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Cellule souche gingivale : origine et multipotence / Gingival stem cell : origin and multipotency.Loison-Robert, Ludwig 15 December 2016 (has links)
La gencive correspond à un modèle de régénération naturelle grâce notamment à sa capacité de cicatrisation « ad integrum ». Ce phénomène est permis par sa composition en fibroblastes gingivaux. Ces cellules, composante cellulaire principale du tissu conjonctif gingival, sont au cœur de la régulation des réponses inflammatoires et de la cicatrisation. Ce tissu contient, comme d’autres tissus mésenchymateux, des cellules souches ; qui expliquent en partie ces capacités de régénération. De plus, comme le tissu gingival est abondant et facilement accessible, l’utilisation de ces cellules souches pourraient être d’un intérêt prometteur en thérapie cellulaire ou pour de la modélisation in vitro. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons pu montrer que les Cellules Souches dérivées de la Gencive Humaine (CSGH) possèdent des propriétés communes avec les cellules souches adultes dérivées des crêtes neurales. Ces cellules peuvent être qualifiées de « souche » par leur capacité d’auto-renouvèlement, d’adhésion au plastique et de multipotence. Premièrement, nous avons montré que la méthode ainsi que les produits de culture utilisés pour l’isolation des fibroblastes gingivaux in vitro à partir de biopsies de gencive avait une influence sur les cellules obtenues. Dans un second temps, une analyse clonale in vitro de populations de fibroblastes gingivaux a permis de montrer que les fibroblastes gingivaux sont composés de sous-populations qui expriment des marqueurs spécifiques des cellules souches et des crêtes neurales. Outre leur origine embryologique, l’étude de leur multipotence a aussi été caractérisée après expansion et en fonction des additifs utilisés. Pour finir, deux exemples d’utilisation de ces cellules comme modèle d’étude de la biocompatibilité de biomatériaux in vitro ont été développés; imitant la muqueuse buccale ainsi que les réactions dentaires (réparatrices et réactionnaire). / Gingiva is a natural regeneration model thanks to its "ad integrum" healing capability. Gingival fibroblasts are the main actors of this property. These cells, the main cellular component of the gingival connective tissue, regulate the inflammatory responses and healing process. This tissue contains, like many others, mesenchymal stem cells; which also partly explain these regenerative abilities. Moreover, as the gingiva is abundant and easily accessible, the use of these stem cells may interest cell therapy or in vitro model tissues responses. In this work, we demonstrated that Stem Cells Derived from Human Gingiva (SCHG) have common properties with neural crest adult stem cells. These cells can be called "stem cells" for their ability to self-renew, adhere to plastic and to differentiate. First, we have shown that the method and the culture products used for isolation of gingival fibroblasts from gingival biopsy had an influence on the obtained cells. Secondly, an analysis of in vitro clonal populations of gingival fibroblasts has shown that gingival fibroblasts are composed of subpopulations that express specific markers of stem cells and neural crests. In addition to their embryological origin, the study of their multipotency was also characterized after expansion and depending on the used additives. Finally, two examples of using these cells and dental pulp stem cells as a model to study the in vitro biocompatibility of biomaterials have been developed, mimicking oral mucosa or dentin reactions (reparative or reactional).
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Le fibroblaste gingival : une cellule à potentiel thérapeutique pour l’anévrisme aortique / Gingival fibroblast : a possible therapeutic cell for aortic aneurysmCherifi, Hafida 25 November 2014 (has links)
Introduction.Le fibroblaste gingival (FG) est la cellule majoritaire de la gencive. Cette dernière fait face constamment aux agressions physico-chimiques, infectieuses et thermiques. L'une des caractéristiques de la gencive est sa réparation quasi-parfaite suite à une lésion ponctuelle. Ce n'est pas le cas pour d'autres tissus comme la paroi aortique. L'anévrisme aortique (AA) est un affaiblissement de la paroi aortique provoqué par une sécrétion exhaustive de métalloprotéases (MMPs) et en particulier de MMP-9. Il en résulte une dilatation de l'artère. Dans un modèle d'anévrisme de lapin, Durand et al (2012) avait montré que le FG pouvait ralentir, voire réparer un anévrisme. Dans notre étude, nous avons mis en place un modèle de coculture FG/AA d'origine humaine.Chez l'homme, la localisation de la pathologie peut être au niveau abdominal (Anévrisme Aortique Abdominale : AAA) ou thoracique (Anévrisme Aortique Thoracique : AAT). Etant donné que leur étiologie sont différentes, nous avons souhaité savoir s'il existait des différences selon les lésions. Cela nous permettrait en effet de mieux appréhender la prise en charge. Nous avons réalisé une étude comparative histo et physiopathologique entre les AAA et AAT. L'une des différences