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Fluctuations non-linéaires dans les gaz quantiques à deux composantes / Nonlinear fluctuations in two-component quantum gasesCongy, Thibault 29 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude des fluctuations non-linéaires dans les condensats de Bose-Einstein à deux composantes. On présente dans le premier chapitre la dynamique de champ moyen des condensats à deux composantes et les différents phénomènes typiques associés au degré de liberté spinoriel. Dans ce même chapitre, on montre que la dynamique des excitations se sépare en deux modes distincts : un mode dit de densité correspondant au mouvement global des atomes à l'intérieur du condensat et un mode dit de polarisation correspondant à la dynamique relative entre les deux espèces constituant le condensat. Ce calcul est généralisé dans le deuxième chapitre où l'on montre que le mode de polarisation persiste en présence d'un couplage cohérent entre les deux composantes. En particulier on analyse la stabilité modulationnelle du mode en déterminant, à l'aide d'une analyse multi-échelle, la dynamique des excitations non-linéaires. On montre alors que les excitations de polarisation, au contraire des excitations de densité, souffrent d'une instabilité de Benjamin-Feir. Cette instabilité est stabilisée aux grandes impulsions par une résonance onde longue - onde courte. Enfin dans le dernier chapitre, on dérive de façon non-perturbative la dynamique de polarisation proche de la limite de Manakov, dynamique quise révèle être régie par une équation de Landau-Lifshitz sans dissipation. Les équations de Landau-Lifshitz appartiennent à une hiérarchie d'équations intégrables (hiérarchie Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur) et on étudie les solutions à une phase à l'aide de la méthode d'intégration finite-gap ; on détermine notamment à l'aide de cette méthode un nouveau type de soliton pour les condensats à deux composantes. Finalement, profitant de l'intégrabilité du système, on résout le problème de Riemann à l'aide de la théorie de modulation de Whitham et on montre que les condensats à deux composantes peuvent propager des ondes de raréfaction ainsi que des ondes de choc dispersives ; on décrit notamment la modulation de ces ondes de choc par la propagation d'ondes simples et d'ondes de contact d'invariants de Riemann. / This thesis is devoted to the study of nonlinear fluctuations in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. In the first chapter we derive the mean field dynamics of two-component condensates and we present the distinctive phenomena associated to the spinorial degree of freedom. In the same chapter, we show that the dynamics of the excitations is divided in two distinct modes: a so-called density mode which corresponds to the global motion of the atoms, and a so-called polarization mode which corresponds to the relative motion between the two species composing the condensate. The computation is generalized in the second chapter in which we demonstrate that the polarization mode remains in presence of a coherent coupling between the two components. In particular we study the modulational stability of the mode and we determine through a multi-scaling analysis the dynamics of non-linear excitations. We show that the excitations of polarization undergo a Benjamin-Feir instability contrary to the density excitations. This instability is then stabilized in the short wavelength regime by a long wave - short wave resonance. Finally in the last chapter, we derive in a non-perturbative way the polarisation dynamics close the Manakov limit.In this limit, the dynamics proves to be governed by a Landau-Lifshitz equation without dissipation. Landau-Lifshitz equations belong to a hierarchy of integrable equations (Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur hierarchy) and we derive the single-phase solutions thanks to the finite-gap method; in particular we identify a new type of soliton for the two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. Finally, taking advantage of the integrability of the system, we solve the Riemann problem thanks to the Whitham modulation theory and we show that the two-component condensates can propagate rarefaction waves as well as dispersive shockwaves; we describe the modulation of the shockwaves by the propagation of simple waves and contact waves of Riemann invariants.
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Vyrovnání provozních dat v energetických procesech / Data reconciliation of energy processesNováček, Adam January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on problem data reconciliation of measurements. The objective of this thesis was reconciled measured value from electric drum dryer to suit exactly to the mathematical model of drying. For solution was used nonlinear data reconciliation with constrained nonlinear optimization. The entire calculation is processed in programme MATLAB and outputs are graphs of reconciled values of measurement on dryer such as inlet and outlet temperature and humidity, differential pressure of exhaust moisture air, weight of laundry, atmospheric pressure and electric supply. Achieved solution can by characterized by an amount of evaporated water. Weight of wet and dry laundry are 27,7 kg a 17,7 kg. The calculated amount of evaporated water from measurements was almost 18,8 kg. With reconciled measurements it was 9,7 kg. Goals of the thesis were found more realistic values.
