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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement d'une méthodologie PCR en temps réel pour la détection et la quantification in planta des principaux champignons pathogènes associés aux maladies du bois de la vigne / Development of a real time PCR methodology for in planta detection and quantification of the main fungal pathogens associated with grapevine trunk diseases

Pouzoulet, Jérôme 13 July 2012 (has links)
Les maladies fongiques du bois de la vigne que sont le syndrome de l'esca, le Black Dead Arm (BDA) et l'Eutypiose sont particulièrement dommageables à la profession vitivinicole, et sont actuellement en progression. Le temps d'incubation nécessaire à l'expression de ces maladies au champ complique l'évaluation de solutions préventives adaptées en condition contrôlée ainsi qu'en condition de terrain. Ces travaux de thèse ont eu pour objectifs la conception et la validation de tests PCR quantitatifs en temps réel (RtqPCR), permettant la détection et la quantification in planta de cinq champignons associés aux maladies de dépérissement de la vigne, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora et Phaeoacremonium aleophilum (esca), Diplodia seriata et Neofusicoccum parvum (BDA), et Eutypa lata (Eutypiose). Le développement de tests multiplexes a ensuite été entrepris et ces derniers ont été évalués pour la détection de quatre champignons (2 associés à esca et 2 au BDA) dans le bois de jeunes plants issus de pépinière viticole. Enfin, l'étude de l'interaction in planta de deux champignons associés au syndrome de l'esca de la vigne (P.chlamydospora et P.aleophilum) a été réalisée par RT-qPCR, et complétée par la caractérisation histologique de la réponse de la plante à la blessure dans le bois, en inoculation individuelle et en co-inoculation. / Grapevine trunk diseases, among which esca's syndrome, Black Dead Arm (BDA) and Eutypiosis, represent a real threat for grape and wine industry. Incubation time required before symptoms externalization in field complicates the evaluation of the efficacy of preventive solution in control and field conditions. These thesis's works focused on the design and the validation of Real Time quantitative PCR assays (RT-qPCR), in order to detect and quantify in vine plant five fungi associated with grapevine trunk disease, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora et Phaeoacremonium aleophilum (esca), Diplodia seriata et Neofusicoccum parvum (BDA), et Eutypa lata (Eutypiosis). The development of multiplex assays was undertaken and these last were evaluated in order to detect four fungi (esca and BDA) in wood sample from young plants in vine nursery. Finally, a study of the interaction between two fungi associated with esca's syndrome has been determined in planta through RT-qPCR, and completed by a histological analysis of plant response to injury of woody tissues.

Impact du déficit hydrique sur les réponses de défense et la sensibilité de la vigne à Botrytis cinerea : rôle de la dégradation des polyamines. / Impact of water deficiency on defense responses and susceptibility of grapevine to Botrytis cinerea : Role of polyamine oxidation

Hatmi, Saloua 18 December 2013 (has links)
La vigne est sujette à de nombreuses contraintes biotiques et abiotiques face auxquelles elle devra optimiser ses stratégies de défense, en favorisant parfois des interconnections entre les réponses adaptatives au stress abiotique et la gestion de la réponse immune face à un pathogène. Dans cette étude nous avons évalué l'effet du stress hydrique (par privation d'eau) sur différentes réactions adaptatives au stress, mais aussi sur des réponses de défense et sur la sensibilité des feuilles et des baies de la vigne à Botrytis cinerea. Ces réactions ont été suivies en utilisant des boutures végétatives de deux cépages : cv. Meski (MSK), tolérant à la sécheresse et cv. Chardonnay (CHR), sensible. La relation entre les réponses au stress hydrique et la réponse immune a également été recherchée au moyen de feuilles de vitroplants et de baies isolées de Chardonnay exposées à des osmotica : le polyéthylène glycol (PEG) et une forte concentration en saccahrose (SUC). Les résultats montrent que le stress hydrique/osmotique conduit à des modifications physiologiques et biochimiques importantes dans les feuilles et les baies mûres de vigne. L'amélioration de la tolérance chez MSK est associée à une faible inhibition de l'activité photosynthétique, une altération du profil des acides aminés et un catabolisme actif des polyamines (PAs) comparé au CHR. Ces résultats suggèrent un rôle potentiel des déviations métaboliques observées dans les processus de tolérance de la vigne au stress osmotique. La tolérance du MSK au déficit hydrique est également corrélée à une forte induction des réponses de défense accumulation de resvératrol et e-viniférine, expression de certains gènes de défense dont STS, Gluc (PR-2), Chit-4c (PR-3) et PR-5 dans les feuilles, ainsi qu'à une faible sensibilité à B. cinerea.Ces résultats suggèrent un lien étroit entre la tolérance au déficit hydrique et la capacité de la vigne à exprimer davantage ses mécanismes de défense et à résister mieux à B. cinerea. Des expériences pharmacologiques ont montré qu'en situation de stress hydrique/osmotique, le catabolisme des PAs, via des diamine- et PA-oxydases, est impliqué dans la régulation de l'homéostasie des PAs et de l'expression des réactions de défense. L'application du stress osmotique avant l'infection des feuilles par B. cinerea potentialise l'accumulation des PAs en réduisant fortement leur dégradation. Ces effets sont corrélés à une réduction de l'amplitude des réponses de défense après infection, et à une sensibilité accrue à B. cinerea. Ces résultats rendent compte (1) de l'importance des stress abiotiques dans la régulation de la réponse immune chez la vigne et sa résistance à B. cinerea et (2) du fait que le niveau des réponses de défense osmo-induites et la résistance au pathogène sont tributaires, au moins en partie, de certains mécanismes adaptatifs au stress, comme c'est le cas ici des voies de dégradation des polyamines. / Grapevine is often exposed to both biotic and abiotic stresses, and it will optimize defense strategies by favoing sometimes the cross-talk between adaptive responses to abiotic stress and immune response against pathogen challenge. In this study we evaluated the effect of water stress (by withholding water) on different adaptive responses, and also on defense responses and sensitivity of grapevine leaves or berries to Botrytis cinerea. These reactions were monitored using vegetative cuttings of two varieties: Meski (MSK) a drought tolerant cultivar and Chardonnay (CHR) as a sensitive one. The relationship between the responses to water stress and the immune response was also assessed using detached leaves from vitroplantlets and detached ripe berries from Chardonnay exposed to osmotic agents: polyethlene glycole (PEG) and a high concentration of sucrose (SUC). The results show that water/osmotic stress leads to significant physiological and biochemical changes in grapevine leaves and ripe berries. The improved tolerance of MSK to drought is associated with a weak inhibition of photosynthetic activity, altered amino acid profile and an activation of polyamine (PA) catabolism, compared to the sensitive plant CHR. These results suggest a potential role of metabolic deviations observed in the process of osmotic stress olerance. MSK tolerance to water deficit is also correlated with a strong induction of defense responses, such as accumulation of resveratrol and e-viniferin, enhanced expression of defense-related genes, including STS , Gluc (PR-2), Chit-4c (PR-3) and PR-5, and a low susceptibility of leaves to B. cinerea. These results suggest a close connection between water stress tolerance and the ability of grapevine to express more their defense mechanisms and then to resist better to the pathogen B. cinerea. Pharmacological experiments showed that experiencing water/osmotic stress, PA oxidation through diamine- and PA-oxidases is involved in the regulation of PA homeostasis and the expression of defense reactions in both leaves and berries. The application of osmotic stress before leaf infection by B. cinerea potentiates PA accumulation probably by reducing PA degradation. These effects are correlated with a reduction of defense responses after B. cinerea infection, as well as to an increased susceptibility to B. cinerea.These results highlight (1) the importance of abiotic stress in regulating the immune response in grapevine plants and resistance to B. cinerea and (2) that the level of defense responses induced by osmotic and the resistance of grapevine to the pathogen are dependent, at least in part, on some adaptive mechanisms to stress, as it is the case here for polyamine degradation pathways.

