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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Lin, Chien-Hsing 27 July 2006 (has links)

Permeating the wall: Transmitting knowledge remittances as a strategy for health information campaigns in The Republic of Moldova

Fesenmaier, Margaret Anna 16 July 2013 (has links)
The Republic of Moldova is losing many of its citizens to more lucrative economic opportunities abroad.  Remittances from emigrants, in many various forms, have become vital agents in the Moldovan economy.  This thesis investigated whether remittance activity among immigrants from Moldova in the United States and Canada might be used as a model for an effective strategy to spread public health information amongst Moldovans.  Specifically, two studies examined whether remittance behavior among Moldovans living in The United States and Canada predicted their perceptions that a "knowledge remittance" strategy for public health information would be effective and their interest in participating in a knowledge remittance effort.  Grounded in the extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2), two studies evaluated the remittance relationship. Study 1, an exploratory online survey (n = 15), indicated that Moldovan immigrants living in the United States and Canada that have a generally positive attitude towards capital and knowledge remittances will tend to perceive the transmission of knowledge remittances as useful. There was tentative support for the correlation of perceived usefulness with the intention to remit knowledge.  Study 2 (n = 5) consisted of qualitative interviews and found that Moldovan immigrants living in the United States and Canada have access to the Internet and frequently use the technology to contact family in Moldova at home. Interviewees had a generally positive view of both capital and knowledge remittances, though they were in disagreement on the major health risks facing Moldova. The findings of these studies suggest that a remittance propagated health campaign is a possible resolution to poor health knowledge in Moldova. / Master of Arts

Accepterad, men omtyckt? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om vilka faktorer som påverkar acceptans för journalsystem inom Region Kronoberg / Accepted, but likable? : A qualitative interview study on the factors that affect acceptance for digital medical record systems in the Kronoberg Region

Brolin, Oscar, Karlsson, David January 2020 (has links)
Sveriges digitala vårdsituation beskrivs i rapporter från både myndigheter samt populärvetenskapliga tidskrifter som föråldrad och problematisk. I den moderna vården är digitala journalsystem avgörande för att bedriva en effektiv och patientsäker vård. För att följande IT-system skall undvika att skapa problematik för slutanvändare är det viktigt att beakta de åsikter och synpunkter som kan förbättra systemet och därmed ge ökad acceptans. Vidare presenterar tidigare forskning att tid och design av sjukvårdsteknologi spelar en stor roll för ökad acceptans. För att identifiera om vårdsituationen är så problemfylld som den framställs blir acceptans för digitala journalsystem viktigt att undersöka. Syftet med följande uppsats var att undersöka om den svenska vårdens digitala journalsystem upplevs som accepterade eller till och med omtyckta av vårdpersonal. För att besvara syftet valde författarna att undersöka vilka faktorer det är som påverkar vårdpersonalens acceptans för digitala journalsystem inom Region Kronoberg. Genom att applicera det teoretiska ramverket Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2) gavs ett underlag till att analysera empiri utifrån ett användaracceptansperspektiv. Valet av att använda TAM2 i kontrast till den ursprungliga modellen (TAM) grundades på den utökning som det senare ramverket presenterar att acceptans beror på. Från att ha genomfört en kvalitativ intervjustudie på en vårdinrättning i Region Kronoberg identifierades åtta centrala ämnen med hjälp av kodning samt transkribering. Dessa ämnen avsåg områden som uppkom frekvent av de informanter som deltog i undersökningen. Analysering av resultatet utfördes genom att ställa de variabler som TAM2 presenterar i förhållande till det resultat som undersökningen gav. Analysen visade att de deltagande i intervjustudien hade en hög acceptans för deras journalsystem då en stor majoritet svarade positivt på samtliga av de variabler som TAM2 presenterar. Vidare identifierade författarna fem faktorer som påverkar acceptans för digitala journalsystem för vårdpersonal via analysering. Dessa faktorer avser tid och kultur, design och användarvänlighet, tillgänglighet, användbarhet samt enhetlighet mellan vårdgivare. Följande faktorer leder enligt undersökningen till mer omtyckta och bättre implementerade informationssystem inom vården. Genom att identifiera vilka faktorer det är som påverkar acceptans för vårdpersonal i digitala journalsystem kan således beslutsfattare och utvecklare av sjukvårdsteknologi ta det här i beaktning för kommande förändringar. / Sweden's digital healthcare situation is described in reports from both authorities and popular science journals as outdated and problematic. In modern healthcare, digital medical record systems are crucial to providing effective and patient-safe healthcare. In order for the following IT systems to avoid creating problems for end users, it is important to take into account the opinions and views they have that can improve the system and thereby increase acceptance. Furthermore, previous research presents that time and design of healthcare technology play a major role in increasing acceptance. To identify whether the healthcare situation is as problematic as it is presented, acceptance for digital medical record systems is important to investigate. The purpose of the following thesis was to investigate whether the Swedish healthcare’s digital medical record systems is perceived as accepted or perhaps even likable by healthcare professionals. To answer the purpose, the authors chose to investigate what factors there are that affect the acceptance of healthcare professionals for digital medical records systems in the Kronoberg Region. By using the theoretical framework Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2), a basis was provided to analyse empirical data from a user acceptance perspective. The choice of using TAM2 in contrast to the original model (TAM) was based on the extension that the latter framework presents that acceptance depends on. From conducting a qualitative interview study at a healthcare facility in the Kronoberg Region, eight key topics were identified by using coding and transcription. These topics related to areas that were raised very often by the informants who participated in the survey. Analysis of the results was performed by comparing the variables presented by TAM2 in relation to the results of the study. The analysis showed that the participants in the interview study had a high acceptance for their digital medical record system as a large majority responded positively to all of the variables presented by TAM2. Furthermore, the authors identified five factors that affect acceptance for digital medical record systems for healthcare professionals through analysis. These factors relate to time and culture, design and ease of use, accessibility, usability and consistency between caregivers. According to the survey, the following factors lead to more popular and better implemented information systems in healthcare. Thus, by identifying the factors that affect acceptance for healthcare professionals in digital medical records, decision makers and developers of healthcare technology can take this into account for upcoming changes.

