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Durabilité d’un assemblage mixte bois-béton collé sous chargement hydrique / Durability of glued wood-concrete composite assemblies under hygrometric loadingLoulou, Louisa 06 September 2013 (has links)
La mixité bois-béton est une solution intéressante dans le domaine des ouvrages d'art pour la réalisation de ponts, et dans le domaine du bâtiment dans la confection de planchers mixtes bois-béton. Le laboratoire Navier travaille depuis plusieurs années au développement du procédé par collage appliqué aux structures mixtes bois-béton. En effet, cette technique d'assemblage permet d'assurer une connexion quasi-parfaite entre le bois et le béton, contrairement aux techniques d'assemblage usuelles (connecteurs métalliques). Des travaux antérieurs ont montré la bonne performance de structures mixtes collées bois-béton du point de vue de leur tenue mécanique en fatigue. Cependant la connexion par collage nécessite une étude complémentaire concernant la durabilité de l'assemblage collé bois-béton, en particulier lorsque la structure mixte est soumise à des conditions hygrométriques variables. Les travaux menés pendant la thèse ont pour objectifs de déterminer les facteurs qui influent sur la tenue de ces assemblages collés sous chargement hydrique ; ils se divisent en 3 parties :-Deux parties expérimentales :(1)Des tests de cisaillement « Push-Out », en collaboration avec le Laboratoire Départemental d'Autun, ont permis d'évaluer l'effet des propriétés élastiques de l'adhésif sur la tenue en cisaillement de l'assemblage. L'objet de cette étude expérimentale est de valider un choix de colle pour ce type d'assemblage, prenant en compte un vieillissement hydrique, en se basant sur la capacité maximale atteinte en cisaillement, et le mode de rupture de l'assemblage. (2)Parallèlement aux tests de cisaillement, l'effet de chargements hydriques sur la tenue d'assemblages collés bois-béton a été étudié. L'analyse du comportement hydrique de la structure a été réalisée par la technique de corrélation d'image (DIC) sur des assemblages bois-béton collé de petite taille. Ces mesures de déformations locales ont permis de localiser des zones d'endommagement liées notamment aux déformations hydriques du bois empêchées par l'interface collée. Les effets des propriétés élastiques de l'adhésif, de la géométrie du bois (notamment sa structure et le sens des cernes par rapport au plan de collage) ainsi que du comportement mécanique du matériau cimentaire ont été étudiés.- Une partie numérique :(3) Un modèle numérique par éléments finis a été validé en comparant les résultats numériques aux cartes de déformation obtenues expérimentalement. L'analyse numérique a permis de quantifier les contraintes induites au niveau de l'interface en relation avec les déformations hydriques empêchées par l'interface collée et de prévoir le comportement à l'échelle 1 de structures mixtes. Ces différentes investigations ont permis de proposer des solutions optimisant ce type de connexion et de définir des conditions de mise en œuvre et d'utilisation de ces assemblages / The wood-concrete composite is an interesting solution in the field of Civil Engineering to create high performance bending elements for bridge, as well as in the building construction for the design of wood-concrete floor systems. The Navier laboratory has been working for many years on the development of the bonding process as applied to wood-concrete composite structures. Contrary to conventional joining connectors (metal connectors), this assembling technique does ensure an almost perfect connection between wood and concrete. Previous work has already shown good performances of glued wood-concrete composite structures in terms of mechanical fatigue. However, the bonding connection requires additional research on the long-term behaviour of glued wood-concrete composites, especially when this structure is subjected to variable hygrometric conditions. The work undertaken during this thesis aims at determining the factors which induce damages on these glued wood-concrete assemblies under hygrometric loading; the research is divided into 3 parts:-Two experimental parts:(1)"Push-Out" shear tests conducted in collaboration with the Departmental Laboratory of Autun, were used to assess the effect of the elastic