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„Zeichen eines persönlich aneinander gebundenen Strebens“ : Zur Dialogizität bei Franz Kafka, Michail Bachtin und Otto GrossRödholm Siegrist, Helena January 2019 (has links)
Dieser Aufsatz verfolgt drei Linien, die sich ineinander verweben. Erstens bilden Michail M. Bachtins Begriffe ‚Außerhalbbefindlichkeit‘, ‚Dialogizität‘, ‚Polyphonie‘ und ‚Intertextualität‘ wie auch einige von Bachtin beschriebenen genretypischen Romanhelden den Ausgangspunkt für Überlegungen zu Franz Kafkas Texten Der Heizer, Das Urteil, Die Verwandlung und Brief an den Vater sowie zu Briefen und Tagebuchaufzeichnungen. Es handelt sich dabei um Untersuchungen zu dem Themenkomplex ‚Macht, Schuld und Liebe‘. Zweitens wird Franz Kafkas Kritik gegen die bürgerliche Moral und das patriarchalische Machtstreben geschildert. In diesem Zusammenhang wird der Psychoanalytiker Otto Gross präsentiert. Franz Kafkas Beziehung zu Otto Gross und die Rolle Kafkas im Kontext der Psychoanalyse werden beleuchtet. Zudem werden Franz Kafkas Neugestaltung der persönlichen Beziehungen und sein Eintreten für eine freiheitliche Pädagogik beschrieben. Drittens wird, ausgehend von Franz Kafkas Lesen von Texten von Franz Werfel und Jonathan Swift, wie auch von seiner Begegnung mit dem Dadaisten Raoul Hausmann, über Kafkas Einstellung zum Lesen und Schreiben und über seine dialogische Praxis reflektiert. Bei diesem Gewebe, das auch Bezüge zur Nachkriegszeit beinhaltet, wird deutlich, dass sich Bachtin und Kafka in einem gemeinsamen europäisch-russischen Kontext bewegt haben, und dass Franz Kafkas Literaturverständnis auffallende Ähnlichkeiten mit Michail Bachtins Theorien aufweist. Innerhalb von diesem Kontext haben sich Kafka, Bachtin und Gross für eine Kultur eingesetzt, welche die autoritären, monologischen Machtstrukturen unterwandert, indem sie freiheitliche Beziehungen und dialogische Literatur gestaltet.
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The Schrödinger functional for Gross-Neveu modelsLeder, Björn 25 July 2007 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden Gross-Neveu Modelle mit einer endlichen Anzahl von Fermiontypen auf einem zweidimensionalen Euklidischen Raumzeitgitter betrachtet. Modelle dieses Typs sind asymptotisch frei und invariant unter einer chiralen Symmetrie. Aufgrund dieser Gemeinsamkeiten mit QCD sind sie sehr gut geeignet als Testumgebungen für Fermionwirkungen die in großangelegten Gitter-QCD-Rechnungen benutzt werden. Das Schrödinger Funktional für die Gross-Neveu Modelle wird definiert für Wilson und Ginsparg-Wilson Fermionen. In 1-Schleifenstörungstheorie wird seine Renormierbarkeit gezeigt. Die Vier-Fermionwechselwirkungen der Gross-Neveu Modelle habe dimensionslose Kopplungskonstanten in zwei Dimensionen. Die Symmetrieeigenschaften der Vier-Fermionwechselwirkungen und deren Beziehungen untereinander werden diskutiert. Im Fall von Wilson Fermionen ist die chirale Symmetrie explizit gebrochen und zusätzliche Terme müssen in die Wirkung aufgenommen werden. Die chirale Symmetrie wird durch das Einstellen der nackten Masse und einer der Kopplungen bis auf Cut-off-Effekte wiederhergestellt. Die kritische Masse und die symmetriewiederherstellende Kopplung werden bis zur zweiten Ordnung in Gitterstörungstheorie berechnet. Dieses Resultat wird in der 1-Schleifenberechnung der renormierten Kopplungen und der zugehörigen Betafunktionen benutzt. Die renormierten Kopplungen werden definiert mit Hilfe von geeignete Rand-Rand-Korrelatoren. Die Rechnung reproduziert die bekannten führenden Koeffizienten der Betafunktionen. Eine der Kopplungen hat eine verschwindende Betafunktion. Die Rechnung wird mit dem vor kurzem vorgeschlagenen Schrödinger Funktional mit exakter chiraler Symmetrie, also Ginsparg Wilson Fermionen, wiederholt. Es werden die gleichen Divergenzen gefunden, wie im Fall von Wilson Fermionen. Unter Benutzung des regularisierungsabhängigen, endlichen Teils der renormierten Kopplungen werden die Verhältnisse der Lambda-Parameter bestimmt. / Gross-Neveu type models with a finite number of fermion flavours are studied on a two-dimensional Euclidean space-time lattice. The models are asymptotically free and are invariant under a chiral symmetry. These similarities to QCD make them perfect benchmark systems for fermion actions used in large scale lattice QCD computations. The Schrödinger functional for the Gross-Neveu models is defined for both, Wilson and Ginsparg-Wilson fermions, and shown to be renormalisable in 1-loop lattice perturbation theory. In two dimensions four fermion interactions of the Gross-Neveu models have dimensionless coupling constants. The symmetry properties of the four fermion interaction terms and the relations among them are discussed. For Wilson fermions chiral symmetry is explicitly broken and additional terms must be included in the action. Chiral symmetry is restored up to cut-off effects by tuning the bare mass and one of the couplings. The critical mass and the symmetry restoring coupling are computed to second order in lattice perturbation theory. This result is used in the 1-loop computation of the renormalised couplings and the associated beta-functions. The renormalised couplings are defined in terms of suitable boundary-to-boundary correlation functions. In the computation the known first order coefficients of the beta-functions are reproduced. One of the couplings is found to have a vanishing beta-function. The calculation is repeated for the recently proposed Schrödinger functional with exact chiral symmetry, i.e. Ginsparg-Wilson fermions. The renormalisation pattern is found to be the same as in the Wilson case. Using the regularisation dependent finite part of the renormalised couplings, the ratio of the Lambda-parameters is computed.