Technological Adaption for SMEs : Implications of a Cashless Society

Kallin, Mathias, Rydbeck, Jacob, Wictorin, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose is to develop a greater understanding of what is requested by customers with regards to e-commerce and mobile payments and how managers attitude can affect the technological adaption process. Furthermore, a suggested framework will be presented on how SMEs can adapt to these changes. Problem – The move towards the cashless society has changed the business environment and increased the demand for mobile payments and e-commerce. The transition to implement new technologies requires resources in terms of time, money and knowledge. Therefore, this process can be challenging for SMEs. Design-Methodology-Approach – Primary data is collected through case studies and secondary data from previous research conducted. Two SMEs within the retail business in Jönköping is investigated using semi-structured interviews. The combined data is analyzed together with previous literature within the field. Findings – The findings show that customers’ demand of e-commerce and mobile payments has increased. A positive correlation between managers’ attitude towards new technology and the implementation process is found. To adapt to these technological changes, it is important for SME managers to invest equally in knowledge and technology.

Hur påverkas du av dina kollegor? : En kvalitativ studie om socialt inflytande vid accepterande av ny teknologi / How do you get influenced by your co-workers? : A qualitative study about social influence in technology acceptance

Zeneli, Egzona January 2019 (has links)
Problematiska delen som organisationer har är att veta hur man på bästa sätt ska implementera nya teknologier. Teknologiacceptans blev en känd term av den mest applicerade teoretiska modellen inom informationssystem Technology acceptance model – TAM. Teknologiacceptans innebär det positiva beslutet att använda sig av en teknologi och inom denna studie kommer fokus ligga på socialt inflytande inom teknologiacceptans. Socialt inflytande innebär mellanmänsklig övervägande faktor vid beslut, vilket tar hänsyn till att beslutet att acceptera ny teknologi görs oftast tillsammans i grupp eller hur individens beslut gör så att de passar in i gruppen eller hur beslutet påverkar andra personer. En undersökning gjordes för att undersöka följande frågeställning: Hur påverkar socialt inflytande teknologiacceptansen för obligatoriska system? Frågan har undersökt genom en enkät som användes för att få en överblick i problemområdet vilket sedan blev grunden för intervjufrågorna. Totalt deltog 12 stycken personer inom enkäten och 4 stycken inom intervjun. Sammanfattningen av resultatet bildades rekommendationer som organisationer kan tänka på innan de påbörjar införandet av ny teknologi inom organisationen.

