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Biomarkery v diagnostice a terapii pozdních komplikací diabetu. / Biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic complicationsŠoupal, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The main objective of this study was research on biomarkers used in both diagnosis and therapy of diabetic complications. The main focus of our work came to be on one of these biomarkers - glycemic variability (GV). High GV is linked with more frequent occurance of hypoglycemia. There are even indications it might contribute to development of diabetic complications. With modern technology - continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), we are now able to reliably describe, calculate and reduce GV. So far it is unclear whether increased GV can contribute to the development of microvascular complications (MVC) in type 1 diabetes (T1D). Studies published so far have assessed GV primarily from routine self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) using glucometers. In the light of this uncertaity, the first part of this work compares GV calculated from CGM with the presence of MVC in T1D patients. GV calculated from CGM, but not from SMBG, proved to be significantly higher in T1D patients with MVC, even though there was no significant difference in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). This finding supports the hypothesis that higher GV is related to higher risk of MVC and that HbA1c does not describe diabetes control completely. Moreover, it was shown that GV calculated from SMBG is insufficient. There is still no fully...
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Estudo da monitorização contínua de glicose e das respostas de pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca e de outros parâmetros fisiológicos antes e após treinamento físico em diabéticos tipo II / Study of continuos glucose monitoring and responses in blood pressure, heart rate and others physiological parameters before and after physical training in type II diabeticsDaniele Albano Pinheiro 19 March 2014 (has links)
Há muitas alterações nos sistemas fisiológicos de indivíduos com diabetes melittus em função dos constantes momentos de hiperglicemia, principalmente alterações relacionadas ao aumento dos riscos cardiovasculares. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as respostas do controle glicêmico pelo monitor contínuo de glicose e da pressão arterial (PA), frequência cardíaca (FC) e sua variabilidade expressa pelos valores de RMSSD em diabéticos tipo II submetidos a testes de avaliação antes e após a realização de treinamento aeróbio e resistido. Participaram desse estudo 9 voluntários diabéticos tipo II do sexo masculino (45 a 65 anos) divididos em 3 grupos: DTA (n=7), diabéticos submetidos a seis semanas de treinamento aeróbio; DTR (n=5), diabéticos submetidos a treinamento resistido e GDC (n=5), diabéticos sem qualquer treinamento regular. Os voluntários realizaram testes laboratoriais, ergoespirometria e teste de fadiga em leg press antes e após o treinamento físico. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste t de Student e pelo teste de Kruskal Wallis. Os voluntários tiveram a cinética da concentração de glicose mensurada pelo monitor contínuo e analisada qualitativamente antes, durante e após a realização da ergoespirometria e do teste de fadiga por 60 minutos. Como resultados o grupo DTA apresentou menores valores de concentração de glicose pela monitorização contínua e o grupo DTR a melhor resposta na cinética dessa curva, apresentando expressivo decaimento na mesma. Em relação à resposta pressórica, somente a PA diastólica (PAD) foi menor estatisticamente para o grupo DTA pós treinamento aeróbio no repouso. Não houve diferenças entre os valores pré e pós treinamentos em relação à FC e os voluntários do grupo DTA apresentaram maiores valores de RMSSD em repouso e o do grupo DTR incrementos desses valores na recuperação dos testes, mostrando maior ação parassimpática no controle autonômico cardíaco dos diabéticos submetidos a treinamentos. Os indivíduos do grupo GDC apresentaram decremento nesse valor, sugerindo piora no controle autonômico cardíaco. Como conclusão geral, este estudo sugere que indivíduos diabéticos tipo II que realizaram treinamento aeróbio e resistido apresentaram benefícios complementares no controle glicêmico registrado pelo monitor contínuo em repouso e no período de recuperação de exercício, respectivamente, adaptações que parecem estar associadas à melhora da ação parassimpática/vagal no controle autonômico cardíaco e, sugere, também, ser o treinamento físico aeróbio o que permite melhor organização hemodinâmica nas respostas de PAD. / There are many changes in physiological systems of people with diabetes melittus due to the constant moments of hyperglycemia, mainly related to increasing of cardiovascular risk. The aim of this study was evaluate the responses of glycemic control by continuos glucose monitoring and blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and its variability expressed by the values of RMSSD in type II diabetics undergoing evaluation tests before and after performing aerobic and resistance training. Participants were 9 volunteers type II diabetic male (45-64 years) divided in 3 groups: DTA (n=7), diabetics undergoing six weeks of aerobic training; DTR (n=5), diabetics undergoing resistance training and GDC (n=5), diabetics without any regular training. The volunteers underwent laboratory tests, spirometry and fatigue tests on leg press before and after physical training. The results were statistically analyzed by Students t and Kruskal Wallis tests. The volunteers had the kinetics of glucose concentration measured by the continuos monitor and qualitatively analyzed before, during and after the spirometry and the fatigue tests for 60 minutes. As a result the DTA group had lower glucose concentration by continuos monitoring and DTR the best response in the kinetic curve, showing important decrease in it. In relation to the BP response, only diastolic BP (DBP) was statistically lower for the DTA group after aerobic training. There were no differences between pre and post training in HR and the DTA group showed higher RMSSD at rest and the DTR group showed increments of these values in the tests recovery showing higher parasympathetic action on cardiac autonomic control in diabetics patients with training. Individuals in the GDC group showed decrement this value, suggesting deterioration in cardiac autonomic control. As a general conclusion, this study suggests that type II diabetic individuals who performed aerobic and resistance training showed additional benefits in glycemic control by continuos monitor recorded at rest and during exercise recovery, respectively, adaptations that seem to be associated with improvement in parasympathetic action in cardiac autonomic control, and also suggests that aerobic exercise training has better organization hemodynamic in responses of DBP.