soulevée, est la présence d'un facteur infectieux au niveau des AAA. C'est un élément à prendre en compte pour une thérapie cellulaire et ainsi nous avons mis en culture des FG en présence de LPS, une endotoxine bactérienne.De plus pour approfondir notre travail sur l'utilisation du FG dans la thérapie cellulaire, nous avons initié une étude sur la plasticité de la sous-population souche des FG en étudiant, notamment leur orientation en cellules vasculaires (cellules endothéliales).Résultats/discussionLe FG, grâce à sa secrétion de TIMP-1, contribue à l'inhibition de la MMP-9 anévrismale. La sécrétion de MMP-9 est plus importante dans les lésions avec athérome (AAA) que celles sans athérome (AAT dans notre étude). Ceci est en corrélation avec la dégradation qui est plus importante dans les AAA que dans les AAT. La MMP-9 est une protéine sécrétée entre autre par les cellules inflammatoires. Une inflammation est présente dans les AAA et pas dans les lésions thoraciques. Ceci pourrait expliquer la différence de sécrétion de MMP-9 et donc de dégradation. Concernant l'origine de cette inflammation, nous avons recherché une cause infectieuse. Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) qui est une bactérie importante dans le développement de la parodontite (maladie inflammatoire des tissus de soutien de la dent) a été détectée dans les AAA. Une relation pathologique existerait entre la parodontite et l'AAA mais l'étude devrait être plus poussée pour connaître le mécanisme physiopathologique de ce phénomène. Toutefois, en ce qui concerne la thérapie cellulaire, le LPS qui est une endotoxine du Pg, n'affecte pas la capacité du FG à secréter du TIMP-1.En plus de la possibilité du FG à neutraliser la MMP-9 anévrismale, nous avons souhaité savoir si le FG avait des compétences de différentiation en cellule vasculaire. Un début d'exploration de la plasticité cellulaire de la souche multipotente de FG en cellule endothéliale, donnent des résultats préliminaires encourageants.Conclusion. Le FG pourrait être une cellule prometteuse pour une thérapie cellulaire de l'anévrisme aortique mais des explorations plus poussées sont encore nécessaires pour une telle application. / IntroductionGingival fibroblast (GF) is the main cell in gingiva which is constantly facing infectious, thermal and physico-chemical attacks. When a lesion occurs, the repair of gingiva is almost perfect. It is not the case for other tissues as the aortic wall. The aortic aneurysm (AA) is a pathologic expansion of aorta due to a weakening of the wall with an exhaustive secretion of metalloproteinases (MMPs) and particularly of MMP-9. In an aneurysm rabbit model, Durand and al (2012) have showed that GF could slow down or repair the aneurysm. In our study, we have established a co-culture model of human GF and human AA.For human, the location of the aortic disease may be at abdominal level (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: AAA) and thoracic level (Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm: TAA). Since the aetiologies are different, we wondered if histo and physiopathologic differences would existe between the both. It is impotant to know that for better supporting the disease. One of the difference between AAA and TAA is the presence of an infectious factor in AAA. This is an element to consider for cell therapy, so we studied the behavior of GF in presence of an endotoxin, the LPS.In addition, to further our work on the use of GF in cell therapy, we have initiated a study of the plasticity of the GF multipotente subpopulation including the differentiation into vascular cells (endothelial cell in particular).Results/DiscussionThanks to its TIMP-1 secretion, GF could contribute to the inhibition of MMP-9 activity in aneurysm. The secretion of MMP-9 in AA with atheroma (AAA) is highter than in TAA (without atheroma in our study). It is correlated to the degradation of AAA which is more important than the degradation of TAA. Inflammatory cells may secrete MMP-9. Inflammation is present in AAA and not in TAA. This, could explain the highter secretion of MMP-9 in abdominal lesion and also the degradation which is more important in AAA than in TAA. As for the origin of this inflammation, we researched an infectious factor. We isolated Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) in AAA, which might trigger or aggravate inflammation. This is an important bacterium in the development of periodontitis (inflammatory disease of the tissues supporting the tooth). A pathological relationship may exist between periodontitis and the AAA. The study should be further to know the pathophysiology of AAA related to Pg. But as regards the cell therapy, LPS, which is an endotoxin of Pg would not affect the secretion of TIMP-1 by the GF.In addition to its abilities to inhibate MMP-9 in aneurysm, we wondered if GF would be able to differentiate into vascular cell. An early exploration of GF multipotent subpopulation plasticity reveals a possible opportunity to go further in a the cell therapy.Conclusion.GF might be a promising cell for treating aortic aneurysm but further explorations are still necessary for its application.
