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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diagnóstico de Huanglongbing (HLB) em citros utilizando técnicas fotônicas / Huanglongbing (HLB) diagnosis in citros using photonic techniques

Cardinali, Marcelo Camponez do Brasil 27 April 2012 (has links)
A laranja é uma das frutas mais produzidas e consumidas no mundo, sendo o Brasil o maior produtor e exportador do seu suco concentrado. Entretanto, pragas e doenças comprometem consideravelmente sua produção. Atualmente, a doença mais preocupante é o Greening, também conhecida mundialmente como Huanglongbing (HLB). A doença não possui cura, apresenta longa fase assintomática e não possui um método eficiente de controle. Além disso, não existem métodos de diagnóstico aplicáveis em larga escala. Neste trabalho são propostas as técnicas fotônicas de fluorescência induzida por laser e de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier para o diagnóstico do HLB. Para a realização das medidas, foram coletadas folhas de árvores saudáveis, doentes com HLB e doentes com a clorose variegada dos citros, sendo esta incluída nos estudos para verificar a capacidade de diferenciação entre as doenças. Foram coletadas quatro classes de folhas nessas plantas: sadia, HLB-sintomática, HLB-assintomática e CVC-sintomática. As folhas foram medidas em laboratório e seus espectros foram pré-processados para indução de um classificador via regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais. Além das folhas, foram medidas amostras dos seguintes metabólitos primários e secundários para entendimento espectral: amido, glicose, sacarose, hesperidina, naringina e umbeliferona. Taxas de acerto de superiores a 89% foram obtidas na classificação das folhas nas técnicas de fluorescência e infravermelho, sendo superior às taxas dos métodos de manejo empregados atualmente no campo. A fluorescência induzida por laser apresenta um grande potencial para uso em campo devido a possibilidade de miniaturização de seus componentes. Os espectros dos metabólitos secundários apresentam fortes indícios de que a alteração de suas concentrações podem contribuir na detecção de doenças pelas técnicas fotônicas. / Sweet orange is one of the most produced and consumed fruit in the world, and Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of this fruit. However, pests and diseases significantly reduce the worldwide production. Currently, the most destructive disease in the field is called greening, also known as huanglongbing (HLB). There is no control for HLB. In addition, the disease presents a long asymptomatic phase. Furthermore, no diagnostic methods are available to use in large scale. In this study are proposed fluorescence and infrared spectroscopy for the HLB diagnosis. For the measurements were collected leaves from healthy, HLB- and citrus variegated chlorosis-infected plants, being the last one to comparison between the diseases. It were collected four classes of leaves: healthy, HLB-asymptomatic, HLB-symptomatic and CVC-symptomatic. The leaves were measured and their spectra were pre-processed for the induction of classifier via partial least squares regression. In addition, samples of plant metabolites were measured for leaves spectral interpretation: starch, glucose, sucrose, hesperidin, naringin and umbelliferone. Success rates above 89% were obtained through both photonic techniques, higher compared to the sucess rates of the actual management methods. The metabolites spectra have shown strong evidence that their concentrations changes could contribute to the diagnosis of the diseases by photonic techniques. Particularly, the fluorescence spectroscopy seems interesting because it has a great potential for field application due to the existence of portable photonic devices.

Distribuição espacial e temporal, inimigos naturais e tabela de vida ecológica de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) em citros em São Paulo / Spatial and seasonal distribution, natural enemies and ecological life table of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in citrus groves in São Paulo