Läkarstudenters attityder till artificiell intelligens inom sjukvården

Sjöblom, Sebastian, Eriksson, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Artificiell intelligens (AI) är idag en mycket omdiskuterad teknik med många postulerade användningsområden inom en bred rad vetenskapliga principer. Inom medicin har datorer länge hjälpt till med att analysera data och hjälpa medicinska utövare. Idag är frågan mer relevant än någonsin då medicinsk AI håller på att lanseras i kliniska miljöer och många utövare tror att tekniken kommer att få ett stort genomslag i framtiden. Utifrån denna bakgrund har vi velat undersöka Sveriges läkarstudenters inställning till AI som ett hjälpmedel inom sjukvården. Detta har gjorts genom en kvantitativ enkätbaserad undersökning som bygger på en modifiering av modellen Technology acceptance model 2 (TAM2) för att mäta attityderna till tekniken. Resultaten från enkäten har analyserats med hjälp av t-tester och regressionsanalys för att besvara våra forskningsfrågor. Analysen av resultaten visar bland annat att Sveriges läkarstudenters inställning till AI inom sjukvård är positiv och att de vill använda sig av tekniken. / Artificial intelligence (AI) is today a much debated technology with many postulated uses in a wide range of scientific principles. In medicine, computers have for a long time helped to analyze data and helped medical practitioners. Today, the issue is more relevant than ever as medical AI is being launched in clinical settings and many practitioners believe that the technology will have a major impact in the future. Based on this background, we have wanted to investigate Sweden's medical students' attitude to AI as a tool in healthcare. This has been done through a quantitative survey based on a modification of the model Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2) to measure attitudes to this technology. The results from the survey have been analyzed using t-tests and regression analysis to answer our research questions. The analysis of the results shows, among other things, that Sweden's medical students' attitude to AI in healthcare is positive and that they want to use the technology.

Using Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Management of Diabetes Type 1 : A Cross Sectional Study of the Role of AI for Individual Patients

Livman, Sofia, Josefsson, Benjamin January 2022 (has links)
Diabetes type 1 is an autoimmune, incurable disease which requires careful monitoring and treatment to not result in life threatening complications. Managing the disease is to a great extent made by the patients themselves, implying the disease needs to be constantly taken into consideration when doing even the most simple and regular everyday tasks and activities.This study aims to examine the use of AI in everyday treatment for patients with diabetes type 1. The study investigated what areas AI is already used in diabetes care management, and where there is room for development. The purpose is to give an indication of what role AI has and potentially can have in making the life for patients with diabetes type 1 easier. The research was conducted by a combined literature review and a cross sectional multiple case-study, with semi-structured interviews with people diagnosed with diabetes type 1. The gathered data were analyzed in relation to the triangle of diabetes management and technology acceptance model 2. The first indicates what factors are of highest relevance to not create dangerous situations for a diabetic, and the second relates to whether users would accept the use of a complex technology. The result suggested wide current and further potential use of AI in creating functionality in treatment and everyday management of the disease. Further, it became evident that technological tools simplify the lives of diabetics but there are several areas where AI could be further implemented in order to improve it even further.

Acceptance and adoption of mobile development technologies for accessibility in a public sector : A software practitioner's perspective

Falk Lundgren, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
With rapid technology growth and a rising disabled and aging population, mobile appaccessibility is vital. Stricter accessibility laws, especially in the public sector, highlight thisemphasis. However, despite this, the body of research focusing on software practitioners’perspectives, especially concerning cross-platform development, is lacking. In this qualitativecase study, six software practitioners at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency(Försäkringskassan) were interviewed about their experience during a migration betweenmobile development technologies, with a focus on enhancing mobile application accessibility.It explores their attitude to cross-platform development, their challenges with NativeScript, across-platform framework, and preferences for native technology. To further understand theiracceptance of native technology and their rejection of cross-platform technology in thiscontext, an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2) was used. Respondents emphasized the legal and ethical obligations for accessibility in the publicsector, with evolving standards necessitating the selection of the most appropriate technologyfor the task. Prioritizing accessibility early on in public sector app development helps avoidadditional expenses later on. It's also possible that private sector apps may be required to shifttowards greater inclusivity in the future. The team successfully addressed previous accessibility issues using native technology, whichinfluenced the organization to migrate. Moreover, respondents believed that nativetechnology enhances professional image, especially as the industry favors it over unknowncross-platform frameworks. They perceived that cross-platform frameworks might lackthorough documentation and community support, making it more difficult to manage andimplement accessibility. Additionally, respondents are alarmed by the uncertain nature ofcross-platform technology, which can result in outdated frameworks and unworkablecodebases. It's crucial to consider the duration of the project, its accessibility needs, and theavailable support for implementing accessibility when deciding on mobile developmenttechnologies. These findings are valuable for various stakeholders, such as consultants,researchers and policy-makers.

