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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da adição de farinha de jatobá-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart.) na resposta glicêmica de pães / Effect of addition jatoba-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart.) flour on glycemic response of breads

Silva, Cintia Pereira da 02 August 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O grupo das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) compreende as doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes, obesidade, câncer e doenças respiratórias crônicas. Estudos mostram que a proporção de mortes por estas doenças vem aumentando e demandam por assistência continuada de serviços e ônus progressivo, na razão direta do envelhecimento da população. A dieta é uma importante ferramenta para prevenção e controle das DCNT. Estudos sobre o índice glicêmico (IG) dos alimentos são de grande relevância, já que estão relacionados com possíveis efeitos fisiológicos e terapêuticos de dietas com baixo IG, tanto para pessoas saudáveis, como para as portadoras de DCNT como, por exemplo, obesidade e diabetes. O jatobá-do-cerrado, também conhecido como jataí ou jutaí (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.), pertencente à família Leguminosae e subfamília Caesalpinoideae, é uma leguminosa arbórea de ocorrência no cerrado brasileiro pouco explorado e com grande potencial de utilização devido a sua composição química. O alto conteúdo de fibras do jatobá-do-cerrado indica que esta leguminosa pode ter um baixo IG, justificando-se assim sua incorporação em produtos alimentícios, como o pão, para que seja feita a avaliação da sua resposta glicêmica. Objetivos: Verificar o efeito da adição de farinha de jatobá-docerrado na resposta glicêmica de pães. Metodologia: A partir da formulação de um pão branco padrão foram desenvolvidas três formulações utilizando a farinha de jatobá-do-cerrado, substituindo-se a farinha de trigo em proporções de 10, 20 e 30 por cento . Os produtos desenvolvidos foram caracterizados quanto à composição centesimal, IG e carga glicêmica (CG). Também foi avaliada a aceitabilidade sensorial dos pães de jatobá por meio da escala hedônica de nove pontos. Resultados: A adição da farinha de jatobá alterou a composição dos pães, com destaque para o aumento nos teores de fibras. Foi observada uma redução no IG e na CG dos pães de jatobá, podendo classificá-los como alimentos de baixo IG (53), para o pão com 20 por cento de farinha de jatobá e moderado IG (62 e 56), para os pães com 10 e 30 por cento de farinha de jatobá respectivamente. Quanto a CG todos os tratamentos podem ser classificados como alimentos de carga glicêmica moderada. Quanto à aceitabilidade, os tratamentos 10 e 20 por cento não diferiram entre si segundo os atributos: aroma, textura, sabor e avaliação global obtendo os melhores escores entre 6 (gostei levemente) e 7 (gostei moderadamente). O pão com 30 por cento de farinha de jatobá apresentou menores escores, em torno de 5 (não gostei, nem desgostei). Conclusão: A adição da farinha de jatobá proporcionou a obtenção de produtos com reduzido IG e carga glicêmica moderada, rico em fibras, e aceitos sensorialmente, confirmando seu potencial como ingrediente no enriquecimento de formulações que utilizem farinhas, como pães, tornando-se uma opção para introdução na dieta tanto de indivíduos saudáveis quanto os portadores de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, como obesidade e diabetes / Background: The non-transmissible chronic diseases (NTCD) include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. Studies show that the proportion of deaths from these diseases is increasing and demand continuous attention and promote progressive burden, in direct proportion to the aging of population. Diet is an important tool for prevention and control of NTCDs. Studies on the glycemic index (GI) of foods are of great importance, since they are related to possible physiological and therapeutic effects of low-GI diets for both healthy people and for those suffering from NTCD such as obesity and diabetes. The jatobá-do-cerrado, also known as jataí or jutaí (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.), belong to the family Leguminosae and subfamily Caesalpinoideae, and it is a little explored legume tree occurring in the Brazilian Savanna with great potential for use due to its chemical composition. The high fiber content of jatobá-do-cerrado indicates that it may have a low GI, sand that its inclusion in other foods, like bread, is possible depending on the assessment of their glycemic response and acceptability. Objectives: To investigate the effect of adding jatobá-docerrado flour on the glycemic index of conventional breads. Methods: From the basic composition of a standard white bread, three formulations were developed using jatobá-do-cerrado flour, replacing wheat flour in proportions at 10, 20 and 30 per cent . The products developed were characterized for chemical composition, GI and glycemic load (GL). Sensory acceptability of jatobá breads through hedonic scale of nine points was also evaluated. Results: The addition of jatobá flour changed the composition of breads, especially increased its fiber content. We observed a reduction in the GI and GL of jatobá breads, which can be classified as low-GI foods (53), for bread with 20 per cent jatobá flour and moderate GI (62 and 56), for the loaves with 10:30 per cent of jatobá flour respectively. As the GL, all treatments can be classified as moderate GL foods. Regarding acceptability, the treatments with 10 and 20 per cent of jatobá flour did not differ according to the attributes: aroma, texture, flavor and overall assessment, getting the best scores between 6 (like slightly) and 7 (like moderately). Bread with 30 per cent of jatoba flour presented a lower score around 5 (not liked not disliked). Conclusion: The addition of jatobá flour provided products with a low GI and moderate GL, high fiber content and sensory acceptance, confirming its potential as an ingredient in formulations using flour, such as bread, making it an option for introduction in the diet of both healthy individuals as well as those with chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes