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Vysokohorská turistika u diabetiků s inzulinovou pumpou / Mountain trekking in diabetic patients treated with an insulin pumpBytelová, Sophie January 2018 (has links)
Title: Mountain tourism for diabetics with an insulin pump Objectives: The aim of this study is to find out whether it is suitable for patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus treated with an insulin pump to undergo physical activity in the form of mountain tourism, as the more intense physical aktivity affects blood glucose levels and whether patients are able to work with advanced insulin pump functions. Methods: The work is conceived as an observational study of the Medtronic educational project. One day mountain hike trip of a distance about 30 km was attended by 40 patients (men and women) with diabetes aged 15-25 years. Non-invasive methods were used. The data was obtained by monitoring insulin pump probes, glucometers and continuous monitoring, which were further evaluated using the CareLink Pro software. Results: Physical activity in the form of mountain tourism is suitable for patients with DM1 treated on an insulin pump. 80% of the probands did not have a risk status of hypoglycaemia, and even though the determined normoglycemia for research was performed by a larger number of adults as opposed to children, this FA has a demonstrable effect on blood glucose levels. It also brings positive benefits for patients because they learn how to work better with advanced insulin pump functions....
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Using Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Management of Diabetes Type 1 : A Cross Sectional Study of the Role of AI for Individual PatientsLivman, Sofia, Josefsson, Benjamin January 2022 (has links)
Diabetes type 1 is an autoimmune, incurable disease which requires careful monitoring and treatment to not result in life threatening complications. Managing the disease is to a great extent made by the patients themselves, implying the disease needs to be constantly taken into consideration when doing even the most simple and regular everyday tasks and activities.This study aims to examine the use of AI in everyday treatment for patients with diabetes type 1. The study investigated what areas AI is already used in diabetes care management, and where there is room for development. The purpose is to give an indication of what role AI has and potentially can have in making the life for patients with diabetes type 1 easier. The research was conducted by a combined literature review and a cross sectional multiple case-study, with semi-structured interviews with people diagnosed with diabetes type 1. The gathered data were analyzed in relation to the triangle of diabetes management and technology acceptance model 2. The first indicates what factors are of highest relevance to not create dangerous situations for a diabetic, and the second relates to whether users would accept the use of a complex technology. The result suggested wide current and further potential use of AI in creating functionality in treatment and everyday management of the disease. Further, it became evident that technological tools simplify the lives of diabetics but there are several areas where AI could be further implemented in order to improve it even further.
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Infrarot-spektroskopische Untersuchungen zur nicht-invasiven Überwachung von Blutglucose und zur zuverlässigen und schnellen Qualitätskontrolle von Biopharmazeutika am Beispiel InsulinDelbeck, Sven 09 February 2022 (has links)
Kumulative Dissertation, die sich mit den Herausforderungen der nichtinvasiven Blutglucosediagnostik sowie mit dem Qualitätsmonitoring von Biopharmazeutika am Beispiel Insulin beschäftigt. In beiden Forschungsbereichen wird die Infrarotspektroskopie eingesetzt, wobei verschiedene elektromagnetische Strahlungsbereiche (mitlleres und nahes Infrarot) zum Einsatz kommen. Ebenfalls werden unterschiedliche Messtechniken der Fourier-Transform-Infrarot-Spektroskopie eingesetzt, die die Vor- und Nachteile in den genannten Forschungsbereichen beleuchten.