properties of the resin on the shear strength of the assembly. This experimental study aims at validating the adhesive of choice for this kind of connection, taking into account ageing under variable hygrometric conditions. Analysis is based on maximum shear capacity and on the failure mode of the assembly. (2)In addition to shear tests, the effect of hygrometric loading on the durability of glued wood concrete assemblies was examined. The analysis of the hydric behaviour of the structure was carried out by the digital image correlation (DIC) technique on small-sized glued wood-concrete assemblies. The measurements of the local deformations allowed us to locate areas of damage, particularly due to the hydric deformations of the wood prevented by the glued connection The effects of the elastic properties of the resin, the microstructure of the wood (including its structure and the direction of the annual rings) as well as the mechanical behaviour of the concrete material were examined.- A numerical part:(3) A numerical finite element model was validated by comparing the numerical results to the deformation maps experimentally obtained. Numerical analysis was used to quantify the stresses induced to the structure, in relation to hydric deformations prevented by glued connection. Moreover investigations at the full scale were conducted to evaluate the long-term behaviour under variable hygrometric conditions. These investigations were conducted in order to offer solutions aiming at optimizing this type of connection, and to define conditions for use of these glued assemblies
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Jointed timber column with glue or nails. / Träpelare sammansatt med lim- eller spikförband.Aslan, Jiyan, Asp, Marcus January 2016 (has links)
På en byggarbetsplats kan man ibland behöva sammansätta två eller flera träkomponenter till en träkomponent med rätt dimension. Det sker oftast genom spikning men det finns också möjlighet att limma ihop träkomponenter ute på en byggarbetsplats. Limning är inte alls lika förekommande på grund av de krav som ställs på limning av bärande konstruktioner och kringliggande miljö varför limning i princip endast sker i fabriksmiljö. I denna studie utförs en jämförelse mellan sammansättning av träreglar till en träpelare med avseende på hållfasthet och ekonomi. Detta jämförs dessutom med att köpa in pelare av trä med rätt dimension. I studien behandlas dessutom möjligheten att limma ute på en byggarbetsplats och hur limningen ska utföras på ett korrekt sätt. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av de standarder som finns för beräkningsregler för dimensionering av bärverk, eurokoder. Kostnadsberäkningar har genomförts för material och utförandearbete med hjälp av marknadspriser för material och enkla beräkningar för utförandearbete. En intervju har genomförts för att besvara möjligheten att limma ute på en byggarbetsplats med lim för bärande konstruktioner. I studien har beräkningar utförts för två samt tre sammansatta träreglar och jämförts med enkla pelare i liknande dimensioner. Spikad pelare har en avsevärt lägre bärförmåga än limmad pelare som är utförd korrekt. Spikad pelare har beräknats med olika avstånd mellan spikar och limmad pelare är beräknad med två olika lim. Kostnaderna för material och utförandearbete är ganska generella men är bara en liten del av de totala kostnaderna. Vart byggarbetsplatsen är placerad, vilka verktyg och material som finns på plats och vilka förutsättningar för att utföra limningen korrekt är faktorer som är avgörande för den totala kostnaden. Ett limförband är känslig och viktigast är att applicera rätt mängd och jämnt utbrett över träytorna. Vad som dessutom ska tas till hänsyn är kringliggande miljö såsom smuts, damm, temperatur och fuktighet. För att uppfylla dessa krav ute på en byggarbetsplats måste en fabriksmiljö skapas i form av väderskydd, tält, arbetsbod eller liknande.
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Rozhledna / WatchtowerBednár, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
ABSTRACT The task was to design and assess the supporting structure of the lookout tower. Material steel and wood. The lookout tower is 27.22 m high and decreases in height from the base of the srka. Construction system with continuous columns and horizontal reinforcement.
