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Investigating Gentrification and the Role of Green InfrastructureNewcomb, Morgan Ji Hae 30 August 2024 (has links)
Increased human-centric requirements could turn the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program (LEED) into a sustainable development tool for cities through mitigation of gentrification. Green building rating systems, like LEED, were designed with environmental sustainability in mind. Sustainability holistically however is about preserving the environment, economics, and equity. A scoping literature review confirmed that LEED is used for energy efficiency and greening developments (preserving the environment). However, research also revealed that LEED has potential to mitigate gentrification (preserving economics and equity) if credits were adjusted, or the program was paired with policy, to have increased focus on affordability, maintaining local culture, and preventing resident displacement. Further conclusions based on literature could not be made due to a gap in research surrounding LEED programs and gentrification. Gentrification is a contemporary event that occurs from any type of land development; but more quantitative research surrounding gentrification-related variables could help guide LEED and policies towards what metrics would likely help reduce resident displacement. A longitudinal case study of Arlington County, Virginia paired with spatial modeling was performed with census-level data. The results demonstrated how LEED impacts onto gentrification-related variables could be measured. Accompanying census-level data with localized surveys in future studies could then provide more context to how gentrification impacts specific neighborhoods. This research establishes a methodological foundation for future studies to analyze these complex relationships between third-party green certification programs and gentrification. The code and related datasets for this study were uploaded to the Open Science Framework (OSF) (DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/G3HCV) to help foster those next steps for not just other researchers in this space, but also localities. Localities, which currently utilize LEED and related programs in their development policies, could adapt this framework to help establish social and economic assistance programs to aid in making a more sustainable environment for residents without adjusting LEED itself. / Master of Science / The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program (LEED) was developed to help the environment, but with some changes it may also be used to try and reduce gentrification in cities. Gentrification is a contemporary event that occurs from any type of land development. Gentrification is when people with lower-than-average incomes can no longer afford to live in an area and are replaced by those with significantly higher incomes. The push out of these areas comes in many forms, but most commonly is seen as a steep rise in rent increases. Existing research had not been able to easily measure gentrification, making it difficult to tell what causes it aside from developing areas; but more research into LEED may have shed some light on how cities can develop in a more people-centric way. LEED, and similar green building certifications, are used as guidelines for developing land (e.g., homes, offices, schools, factories) to be more environmentally friendly. However, just because a project is green, doesn't mean that it's sustainable or immune from common problems that can arise from land development projects – such as gentrification. With adjustments, the LEED program could achieve more sustainable metrics which could help mitigate resultant gentrification. In the first stage of this research, a broader selection of previously published research was investigated to understand the relationship between LEED-certified green infrastructure and gentrification. Through this investigation, the gap in the research was found to be larger than anticipated. The gap also points out how LEED would need to be adjusted or paired with policy changes to reach sustainability. However, how can we tell what changes need to be made? This research created models for Arlington County, Virginia that demonstrated how LEED impacts on gentrification-related variables could be studied; this is something that will need to be investigated further prior to informing policy as it is unique to each location. Focusing on gentrification-related variables by pairing census-level data with localized surveys would enable a broader understanding of the impact of a LEED project on the community in which it's located. This deeper dive would then assist in creating that policy for Arlington County to pair with LEED in efforts to create sustainable developments. Each city is unique in how they grow, which is why it is important that we figure out how these cities gentrify and create policies tailored to each of them. This research establishes a methodological foundation for future studies in other localities, with the code and datasets being publicly available on the Open Science Framework (OSF) (DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/G3HCV). OSF provides researchers a platform to continue developing the methods analyzing these complex relationships between third-party green certification programs and gentrification, whether it be in a small town or a larger city. Localities, which utilize LEED and related programs in their development policies, could establish social and economic assistance programs to aid in making a more sustainable environment for residents without adjusting LEED itself.