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Vztah oxidačního stresu k parametrům kompenzace diabetu při rozvoji cévních komplikací. / Relationship of oxidative stress to parameters of diabetes control in development of vascular complications.Pelcl, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the clarification of the pathogenesis of chronic complications of diabetes mellitus. The main goal of the research was glycaemic variability, its contribution to the activation of oxidative stress and its possible role in the process of advanced glycation, all beyond the scope of persistent hyperglycaemia itself. Another aim of the work is to contribute to the clarification of a possible relationship between glycaemic variability and vascular complications of diabetes. We were the first to describe the association between the concentrations of reactive aldehydes formed during lipid peroxidation and disorders of skin microvascular reactivity in patients with type 1 diabetes (DM1). Elevated markers of oxidative stress were found in this group, furthermore during the 3 years of follow-up higher plasma antioxidant activity was observed. These findings were not dependent of the method of glucose monitoring and glucose variability, which was lower in a subgroup of patients using real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rt-CGM), compared to a subgroup using conventional glucometers. However, it is clear, that hyperglycaemia alone induces increased oxidative stress in patients with diabetes. Simultaneously we observed the opposite process of oxidative stress...
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Einfluss der Ernährung auf das Blutzuckertagesprofil von gesunden Schwangeren, Schwangeren mit einer Impaired glucose tolerance und GestationsdiabetikerinnenWohlfarth, Kathrin 28 January 2005 (has links)
Ziel: In der vorliegenden Studie wurden kontinuierliche Blutzuckertagesprofile über 48 h bei Schwangeren unterschiedlicher Glukosetoleranz erhoben und mit der Ernährung zu häuslichen Bedingungen verglichen. Ergebnisse: Bei den Gestationsdiabetikerinnen wurden statistisch signifikant länger Konzentrationen über 130 mg/dl gemessen als bei den gesunden Schwangeren. Keine Unterschiede ergaben sich in Bezug auf folgende Werte: Mittelwert, Zeitdauern mit Blutzuckerwerten < 50 mg/dl, >120 mg/dl, >140 mg/dl, >150 mg/dl. Periprandial wurden bei den Gestationsdiabetikerinnen und den Schwangeren mit IGT signifikant höhere Maximalwerte im Anschluss an die Mahlzeit gemessen, als bei gesunden Schwangeren. Keine Unterschiede ergaben sich hinsichtlich der Anfangswerte und der Area under the curve. In einigen Gruppen bestanden positive Korrelationen zwischen der Zufuhr von Disacchariden und Parametern der Glukosemessung, in der Gruppe der Gestationsdiabetikerinnen bestand eine signifikante negative Korrelation zwischen dem Stärkekonsum und dem Mittelwert der Glukosemessung. Nach Mahlzeiten, deren Hauptkohlenhydratquelle mit einem höheren glykämischen Index nach Jenkins attribuiert war, fiel die Glukosereaktion größer aus, als bei Mahlzeiten mit niedrigem glykämischem Index. Zusammenfassung: In dieser prospektiven Studie konnte mit Hilfe der Technik der kontinuierlichen Glukosemessung die Verbindung zwischen Blutzuckertagesprofil und Ernährungsgewohnheiten zu häuslichen- also nicht klinisch- artifiziellen- Bedingungen hergestellt werden. / Objective: In the present study continuous glucose profiles in pregnant women with various levels of glucose tolerance were evaluated and compared with their diet in domestic conditions. Results: In women with GDM significantly longer periods with glucose levels above 130 mg/dl were measured than in healthy women. No differences were assessed as to average glucose levels and periods with glucose levels < 50 mg/dl, >120 mg/dl, >140 mg/dl, >150 mg/dl. In pregnant women with gestational diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance higher maximum glucose levels after a meal were found than in healthy women. No differences were found as to glucose levels at the beginning of the meal and area under the curve. In some groups positive correlations were calculated between intake of disaccharides and the glucose measurement, in gestational diabetic women a negative correlation between intake of starch and the average of the glucose level was found. After meals in which the main carbohydrate source was attributed with a high glycemic index change of the glucose level was higher than after meals with a low glycemic index. Conclusion: In the present prospective study we established the relation between glucose profiles measured by the method of continuous glucose monitoring and dietary habits in domestic conditions in pregnant women.
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Évaluation d’un prototype de détecteur de glucose dans le tissu interstitiel sans aiguille, le PGS (Photonic Glucose Sensor)Iglesias Rodriguez, Lorena L. 07 1900 (has links)
Objectif : Déterminer la fiabilité et la précision d’un prototype d’appareil non invasif de mesure de glucose dans le tissu interstitiel, le PGS (Photonic Glucose Sensor), en utilisant des clamps glycémiques multi-étagés.