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Etude du comportement à long terme de systèmes d’assemblages par goujons collés en conditions climatiques variables / Study of the long term behavior of glued-in rod connections in variable climate conditionsVerdet, Mathieu 13 December 2016 (has links)
La technique des goujons collés dans les structures bois allie performances mécaniques et esthétisme. Elle répond au besoin de conservation du bâti pour le domaine de la rénovation et au besoin d’assemblages de plus en plus rigides et résistants en construction neuve avec l’avènement des structures bois de grandes ampleurs et l’arrivée de nouveaux produits tels que le bois lamellé croisé (CLT). De nombreuses études de caractérisation mécanique ont été menées au cours de ces 35 dernières années. L’enquête menée auprès des professionnels et experts en vue de l’introduction de cette technique dans l’Eurocode 5 a néanmoins révélé des attentes et lacunes particulières vis-à-vis des connaissances sur le comportement des assemblages multi-tiges, le choix des adhésifs, le comportement à long terme du collage et les techniques de contrôle qualité. Les travaux de cette thèse, menés en collaboration entre l’université de Bordeaux et l’Université Laval (Québec, Canada), ont pour objectif d’apporter des réponses sur le comportement mécanique des adhésifs, et assemblages sous sollicitation thermique et d’initier les développements sur le comportement à long terme et les assemblages multi-tiges. Les principaux résultats sont issus de travaux expérimentaux et numériques valorisés sous la forme d’articles scientifiques. Les essais mécaniques dynamiques menés sur une colle polyuréthane (PUR) et une résine époxy (EPX) entre 30°C et 120°C mettent en avant des différences importantes de raideur et de dégradations entre les deux adhésifs. Exposés à la chaleur, les assemblages sont eux aussi affectés avec des pertes de raideur et de résistance dès 40°C, en amont de la température de transition vitreuse et de la dégradation des adhésifs. Amené à suivre le régime de température extérieur, l’assemblage doit par sa conception être isolé afin de prévenir les risques aux états limites de service (ELS) et aux états limites ultimes (ELU). Très peu de données sont disponibles dans la littérature sur le comportement à long terme des assemblages goujons collés. L’étude du fluage ajoute une dimension temporelle aux problématiques de raideur. La base de données expérimentales collectée dans ces travaux repose sur 12 campagnes d’essais de 1 à 2 mois en conditions climatiques régulées en température et humidité relative, ou variables (service classe 1). Chargement et climat influent sur le glissement, mais aussi sur la durée de vie. Si des disparités sont présentes entre EPX et PUR, les études menées à 20°C et 50°C révèlent à nouveau l’importance de prendre en considération la température, notamment aux ELS. L’étude en régime variable illustre de son côté la sensibilité du système aux variations de température et d’humidité. L’étude de la répartition des efforts en fonction de la raideur des goujons est choisie comme fil conducteur pour investiguer le passage vers des éléments multi-tiges. Un modèle 3D mono-tige aux éléments finis est tout d’abord développé pour prendre en compte l’orthotropie du bois et regarder l’influence du centre de moelle jusqu’à présent négligée. Par la suite ce modèle est étendu aux configurations multi-tiges afin de simuler différentes configurations d’essais. Un prototype d’essai de caractérisation mécanique des assemblages multi-tiges est finalement présenté. / Glued-in rods have successfully been used for connections or reinforcement of timber structures. With the development of tall and large timber buildings and new products such as Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), there is an increasing need for connections that provide high stiffness and strength. Timber connections using glued in rods have a general aesthetic appeal, and take advantage of the structural adhesives that provide a high stiffness and load capacity. During the last 30 years, multiple applications have been developed for renovation and new construction. In parallel, numerous investigations have characterized the mechanical performance of these connections, but harmonized design rules are not available. A lack of knowledge on the multiple-rod connections, on the choice of adhesives, on long-term effects and on the control of quality is identified by a recent study and must be investigated before a new submission to Eurocode 5. This thesis is performed in the framework of collaboration between Université de Bordeaux (France) and Université Laval (Canada). Objectives are focused on the mechanical performance of adhesives and glued-in rod connections under elevated temperature, on the development of creep tests and the investigations of multiple-rod