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The Green Area Factor, Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity : An investigation of the preservation of urban biodiversity within the city of Stockholm / Grönytefaktorn, Grön Infrastruktur och Biologisk Mångfald : En utredning kring bevarandet av den urbana biologiska mångfalden inom Stockholms stadWikström, Alice January 2020 (has links)
Urbanization is increasing around the world and causes distress on the urban green areas as more and more people moves into cities. This leads to expansion and densification of the city and green areas within and around the cities run the risk of being exploited and fragmented. Thus, the rapid urbanisation process negatively affects biodiversity, as fragmentation of green areas occurs due to development of housing and roads. This results in habitat loss, causing decreasing species populations, and loss of connectivity for species dispersal. Urban green areas are important for maintenance of ecosystem services provided by nature. One ecosystem service which is considered a supportive ecosystem service is biodiversity. Biodiversity is therefore vital to preserve not only for the survival of nature, but for the survival of mankind. There are several, both international and national, objectives concerning the preservation of biodiversity. One of the Swedish Environmental Objectives is called “A Rich Diversity of Plant and Animal Life” and is directly targeting the conservation of biodiversity and had its due time in 2020. The objective was deemed not fulfilled this year, and one of the reasons mentioned was the expansion of cities, as green areas risked being exploited and fragmented. The shrinkage and isolation of natural habitats increase the risk for degradation of urban biodiversity so therefore the conclusion was to consider green areas at an early stage of the physical planning process. In this context, Green Infrastructure (GI) is the coherent network of structures, nature areas and habitats that are important for the provision of ecosystem services. GI is used when working with climate adaptation, social values, and biodiversity in urban areas. The Green Area Factor (Grönytefaktor, GYF, Swedish abbreviation) used in Sweden has been adapted to fit the current values and goals of the city of Malmö in Sweden, and later on applied in three of the biggest cities of Sweden: Malmö, Gothenburg, and Stockholm. GYF used in the City of Stockholm is a planning tool adopted for development districts and is applied during land allocation within the municipality (abbreviated GYF KVM). GYF KVM is calculated by dividing the sum of the green areas with the total area of the property. This result in a factor which should be achieved when the development on the property is completed. This thesis investigates how GYF KVM is treated by developers and the city of Stockholm during development and whether GYF KVM is a good tool for preserving the biological diversity in cities. The report also investigates whether GYF KVM is a long-term solution for strengthening the GI, especially regarding biodiversity. Methods used for answering the objectives were in the form of literature research of both scientific and grey literature, and interviews with stakeholders. The stakeholders identified were the City of Stockholm, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), consultants, C/O City and developers operating within the city of Stockholm. The thesis concluded that GYF KVM is a tool that is primarily intended to implement ecosystem services and is not only intended to strengthen biodiversity. However, GYF KVM lacks strong links to GI as the area of application is limited to the district. One solution could be for the city to implement a complementary tool for the design of green areas on public land. In this way, the planning area is expanded. Another proposal that was raised was to implement a binding national GYF model that ensures that more municipalities use GYF when planning urban environments. A national GYF model would also ensure that the additional green values are followed up and maintained. / En alltmer ökande urbanisering sker runt om i världen och i Stockholms stad växer antalet invånare för varje dag. Urbanisering innebär oftast en påfrestning på de urbana grönytorna då alltfler människor centreras kring stadskärnan vilket resulterar i expandering och förtätning av staden. Den biologiska mångfalden i den urbana miljön riskerar därmed att påverkas negativt. Grönytorna i städer är viktiga att bibehålla för att upprätthålla ekosystemtjänster som naturen ger oss. En ekosystemtjänst som klassas som en