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Intersections of History, Memory, and “Rememory:” A Comparative Study of Elmina Castle and WilliamsburgBowden, Ashley Camille 15 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Essays on Economic Growth, Firm Productivity, Household Labor Supply and WelfareAcquah, Esther 01 February 2024 (has links)
This dissertation is in three distinct chapters, although not entirely independent. The various chapters present empirical evidence in economic growth and development using data at the country, firm, and household-community levels. Over the years, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals have given rise to copious theoretical and empirical research. This thesis moves in line with these studies. Specifically, contributing to the subject of ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all (SDG 7), provision of full and productive employment and sustained economic growth (SDG 8), availability of financial services and markets (SDG 9), and building sustained development and inclusive institutions (SDG 16). The thesis uses data from various sources at different levels--country, firm, and household--to test important growth and development issues that are considered gray areas that require extensive research. The first chapter is dedicated to investigating the relationship between economic institutions and growth. While the importance of institutions in fostering economic growth and development has not been disputed, there is now a developing literature on the nonlinearity between growth and institutions. This paper examines the existence of nonlinearities between economic institutions and growth and, particularly, the presence of threshold effects for a sample of advanced and developing countries. Using political institutions to instrument economic institutions in a dynamic panel threshold model, the results reveal the existence of institutional-threshold effects in a first difference generalized method of moments (FD-GMM) approach. Specifically, for economic institutions to affect growth, they must on average develop to at least 6 and 8 (out of a score of 10) for developing and advanced economies, respectively. Both the short-run and long-run effects of economic institutions on growth are positive and only significant for developing countries. The results show the primacy of sub-indices of economic institutions such as freedom to trade internationally, legal structures, and property rights for economic growth. Next, I narrow things down to the firm level. The second chapter of this thesis is devoted to searching for transmission channels from finance to firms' productivity and growth in the developing countries context. There is a consensus among economists that financial development fosters economic growth. Among other things, the productivity effect of access to finance by firms is considered one of the important channels through which finance affects growth. This paper empirically investigates the relevance of this channel using firm-level data from the World Bank Enterprise Survey for several developing countries from 2002 to 2020. The results indicate that access to finance is generally limited, although larger firms have better access to finance irrespective of their age. Holding all other factors constant, improved access to finance significantly increases the productivity of young and small-sized firms while reducing their growth in employment. Also, compared to matured and medium-sized but financially constrained firms, the results show that enhanced access to finance significantly boosts the employment growth of old (but small) firms. Lastly, the results show different sources of financing (external, formal, and informal) have varied effects on firms’ growth and productivity. From the results, a long-term growth policy package recommended should therefore include special financing schemes that improve access to finance for young and small firms. In the third chapter, I study the labor supply and welfare benefits of electrification. The share of a country’s population with access to electricity is a good indicator of its growth and development since it has important labor and welfare implications. This paper estimates the causal effect of access to electricity on development outcomes such as employment, wages, and hours of work, as well as the reallocation of labor across the agriculture and non-agricultural sectors in Ghana. First, I demonstrate that topography matters in grid expansion, especially in rural Ghana, using the three most recent waves of the Ghana Living Standard Survey (rounds 5, 6, and 7). I do this by using the slope of the land as an instrumental variable IV. Second, the IV estimates show no significant improvement in general employment and wages, whilst inducing shifts in employment from agriculture to the non-agriculture sectors because of electricity. Also, hours of work increase, especially for those in the non-agriculture sector. An important mechanism through which electrification affects labor and welfare outcomes in Ghana is the increase in underground economic activities.
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A comparative study of the concept of the devine in African traditional religions in Ghana and LesothoOpong, Andrew Kwasi 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis finds out how the concepts of the divine in African Traditional Religions are similar or different, particularly in Ghana and Lesotho and in other parts of Africa in general. In doing so, the researcher combines literature review of eminent scholars who have studied the religious and socio-cultural life of the people of Ghana and Lesotho in particular and Africa in general, with personal field study through dissemination of
questionnaires, interviews and personal observations.
Through this approach he finds out the various religious phenomena that reveal the concept of the divine in the two countries concerned and in other African countries through comparison of their worships and socio-cultural activities in order to come out with the differences and the similarities that may call for synthesis of the concept in Africa.