connections. This study combines experimental and finite element modelling results, which are presented in the form of scientific articles. A Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) on one polyurethane (PUR) and one epoxy (EPX) adhesives followed by static tensile tests on the connections with small-diameter steel glued-in rods have been conducted at different temperatures. High differences in stiffness are observed between the two adhesives. Glued-in rod connections with the EPX and PUR adhesives demonstrate significant losses of stiffness and resistance beyond 40°C, before the glass transition temperature of the adhesive. Following the outside temperature, connections must be insulated to prevent excessive slip and risk of failure at the Serviceability Limits State (SLS) and at the Ultimate Limit States (ULS). Few data on the long-term effects are available in the literature. In this work, 12 campaigns of creep tests, adding time effects to previous work, have been performed. Glued-in rod connections were tested during one to two months in a conditioning room where temperature and relative humidity were controlled or in a room with a variable climate representative of service class 1. Disparities were observed between EXP and PUR. Creep tests conducted at 20°C and 50°C revealed an important role of the temperature, particularly for SLS. Creep tests in variable climate illustrated the sensibility of connections to the temperature and humidity variations. The stiffness and stress distribution in multiple-rod connections were investigated. First, a 3D model was developed to observe the influence of the wood orthotropy on the stiffness and stress distribution in a connection with a single rod. Then, the model was extended to multiple-rod connections to simulate different loads and boundary conditions. Finally, a prototype of a connection with multiple glued-in rods was tested.
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Nosná konstrukce sportovní haly / Load-bearing structure of sport hallKrálíček, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the master thesis is design and check the timber construction of the sports hall in two variants. The first variant is a frame, which is formed by three steel columns. The roof structure is made from timber trusses, which is pin-supported beam above both fields. The second variant is a frame, which is formed by three steel-concrete columns. The roof structure is made from timber glulam beam of saddle shape, which is continuous over both fields. Spatial rigidity of the structure is ensured by steel bars. The second variant is calculated in detail by hand and the structure drawings are attached. Input static models and auxiliary static models were created in SCIA Engineer 18.1.
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Plieninių strypų, įklijuotų medienoje, tyrimas ir analizė / Research and analysis of steel rods glued - in glulamGečys, Tomas 28 June 2010 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe pateiktos pagrindinės prielaidos, kurios priimamos analizuojant klijų kontaktą tarp medienos ir metalo. Aptartos plačiausiai taikomos plieninių sriegtų strypų įklijavimo medienoje technologijos. Apibendrinti plieninių sriegtų strypų įklijavimo medienoje technologijos kontrolės metodai. Išanalizuota mokslinė literatūra, susijusi su plieninių sriegtų strypų įklijavimu medienoje.
Tiriamojoje dalyje surasti ir išnagrinėti Pasaulinės patentų sistemos „esp@cenet“ 11 patentų, kuriuose pateikiami montažiniai medienos elementų mazgai, sukonstruoti panaudojant plieninius įklijuojamus strypus. Pateikti pagrindiniai standžių montuojamųjų mazgų konstravimo principai.
Eksperimentinėje dalyje laboratoriniais bandymais ištirta sąveika tarp medienos ir plieninio sriegto strypo, kai kontaktas tarp jų užtikrinamas klijais. Atlikti eksperimentiniai tyrimai: plieninių sriegtų strypų takumo bei stiprumo įtempių nustatymas; medienos tankio ir drėgnio nustatymas; plieninių sriegtų strypų ištraukiamojo atspario nustatymas. Aptarti pagrindiniai gamybos netikslumai, kurie turi įtakos jungties elgsenai ir laikomajai galiai.
Išanalizuota pavienio plieninio strypo, įklijuoto medienoje, gniuždomojo ir tempiamojo atspario skaičiavimo metodika, pateikiama projektavimo normose STR ir Eurokode 5. Bandymų rezultatai palyginti su teorinėmis išraiškomis, pateikiamomis projektavimo normose. Remiantis eksperimentinių bandymų rezultatais ir ankstesnių autorių tyrimų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this master degree thesis submitted general assumtions which are being adopted while analysis of glued joint between timber and steel. Discussed the main technologies of glueing in steel rod into timber. Summarized technolgy control methods of glueing in steel rods process. Overviewed the scientific literature which is related to the steel rods glued in timber.