stödjande tjänst är den biologiska mångfalden. Biologisk mångfald är därför viktig att säkra inte enbart för naturens skull utan också för människans överlevnad. Det finns många mål, både internationella och nationella, kopplade till bevarande av den biologiska mångfalden. Ett av Sveriges miljökvalitetsmål berör den biologiska mångfalden och heter Ett rikt växt- och djurliv. Naturvårdsverket bedömde att målet inte skulle uppnås år 2020 och ett av hoten mot biologisk mångfald var stadsutbredning. Skälet till detta ansågs vara att grönytor riskerar att exploateras och fragmenteras, vilket ökar risken för degradering av den biologiska mångfalden i staden. Grönytor bör därför beaktas av kommunerna i ett tidigt skede i den fysiska planeringen. Grön infrastruktur (GI) är det sammanhängande nätverk av strukturer, naturområden och livsmiljöer som är viktiga för tillhandahållande av ekosystemtjänster. GI används vid arbete med klimatanpassning, sociala värden och biologisk mångfald i urbana och andra miljöer. Grönytefaktor (GYF) för allmän platsmark är ett planeringsverktyg som används vid planering av gröna ytor inom en tomt eller en fastighet som ska exploateras. För att särskilja GYF för kvartersmark från andra GYF modeller kommer GYF som används i Stockholms stad hädanefter att förkortas till GYF KVM. GYF KVM räknas ut genom att man dividerar de gröna ytorna inom en fastighet med den totala ytan. På så sätt får man en kvot, eller en faktor, som ska uppnås när fastigheten är bebyggd och färdigställd. GYF modeller används och appliceras i Sveriges tre största städer; Malmö, Göteborg och Stockholm. I dessa städer har GYF modellerats efter den specifika stadens behov och mål. I Stockholms stad ställs GYF som ett krav vid försäljning av kommunal mark till en byggherre för exploatering och är tänkt att stärka den gröna infrastrukturen i staden. Den här rapporten utreder hur byggherrar och Stockholms stad behandlar GYF KVM vid exploatering samt om GYF KVM är ett bra verktyg för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden i städer. Rapporten utreder också om GYF KVM är en långsiktig lösning för stärkande av den gröna infrastrukturen, speciellt gällande den biologiska mångfalden. Metoder som appliceras för att svara på frågorna var en litteraturstudie av vetenskapliga rapporter samt rapporter från statliga myndigheter och Stockholm stad. En intervjustudie utfördes också med berörda parter; Stockholm stad, Naturvårdsverket, konsulter, C/O City och byggherrar verksamma inom kommunen. Sammanfattningsvis kan det konstateras att GYF KVM är ett verktyg som främst är till för att implementera ekosystemtjänster, och är inte enbart till för att stärka den biologiska mångfalden. Dock saknar GYF KVM starka kopplingar till GI då planområdet för GYF KVM är begränsat. En lösning kan vara att staden implementerar ett kompletterande verktyg för utformning av grönytor på den allmänna platsmarken, så kallad GYF AP. På så sätt utökas planområdet. Ett annat förslag som togs upp var att implementera en bindande nationell GYF-modell som säkerställer att fler kommuner använder sig av GYF vid planering av urbana miljöer. En nationell GYF-modell skulle också säkerställa att de tillkommande gröna värdena följs upp och kvarstår.
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Main street evolved: envisioning a comprehensive approach to main street redevelopment in small mountain communitiesMurner, Cory James January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Blake M. Belanger / The main streets of the Rocky Mountain West are the social, economic, and
cultural centers of their respective communities. Often, these main streets may deteriorate
or become abandoned as a result of edge shopping malls and strip style economic
development. Thus, a downtown or main street redevelopment effort by the community
can help to ensure these economic centers remain. Yet, too often, the redevelopment
efforts are oversimplified and fail to integrate the most current street development
principles and design initiatives that can benefit not only the community but also the
surrounding environment.
I n the modern American city, almost half of all daily trips are less than three miles
and a third are under one mile. (McCann 2010) “These are distances easily traversed by
foot or bicycle, yet 65 percent of trips under one mile are made by automobile.” (McCann
2010) This mobility trend has led to the foundation of programs and organizations that try
to promote non-motorized travel. Although these initiatives respond to the human/physical
environment, they are far from comprehensive. Today, an integration of smart ecological
ideals is essential.