Efeito do ácido graxo ômega 3 sobre a composição corporal, controle glicêmico e risco cardiovascular de indivíduos adultos e idosos / Effect of omega 3 fat acid on body composition, glycemic control and cardiovascular risk score in adults and elderly

Cartolano, Flavia de Conti 11 April 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Os benefícios dos ácidos graxos poli-insaturados ômega 3 (w-3) no metabolismo lipídico e na saúde cardiovascular são amplamente aceitos. Entretanto, o impacto do w-3 na composição corpórea, na homeostase da glicose e consequente modificação do risco cardiovascular não tem sido foco dos desfechos primários da maioria dos estudos clínicos. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da suplementação de w-3 sobre a composição corporal, o controle glicêmico e o nível de risco cardiovascular em indivíduos adultos. Métodos: A partir de uma sub-amostra do estudo CARDIONUTRI (estudo clínico, randomizado, controlado e duplo cego com seguimento de 2 meses) foram selecionados 86 indivíduos (grupo w-6, 3g de óleo de girassol/d) e 88 indivíduos (grupo w-3, 3g de óleo de peixe/d 60 por cento EPA/DHA). O efeito das intervenções foi monitorado nos tempos basal e T=8 (oito semanas). Nestes períodos foram coletadas informações demográficas, clínicas, atividade física, dieta, antropométricas e de composição corporal. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas após jejum de 12h e a partir do plasma/soro foram avaliados glicemia, insulina, colesterol total e associado a LDL e HDL, triacilgliceróis e as apolipoproteína AI e B utilizando métodos comerciais. O nível de risco cardiovascular dos indivíduos foi estimado pelo Escore de Risco de Framingham (ERF). Os resultados do efeito do tempo, da intervenção e das interações entre parâmetros monitorados e os desfechos foram analisados por meio do programa SPSS 20.0, sendo o nível de significância adotado de p<0,05. Resultados: A maioria dos indivíduos inclusos era do sexo feminino e da raça branca, sem diferença entre os grupos. As doenças mais prevalentes em ambos os grupos foram a hipertensão arterial, o diabetes mellitus e as dislipidemias. Não foram observadas mudanças de glicemia e insulina de jejum, HOMA-IR e HOMA 2- por cento S, com a suplementação de w-3, exceto nos indivíduos com risco cardiovascular intermediário, segundo o ERF. Em relação aos parâmetros antropométricos e de composição corporal, a população feminina do grupo w-3 apresentou redução do percentual de massa gorda ao longo do tempo e intervenção, assim como, foi também observada tal redução entre os indivíduos com alto risco cardiovascular. Não foi contatada variação na distribuição do ERF, apesar da melhora de seus componentes (colesterol total e HDL-C). Conclusões: A suplementação com w-3 promoveu redução de insulina e HOMA-IR nos indivíduos com ERF intermediário. Observou ainda efeito benéfico na redução do percentual de gordura corporal entre as mulheres e indivíduos com ERF alto, assim como na diminuição do colesterol total e aumento da HDL-C. / Introduction: The benefits of polyunsaturated omega 3 (n-3) on lipid metabolism and cardiovascular health fatty acids are widely accepted. However, the impact of n-3 in body composition, glucose homeostasis and consequent modification of cardiovascular risk has not been the focus of the primary outcomes of most clinical trials. Aim: To evaluate the impact of n-3 supplementation on body composition, glycemic control and the level of cardiovascular risk in adults. Methods: From a subsample of CARDIONUTRI study were selected (clinical, randomized, controlled, double blind study with follow-up of 2 months) 86 patients (group n-6, 3g of sunflower oil/d) and 88 individuals (n-3 group, 3g fish oil/d - 60 per cent EPA/DHA ). The effect of the interventions was monitored at baseline and T = 8 (eight weeks). In these periods were collected demographic information, clinical, physical activity, diet, anthropometric and body composition. After 12h fasting, blood samples were collected and, from plasma/serum, were evaluated glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, cholesterol associated with LDL and HDL, triacylglycerol, apolipoprotein AI and B using standard methods. The level of cardiovascular risk of individuals was estimated by the Framingham Risk Score (FRS). The results of the effect of the time of the intervention and the interactions between monitored parameters and outcomes were analyzed using the SPSS 20.0 program and the level of significance of p < 0.05. Results: The majority of individuals included were female and white, with no difference between groups. The most prevalent diseases in both groups were hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia. No change was observed in glucose and fasting insulin, HOMA-IR and HOMA 2- per cent S, with supplementation with n-3, except in patients with intermediate cardiovascular risk, according to the FRS. Regarding the anthropometric and body composition parameters, the n-3 group showed a reduction in the percentage of fat mass among females over time and intervention, as was also observed that reduction among individuals at high cardiovascular risk. There was no variation in the distribution of the ERF, despite the improvement of its components (total cholesterol and HDL-C). Conclusions: Supplementation with n-3 promoted reduction of insulin and HOMA-IR in subjects with intermediate FRS. It noted beneficial effect in reducing the percentage of body fat among women and individuals with high FRS, as well as decreased total cholesterol and increased HDL-C.

