Spelling suggestions: "subject:"läkarstudenter"" "subject:"läkarstudenters""
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Effekterna av en kort färdighetsträning i valideringsteknik för läkarstudenter / The Effects of a Short Training in Validation Technique for Medical StudentsBraide, Lisa, Nilsson, Emma January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Läkarstudenters attityder till artificiell intelligens inom sjukvårdenSjöblom, Sebastian, Eriksson, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Artificiell intelligens (AI) är idag en mycket omdiskuterad teknik med många postulerade användningsområden inom en bred rad vetenskapliga principer. Inom medicin har datorer länge hjälpt till med att analysera data och hjälpa medicinska utövare. Idag är frågan mer relevant än någonsin då medicinsk AI håller på att lanseras i kliniska miljöer och många utövare tror att tekniken kommer att få ett stort genomslag i framtiden. Utifrån denna bakgrund har vi velat undersöka Sveriges läkarstudenters inställning till AI som ett hjälpmedel inom sjukvården. Detta har gjorts genom en kvantitativ enkätbaserad undersökning som bygger på en modifiering av modellen Technology acceptance model 2 (TAM2) för att mäta attityderna till tekniken. Resultaten från enkäten har analyserats med hjälp av t-tester och regressionsanalys för att besvara våra forskningsfrågor. Analysen av resultaten visar bland annat att Sveriges läkarstudenters inställning till AI inom sjukvård är positiv och att de vill använda sig av tekniken. / Artificial intelligence (AI) is today a much debated technology with many postulated uses in a wide range of scientific principles. In medicine, computers have for a long time helped to analyze data and helped medical practitioners. Today, the issue is more relevant than ever as medical AI is being launched in clinical settings and many practitioners believe that the technology will have a major impact in the future. Based on this background, we have wanted to investigate Sweden's medical students' attitude to AI as a tool in healthcare. This has been done through a quantitative survey based on a modification of the model Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2) to measure attitudes to this technology. The results from the survey have been analyzed using t-tests and regression analysis to answer our research questions. The analysis of the results shows, among other things, that Sweden's medical students' attitude to AI in healthcare is positive and that they want to use the technology.
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Läkarstudenters kunskap om och inställning till den svenska FaR-metodenGrönfeldt, Josefin, Helin, Hannah January 2022 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med studien var att undersöka kunskapsläget gällande arbetsmetoden Fysisk aktivitet på recept bland läkarstudenter vid svenska universitet. Därtill var syftet att undersöka läkarstudenters inställning till Fysisk aktivitet på recept. Frågeställningar Frågeställningarna var följande: Hur ser kunskapsläget ut bland läkarstudenter i Sverige gällande Fysisk aktivitet på recept? Vilken inställning har läkarstudenter i Sverige till Fysisk aktivitet på recept? Finns det några skillnader i läkarstudenters självupplevda kunskap om och inställning till Fysisk aktivitet på recept beroende på kön, ålder, termin, universitet och egen fysisk aktivitetsnivå? Metod En kvantitativ metod med tvärsnittsdesign valdes för att kartlägga läkarstudenternas kunskaper och inställning. Studien riktade sig till läkarstudenter på termin 3-11 vid sex av sju svenska lärosäten som erbjuder en läkarutbildning. Enkäten bestod av kunskaps- och inställningsfrågor samt bakgrundsfrågor angående deltagarnas kön, födelseår, utbildningsort, termin och fysiska aktivitetsnivå. Datainsamlingen pågick från femte januari till sjätte februari år 2022. Resultat Kartläggningen baserades på 477 inkomna svar och visade på en positiv inställning till FaR- metoden bland läkarstudenterna. Däremot sågs en generell låg självupplevd kunskap bland studenterna. Det var få som uppgav att de hade kunskap gällande de fem beståndsdelarna i FaR- metoden samt var de kunde hitta stöd för rätt ordinering vid förskrivning av FaR. Vidare svarade majoriteten av respondenterna att de inte vet hur man förskriver FaR. Vid analys av skillnader gällande kunskap och inställning kunde en skillnad ses mellan universitet. Det kunde även noteras en skillnad i självupplevd kunskap mellan terminer. Beträffande kön, ålder och fysisk aktivitetsnivå kunde ingen signifikant skillnad påvisas. Dock fann man ett positivt samband mellan inställning och fysisk aktivitetsnivå. Slutsats En positiv inställning till och en låg självupplevd kunskap om FaR kunde noteras bland läkarstudenterna. För att kunna använda FaR-metoden krävs kunskap. Mer kunskap om FaR- metoden skulle troligen bibehålla eller öka framtida läkares övertygelse om metodens användbarhet samt bidra till en mer frekvent och bredare användning av den. Således har läkarutbildningarna en möjlighet att påverka framtidens hälsofrämjande arbete gällande fysisk aktivitet inom hälso- och sjukvård.
