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Sustainable Urban Development : Development Option Using Nature-based SolutionsMaxter, Melissa January 2018 (has links)
The paper evaluates nature-based solutions for a retrofitting proposal for the combined regeneration, climate adaptation, and green space management of the industrial area Gåsebäck in Helsingborg, Sweden. The objective of this study was to evaluate options for how Gåsebäck could be sustainably regenerated and developed, while providing additional security against future negative effects of climate change, through the implementation of nature-based solutions. The methods used were unstructured interviews, literature study, thematic data analysis, and scoping review. Some urban societal challenges the area is facing were identified as Urban regeneration, Climate adaptation, and Green space management. The suggested NBSs to address these challenges are phytoremediation, mycoremediation, street trees and bushes, green walls, green roofs, flower beds, permeable surfaces, roadside greenery, rain gardens, de-culvertation and pocket parks. Examples of how the identified nature-based solutions can be retrofitted to block Italien are installing green walls on the old fire station for noise and pollution abatement, biodiversity increase, climate regulation, and enhancement of green elements; green roofs on various buildings for e.g. water management, increased biodiversity and green elements; street trees and bushes along the streets Södergatan and Malmöleden/Gåsebäcksvägen for noise and pollution abatement, water management, biodiversity increase, and enhancement of green elements; site specific installation or pocket park with phyto- or mycoremediation; flower beds and roadside traffic to increase attractiveness; and rain gardens and permeable surfaces for water management. / <p>20180620</p>
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Revelando os rios: novos paradígmas para a intervenção em fundos de vale urbanos na Cidade de São Paulo / Revealing the rivers. New paradigms for intervention in urban Rivers corridors in the City of Sao PauloLuciana Rodrigues Fagnoni Costa Travassos 05 July 2010 (has links)
A partir da segunda metade da década de 2000, novas variáveis, de cunho ambiental, foram introduzidas nas políticas públicas que tratam da relação entre rios, várzeas e áreas urbanas na Cidade de São Paulo, resultando em uma mudança significativa na forma de entender a urbanificação dessas áreas, tanto em âmbito municipal quanto estadual. O objetivo desta tese é analisar o andamento dessas novas políticas públicas, em suas diversas escalas, dos planos aos projetos urbanos, observando as restrições e potencialidades que se apresentam ao seu desenvolvimento. É possível observar, a partir dos estudos realizados, que apesar de a abrangência das intervenções ainda ser pequena, há avanços nas políticas, o que indica que a relação estabelecida com o sistema hídrico no século passado está em processo de transformação. Contudo, permanece o caráter setorial das intervenções, resultando em ações muitas vezes incompletas, que respondem parcialmente às demandas sociais, ambientais e urbanas. Como resposta às questões colocadas pela análise, a tese sugere alguns parâmetros para o planejamento, implantação e gestão de caminhos verdes, parques lineares, ou outros espaços livres públicos em fundos de vale. / After the middle of 2000 decade a number of new environmental variables were brought into the public policies debate around rivers, riverbanks and the management of urban areas in the city of Sao Paulo. This has had a profound impact on how urbanization is perceived both at municipal and state levels. This doctorate thesis\' objective is to review the development of such policies at its multiple levels, as well as its plans and development programmes with special attention to the opportunities and shortcomings its implementation may bring. Results show that even though the scope of interventions is still narrow, there has been improvements in the way these public policies are made, which suggests a trend in the way water has been historically managed for the last century. Nevertheless, the silo approach to water management resources is still prevelent, which leads to insufficient responses to the social and environmental needs of urban development initiatives. In response to the challenge posed by this research, the thesis recommends a set of parameters for the planning, implementation and management of greenways and other public spaces on the urban river corridors.