Etude de l'embryogenèse somatique et transformation génétique de différentes variétés de porte-greffes de vigne en vue d'induire la résistance au Grapevine Fanleaf Virus / Somatic embryogenesis and genetic transformation of different varieties of grapevine rootstocks to induce resistance to Grapevine fanleaf virus

Benard-Gellon, Mélanie 24 November 2011 (has links)
Dans cette étude, nous avons dans un premier temps adapte le protocole d'embryogenèse somatique primaire a différentes variétés d'hybrides porte-greffes (3309C, 110R, Fercal, 41B et SO4) en nous appuyant sur l'expérience acquise au laboratoire sur Vitis vinifera cv Chardonnay. Les résultats montrent que le génotype, le type d'explant (étamine, fleur ou nœud), le type et la dose d'auxine utilisés dans le milieu d’induction (2,4-D ou 2,4,5-T) ont une influence sur les efficacités d'embryogenèse somatique. En effet, pour le 3309C, l'utilisation du 2,4,5-T dans le milieu d'induction a montré une efficacité embryogène supérieure à partir de nœuds par rapport à celle obtenue à partir d'étamines. Cependant la meilleure efficacité a été obtenue à partir de fleurs de cette variété, sur un milieu d'induction contenant du 2,4-D. De plus, le protocole d'embryogenèse somatique secondaire utilise de manière récurrente au laboratoire nous a permis d'obtenir des masses embryogènes ainsi que des embryons somatiques secondaires de ces porte-greffes. Le protocole de conversion des embryons en plantes, en présence de 4,5 uM de cytokinine (BAP) s'est avère efficace pour le 11OR et le 41B. Dans un second temps, nous avons co-cultivé le matériel embryogène obtenu pour quatre de ces génotypes (110R, 3309C, Fercal et 41B), avec Agrobacterium tumefaciens contenant trois constructions génétiques : (i) une copie d'une séquence partielle (1020 pb) du gène de la coque protéique du virus en orientation sens; (ii) une partie courte en sens et en anti-sens (280 pb) de cette même séquence formant une structure en épingle a cheveux (hpRNA = hairpin RNA) ; (iii) un amiRNA ciblant une séquence virale. Le gène bactérien codant la néomycine phosphotransférase et conférant la résistance à un antibiotique, la kanamycine, a été utilisé comme gène de sélection. Les conditions de sélection a la kanamycine ont nécessité des adaptations expérimentales telles que l’ajustement de la concentration en antibiotique puisque la sélection avec 75 mg.L-1 de kanamycine s'avère insuffisamment drastique dans Ia plupart de nos expériences de co-cullture. Les résultats d'analyse moléculaire par PCR ont montré l'amplification probable des fragments d'intérêt (CPGFLV et amiRI1TA-71) dans des échantillons de 11OR et de 41B résistants à la kanamycine. Cependant des analyses moléculaires supplémentaires par AL-PCR ne nous ont pas renseignées sur une éventuelle intégration du transgène amiRATA-71 dans des masses embryogènes de 41B. / In this study, we initially adapted the protocol of primary somatic embryogenesis in different varieties of hybrid rootstocks (3309C, 110R, Fercal, 41B and SO4) building on the experience gained in the laboratory on Vitis vinifera cv Chardonnay. The results show that the genotype, the explant type (stamen, flower or node), the type and the dose of auxin used in the induction medium (2,4-D or 2,4,5-T) influence the efficiency of somatic embryogenesis. Indeed, for the 3309C, the use of 2,4,5-T in the induction medium showed a higher efficiency from embryogenic nodes compared to that obtained from stamens. However, the better efficiency was obtained from the flowers of this variety on an induction medium containing 2,4-D. In addition, a protocol used in the laboratory for secondary somatic embryogenesis allowed us to obtain embryogenic masses as well as secondary somatic embryos from these rootstocks. The protocol conversion of embryos into plants, in the presence of 4.5 [tM of cytokinin (BAP), was effective for the 110R and 41B. In a second step, we co-cultivated embryogenic material obtained for four of these genotypes (110R, 3309C, Fercal and 41B), with Agrobacteriwn tumefaciens containing three genetic constructs: (i) a copy of a partial sequence (1020 bp) of the coat protein gene of the virus in the sense orientation, (ii) a short part-way and antisense (280 bp) of the same sequence forming a hairpin structure (hairpin RNA = hpRNA) (iii) one amiRNA targeting a viral sequence. The nptll bacterial gene encoding neomycin phosphotransferase and conferring resistance to the antibiotic kanamycin, was used as the selection gene. The selection conditions to kanamycin have required experimental adaptations such as adjusting the concentration of antibiotic because the selection with 75 mg.L-1 of kanamycin was not enough drastic in most of our experiments of co-culture. The results of molecular analysis by PCR showed probable amplification of fragments of interest (CPGFLV and amiRNA-71) in samples of 11OR and 41B resistant to kanamycin. However, additional molecular analysis by AL-PCR did not inform us about a possible integration of the transgene amiRNA-71 in embryogenic masses of 41B.