Complicações odontológicas após procedimentos invasivos, em pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2, de acordo com o controle glicêmico: estudo caso-controle / Dental complications after invasive procedures, in diabetic type 2 patients, according to glycemic control: a case-control study

Bataglion, Cristiane Aparecida Nogueira 05 July 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, por meio de estudo caso-controle, a frequência de complicações do tratamento odontológico invasivo em pacientes com diabetes mellitus (DM) tipo 2, de acordo com o controle glicêmico da doença, e sugerir valores de glicemia em jejum e HbA1c que poderiam ser considerados seguros para se evitar estas complicações. Pacientes portadores de DM tipo 2 e indivíduos não diabéticos foram divididos em três grupos: grupo I 13 indivíduos diabéticos tipo 2 com controle glicêmico adequado; grupo II 15 indivíduos diabéticos tipo 2 com controle glicêmico inadequado; Grupo III 18 indivíduos não diabéticos (controle). Os pacientes diabéticos deveriam ter o diagnóstico baseado nas recomendações da Organização Mundial de Saúde. Os pacientes do grupo I foram caracterizados por apresentar glicemia em jejum&le; 140mg/dl e HbA1c&le; 7%; os do grupo II por apresentar glicemia plasmática de jejum > 140mg/dl e HbA1c > 7%; e os do grupo III por não ter os sintomas do DM e apresentar valores de glicemia plasmática de jejum menores que 100mg/dl. Foram selecionados os pacientes com necessidade de exodontia ou raspagem/alisamento radicular. Nos pacientes diabéticos, previamente ao atendimento odontológico, foi avaliada glicemia plasmática de jejum, hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c), e glicemia capilar. Sete dias após o procedimento odontológico foi avaliada a frequência de complicações clínicas (infecção do sítio cirúrgico e infecção sistêmica) nos três grupos de estudo, e a correlação entre a ocorrência das complicações com o controle glicêmico do DM. A frequência do desfecho clínico foi baixa (8,6%) e não houve diferença entre a frequência do desfecho e os grupos de estudo (Teste exato de Fisher; P > 0,05). As exodontias estão mais associadas à ocorrência de complicações, do que a raspagem/alisamento radicular. Entretanto, não foi possível determinar a relação direta entre os valores de glicemia de jejum e HbA1c e as complicações pós-operatórias, nem sugerir valores preditivos das complicações, uma vez que elas ocorreram tanto em indivíduos com DM tipo 2 controle glicêmico adequado, com controle inadequado e nos não diabéticos. Possivelmente, estudos com maior número de pacientes permitam avaliar o impacto do controle glicêmico na ocorrência ou não de complicações pós-operatórias. / The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in a case-control study, the frequency of clinical outcomes of complications related to invasive dental treatment in diabetic type 2 patients in relation to glycemic control, and suggest levels of fasting blood glucose and glycated hemoblobin that could be considered safe to avoid complications related to invasive dental treatment. Diabetic type 2 patients and non-diabetic patients were selected and divided in 3 groups: group I 13 diabetic type 2 patients with adequate glycemic control; group II 15 diabetic type 2 with inadequate glycemic control; and group III 18 non-diabetic patients (control group). Diabetic patients should have the diabetes diagnosis based on World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. Patients of group I were characterized by present fasting blood glucose &le;140mg/dl e HbA1c &le; 7%; patients of group II were characterized by present fasting blood glucose > 140mg/dl and glycated hemoglobin > 7%; and patients of group III should not present any symptoms of diabetes and present levels of fasting blood glucose lower than 100mg/dl. Patients in need of extraction or scaling/root planning were selected. In diabetic patients, previously to dental assistance, was evaluated fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin and fingerstick capillary glycemia. Seven days after the dental procedure, the frequency of clinical outcomes (surgery site infection and systemic infection) on the three study groups was analyzed, and the correlation between the occurrence of these complications and the glycemic control of DM. The frequency of the clinical outcomes was low (8.6%) and there was not difference between the clinical outcomes frequency and the study groups (Fisher exact test; P > 0.05). Dental extractions were associated to complications compared to scaling/root planning. However there was not association between the clinical outcomes occurrence and the glycemic control of DM after the dental procedures and it was not possible to determine predictive values of fasting blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin for these clinical outcomes. Probably, studies with larger numbers of patients allow assessing the impact of glycemic control on occurrence of postoperative complications.