Méthodes : Le PGS a été évalué chez 13 sujets avec diabète de type 1. Deux PGS étaient testés par sujet, un sur chacun des triceps, pour évaluer la sensibilité, la spécificité, la reproductibilité et la précision comparativement à la technique de référence (le Beckman®). Chaque sujet était soumis à un clamp de glucose multi-étagé de 8 heures aux concentrations de 3, 5, 8 et 12 mmol/L, de 2 heures chacun.
Résultats : La corrélation entre le PGS et le Beckman® était de 0,70. Pour la détection des hypoglycémies, la sensibilité était de 63,4%, la spécificité de 91,6%, la valeur prédictive positive (VPP) 71,8% et la valeur prédictive négative (VPN) 88,2%. Pour la détection de l’hyperglycémie, la sensibilité était de 64,7% et la spécificité de 92%, la VPP 70,8% et la VPN : 89,7%. La courbe ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) démontrait une précision de 0,86 pour l’hypoglycémie et de 0,87 pour l’hyperglycémie. La reproductibilité selon la « Clark Error Grid » était de 88% (A+B).
Conclusion : La performance du PGS était comparable, sinon meilleure que les autres appareils sur le marché(Freestyle® Navigator, Medtronic Guardian® RT, Dexcom® STS-7) avec l’avantage qu’il n’y a pas d’aiguille. Il s’agit donc d’un appareil avec beaucoup de potentiel comme outil pour faciliter le monitoring au cours du traitement intensif du diabète.
Mot clés : Diabète, diabète de type 1, PGS (Photonic Glucose Sensor), mesure continue de glucose, courbe ROC, « Clark Error Grid». / Objective: To determine the reliability and precision of a prototype of a non-invasive
device for continuous measurement of interstitial glucose, the PGS (Photonic Glucose
Sensor), using multi-level glycaemic clamp.
Methods: The PGS was evaluated in 13 subjects with type 1 diabetes. Two PGS were
tested with each subject, one on each triceps, to evaluate the sensitivity, specificity,
reproducibility and accuracy compared to the reference technique, the glucose analyzer
Beckman®. Each subject was submitted to a multi-level 8 hour glucose clamp at 3, 5, 8
and 12 mmol / L, 2 hours each.
Results: The correlation between the PGS and the Beckman® was 0.70. For the
detection of hypoglycaemia, the sensitivity was 63.4%, the specificity 91.6%, the
positive predictive value (PPV) 71.8% and the negative predictive value (NPV) 88.2%.
For the detection of hyperglycaemia, the sensitivity was 64.7% the specificity 92%, the
PPV 70.8% and the NPV: 89.7%. The ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curve
showed an accuracy of 0.86 and 0.87 for hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia
respectively. Reproducibility according to the Clark Error Grid was 88% in the A and B
Conclusion: The performance of the PGS was comparable or better than other
continuous glucose monitoring devices on the market (Freestyle® Navigator, Medtronic
Guardian® RT, Dexcom® STS-7) with the advantage that it has no needle. It is therefore
an interesting device and hopefully, which could facilitate the monitoring in the
intensive treatment of diabetes.
Key words: Diabetes, type 1 diabetes, PGS (Photonic Glucose Sensor), ROC curve,
Clark Error Grid, continuous glucose monitoring, CGMS.