Desenvolvimento da videira \'Itália\' em clima tropical de altitude / Development of Itália grapevine in humid subtropical climate

Rodrigues, Alessandro 05 June 2009 (has links)
A videira Itália (Vitis vinifera L.) é a cultivar de uva fina de mesa mais consumida no Brasil, sendo o Estado de São Paulo um dos principais produtores. Em função da diversidade climática presente em diferentes regiões paulistas, ocorre variações na duração do ciclo de produção da videira. Além disso, podas efetuadas em diferentes épocas na mesma região podem alterar a duração do ciclo. No momento da comercialização, a qualidade dos cachos é fundamental, sendo o tamanho das bagas, componente valorizado pelos consumidores. Uma das alternativas para incrementar o tamanho das bagas é o uso de biorreguladores. Com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento da videira Itália em clima tropical de altitude (Cwa) em diferentes épocas de poda e aplicação isolada ou conjugada de concentrações dos biorreguladores GA3 e CPPU sobre a qualidade dos cachos, dois experimentos foram realizados: O primeiro experimento avaliou seis ciclos de produção (poda-colheita) em dois talhões, sendo três ciclos por talhão, denominados de poda de inverno, poda de verão e poda de primavera. Realizaram-se avaliações visuais semanais a partir da poda até a colheita registrando-se a duração em dias do ciclo de produção e dos períodos poda-brotação, brotação-florescimento, florescimento-veraison e veraison-colheita. O crescimento de ramos, qualidade de produção e somatório térmico em graus-dia (GD) também foi realizado para todos os ciclos. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 25 repetições, sendo a unidade experimental constituída por uma única planta. O segundo experimento avaliou o efeito de concentrações de ácido giberélico (GA3) isolado ou conjugado com forchlorfenuron (CPPU), aplicados em cachos de uva Itália em três ciclos de produção, aos 25 dias após o florescimento em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado em fatorial 4X4 (0, 10, 20 e 30 mg.L-1 GA3 X 0, 5, 10 e 15 mg.L-1 CPPU) com oito repetições para o primeiro ciclo e fatorial 3X3 (0, 20 e 30 mg.L-1 GA3 X 0, 10 e 20 mg.L-1 CPPU) com dez repetições para o segundo e terceiro ciclos. Pelos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que a duração dos ciclos de produção da videira Itália é influenciada pela época de poda. Podas efetuadas na primavera tendem a diminuir a duração do ciclo de produção, enquanto podas realizadas no verão tendem a aumentá-lo. O período do florescimento até o início da maturação das bagas (veraison) possui maior influência na duração do ciclo de produção. Utilizando-se de temperatura-base inferior de 10°C e superior de 30°C, o índice de somatório térmico em graus-dia (GD) é ajustado para período florescimento- veraison. Não há interações entre GA3 e CPPU para todos os ciclos estudados, porém a associação de 20 mg.L-1 de GA3 com 10 mg.L-1 de CPPU, aplicado durante o estádio de ervilha melhora a qualidade de cachos. / Itália grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is the most consumed grapevine for fresh market in Brazil, with the State of São Paulo as the major producer. As a result of climate diversity through different regions of this State, grapevine production cycle varies widely. Besides, pruning in different periods of the year in the same region may alter the cycle duration. The cluster quality is determinant for commercialization, with berry size being highly valued by consumers. An alternative to improve berry size is the use of growth regulators. Two experiments were performed. Firstly, Itália grapevine development in humid subtropical climate (Cwa) was evaluated after pruning in different seasons. Secondly, cluster quality was evaluated after application of the growth regulators GA3 and CPPU at increasing concentrations, isolated or in association. The first experiment comprised six production cycles (pruning-harvest) in two experimental areas (three cycles per area), respectively, winter, summer and spring prunings. Visual evaluations were weekly performed from pruning to harvest, computing production cycle duration and intervals pruning-budburst, budburst-flowering, flowering-veraison and veraison-harvest. Cordon growth, fruit quality and determinate the degree-days were also evaluated for all periods. Experimental design was completely randomized with 25 replicates and one plant as plot. In the second experiment, gibberellic acid (GA3) and forchlorfenuron (CPPU) were applied isolated or in association on Itália grapevine clusters in three production cycles 25 days after flowering. Experimental design was a completely randomized 4X4 factorial (0, 10, 20 and 30 mg.L-1 GA3 X 0, 5, 10 and 15 mg.L-1 CPPU) with eight replicates for the first cycle and 3X3 factorial (0, 20 and 30 mg.L-1 GA3 X 0, 10 and 20 mg.L-1 CPPU) with ten replicates for the others cycles. Itália grapevine production cycle varies depending on pruning moment. Spring pruning usually decreases cycle duration while summer pruning increases the cycle duration. Flowering- veraison interval corresponds to the longest period of the production cycle regardless of pruning moment. Considering inferior and superior base temperatures of 10 and 30°C, degree-days was adjusted for flowering-veraison interval. There was no interaction between growth regulators GA3 and CPPU in all production cycles evaluated. The application of GA3 at 20 mg.L-1 associated with CPPU at 10 mg.L-1 in the pea stage improves cluster quality.

Tratamento de bacelos, sobrevivência de Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola em tesouras de raleio, desinfestação desta ferramenta e de água utilizada na produção de mudas de videira