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Factors Affecting Gingival Excess, Altered Passive Eruption and Recession in the Mandibular Anterior and Premolar SitesBohlen, William 02 August 2010 (has links)
Abstract FACTORS AFFECTING GINGIVAL EXCESS, ALTERED PASSIVE ERUPTION AND RECESSION IN THE MANDIBULAR ANTERIOR AND PREMOLAR SITES By William F Bohlen, D.M.D. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Dentistry at Virginia Commonwealth University. Virginia Commonwealth University, 2010 Major Director: Thomas Waldrop, DDS, MS Program director, Department of Periodontics, Virginia Commonwealth University AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting gingival excess, altered passive eruption and recession. METHODS: 100 subjects were examined clinically and models of their mandible were fabricated. Demographic, periodontal and cast measurements were recorded for each subject. Measurements were made on casts with digital calipers and included clinical crown length, clinical crown width, papillary height and gingival width. The W:L ratio was calculated and the proportion compared to the maxillary arch ideal of .80. Values greater than .80 were used as a cutoff point for defining gingival excess. Measures of periodontal health were also examined and included probing depths, clinical attachment loss and bleeding on probing. Other patient variables examined were history of orthodontics, presence of occlusal and incisal wear, presence of parafunctional habits, subjective appearance of gummy smile and biotype. RESULTS: The mean W:L ratio was found to be 79.6 %. Tooth type (p<0.001), gender (p<0.0237) and biotype (p<0.0081) were found to significantly contribute to a W:L ratio >.80. There was a significant correlation between the subjective appearance of gingival excess and the W:L ratio, regardless of biotype. There was no association between recession and gingival excess. CONCLUSION: Subjectively, 17% of the study subjects had gingival excess. When the author (WB) made the determination that gingival excess was present, there was a significant increase in the W:L ratio for all teeth, regardless of biotype versus teeth without the presence of gingival excess. Proposed ideal W:L ratios for the mandibular anterior teeth from the second premolar to central incisor are listed in Table 11.
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Avaliação in vitro do cultivo de fibroblastos gengivais humanos em matriz dérmica acelular / Evaluation of in vitro human gingival fibroblasts on the acellular dermal matrixRodrigues, Annelissa Zorzeto 21 May 2008 (has links)
A matriz démica acelular, MDA, figura dentre os biomateriais que têm por objetivo restaurar defeitos mucogengivais. A correção de defeitos mucogengivais a partir de constituintes autógenos são os procedimentos mais comumente usados, no entanto, em decorrência da quantidade insuficiente de tecido doador, esses procedimentos se tornam limitados. Diante disso, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar, in vitro, diferentes aspectos relacionados ao cultivo prévio de fibroblastos gengivais humanos em MDA. Fibroblastos gengivais humanos foram cultivados pela técnica do explante a partir de amostras de tecido gengival queratinizado removido de três pacientes saudáveis. A MDA foi cultivada com esses fibroblastos por períodos de 14 e 21 dias para posterior análise dos eventos de: adesão celular, proliferação e viabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que em 7 dias, os fibroblastos estavam aderidos, espraiados e dispersos sobre a superfície externa da MDA, em 14 dias formavam monocamada de células de morfologia alongada e quiescentes (Ki-67 negativos) em sua maioria, sendo apenas ocasionalmente observadas no interior da MDA. Em 21 dias a monocamada exibia menor densidade celular. Os resultados sugerem que o cultivo de fibroblastos em MDA em períodos de 14 dias permite boas condições de adesão e espraiamento das células sobre a matriz, porém, a alta densidade de fibras colágenas parece ser um fator limitante à migração celular. / Acellular Dermal Matrix, ADM, is a biomaterial that has been used in periodontal procedures to treat mucogingival defects. Mucogingival defects can be corrected by autogenous grafts that are the most common procedure used in periodontology, however, because of the limited source of donor\'s tissue this procedure became limited. The aim of this investigation was to verify, in vitro, different aspects related to human gingival fibroblasts seeding on to the ADM. Human gingival fibroblasts were established from explant cultures from the connective tissue of keratinized gingiva collected from three healthy patients. ADM was seeded with gingival fibroblasts for 14 and 21 days, and then cell adherence, proliferation and viability were analyzed. Results revealed that, at day 7, fibroblasts were adherent and spreading on the ADM surface, and were unevenly distributed, forming a discontinuous single cell layer, at day 14, a confluent fibroblastic monolayer lining ADM surface was noticed. At day 21, the cell monolayer exhibited a reduction in cell density. The results suggests that fibroblasts seeding on the ADM for 14 days can allow good conditions for cell adhesion and spread on the matrix, however, because of the high collagen fiber bundle density cell, migration inside the matrix was limited.