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L’efficacité du pancréas artificiel externe durant l’exercice chez les adultes atteints de diabète de type 1Taleb, Nadine 08 1900 (has links)
Problématique : l’activité physique est évitée par les patients atteints de diabète de type 1 (DbT1) malgré ses bénéfices et ce par crainte du risque d’hypoglycémie majoré par l’exercice. Le pancréas artificiel externe est une nouvelle technologie de trois composantes qui fonctionnent en boucle fermée, un système de surveillance continue du glucose (SSCG), un algorithme et une pompe à insuline. Peu d’études ont été conçues spécifiquement pour tester le pancréas artificiel pendant l’exercice. De plus, la précision des SSCG pourrait être compromise par les changements rapides du glucose au cours de l’exercice. Objectifs : 1) Tester et comparer l’efficacité des deux versions du pancréas artificiel, simple-hormone (insuline seule) et double-hormone (insuline et glucagon), pour prévenir l’hypoglycémie durant deux types d’exercice, en continu et par intervalles, chez les patients DbT1. 2) Comparer la performance de deux SSCG, Dexcom et Enlite, au repos et pendant l’exercice. Résultats : 1) Avec le système à simple-hormone comparé au double-hormone, 31,2% des participants ont eu au moins un épisode d’hypoglycémie nécessitant un traitement par glucides vs. 9% (p=0,02) et 24,4 ± 27,6 % de temps était passé en hypoglycémie (glucose plasmatique < 4 mmol/l) vs. 4,4 ± 14,3% (p=0,0001), respectivement. 2) Les moyennes de différence relative absolue par rapport au glucose plasmatique pour Dexcom vs. Enlite étaient comparables au repos 13,8 vs. 12,4% (p=0,53) et pendant l’exercice 22,5% vs. 20,4% (p=0,58). La comparaison repos vs exercice était significatif pour Dexcom (p=0,005) et Enlite (p=0,007). Conclusions : le pancréas artificiel à double-hormone engendre un moindre risque d’hypoglycémie et permet un meilleur contrôle de la glycémie que le système à simple-hormone. Les deux SSCG, Dexcom et Enlite ont une bonne performance, sont comparables, mais sont tous les deux moins précis durant l’exercice qu’au repos. / Background: Physical activity is often avoided by patients with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) despite its health benefits due to fear of its elevated hypoglycemic risk. The external artificial pancreas is a new technology that controls glucose via a closed-loop strategy of three components; a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS), an algorithm and an insulin pump. Studies of the artificial pancreas included physical activity sessions but were rarely designed to specifically assess its efficacy during exercise. Moreover, the precision of the CGMS can be affected by the rapidly changing blood glucose levels during exercise. Objectives: 1) To test and compare the efficacy of the two versions of the artificial pancreas, single-hormone (insulin only) and dual-hormone (insulin plus glucagon) during two types of exercise, continuous and interval, in patients with T1D. 2) To compare the performance of two CGMS, Dexcom and Enlite, at rest and during exercise. Results: 1) During single-hormone artificial pancreas in comparison to dual-hormone, 31.2% of the participants had at least one hypoglycemic episode necessitating treatment vs. 9% (p=0,02) and 24.4 ± 27.6 % of the time spent in hypoglycemia (plasma glucose < 4 mmol/l) vs. 4.4 ± 14.3% (p=0.0001), respectively. 2) The mean relative absolute differences (MARD) in reference to plasma glucose for Dexcom vs. Enlite were at rest 13.8 vs. 12.4% (p=0.53) and during exercise 22.5% vs. 20.4% (p=0.58). The comparison of mean ARD`s at rest vs. exercise were significant for Dexcom (p=0.005) and Enlite (p=0.007). Conclusions: The dual-hormone artificial pancreas was shown to be better than single-hormone at achieving hypoglycaemia-free control during exercise in adults with T1D. Dexcom and Enlite demonstrated comparable overall performances during rest and physical activity with a lower accuracy for both sensors during exercise.
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Vers une prise en charge améliorée des patients avec glycogénose : nouvelles approches diagnostique et thérapeutiqueRousseau-Nepton, Isabelle 01 1900 (has links)
Les glycogénoses sont des maladies touchant la synthèse ou la dégradation du glycogène. Un diagnostic précoce et une diète optimale, incluant la prévention des hypoglycémies, sont d’une importante cruciale pour le devenir des patients. Les présents travaux visaient la confirmation génétique de glycogénose chez des patients inuits du Nunavik ainsi que l’évaluation de l’impact sur le sommeil et la qualité de vie d’une nouvelle thérapie nutritionnelle, GlycosadeTM, dans une cohorte de patients montréalaise.
Par séquençage d’exome, nous avons identifié la mutation causale de glycogénose au Nunavik, permettant un diagnostic précoce et un dépistage des membres de la famille. Nous avons aussi introduit une fécule de maïs à action prolongée et évalué prospectivement le sommeil et la qualité de vie des patients avec glycogénose avant et après ce traitement. Nous avons mis en évidence des troubles de sommeil chez les patients et avons discuté du GlycosadeTM comme d’une option thérapeutique prometteuse. / Glycogen storage diseases are diseases affecting glycogen synthesis or degradation. Early diagnosis and optimal diet, including hypoglycemia prevention, are essential for better patient outcomes. The present work aimed to genetically confirm glycogen storage disease in Inuit from Nunavik and to evaluate the impact of a new nutritional therapy, GlycosadeTM, on sleep and quality of life in a cohort of patients from Montreal.
We identified the causative mutation of glycogen storage disease in Nunavik by means of exome sequencing allowing early diagnosis and screening of family members. We also introduced a long acting form of cornstarch and prospectively assessed sleep and quality of life before and after this treatment in patients with glycogen storage disease. We highlighted sleep disturbances in patients and discussed GlycosadeTM as a promising therapeutic option.
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