NAUE, Carine Rosa 22 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by (lucia.rodrigues@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-21T13:25:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carine Rosa Naue.pdf: 1778234 bytes, checksum: 87c8b0b79d12b0deec69551209abe1ed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-21T13:25:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carine Rosa Naue.pdf: 1778234 bytes, checksum: 87c8b0b79d12b0deec69551209abe1ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-22 / The introduction and spread of grapevine bacterial canker caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola (Xcv) occurs, among other ways, through plantlets, grapevine cuttings and farming tools. This study aimed to: evaluate the effectiveness of treatments of cuttings to eradicate Xcv using thermotherapy, bactericides and sanitizers; prove the survival of Xcv into thinning shears; and select efficient sanitizers for disinfection of these tools and water used in the production of plantlets. In the first study, the Xcv isolates were tested for pathogenicity and "in vitro" sensitivity to bactericides and sanitizers (streptomycin+oxytetracycline, oxytetracycline+copper sulfate, kasugamycin and oxytetracycline; dodecyldimethyl ammonium chloride, sodium hypochlorite and benzalkonium chloride) at different concentrations. The eradication of Xcv on cuttings was tested in experiments with thermotherapy (50˚C for 30 and 40 min; 53˚C for 5 and 10 min); bactericides oxytetracycline+copper sulphate (150+2000, 165+2200, 180+2400 and 195+2600 mg L-1 of H2O) and oxytetracycline (600, 700, 800 and 900 mg L-1) and sanitizers dodecyldimethyl ammonium chloride (600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3000 μl L-1) sodium hypochlorite (5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000 μl L-1) and benzalkonium chloride (125, 167, 250, 334, 500 μl L-1). The bactericidal oxytetracycline and sanitizers dodecyldimethyl ammonium chloride and sodium hypochlorite provided the largest zones of inhibition, in vitro. However, it was not possible to recommend an efficient treatment of temperature/time, and concentrations of bactericides or sanitizers, among those tested, capable of eradicating Xcv of infected grapevine cuttings. In the second study, survival was evaluated 0-42 h after dipping the scissors in pathogen suspension. In vitro susceptibility test and initial selection in scissors were performed with the sanitizers dodecyldimethyl ammonium chloride (1200 μl L-1), sodium hypochlorite (20000 μl L-1), benzalkonium chloride (250 μl L-1), sodium dichloroisocyanurate (16.25 mg L-1), calcium hypochlorite (130 mg L-1), calcium oxychloride (97.5 mg L-1) and chlorine dioxide (25 μl L-1). To validate the efficiency of sanitizers for disinfection of scissors the first two products were tested at the same concentrations, and 50 cuts were sequentially made in vine leaves. The controls only with Xcv allow verifying the dissemination ability of Xcv from an inoculum source. The viability of the same sanitizers was studied 0-8 h after solution preparation. Disinfection of water contaminated with Xcv was tested with two bactericidal and three sanitizers. Xcv survived 24 h in thinning shears. Sodium hypochlorite (20000 μl L-1) and dodecyldimethyl ammonium chloride (1200 μl L-1) provided the greatest inhibition halos and disinfested scissors contaminated with Xcv. Solutions of these sanitizers remained viable for 8 h. Xcv was spread by contaminated thinning shears, on average, until the 24th cut. Disinfestation of the water contaminated with Xcv utilized in the plantlets production was obtained by dodecyldimethyl ammonium chloride (600 μl L-1), sodium hypochlorite (5000 μl L-1) and benzalkonium chloride (250 μl L-1). / A introdução e a disseminação do cancro bacteriano da videira causado por Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola (Xcv) ocorre, dentre outras formas, por meio de mudas, bacelos e ferramentas de cultivo. Este trabalho teve como objetivos: avaliar a eficiência dos tratamentos de bacelos de videira para erradicação de Xcv utilizando termoterapia, bactericidas e sanitizantes; comprovar a sobrevivência de Xcv em tesouras de raleio; e selecionar sanitizantes eficientes para a desinfestação destas ferramentas e da água utilizada na produção de mudas. No primeiro trabalho, os isolados de Xcv foram testados quando à patogenicidade e realizado o teste de sensibilidade “in vitro” a bactericidas e sanitizantes (oxitetraciclina+estreptomicina, oxitetraciclina+sulfato de cobre, casugamicina e oxitetraciclina; cloreto de dodecildimetil amônio, hipoclorito de sódio e cloreto de benzalcônio) em diferentes concentrações. A erradicação de Xcv em bacelos de videira foi testada em experimentos com termoterapia (50oC por 30 e 40 min; 53oC por 5 e 10 min); bactericidas [oxitetraciclina+sulfato de cobre (150+2000, 165+2200, 180+2400 e 195+2600 mg L-1 de H2O) e oxitetraciclina (600, 700, 800 e 900 mg L-1)]; e sanitizantes [cloreto de dodecildimetil amônio (600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3000 μL L-1); hipoclorito de sódio (5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000 μL L-1) e cloreto de benzalcônio (125, 167, 250, 334, 500 μL L-1)]. O bactericida oxitetraciclina e os sanitizantes cloreto de dodecildimetil amônio e hipoclorito de sódio proporcionaram os maiores halos de inibição, in vitro. No entanto, não foi possível recomendar um tratamento termoterápico, bactericida ou sanitizante, dentre os testados, capaz de erradicar Xcv de bacelos de videira infectados. No segundo trabalho, a sobrevivência foi avaliada de 0 a 42 h após imersão das tesouras em suspensão do patógeno. Teste de sensibilidade de Xcv in vitro e seleção inicial em tesouras foram realizados com os sanitizantes cloreto de dodecildimetil amônio (1200 μl L-1), hipoclorito de sódio (20000 μl L-1), cloreto de benzalcônio (250 μl L-1), dicloroisocianurato de sódio (16,25 mg L-1), hipoclorito de cálcio (130 mg L-1), oxicloreto de cálcio (97,5 mg L-1) e dióxido de cloro (25 μl L-1). Para validação da eficiência dos sanitizantes na desinfestação de tesouras, os dois primeiros produtos foram testados nas mesmas concentrações, sendo realizados 50 cortes sequenciais, em folhas de videira. A testemunha com Xcv permitiu verificar a capacidade de disseminação de Xcv a partir da fonte de inóculo. A viabilidade dos sanitizantes foi estudada de 0 a 8 h após o preparo das soluções. Para desinfestação de água contaminada com Xcv foram testados 2 bactericidas e três sanitizantes. Xcv sobreviveu 24 h em tesouras de raleio. Hipoclorito de sódio (20000 μl L-1) e cloreto de dodecildimetil amônio (1200 μl L-1) proporcionaram os maiores halos de inibição e desinfestaram tesouras contaminadas com Xcv. As soluções destes sanitizantes mantiveram-se viáveis por 8 h. Xcv foi disseminada por tesouras de raleio contaminadas, em média, até o 24o corte. A desinfestação da água contaminada com Xcv utilizada na produção de mudas foi obtida pelo uso de cloreto de dodecildimetil amônio (600 μl L-1), hipoclorito de sódio (5000 μl L-1) e cloreto de benzalcônio (250 μl L-1).