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Corredores ecológicos na reserva da biosfera do cinturão verde de São Paulo : Possibilidades e Conflitos / Ecological corridors system in São Paulo greenbelt biosphere reserve : conflicts and possibilitiesJulia Rodrigues Leite 12 July 2012 (has links)
Esta tese propõe o desenvolvimento de um sistema de corredores ecológicos para o setor Oeste da Reserva da Biosfera do Cinturão Verde (RBVC), área que foi delimitada seguindo a metodologia e os objetivos do Programa Homem e Biosfera, da UNESCO. A área estudada localiza-se na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo e possui diversos instrumentos legais, bem como algumas unidades de conservação que são de extrema importância para a manutenção dos serviços ambientais e ecológicos na região. Além disso, no entremeio dessa área, considerada como Zona Núcleo pela RBCV, existem fragmentos de vegetação típica de Mata Atlântica em diversos estágios sucessionais, sujeitos a maior fragmentação e perda de habitat, os quais ainda hoje possuem potencial para condução de fluxos ecológicos, tanto para biodiversidade como de recursos hídricos, todos fundamentais à preservação da vida silvestre. O objetivo do trabalho foi então apresentar e discutir os conflitos, as barreiras e oportunidades, avaliados por uma abordagem fundamentada em princípios de ecologia da paisagem e planejamento ecológico, de modo a manter e aumentar os fluxos ecológicos no setor estudado pelas indicações de soluções que possam minimizar os conflitos mais desafiadores. O desenho do sistema de corredores foi fundamentado em avaliações da paisagem natural, feitas por meio de matrizes e diversos mapas temáticos, que indicaram áreas com alta relevância para processos ecológicos e conectividade. A cada escala de avaliação do processo de planejamento, o desenho foi sendo aprimorado. Partiu-se de uma escala regional, até a definição do traçado do eixo principal e de cinco faixas indicativas secundárias que compõem o sistema estudado. Como resultado, foi obtido o traçado do sistema macro de corredores, estabelecendo-se áreas com maior potencial para a condução dos fluxos ecológicos e a definição dos principais conflitos e barreiras para o deslocamento de animais. Por fim, para o eixo principal e suas faixas indicativas secundárias, foi feita uma proposta de implementação dos corredores e sua integração com o tecido urbano, bem como apresentados alguns exemplos de infraestruturas, de maneira a implementar o desempenho dos importantes elos de conectividade que existem na área, podendo, assim, garantir uma maior eficiência da Reserva da Biosfera do Cinturão Verde de São Paulo. / Here is presented a proposal for the development of ecological corridors in the western sector of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region Green Belt Biosphere Reserve (RBCV). This area was delimitated under the methodology and goals of the UNESCO\'s Man and Biosphere Program. This area of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo already have a number of legal instruments and some conservation areas that are of extreme importance for the maintenance of ecological services for the Region. Between them there are fragments of Atlantic Forest in various succession stages, but under stress of further fragmentation and loss of habitats. They are until now providing ecological flows, both for biodiversity and water resources, all fundamental to the wildlife preservation and quality of the human life. This thesis aims to present the ecological corridors system obtained, that leads to discuss the conflicts, barriers and opportunities that could be taken in order to keep and enhance the flows of the ecological system in this track of the RBCV, through a landscape ecology and planning approach, with the indication of the landscape designs that could deal with the most challenging of these conflicts.The system design was based on ecological assessments of the existing landscapes, indicating areas with the more high relevance for ecological processes and connectivity. Assessments were made through the use of matrix and thematic mapping overlays. In this process, we went from the scale of regional planning to a Master Plan of a local development, which originates from the main corridor swath. We got the general layout of corridors that came out from this design process. It indicated areas with the greatest potential for conducting ecological flows, defining the main conflicts and barriers to the movements of animals and finally, allowed the delineation of the possibilities for the corridors implementation and its integration with the urban fabric and the infrastructure network that cross the whole area. The ecological and land-use and landscape information gathered could be preliminarily processed to indicate the most significant natural elements that remains, and the new elements that should be added through landscape planning and design, that could be integrated in order to resolve the barriers and conflicts, that are restraining the performance of the crucial links that can give to the RBCV its needed full implementation.