He also finds out how the concept of the divine in Africa has been influenced by foreign religions and culture particularly Christianity, Islam, Western culture and Education. And how their services and disservices have affected the concept of the divine in Africa. The researcher also looks at the issue of monotheism as against polytheism in African
religious perspective to find out whether the African Traditional Religions are polytheistic, monotheistic or monolatry.
The study reveals that the concept of the divine, in the two countries under study, ends up in one Supreme deity-God- .but that the approach to the concept is not always the same. There are some differences and similarities, which also prevail in other African Traditional Religions and in Christianity.
There is also a look into whether the term "African Traditional Religions" is appropriate for the religious belief and practices found in Africa, and whether a synthesis of religious practices in Africa would be possible in future.
In the final analysis the study reveals that the African concept of the divine as pertains in the two countries is not different from that of Christianity and Islam but that the approach to the concept differs due to differences in the perception of the divine through sociocultural and religious milieus. / Religious Studies & Arabic / D. Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)
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A comparative study of the concept of the devine in African traditional religions in Ghana and LesothoOpong, Andrew Kwasi 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis finds out how the concepts of the divine in African Traditional Religions are similar or different, particularly in Ghana and Lesotho and in other parts of Africa in general. In doing so, the researcher combines literature review of eminent scholars who have studied the religious and socio-cultural life of the people of Ghana and Lesotho in particular and Africa in general, with personal field study through dissemination of
questionnaires, interviews and personal observations.
Through this approach he finds out the various religious phenomena that reveal the concept of the divine in the two countries concerned and in other African countries through comparison of their worships and socio-cultural activities in order to come out with the differences and the similarities that may call for synthesis of the concept in Africa.
He also finds out how the concept of the divine in Africa has been influenced by foreign religions and culture particularly Christianity, Islam, Western culture and Education. And how their services and disservices have affected the concept of the divine in Africa. The researcher also looks at the issue of monotheism as against polytheism in African
religious perspective to find out whether the African Traditional Religions are polytheistic, monotheistic or monolatry.
The study reveals that the concept of the divine, in the two countries under study, ends up in one Supreme deity-God- .but that the approach to the concept is not always the same. There are some differences and similarities, which also prevail in other African Traditional Religions and in Christianity.
There is also a look into whether the term "African Traditional Religions" is appropriate for the religious belief and practices found in Africa, and whether a synthesis of religious practices in Africa would be possible in future.
In the final analysis the study reveals that the African concept of the divine as pertains in the two countries is not different from that of Christianity and Islam but that the approach to the concept differs due to differences in the perception of the divine through sociocultural and religious milieus. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D. Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)
1075 |
Forest fire dynamics and carbon stocks in different ecological zones of GhanaNindel, Sandra 30 August 2018 (has links)
Fires occur in most forest reserves in Ghana. However, there is a limited understanding of the fires and their behaviour in the different ecological zones. Therefore, this research was to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of fires, examine the driving factors, direct and underlying causes and impacts of the fires, determine and compare the fuel dynamics to predict fire behaviour and estimate the effects of fire on carbon stocks in different ecological zones of Ghana. The research used different methodologies including questionnaires, fire records, satellite fire data from MODIS (2001 to 2015) (first approach) and field experiment (second approach). A total of 304 respondents was sampled for eight communities, two communities each around the moist and dry semi-deciduous forest, upland evergreen forest and savanna. The spatial distribution of fire showed a trend along the forest boundaries, open vegetation, degraded areas, human settlements, shrubs, farms, rivers and roads. The temporal trend was significant in the dry forest (435 hotspots), followed by the savanna (229 hotspots), moist forest (76 hotspots) and the least in the evergreen forest (5 hotspots). The fires were observed from August, October to May with the dry forest having the longest seasonality. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday were the peak days of the detected fire hotspots in the dry, moist and savanna respectively. Most of the fires in the different ecological zones peaked from 13 to 14 pm. The results of the research also revealed that the fires were driven primarily by socioeconomic factors which were supported by environmental, type of vegetation and cultural factors. In all the ecological zones, fires were originating from humans. The study pointed out three categories of human-caused fires through activity (farming), non-activity (carelessness or negligence) and others (unknown causes). The major underlying causes of fire mentioned were the inadequate management of the forest and weak compliance and enforcement of forest laws. All these fires have resulted in several impacts in the various ecological zones. Concerning the fuel dynamics, the total downed woody fuel load in the evergreen forest was found to be higher (228 and 208.4 tonnes per hectare). The litter and duff density (112.2 kilogram per cubic meter) in unburned area and loading (6.3 and 13.5 tonnes per hectare) for both burned and unburned area respectively were significantly greater in the moist forest. Also, the dry forest showed 2.4 tonnes per hectare of herbaceous loading in the burned area. However, fires were predicted to be severe in the savanna regarding the surface rate of spread, flame length and fireline intensity, but with low reaction intensity and heat per unit area. The total amount of aboveground tree carbon, aboveground non-tree and belowground root for both burned and the unburned area varied under the different ecological zones. The highest was seen in the moist forest with the emission of 294 tonnes of carbon per hectare accounting for 82% losses. This research has brought out the current situation of fire in the various ecological zones for the implementation of necessary actions for the future.