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The use of classification methods for gross error detection in process dataGerber, Egardt 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: All process measurements contain some element of error. Typically, a distinction is made between
random errors, with zero expected value, and gross errors with non-zero magnitude. Data Reconciliation
(DR) and Gross Error Detection (GED) comprise a collection of techniques designed to attenuate
measurement errors in process data in order to reduce the effect of the errors on subsequent use of the
data. DR proceeds by finding the optimum adjustments so that reconciled measurement data satisfy
imposed process constraints, such as material and energy balances. The DR solution is optimal under
the assumed statistical random error model, typically Gaussian with zero mean and known covariance.
The presence of outliers and gross errors in the measurements or imposed process constraints invalidates
the assumptions underlying DR, so that the DR solution may become biased. GED is required to detect,
identify and remove or otherwise compensate for the gross errors. Typically GED relies on formal
hypothesis testing of constraint residuals or measurement adjustment-based statistics derived from the
assumed random error statistical model.
Classification methodologies are methods by which observations are classified as belonging to one of
several possible groups. For the GED problem, artificial neural networks (ANN’s) have been applied
historically to resolve the classification of a data set as either containing or not containing a gross error.
The hypothesis investigated in this thesis is that classification methodologies, specifically classification
trees (CT) and linear or quadratic classification functions (LCF, QCF), may provide an alternative to the
classical GED techniques.
This hypothesis is tested via the modelling of a simple steady-state process unit with associated
simulated process measurements. DR is performed on the simulated process measurements in order to
satisfy one linear and two nonlinear material conservation constraints. Selected features from the DR
procedure and process constraints are incorporated into two separate input vectors for classifier
construction. The performance of the classification methodologies developed on each input vector is
compared with the classical measurement test in order to address the posed hypothesis.
General trends in the results are as follows: - The power to detect and/or identify a gross error is a strong function of the gross error magnitude
as well as location for all the classification methodologies as well as the measurement test.
- For some locations there exist large differences between the power to detect a gross error and the
power to identify it correctly. This is consistent over all the classifiers and their associated
measurement tests, and indicates significant smearing of gross errors.
- In general, the classification methodologies have higher power for equivalent type I error than
the measurement test.
- The measurement test is superior for small magnitude gross errors, and for specific locations,
depending on which classification methodology it is compared with.
There is significant scope to extend the work to more complex processes and constraints, including
dynamic processes with multiple gross errors in the system. Further investigation into the optimal
selection of input vector elements for the classification methodologies is also required. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alle prosesmetings bevat ʼn sekere mate van metingsfoute. Die fout-element van ʼn prosesmeting word
dikwels uitgedruk as bestaande uit ʼn ewekansige fout met nul verwagte waarde, asook ʼn nie-ewekansige
fout met ʼn beduidende grootte. Data Rekonsiliasie (DR) en Fout Opsporing (FO) is ʼn versameling van
tegnieke met die doelwit om die effek van sulke foute in prosesdata op die daaropvolgende aanwending
van die data te verminder. DR word uitgevoer deur die optimale veranderinge aan die oorspronklike
prosesmetings aan te bring sodat die aangepaste metings sekere prosesmodelle gehoorsaam, tipies
massa- en energie-balanse. Die DR-oplossing is optimaal, mits die statistiese aannames rakende die
ewekansige fout-element in die prosesdata geldig is. Dit word tipies aanvaar dat die fout-element
normaal verdeel is, met nul verwagte waarde, en ʼn gegewe kovariansie matriks.