Paulo Eduardo Branco Paiva 13 April 2009 (has links)
O \"huanglongbing\" (HLB), ou \"greening\" dos citros, tem sido considerada a pior e mais destrutiva doença que ocorre em cultivares comerciais de citros do mundo. Até hoje, não se conhecem medidas eficientes para o controle da doença. Apesar disso, são recomendadas três medidas que podem reduzir a disseminação da mesma, (1) propagação de material sadio, (2) eliminação de planta sintomática tão logo seja constatada e (3) redução da população do vetor, o psilídeo Diaphorina citri Kuwayama. O HLB foi constatado no Brasil, no estado de São Paulo, em março de 2004. Desde então, foram constatadas duas bactérias associadas a plantas com sintomas, \"Candidatus Liberibacter americanus\" e \"Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus\", ambas transmitidas por D. citri. A proposta deste trabalho foi estudar: (1) a distribuição temporal deste inseto em pomares comerciais de laranja (Citrus sinensis) nas regiões de Araras, Bauru, Botucatu, Casa Branca, Lins e São Carlos, estado de São Paulo, no período de julho de 2004 a junho de 2007, (2) a distribuição espacial de D. citri em Bauru, Botucatu, Franca, Lins e São Carlos com base na relação variância/média, coeficiente de Taylor e índice de Morisita, (3) inimigos naturais de D. citri e taxas de parasitismo de ninfas do psilídeo por Tamarixia radiata (Waterston) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) em diferentes pomares, no período de 2005 a 2007 e (4) a tabela de vida ecológica das fases imaturas deste inseto, em Araras e Piracicaba, por quatro gerações. As proporções de ramos de C. sinensis infestados por ninfas e adultos do psilídeo variaram de 0 a 68,3% e se mostraram dependentes da disponibilidade de ramos em crescimento (novos), embora o tamanho da população seja dependente do clima. A maior infestação de ninfas foi observada em São Carlos e as maiores infestações de adultos ocorreram em Bauru, Botucatu, Lins e São Carlos. Por outro lado, as menores proporções de ramos infestados foram observadas em Araras e Casa Branca. D. citri mostrou uma distribuição do tipo agregada, tanto para a fase ninfal quanto para a fase adulta. Não foram observados coccinelídeos predando ovos ou ninfas do psilídeo. A predação de D. citri por crisopídeos foi muito baixa nas condições estudadas. As taxas médias de parasitismo de ninfas, de quarto e quinto ínstares, por T. radiata variaram entre as áreas amostradas e épocas, de 0 a 91,6%, sendo tal parasitismo variável de acordo com a cultivar de citros. Na tabela de vida ecológica, verificou-se que as durações do período de ovo a adulto, em campo, foram semelhantes entre as quatro gerações, de 18,0 a 24,7 dias (temperaturas médias de 21,6 a 26,0°C) e seguiram os modelos de exigências térmicas do inseto obtidos em laboratório. Entretanto, as viabilidades deste mesmo período variaram consideravelmente, de 1,7 a 21,4%, sendo que as maiores mortalidades foram verificadas nas fases de ovo e ninfa pequena (primeiro a terceiro ínstares), as quais são consideradas fatores chaves para o crescimento populacional da praga. / Huanglongbing (HLB), or citrus greening disease, has been considered the worst and most destructive disease that occurs in all citrus varieties in the world. Until today, effective control measures are unknown. However, three main measures have been recommended that may reduce the spread of the disease: (1) propagation of healthy plants; (2) elimination of symptomatic trees as soon as they are observed; and (3) reduction of the insect vector population, the citrus psylla Diaphorina citri Kuwayama. HLB was first found in Brazil in the State of São Paulo in March 2004. Since then, two bacteria were found associated with plants with symptoms, \"Candidatus Liberibacter americanus\" and \"Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus\", both transmitted by D. citri. This research aimed to study: (1) the seasonal distribution of D. citri in citrus groves (Citrus sinensis) in Araras, Bauru, Botucatu, Casa Branca, Lins and São Carlos, State of São Paulo, from July 2004 through June 2007; (2) the spatial distribution of D. citri in Bauru, Botucatu, Franca, Lins and São Carlos according to the variance/mean ratio, Taylor\'s power law coefficients, and Morisitas index; (3) natural enemies of D. citri and parasitism rates of citrus psylla nymphs by Tamarixia radiata (Waterston) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in different groves in three years, 2005, 2006, and 2007; and (4) the ecological life table of the immature stages of this insect, in Araras and Piracicaba, over four generations. The proportions of C. sinensis flushes or branches infested with nymphs and adults of citrus psylla ranged from 0 to 68.3%, and were dependent on the availability of new flushes, although population size depends on the climate. The largest infestation of nymphs was observed in São Carlos and the largest infestations of adults occurred in Bauru, Botucatu, Lins, and São Carlos. On the other hand, the lowest proportions of infested flushes or branches were observed in Araras and Casa Branca. D. citri nymphs and adults showed an aggregate distribution. No coccinellids were observed preying on eggs and nymphs of D. citri. Predation of D. citri by lacewings was very low under the conditions studied. The average parasitism rates of fourth- and fifth-instar nymphs by T. radiata varied among the sampled areas and seasons from 0 to 91.6%, and also varied with citrus variety. In the ecological life table, the mean developmental period from egg to adult in the field was similar between the four generations, 18.0 to 24.7 days (average temperatures of 21.6 to 26.0°C) and values were not different from the thermal requirement models obtained in the laboratory. However, immature survival ranged considerably, from 1.7 to 21.4%, and the highest mortalities were observed in eggs and small nymphs (first to third instars), which are considered the key factors for population growth of the pest.