How can the revitalization efforts of Rocky Mountain communities be guided to
ensure they consider not only the built environment; but also the natural environment? The
face of the future main street will be multi-modal and ecologically responsible. Yet, there
is presently no clear method of combining the two. A union of the multi-modal principles
behind Complete Streets and the ecologically responsible ideals green infrastructure can
provide a framework for a new and more inclusive redevelopment approach.
The merging of modern ecological and street design principles can lead to a
comprehensive Main Street redevelopment program and therefore successfully guide the
revitalization efforts of small Rocky Mountain communities in a way that is responsive to
future development needs as well as the cultural and ecological aspects of the region.
Main Street Evolved will provide a set of tools to guide Colorado Rocky Mountain Main
Street redevelopment efforts by providing strategies and implementation guidelines
that focus on balancing multi-modal ideals and ecological stormwater management
techniques within a small-town mountain context.
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Connecting Urban Residents to Their Watershed with Green Stormwater Infrastructure: A case study of Thornton Creek in Seattle, WashingtonBeem, Lisa A 13 December 2013 (has links)
Connecting Urban Residents to Their Watershed with Green Stormwater Infrastructure: A case study of Thornton Creek in Seattle, Washington.
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An integrative approach to assess urban riparian greenways potential: The case of Mapocho River in Santiago de ChileVásquez, Alexis 19 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Santiago is the 7th largest major city of Latin America with almost 8 million inhabitants and is situated in a fairly closed watershed, surrounded on the eastern side by the high Andean mountain chain with altitudes of 5,000 m. From the Andean mountains, the Mapocho River and a set of large and small streams transport -often torrentially- water and sediment.
In thirty years, Santiago has increased its size two fold, replacing previous agricultural lands, native forests and shrubs with urban land uses, and occupying rivers beds and streams. These land use and cover changes have had dramatic environmental consequences.
The mentioned urban dynamic has produced a city in constant collision with the natural system. This structural disarticulation produces many environmental problems such as an increase in city’s surface and air temperatures, an accelerated disappearance of vegetation, a major interruption in wind, sediment and water flows, and finally, increasing people’s exposure to environmental hazards.
Since streams, canals and rivers are structural components of Santiago’s landscape, they can function as key links between the urban-social and natural system and provide multiple ecosystem services, helping to reduce environmental problems and ensure long-term urban sustainability.
Traditionally, the analysis of river and streamsides has been focused on rural and natural landscapes as well as on environmental protection and nature conservation. Nowadays, there is an increasing interest and necessity to understand the environmental status, functions and possibilities of riparian zones in urban environments in order to delineate and plan greenways, which provide social and ecological benefits. Green infrastructure such as urban greenways is a key component of sustainable cities.
Few studies have been conducted to evaluate the socio-ecological status of urban riparian zones and even fewer to assess these areas in terms of their potential as multifunctional greenways. New efforts should be conducted to develop analytical application-oriented frameworks in the green infrastructure field.
This research elaborates and proposes a transferable conceptual-methodological framework for evaluating the potential for multifunctional riparian greenway development. An analytical application-oriented framework to assess the potential for multifunctional green infrastructure development is proposed by articulating and improving three analyses hitherto used separately: multicriteria, least cost path and opportunities-challenges. The Mapocho River was selected for the application and testing of the proposed conceptual-methodological framework to contribute to multifunctional green infrastructure planning in Santiago as a city representative of the structure and processes of megacities in Latin America.