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"Avaliação clínica do crescimento gengival induzido por ciclosporina-A e tacrolimus em indivíduos transplantados renais: estudo prospectivo" / Avaliação do crescimento gengival induzido por ciclosporina -A e tacrolimus em i ndivíduos transplantados renais: estudo prospectivoSekiguchi, Ricardo Takiy 24 April 2006 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a ocorrência de crescimento gengival derivado da administração de duas drogas imunossupressoras ciclosporina-A (CsA) e tacrolimus, em indivíduos transplantados renais, e verificar as possíveis alterações dos parâmetros clínicos periodontais (IP, JEC-MG, PCS, NCI e SS) após o início da terapia imunossupressora. Foram avaliados dois grupos: grupo CsA que consistiu de 20 indivíduos que receberam o protocolo de imunossupressão composto por ciclosporina-A e o grupo tacrolimus que consistiu de 20 indivíduos que receberam tacrolimus. Ambos os grupos foram avaliados em três momentos: momento prétransplante , 30 dias após o transplante renal (momento 30 dias) e 90 dias após o transplante renal (momento 90 dias). Em todas as avaliações foram registrados os seguintes parâmetros clínicos: distância da junção esmalte-cemento à margem gengival (JEC-MG), profundidade clínica de sondagem (PCS), nível clínico de inserção (NCI), sangramento à sondagem (SS), índice de placa (IP) e índice de crescimento gengival (ICG). Foi observada redução significante do IP, em ambos os grupos, entre o momento pré-transplante e o momento 90 dias, mas não houve diferença significante entre os grupos nos três momentos avaliados. Com relação ao SS, foi observado no grupo tacrolimus uma redução significante entre o momento pré-transplante e o momento 30 dias (p=0,001) e entre o momento pré-transplante e o momento 90 dias (p<0,001). Também não houve diferença significante entre os grupos nos momentos avaliados. Não foi encontrada diferença significante entre os grupos com relação à JEC-MG e PCS nos três momentos. Quanto ao NCI, houve diferença significante entre os momentos pré-transplante e 30 dias (p=0,015), e entre os momentos pré-transplante e 90 dias (p=0,03), independentemente do grupo. Com relação ao ICG, foi observado no grupo CsA diferença significante entre os momentos pré-transplante e 30 dias (p<0,001), pré-transplante e 90 dias (p<0,001) e entre 30 dias e 90 dias. No grupo tacrolimus, foi observada diferença significativa no ICG entre os momentos pré-transplante e 90 dias (p=0,007) e entre 30 dias e 90 dias (p=0,007). Ainda com relação ao ICG, o grupo ciclosporina-A sempre apresentou médias superiores ao grupo tacrolimus e essa diferença foi significativa nos momentos 30 dias (p=0,03) e 90 dias (p=0,014). Os autores concluíram que ambos os grupos apresentaram crescimento gengival após 90 dias de terapia imunossupressora. Entretanto, a média do índice de crescimento gengival do grupo CsA foi significantemente maior que a média do grupo tacrolimus após 30 dias e 90 dias. Além disso, os parâmetros clínicos periodontais IP, SS, JEC-MG, PCS e NCI não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos durante o estudo. / The purpose of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of gingival overgrowth induced by cyclosporin-A (CyA) and tacrolimus, in kidney transplant patients, and to verify the possible changes of the periodontal parameters (plaque index, bleeding on probing, distance of the enamel-cement junction to gingival margin, probing depth and clinical attachment level) after the beginning of the immunosuppressant therapy. Two groups were evaluated: group CyA that consisted of 20 individuals who received CyA and the group tacrolimus that consisted of 20 individuals who received tacrolimus. Both groups were evaluated at three moments: pre-transplant moment, 30 days after the kidney transplant (30 days moment) and 90 days after the kidney transplant (90 days moment). In all these evaluations we registered the following parameters: plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing (SS), distance of enamel-cement junction to gingival margin (JEC-MG), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and gingival overgrowth index (GO). It was observed a significant reduction of the PI in both groups, between the pre-transplant moment and the 90 days moment, but it was not observed any significant difference between the groups in the three evaluated moments. A significant reduction was found in the SS between the pretransplant moment and the 30 days moment (p=0,001), and between the pretransplant moment and the 90 days moment (p<0,001) for the group tacrolimus. Again it was not found any significant difference between the groups in the evaluated moments. It was not found any significant difference between the groups in the three moments of the study when the JEC-MG and PD were compared. About the CAL, it was found a significant difference between the pre-transplant moment and the 30 days moment, and between the pre-transplant moment and the 90 days moment, independently of the group compared. When we evaluated the GO in the CyA group we found a significant difference between the pre-transplant moment and 30 days moment (p<0,001), the pre-transplant moment and the 90 days moment (p<0,001) and between the 30 days moment and the 90 days moment. In the group tacrolimus, it was observed a significant difference in the GO between the pre-transplant moment and the 90 days moment (p=0,007) and between the 30 days moment and the 90 days moment (p=0,007). The group CyA always presented superior GO mean scores when compared to the group tacrolimus and this difference was significant at the 30 days moment (p=0,03) and 90 days moment (p=0,014). The authors concluded that both groups presented gingival overgrowth after 90 days of immunosuppressant therapy. However, the mean GO scores of the group CyA was significantly higher than the mean of the group tacrolimus after 30 days and 90 days. Moreover, periodontal clinical parameters PI, SS, JEC-MG, PD and CAL did not present significant differences between the groups during the study.