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Optimising urban green networks in Taipei City : linking ecological and social functions in urban green space systemsShih, Wan-Yu January 2010 (has links)
With the global population becoming more urban and less rural, increasingly research has argued for concepts such as establish Green Infrastructure (GI) as a tool for enhancing wildlife survival and human’s living quality (e.g. Harrison et al., 1995; Benedict and McMahon, 2006). However, an interdisciplinary planning approach underpinned by ecological and social evidence has not yet been fully developed. This research therefore seeks to integrate an ecological network with a green space planning standard by exploring the use of biotope and sociotope mapping methods. Seeking a comprehensive planning that takes all green resources into account, a green space typology is firstly developed according to Taiwanese contexts for identifying green spaces from land use maps. In order to specify effective features of these green spaces to bird survival and user preferences, an insight was conducted into the relationship of ‘birds and urban habitats’, as well as ‘human preferred urban green spaces’ in Taipei City. Important environmental factors influencing bird distribution and influencing human experiences in urban green spaces are respectively specified and developed into an ecological value index (EVI) to detail potential habitats and a social value index (SVI) to evaluate recreational green space provision. Interestingly, proximity to green space appears to plays a more critical role in human preferences than bird survival in Taipei city; size is important both as a habitat and for creating an attractive green space; and green space quality tends to be a more significant factor than its structure for both wildlife and people. Utilising the bio-sociotope maps, this thesis argues for a number of strategies: conserving, enlarging, or creating large green spaces in green space deficient areas; increasing ecological and recreational value by enhancing green space quality of specific characteristics; and tackling gravity distance by combining green space accessibility and attractiveness in optimising urban green structure. As these suggestions are a challenge to apply in intensively developed urban areas, barriers from land use, political mechanisms, technical shortages, and cultural characteristics are also explored with possible resolutions presented for facilitating implementation. It is clear that optimising a multifunctional GI for both wildlife and people requires interdisciplinary knowledge and cooperation from various fields. The EVI and SVI developed within this thesis create the potential for a more place-specific and quantifiable green spaces strategy to help better link ecological and social functions in urban areas.
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Changing valuations of cultural ecosystem services along an urban-periurban gradient in Berlin / Qualitative and quantitative assessmentRiechers, Maraja 14 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Contribution des technologies satellitaires Pléiades à l'étude des trames vertes urbaines : entre maintien des connectivités écologiques potentielles et densification des espaces urbains / Contribution of Pléiades-HR images to the assessment of urban green infrastructures : dealing with urban ecological network issues and urban densificationCrombette, Pauline 13 May 2016 (has links)
En milieu urbain, la concurrence entre les enjeux de préservation de la biodiversité et de la densification du territoire est particulièrement développée. Dans une optique d’aide à la décision, une meilleure connaissance des zones les plus conflictuelles est requise. Face au constat d’insuffisance et d’inadéquation des données et des méthodes nécessaires à la cartographie des Trames vertes urbaines, notre travail s’intègre en premier lieu dans une démarche technique. Celle-ci est centrée sur la mise en place d’une méthode de traitement d’images satellitaires Très Haute Résolution Spatiale Pléiades (THRS) pour l’extraction de la végétation arborée et herbacée à l’échelle fine d’une emprise urbaine. D’abord appliquée à des données fictives, cette méthode est ensuite déployée sur quatre territoires (Toulouse, Muret, Pierrefite-Nestalas et Strasbourg). Bien que fondée sur une approche pixel, la simplicité de la méthode, qui s’appuie sur des outils libres, et les résultats obtenus (indice Kappa supérieur à 85 %) garantissent sa reproductibilité sur de vastes territoires plus ou moins urbanisés. Cette donnée de végétation est ensuite exploitée pour modéliser les connectivités écologiques potentielles du paysage urbain et périurbain