In research part of the work submitted 11 patents of esp@cenet patent base of rigid joints in which construction used glued in steel rods. Given the main principles of construction of rigid joints with glued in steel rods.
In experimental part of the work investigated the behavior of the timber – steel joint which contact is ensured by glue. Experimental studies were done: yield and strength stress determination of threaded steel rods; determination tests of timber moisture content and density; determination of tensile carrying capacity of threaded steel rod glued in glulam. Reported production inaccuracies and its influence on joint‘s behavior and final carrying capacity.
The results are compared with theoretical expressions provided by the design rules. Based on the experimental results of the test and study reports of previous authors, submitted proposals for design rules of the addition of comments.
Structure: introduction, the concept of the matter, literature review, experimental studies, conclusions and suggestions, references.
Thesis consist of: 100 p. text without appendixes, 64 pictures, 20 tables, 43... [to full text]
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Avaliação do adesivo poliuretano à base de mamona na fabricação de Madeira Laminada Colada (MLC) / Evaluation of the polyurethane adhesive base on castor oil to fabrication of glued laminated timber (GLULAM)Azambuja, Maximiliano dos Anjos 19 September 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como finalidade o estudo da aplicação de um adesivo alternativo para a fabricação de madeira laminada colada (MLC). Este adesivo, à base de óleo de mamona, apresenta vantagens em relação ao tradicionalmente utilizado, considerando aspectos ecológicos e econômicos. Foram determinados parâmetros adequados para a colagem, e avaliada a compatibilidade entre adesivo e o tratamento com o preservativo hidrossolúvel de Arseniato de Cobre Cromatado (CCA - tipo C) e em madeiras sem o tratamento preservativo, em termos de resistência da linha da cola, por meio dos ensaios de cisalhamento, de tração normal e de tração paralela às fibras, usando a espécie Pinus caribea hondurensis. Com estes parâmetros, foram confeccionadas 12 vigas de MLC, utilizando-se as espécies de reflorestamento Pinus caribea hondurensis e Eucaliptus grandis. Foi avaliado o desempenho estrutural das vigas de MLC, por intermédio do ensaio mecânico de resistência à flexão, objetivando-se analisar a resistência da linha de cola. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir o bom desempenho do adesivo poliuretano à base de mamona, para a aplicação em madeira não preservada e preservada com OCA tipo-C. A pressão de colagem indicada para laminação das vigas é 0,8% MPa para madeira não tratada, e 1,6 MPa para madeira tratada. Para a fabricação das emendas das lâminas recomenda-se a pressão de colagem igual a MPa, para madeira tratada ou não. / The aim of this work is the study of the use of alternative adhesive for glued laminated timber (GLULAM). This adhesive, based on castor oil, presents ecological and economical advantages in relation of traditionally used. The appropriate parameters for gluing were determined and the compatibility between this adhesive and treatment with the waterbome preservative of chromated copper arsenate (CCA-C) were evaluated through shear tests and tensions tests (perpendicular and parallel to the grain), using the species Pinus caribea hondurensis. With these parameters, were made 12 beams of GLULAM; using the species Pinus caribea hondurensis and Eucaliptus grandis. The structural performance of the beams of GLULAM was evaluated through static bending tests. The results obtained allow concluding the good performance of the adhesive polyurethane based on castor oil, for use in wood not preserved and preserved with CCA type-C. The gluing pressures indicated are 0,8 MPa for non-treated wood, and 1,6 MPa for treated wood. The gluing pressure recommended for finger-joints is 9 MPa, for treated wood or not.