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Impacto orofacial da radioterapia de cabeça e pescoço / Orofacial impact of head and neck radiotherapyRibas, Priscila Fernandes 23 February 2011 (has links)
A radioterapia de cabeça e pescoço quando direcionada às glândulas salivares, articulação temporomandibular e músculos da mastigação, provoca sequelas na cavidade oral muitas vezes irreversíveis. Objetivo: Comparar a saúde oral, condição periodontal e função mandibular, antes e após a radioterapia da região de cabeça e pescoço. Métodos: Vinte e seis pacientes com diagnóstico de tumores malignos de cabeça e pescoço foram avaliados 30 dias antes, 30 e 90 dias após a radioterapia. A avaliação orofacial incluiu: avaliação dentária, periodontal e função mandibular. Também foram observadas as características gerais como tipo histológico do tumor e dose de radioterapia. Resultados: A idade média da amostra foi de 58 anos, sendo que 21 indivíduos (80,76%) eram do gênero masculino. Observamos um aumento do número de dentes cariados, entre a primeira e terceira avaliação (2,08±2,31 vs 4,19±3,41, p0,001) e um aumento do número de dentes perdidos (14±6,34 vs 14,46±6,23, p=0,006) e obturados (2,04±3,38 vs 2,73±3,54, p=0,004) a partir da segunda avaliação, provavelmente pelo preparo oral da radioterapia. Noventa dias após o término do tratamento radioterápico, observamos diminuição da inserção clínica periodontal (3,65±1,37 vs 4,10±2,08, p=0,001), pelo aumento de limite esmalte-cemento/margem gengival (1,67±1,13 vs 2,15±1,63, p=0,001). Os pacientes apresentaram prejuízo da mobilidade mandibular com diminuição de protrusão (7,88±3,59 vs 6,38±3,69, p=0,009) e da abertura bucal forçada (37,42±9,88 vs 34,12±10,51, p=0,007), além de um aumento de sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular. Conclusão: Os resultados mostram que a radioterapia provoca efeitos deletérios na região orofacial, que tendem a acentuar com o passar do tempo, ainda que o tratamento odontológico prévio seja realizado. Entretanto, o preparo de boca é relevante para minimizar os problemas decorrentes da radioterapia. / When salivary glands, temporomandibular joint and muscles of mastication are in the field of radiation, radiotherapy for head and neck cancer causes sequelae in the oral cavity often irreversible. Objective: Compare oral health, periodontal condition and jaw function before and after radiotherapy of head and neck. Method: Twenty-six patients with head and neck malignant tumors were evaluated 30 days before and 30 and 90 days after radiotherapy. The orofacial evaluation included: dental, periodontal and jaw function. General characteristics as histological type of the tumor and radiotherapy´s dose were also evaluated. Results: The mean age of the sample was 58 years and 21 (80.76%) were male. We observed an increase in the number of decayed teeth, between the first and third evaluations (2.08 ± 2.31 vs. 4.19 ± 3.41, p 0.001) and an increased number of missing teeth (14 ± 6.34 vs 14.46 ± 6.23, p = 0.006) and filled (2.04 ± 3.38 vs 2.73 ± 3.54, p = 0.004) in the second assessment, probably caused by dental preparation for radiotherapy. Ninety days after the radiotherapy treatment, we observed reduction in clinical attachment (3.65 ± 1.37 vs. 4.10 ± 2.08, p = 0.001) and increased cemento-enamel / gingival margin limit (1.67 ± 1.13 vs. 2.15 ± 1.63, p = 0.001). Patients had impaired mandibular mobility in protrusion (7.88 ± 3.59 vs. 6.38 ± 3.69, p = 0.009) and forced mouth opening (37.42 ± 9.88 vs 34.12 ± 10.51, p = 0.007), and an increase in signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders. Conclusion: The results show that radiotherapy may have adverse effects in orofacial region and that these effects tend to worsen over time, even if orofacial treatment is realized before radiation therapy. However, orofacial pre radiotherapy treatment is relevant to minimize the problems due radiotherapy.