Adaptación de la vid (Vitis vinifera L.) a la variabilidad climática a meso-escala en el sur de Uruguay / Adaptation de la vigne (Vitis vinifera L.) à la variabilité de la température à méso-échelle en Uruguay / Adaptation of the vineyard (Vitis vinifera L.) to the variability of the temperature with meso-scale in Uruguay

Fourment Reissig, María Mercedes 20 July 2016 (has links)
Pour déterminer la vulnérabilité des systèmes de production viticole au changement et variabilité climatique, il faut connaître l’exposition physique d’une région, la sensibilité de la vigne et la capacité adaptative, apporté par le viticulteur par son « savoir-faire ». Ainsi, les mesures d’adaptation comme réponses au changement climatique (CC), résultent de la conjonction de ces trois composantes, analysées dans une perspective locale. L’objectif de cette étude a été définir la variabilité du climat dans la région viticole côtière du sud de l’Uruguay, évaluer les possibles impacts sur la vigne, et d’apporter des réponses sur l’adaptation de la vigne dans un contexte de CC. Dans dix vignobles commerciaux de Tannat situés dans les départements de Montevideo et Canelones, des capteurs de température ont été installés, répartis en fonction de la distance au Río de la Plata. La variabilité spatiale et temporelle de la température des vignobles a été mesurée par une analyse à méso-échelle. À une échelle plus fine, le phénomène de la pénétration de la brise de mer et leur effet sur l’évolution thermique diurne a été ainsi étudié. Le Río de la Plata à travers l’effet de l brise, est une des composants principaux du climat de la région viticole. La réponse de la vigne à la température sur la composition est expliquée par des conditions climatiques générales pendant la maturation (thermiques et hydriques). Les principaux acteurs de la filière (viticulteurs et conseillers) connaissent la variabilité locale du climat et ils ont identifié les aspects défavorables pour la production du raisin de qualité. Cependant, le climat ne semble pas avoir un rôle important dans la prise de décisions, mais d’une manière sous-jacente, il joue un rôle fondamental en la gestion du vignoble. Finalement, ils ont été identifiés des mesures d’adaptation à la variabilité locale du climat, en proposant stratégies à partir de la connaissance locale. / To determine the vulnerability of viticulture farming system to climate change (CC) and variability, the knowledge of climate exposure over the region, sensitivity and adaptive capacity provided by the winegrowers through their “savoir-faire” is primordial to contribute to adaptation issues to CC. The aim of this study was to define climate variability of the southern coastal wine region of Uruguay, evaluate its possible impacts in vinegrape and to provide adaptative responses in the context of CC. Ten plots were installed in commercial vineyards of Tannat over Canelones and Montevideo region at different distances to the Río de la Plata. Spatial and temporal variability of temperature was defined over the coastal region at meso-scale. At a fine scale, it was studied the sea breeze penetration and its impacts in the diurnal thermal evolution. The Río de la Plata through the sea breeze effect is one of the principal climate components in the southern wine region. Temperature grapevine sensitivity on berry composition at harvest is explained by climate general conditions during ripening (thermal and hydric conditions). The principal actors (winegrowers and advisors) know the local climate variability and have well identified unfavorable climate conditions to produce high quality grapes. However, climate seemed to be not relevant in producers’ decision making, but in an underlined way, its plays a fundamental role in vineyard management. Adaptation measures to local climate variability were identified by strategies proposed from the local knowledge / Para determinar la vulnerabilidad de los sistemas de producción vitícola al cambio y la variabilidad climática, se requiere conocer la exposición física de una región, su sensibilidad y la capacidad adaptativa aportada por el viticultor por su savoir-faire. Las medidas de adaptación en respuesta al cambio climático (CC), resultan de la conjunción de estos componentes, analizados desde una perspectiva local. El objetivo del estudio fue definir la variabilidad del clima actual de la región costera Sur de Uruguay, evaluar los posibles impactos en la vid, y aportar respuestas para su adaptación en el contexto de CC. En diez viñedos comerciales de Tannat ubicados en Canelones y Montevideo se instalaron sensores de temperatura según un diseño que contempló la distancia del Río de la Plata. Se precisó la variabilidad espacial y temporal de la temperatura de estos viñedos mediante un análisis a meso-escala. A una escala más fina, se estudió el fenómeno de la penetración de la brisa marina y su efecto en la evolución térmica diurna. El Río de la Plata a través del efecto de la brisa, es uno de los componentes principales del clima de la región vitícola sur. La sensibilidad de la vid a la temperatura sobre la composición es explicada por las condiciones climáticas generales durante la maduración (térmicas e hídricas). Los principales actores del sector (viticultores y asesores) conocen la variabilidad local del clima y tienen identificados los aspectos que son desfavorables para producir uvas de calidad. Sin embargo el clima no parece tener un rol preponderante en la toma de decisiones, pero de manera subyacente, este juega un rol fundamental en la gestión del viñedo. Por último, se identificaron medidas de adaptación a la variabilidad local del clima, proponiendo estrategias a partir del conocimiento local

Desenvolvimento da videira \'Itália\' em clima tropical de altitude / Development of Itália grapevine in humid subtropical climate

