterizamos a expressão de Coup-TFII e seu possível envolvimento durante a determinação de destinos celulares. Nossos resultados identificaram uma expressão hemisférica de Coup-TFII em CE em etapas inicias do processo de diferenciação. Esta observação nos levou a caracterizar a distribuição espacial de marcadores moleculares tecido-específicos nos CE em relação à expressão hemisférica de Coup-TFII. Interessantemente, praticamente todas as células identificadas como precursores mesodérmicos e precursores neuroectodérmicos, através da expressão de Brachyury-T e Nestin, respectivamente, estão contidas nas população de células Coup-TFII-positivas. Estes resultados sugerem a existência de um mecanismo de organização global intrínseco nas CTE, onde a expressão de Coup-TFII parece segregar os CE em dois hemisférios e, provavelmente de forma antagônica com Oct4, determinaria diferentes destinos celulares ainda em fases iniciais da diferenciação / Abstract: Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to (1) proliferate indefinitely (self-renewal) and when induced, (2) give rise to any cell type present in the embryo (pluripotency). One of the most commonly used approaches for the study of ESC differentiation is through the formation of spherical multicellular aggregates called embryoid bodies (EB). EB undergo a process similar to that observed in morphogenesis embryos, giving derivatives of three germ layers. During embryonic development, formation and placement of the three germ layers is a highly coordinated process by which culminates in the formation of a polarized embryo in the antero-posterior axis. However, one of the great challenges of research involving the use of ESC differentiation in EB is to find evidence that these processes are recapitulated in vitro and in understanding how to cells derived from the germ layers that occurs in the embryo highly organized manner originate on cellular structures with no apparent global organization, as seen in the EB. COUP-TFII (chicken ovalbumin promoter-upstream transcription factor II) is a transcription factor which plays a key role in the regulation of embryonic development and determination of specific cell fates during differentiation ESC. Using EB as a model system, we characterized the expression of Coup-TFII and its possible involvement in the determination of cell fates. Our results identified a hemispheric expression of Coup-TFII in EB at the onset of differentiation. This observation led us to characterize the spatial distribution of tissue-specific molecular markers in EB in relation the hemispheric expression of Coup-TFII. Interestingly, practically all cells identified as mesodermal and neuroectodermal precursors by the expression of Brachyury-T and Nestin, respectively, are contained in the COUP-TFII-positive cell population. These results suggest the existence of a mechanism of global organization intrinsic to ESC, where the expression of Coup-TFII segregates the EB into two hemispheres and probably antagonistically with Oct4, determine different cell fates still in early stages of differentiation / Mestrado / Biologia Tecidual / Mestra em Biologia Celular e Estrutural
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