Epidemiologia comparativa entre \'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus\' e \'Candidatus Liberibacter americanus\' em ambiente controlado / Comparative epidemiology between Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and Candidatus Liberibacter americanus under controlled environment

Maria Cândida de Godoy Gasparoto 30 September 2010 (has links)
Huanglongbing é a mais destrutiva doença da citricultura mundial. Seu recente relato no Brasil, em 2004, e a detecção de duas espécies bacterianas associadas à doença -Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus e Candidatus Liberibacter americanus resultaram em poucos estudos do comportamento do Huanglongbing nas condições dos pomares brasileiros. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram (i) comparar a eficiência de infecção por Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus e Candidatus Liberibacter americanus em plantas cítricas inoculadas por meio de enxertia com as duas espécies bacterianas, separadamente, e mantidas sob diferentes temperaturas, e (ii) comparar o progresso temporal e espacial do Huanglongbing causado por ambas as espécies, a partir da infecção natural por Diaphorina citri, tendo plantas de citros ou Murraya paniculata (murta) como fonte primária de inóculo. Para alcançar o primeiro objetivo, dois experimentos foram conduzidos em câmaras de crescimento com temperatura e fotofase controladas. A incidência da doença foi determinada por Real-Time PCR de amostras foliares. As temperaturas mais amenas foram favoráveis à infecção por Candidatus Liberibacter americanus, enquanto que altas temperaturas não afetaram a infecção de Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. A eficiência de infecção para esta última espécie foi favorecida nas temperaturas de 17/22°C e 22/27°C (noturna/diurna, respectivamente). Para cumprir com o segundo objetivo, um experimento foi conduzido com diferentes fontes de inóculo, que corresponderam aos seguintes tratamentos: (i) plantas de laranjeira doce da variedade Natal infectadas por Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus ou Candidatus Liberibacter americanus, (ii) unicamente plantas de Murraya paniculata infectadas por Candidatus Liberibacter americanus e (iii) unicamente plantas de laranjeira doce da variedade Natal infectadas por Candidatus Liberibacter americanus. Cada tratamento foi aplicado em um compartimento isolado de uma casade- vegetação. O primeiro tratamento foi repetido. Em todos os compartimentos, 156 a 158 plantas de laranjeira doce da variedade Valência foram dispostas ao redor das plantas fonte de inóculo. Psilídeos livres das bactérias foram periodicamente confinados em plantas fonte de inóculo e, posteriormente foram liberados na casa-de-vegetação para livre movimentação e multiplicação. Quando as duas espécies bacterianas estavam presentes nas diferentes plantas cítricas utilizadas como fonte de inóculo, houve maior detecção de Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus e maior eficiência de aquisição desta espécie bacteriana por psilídeos. Quando somente Candidatus Liberibacter americanus estava presente nas plantas fonte de inóculo, a eficiência de transmissão foi maior quando Murraya paniculata foi utilizada como fonte de inóculo, mostrando que Diaphorina citri pode adquirir naturalmente Candidatus Liberibacter 12 americanus de Murraya paniculata e transmiti-la para plantas cítricas. A eficiência de aquisição da espécie Candidatus Liberibacter americanus também foi maior tendo Murraya paniculata como planta fonte de inóculo e não citros. / Huanglongbing is the most destructive disease of citrus worldwide. There are few studies on the behavior of Huanglongbing in the Brazilian orchards conditions due to the recent report in Brazil, in 2004. Two bacterial species were associated with the disease in Brazil: Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and Candidatus Liberibacter americanus. The aims of this work were (i) to compare the efficiency of infection by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and Candidatus Liberibacter americanus in citrus graft-inoculated plants with both bacterial species, separately, and kept under different temperatures, and (ii) to compare the spatio-temporal progress of Huanglongbing caused by both species, naturally transmitted by Diaphorina citri, having infected citrus plants or Murraya paniculata (jasmine orange) as primary inoculum sources. To achieve the first objective, two experiments were carried out in plant growth chambers with controlled temperature and light. Disease incidence in the inoculated plants was determined by Real-Time PCR of the leaf samples. The milder temperatures were favorable to Candidatus Liberibacter americanus infection, while the higher temperatures did not affect the infection by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. The infection by this latter species was favored by temperatures of 17/22ºC and 22/27°C (night/day, respectively). To achieve the second objective, an experiment was carried out with different sources of inoculum, corresponding to the following treatments: (i) Natal sweet orange plants infected by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus or Candidatus Liberibacter americanus, (ii) only Murraya paniculata plants infected by Candidatus Liberibacter americanus and (iii) only Natal sweet orange plants infected by Candidatus Liberibacter americanus. Each treatment was applied in an isolated compartment of a screenhouse. The first treatment was repeated. In all of the compartments, from 156 to 158 Valencia sweet orange plants were located around the source of inoculum plants. Psyllids free of the bacteria were periodically confined in source of inoculum plants and, after this period, they were set free, and allowed to the free movement and multiplication inside the screenhouse. When both bacterial species were present in the different citrus plants as source of inoculum, there was higher detection of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus than Candidatus Liberibacter americanus and higher acquisition efficiency of the former bacterial species than the later by psyllids. When only Candidatus Liberibacter americanus was present in the source of inoculum plants, the higher transmission efficiency was reached when Murraya paniculata served as source of inoculum, showing that Diaphorina citri can naturally acquire Candidatus Liberibacter americanus from Murraya paniculata and transmit it to citrus plants. The acquisition efficiency of the 14 Candidatus Liberibacter americanus species was higher with Murraya paniculata as source of inoculum than with citrus plants was the source of inoculum.

