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Polyphony, Dialogism and Verbal Interaction in French Caribbean Novels: A Study of Texaco, Mahagony, L'Isolé soleil, and L'Autre qui danse.White, Joseph Dua 10 August 2022 (has links)
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This thesis analyzes the major theme of ‘postcolonial genealogy’ in portraying the African bending under the weight of colonial history in Le vieux nègre et la médaille, Une vie de boy of Ferdinand Oyono and Le Chercheur d’Afriques of Henri Lopes. Being a product of a colonial Genesis, the African character runs behind the colonizer’s mirror through his Civilizing Mission. René Girard’s ‘double bind’ theory explains how this cultural assimilation is, in Le vieux nègre et la médaille and Une vie de boy, a dead end because the colonizer needs a subordinate and not an equal. The cohabitation of a black housewife with the French Commander in Le Chercheur d’Afriques should be seen as simply an allegory of postcolonial Africa’s dependency on the West. The consequences of the feminization of the African continent are enormous in the post-colonial imaginary. While the colonizer had conquered Africa with his Herculean body, in Oyono’s novels, his Fall is obtained through the aesthetics of Bakhtinian ‘rabaissement’ which degrades his ‘grotesque body’ to that of the colonized. The colonizer and the colonized are neutralized and leveled in their perishable bodies, thus, making futile the Civilizing Mission that operated by ranking races. Power is never total. It is always imperfect, and can never destroy a subjectivity that resists it. In Oyono’s novels, the Fall of the colonial Father is also obtained through the inquisitive gaze that the colonized return back to the colonizer, and through their ‘subversive mimicry’ that parodies his codes. In Une vie de boy and Le Chercheur d’Afriques, the ‘son-Father’ relationship between the hero and the colonial Father, is also symbolic of the ‘Africa-West’ rapports. Living under the specter of the Father, the son has to negotiate his survival between weaning and parricide. The biological miscegenation in Le Chercheur d’Afriques is a metaphor of the ‘rhizome identity’ of the postcolonial African who renounces both the Fathers of Negritude and those of the Civilizing Mission. / Thesis (Ph.D, French) -- Queen's University, 2011-06-24 12:43:30.006
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Automated microassembly using an active microgripper with sensorized end-effectors and hybrid force / position control / Micro-assemblage à l'aide d'une pince instrumentée en force et d'une commande hybride force / position.Komati, Bilal 12 December 2014 (has links)
La thèse propose l’utilisation d’une pince active instrumentée en force pour automatiser l’assemblage des MOEMS 3D hybrides. Chacun des doigts de la pince instrumentée est composé d’un actionneur piézo-électrique et d’un capteur de force piézorésistif intégré. Le capteur de force intégré présente des performances innovantes par rapport aux capteurs existants dans l’ état de l’art. Cette pince offre la possibilité de mesurer les forces de serrage appliquées par la pince pour saisir un micro composant et d’estimer les forces de contact entre le micro composant et le substrat de micro-assemblage.Un modèle dynamique et non linéaire est développé pour la pince instrumentée. Une commande hybride force/position est utilisée pour automatiser le micro-assemblage. Dans cette commande, certains axes sont commandés en position et les autres sont commandés en force. Pour les axes commandés en force, une nouvelle commande fondée sur une commande en impédance avec suivi de référence est proposée selon un principe de commande non linéaire par mode glissant avec estimation des paramétres en lignes. En utilisant le schéma de commande hybride force/position proposé, une automatisation de toutes les tâches de micro-assemblage est réalisée avec succès, notamment sur un composant flexible à guider dans un rail. / This work proposes the use of an active microgripper with sensorized end-effectors for the automationof the microassembly of 3D hybrid MOEMS. Each of the two fingers of the microgripper is composedof a piezoelectric actuator with an integrated piezoresistive force sensor. The integrated force sensorpresents innovative performances compared to the existing force sensors in literature. The forcesensors provide the ability to measure the gripping forces applied by the microgripper to grasp a microcomponentand estimated the contact forces between the microcomponent and the substrate ofmicroassembly. A dynamic nonlinear model of the microgripper is developed. A hybrid force/positioncontrol is used for the automation of the microassembly. In the hybrid force/position control formulation,some axes are controlled in position and others are controlled in force. For the force controlledaxes, a new nonlinear force control scheme based on force tracking sliding mode impedance controlis proposed with parameter estimation. Using the proposed hybrid force/position control scheme, fullautomation of the microassembly is performed, notably for the guiding of a flexible component in arail.