Digestibilidade in vitro e sua correlação com a resposta glicemica produzida por alimentos contendo amido / In vitro digestibility and its correlation with the glycemic response produced by starch-containing foods

Seravalli, Elisena Aparecida Guastaferro 30 January 1991 (has links)
Avaliando-se, em ratos a glicemia produzida pela ingestão de diferentes alimentos contendo carboidratos complexos e, através de ensaios \"in vitro\", observou-se que as sementes de leguminosas (feijão e lentilha) produziram menores respostas glicêmicas do que a dos cereais (arroz, pão, macarrão, farelo de trigo, polenta, farinha de milho e extrusado de milho) e dos tubérculos ( batata, mandioca, farinha de mandioca e beiju) (p<0,05). Observou-se, ainda correlação positiva entre as respostas \"in vivo\" e os ensaios de digestibilidde \"in vitro\" (r=0,95 p<0,0l). As causas das diferenças observadas não são ainda bem conhecidas. Nas análises \"in vitro\" com feijões que sofreram diferentes tratamentos e por observações ao microscópio óptico, verificou-se que com o aumento do tempo de cocção ocorreu descompactação celular, porém a parede celular que envolve os grânulos não sofreu ruptura. A resistência oferecida à desintegração parece ser um dos possíveis fatores responsáveis pela menor digestibilidade das sementes de leguminosas. / The determination of postprandial glycemia from ingest of different foods contained complex carbohydrates, \"in vivo\" and \"in vitro\" assays, showed that leguminous seeds (bean and lentil) produced lower glycemic responses than those from the cereals (rice, bread, macaroni, wheat bran, porridge corn, cornflakes and corn flour) and the tubercles (potato, cassava, cassava flour and \"beiju\") (p<0,05). positive relationship between the \"in vivo\" responses and the \"in vitro\" digestibility assays (r=0,95, p<0,0l) was observed. The causes of the observed differences werenot knomn yet. In the \"in vitro\" analysis, heat treatment and optical microscope with beans were applied. The results from optical microscope revealed that the longer the cooking time was the greater the cell separated. And no damages on bean cell walls were observed. The resistance of cell wall to heat damage could be one of possible factors for the lower digestibility of the leguminous seeds.

Effect of high and low glycemic index meals on short-term recovery from prolonged, submaximal running and subsequent endurance capacity =: 運動後高、低血糖指數食物對短期恢復及再運動時耐力之影響. / 運動後高、低血糖指數食物對短期恢復及再運動時耐力之影響 / Effect of high and low glycemic index meals on short-term recovery from prolonged, submaximal running and subsequent endurance capacity =: Yun dong hou gao, di xue tang zhi shu shi wu dui duan qi hui fu ji zai yun dong shi nai li zhi ying xiang. / Yun dong hou gao, di xue tang zhi shu shi wu dui duan qi hui fu ji zai yun dong shi nai li zhi ying xiang

January 2000 (has links)
Fung Man-yi, Wendy. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 84-106). / Text in English; abstracts and appendices in English and Chinese. / Fung Man-yi, Wendy. / Acknowledgments --- p.i / Presentation --- p.iii / Abstract --- p.iv / Table of Contents --- p.viii / List of Tables --- p.x / List of Figures --- p.xi / Chapter CHAPTER ONE --- Introduction --- p.1 / Research Background --- p.1 / Purpose of the Study --- p.5 / Justification of the Study --- p.6 / Hypotheses --- p.6 / Definition of Terms --- p.7 / Assumptions --- p.8 / Delimitations --- p.8 / Limitations --- p.9 / Significance of the Study --- p.9 / Chapter CHAPTER TWO --- Review of Literature --- p.10 / "Engergy Metabolism During Prolonged, Submaximal Exercise" --- p.10 / "Causes of Fatigue During Prolonged, Submaximal Exercise" --- p.16 / Factors Influencing Muscle Glycogen Resynthesis During Recovery --- p.21 / Factors Influencing Rehydration During Recovery --- p.27 / Effect of Muscle Glycogen Replenishment During Recovery on Subsequent Endurance Capacity --- p.30 / Effect of Rehydration During Recovery on Subsequent Endurance Capacity --- p.32 / Effect of Glycemic Index Meals Before Exercise on Exercise Performance --- p.33 / Chapter CHAPTER THREE --- Methodology --- p.37 / Participants --- p.37 / Equipment and Instrumentation --- p.37 / Standardized Experimental Procedures --- p.38 / Collection and Analysis of Blood Samples --- p.42 / Preliminary Measurements --- p.45 / Dietary Analyses and Training Control --- p.50 / Preliminary Testing --- p.51 / Statistical Analysis --- p.54 / Chapter CHAPTER FOUR --- Results --- p.56 / Run Time to Exhaustion --- p.56 / Dietary Analysis --- p.57 / Postprandial Responses of the Test Meals During Screening Session --- p.58 / Postprandial Responses During Recovery --- p.60 / Responses During Exercise and Recovery --- p.62 / Body Mass Changes and Fluid Balance --- p.74 / Changes in Plasma Volume and Urine Volume --- p.75 / Summary of the Results --- p.76 / Chapter CHAPTER FIVE --- Discussion --- p.77 / Recommendations and Applications --- p.83 / References --- p.84 / Appendixes --- p.107