toulousain. L’approche mobilise la théorie des graphes et permet d’évaluer l’impact d’un aménagement urbain sur la biodiversité. Le cas du Boulevard Urbain Nord de Toulouse est étudié. La cartographie proposée des réservoirs de biodiversité, hiérarchisés à l’aide de métriques de connectivité, est avant tout indicative. Elle est finalement confrontée à des documents d’urbanisme (Plans Locaux d’Urbanisme) afin d’obtenir une meilleure visibilité des territoires à enjeux environnementaux et urbanistiques. En fonction des enjeux fixés par les acteurs du territoire et à travers le filtre applicatif, cette thèse propose un outil robuste d’analyse et d’aide à la décision pour la gestion et la planification du territoire. / In urban areas, competition between land development and ecological conservation is intense. To assist decision making, a better knowledge of those areas of interest is required. Regarding inadequacy data and methods needed for ecological network mapping in urban areas, the aim of our study is to develop a method for semi-automatic vegetation extraction with Very High Spatial Resolution Pleiades imagery (VHSR). Initially applied to training samples, the process is then be deployed to four French study areas (Toulouse, Muret, Pierrefite-Nestalas and Strasbourg). The reproducibility of this method over large urbanized areas is ensured by its simplicity and the results of a pixel-based classification (kappa coefficient higher than 85 %). This extraction workflow uses free or open-source software. This vegetation data is then used in order to model potential ecological connectivity in Toulouse’s urban and peri-urban areas. Impacts on biodiversity due to urban planning are assessed using graph theory. The “Boulevard Urbain Nord de Toulouse” project, a road infrastructure, is studied. Graph metrics have been calculated to assess the level of connectivity at habitat patches and landscape scales. We classified the importance of the patches which is cross-tabulated with planning documents (PLU, a local town planning) in order to locate conflict urban areas: between biodiversity preservation and urbanization. Depending on the issues set out by local actors and through the application filter, this thesis proposes a robust analytical tool and decision-making aid for landscape management and land planning.
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Infraestrutura verde urbana na subprefeitura de Capela do Socorro (São Paulo - SP): Redes de Espaços Conservados em Áreas de Mananciais para Sustentação da Paisagem, da Biodiversidade e suas funções Socioambientais / Urban green infrastructure in the Subprefecture of Capela do Socorro (São Paulo City São Paulo State, Brazil): networks of conserved spaces in Fountainhead Areas for the conservancy of landscape, biodiversity and their environmental and social functions.Vinicius de Souza Almeida 26 May 2015 (has links)
ALMEIDA, V. S. Infraestrutura verde urbana na subprefeitura da Capela do Socorro (São Paulo SP): redes de espaços conservados em áreas de mananciais para sustentação da paisagem, da biodiversidade e suas funções socioambientais. 2015. 250f. Dissertação (Mestrado) Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Ambiental, Instituto de Energia e Ambiente, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2015. A subprefeitura da Capela do Socorro fica na Zona Sul de São Paulo, entre as represas Guarapiranga e Billings e o rio Jurubatuba. Tem 600 mil habitantes e ocupações diversas, desde bairros residenciais de médio ou alto padrão e áreas industrias a loteamentos irregulares, favelas, clubes náuticos e áreas rurais. Essa paisagem vem sendo transformada por dinâmicas urbanas como projetos de ampliação de infraestrutura, reurbanização de favelas, construção de parques e, recentemente, pela forte retomada do crescimento descontrolado, marcado por invasões e desmatamentos. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa fez um levantamento e um diagnóstico dos espaços que devem ser conservados por diferentes estratégias e diretrizes para a garantia de uma infraestrutura verde, isto é, uma rede de sustentação da biodiversidade, da produção de água, de atividades humanas ao ar livre e de processos ecológicos e paisagísticos em geral. Foram identificados e diagnosticados 155 espaços potenciais, com diferentes características de cobertura vegetal, hidrografia, relevo, uso e ocupação e degradação ambiental. A distribuição desses espaços favorece a criação de uma infraestrutura verde constituída pelos seguintes tipos de rede: (1) bases de sustentação ecológica, incluindo as grandes manchas de vegetação nas áreas rurais ao sul; (2) eixos de estruturação do arco verde, compostos pelos corredores principais