Avaliação da resistência à Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus em laranja doce expressando o gene attA ou hrpN / Evaluation for Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus resistance in sweet orange expressing attA or hrpN gene

Rafaella Teles Arantes Felipe 02 March 2012 (has links)
Huanglongbing (HLB), considerada uma das mais graves doenças dos citros, está associada a Candidatus Liberibacter spp., bactérias endógenas restritas ao floema e de difícil cultivo em meio de cultura. Diferentemente de outras doenças que afetam plantas cítricas, ainda não foram encontradas dentro do gênero Citrus espécies resistentes ao HLB. Genes de interesse agronômico têm sido empregados na transformação genética de citros visando a resistência a doenças. Dentre estes, destacam-se os que conferem resistência a bactérias incluindo attA, que codificam os peptídeos antibacterianos atacinas, e hrpN, que ativam a produção de proteínas harpinas, relacionadas ao sistema de defesa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência de plantas de laranja doce contendo o gene da atacina A (attA) ou o gene da harpina (hrpN) à Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) utilizando duas formas de inoculação: borbulhões infectados e o inseto vetor da bactéria, Diaphorina citri. Para as plantas contendo o gene hrpN, apenas o segundo método foi utilizado. Os principais sintomas do HLB foram observados aos quatro e oito meses após a inoculação por borbulhões. A infecção das plantas foi confirmada com a detecção de CLas por PCR (quatro e oito meses) e Rt-qPCR (oito meses). Em plantas inoculadas por D. citri, os sintomas foram observados oito e doze meses após a inoculação, assim como a detecção da bactéria por PCR. Após 15, 17 e 18 meses, foi realizada uma nova avaliação por Rt-PCR a partir de spots (imprints em membrana) de folhas. Rt-PCR foi empregado também em spots dos psilídeos utilizados na inoculação. Não foi possível avaliar a resistência ao HLB em plantas contendo o gene attA ou hrpN a partir da inoculação por D. citri. Os resultados de detecção da bactéria nas plantas e nos psilídeos utilizados para inoculação indicam que, possivelmente, não ocorreu a inoculação devido ao baixo percentual de psilídeos que continham CLas utilizados. Dentre as plantas transgênicas contendo o gene attA inoculadas por borbulhões infectivos, oito eventos (cinco de laranja Pera, dois de laranja Hamlin e um de laranja Valência) apresentaram menores títulos bacterianos e algumas também demonstraram redução dos sintomas do HLB quando comparadas com plantas não transgênicas, oito meses após a inoculação, indicando uma possível ação do peptídeo atacina A contra o agente causal do HLB. / Haunglongbing (HLB), considered one of the most serious diseases of citrus, is associated to Candidatus Liberibacter spp., endogenous and phloem-inhabiting bacteria not easily grown in culture medium No species within the genus Citrus is known to resist this bacterial infection. The use of genes of agronomic interest for genetic transformation aiming disease resistance in citrus has been reported. Among these genes, attA that codes for the antibacterial peptides attacin, and hrpN, that codes for proteins harpin that activate the plant defense system may have potential in searching for HLB resistance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the resistance of sweet orange containing attA or hrpN to Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) inoculated through infected budstick grafting or the insect vector, Diaphorina citri. For the plants containing hrpN, only the second method was used. The most obvious HLB symptoms were observed four and eight months after inoculation by infected budstick when CLas also was detected by PCR (four months) and RT-qPCR (eight months). For those inoculated with D. citri, symptoms were observed and bacteria detected eight and twelve months after inoculation. Fifteen, 17 and 18 months after inoculation, a new attempt was made for CLas detection, now through Rt-PCR from leaf and psyllids imprinting spots on membrane. It was not possible to evaluate the HLB resistance in plants containing attA or hrpN gene from D. citri inoculation. The results of CLas detection in plants and psyllids indicate that possibly there was no inoculation due the low rate of psyllids contained CLas used. Among the plants containing attA, five, two and one event of, respectively, Pera, Hamlin, and Valencia sweet orange had lower bacterial titers than those non transgenic plants and some also showed milder HLB symptoms, eight months after inoculation, suggesting a possible effect of attacin A against the causal agent of HLB.