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L'Homme pareil aux autres: stratégies et postures identitaires de l'écrivain afro-antillais à Paris, 1920-1960 / Man who is just like the others: strategies and identities of african and carribean writers in paris, 1920-1960Bundu Malela, Buata 20 October 2006 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur le fait littéraire afro-antillais de l’ère coloniale (1920-1960). Il s’agit d’examiner les stratégies des agents à partir des cas de René Maran, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Aimé Césaire, Édouard Glissant et Mongo Beti et de percevoir comment ils se définissent leur identité littéraire et sociale.<p>Pour ce faire, notre démarche s’articule en deux temps :(1) examiner les conditions de possibilité d’un champ littéraire afro-antillais à Paris (colonisation française et ses effets, configuration d’un champ littéraire pré-institutionnalisé, etc.) ;(2) analyser les processus de consolidation du champ, ainsi que les luttes internes qui opposent deux tendances émergentes représentées d’abord par Senghor et Césaire, ensuite par Beti et Glissant, dont les prises de position littéraires mettent en œuvre des « modèles empiriques » ;ceux-ci régulent et unifient leurs rapports au monde et à l’Afrique.<p><p>This study relates to afro-carribean literature in colonial period (1920-1960). We want to examine the strategies of agents like René Maran, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Aimé Césaire, Édouard Glissant and Mongo Beti ;and we want to understand how they invente literary and social identity.<p>Our approach is structured in two steps: we shall analyse (1) the conditions for an afro-carribean literary field to appear in Paris (french colonialism and its consequences, configuration of literay field.) ;(2) the consolidation of this field and the internal struggles between two tendances represented by Senghor and Césaire, by Glissant and Beti whose literary practice shows the “empirical model” that regularizes and consolidates their relation with the world and Africa. / Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation langue et littérature / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Through the Eyes of Shamans: Childhood and the Construction of Identity in Rosario Castellanos' "Balun-Canan" and Rudolfo Anaya's "Bless Me, Ultima"Nava, Tomas Hidalgo 09 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study offers a comparative analysis of Rosario Castellanos' Balún-Canán and Rudolfo Anaya's Bless Me, Ultima, novels that provide examples on how children construct their identity in hybrid communities in southeastern Mexico and the U.S. southwest. The protagonists grow and develop in a context where they need to build bridges between their European and Amerindian roots in the middle of external influences that complicate the construction of a new mestizo consciousness. In order to attain that consciousness and free themselves from their divided selves, these children receive the aid of an indigenous mentor who teaches them how to establish a dialogue with their past, nature, and their social reality. The protagonists undertake that negotiation by transgressing the rituals of a society immersed in colonial dual thinking. They also create mechanisms to re-interpret their past and tradition in order to create an image of themselves that is not imposed by the status quo.
In both novels, the protagonists have to undergo similar processes to overcome their identity crises, including transculturation, the creation of sites of memory, and a transition from orality to writing. Each of them resorts to creative writing and becomes a sort of shaman who pulls together the "spirits" from the past, selects them, and organizes them in a narration of childhood that is undertaken from adulthood. The results of this enterprise are completely different in the cases of both protagonists because the historical and social contexts vary. The boy in Bless Me, Ultima can harmoniously gather the elements to construct his identity, while the girl in Balún-Canán fails because of the pressures of a male-centered and highly racist society.
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