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Resistência à tração da madeira e resistência ao cisalhamento no plano de cola, seus impactos na geometria do dente e propriedades mecânicas de emendas dentadas / Tensile and shear strength in the wood bonding surface, its impact on the finger geometry and on the mechanical properties of the finger jointsSerrano, Luisa Julieth Parra 31 March 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar a resistência ao cisalhamento no plano de cola de corpos de prova especiais e avaliar o seu impacto na geometria do dente, na resistência à tração de emendas dentadas e nas propriedades oriundas da flexão de vigas simples e compostas. A resistência ao cisalhamento no plano de cola foi estudada segundo o seu ângulo de inclinação em relação às fibras, desde 0 até 90o na madeira de Eucalyptus grandis e Pinus elliottii. O Eucalyptus grandis foi favorecido por pequenos ângulos de inclinação do plano de cola contrariamente ao que aconteceu com o Pinus elliottii e, portanto, apresentou maior eficiência na colagem, o que é desejável para viga laminada colada. Os valores obtidos foram divididos pela resistência ao cisalhamento da madeira maciça para encontrarem-se as eficiências das ligações coladas com vários adesivos. O valor da resistência ao cisalhamento no ângulo de 5° foi utilizado conjuntamente com a resistência à tração da madeira maciça de Eucalyptus grandis para calcular o comprimento do dente a partir de uma teoria simples que o relaciona aos demais parâmetros já conhecidos ou simulados da emenda dentada. Essa teoria, resumida numa única identidade, foi desenvolvida para otimizar a emenda em termos de seus esforços solicitantes majoritários.A emenda dentada foi testada à tração paralela em lâminas emendadas com dentes verticais e horizontais. O perfil vertical apresentou maior resistência à tração e a diferença foi explicada pela área de colagem individual do dente. No caso do dente vertical essa área era menor e, portanto, penalizava menos quando havia algum defeito no dente. Na análise dos tipos de ruptura apresentados verificou-se que a ruptura do tipo 1 que denota má colagem por causa intrínseca do adesivo ou falta de pressão na colagem e ruptura do tipo 5 ou 6 que evidenciam pontos excessivamente fracos da barra ligada ou pontos de concentração de tensões imposta pelas garras da máquina no ensaio de tração contribuíam significativamente para redução da resistência à tração da emenda dentada. Essa resistência deve ser caracterizada por ocorrência alternada de rupturas por cisalhamento misto na superfície do dente e ruptura por tração na seção reduzida da barra ou na raiz do dente como acontece na ruptura do tipo 3. Na flexão foram ensaiadas lâminas emendadas trabalhando como viga sujeita a tensões normais de tração e de compressão e lâminas emendadas trabalhando como componente de viga laminada posicionada na borda tracionada. Não houve diferença entre esses dois casos em qualquer dos estados limites. A eficiência da viga laminada colada com emenda no meio do vão foi muito baixa em relação à viga maciça, mas somente para o módulo de ruptura à flexão. Essa eficiência foi expressa como a relação entre o momento de inércia real e o teórico. A emenda dentada não influenciou a elástica da viga laminada que apresentou o mesmo módulo de elasticidade da viga maciça. / The objective of the present study was to determine the shear strength in the bonding surface of special samples and to evaluate their impact on the geometric parameters of the finger, the tensile strength of the finger joints and the intrinsic flexural properties of simple and composed beams. The shear strength on the bonding surface was studied as a function of the inclination angle related to the wood fibers direction, from 0 to 90o in Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus elliottii species. Small inclination angles of the bonding surface performed very well in E. grandis samples and therefore it showed higher bonding efficiency when compared to P. Elliottii. The efficiency of the glued joints with different adhesives was determined by dividing the measured values by the shear strength of the solid wood. A simple theory relates the other known or simulated parameters of finger joints to the length of the finger. Using the values of the shear strength obtained experimentally with an inclination angle of 5o and the tensile strength of the solid wood of E. grandis finger length was calculated. Such theory, summarized in a unique equality, was developed to optimize the finger joints in terms of major acting efforts. The finger joints which had vertical and horizontal finger were tested in parallel traction to evaluate the maximum carrying load. The vertical profile had higher tensile strength and the difference was explained by the area of the glued joints in the finger. In the case of the vertical finger the area of glued joints was smaller and therefore had less impact when there was a defect in the finger or problem with the adhesion. Analyses of the modules of rupture revealed that rupture type 1 and type 5 or 6 contributed