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Avaliação clínica do crescimento gengival induzido por Ciclosporina-A ou Tacrolimus em indivíduos transplantados renais na ausência de bloqueadores de canais de cálcio: estudo prospectivo de 12 meses / Clinical evaluation of the gingival overgrowth induced by Ciclosporine-A or Tacrolimus in kidney transplant recipients in the absence of calcium channel blockers: a 12-month prospective studySekiguchi, Ricardo Takiy 01 August 2012 (has links)
O crescimento gengival é um efeito colateral comum nos indivíduos que recebem transplante de órgão e estão sob terapia imunossupressora. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar prospectivamente a ocorrência e severidade do crescimento gengival induzido pelo tacrolimus ou ciclosporina-A, na ausência de bloqueadores de canais de cálcio em indivíduos transplantados renais. Participaram do estudo 64 indivíduos que passaram por cirurgia de transplante e receberam ciclosporina (n=33) ou tacrolimus (n=31) como droga imunossupressora principal. Eles foram avaliados em 5 momentos: pré-transplante, 1, 3, 6 e 12 meses após transplante. Em todas as avaliações foram coletados dados demográficos e parâmetros clínicos periodontais (distância da margem gengival à junção cemento-esmalte, profundidade clínica de sondagem, nível clínico de inserção, índice de placa, sangramento à sondagem, e crescimento gengival). O valor médio de crescimento gengival no grupo ciclosporina foi maior que no grupo tacrolimus após 1 (p=0,04), 3 (p=0,001), 6 (p=0,007) e 12 meses (p=0,001). O crescimento gengival clinicamente significante foi observado em 30,3% (10 sujeitos) no grupo ciclosporina e 12,9% (4 sujeitos) no grupo tacrolimus após o período de 12 meses. Porém, essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significante (p=0,56). Concluímos que apesar de não ter sido encontrada diferença significante na ocorrência de crescimento gengival clinicamente significante, a severidade no grupo ciclosporina foi maior que no grupo tacrolimus após 12 meses de terapia imunossupressora. / Gingival overgrowth (GO) is a common side effect in recipients of organ transplants that are under immunosuppressive therapy. The aim of this study was to assess prospectively the occurrence and severity of gingival overgrowth induced by tacrolimus (Tcr) or ciclosporin A (CiA), in the absence of calcium channel blockers, in renal transplant patients. Sixty-four individuals undergoing transplantation received as the main immunosuppressant CiA (n=33) or Tcr (n=31). They were assessed at five time intervals: pre-transplant, 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after transplant. Demographic data and periodontal clinical parameters (cement-enamel junction to the gingival margin, probing depth, clinical attachment level, plaque index, bleeding on probing, and GO) were measured at all time intervals. The mean GO scores in CiA group were higher than Tcr group after 1 (p=0.04), 3 (p=0.001), 6 (p=0.007) and 12 months (p=0.001). A clinically significant GO was observed in 30.3% (10 subjects) in CiA group, and 12.9% (4 subjects) in Tcr group after 12 months. However, this difference was not significant (p=0.56). Although there was no significant difference in the occurrence of clinically significant GO, the severity in CiA group was higher than in Tcr group after 12 months of immunosuppressive therapy.
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Avaliação longitudinal de enxerto gengival livre e matriz dérmica acelular (alloderm®): análise comparativa intra e inter-grupos após 13 anos / Longitudinal evaluation of free gingival graft and acellular dermal matrix (alloderm®): intra and inter groups comparative analysis after 13 yearsReyes Cevallos, Cecilia Amparo 28 September 2018 (has links)
A presença de uma faixa adequada de mucosa ceratinizada (MC) é essencial para manutenção da homeostasia periodontal. Existem várias técnicas cirúrgicas com a finalidade de corrigir alterações mucogengivais, criando uma faixa de MC adequada nos casos em que está ausente ou insuficiente. O enxerto gengival livre (EGL) é uma das técnicas indicadas para criação de gengiva em áreas não estéticas. Outra opção é o uso de substitutos teciduais dentre eles, a matriz dérmica acelular (MDA), considerada uma alternativa para a criação de gengiva. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar longitudinalmente (após 13 anos) os resultados obtidos após procedimentos cirúrgicos de EGL e MDA para a criação da faixa de MC. Foram comparados os dados intra e inter-grupos. Os dados iniciais e de 6 meses foram obtidos de um estudo prévio realizado na Disciplina de Periodontia da FOB-USP, em 2004. Vinte e dois pacientes foram incluídos e avaliados originalmente, sendo que 12 aceitaram participar desta avaliação longitudinal. Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados foram: recessão gengival (RG), profundidade de sondagem (PS); nível clínico de inserção (NCI); largura da mucosa ceratinizada (LMC) e espessura da mucosa ceratinizada (EMC). Além desses parâmetros, também foi feita uma análise atual da percepção estética pelos pacientes e por um profissional calibrado das áreas tratadas. Após 13 anos, ambos os tratamentos resultaram em aumento significante LMC e EMC, porém com resultados superiores para o grupo que recebeu EGL (p<0,05). Não houve diferenças entre os grupos para os parâmetros PS e NCI, contudo no grupo MDA, a profundidade da RG foi significantemente maior comparado ao EGL em longo prazo. No entanto, o grupo MDA apresentou resultados superiores em relação à percepção estética do profissional. / The presence of an adequate width of keratinized tissue (KT) is essential for the maintenance of periodontal homeostasis. There are several surgical techniques with