First, the main ecological and social characteristics of the Mapocho’s riparian zone are analyzed, making a synthesis of the socio-ecological status. Second, the suitability to provide multiple ecosystem services of the riparian zone is spatially explicitly modelled, first separately, as mono-functional suitability, and then, integrated into a multifunctional suitability evaluation. Third, the opportunities and challenges perceived by government actors are identified and analyzed as well as those derived from an institutional and regulatory analysis. Finally, the assessment phase concludes with a discussion on the main potential for the development of a greenway, resulting from the synthesis and integration of the most relevant findings of the suitability and opportunities analysis
The socio-ecological status of the riparian zones is characterized by being highly altered in ecological terms, diverse in social terms, and highly used by the metropolitan transport infrastructure with a concentration of green areas in a few municipalities. This means that the riparian zone provides limited physical support for important social and ecological functions characteristic of these zones in urban environments: habitat, aesthetic, cooling, transport route and flood mitigation. The results reveal a significant east-west gradient in the socio-ecological status of riparian zone, which gradually decreases from east to west. The riparian zone of the Mapocho River in Santiago has good suitability as a wind corridor, providing a cooling effect and to mitigate flood hazards.
The main challenges for the development of a multifunctional urban greenway in the Mapocho River corresponds to low levels of inter-jurisdictional and inter-sectoral coordination and cooperation, maintenance costs and the existence of urban highways in the zone. On the contrary, the main opportunities are the existence of important sectors of vacant land, increased political and social importance of urban green areas and the existence of a set of consolidated riparian parks.
In synthesis, the assessment developed in the Mapocho River identifies the most important aspects to be considered and the greatest potentialities to capitalize in planning a multifunctional greenway along the Mapocho River. This is key when thinking about a possible master plan for the Mapocho River that returns the river to the city and values it as an axis for urban integration.
The development of a multifunctional greenway in Santiago can considerably contribute to the social and ecological connectivity and thereby mitigate the socio-ecological segregation and disconnection characteristic of cities in the region. It may also contribute significantly to reconcile urban growth with ecological health and people’s quality of life, maintaining functions and key ecosystem services and mitigating the negative effects of urbanization.
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O planejamento ambiental à luz da ecologia da paisagem: estudo aplicado da zona de amortecimento do Parque da Cantareira / Environmental planning in the light of landscape ecology: an applied study of the buffer zone of the Cantareira ParkSandre, Adriana Afonso 25 May 2017 (has links)
A dissertação discute o tema do planejamento ambiental a partir do referencial da Ecologia da Paisagem e da Infraestrutura Verde. Para tanto, admite que os impactos da urbanização devem ser compatibilizados a um planejamento que considera os espaços livres a partir de sua multifuncionalidade - abarcando as questões de infraestrutura urbana, sociais, econômicas e ambientais. Diante deste contexto, a pesquisa sustenta que é preciso ter uma abordagem sistêmica, abrangente e transdisciplinar capaz de produzir uma análise diferencial entre conservar a biodiversidade, fornecer serviços ecossistêmicos e prover locais para habitação urbana. A pesquisa tem como objetivo relacionar os conteúdos dos campos disciplinares da Ecologia e Arquitetura da Paisagem no planejamento ambiental de um território não idealizado, visando a caracterização e conformação de uma rede de espaços livres urbanos. Para tanto, aplicam-se esses conceitos a uma investigação sobre como o planejamento ambiental pode contribuir à gestão da Zona de Amortecimento do Parque Estadual da Cantareira. As análises multivariadas contemplam a inserção social e ambiental do Parque, em específico, as áreas de conflito entre a ocupação urbana e a proteção jurídico administrativa dos recursos naturais. Verificou-se que a área apresenta alta diversidade de formas de relevo, muitas nascentes de rios, expressivas áreas ainda cobertas por vegetação em diversos estágios de sucessão, diferentes usos do solo e aspectos culturais e de lazer diversificados. O entorno do Parque é marcado por uma grande complexidade territorial que contribui para seu isolamento e fragmentação, sua face sul é circundada por áreas densamente ocupadas, pedreiras e aterros sanitários, enquanto a norte, por chácaras e zonas agrícolas. Após a contextualização, foram propostas diretrizes de planejamento ambiental para a