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Läkare och läkarstudenters inställning till att skriva ut Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR®) : Utifrån ett interprofessionellt perspektivBroberg, Teresia, Larsson, Camilla January 2016 (has links)
Background: Poor health costs the Swedish society billions a year and affects every individual who lives with poor health. By a close collaboration between medical doctors, nurses and other health professions there are good opportunities to work with health promotion and for the individual patient’s health. One way to work with health promotion in health care is to work with Physical activity on referral, FaR®. Physical activity on referral was created to improve the health among the Swedish population and has been effective against diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Research has been done on which professional groups that makes the most prescriptions of Physical activity on referral and why patients don’t follow them. Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the frequency of and the attitude toward prescribing Physical activity on referral, among medical doctors and medical students and to investigate if there were any differences between genders. Method: A web survey was designed and sent to 45 medical doctors at Akademiska Sjukhuset in Uppsala and to 286 medical students in semester 7-9 at Uppsala University. Results: The majority of the participants thought that physical activity had an important role in health promotion and knew about Physical activity on referral. Even though few of the participants had made a prescription of Physical activity on referral, the majority thought that it was an important part in the work with health promotion. The participants thought that more education in Physical activity on referral was needed. The participants prioritized to prescribe Physical activity on referral to patients at risk to get cardiovascular diseases, while patients who were less physical active than the recommendations of Livsmedelsverket got the lowest priority. Conclusion: Physical activity on referral was created to increase physical activity among the Swedish population and to reduce the risk to get diseases that can be related to low physical activity. It is therefore alarming that the participants were less prioritizing patients who were less physical active than the recommendations of Livsmedelsverket when it comes to prescribing Physical activity on referral, than other patients. By medical doctors and nurses working as a team, preventive actions can be taken early and therefore the risk for the individuals to develop secondary diseases can be reduced.
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Läkarstudenterna och det symboliska kapitalet. : Kulturella och andra symboliska tillgångar hos läkarstudenter på Karolinska institutet.Olsson, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
I uppsatsen undersöks kulturellt och annat symbolisk kapital hos läkarstudenter vid Karolinska Institutet. Det teoretiska ramverket utgörs av Pierre Bourdieu. I studien jämförs läkarstudenternas investeringar i utbildning, mediavanor och andra kulturella aktiviter med fyra andra elitinriktade utbildningsprogram i Stockholmsområdet. Studien har en kvantitativ del med data insamlat genom en postal enkät till högskolestudenter och en kvalitativ del med personliga intervjuer med läkarstudenter på termin fyra på Karolinska Institutet. Studien visar att läkarstudenterna har mycket gemensamt med studenter vid de andra utbildningarna men att det särkskiljer sig i vissa avseenden. Bland annat framkommer att de har ett altruistiskt synsätt som de menar varit avgörande för deras utbildnings- och yrkesval. Att de vill bli läkare, inte bara för att få ett välbetalt, intressant och prestigefyllt arbete utan för att de vill göra gott för andra. / This thesis examines cultural and other symbolic capital amongst medical students in a Bourdian sense. Medical students at Karolinska Institutet, a Swedish medical university, were compared to four other prestige full educational programs in the Stockholm area. Investments in educational capital, media habits and other cultural investments were compered. The data was collected at an earlier stage at Uppsala University using a postal questionnaire. The data was strengthening with interviews with the medical students. The medical students demonstrated that they had a lot in common with students from the other elitist education programs that was part of the study. However they also had an extra dimension that was not found amongst the other students and that was a sense of an altruistic thought, e.g. that they wanted to “do good” and that was the reason why they wanted to become doctors.