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Polyklonale Infektionen mit Plasmodium falciparum in der Schwangerschaft / Untersuchungen zur Diversität und Multiplizität von Plasmodium-falciparum-Infektionen bei Gebärenden aus dem holoendemischen Malariagebiet von Agogo (Ghana)Eckert, Nils 10 May 2004 (has links)
Die Malaria ist heute noch immer die bedeutendste parasitäre Infektionskrankheit des Menschen. Hiervon sind in Endemiegebieten neben Kleinkindern insbesondere schwangere Frauen betroffen. P. falciparum weist eine hohe genetische Diversität auf. So sind in Endemiegebieten Infektionen mit P. falciparum in der Regel polyklonal. Man spricht in diesen Fällen von der Multiplizität der Infektion. Bei Schwangeren sequestrieren mit P. falciparum infizierte Erythrozyten, die spezifische Oberflächenproteine exprimieren, in der Plazenta. Hierdurch bedingt können pathologische Schwangerschafts-verläufe klinische Manifestationsformen der Malaria darstellen. Um die Diversität von P. falciparum und die Multiplizität der Infektion bei schwangeren Frauen zu erforschen, wurden in einer Querschnittsstudie im holoendemischen Malariagebiet von Agogo in Ghana über den Zeitraum von einem Jahr 474 Gebärende mit einer nachgewiesenen plazentaren Infektion von P. falciparum untersucht. Hierzu wurden die Gene, die für das "Merozoiten-Oberflächen-Protein-1" (msp-1) und "Merozoiten-Oberflächen-Protein-2" (msp-2) kodieren, aus peripher und plazentar gewonnen Isolaten typisiert. Plazentar gewonnene Isolate waren im Vergleich zu peripher gewonnenen mit einer signifikant höheren Prävalenz an polyklonalen Infektionen und einer höheren Multiplizität der Infektion assoziiert. Die höchste Multiplizität der Infektion wurde bei Erstgebärenden und jüngeren Patientinnen beobachtet. Mit zunehmendem Alter und einer höheren Anzahl an vorangegangenen Schwangerschaften fielen signifikant sowohl die Multiplizität der Infektion als auch die Parasitendichte. Zudem wurde eine hohe Korrelation zwischen der Multiplizität der Infektion und der Parasitendichte nachgewiesen. Weder das Alter noch die Parität beeinflussten diese Korrelation. Der Einfluss von Alter und Parität auf die Multiplizität der Infektion konnte somit nicht unabhängig von der Parasitendichte nachgewiesen werden. Multivariate Analysen zeigten aber, dass es unabhängig von der Parasitendichte bei plazentaren Infektionen mit zwei und mehr als zwei Klonen im Vergleich zu monoklonalen plazentaren Infektionen mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit zu einer Frühgeburt kam. Dies betraf insbesondere Erstgebärende und Frauen mit submikroskopischen plazentaren Infektionen. Ob bei polyklonalen Infektionen eine Sequestration von P. falciparum in der Plazenta durch alle oder nur durch einen Teil der zahlreichen Genotypen geschieht, die an einer Infektion bei Schwangeren beteiligt sind, ist nicht entgültig geklärt. Es wurden aus zusammengehörenden plazentar und peripher gewonnenen P.-falciparum-Isolaten die Verteilungsmuster der Genotypen verglichen. Zwar korrelierte die Multiplizität der Infektion plazentarer und peripherer Isolate, die Genotypenmuster der Plazenta und der Peripherie waren jedoch deutlich unterschiedlich. Nur in 12% der Fälle konnte eine Genotypisierung eines peripher gewonnenen Isolates das klonale Gesamtbild der Infektion nachweisen. In 67% der Fälle waren neben identischen Genotypen wenigstens in einem der beiden Isolate unterschiedliche Genotypen nachweisbar. Einzelne spezifische Genotypen traten in der gesamten Untersuchungsgruppe öfter in der Plazenta als in der peripheren Blutprobe auf. Bei Frauen, die mit den Genotypen der Allelfamilie FC27 infiziert waren, lagen signifikant häufiger klinischen Manifestationen der Malaria vor. So konnte in multivariaten Analysen eine Assoziation zwischen FC27 und einer Frühgeburtlichkeit nachgewiesen werden. Darüber hinaus war FC27 zumindest in univariater Analyse mit einer Anämie und einem verminderten Geburtsgewicht assoziiert. Dies konnte insbesondere für Primiparae und für Gebärende mit submikroskopischen plazentaren Infektionen beobachtet werden. / Malaria is still one of the most considerable parasite infections of the human being. Pregnant women are at an increased risk in endemic areas. P. falciparum shows a high genetic diversity. In endemic areas infections with P. falciparum are very often polyclonal. They are described as multiple Infections or as the multiplicity of infection. In pregnant women P.