Wanneer nie-ewekansige foute in die data teenwoordig is, kan die resultate van DR sydig wees. FO is
daarom nodig om nie-ewekansige foute te vind (Deteksie) en te identifiseer (Identifikasie). FO maak
gewoonlik staat op die statistiese eienskappe van die meting aanpassings wat gemaak word deur die DR
prosedure, of die afwykingsverskil van die model vergelykings, om formele hipoteses rakende die
teenwoordigheid van nie-ewekansige foute te toets.
Klassifikasie tegnieke word gebruik om die klasverwantskap van observasies te bepaal. Rakende die FO
probleem, is sintetiese neurale netwerke (SNN) histories aangewend om die Deteksie en Identifikasie
probleme op te los. Die hipotese van hierdie tesis is dat klassifikasie tegnieke, spesifiek klassifikasiebome
(CT) en lineêre asook kwadratiese klassifikasie funksies (LCF en QCF), suksesvol aangewend
kan word om die FO probleem op te los.
Die hipotese word ondersoek deur middel van ʼn simulasie rondom ʼn eenvoudige gestadigde toestand
proses-eenheid wat aan een lineêre en twee nie-lineêre vergelykings onderhewig is. Kunsmatige
prosesmetings word geskep met behulp van lukrake syfers sodat die foutkomponent van elke
prosesmeting bekend is. DR word toegepas op die kunsmatige data, en die DR resultate word gebruik
om twee verskillende insetvektore vir die klassifikasie tegnieke te skep. Die prestasie van die
klassifikasie metodes word vergelyk met die metingstoets van klassieke FO ten einde die gestelde
hipotese te beantwoord. Die onderliggende tendense in die resultate is soos volg:
- Die vermoë om ‘n nie-ewekansige fout op te spoor en te identifiseer is sterk afhanklik van die
grootte asook die ligging van die fout vir al die klassifikasie tegnieke sowel as die metingstoets.
- Vir sekere liggings van die nie-ewekansige fout is daar ‘n groot verskil tussen die vermoë om die
fout op te spoor, en die vermoë om die fout te identifiseer, wat dui op smering van die fout. Al
die klassifikasie tegnieke asook die metingstoets baar hierdie eienskap.
- Oor die algemeen toon die klassifikasie metodes groter sukses as die metingstoets.
- Die metingstoets is meer suksesvol vir relatief klein nie-ewekansige foute, asook vir sekere
liggings van die nie-ewekansige fout, afhangende van die klassifikasie tegniek ter sprake.
Daar is verskeie maniere om die bestek van hierdie ondersoek uit te brei. Meer komplekse, niegestadigde
prosesse met sterk nie-lineêre prosesmodelle en meervuldige nie-ewekansige foute kan
ondersoek word. Die moontlikheid bestaan ook om die prestasie van klassifikasie metodes te verbeter
deur die gepaste keuse van insetvektor elemente.
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Quality Investing: Combining the Gross Profitability with the Free Cash Flow Yield / Quality Investing: Combining the Gross Profitability with the Free Cash Flow YieldDopita, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examined the predictive power of different strategies for future stock returns. The analysis was conducted using a data sample of 3976 firms traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ during a 29 year time horizon, from July 1986 to June 2015. Predictive powers of different strategies were also tested during three sub-periods and during bull and bear markets using both long-only and long/short portfolios to check whether the predictive power is robust. It was found that the FCF yield is a better indicator of future stock returns than the gross profitability. The difference between average monthly returns was significant during all tested time periods and market situations using both long-only and long/short portfolios. The newly introduced FCF profitable value strategy proved to be a better predictor of future stock returns than the profitable value strategy. The FCF profitable value strategy presents also an improvement over the FCF yield strategy. It was found that the FCF profitable value has a better predictive power for future stock returns than the FCF yield at least during some time periods or market situations. JEL Classification G11, G14, G15, G17 Keywords value investing, quality investing, gross profitability, free cash flow yield Author's e-mail...