formados nas várzeas e margens das represas Guarapiranga e Billings, do rio Pinheiros/Jurubatuba e do ribeirão Cocaia, circundando as áreas urbanizadas; (3) eixos de integração regional, compostos por extensos corredores descontínuos de importância secundária localizados entre os eixos de estruturação; (4) eixos de integração local, com as menores redes que se distribuem ao longo dos bairros. Para garantir e potencializar essa configuração, definiram-se cinco diretrizes estratégicas para um plano de infraestrutura verde: (a) preservação e conservação das 39 unidades com cobertura vegetal e características ecológicas mais significativas, inclusive ocupações como parques naturais, parques urbanos e sítios, (b) manejo e enriquecimento de 45 espaços como clubes, equipamentos públicos, campi e chácaras, onde a arborização é mais esparsa e a restauração de florestas é mais limitada, (c) contenção e integração de espaços que têm áreas desocupadas com menor valor ecológico, que poderiam ser parcialmente destinadas a projetos de desenvolvimento urbano, (d) aproveitamento criativo de 15 espaços com potencial ecológico e paisagístico relevante, mas com características de uso e propriedades especiais e limitadas como ferrovias, linhas de transmissão de energia e o autódromo de Interlagos e (e) recuperação e restauração de 33 espaços com alta degradação ou fragmentação, que demandam intervenções urbanísticas e ambientais urgentes para garantir suas funções potenciais na paisagem. Foram também definidas sete grandes redes de espaços não construídos que pertencem a outras subprefeituras e municípios e que se conectariam a essa infraestrutura verde e ao cinturão verde da cidade. Assim, a paisagem estudada tem um grande número de espaços potenciais para a formação de uma infraestrutura verde integrada em escala de bairros, distritos, subprefeitura e metrópole, mas que, se não for urgentemente reconhecido, esse potencial será cada vez mais comprometido em curto e longo prazo. / ALMEIDA, V. S. Urban green infrastructure in the Subprefecture of Capela do Socorro (São Paulo City São Paulo State, Brazil): networks of conserved spaces in Fountainhead Areas for the conservancy of landscape, biodiversity and their environmental and social functions. 2015. 250f. Dissertação (Mestrado) Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Ambiental, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2015. The Subprefecture of Capela do Socorro is located in the South zone of São Paulo city, between Guarapiranga and Billings reservoirs and Jurubatuba river, it has 600,000 inhabitants and diverse occupations, ranging from medium or high standard residential neighborhoods, industrial areas, irregular land parcelings, slums, yacht clubs to rural areas. This landscape has been transformed by urban dynamics such as projects for infrastructure expansion, slum reurbanization, construction of parks, as well as the recently reinstated processes of uncontrolled urban growth, marked by land invasion practices and deforestation. Within this context, this study conducted a survey and diagnosis of spaces to be preserved by different strategies and directives for ensuring a green infrastructure, that is, a network for sustaining biodiversity, water production, outdoor human activities as well as ecological and landscape processes as a whole. One hundred fifty-five potential spaces with different vegetation coverage, hydrography, relief, use and occupancy, and environmental degradation characteristics were identified and diagnosed. The distribution of these spaces favors the creation of a green infrastructure constituted by the following types of network: (1) ecological support bases, including the large vegetation patches in the Southern rural areas; (2) green arch structuring axes, composed of the main corridors formed along the floodplains and riverbanks of Guarapiranga and Billings reservoirs, Pinheiros and Jurubatuba rivers, and Cocaia stream, surrounding the urbanized areas; (3) regional integration axes, composed of vast discontinuous corridors of secondary importance located between the structuring axes; (4) local integration axes, with the smallest networks that are distributed throughout the neighborhoods. To ensure and potentize this configuration, five strategic guidelines for a green infrastructure plan were defined: (a) preservation and conservation of the thirty-nine units with most significant vegetation coverage and ecological characteristics, including occupations such as natural parks, urban parks, and ranches, (b) management and enrichment of forty-five spaces such as clubs, public facilities, campi and small farms, where arborization is more sparse and forest restoration more limited, (c) containment