-falciparum-infected-erythrocytes which exprimate specific surface proteins sequester in the placental tissue. Often this is the course of preterm delivery, low birth weight and anaemia. To investigate the diversity of P. falciparum and the multiplicity of infection in pregnant women a cross-sectional study was conducted in the holoendemic area of Agogo in Ghana. In this study over a period of one year 474 labouring women infected with placental P.-falciparum where investigated. To examine the diversity and the multiplicity of infection merozoite surface protein-1 (msp1) block 2 and merozoite surface protein-2 (msp2) genotypes were determined in Isolates from peripheral and placental blood samples. The study showed that in comparision to isolates of peripheral blood samples isolates of placental blood samples where associated with a significant higher prevalence of polyclonal infections and a higher multiplicity of infection. The highest multiplicity of infection was found among primiparae and young women. With age and parity multiplicity of infection as well as parasite density decreased. In addition a high correlation between the multiplicity of infection and parasite density could be demonstrated. Age and parity did not influence this correlation. Thus the influence of age independent from parity on the multiplicity of infection could not be proved. However, multivariate analyses showed, that independently from parasite density placental Infections with two or more clones were in comparison to monoclonal Infections associated with a higher probability of preterm delivery. This was the case especially in primiparae and in women with submicroscopical placental Infection. Presently it is not clear, whether all or only a subset of co-infecting genotypes sequester in the placental tissue. To address this issue the genotype distribution of matched placental and peripheral P. falciparum isolates where investigated. While the multiplicity of infection of placental and peripheral isolates correlated the genotype pattern of the placenta and the periphery differed extensively. Only 12% genotyping of a peripheral Isolate showed the entire picture of the infection. In 67% of the cases despite finding identical genotypes differing genotypes in at least one of the two Isolates were detectable. Specific genotypes appeared more often in the placental than in the peripheral Isolate. In women, who were infected with genotypes of the allelic family FC27 clinical manifestation of malaria were observed more often. In multivariate analysis an association between FC27 and a preterm delivery was established. Beside this at least in univariate analyses FC27 was associated with low birth weight and anaemia. This was the case especially for primiparae and labouring women with submicroscopic placental infections.
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Developing a framework for public relations practice : a study of the financial services sector in GhanaAnani-Bossman, Albert 06 1900 (has links)
The goal of the study was to develop a framework for public relations practice in the financial services sector. The study was based on four key objectives. In line with the first objective, chapters 2 and 3 reviewed how public relations was conceptualised and practiced by reviewing literature. Three worldviews, the North American, the European and African worldviews, were discussed by looking at their similarities and differences. The literature also reviewed the development of public relations from these three perspectives. Literature revealed that different models influence practices in different cultural settings and that effective PR practice cannot be premised on a single model.
