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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fifty Shades of Green

Christodoulou, Carolina, Bertilsson, Philip January 2013 (has links)
The current green marketing industry is growing due to increasing consumer demand in combination with current environmental issues. Even so a common definition of the term green does not exist which creates both company and consumer confusion. Generally the expression is perceived by consumers to only describe environmentally friendly products but it is also further applied to different activities such as production, distribution and retailing. Due to the consumer lack of knowledge companies are having continuous difficulties satisfying the consumer’s changing needs and simultaneously protecting the environment. Companies are hoping to create awareness regarding environmental issues with the use of green marketing; however some companies are claiming to be green as a concealed marketing ploy, known as greenwashing.This study’s purpose aims to reveal and analyze whether there are gaps of knowledge in the topic green products and predominantly green cosmetics between Swedish green consumers and green companies. Lush Cosmetics has been chosen as a case company for this dissertations explorative kind and the empirical findings have been collected by a semi-structured interview with a product & people developer at the company. Answers from green consumers have been retrieved through focus group meetings with suitable respondents.Analysis of the empirical information was subsequently completed through the study’s theoretical framework to find what types of dissents exist between the two parts and why these have been generated. Results of the analysis showed that confusion as well as different opinions is present between the two parts. The knowledge gaps are prominent between the company and the consumers in the subjects of understanding marketing terms, price, ingredients and efficiency. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

Impact of green marketing on consumer buying behavior: The mediating role of environmental knowledge. : A quantitative study in the context of Pakistan

Ali, Basharat January 2019 (has links)
Green marketi ng is aimed at directing a company‘s efforts to undertake the processes of designing a product, its promotion, pricing, and distribution in a way that can help to protect the environment. The current study is aimed at investigating the influence of green marketing practices including eco-labeling, green branding and green advertising on consumer buying behavior in Pakistan which is a developing country. The study has also analyzed the mediating effect of environmental knowledge in the relationship between green marketing practices and consumer buying behavior. The research useda quantitative approach and a structured survey questionnaire to collect data from 300 respondents. The study results revealed that green advertising and green branding has a significant positive relationship with consumer buying behavior while eco-labeling is not a significant predictor for this purpose. Moreover, environmental knowledge partially mediates the relationship between green marketing and consumer buying behavior. In this way, the current study has contributed to literature by analyzing the green marketing practices with and without the presence of environmental knowledge in Pakistan. The results of the research are helpful for marketers to emphasize more on green advertising being the strong predictor of consumer buying behavior. It also urges them to make their environmental friendly activities closer to reality in order to gain greater acceptability from consumers. However, the study has not taken into account alldimensions of green marketing and the sample responses belong to the population in only urban areas of Pakistan.

Attractive, annoying or apathetic: Exploring the perception of the contemporary phenomenon of vegan advertisement : The associations of students in the south of Sweden with as vegan advertised assets

Marquot, Antoine, Meyer, Carolin January 2019 (has links)
The proliferation of attention given to environmental issues in politics, the media and economics is distinctive for one of the biggest trend movement of the last decades. Past studies have focused on researching green marketing as an emerging topic of importance. However, as vegan advertising is increasingly commonplace on product packages, this thesis provides novel empirical research following an exploratory mixed method research model, investigating the perception of students in the south of Sweden regarding vegan advertised products. Including qualitative in-depth interviews as well as a quantitative online survey, the study provides detailed insights into consumer biases and associations with the term’s vegan and plant-based and its influence on product selection choices. Findings, as well as recommendations are submitted and completed in a conclusive discussion.

“What are the main factors that influence consumers in their choice of green energy company over the conventional energy”? : <em>“</em><em>The role of green marketing in development of consumer behavior towards green energy”</em>

Awan, Usama, Aamer Raza, Muhammad January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose:</strong><strong></strong></p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to study the factors affecting consumers while taking decision towards electricity providing company. <strong></strong></p><p><strong>Theoretical Frame work</strong></p><p>This academic work starts by presenting the background information of energy market, and then presents concept of green marketing, social responsibility, green energy, and consumer behavior in literature review. In conceptual frame work authors adopt consumer decision model, and strategic model which will answer research question and strategic question respectively..</p><p><strong>Methodology /Research Limitations</strong></p><p>Primary data collected through questionnaire. Quantitative method will be used for analysis of the data. Sample size is limited and research findings are presented in the papers. This study examines few factors influence on consumer in decision making, further researcher needed to study and examine the consumer behavior including more factors.</p><p><strong>Findings/ Analysis/Recommendation</strong></p><p>Lower Price, Quality of Service and, Green Marketing efforts influence and develop the consumer behavior towards choosing the green energy. Survey result shows that consumers are willing to pay more for sustainability of environment, but they perceive that the price of green energy is high as compared to the conventional energy. For developing awareness in consumers mind companies should use advertisement and positioned themselves as a socially responsible.</p><p><strong>Key word: </strong>Green Energy, Green Marketing, Green. Consumer Behavior, Consumer Decision. Social Responsibility</p><p>Paper Types<strong>:</strong>   Master These Academic work</p> / Thesis Project for ” Tobias Project ”