and integration of spaces with unoccupied areas of lower ecological value, that could be partially allotted for urban development projects, (d) creative use of fifteen spaces with relevant ecological and landscaping potential, but with special and limited properties of use and conservation , such as railways, power transmission lines, and the Interlagos Circuit, and (e) recovery and restoration of thirty-three spaces with high degradation or fragmentation, that require urgent urban and environmental interventions to ensure their potential roles in the landscape. Seven large networks of open spaces belonging to other subprefectures and municipalities and that would be connected to this green infrastructure and to the citys green belt were also defined. Thus, the Capela do Socorro has a large number of potential areas for the formation of an integrated green infrastructure on a scale of neighborhoods, districts, borough, and green belt of the city, but, if such potential is not urgently recognized, it will be increasingly threatened in the short and long terms.
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ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT : Case study: Cost-effectiveness evaluation of Proposition O projectsMahdian, Adrian January 2020 (has links)
Stormwater Management (SWM) or Best management practices (BMPs) treat the stormwater runoff that carries pollutants. Pollutants in the waters and in the stormwater, negatively impact the environment, the ecology, and natural resources. Stormwater Control Measures (SCM) are used in different projects to improve water quality and quantity. This thesis aims to understand the connection between SWMs, the economy, and environmental sustainability. This thesis evaluates the cost-effectiveness of SWMs in Mediterranean climates. The research aims to guide the next project managers to choose better SWMs based on cost-effectiveness, socio-economic, and environmental implications. Various studies suggest that the terms SWM, SWM, and SCM are used interchangeably. The research methodology uses a mix of qualitative and quantitative data analysis The research was conducted in Los Angeles at the request of UCLA. Therefore, it focused on water quality improvement projects in Los Angeles. The costs for the projects, areas, and whatSWMs are used will be acquired through data gathering and personal communication with experts. This thesis compares several projects which include different SWMs. It calculates the cost-effectiveness with two different methods, firstly, the cost per drainage area, and secondly, the cost per pollutant removed. Data is gathered from the city of LA and other secondary data sources to calculate the cost-effectiveness. The calculation results showed that the Glenoaksproject and the Machado lake project were the most cost-effective. Glenoaks utilizes infiltration wells and grass swales, and the Machado lake is a large wetland. Based upon these facts, generally, wetlands and grass swales can be recommended for Mediterranean climates. The expensive total costs of SWMs or their inability to remove pollutants can strongly affect the cost-effectiveness of some projects, and produce a negative impact on the economy. Quantitative assessment of study investigates cost-effectiveness of SWMs and for highlighting its economic impact. For qualitative assessment thematic analysis of 14 sample studies related to stormwater management (SWM) was carried out. Findings reveal that 78% of sample studies reflect the themes associated with the positive economic impact of SWMs. Additionally, the sample studies confirm a 76% positive impact of SWMs on the environment and ecology of the region. Further research with better data and more accurate calculations are needed. It would be beneficial if other factors such as recreation and unquantifiable factors such as the aesthetic improvements and community benefits were incorporated into or considered together with the cost-effectiveness for future projects.
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Přírodě blízká opatření v intravilánu města Brna / Nature-friendly measures in the urban city of BrnoSvobodová, Lenka January 2022 (has links)
The thesis is focused on climate change impact in cities. In its first general section various nature-based adaptation solutions for urban areas are presented. Functional instances of finished implementations from city of Brno are named. The second, practical, section a particular proposal of nature-based solution for Brno by partial revitalization of Svratka river and its surrounding area is shown. The feasibility is supported by 1D and 2D numerical models. Crucial output of the work are technical drawings and flood simulation maps.