the purpose of correcting mucogingival changes, creating a suitable KT width in cases where it is absent or insufficient. Free gingival graft (FGG) is one of the techniques used to create gingiva in non-esthetic areas. Another option is the use of tissue substitutes, the acellular dermal matrix (ADM) that is considered an alternative for the gingiva augmentation. The aim of this study was to longitudinally analyze (after 13 years) the outcomes obtained after surgical procedures of FGG and ADM for the KT augmentation. Intra and intergroup data were compared. Initial and 6- month data were obtained from a previous study conducted at the Discipline of Periodontics of Bauru School of Dentistry-University of São Paulo in 2004. Twentytwo patients were originally included and evaluated, and 12 accepted to participate in this longitudinal evaluation. Clinical parameters evaluated were: gingival recession (GR), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), keratinized tissue width (KTW), soft tissue thickness (TT). In addition, esthetic perception was evaluated by patients and by a calibrated periodontist. After 13 years, both treatments resulted in a significant increase in KWT and TT, but with superior results for the FGG group (p <0.05). There were no differences between groups for PD and CAL, however in the ADM group, the depth of GR was significantly higher compared to FGG in long-term. However, esthetics perception by professional evaluation demonstrated superior outcomes for ADM group.
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Previous issue date: 2007-11-21 / Nifedipine is a diidropirine widely used for the control of arterial hypertension,
wich because of its vessel dilating, in particular for the blockade by the entry of
calcium. However, the chronic use of this calcium channel blocker is associated
with the gingival overgrowth, resulting in the esthetic, phonetic and mastication
problems. Data from the literature aren t unanimous in suggesting that cells
density alterations of gingival tissues might be caused by nifedipine. The aim of
this study was to analyze the variations in mast cells densities and associated with
collagen and vasculature degrees of the gingival tissues by effect of nifedipine. In
order to do so, fourteen samples of gingival tissue of patients undergoing chronic
treatment with nifedipine were obtained. For comparative purposes, fifteen
samples of gingival tissues of healthy patients who did not use drugs associated
with gingival overgrowth were used. The samples were analysed in the
department of oral pathology, Federal University of Goiás. The histochemical
analysis of the collagen degree was made using picrosirius staining. To evaluate
mast cells and blood vessels density, the samples were processed by standard
immunoperoxidase immunohistochemical technique using mast cell tryptase and
CD31 antibodies. The results showed that the number of tryptase-positive mast
cells in nifedipine group was significantly higher than the number of tryptasepositive
mast cells in the control group (Mann-Whitney test, P=0,02). However,
there wasn t relationship between mast cells density and the degree of
angiogenesis (Pearson test, P=0,3). The number of tryptase-positive mast cells
was not correlated with collagen degree (Spearman test, P=0,6). Also there wasn t
relationship between mast cells density and dose or duration of the nifedipine
therapy (Pearson test, P=0,2 and P=0,7). Microscopic alterations observed in the
connective tissue of nifedipine users suggest that this drug might be associated to
alterations observed in tryptase-positive mast cells density. / A nifedipina é uma diidropiridina amplamente utilizada no tratamento antihipertensivo
devido à sua ação vasodilatadora, especialmente, por bloquear o
influxo de cálcio. Entretanto, o uso crônico deste bloqueador dos canais de cálcio
está associado ao aumento da mucosa gengival, gerando problemas estéticos,
fonéticos e mastigatórios. Os dados da literatura não são unânimes em sugerir
que a nifedipina possa resultar na alteração da densidade celular do tecido
gengival. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a densidade de
mastócitos e sua relação com os processos de colagenização e vascularização no
tecido gengival sob efeito da nifedipina. Para este fim, foram utilizadas 14
amostras de tecido gengival de pacientes usuários de nifedipina. Para fins
comparativos, foram utilizadas 15 amostras de tecido gengival de indivíduos
saudáveis. As amostras foram avaliadas no departamento de Patologia Bucal da
Universidade Federal de Goiás. A análise histoquímica do grau de colagenização
foi realizada por meio da coloração de picrosirius. Para a avaliação da densidade
de mastócitos, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo destas células a partir da
técnica imunoistoquímica com marcação pelo anticorpo anti-triptase. A
mensuração da densidade de vasos sangüíneos foi avaliada através de técnica
imunoistoquímica com marcação pelo anticorpo anti-CD 31. Os resultados
revelaram que os pacientes usuários de nifedipina apresentavam um aumento
estatisticamente significante do número de MCs-triptase+, quando comparados ao
grupo controle (Mann-Whitney, P=0,02). No entanto, não houve correlação entre a
densidade de vasos e a densidade de mastócitos (Teste de Pearson, P=0,3),
assim como não houve correlação entre o grau de colagenização e a densidade
de mastócitos (Teste de Spearman, P=0,6). Também não foi observada
correlação entre a densidade de MCs e a dose e/ou duração da terapia com
nifedipina (Teste de Pearson, P=0,2 e P=0,7, respectivamente). As alterações
microscópicas observadas no tecido conjuntivo de pacientes usuários de
nifedipina sugerem que esta medicação está relacionada às alterações na
densidade dos MCs-triptase+.