Avaliação da resistência à Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus em laranja doce expressando o gene attA ou hrpN / Evaluation for Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus resistance in sweet orange expressing attA or hrpN gene

Felipe, Rafaella Teles Arantes 02 March 2012 (has links)
Huanglongbing (HLB), considerada uma das mais graves doenças dos citros, está associada a Candidatus Liberibacter spp., bactérias endógenas restritas ao floema e de difícil cultivo em meio de cultura. Diferentemente de outras doenças que afetam plantas cítricas, ainda não foram encontradas dentro do gênero Citrus espécies resistentes ao HLB. Genes de interesse agronômico têm sido empregados na transformação genética de citros visando a resistência a doenças. Dentre estes, destacam-se os que conferem resistência a bactérias incluindo attA, que codificam os peptídeos antibacterianos atacinas, e hrpN, que ativam a produção de proteínas harpinas, relacionadas ao sistema de defesa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência de plantas de laranja doce contendo o gene da atacina A (attA) ou o gene da harpina (hrpN) à Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) utilizando duas formas de inoculação: borbulhões infectados e o inseto vetor da bactéria, Diaphorina citri. Para as plantas contendo o gene hrpN, apenas o segundo método foi utilizado. Os principais sintomas do HLB foram observados aos quatro e oito meses após a inoculação por borbulhões. A infecção das plantas foi confirmada com a detecção de CLas por PCR (quatro e oito meses) e Rt-qPCR (oito meses). Em plantas inoculadas por D. citri, os sintomas foram observados oito e doze meses após a inoculação, assim como a detecção da bactéria por PCR. Após 15, 17 e 18 meses, foi realizada uma nova avaliação por Rt-PCR a partir de spots (imprints em membrana) de folhas. Rt-PCR foi empregado também em spots dos psilídeos utilizados na inoculação. Não foi possível avaliar a resistência ao HLB em plantas contendo o gene attA ou hrpN a partir da inoculação por D. citri. Os resultados de detecção da bactéria nas plantas e nos psilídeos utilizados para inoculação indicam que, possivelmente, não ocorreu a inoculação devido ao baixo percentual de psilídeos que continham CLas utilizados. Dentre as plantas transgênicas contendo o gene attA inoculadas por borbulhões infectivos, oito eventos (cinco de laranja Pera, dois de laranja Hamlin e um de laranja Valência) apresentaram menores títulos bacterianos e algumas também demonstraram redução dos sintomas do HLB quando comparadas com plantas não transgênicas, oito meses após a inoculação, indicando uma possível ação do peptídeo atacina A contra o agente causal do HLB. / Haunglongbing (HLB), considered one of the most serious diseases of citrus, is associated to Candidatus Liberibacter spp., endogenous and phloem-inhabiting bacteria not easily grown in culture medium No species within the genus Citrus is known to resist this bacterial infection. The use of genes of agronomic interest for genetic transformation aiming disease resistance in citrus has been reported. Among these genes, attA that codes for the antibacterial peptides attacin, and hrpN, that codes for proteins harpin that activate the plant defense system may have potential in searching for HLB resistance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the resistance of sweet orange containing attA or hrpN to Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) inoculated through infected budstick grafting or the insect vector, Diaphorina citri. For the plants containing hrpN, only the second method was used. The most obvious HLB symptoms were observed four and eight months after inoculation by infected budstick when CLas also was detected by PCR (four months) and RT-qPCR (eight months). For those inoculated with D. citri, symptoms were observed and bacteria detected eight and twelve months after inoculation. Fifteen, 17 and 18 months after inoculation, a new attempt was made for CLas detection, now through Rt-PCR from leaf and psyllids imprinting spots on membrane. It was not possible to evaluate the HLB resistance in plants containing attA or hrpN gene from D. citri inoculation. The results of CLas detection in plants and psyllids indicate that possibly there was no inoculation due the low rate of psyllids contained CLas used. Among the plants containing attA, five, two and one event of, respectively, Pera, Hamlin, and Valencia sweet orange had lower bacterial titers than those non transgenic plants and some also showed milder HLB symptoms, eight months after inoculation, suggesting a possible effect of attacin A against the causal agent of HLB.