Alessandro Rodrigues 05 June 2009 (has links)
A videira Itália (Vitis vinifera L.) é a cultivar de uva fina de mesa mais consumida no Brasil, sendo o Estado de São Paulo um dos principais produtores. Em função da diversidade climática presente em diferentes regiões paulistas, ocorre variações na duração do ciclo de produção da videira. Além disso, podas efetuadas em diferentes épocas na mesma região podem alterar a duração do ciclo. No momento da comercialização, a qualidade dos cachos é fundamental, sendo o tamanho das bagas, componente valorizado pelos consumidores. Uma das alternativas para incrementar o tamanho das bagas é o uso de biorreguladores. Com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento da videira Itália em clima tropical de altitude (Cwa) em diferentes épocas de poda e aplicação isolada ou conjugada de concentrações dos biorreguladores GA3 e CPPU sobre a qualidade dos cachos, dois experimentos foram realizados: O primeiro experimento avaliou seis ciclos de produção (poda-colheita) em dois talhões, sendo três ciclos por talhão, denominados de poda de inverno, poda de verão e poda de primavera. Realizaram-se avaliações visuais semanais a partir da poda até a colheita registrando-se a duração em dias do ciclo de produção e dos períodos poda-brotação, brotação-florescimento, florescimento-veraison e veraison-colheita. O crescimento de ramos, qualidade de produção e somatório térmico em graus-dia (GD) também foi realizado para todos os ciclos. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 25 repetições, sendo a unidade experimental constituída por uma única planta. O segundo experimento avaliou o efeito de concentrações de ácido giberélico (GA3) isolado ou conjugado com forchlorfenuron (CPPU), aplicados em cachos de uva Itália em três ciclos de produção, aos 25 dias após o florescimento em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado em fatorial 4X4 (0, 10, 20 e 30 mg.L-1 GA3 X 0, 5, 10 e 15 mg.L-1 CPPU) com oito repetições para o primeiro ciclo e fatorial 3X3 (0, 20 e 30 mg.L-1 GA3 X 0, 10 e 20 mg.L-1 CPPU) com dez repetições para o segundo e terceiro ciclos. Pelos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que a duração dos ciclos de produção da videira Itália é influenciada pela época de poda. Podas efetuadas na primavera tendem a diminuir a duração do ciclo de produção, enquanto podas realizadas no verão tendem a aumentá-lo. O período do florescimento até o início da maturação das bagas (veraison) possui maior influência na duração do ciclo de produção. Utilizando-se de temperatura-base inferior de 10°C e superior de 30°C, o índice de somatório térmico em graus-dia (GD) é ajustado para período florescimento- veraison. Não há interações entre GA3 e CPPU para todos os ciclos estudados, porém a associação de 20 mg.L-1 de GA3 com 10 mg.L-1 de CPPU, aplicado durante o estádio de ervilha melhora a qualidade de cachos. / Itália grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is the most consumed grapevine for fresh market in Brazil, with the State of São Paulo as the major producer. As a result of climate diversity through different regions of this State, grapevine production cycle varies widely. Besides, pruning in different periods of the year in the same region may alter the cycle duration. The cluster quality is determinant for commercialization, with berry size being highly valued by consumers. An alternative to improve berry size is the use of growth regulators. Two experiments were performed. Firstly, Itália grapevine development in humid subtropical climate (Cwa) was evaluated after pruning in different seasons. Secondly, cluster quality was evaluated after application of the growth regulators GA3 and CPPU at increasing concentrations, isolated or in association. The first experiment comprised six production cycles (pruning-harvest) in two experimental areas (three cycles per area), respectively, winter, summer and spring prunings. Visual evaluations were weekly performed from pruning to harvest, computing production cycle duration and intervals pruning-budburst, budburst-flowering, flowering-veraison and veraison-harvest. Cordon growth, fruit quality and determinate the degree-days were also evaluated for all periods. Experimental design was completely randomized with 25 replicates and one plant as plot. In the second experiment, gibberellic acid (GA3) and forchlorfenuron (CPPU) were applied isolated or in association on Itália grapevine clusters in three production cycles 25 days after flowering. Experimental design was a completely randomized 4X4 factorial (0, 10, 20 and 30 mg.L-1 GA3 X 0, 5, 10 and 15 mg.L-1 CPPU) with eight replicates for the first cycle and 3X3 factorial (0, 20 and 30 mg.L-1 GA3 X 0, 10 and 20 mg.L-1 CPPU) with ten replicates for the others cycles. Itália grapevine production cycle varies depending on pruning moment. Spring pruning usually decreases cycle duration while summer pruning increases the cycle duration. Flowering- veraison interval corresponds to the longest period of the production cycle regardless of pruning moment. Considering inferior and superior base temperatures of 10 and 30°C, degree-days was adjusted for flowering-veraison interval. There was no interaction between growth regulators GA3 and CPPU in all production cycles evaluated. The application of GA3 at 20 mg.L-1 associated with CPPU at 10 mg.L-1 in the pea stage improves cluster quality.

Ferrugem da videira: preservação de urediniósporos de Phakopsora euvitis e fatores relacionados à infecção do hospedeiro / Grapevine rust: preservation of urediniospores and factors related to the infection of the host

Alves, Renan Fernandes 30 June 2015 (has links)
A ferrugem da videira, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora euvitis, é uma doença importante para a viticultura brasileira por causar desfolha precoce e, consequentemente, prejudicar a maturação dos frutos e comprometer as safras seguintes. Por ser um patógeno biotrófico, a preservação de urediniósporos para estudos com o patógeno, se faz em folhas do hospedeiro vivo. Em outras espécies de ferrugens é possível conservar os esporos em condições controladas por longos períodos de armazenamento. Outro ponto importante, para auxiliar na compreensão da epidemiologia do patossistema, está relacionado com as condições ambientais favoráveis na germinação de urediniósporos e na patogenicidade do fungo em folhas de videira. Com o objetivo de preservar o patógeno e determinar as condições ambientais favoráveis para a doença, foram avaliados: (1) O efeito da temperatura e desidratação na manutenção da viabilidade dos esporos; (2) O efeito da temperatura e do período de molhamento na germinação de urediniósporos e na patogenicidade em mudas de \"Niágara Rosada\" inoculadas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a desidratação dos esporos proporcionou maior viabilidade destes ao longo do tempo, para todas as condições de armazenamento testadas. A desidratação seguida pelo armazenamento a -80°C conseguiu manter os esporos viáveis, com uma alta porcentagem de germinação, por até 150 dias de armazenamento. Os urediniósporos armazenados no ambiente, independente do processo de desidratação, não conseguiram manter sua viabilidade por um período superior a 15 dias. A faixa de temperatura para germinação de urediniósporos foi ampla, entre 10 e 30°C, com um ótimo em 20°C. A expressão de sintomas em plantas inoculadas foi maior nas temperaturas de 25 e 30°C. O período de molhamento mínimo estimado pelo modelo monomolecular foi de 7 horas para as plantas mantidas a 15 °C e 5 horas para as plantas mantidas a 20, 25 e 30 °C. Para períodos acima de 6 horas de molhamento, a maior severidade da doença ocorreu na temperatura de 30 °C. Não ocorreu sintomas em plantas inoculadas e mantidas a 35°C em nenhum dos períodos de molhamento testados. O período de latência da ferrugem foi de 7 dias para plantas inoculadas e mantidas a 25 e 30°C, estendendo-se para 13 dias quando as plantas foram mantidas a 15°C. / Grapevine rust, caused by Phakopsora euvitis, is an important disease in brazilian viticulture, causing early defoliation and jeopardizing the maturation of fruits and the following crop season. P. euvitis is a biotrophic pathogen, and for research purpose, uredospores are kept through inoculation in grapevine plants. In other species of rust, it is possible to preserve spore under controlled conditions for long periods of storage. Understand the favorable environmental conditions for uredospores germination and the pathogenicity of the fungus on grapevine leaves are important for the understanding of the pathosystem epidemiology. In order to preserve the pathogen and determine the favorable conditions for the disease were evaluated: (1) The effect of temperature and dehydration in maintaining the viability of the spores; (2) The effect of temperature and wetness period on uredospores germination and pathogenicity in \'Niágara Rosada\' inoculated plants. The results showed that spore dehydration maintained high viability, for all the tested storage conditions. Dehydration followed by storage at -80°C kept viable spores, with a high percentage of germination, for 150 days of storage. The uredospores stored in the environment, independent of the dehydration process, could not maintain their viability for a period exceeding 15 days. The temperature range for uredospores germination varied from 10 to 30°C, with an optimal at 20°C. The expression of symptoms in inoculated plants was higher at 25°C and 30°C temperatures. The minimum wetness period estimated by the monomolecular model was 7 hours for plants kept at 15 °C and 5 hours for plants kept at 20, 25 and 30 ºC. For wetness periods up to 6 hours, the highest disease severity occurred at 30 °C. There were no symptoms on inoculated plants maintained at 35°C in any of the tested wetness periods. The rust latency period was 7 days for inoculated plants kept at 25 and 30°C extending for 13 days when the plants were kept at 15°C.