Gaining Competitive Advantage through Customer Satisfaction, Trust and Confidence in Consideration of the Influence of Green Marketing

Landua, Ina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Research Question/Purpose: Due to environmental legislation, economic influences and increasing concern about the environment among the general public, today’s businesses are becoming more committed to environmental issues. Some enterprises yet have implemented a green strategy. This thesis aims at identifying issues that determine the long-term efficiency of green marketing and how confidence and trust plays a role in order to gain competitive advantage through customer satisfaction and customer retention. The common denominator of both, CRM and green marketing is the creation of confidence, trust and value for customers. So, focus is laid on measures that lend credibility to companies’ green marketing by interviewing experts and observing their opinions about green marketing and eco-labeling.</p><p>Design/Methodology/Approach: Interviews conducted with company professionals from IKEA and Konsum Gävleborg and a member of the municipality in Gävle, as well as findings from secondary sources of the company Nestlé were used to investigate the companies’ ways to respond to environmental concern and how they deal with green issues and ecological responsibility. The interviews provide valuable insights of the success of green marketing depending on the confidence between company and customer.</p><p>Findings: By analyzing the results of the interviews with the literature review, the thesis reveals that environmental responsibility and ecological orientation needs to be based upon the entire business strategy of a company and implemented in its core principles in order to deal effectively and efficiently with this issue.</p><p>Conclusions: Companies respond in different ways to ecological issues, through eco-labeling, cooperation with NGOs and energy-saving production processes. In conclusion, it can be said that the need for customer relationship commitment, trust, confidence and loyalty as a result of satisfaction are as important in customer relationship management as in green marketing, because competitive advantage can be achieved by environment-related activities and motivates companies to go green to promote ecologically sustainable practices.</p><p>Research Limitations/Implications: There is a number of literature focusing on customer relationship management and implications of green issues for business strategy, but there are only a few on green marketing yet and the interaction between green marketing and CRM is missing attention, so far.</p><p>Originality/Value: This work seeks to make a contribution towards bridging the ends of CRM and green marketing. It indicates a relationship between eco-orientation and company performance and implicates, on the basis of the theoretical and empirical findings, that integrating ecological features and good performance in a company is not impossible. Trust and confidence are as important concepts in green marketing as in CRM.</p>

Hotellens gröna överlevnad : Den interna marknadsföringens roll i att trovärdigt förmedla miljöarbete / The Green Survival of Hotels : The role of internal marketing when conveing a reliable profile

Gustafsson, Caroline, Corell, Hedvig January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Background: </strong>The hotel market has become undiversified and the competition has increased rapidly. At the same time the environment aspects has been given higher priority and the trend continues to extend. A green marketing strategi has proven profitable if the company achieve a high credibility.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Problem definition: </strong>What factors are important for hotel companies to attain long term business survival trough a green marketing strategy?</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose with this paper is to, trough a case study of Scandic Hotels analyze and find the relationship between trustworthy environmental work and internal factors.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>This study is based on both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The qualitative data has been gathered through interviews with five different levels of personel, both management and employee, within the company. The quantitative data has been gathered through a customer survey.</p><p><strong>Discussion: </strong>Scandic Hotels have a well defined and comprehensible internal marketing. The company integrate the enviromental aspect in to all levels of the organisation and have established a high credibility. The combination of high involved customers and a well defined internal marketing as a strategy results in long term survival for Scandic Hotels.</p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>On the very competitive and undiversified hotel market a green profile could be crucial for a long term survival. The factors that are important when trying to establish a green profile is to make sure that the internal marketing is integrated with both employees and mangement. A well working internal marketing insures that all communications are interaktive, the company allows new knowledge to remain in the organisation and the management ensures the motivation of the employees by listening to their suggestions and informing them of the resluts of the green work.</p><p> </p>

Grön marknadsföring : Miljöengagemang som konkurrensverktyg?