rede de espaços livres, por meio de dispositivos de infraestrutura verde. / The dissertation discusses the issue of environmental planning from the perspective of Landscape Ecology and Green Infrastructure. The research admits that the assessments of the impacts of urbanization must be considered within the landscape planning, that accounts the multifunctionality of open spaces - deals with urban, social, economic and environmental infrastructure issues from the debate about green infrastructure. Regarding this context, the research argues the importance of a systemic, comprehensive and transdisciplinary approach to produce a differential analysis between conserving biodiversity, providing ecosystem services and providing places for urban housing. The aim is to debate how to integrate the contents of the of Ecology and Landscape Architecture into the environmental planning through a study case about the characterization and conformation of a network of urban open spaces. These concepts are applied to an investigation about how environmental planning can contribute to the management of the buffer zone of Cantareira State Park. The multivariate analyzes of the case study contemplate the social and environmental integration of the Park, specifically, the areas of conflict between urban occupation and the legal administrative protection of natural resources. The study verified that the area presents a high diversity of forms of relief, many river springs, expressive areas that are still covered by vegetation in several stages of succession, different uses of the soil and diversified cultural and leisure aspects. The surroundings of the Park are marked by a great territorial complexity that contributes to its isolation and fragmentation, in addition the south part is surrounded by densely occupied areas, quarries and sanitary landfills, while in the north part by farms. Finally, the research proposes some environmental planning guidelines for the network of free spaces per green infrastructure devices.
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Uma infraestrutura verde para áreas em urbanização junto a reservatórios: O caso de Itá (SC) / A gren infrastructure to urban areas along the reservoir: The case of Itá(SC)Souza, Fabíola Bernardes de 19 January 2010 (has links)
As transformações na paisagem, no meio-ambiente e nas relações socioespaciais das áreas atingidas pela implementação de Usinas Hidrelétricas na bacia do rio Uruguai, criam uma oportunidade de investigação sobre a implantação de uma Infraestrutura Verde para áreas junto a reservatórios, como um aspecto fundamental no estudo e proposição de modelos de paisagens multifuncionais que contribuam para a conservação dos ecossistemas e de seus processos naturais, e ao mesmo tempo, possibilitem a apropriação e valorização dos recursos paisagístico-ambientais e culturais das margens dos reservatórios hidrelétricos. Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado foi avaliar a aplicação do conceito de Infraestrutura Verde na proteção, valorização e aproveitamento paisagístico-ambiental das margens dos reservatórios hidrelétricos propostos para a Bacia do rio Uruguai no seu trecho inteiramente brasileiro , com o estudo de caso específico do trecho do Reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica Itá situado no município de Itá, no oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina. Para este estudo de caso, foi analisada, então, a organização espacial às margens do lago de Itá. Percebe-se, especialmente na borda dágua deste município, a ameaça de um desenvolvimento urbano desvinculado das questões ambientais e históricas de ocupação do território. Este aspecto pode gerar efeitos irreversíveis à estabilidade ambiental e ao potencial paisagístico e cultural da área. Cada vez mais as demandas turísticas são prioritárias nos processos de decisão, contribuindo para a privatização da orla da cidade que não só aprofunda a segregação social, como também traz prejuízos à paisagem e ao meio-ambiente, comprometendo o próprio turismo, que se baseia na atratividade paisagística da área. O cruzamento de informações referentes ao histórico da cidade, à sua situação atual e aos aspectos biofísicos locais culminou num plano paisagístico que visa integrar a cidade com sua orla e harmonizar os conflitos socioambientais identificados, estabelecendo um contínuo natural de espaços vegetados que articula paisagem, cultura e sociedade. A aplicação dos princípios da Infraestrutura Verde para um recorte espacial delimitado do município de Itá pode caracterizar-se como parte de uma estratégia para o aproveitamento e qualificação das potencialidades urbanas, paisagísticas, ambientais e culturais deste município. Mais do que isso, procura identificar oportunidades e indicar caminhos viáveis para um desenvolvimento econômico e social mais justo, que garanta uma qualidade ambiental e sustentabilidade futura, tanto para o reservatório quanto para as áreas naturais, rurais e urbanas de Itá, com a ideia de construir um lugar mais atrativo para se viver, trabalhar