significantly to the reduction in the tensile strength of the finger joints. Rupture type 1 refers to failure due to causes intrinsic to the adhesive or to lack of pressure in the bonding process. Rupture type 5 or 6 refers to the presence of excessively weak points in the bar or to points of concentration of stress imposed by the clamps of the machine during the test. Such tensile strength must be characterized by the alternate presence of ruptures by mixed shear strength in the surface of the finger tip and the rupture by traction in the reduced section of the bar or in the base of the finger tip similar to a type 3 rupture. In flexural tests laminas which had a finger joint in the middle of the span ware tested as a beam subjected to tensile and compression normal stresses and also as a component of the laminated beam located in the traction edge. There were no significant differences between these two cases in any of the limiting states. The efficiency of the glued laminated beam with the finger joints located in the middle of the distance among points of support was very low in relationship to the efficiency of the solid wood, but only for the modulus of rupture in the flexure. This efficiency was expressed as the ratio of the moment of inertia to the theoretical moment. The finger joint did not influence the elasticity of the laminated beam since it had the same modulus of elasticity as the one found for solid wood.
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En analys av Eurokod 1990 : - användarråd, jämförelser samt en intervjuundersökningWennström, Lina January 2008 (has links)
<p>The EN Eurocodes are a new series of standards for construction design in Europe. The development of these codes started originally in 1975 and in present time the progressing work is at the national calibration stage. The goal is to create a common standard for the design of buildings and other civil engineering works throughout Europe and beyond. The purpose is to increase the free circulation of construction products and engineering services. Since the transition to the new standards is getting closer, the constructing engineers and companies will soon stand before great changes. This is why Kadesjös Ingenjörsbyrå AB asked me to do an analysis of the first part of the new standard, i.e. Eurocode 1990, and look at the differences among the existing standards in Sweden and the Eurocodes. The result of this is summarized not only in the report but also in a “User’s manual” which is presented in appendix 1 attached to the report. A limited study of the environmental effects of the transition to Eurocode EN 1990 has also been done. By comparing design calculations of a normal beam in three different materials, steel, concrete and glued laminated timber, one can, for instance, get a general view of how the differences of the two standards affect the required quantity of material. To get an insight of the different opinions that might exist concerning the new standard, a survey based on interviews of a few constructional engineers has been done. There was also discussed if any, and in that case what kind of preparations constructors and design companies are performing to be well prepared when the transition comes.</p>
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En analys av Eurokod 1990 : - användarråd, jämförelser samt en intervjuundersökningWennström, Lina January 2008 (has links)
The EN Eurocodes are a new series of standards for construction design in Europe. The development of these codes started originally in 1975 and in present time the progressing work is at the national calibration stage. The goal is to create a common standard for the design of buildings and other civil engineering works throughout Europe and beyond. The purpose is to increase the free circulation of construction products and engineering services. Since the transition to the new standards is getting closer, the constructing engineers and companies will soon stand before great changes. This is why Kadesjös Ingenjörsbyrå AB asked me to do an analysis of the first part of the new standard, i.e. Eurocode 1990, and look at the differences among the existing standards in Sweden and the Eurocodes. The result of this is summarized not only in the report but also in a “User’s manual” which is presented in appendix 1 attached to the report. A limited study of the environmental effects of the transition to Eurocode EN 1990 has also been done. By comparing design calculations of a normal beam in three different materials, steel, concrete and glued laminated timber, one can, for instance, get a general view of how the differences of the two standards affect the required quantity of material. To get an insight of the different opinions that might exist concerning the new standard, a survey based on interviews of a few constructional engineers has been done. There was also discussed if any, and in that case what kind of preparations constructors and design companies are performing to be well prepared when the transition comes.
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