Arikan, Tuncay, Hallén, Christina January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva samt analysera hur mikroföretag inom klädesbranschen arbetar med grön marknadsföring.</p><p><strong> </strong><strong>Metod: </strong>Kvalitativ metod genom fyra djupintervjuer.</p><p><strong> </strong><strong>Teori: </strong>“Corporate Social Responsibility”, “Ammenbergs miljöstrategier”, ”The Green Marketing Strategy Matrix”, ”Grön marknadsförings grundläggande aspekter.”<strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong>Slutsats: </strong>Gemensamt för de undersökta mikroföretagen är att det finns ett personligt intresse och engagemang i miljöfrågor. Företagens bakomliggande miljöarbete skiljer sig väsentligt i omfattning. De företag som själva inte producerar sina kläder, följer vad certifieringsorganisationerna anser vara goda och miljövänliga produktionsförhållanden. Eftersom företag själva väljer att definiera vad begreppet miljövänligt innebär, kan seriositeten i miljöarbetet uppfattas som godtyckligt. Integrering av miljöarbetet i marknadsföringen är omfattande för alla undersökta företag, vilket innebär att inget av dessa har ägnat sig åt greenwashing. I all extern kommunikation finns miljöbudskapet närvarande för att förstärka företagets profil, vilket främst sker genom olika typer av miljömärkningar. Marknadsföringen innehåller oftast någon form av informativt budskap om miljöförhållanden. Detta används för att förstärka företagets trovärdighet och rykte, men även för att öka kunskapen hos konsumenterna om ett mer långsiktigt hållbart samhälle. Metoderna för att marknadsföra sig är kreativa, bland annat beror det på en vilja att kommunicera en nytänkande syn på företagande. För mikroföretag är det också betydelsefullt att begränsa kostnaderna vilket en kreativ kommunikation kan bidra med. Det råder delade meningar om den svenska klädesmarknaden idag kräver en miljöprofilering eller inte, enligt de undersökta företagen. Dock råder samstämmighet i att detta kommer att fordras av företag på lång sikt. Den gröna marknadsföringen ses främst som en metod att differentiera sig från andra företag och därmed erhålla komparativa fördelar. Genom att förmedla sitt miljöbudskap till kunderna förväntar sig företagen att få ett förbättrat rykte. Kravet från kunderna att tillhandahålla och kommunicera gröna attribut är en betydande anledning till att företagens anser sig ha en skyldighet att utföra och meddela om miljöarbetet. Mikroföretag använder, enligt denna studie, inte grön marknadsföring för att hantera miljörisker.</p> / <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The purpose is to describe and analyze how micro-clothing companies manage green marketing.</p><p><strong> </strong><strong>Method:</strong> Qualitative method<strong> </strong>based on four interviews.</p><p><strong> </strong><strong>Theory: </strong>“Corporate Social Responsibility”, “Ammenbergs’ enviromental stratergies”, “The Green Marketing Strategy Matrix”, “Green marketing fundamental feature”.</p><p><strong>Conclusions: </strong>The micro-companies included in this study share a common interest and commitment to environmental issues, though the extent of their efforts varies significantly. The companies who do not produce garments themselves follow the guidelines of environmental organisations. As many companies have different views regarding what “environmental friendly” really implies, the true value of such concepts is relatively arbitrary. The integration of environmental work into the marketing is essential for all of the companies studied. In order to enhance the image of the company, all marketing comprises environmental friendly values, mainly through the usage of environmental friendly labels. Marketing campaigns often make use of concrete environmental information in order to communicate the company’s credibility and reputation, as well as to inform consumers of the importance of environmental issues and need for a sustainable society. The methods of doing this are ingenious as one wishes to express a sense of creativity and a new approach of doing business. Marketing of this kind is also cost-effective, which often is of considerable importance for micro-companies. Opinions differ concerning the need for environment targeted marketing on the Swedish market today, though there is a unanimous view that this will be necessary and even unavoidable in the long run. Green marketing is generally viewed as a strategy for diversifying oneself from the crowd to receive competitive benefits on the market. Companies expect an improved reputation amongst consumers by using green marketing as a tool for communication; not to deal with potential environmental risks.</p>

Customer Relationship within the Furniture Design Market : A qualitative study of how companies within the furniture design market relate to the challenges connected to customer loyalty