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Vem är en lämplig läkarkandidat? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om läkarstudenters erfarenheter av alternativt urval / Who is a suitable medical candidate? : A qualitative interview study about medical students’ experience of alternative admissionLöfqvist, Hampus, Sandhu, Saqib January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att få en fördjupad kunskap kring alternativt urval genom en ökad förståelse för antagna läkarstudenters upplevda navigering genom den alternativa urvalsprocessen. Frågeställningarna har därför undersökt vilka strategier sökande använder vid antagningsintervjuerna. Och hur de två urvalskriterierna lämplighet och motivation upplevs i relation till den tidigare genomgångna antagningsprocessen samt vad läkarstudenterna menar var viktiga framgångsfaktorer för att lyckas vid intervjuerna. Tidigare forskning har visat att alternativt urval är vanligt förkommande ur en internationell kontext på det medicinska utbildningsfältet, och att studenter som har föräldrar med högskoleutbildning nyttjar utbildning på ett mer obundet sätt, där kapitaltillgångar visat sig vara viktiga i navigeringen av det svenska utbildningssystemet. Det som saknas i den tidigare forskningen är de antagna studenternas självupplevda perspektiv på alternativt urval. En kvalitativ intervjustudie har därför använts som metod för att lyfta fram dessa perspektiv. Studiens resultat har visat att de antagna läkarstudenterna har använt sig av olika strategier, en viktig sådan var att de konverterade tidigare utbildning och erfarenheter till styrkor. Lämplighet och motivation framkom som viktiga begrepp där förmedlingen av hur och varför var centrala i navigeringen. Framgångsfaktorer som lyftes fram i relation till antagningsprocessen var uppväxtmiljö, att lyckas förmedla sin person och skapa en relation till intervjuarna. Resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av ett bourdieuskt perspektiv där intervjupersonernas kapitaltillgångar, strategier och förhållningssätt till det medicinska fältet och rådande doxa varit centrala punkter. Studiens resultat har bidragit till ny kunskap och insyn i en annars tämligen outforskad värld kring det alternativa urvalet, genom de antagna läkarstudenternas perspektiv. Studien har också pekat på vikten av mer specifik studie- och yrkesvägledning för att fler med olika bakgrund ska kunna få de redskap som krävs för att navigera sig genom antagningsprocessen. / The aim of the study was to gain a deeper knowledge about alternative admission through a better understanding of admitted medical students’ navigation throughout the admission process. It has therefore been explored which strategies applicants use during the admission interviews. And how the two selection criteria aptitude and motivation are perceived in relation to the previously experienced admission process, as well as what medical students point out as important factors to succeed with the interviews. Previous research has shown that alternative admission is commonly used internationally in the medical field of education, and that students who have parents with higher level of education use education in a more unbound way where capital assets have shown to be important in the navigation of the Swedish educational system. What is less known in earlier research is the selfperceived perspective of the admitted students in relation to alternative admission. A qualitative interview study has therefore been conducted. The study result showed that the admitted medical students used different strategies – a critical one being the converting of previous education and experiences to strengths. Aptitude and motivation also emerged as important terms where the mediation of how and why was fundamental in the navigation. The success factors that were raised in relation to the admission process were the upbringing environment, achieving to mediate one’s personality, and to create a relation with the interviewer. The results were analysed with a Bourdieuan perspective where the interviewee’s capital assets, strategies and attitudes toward the medical field of education and existing doxa emerged as key points. The study results have contributed with new knowledge and insight in the so far unexplored field that is alternative admission, from the medical students’ perspective. The results also indicate the importance of more specific study and career guidance, which could lead to that more students with adverse backgrounds learn which tools that are helpful while navigating through the alternative admission process.