Objectives 2, 3 and 4 empirically analysed the conceptualisation and practice of public relations in terms of the purpose (models) and roles (activities). The study employed the one-on-one interview technique to gauge the views of communication managers in the financial services sector. The result of the study was discussed and analysed in chapter 5. Findings showed that PR was not strategic and mostly had a marketing orientation. Significantly, most of the communication managers had marketing backgrounds, which invariably affected their concept and practice of public relations. Another key finding was that public relations measurement and evaluation was based on outputs and outtakes more than outcomes. Moreover, methods used were mostly unscientific in nature. PR strategies were based on audience satisfaction surveys rather than perception and attitudinal research. Practitioners are not part of the dominant coalition. The findings showed that practitioners faced a number of challenges that compromised the effectiveness of their work, including management’s value and perception of their work, lack of in-depth knowledge about the profession itself, budgetary constraints and inability to sometimes influence decisions because of their position in the organisational structure.
The findings of the study, together with findings in the literature, were used to develop a framework for effective PR practice in the sector. The framework differs in certain aspects from some of the recommendations made by literature for excellent public relations practice. The framework also incorporates recommendations aligning to the reality of public relations practice within the Ghanaian cultural and political environment. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil.(Communication)
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Business Drivers for Environmental Regulations Compliance in Ghana's Mining SectorAhorbo, Georgina Angorkor 01 January 2014 (has links)
Ghana's mining sector is a significant contributor to the national economy; however, environmental degradation continues to stigmatize the sector. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore experiences and perspectives of middle managers on how to drive compliance with EPA regulations and standards in Ghana's mining sector. Ajzen's theory of planned behavior was the conceptual framework for this phenomenological study. A purposive sample of 20 middle managers from Ghana's mining sector participated in interviews, which were transcribed and then coded to generate common themes. The primary research question involved exploring factors that promote employee compliance in Ghana's mining sector. Three critical themes that emerged from the study were (a) business benefits of compliance, (b) factors that promote employee compliance, and (c) obstacles to compliance. The implications for positive social change include the potential for community members to experience reduced environmentally related health challenges with concomitant increases in their quality of life
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La construction du champ politique local à Accra (Ghana) et Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Le cas de la politique de gestion des déchetsQuénot, Hélène 29 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les processus de décentralisation ont renforcé les pouvoirs et les responsabilités d'Accra et Ouagadougou et créé une « nouvelle donne » urbaine, qui implique la mise en place de modes de gestion renouvelés, comme la privatisation de certains services ou la prise en compte accrue de la société civile à travers des processus de type « gouvernance ». Ouagadougou et Accra restent cependant dans une situation paradoxale puisqu'elles sont à la fois des entités locales et des symboles du pouvoir central. Dans ce contexte, les réformes de gestion des déchets, d'abord techniques, possèdent également une dimension politique forte puisqu'elles interrogent la capacité des municipalités à contrôler leur territoire et à répondre aux demandes des acteurs internationaux et gouvernementaux. Ces réformes sont extrêmement comparables mais ont des résultats très différents. Après un état des lieux de la question des déchets, ce travail s'interroge donc sur les conditions de leur mise en oeuvre : quels facteurs institutionnels, historiques, humains structurent le champ et expliquent les différences de résultats dans les deux villes ? L'analyse de ces facteurs permet par ailleurs d'interroger l'autonomie politique des municipalités, qui doivent faire face à un manque de moyen chronique mais également aux demandes des bailleurs de fonds et aux réticences des gouvernements centraux. Ces réformes ont enfin été des opportunités de mise en oeuvre de nouvelles relations politiques au niveau local. Ces « nouvelles règles du jeu » ont-elles contribué à la structuration du champ et à l'émergence de pratiques politiques et d'identités spécifiquement locales ? Les difficultés parfois grandes des municipalités ont conduit à la mise en place de relations et d'organisations inattendues, qui permettent de dépasser l'analyse en termes de succès ou d'échec pour mettre en valeur les inventions politiques constantes à l'oeuvre dans les deux capitales.