Wahlström, Marie-Louise, Bergström, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Background:</strong> The customer relationship is becoming more important for companies within the Swedish furniture design industry due to competition for market shares. The market is getting more crammed while the interest for furniture design amongst people is increasing, therefore furniture design companies need to find effective ways to attract loyal customers. Research has been made to show the importance of collaboration between companies and this is something that can increase the market share for the involved partners and reach a greater customer base. To maintain these customers it is essential to establish the right communication at the right time. Another area that will most likely increase and that companies can gain by communicating to potential customers is Green thinking. By marketing a company’s environmental work it can develop a stronger relationship with its customers. These areas might have significance in maintaining loyal customers in the future of the furniture design industry.</p><p><strong>Research Question: </strong><em>What challenges does a Swedish furniture design company face when trying to gain or maintain customers?</em></p><p> </p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> The objective with this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding and analyse the<strong> </strong>issues and challenges new or already established Swedish furniture design companies face related to gaining or maintaining their customers. From the emerging responses about the relating areas of marketing and communication, collaboration, the green perspective and the conditions on the Swedish market, we aim to conduct thorough interviews with furniture design companies on the Swedish market. From the complied and analysed answers we intend to connect the challenges to the chosen theories to understand the importance of customer loyalty and the importance of it for companies in this industry.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Method: </strong>In this thesis the research strategy used will be of qualitative nature. The research design will take the form of a comparative study where we will investigate 4 companies and analyse their perspective on the areas that we aim to investigate. Thorough interviews with the chosen companies will be carried out in order to grasp the interviewees’ perspective on the subject rather than our own.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> The findings of our research shows that smaller enterprises might struggle harder than bigger enterprises due to lack of resources. The lack of resources can negatively affect a company’s communication and marketing channels such as their environmental friendly work. Since expensive certificate that proves for eco-friendly products and services could be hard to obtain. The well established companies within this industry do not seem to adapt quickly to modern communication tools such as blogs or other social medias. This can be explained by the company culture and old heritage within the companies. Companies within this industry seem to lack of a clear strategy or well formed plan of how to reach and maintain customers. Therefore companies could benefit by having a clear strategy towards receiving loyal customers since it would clearly give them an advantage in this competitive market according to our findings. There also seem to be a lack of collaboration between companies which could also help companies to gain market shares and reach more customers. The furniture design industry is a competitive market and to endure the market conditions a focus on customer relationship and customer loyalty might be the best solution.</p><p> </p>

Grön marknadsföring : Miljöengagemang som konkurrensverktyg?