The reproductive biology of grapevines: factors that affect flowering and fruitset.

Longbottom, Mardi L. January 2007 (has links)
Molybdenum experiments: In Australia young Merlot vines sometimes suffer from vegetative disorders such as slow, zigzagged growth and leaf distortion. Merlot is also particularly known as a low- and inconsistent-yielding grape variety. Previous research showed that when foliar applications of molybdenum (Mo) were applied to Merlot vines the vegetative symptoms improved. More recently, when sodium molybdate was applied to Mo-deficient Merlot, yield improved; a function of increased bunch weight brought about by bigger berries. It has also been reported that at high concentrations, molybdenum might be detrimental to yield. Experiments were conducted on own-rooted Merlot (clone D3V14) vines in commercial vineyards in the Adelaide Hills (Hills) and at McLaren Vale, South Australia. Effects of molybdenum deficiency on the vegetative growth and yield of Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot: The aims of the current study were to: a) elucidate the mechanism by which molybdenum affects yield of Merlot; b) to monitor the effects of Mo-treatment on the balance between vine reproductive and vegetative growth; c) to monitor the residual effects of Mo-treatment on growth and yield of Merlot and; d) to determine whether high concentrations of molybdenum are detrimental to yield. Three rates of sodium molybdate were applied to vines in springtime (control = 0g, rate 1 = 0.101g and rate 2 = 0.202g sodium molybdate per vine). Vine molybdenum status was measured prior to treatment and again at flowering time using petiole, shoot tip and inflorescence analysis. The effects on vegetative growth were monitored at veraison, during dormancy and at budburst in the seasons following Mo-treatment. At flowering time, pollen vitality, pollen tube growth and flower structure were examined. Bunch number per vine, fruitset, berry weight and berry composition were measured at harvest. In the Hills, the controls had adequate molybdenum however, at McLaren Vale petiolar molybdenum concentration fell within the suggested deficiency range of 0.05-0.09 mg/kg in the petioles at flowering time. No visual symptoms of Mo-deficiency were observed on the experimental vines. At McLaren Vale, Mo-treatment reduced pruning weight and improved vine balance. Mo-treated vines in the Hills and at McLaren Vale were affected by delayed budburst in the season following Mo-treatment irrespective of their Mo-status. However, no seasonal carryover of molybdenum could be detected in tissue analysis at flowering time. Juice total soluble solids, pH and titratable acidity were not affected by Mo-treatment at McLaren Vale or in the Hills. However, juice from Mo-treated vines in the Hills had a significantly higher concentration of molybdenum than the controls. At McLaren Vale there was no significant difference in juice molybdenum concentration between treatments. In the Hills, yield was not affected by Mo-treatment. However, Mo-treated vines at McLaren Vale had significantly higher yields (approximately double) than the Mo-deficient controls. Bunch number per vine was not affected by Mo-treatment, either in the year that treatments were applied or in the following season. However, bunches from Mo-treated vines had significantly better fruitset resulting in more berries per bunch. Berry weight was affected by Mo-treatment in one season only. Yield was not detrimentally affected on vines that received the higher rate of sodium molybdate. In the Hills, Mo-treatment did not affect pollen numbers, pollen vitality or pollen tube growth. At McLaren Vale, where the controls were Mo-deficient, pollen vitality was not affected by Mo-treatment. However, pollen tube growth was significantly enhanced by Mo-treatment. Significantly more pollen tubes penetrated the ovules from Mo-treated vines and a higher proportion of ovaries had at least one penetrated ovule. Structural observations revealed that a significantly higher proportion of ovules from Mo-deficient vines were defective. The absence of an embryo sac in those ovules is probably the cause of pollen tube growth inhibition and subsequent poor fruitset. Effects of mode of pollination on yield of Merlot and the interacting effects of sodium molybdate sprays: Pollination experiments were conducted on field-grown own-rooted Merlot (clone D3V14) vines in commercial vineyards in the Adelaide Hills and at McLaren Vale in 2003-04 and in 2004-05. Inflorescences were supplied with supplementary Merlot pollen (self-pollination), with pollen from another variety (cross-pollination) or they were left to pollinate naturally (open pollination). In the Hills, mode of pollination did not affect fruitset or berry weight. In 2003-04 fruitset increased significantly at McLaren Vale when inflorescences were cross-pollinated with Semillon. Applying supplementary Merlot pollen also tended to improve fruitset, however none of the treatments affected berry weight. In 2004-05 there was no significant difference between treatments. These results indicate that Merlot may be a poor producer of pollen and may suffer from self-incompatibility. Given the significant improvements in yield gained by spring foliar applications of sodium molybdate to Mo-deficient Merlot vines, in 2005-06 a reciprocal experiment was conducted to separate the effects of Mo-treatment and mode of pollination on the male and female flower parts. The aims of this experiment were to: a) determine whether the male or female reproductive organs are more important in determining the success of fruitset of Merlot and; b) determine which remedial measure, Mo-treatment or pollination, is more effective at overcoming poor fruitset. Supplementary pollination treatments—cross-pollination (Semillon); self-pollination (Mo-deficient pollen); self-pollination (Mo-treated pollen) and; open-pollination—were applied to Mo-treated and Mo-deficient vines. Cross-pollinating Mo-deficient vines with Semillon significantly improved fruitset of Merlot compared to other pollination treatments on those vines, however applying molybdenum to the vines in springtime was more effective at improving fruitset. Within the Mo-treated vines the effects of supplementary pollination on fruitset were not thought to be of any practical significance. The results of this experiment provide further evidence that Mo-deficiency affects the female flower parts more than the male reproductive organs of Merlot. The occurrence of ‘star’ flowers in Australia: In 2003 faulty flowers were discovered on Canada Muscat grown in the Coombe Vineyard at the University of Adelaide’s Waite Campus. The Canada Muscat flowers opened from the top in ‘star’ formation in contrast to normal grape flowers, which shed the calyptra from its base. Star flowers were reported in French literature in the late 1800s. They were reported to as a symptom of a ‘disease’ that caused ‘coulure’, the cure for which was vine removal. The current report is the first known report of star flowers occurring in Australia. Through dissemination of the news of this discovery, several star flower variants were found in other varieties in South Australia. The association of star flowers with poor berry development and the frequency of the occurrence of star flowers suggest that this flower aberration may be affecting yield to a greater extent than previously recognised. This study provides a detailed description of two types of star flowers: those that occur in response to environmental conditions and those that occur every season. Other star flower variants are also documented. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1280856 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, 2007

The reproductive biology of grapevines: factors that affect flowering and fruitset.