The realisation of business benefits when implementing mandatory software in an IT department: a case study in a South African financial services organisation

Petersen, Fazlyn January 2011 (has links)
<p>No organisation has an endless and unlimited supply of money, especially in a recessive economy, and therefore decisions have to be made as to which areas an organisation will invest in. As organisations, such as YZ1 financial services organisation, are focused on seeing returns on investment (ROI), implementing software that is not being used&nbsp / will not render any benefits to the organisation. Research problem: Project Managers (PMs) in YZ organisation&rsquo / s IT department need to perform mandated processes, as&nbsp / defined in their centralised repository. PMs need to use Financial and Planning Software (FPS)2 software to perform certain project management activities, as required by their&nbsp / job function. However, it was found that MPP3 software, another tool, was used for more detailed project schedules, as well as activities that were not strictly enforced by&nbsp / management, the Project Office or the Quality Assurance team. Therefore, from this discovery, it was not clear whether the intended benefit of implementing this mandatory&nbsp / software (FPS) was being realised &ndash / since implementing software that is not being utilised fully would not deliver the intended benefits to the IT department (Devaraj &amp / Kohli&nbsp / 2003), even if the software is termed &lsquo / mandatory&rsquo / . Objective: The primary objective of this research was to explore and optimise the key success factors for an effective&nbsp / implementation of mandatory software in a department, in order to derive the intended business benefits. Literature Review: Literature was reviewed in the search for models or&nbsp / theories that explore the relationship between the use of mandatory software and the achievement of business benefits. The Information Management Body of Knowledge&nbsp / (IMBOK) was selected as this framework defines the relationship between IT and the realisation of business benefits, and ultimately the achievement of any business strategy. The literature review focused predominantly on the level of user involvement, change management, as well as factors that influence the usage of mandatory software by&nbsp / individuals. 1. The name of the organisation utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration 2. The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical&nbsp / Consideration and list of acronyms 3. The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration and list of acronyms. Focus was given to organisational factors affecting usage, such as top management support and organisational processes. A model was compiled using unique constructs in the Technology Acceptance Model&nbsp / (and TAM2), the Motivational Model (MM) and the Model of PC Utilisation (MPCU) &ndash / in order to test user acceptance of mandatory software. The literature study concludes with a&nbsp / review of an approach to benefits management including five stages, namely: identifying and structuring benefits, planning for the realisation of benefits, executing the plan, in&nbsp / addition to the evaluation and the review. Research design and methodology: A case study was used in this research, as it examined the phenomenon in its natural setting,&nbsp / &nbsp / &nbsp / employing multiple methods of data collection to gather information from a few entities (groups and data sources). In this way, it was not limited to only qualitative or quantitative&nbsp / approaches, but utilised mixed methods instead. A mixed methods approach was used in order to elaborate, enhance and clarify the results from the qualitative research&nbsp / through the results of the quantitative analysis. Findings: The main finding, based on the compilation of three models of user acceptance, proved that FPS was not being utilised&nbsp / as intended. There was also no evidence of an improvement in business operations. Therefore, benefits management was negatively impacted. Organisational processes were&nbsp / dentified as the most important organisational factor, influencing the usage of FPS software. Own technological capability was considered to be the least important factor,&nbsp / as respondents believed that they had sufficient IT skills in order to learn how to use FPS software. Change management was rated negatively / and as a result, it impacted the&nbsp / usage of FPS, as users were not involved in the decision to implement, and had limited interaction in the implementation process. In addition, there was no evidence found that&nbsp / benefits management was conducted in the IT department / and therefore, the impact of using alternative software could not be quantitatively assessed. Recommendations: In concluding this research, it is recommended that the &ldquo / best practice&rdquo / , derived from the pertinent literate should be followed more diligently if YZ organisation is to benefit from the&nbsp / implementation of mandatory software. For example, in this research, it was found that top management&rsquo / s support of FPS (second most important organisational factor influencing use) was lacking, despite the literature suggestion that senior management involvement in changing technology is crucial for organisational commitment. It is&nbsp / suggested that a more formal approach to benefits management should be implemented. It is also recommended that further study should be conducted &ndash / in order to explore&nbsp / the applicability of the Japanese framing (achieving benefits from IT software through the concept of strategic instinct, rather than strategic alignment) in the context of a&nbsp / developing country (such as South Africa).</p>