The Potential of Living Walls to Host Pollinator Habitat

El Ghomari, Shirin January 2019 (has links)
Pollinator biodiversity and abundance is an ecosystem service vital for humans, provisioning a range of essential goods including food, fibre and medicines. Despite this, pollinators are under threat and are experiencing global declines. Habitat loss is a driving force behind such declines and, as such, the potential to provision more pollinator habitat is of interest. Currently, urban areas host abundant unused space in the forms of roofs and walls, which could be utilized to provision some pollinators with additional forage, and possibly nesting sites, without compromising human use of the land. While several studies exist regarding the habitat potential of living roofs, the impact of living walls on biodiversity is little studied. This paper sets out a theoretical approach on whether living walls could be used to host pollinator habitat by surveying living wall manufacturers regarding the physical properties of the living wall systems they use and their plant choice.

L-Cysteine Effects on Chlorogenic Acid Quinone-Amino Acid Induced Greening and Browning: Mechanism and Effects on Antioxidant Capacity

Liang, Yundi 01 July 2019 (has links)
The formation of green trihydroxy benzacridine (TBA) derivatives when chlorogenic acid (CGA) quinones and amino acids react can be visually unappealing in some applications where CGA containing ingredients are used. Cysteine was studied as an amino acid anti-greening strategy, because cysteine-CGA conjugates are colorless. Buffered CGA: lysine: cysteine solutions at pH 8.0 and 9.0 were prepared and incubated for a maximum of 48 h at ambient temperature. Color intensity was periodically monitored using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Quantification and identification of conjugate formation were conducted by HPLC and LC-MS, while Antioxidant capacity was assessed by Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity and Folin-Ciocalteu reagent reducing capacity assays. More intense greening was detected at higher pH. Lysyl amine- CGA conjugates were identified as the predominant precursor of green TBA. Concentration-dependent cysteine inhibition of CGA-lysine greening was primarily by redox diphenol regeneration when pH was below cysteinyl thiol pKa 8.3 while primarily by forming cysteinyl-CGA conjugates when pH was above 8.3. Visible greening was fully inhibited with a cysteine: lysine 1:1 molar ratio in pH 9 CGA: Lys: Cys solutions, indicating that cysteinyl thiol was a stronger nucleophile than ε-lysyl amine to react with CGA o-quinones. Mono- and di-cysteine-CGA conjugates contributed to antioxidant capacity. Cysteine concentration, pH and incubation time all significantly affected color intensities and antioxidant capacity (p