Effect of frequency of high glycemic index foods consumption on short-term recovery from prolonged exercise and subsequent endurance capacity =: 運動後進食高糖份指數食物的次數對短期恢復及再運動時耐力之影響. / 運動後進食高糖份指數食物的次數對短期恢復及再運動時耐力之影響 / Effect of frequency of high glycemic index foods consumption on short-term recovery from prolonged exercise and subsequent endurance capacity =: Yun dong hou jin shi gao tang fen zhi shu shi wu de ci shu dui duan qi hui fu ji zai yun dong shi nai li zhi ying xiang. / Yun dong hou jin shi gao tang fen zhi shu shi wu de ci shu dui duan qi hui fu ji zai yun dong shi nai li zhi ying xiang

January 2001 (has links)
Siu Ming Fai Parco. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-117). / Text in English; abstracts in English and Chinese. / Siu Ming Fai Parco. / Acknowledgments --- p.i / Abstract --- p.iii / Table of Contents --- p.vii / List of Tables --- p.ix / List of Figures --- p.x / Chapter CHAPTER ONE --- Introduction --- p.1 / Research Background --- p.1 / Purpose of the Study --- p.6 / Hypotheses --- p.6 / Definition of Terms --- p.7 / Assumptions --- p.8 / Delimitations --- p.9 / Limitations --- p.9 / Chapter CHAPTER TWO --- Review of Literature --- p.10 / Importance of Muscle Glycogen Resynthesis During Recovery from Exercise --- p.10 / Factors Affecting Muscle Glycogen Resynthesis --- p.10 / Muscle Glycogen Resynthesis and Subsequent Endurance Capacity --- p.17 / Importance of Rehydration on Recovery from exercise --- p.22 / Factors Affecting Rehydration --- p.22 / Rehydration and Subsequent Endurance Capacity --- p.25 / Glycemic Index Foods and Exercise --- p.26 / Definition of Glycemic Index (GI) --- p.26 / Ingestion of GI Foods Before Exercise --- p.28 / Ingestion of GI Foods During Recovery --- p.33 / Frequency of CHO Ingestion and Exercise --- p.36 / Chapter CHAPTER THREE --- Methodology --- p.39 / Participants --- p.39 / Equipment and Instrumentation --- p.39 / Preliminary Measurements --- p.40 / Dietary Analysis and Training Control --- p.45 / Preliminary Testing --- p.46 / Standardized Experimental Procedure --- p.51 / Collection and Analysis of Blood Sample --- p.57 / Statistical Analysis --- p.61 / Chapter CHAPTER FOUR --- Results --- p.62 / Run Time to Exhaustion --- p.63 / Dietary Analysis --- p.63 / Postprandial Responses of the Prescribed Foods During Screening Test --- p.64 / Postprandial Responses During Recovery of Main Trial --- p.67 / Metabolic and Physiological Responses During Exercise and Recovery --- p.70 / "Body Mass Change, Fluid Balance and Urine Volume" --- p.89 / Changes in Plasma Volume --- p.90 / Summary of the Results --- p.91 / Chapter CHAPTER FIVE --- Discussion --- p.92 / Recommendations and Applications --- p.99 / References --- p.101 / Appendices --- p.118

Effect of consumption of carbohydrate-electrolyte solution on running performance after pre-exercise glycemic index meal. / 運動前進食不同血糖指數食物及運動中補充碳水化合物飲料對長跑能力的影響 / Effect of consumption of carbohydrate-electrolyte solution on running performance after pre-exercise glycemic index meal. / Yun dong qian jin shi bu tong xue tang zhi shu shi wu ji yun dong zhong bu chong tan shui hua he wu yin liao dui chang pao neng li de ying xiang