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Oilseed meals as dietary protein sources for juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.)Agbo, Nelson W. January 2008 (has links)
One of the major problems facing aquaculture in Ghana is the non-availability of quality and affordable fish feeds. The present study investigated the nutritional suitability and cost-effectiveness of some Ghanaian oilseed by-products, soybean meal (Glycine spp), cottonseed meal (Gossypium spp), groundnut cake (Arachis hypogaea L.) and groundnut husk, as alternative protein sources to fishmeal (FM) in the diet of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.). The oilseed meals were used individually, as mixtures, as mixtures enriched with methionine and mixtures detoxified by heat processing (autoclaving) and/or addition of supplements (viz. phytase and ferrous sulphate) intended to reduce levels of the most important antinutritional factors (ANFs). Diets, containing the oilseed meals at inclusion levels from 25% to 75% dietary protein, were formulated to be isonitrogenous (320 g.kg-1), isolipidic (100 g.kg-1) and isoenergetic (18 KJ.g-1) and fed to juvenile Nile tilapia at 4-10% of their body weight for a period of eight weeks. Proximate analysis showed that soybean meal (SBM), cottonseed meal (CSM), groundnut cake (GNC) and groundnut husk (GNH) had 500.3, 441.4, 430.5 and 205.6 g.kg-1 crude protein, 38.2, 89.5, 12.8 and 89.2 g.kg-1 crude fibre and 20.19, 19.61, 23.17 and 22.18 kJ.g-1 gross energy respectively. Generally the oilseed meals had good essential amino acid (EAA) profiles with the exception of GNH. The EAA profile of SBM compared very well with FM but methionine and threonine were low (0.73 and 1.50 % of protein respectively) and the same was true for CSM and GNC with even lower levels. Analyzed ANFs in SBM, CSM, GNC and GNH were 17.54, 31.64, 14.86 and 3.99 g.kg-1 phytic acid, 14.09, 1.24 and 2.34 g.kg-1 trypsin inhibitors and 5.80, 6.50, 8.01 and 10.08 g.kg-1 saponin respectively and in CSM 5.6 g.kg-1 gossypol. Nutrient digestibility of these oilseed proteins suggested that Nile tilapia may be able to utilize SBM, CSM and GNC efficiently as dietary protein sources due to high apparent protein digestibility of 94.50%, 84.93% and 90.01% respectively. However, GNH may not be suitable because of very low apparent protein digestibility (27.67%). These protein sources when used individually were shown to cause depressed growth and feed efficiency when substituting more than 50% of the FM protein in diets. This may be attributed to high levels of ANFs, high fibre content and poor EAA profile. However, the use of mixtures of these meals was found to be marginally more effective than that of single sources. This may have been as a result of lower levels of ANFs and improvement in essential amino acid profile due to mixing. Supplementing the mixtures with methionine led to improvement in feed utilization but without significantly improving the nutritive value compared with FM. Heat processing was effective in reducing heat labile trypsin inhibitors in SBM, CSM and GNC by almost 80%, but not phytic acid and saponins, which remained virtually unaffected. Use of meals detoxified by heat processing with/without supplements at 50% inclusion improved growth and feed utilization compared to the unprocessed meals and performance was generally not significantly different from FM. Cost effectiveness analysis revealed that diets containing single feedstuffs or mixtures, particularly those containing equal proportions of oilseed meals and higher proportion of CSM replacing between 50% - 75% FM protein, were more profitable than FM diet. Similarly, the use of heat processed meals at 50% replacement of FM protein yielded greater profit than all other diets including the FM diet. However, essential amino acid supplementation of the meals was less profitable compared to the control. Generally, fish fed diets with oilseed meals would take longer to attain harvest size compared with FM and this could lead to an increase in production costs or a decrease in the number of production cycles which could be achieved within a year. It can be concluded that there is nutritional and economic justification for using SBM, CSM and GNC as partial replacement for FM in diets of Nile tilapia. Based on growth performance, nutrient utilization and economic benefits the diet with heat processed oilseed meal mixtures (containing equal proportions of 16.67% each) at 50% inclusion has the best prospects for replacing FM protein in diets of O. niloticus.
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