The realisation of business benefits when implementing mandatory software in an IT department: a case study in a South African financial services organisation

Petersen, Fazlyn January 2011 (has links)
<p>No organisation has an endless and unlimited supply of money, especially in a recessive economy, and therefore decisions have to be made as to which areas an organisation will invest in. As organisations, such as YZ1 financial services organisation, are focused on seeing returns on investment (ROI), implementing software that is not being used&nbsp / will not render any benefits to the organisation. Research problem: Project Managers (PMs) in YZ organisation&rsquo / s IT department need to perform mandated processes, as&nbsp / defined in their centralised repository. PMs need to use Financial and Planning Software (FPS)2 software to perform certain project management activities, as required by their&nbsp / job function. However, it was found that MPP3 software, another tool, was used for more detailed project schedules, as well as activities that were not strictly enforced by&nbsp / management, the Project Office or the Quality Assurance team. Therefore, from this discovery, it was not clear whether the intended benefit of implementing this mandatory&nbsp / software (FPS) was being realised &ndash / since implementing software that is not being utilised fully would not deliver the intended benefits to the IT department (Devaraj &amp / Kohli&nbsp / 2003), even if the software is termed &lsquo / mandatory&rsquo / . Objective: The primary objective of this research was to explore and optimise the key success factors for an effective&nbsp / implementation of mandatory software in a department, in order to derive the intended business benefits. Literature Review: Literature was reviewed in the search for models or&nbsp / theories that explore the relationship between the use of mandatory software and the achievement of business benefits. The Information Management Body of Knowledge&nbsp / (IMBOK) was selected as this framework defines the relationship between IT and the realisation of business benefits, and ultimately the achievement of any business strategy. The literature review focused predominantly on the level of user involvement, change management, as well as factors that influence the usage of mandatory software by&nbsp / individuals. 1. The name of the organisation utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration 2. The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical&nbsp / Consideration and list of acronyms 3. The name of the tools utilised has been changed. Refer to Ethical Consideration and list of acronyms. Focus was given to organisational factors affecting usage, such as top management support and organisational processes. A model was compiled using unique constructs in the Technology Acceptance Model&nbsp / (and TAM2), the Motivational Model (MM) and the Model of PC Utilisation (MPCU) &ndash / in order to test user acceptance of mandatory software. The literature study concludes with a&nbsp / review of an approach to benefits management including five stages, namely: identifying and structuring benefits, planning for the realisation of benefits, executing the plan, in&nbsp / addition to the evaluation and the review. Research design and methodology: A case study was used in this research, as it examined the phenomenon in its natural setting,&nbsp / &nbsp / &nbsp / employing multiple methods of data collection to gather information from a few entities (groups and data sources). In this way, it was not limited to only qualitative or quantitative&nbsp / approaches, but utilised mixed methods instead. A mixed methods approach was used in order to elaborate, enhance and clarify the results from the qualitative research&nbsp / through the results of the quantitative analysis. Findings: The main finding, based on the compilation of three models of user acceptance, proved that FPS was not being utilised&nbsp / as intended. There was also no evidence of an improvement in business operations. Therefore, benefits management was negatively impacted. Organisational processes were&nbsp / dentified as the most important organisational factor, influencing the usage of FPS software. Own technological capability was considered to be the least important factor,&nbsp / as respondents believed that they had sufficient IT skills in order to learn how to use FPS software. Change management was rated negatively / and as a result, it impacted the&nbsp / usage of FPS, as users were not involved in the decision to implement, and had limited interaction in the implementation process. In addition, there was no evidence found that&nbsp / benefits management was conducted in the IT department / and therefore, the impact of using alternative software could not be quantitatively assessed. Recommendations: In concluding this research, it is recommended that the &ldquo / best practice&rdquo / , derived from the pertinent literate should be followed more diligently if YZ organisation is to benefit from the&nbsp / implementation of mandatory software. For example, in this research, it was found that top management&rsquo / s support of FPS (second most important organisational factor influencing use) was lacking, despite the literature suggestion that senior management involvement in changing technology is crucial for organisational commitment. It is&nbsp / suggested that a more formal approach to benefits management should be implemented. It is also recommended that further study should be conducted &ndash / in order to explore&nbsp / the applicability of the Japanese framing (achieving benefits from IT software through the concept of strategic instinct, rather than strategic alignment) in the context of a&nbsp / developing country (such as South Africa).</p>

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