January 2004 (has links)
Chan Oi Wan = 運動前進食不同血糖指數食物及運動中補充碳水化合物飲料對長跑能力的影響 / 陳靄允. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-91). / Text in English; abstracts in English and Chinese. / Chan Oi Wan = Yun dong qian jin shi bu tong xue tang zhi shu shi wu ji yun dong zhong bu chong tan shui hua he wu yin liao dui chang pao neng li de ying xiang / Chen Aiyun. / Acknowledgments --- p.i / Abstract --- p.iii / Table of Contents --- p.vii / List of Figures --- p.ix / List of Tables --- p.x / Chapter Chapter One --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Background --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Purpose --- p.5 / Chapter 1.3 --- Significance of the Study --- p.5 / Chapter Chapter Two --- Review of Literature --- p.6 6 / Chapter 2.1 --- "Energy Metabolism during Prolonged, Submaximal Exercise" --- p.6 / Chapter 2.2 --- Importance of Nutrition on Exercise Performance --- p.9 / Chapter 2.3 --- Application of GI --- p.20 / Chapter CHAPTER Three --- Methodology --- p.36 / Chapter 3.1 --- General Methods --- p.36 / Chapter 3.2 --- Preliminary Testing --- p.42 / Chapter 3.3 --- Subjects --- p.45 / Chapter 3.4 --- Experimental Design --- p.46 / Chapter 3.5 --- Procedures --- p.47 / Chapter 3.6 --- Prescribed Meals --- p.50 / Chapter 3.7 --- Prescribed CHO-electrolyte Drink --- p.50 / Chapter 3.8 --- Statistical Analysis --- p.51 / Chapter Chapter Four --- Results --- p.52 / Chapter 4.1 --- Dietary Analysis --- p.52 / Chapter 4.2 --- Running Performance --- p.52 / Chapter 4.3 --- Blood Metabolites --- p.53 / Chapter 4.4 --- Metabolic Responses --- p.60 / Chapter 4.5 --- Subjective Responses and Heart Rates Responses --- p.61 / Chapter Chapter Five --- Discussion --- p.64 / Recommendations and Applications --- p.70 / References --- p.72 / Appendices --- p.95

Efeito da adição de farinha de jatobá-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart.) na resposta glicêmica de pães / Effect of addition jatoba-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart.) flour on glycemic response of breads

Cintia Pereira da Silva 02 August 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O grupo das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) compreende as doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes, obesidade, câncer e doenças respiratórias crônicas. Estudos mostram que a proporção de mortes por estas doenças vem aumentando e demandam por assistência continuada de serviços e ônus progressivo, na razão direta do envelhecimento da população. A dieta é uma importante ferramenta para prevenção e controle das DCNT. Estudos sobre o índice glicêmico (IG) dos alimentos são de grande relevância, já que estão relacionados com possíveis efeitos fisiológicos e terapêuticos de dietas com baixo IG, tanto para pessoas saudáveis, como para as portadoras de DCNT como, por exemplo, obesidade e diabetes. O jatobá-do-cerrado, também conhecido como jataí ou jutaí (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.), pertencente à família Leguminosae e subfamília Caesalpinoideae, é uma leguminosa arbórea de ocorrência no cerrado brasileiro pouco explorado e com grande potencial de utilização devido a sua composição química. O alto conteúdo de fibras do jatobá-do-cerrado indica que esta leguminosa pode ter um baixo IG, justificando-se assim sua incorporação em produtos alimentícios, como o pão, para que seja feita a avaliação da sua resposta glicêmica. Objetivos: Verificar o efeito da adição de farinha de jatobá-docerrado na resposta glicêmica de pães. Metodologia: A partir da formulação de um pão branco padrão foram desenvolvidas três formulações utilizando a farinha de jatobá-do-cerrado, substituindo-se a farinha de trigo em proporções de 10, 20 e 30 por cento . Os produtos desenvolvidos foram caracterizados quanto à composição centesimal, IG e carga glicêmica (CG). Também foi avaliada a aceitabilidade sensorial dos pães de jatobá por meio da escala hedônica de nove pontos. Resultados: A adição da farinha de jatobá