e visitar. / The changes in the landscape and environment and socio-spatial relations in areas affected by the implementation of Power Plants in the Uruguay river watershed creates an opportunity for research on the implementation of a Green Infrastructure for areas along the reservoir, as a fundamental aspect in the study and proposing models of multifunctional landscapes. Such models can contribute to the conservation of ecosystems and their natural processes, aiming at their integration with the appropriation and valorization of landscape-environmental and cultural resources at the waterfront of hydroelectric reservoirs. The objective of this master degree thesis was to evaluate the concept of Green Infrastructure in the protection, valorization, environmental and landscape use of the waterfront of hydroelectric reservoirs proposed for the Uruguay River watershed - in the Brazilian section - with the study case of the section of the reservoir of the Itá Power Plant located in the town of Itá in the western state of Santa Catarina. Was outlined also a proposal for the integration of the city, with the lake created from the implementation of the hydroelectric plant. For this case study was analyzed the new spatial organization on the shores of Ita lake. Especially at the city water edge, the threat of urban development released from environmental and historical land use can be seen, bringing irreversible effects to its environmental stability and its environmental and cultural potential. Increasingly the demands of tourism are priorities in decision-making, contributing to an initial process of privatization of the edge of town that not only deepens the social segregation, but also harms the landscape and the environment, affecting tourism itself, which is based on the attractiveness of the landscape area. The overlay of information relating to the historic city, its current situation and its biophysical local aspects lead to a landscape project that aims to integrate the city with its waterfront and to harmonize the social and environmental conflicts identified, emphasizing the idea of continuous vegetated spaces linking up landscape, culture and society. The implementation of principles of Green Infrastructure for a limited spatial area of the city of Itá can be characterized as part of a strategy for use and identification of urban, landscape, environmental and cultural potentialities in that town. More than that, it seeks to identify opportunities and point the way for a viable economic and social development more equitable, ensuring the environmental quality and sustainable future for both the reservoir and to natural, rural and urban areas of Itá, with the idea of building a more attractive place to live, work and visit.
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Ecological Stormwater Management: Analysis of design components to improve understanding and performance of stormwater retention pondsTharp, Rebecca 01 January 2018 (has links)
Stormwater runoff from developed land is a source of pollution and excessive flow to waterways. The most commonly employed practices for flow and volume control are stormwater ponds and basins (also referred to as detention and retention ponds). These structures can be effective at controlling peak discharge to water bodies by managing flow timing but are often ineffective at removing nutrients, particularly in dissolved forms. Pond morphology coupled with place-specific characteristics (like soil type and drainage area characteristics) may influence plant community composition in these water bodies. The interaction of physical, chemical, and biological elements in stormwater ponds may affect their water quality performance in more significant ways than previously understood. Floating treatment wetlands (FTW) are floating rafts of vegetation that can be constructed using a variety of materials and are an emerging technology aimed at improving the pollutant removal and temperature control functions of stormwater ponds. Previous studies with field research in subtropical and semiarid climatic regions found incremental nutrient removal improvement correlated with FTW coverage of pond surface area. However, data on their performance in cold climates is lacking from the literature.
This dissertation presents data from a three-year study examining the performance of FTW on stormwater pond treatment potential in cold climate conditions and optimal vegetation selection based on biomass production, phosphorus (P) uptake, and root architectural characteristics that enhance entrapment functionality. To put the FTW pond performance data into context, results from a survey of seven permitted stormwater ponds in Chittenden County, Vermont and the ponds' associated variability in influential internal and external dynamics are also discussed. Pond morphology, drainage area land use, soil types, and biological communities are analyzed for correlative relationships to identify design factors that affect pond performance but are not controlled factors in stormwater system permitting.