Longbottom, Mardi L. January 2007 (has links)
Molybdenum experiments: In Australia young Merlot vines sometimes suffer from vegetative disorders such as slow, zigzagged growth and leaf distortion. Merlot is also particularly known as a low- and inconsistent-yielding grape variety. Previous research showed that when foliar applications of molybdenum (Mo) were applied to Merlot vines the vegetative symptoms improved. More recently, when sodium molybdate was applied to Mo-deficient Merlot, yield improved; a function of increased bunch weight brought about by bigger berries. It has also been reported that at high concentrations, molybdenum might be detrimental to yield. Experiments were conducted on own-rooted Merlot (clone D3V14) vines in commercial vineyards in the Adelaide Hills (Hills) and at McLaren Vale, South Australia. Effects of molybdenum deficiency on the vegetative growth and yield of Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot: The aims of the current study were to: a) elucidate the mechanism by which molybdenum affects yield of Merlot; b) to monitor the effects of Mo-treatment on the balance between vine reproductive and vegetative growth; c) to monitor the residual effects of Mo-treatment on growth and yield of Merlot and; d) to determine whether high concentrations of molybdenum are detrimental to yield. Three rates of sodium molybdate were applied to vines in springtime (control = 0g, rate 1 = 0.101g and rate 2 = 0.202g sodium molybdate per vine). Vine molybdenum status was measured prior to treatment and again at flowering time using petiole, shoot tip and inflorescence analysis. The effects on vegetative growth were monitored at veraison, during dormancy and at budburst in the seasons following Mo-treatment. At flowering time, pollen vitality, pollen tube growth and flower structure were examined. Bunch number per vine, fruitset, berry weight and berry composition were measured at harvest. In the Hills, the controls had adequate molybdenum however, at McLaren Vale petiolar molybdenum concentration fell within the suggested deficiency range of 0.05-0.09 mg/kg in the petioles at flowering time. No visual symptoms of Mo-deficiency were observed on the experimental vines. At McLaren Vale, Mo-treatment reduced pruning weight and improved vine balance. Mo-treated vines in the Hills and at McLaren Vale were affected by delayed budburst in the season following Mo-treatment irrespective of their Mo-status. However, no seasonal carryover of molybdenum could be detected in tissue analysis at flowering time. Juice total soluble solids, pH and titratable acidity were not affected by Mo-treatment at McLaren Vale or in the Hills. However, juice from Mo-treated vines in the Hills had a significantly higher concentration of molybdenum than the controls. At McLaren Vale there was no significant difference in juice molybdenum concentration between treatments. In the Hills, yield was not affected by Mo-treatment. However, Mo-treated vines at McLaren Vale had significantly higher yields (approximately double) than the Mo-deficient controls. Bunch number per vine was not affected by Mo-treatment, either in the year that treatments were applied or in the following season. However, bunches from Mo-treated vines had significantly better fruitset resulting in more berries per bunch. Berry weight was affected by Mo-treatment in one season only. Yield was not detrimentally affected on vines that received the higher rate of sodium molybdate. In the Hills, Mo-treatment did not affect pollen numbers, pollen vitality or pollen tube growth. At McLaren Vale, where the controls were Mo-deficient, pollen vitality was not affected by Mo-treatment. However, pollen tube growth was significantly enhanced by Mo-treatment. Significantly more pollen tubes penetrated the ovules from Mo-treated vines and a higher proportion of ovaries had at least one penetrated ovule. Structural observations revealed that a significantly higher proportion of ovules from Mo-deficient vines were defective. The absence of an embryo sac in those ovules is probably the cause of pollen tube growth inhibition and subsequent poor fruitset. Effects of mode of pollination on yield of Merlot and the interacting effects of sodium molybdate sprays: Pollination experiments were conducted on field-grown own-rooted Merlot (clone D3V14) vines in commercial vineyards in the Adelaide Hills and at McLaren Vale in 2003-04 and in 2004-05. Inflorescences were supplied with supplementary Merlot pollen (self-pollination), with pollen from another variety (cross-pollination) or they were left to pollinate naturally (open pollination). In the Hills, mode of pollination did not affect fruitset or berry weight. In 2003-04 fruitset increased significantly at McLaren Vale when inflorescences were cross-pollinated with Semillon. Applying supplementary Merlot pollen also tended to improve fruitset, however none of the treatments affected berry weight. In 2004-05 there was no significant difference between treatments. These results indicate that Merlot may be a poor producer of pollen and may suffer from self-incompatibility. Given the significant improvements in yield gained by spring foliar applications of sodium molybdate to Mo-deficient Merlot vines, in 2005-06 a reciprocal experiment was conducted to separate the effects of Mo-treatment and mode of pollination on the male and female flower parts. The aims of this experiment were to: a) determine whether the male or female reproductive organs are more important in determining the success of fruitset of Merlot and; b) determine which remedial measure, Mo-treatment or pollination, is more effective at overcoming poor fruitset. Supplementary pollination treatments—cross-pollination (Semillon); self-pollination (Mo-deficient pollen); self-pollination (Mo-treated pollen) and; open-pollination—were applied to Mo-treated and Mo-deficient vines. Cross-pollinating Mo-deficient vines with Semillon significantly improved fruitset of Merlot compared to other pollination treatments on those vines, however applying molybdenum to the vines in springtime was more effective at improving fruitset. Within the Mo-treated vines the effects of supplementary pollination on fruitset were not thought to be of any practical significance. The results of this experiment provide further evidence that Mo-deficiency affects the female flower parts more than the male reproductive organs of Merlot. The occurrence of ‘star’ flowers in Australia: In 2003 faulty flowers were discovered on Canada Muscat grown in the Coombe Vineyard at the University of Adelaide’s Waite Campus. The Canada Muscat flowers opened from the top in ‘star’ formation in contrast to normal grape flowers, which shed the calyptra from its base. Star flowers were reported in French literature in the late 1800s. They were reported to as a symptom of a ‘disease’ that caused ‘coulure’, the cure for which was vine removal. The current report is the first known report of star flowers occurring in Australia. Through dissemination of the news of this discovery, several star flower variants were found in other varieties in South Australia. The association of star flowers with poor berry development and the frequency of the occurrence of star flowers suggest that this flower aberration may be affecting yield to a greater extent than previously recognised. This study provides a detailed description of two types of star flowers: those that occur in response to environmental conditions and those that occur every season. Other star flower variants are also documented. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1280856 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, 2007

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