alterou a composição dos pães, com destaque para o aumento nos teores de fibras. Foi observada uma redução no IG e na CG dos pães de jatobá, podendo classificá-los como alimentos de baixo IG (53), para o pão com 20 por cento de farinha de jatobá e moderado IG (62 e 56), para os pães com 10 e 30 por cento de farinha de jatobá respectivamente. Quanto a CG todos os tratamentos podem ser classificados como alimentos de carga glicêmica moderada. Quanto à aceitabilidade, os tratamentos 10 e 20 por cento não diferiram entre si segundo os atributos: aroma, textura, sabor e avaliação global obtendo os melhores escores entre 6 (gostei levemente) e 7 (gostei moderadamente). O pão com 30 por cento de farinha de jatobá apresentou menores escores, em torno de 5 (não gostei, nem desgostei). Conclusão: A adição da farinha de jatobá proporcionou a obtenção de produtos com reduzido IG e carga glicêmica moderada, rico em fibras, e aceitos sensorialmente, confirmando seu potencial como ingrediente no enriquecimento de formulações que utilizem farinhas, como pães, tornando-se uma opção para introdução na dieta tanto de indivíduos saudáveis quanto os portadores de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, como obesidade e diabetes / Background: The non-transmissible chronic diseases (NTCD) include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. Studies show that the proportion of deaths from these diseases is increasing and demand continuous attention and promote progressive burden, in direct proportion to the aging of population. Diet is an important tool for prevention and control of NTCDs. Studies on the glycemic index (GI) of foods are of great importance, since they are related to possible physiological and therapeutic effects of low-GI diets for both healthy people and for those suffering from NTCD such as obesity and diabetes. The jatobá-do-cerrado, also known as jataí or jutaí (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.), belong to the family Leguminosae and subfamily Caesalpinoideae, and it is a little explored legume tree occurring in the Brazilian Savanna with great potential for use due to its chemical composition. The high fiber content of jatobá-do-cerrado indicates that it may have a low GI, sand that its inclusion in other foods, like bread, is possible depending on the assessment of their glycemic response and acceptability. Objectives: To investigate the effect of adding jatobá-docerrado flour on the glycemic index of conventional breads. Methods: From the basic composition of a standard white bread, three formulations were developed using jatobá-do-cerrado flour, replacing wheat flour in proportions at 10, 20 and 30 per cent . The products developed were characterized for chemical composition, GI and glycemic load (GL). Sensory acceptability of jatobá breads through hedonic scale of nine points was also evaluated. Results: The addition of jatobá flour changed the composition of breads, especially increased its fiber content. We observed a reduction in the GI and GL of jatobá breads, which can be classified as low-GI foods (53), for bread with 20 per cent jatobá flour and moderate GI (62 and 56), for the loaves with 10:30 per cent of jatobá flour respectively. As the GL, all treatments can be classified as moderate GL foods. Regarding acceptability, the treatments with 10 and 20 per cent of jatobá flour did not differ according to the attributes: aroma, texture, flavor and overall assessment, getting the best scores between 6 (like slightly) and 7 (like moderately). Bread with 30 per cent of jatoba flour presented a lower score around 5 (not liked not disliked). Conclusion: The addition of jatobá flour provided products with a low GI and moderate GL, high fiber content and sensory acceptance, confirming its potential as an ingredient in formulations using flour, such as bread, making it an option for introduction in the diet of both healthy individuals as well as those with chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes

Avaliação do uso de óleos essenciais e levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae em dieta para equinos / Essential oils and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast evaluation in horses diet

Palagi, Mayara Angela Faga 18 December 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação com óleos essenciais e levedura viva Saccharomyces cerevisiae na dieta de equinos. Foi avaliada a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes da dieta, resposta glicêmica e insulinêmica pós-prandial, perfil plasmático de triglicerídeos, colesterol total, frações de colesterol ligado à lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL-C), colesterol ligado à lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL-C), colesterol ligado à lipoproteína de muito baixa densidade (VLDL-C), pH fecal e população microbiana das fezes. Foram utilizados oito equinos da raça Mini-horse, machos, castrados, com idade de 48&#177;6 meses e peso inicial de 147&#177;15 kg, alimentados com dieta contendo 60% de concentrado comercial multiparticulado e 40% de feno de gramínea. Os tratamentos foram divididos em controle (sem adição de óleo essencial e levedura), levedura viva Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2 g/dia de produto comercial com concentração de 20x109 UFC/g de levedura), óleos essenciais (150 mg/dia de composto comercial de óleos essencias) e associação de Saccharomyces cerevisiae com óleos essenciais nas mesmas quantidades já mencionadas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em quadrado latino duplo 4x4 com medidas repetidas no tempo e os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância com nível de significância de 5%. Não foi observado efeito de tratamento (P&gt;0,05) para os diferentes coeficientes de digestibilidade de matéria seca (63,92%), matéria orgânica (66,70%), proteína bruta (82,78%), extrato etéreo (71,38%), amido (95,24%), fibra em detergente neutro (47,50%) e fibra em detergente ácido (36,40%). Na avaliação da Área abaixo da curva (AAC), não foi observado efeito de tratamento (P&gt;0,05) para glicose (579,75 mg/dL) e insulina (858,38 &micro;U/dL). Na avaliação de gordura plasmática não foi encontrado efeito de tratamento (P&gt;0,05) para triglicérides (43,79 mg/dL), colesterol total (111,21 mg/dL) e frações HDL (66,37 mg/dL), LDL (36,1 mg/dL) e VLDL (8,78 mg/dL). O valor de pH fecal observado (6,42) foi adequado para o equilíbrio da microbiota e não houve diferença entre os tratamentos (P&#61;0,56). Avaliando-se a população microbiana das fezes não foi possível observar efeito para Fibrobacter succinogenes (P&#61;0,08). Houve interação entre óleo e levedura para Ruminococcus flavefaciens (P&#61;0,03). Observou-se também efeito de levedura para Lactobacillus genus (P&#61;0,04). A inclusão de óleos essenciais e levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae na dieta de equinos não tem efeito sobre a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, resposta glicêmica e insulinêmica, perfil plasmático de triglicerídeos, colesterol e suas frações e pH fecal, porém a inclusão de levedura viva provoca alteração na população microbiana / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplementation of essential oils and live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the diet for horses. It was assessed apparent digestibility of nutrients, glucose and insulin postprandial responses, plasma levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and its fractions high density lipoprotein (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein (LDL-C), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL-C), fecal pH and microbial population in faeces. Eight horses were used, Mini-horse breed, geldings, aged 48&#177;6 months, initial weight 147&#177;15 kg, fed a diet containing high concentrate, consisting of 60% commercial concentrate and 40 % of grass hay. Treatments were divided in control (without essential oils and live yeast), live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2g/day of a commercial product with a concentration of 20x109 CFU/g of yeast), essential oils (150mg/day of a commercial product consisting of essential oils) and association of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with essential oils in the same quantity mentioned. The experimental design was 4x4 double Latin square with repeated measures over time and the data were subjected to analysis of variance with a significance level of 5%. It was not observed treatment effect (P&gt;0.05) for the different digestibility coefficients of dry matter (63.92%), organic matter (66.70%), crude protein (82.78%), ether extract (71.38%), starch (95.24%), neutral detergent fiber (47.50%) and acid detergent fiber (36.40%). In evaluation of the area under the curve (AUC), wasn&#39;t observed effects of treatment (P&gt;0.05) for values of glucose (579.75 mg/dL) and insulin (858.38 &micro;U/dL). In the evaluation of plasma lipids weren&#39;t found effect of treatment (P&gt;0.05) for values of triglyceride (43.79 mg/dL), total cholesterol (111.21 mg/dL) and fractions HDL (66.37 mg/dL), LDL (36.1 mg/dL) e VLDL (8.78 mg/dL). Fecal pH value (6.42) was found suitable to the balance of microorganisms, but there weren&rsquo;t effect of treatment (P&#61;0.56). In quantification of microbial population weren&rsquo;t observed effect for Fibrobacter succinogenes (P&#61;0.08), but were found effect for interaction of essential oils and live yeast for Ruminococcus flavefaciens (P&#61;0.03) and effect for Lactobacillus genus with the inclusion of yeast (P&#61;0.04). The inclusion of essential oil and live yeast has no effect on digestibility of nutrients, glycemic and insulinemic response, plasma levels lipids and pH of faeces, however the inclusion of live yeast causes alteration in the microbial population

Barley beta-glucan in bread: the journey from production to consumption

Moriartey, Stephanie 11 1900 (has links)
-Glucan is a soluble fibre shown to help regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol. Incorporation into food, particularly bread, may affect -glucans physicochemical properties and health benefits. The journey of -glucan through the mixing, fermenting, baking, and storage of bread was evaluated, in terms of its solubility and viscosity under in vitro physiological conditions, at levels most likely to be presented to consumers (0.75, 1.0, 1.5 g -glucan/serving). Satiety and glycemic response measures, in addition to the quality and consumer acceptability of the bread, were also investigated. In dough, viscosity of the physiological extract was impacted by -glucan level, fermentation time, and endogenous flour enzymes. Fermentation decreased -glucan solubility indicating that the reduction in viscosity depends on both molecular degradation and solubility reduction. Dough rheological properties and microstructure, characterized using an oscillatory rheometer and fluorescence microscopy, respectively, showed that -glucan may interfere with the gluten network, though gluten addition may help improve this. The breads physical properties supported these observations, as -glucan decreased loaf volume and height, while gluten addition corrected this. Baking increased -glucan solubilization to 58-60%, compared to 9% in dough. Gluten addition increased solubility further (67-68%). Similar trends were seen for extract viscosity and were supported by fluorescence microscopy images. Storage at ambient, refrigeration and frozen conditions showed that bread with -glucan should be consumed fresh to maintain highest bread quality and -glucan solubility and viscosity. Bread with -glucan kept panelists full, longer. Reducing sugar release values implied that satiety may depend on digesta viscosity and/or rate of sugar release from the bread. Bread with -glucan produced the most leveled glucose curve; though areas under the 2 hr plasma glucose curves were similar. Consumers liked the 0.75 g -glucan/serving bread and the control more than the 1.5 g -glucan/serving bread, though provision of health information improved bread liking to similar values. The findings demonstrate that low solubility -glucan concentrate that gets solubilized upon baking is well suited for bakery applications and that a successful -glucan-fortified bread product is possible. Commercialization of bread fortified with -glucan would provide consumers an additional source of dietary fibre to assist them in coming closer to recommended daily intakes. / Food Science and Technology

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