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Underground Stormwater Treatment Performance in Urban Coastal Catchments: Case Study of Baffle Boxes in the City of TampaTsegay, Awet Eyob 21 June 2018 (has links)
In coastal urban regions, underground stormwater treatment units are suitable infrastructure options because they take less space where premium land is expensive. Even then, they should be accessible and ideally small enough to fit into existing stormwater networks. Since 2003, the City of Tampa and Florida’s Department of Transportation (FDOT) have installed 47 baffle boxes into the city’s stormwater pipe networks. Baffle boxes are underground stormwater treatment structures designed to capture sediments and floating debris. Since their deployment, many challenges regarding their practical sediment capturing performance was raised by the city.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of rainfall, land use, and maintenance on the sediment trapping efficiency of the baffle boxes and identify solutions to enhance their performance. This was addressed through site visits, sediment accumulation measurements and analysis of historical and field data. The results of these measurements and analysis were then compared to rainfall intensity, catchment characteristics, size and type of the units. During the preliminary site visits and sediment measurements it was observed that most of the units located in the south of Tampa were inundated by backflows from Tampa Bay. Survey information collected from inspection crew members also showed that resuspension of trapped sediments frequently occurs in these units. Concerning operation and maintenance (O&M), it was indicated that units mounted with screens are costly and difficult to clean-out. Additionally, it was found that 80% of the units have very small trap inlets and lack the baffle structures needed to slow down and settle sediments.
Historical sediment measurements and O&M practices were analyzed to calculate the overall performance of the units. The analysis of the data determined the sediments captured, the resuspension rate, and yearly cost of maintenance for different types of baffle boxes. Rainfall intensity and land use and land cover (LULC) data for each catchment of the units was correlated to the performance of the units. The LULC data used impervious fraction and tree canopy area of the catchments to project sediment and leaf matter accumulation within the units.
This research study found that total daily rainfall intensity is a good predictor of sediment accumulation. Cleanout crews can use this relationship to conduct their work efficiently and to promptly react to occurring rainfall events. Thus, the prediction of sediments accumulated from rainfall events and the coordination of clean-out trucks can optimize O&M practices. It was also determined that large-sized (24-40 in) units and those with three chambers (baffles) perform better at trapping sediments. Thus, installing baffles in units within the large-sized ones can enhance their performance. The study also found that baffle boxes mounted with screens can individually take up to eight hours to cleanup which makes them costly and difficult. This can be detrimental for municipalities to follow up on their O&M practices effectively. Therefore, to alleviate the clean out complexity and reduce maintenance expenditures complementary practices such as bag filters need to be explored and implemented for trials
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Greening the Streets: A Comparison of Sustainable Stormwater Management in Portland, Oregon and Los Angeles, CaliforniaSchweitzer, Na'ama 01 May 2013 (has links)
Stormwater runoff is one of the main sources of pollution for urban waterways. Stormwater has traditionally been managed through concrete-based storm drainage systems, but the past twenty years have introduced an alternative in the form of green infrastructure. Green infrastructure for stormwater management involves the use of low impact development (LID), often vegetated facilities to mimic natural hydrologic systems that capture and allow infiltration of rainwater where it falls and from impervious surfaces upstream, before entering the drainage system. Portland, Oregon and Los Angeles, California have adopted green infrastructure into their stormwater management plans. For this project, bioswales, a form of vegetated LID facility, were tested in each city to determine their pollutant retention capabilities. Results from Portland show that bioswales filter out heavy metals effectively, and results from Los Angeles show that bioswales accumulate heavy metals in the soil over the course of the year (also due to filtering out metals from the stormwater). These results raise the question of whether accumulation can reach dangerous levels or saturate the soil with pollutants so that removal efficiency is diminished, indicating a need for further monitoring. However, the success of bioswales up to this point is encouraging and indicates that this method should continue to be employed.
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