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Genusgörande och läkarblivande : attityder, föreställningar och förväntningar bland läkarstudenter i Sverige / Doing gender, becoming doctors : attitudes, preconceptions and expectations among medical students in SwedenAndersson, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
The inclusion of a gender perspective in medicine has shown that gender is an essential factor in health and disease, in medical encounters and also in medical students’ educational environment. The aim of this study was to explore attitudes, preconceptions and norms regarding gender within medical education and processes of gender bias. First, we explored medical students gendered beliefs about patients. Second, we examined the medical students ideas about their future careers. Third, we compared awareness on gender issues among medical students in Sweden and the Netherlands. Method and material The analyses were based on data from two different sources: one experimental study based on authentic patient narratives about being diagnosed with cancer and one extensive questionaire exploring different aspects of gender issues in medical education. Both studies had a design which enabled both qualitative and quantitative research and mixed methods was used. Study I (Paper I and II): Eighty-one anonymous letters from patients were read by 130 students of medicine and psychology. For each letter the students were asked to state the patient’s sex and explain their choice. In paper I the students’ success rates were analysed statistically and the explanations to four letters were used to illustrate the students’ reasoning. Paper II examined the 87 medical students’ explanations closer to examine gender beliefs about patients. Study II (Paper III and IV): The questionaire started with an open question where medical students were asked to describe their ideal future, it also included a validated scale designed to estimate gender awareness. Paper III examined 507 swedish medical students descriptions about their ideal future and compared answers from male and female students in the beginning and at the end of medical school. Paper IV compared gender awareness among 1096 Swedish and Dutch medical students in first term. Findings with reflections Paper I showed that the patient’s sex was correctly identified in 62% of the cases. There were no difference between the results of male and female students. However, large differences between letters were observed, i.e. there were some letters were almost all students correctly identified the patient´s sex, others were almost all students were incorrect and most letters were found somewhere in the middle. Another significant finding was that the same expressions were interpreted differently depending on which initial guess the medical student had made regarding the sex of the patient. Paper II identified 21 categories of justifications within the students’ explanations, twelve of which were significantly associated with an assumption of either a male or female patient. Only three categories led to more correct identifications of the patients’ sex and two were more often associated with incorrect assignments. The results illustrate how beliefs about gender difference, even though they might be recognizable on a group level, are not applicable on individuals. Furthermore, the results show that medical students enter the education with beliefs about male and female patients, which could have consequenses and cause bias in their future work as doctors. Paper III found that almost all students, both male and female, were work-oriented. However, the female students even more so than their male counterparts. This result is particularly interesting in regards to the debate about the “feminization of medicine” in which the increasing number of female students has been adressed as a problem. When reflecting on their own lifes and their future its obvious that medical students nowadays, male and female, expect more to life than work, especially those who are on the doorstep to their professional life. Paper IV found that the national and cultural setting was the most crucial impact factor in relation to the medical students preconceptions and awareness about gender. The Swedish students expressed less stereotypic thinking about patients and doctors, while the Dutch students were more sensitive to gender difference. In both countries, the students’ sex mattered for gender stereotyping, with male students agreeing more to stereotypes. Conclusions A gender perspective is important in medical education. Our studies show that such initiatives needs to take cultural aspects, gender attitudes and students’ gender into account. Moreover, reflections on assumptions about men and women, patients as well as doctors, need to be included in medical curricula and the impact of implicit gender beliefs needs to be included in discussions on gender bias in health care. Also, the next generation of doctors want more to life than work. Future Swedish doctors, both female and male, intend to balance work not only with a family but also with leisure. This attitudinal change towards their future work as doctors will provide the health care system with a challenge to establish more adaptive and flexible work conditions.
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