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Avaliação longitudinal do crescimento gengival induzido por Ciclosporina A (CsA) e Tacrolimus, na ausência de bloqueadores de canal de cálcio, em indivíduos transplantados renais / Longitudinal evaluation of gingival overgrowth induced by Cyclosporin A (CsA) and Tacrolimus, in the absence of calcium channel blockers, in kidney transplant patientsPaixão, Caroline Gomes 29 September 2010 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar longitudinalmente a incidência e severidade do crescimento gengival (CG) induzido por agentes imunossupressores, tacrolimus (Tcr) e ciclosporina-A (CsA), na ausência de bloqueadores de canal cálcio, em indivíduos transplantados renais. Foram avaliados 49 sujeitos transplantados renais, divididos em: grupo CsA (n=25) e grupo Tcr (n=24). Os indivíduos foram avaliados em quatro momentos: prétransplante, 30, 90 e 180 dias após o transplante renal. Os dados demográficos, parâmetros clínicos (IP, JEC-MG, PCS, NCI, SS e ICG) foram coletados em todos os momentos. A média do índice de crescimento gengival (ICG) foi significativamente menor no grupo Tcr comparado com grupo CsA após 30 dias (p=0,03), 90 dias (p=0,004) e 180 dias (p=0,01) de terapia imunossupressora. Decorridos 180 dias após o transplante renal, o crescimento gengival clinicamente significante foi observado em 20% dos sujeitos do grupo CsA e 8,3% dos sujeitos grupo Tcr. Porém, essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significante (p = 0,41). Para os parâmetros clínicos periodontais houve uma redução, em relação ao tempo de terapia imunossupressora, para o IP e SS (p<0,001) em ambos os grupos. Apesar de não apresentar diferença estatística na incidência do crescimento gengival clinicamente significante após 180 dias de terapia imunossupressora, observou-se que para o grupo Tcr o crescimento gengival ocorreu de forma mais tardia e a severidade do crescimento gengival nos pacientes que faziam uso do Tcr foi menor que nos pacientes que faziam uso da CsA. / The aim of this study was to make a longitudinal evaluation of the incidence and severity of gingival overgrowth (GO) induced by immunosuppressive agents, such as tacrolimus (Tcr) and cyclosporin A (CsA), in the absence of calcium channel blockers, in renal transplant patients. This longitudinal study was conducted with 49 renal transplant patients, who were divided into: CsA group (n=25) and Tcr group (n=24). The individuals were assessed at four time intervals: before transplant, 30, 90 and 180 days after the renal transplant. The demographic data, clinical parameters (PI, CEJ-GM, PD, CAL, BOP and GOI) were collected at all times intervals. The gingival overgrowth index mean was significantly lower in Tcr group compared with CsA group after 30 days (p=0.03), 90 days (p=0.004) and 180 days (p=0.01) of immunosuppressive therapy. One hundred and eighty days after the renal transplant, clinically significant gingival overgrowth was observed in 20.0% of the individuals in CsA group and 8.3% of the individuals in Tcr group. However, this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.41). There was a reduction of the periodontal clinical parameters as regards the time of immunosuppressive therapy for PI and BOP (p <0.001) in both groups. Although there was no statistical difference in the incidence of clinically significant gingival overgrowth after 180 days of immunosuppressive therapy, it was observed that for the Tcr group gingival overgrowth occurred later and the severity of gingival overgrowth in this group was lower than in patients who used CsA.
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