Arikan, Tuncay, Hallén, Christina January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva samt analysera hur mikroföretag inom klädesbranschen arbetar med grön marknadsföring.  Metod: Kvalitativ metod genom fyra djupintervjuer.  Teori: “Corporate Social Responsibility”, “Ammenbergs miljöstrategier”, ”The Green Marketing Strategy Matrix”, ”Grön marknadsförings grundläggande aspekter.”  Slutsats: Gemensamt för de undersökta mikroföretagen är att det finns ett personligt intresse och engagemang i miljöfrågor. Företagens bakomliggande miljöarbete skiljer sig väsentligt i omfattning. De företag som själva inte producerar sina kläder, följer vad certifieringsorganisationerna anser vara goda och miljövänliga produktionsförhållanden. Eftersom företag själva väljer att definiera vad begreppet miljövänligt innebär, kan seriositeten i miljöarbetet uppfattas som godtyckligt. Integrering av miljöarbetet i marknadsföringen är omfattande för alla undersökta företag, vilket innebär att inget av dessa har ägnat sig åt greenwashing. I all extern kommunikation finns miljöbudskapet närvarande för att förstärka företagets profil, vilket främst sker genom olika typer av miljömärkningar. Marknadsföringen innehåller oftast någon form av informativt budskap om miljöförhållanden. Detta används för att förstärka företagets trovärdighet och rykte, men även för att öka kunskapen hos konsumenterna om ett mer långsiktigt hållbart samhälle. Metoderna för att marknadsföra sig är kreativa, bland annat beror det på en vilja att kommunicera en nytänkande syn på företagande. För mikroföretag är det också betydelsefullt att begränsa kostnaderna vilket en kreativ kommunikation kan bidra med. Det råder delade meningar om den svenska klädesmarknaden idag kräver en miljöprofilering eller inte, enligt de undersökta företagen. Dock råder samstämmighet i att detta kommer att fordras av företag på lång sikt. Den gröna marknadsföringen ses främst som en metod att differentiera sig från andra företag och därmed erhålla komparativa fördelar. Genom att förmedla sitt miljöbudskap till kunderna förväntar sig företagen att få ett förbättrat rykte. Kravet från kunderna att tillhandahålla och kommunicera gröna attribut är en betydande anledning till att företagens anser sig ha en skyldighet att utföra och meddela om miljöarbetet. Mikroföretag använder, enligt denna studie, inte grön marknadsföring för att hantera miljörisker. / Purpose: The purpose is to describe and analyze how micro-clothing companies manage green marketing.  Method: Qualitative method based on four interviews.  Theory: “Corporate Social Responsibility”, “Ammenbergs’ enviromental stratergies”, “The Green Marketing Strategy Matrix”, “Green marketing fundamental feature”. Conclusions: The micro-companies included in this study share a common interest and commitment to environmental issues, though the extent of their efforts varies significantly. The companies who do not produce garments themselves follow the guidelines of environmental organisations. As many companies have different views regarding what “environmental friendly” really implies, the true value of such concepts is relatively arbitrary. The integration of environmental work into the marketing is essential for all of the companies studied. In order to enhance the image of the company, all marketing comprises environmental friendly values, mainly through the usage of environmental friendly labels. Marketing campaigns often make use of concrete environmental information in order to communicate the company’s credibility and reputation, as well as to inform consumers of the importance of environmental issues and need for a sustainable society. The methods of doing this are ingenious as one wishes to express a sense of creativity and a new approach of doing business. Marketing of this kind is also cost-effective, which often is of considerable importance for micro-companies. Opinions differ concerning the need for environment targeted marketing on the Swedish market today, though there is a unanimous view that this will be necessary and even unavoidable in the long run. Green marketing is generally viewed as a strategy for diversifying oneself from the crowd to receive competitive benefits on the market. Companies expect an improved reputation amongst consumers by using green marketing as a tool for communication; not to deal with potential environmental risks.

Customer Relationship within the Furniture Design Market : A qualitative study of how companies within the furniture design market relate to the challenges connected to customer loyalty

Wahlström, Marie-Louise, Bergström, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
Background: The customer relationship is becoming more important for companies within the Swedish furniture design industry due to competition for market shares. The market is getting more crammed while the interest for furniture design amongst people is increasing, therefore furniture design companies need to find effective ways to attract loyal customers. Research has been made to show the importance of collaboration between companies and this is something that can increase the market share for the involved partners and reach a greater customer base. To maintain these customers it is essential to establish the right communication at the right time. Another area that will most likely increase and that companies can gain by communicating to potential customers is Green thinking. By marketing a company’s environmental work it can develop a stronger relationship with its customers. These areas might have significance in maintaining loyal customers in the future of the furniture design industry. Research Question: What challenges does a Swedish furniture design company face when trying to gain or maintain customers?   Objective: The objective with this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding and analyse the issues and challenges new or already established Swedish furniture design companies face related to gaining or maintaining their customers. From the emerging responses about the relating areas of marketing and communication, collaboration, the green perspective and the conditions on the Swedish market, we aim to conduct thorough interviews with furniture design companies on the Swedish market. From the complied and analysed answers we intend to connect the challenges to the chosen theories to understand the importance of customer loyalty and the importance of it for companies in this industry.   Method: In this thesis the research strategy used will be of qualitative nature. The research design will take the form of a comparative study where we will investigate 4 companies and analyse their perspective on the areas that we aim to investigate. Thorough interviews with the chosen companies will be carried out in order to grasp the interviewees’ perspective on the subject rather than our own.   Conclusions: The findings of our research shows that smaller enterprises might struggle harder than bigger enterprises due to lack of resources. The lack of resources can negatively affect a company’s communication and marketing channels such as their environmental friendly work. Since expensive certificate that proves for eco-friendly products and services could be hard to obtain. The well established companies within this industry do not seem to adapt quickly to modern communication tools such as blogs or other social medias. This can be explained by the company culture and old heritage within the companies. Companies within this industry seem to lack of a clear strategy or well formed plan of how to reach and maintain customers. Therefore companies could benefit by having a clear strategy towards receiving loyal customers since it would clearly give them an advantage in this competitive market according to our findings. There also seem to be a lack of collaboration between companies which could also help companies to gain market shares and reach more customers. The furniture design industry is a competitive market and to endure the market conditions a focus on customer relationship and customer loyalty might be the best solution.

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