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Ekotätning : Malmös gröna infrastruktur i förhållande till urban förtätning / Ecodense : Malmös green infrastructure in relation to urban densificationErmanbriks, Julia, Pehrsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Med en växande stadspopulation världen över har förtätning av urbana områden ökat markant de senaste åren och Malmö är inget undantag. I takt med denna utveckling blir även frågan om den gröna infrastrukturens funktion och plats i den täta staden mer och mer aktuell. Detta examensarbetet syftar till att öka medvetenheten kring grön infrastruktur och ekosystemtjänster i den förtätade staden samt visa på vikten av att inkludera dessa i stadsplaneringen.Uppsatsen grundar sig i litteraturstudier och intervjuer med en en grupp av varierande kompetens inom forskningsområdet. Genom att sammanställa vilka kvaliteter och förutsättningar som finns i staden tar vi fram olika lösningar på hur man kan implementera grönska i en tät miljö. Detta resulterar i olika gestaltningsförslag med lösningar som riktar sig dels till kommunen och erbjuder en möjlighet till uppskalning som då ger en applicerbarhet på både lokal och regional nivå. Förslagen vänder sig även mot Malmös medborgare med exempel om hur man kan bidra till att skapa egna social-ekologiska system och bidra till gröna korridorer genom staden.Resultatet visar problematiken i att kombinera en tät stad med ett grönt nätverk. Det finns en vilja och ett intresse hos aktörer, ett relativt välfungerande samarbete mellan instanser samt ett fåtal handfasta verktyg som finns att tillgå för att mäta effekterna av ekosystemtjänster. I Malmö har kommunen kontroll över en liten del av stadsytan då mycket av den är privatägd, utvecklingen av den gröna infrastrukturen lämnas därför ofta till aktörer som tenderar att ha vinstdrivande intressen. Ytterligare faktorer som försvårar arbetet är att kunskapen om den gröna infrastrukturen är bristfällig, kommunikationen mellan olika parter undermålig och att förvaltningen blir lidande därefter. Det framkommer att konkurrensen om yta blir avgörande i planeringen och att det ställs höga krav på den grönska som finns i staden. Det är därför av yttersta vikt att starka samarbeten upprätthålls och att aktörer på området kontinuerligt utbildas i ämnet om grön infrastruktur och ekosystemtjänster. / The densification of urban areas have increased significantly in the last years due to the growing population in cities worldwide and Malmö is no exception. Along with this development, the question of function and place of the green infrastructure in the city is also becoming more and more relevant.This thesis aims to increase awareness of green infrastructure and ecosystem services in a dense city and show the importance of including these in urban planning.The thesis is based on a literature review and interviews with a group of varying expertise within the research area. By compiling the qualities and conditions of the city, we develop different solutions on how to implement greenery in a dense environment. This results in various design proposals where two of them entail solutions aimed at the municipality that offer an opportunity for upscaling, making them applicable at both a local and a regional level. The proposals are also aimed at the citizens of Malmö providing them with examples on how to create their own social-ecological systems and thereby contribute to green corridors throughout the city.The results display the issues of combining a dense city with a green network. There is a will and an interest among actors, a relatively well-functioning collaboration between agencies and a few tangible tools that are available to measure the effects of ecosystem services. In Malmö, the municipality has control over a small portion of the city space as much is privately owned. The development of the green infrastructure is therefore often left to actors who tend to have interests related to profit. Additional factors that further complicate the work is that there is a lack of knowledge of green infrastructure, communication between different actors is substandard and that maintenance suffers thereafter. It is made clear that the competition for space is one of the deciding factors in planning and that it puts high demands on the quality of greenery that exist in the city. It is therefore of utmost importance that strong collaborations are upheld and that stakeholders within the field are continuously educated on the subject of green infrastructure and ecosystem services.
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