Organizational approaches to greening : technocentrism and beyond

Sandström, Johan January 2002 (has links)
How and why do organizations approach greening? How can we conceptualize approaches and how can we encourage reflexive dialogues on them? These are the main questions addressed in this qualitative study on organizational greening. The study sets off by discussing matters of research philosophy, arguing that our trust in science ought to be revised and that a more postmodern and constructionist philosophy might be a way to go. This is then followed by a theoretical review, showing that organizational studies have a history in environmental issues, but that it is basically technocentric in orientation. A more reflexive organizational approach is suggested. The empirical part of the study is based on qualitative research of five case studies, representing a mix of organizations situated in Sweden, all with an explicit ambition to approach greening. The analyses target the organizations' approaches from practice to assumptions, pointing at the commonalities as well as the tensions. Basically, greening was an issue for all studied organizations, but an increasing pressure to market-orient their operations in line with the business rhetoric dominated their identity construction. The environment was included if there were opportunities of win-win situations between environment and economy in sight. Once embarked upon, the organizations tended to focus on technocratic practices, developing or implementing management systems, product development indexes, life-cycle methodologies and other tools. On a more philosophical level, in the study referred to as the worldview level, the approaches were predominandy characterized by a representative epistemology and a dualistic ontology, that is, they were clearly anthropocentric. With a base in these findings, an alternative approach is discussed as a way out, or as a way of constructing a reflexive dialogue on greening. This is partly based on the tensions within and between the cases, which encouraged reflections on how greening was approached. In the alternative, organizations are seen as actors on a symbolic agora where transparency, participation and self-reflexivity are keys to organizational legitimacy. This view frames organizations in the dominating approach as agoraphobic producers of materialistically dependent satisfiers. The alternative also targets the limits of a preference and materialistically oriented view on die satisfaction of human needs. Instead, it is argued that environmental and cultural sensitivity should be acknowledged as natural parts of organizational greening. This, however, demands more room for reflexive dialogues encouraging ontological awareness and a respect for more ecocentric views. / digitalisering@umu

Exploring Corporate Greening: a cross-cultural perspective

Klevanskaya, Liudmila, Luzina, Maria January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of national culture on corporate greening with specific focus on motivations that drive companies to respond to environmental issues and strategies that companies develop in this regard. The existing literature indicates that the research on motivational and strategic aspects of corporate greening is limited from cultural perspective. Thus, a qualitative study of Swedish and Belarusian companies was conducted to illustrate what induces firms to go green and to describe what environmental strategies are implemented by them. The analysis of received empirical data was concentrated on aligning national culture features with the motivations for environmental initiatives and relevant elements of green strategies. The findings demonstrate the connection between national culture and environmental strategy through green motivations. Finally, some implications for further research as well as practitioners are presented.

Strategy,leadership and human resource management practice of business greening

Lin, Ching-Ying 25 January 2011 (has links)
Facing ecological credit shortage, eco-awareness all over the world, entrepreneurs should make ¡§greening¡¨ the crucial mission, and take its development as a competitive advantage. Briefly, entrepreneurs have to behalf as corporate citizens and work on social responsibility. Connecting the environment protection with business profit increases the value of stockholders and creates the value of stakeholders as well. This research focus on how the practice of greening creates business sustainable value, the effects from executives¡¦ attitude and leadership style on business greening and how the human resource department participate greening. Case study method was using in this research. By taking with 7 entrepreneurs remarkable in greening, after analysis, there are 7 issues found in this study. 1.Four business greening strategies: there are energy saving and carbon emission reduction strategy, innovative strategy, stakeholders response strategy and blue ocean strategy to create business sustainable value. 2.The executives¡¦environmental attitudes have the positive effects on business greening strategy and sustainable value. 3.The leadership style of CEO effects business sustainable value. 4.Under the strategy of energy saving and carbon emission reduction, the policies of human resource are encouraging all employees take part and building the mechanism of employees participate, combining with rewarding system. These give the positive effects on business sustainable value. 5.Under the strategy of innovation, human resource policies are emphasizing on recruitment and training, creating an innovative atmosphere in organization and inspiring innovation by team work. These give the positive effects on business sustainable value. 6.Under the stakeholder response strategy, human resource policies are stressing on fairness, building up a tight relationship between employers and employees and setting up bi-directional communication. These give the positive effects on business sustainable value. 7.Under the blue ocean strategy, human resource policies should emphasize on investing critical technological talents and obtaining. These give the positive effects on business sustainable value.

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