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Centrální koordinační porucha - literární rešerše / Developmental coordination disorder - literature reviewKosová, Blanka January 2015 (has links)
Title: Developmental coordination disorder - literature review Objectives: The theoretical part talks about developmental coordination disorder, its diagnosis, investigations, etiology and division during the different ages of the child. The practical part compares the studies relating to atypical development of motor skills in children with developmental coordination disorder. In diploma thesis was often used shortcut CKP and DCD, depending on the source from which it was drawn. DCD is the English equivalent of the shortcut CKP. Methods: This diploma thesis has both descriptively - analytical character. It will be treated as a literature review. Results: On the basis of the researched literary sources, this thesis provides a comprehensive picture on the topic of developmental coordination disorder. This thesis evaluated the atypical motor skills in school and preschool age children with developmental coordination disorder from the perspective of different authors. It has been found, which diagnostic procedures are used and which difficulties are most limiting for the children. Keywords: developmental coordination disorder, fine motor skills, hand function, gross motor skills
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Ovlivnění hrubé a jemné motoriky jedince po požití alkoholu / The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Gross and Fine Motor Skills of IndividualsPurchartová, Dana January 2015 (has links)
Title: The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Gross and Fine Motor Skills of Individuals Objectives of the thesis: The main objective of my thesis is to assess an immediate effect of alcohol on selected tasks from the area of fine and gross motor skills. First identified were the average values for selected tests in sober individuals, and then the values with an increasing level of alcohol in blood. The second objective is to differentiate whether or not are fine and gross motor skills affected upon the same alcohol level in blood. Methods: The required data were obtained on the basis of experimental measurements on 12 probands (6 women and 6 men) who were tested for fine motor skills using three non- standardized tests modified or created for the purpose of this experiment: threading beads on a string, unlocking locks and dropping coins to a moneybox. Gross motor skills were tested using stabilometric platform in a standing position with legs together and with open eyes for 30 seconds. The observed parameter in the fine motor skills test was the time, while in the stability test it was the track of COP; each fine motor skills test was performed three times in each round. In the second and in each subsequent round every proband was administered 0.3 g of alcohol per kg of weight. The total number of...
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Hospodársky cyklus Slovenska 1993-2009 / Business cycle in Slovakia 1993-2009Lipka, Vladimír January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with monitoring and analysis of the economic cycle in Slovakia between 1993 - 2009. Its aim was to assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policies on the economic cycle. Both policies should cooperate with each other and create a favorable environment for economic development. The goal of the monetary policy should be securing currency stability. The fiscal policy should aim for stable development in public finance. The thesis consists of five parts, which intersect each other. The first part explains the theoretical foundations of the economic cycles. It is followed by a chapter, in which different Slovak economy phases of the economic cycle are analyzed, with the help of indicators of internal and external balance, demand and supply side of GDP and indicators of monetary conditions. Work also includes an assessment of Slovakia's entry into the EMU in terms of revenues and expenses. This part is also focused on the process of nominal and real convergence of the Slovak economy before adopting Euro. The penultimate part of this thesis deals with a comparison of business cycles of V4 countries. The conclusion is focused on forecasting the economic development of the Slovak economy in 2011.
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Could confidence predict households’ debt growth?Hübbert, Alexander, Lindström, Linda January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyses if households’ confidence could be a significant variable to predicthouseholds’ debt growth in Sweden. Households’ debts have an important role in thefinancial system where the vulnerability of households’ debts has increased over time.To test whether households’ confidence is a significant variable for the prediction ofhouseholds’ debt growth in Sweden, an econometric model with the households’ debtchange as the dependent variable and the changes in the repo rate, unemployment, grossdomestic product and consumer confidence index as independent variables was used.Consumer confidence index was used as a proxy variable for households’ confidence.It was lagged by one time period in order to quantify if consumer confidence indexcould, with previous value, predict the households’ debt growth. The result showed thatthe households’ confidence was not significant to predict the households’ debt growth. / Denna uppsats har analyserat om hushållens förtroende är en signifikant variabel för attförutse hushållens skuldtillväxt i Sverige. De svenska hushållens skulder har ensignifikant betydelse för den svenska ekonomin. Men sårbarheten för dessa skulder harökat med tiden. För att testa om hushållens förtroende är en signifikant variabel för attförutse hushållens skuldtillväxt i Sverige har en ekonometrisk modell med förändringeni hushållens skulder som en beroende variabel och förändringen i reporäntan,arbetslöshet, bruttonationalprodukten och konsumentförtroendeindex som oberoendevariabler. Konsumentförtroendeindex användes som en ersättare för att mäta hushållensförtroende används. Den var fördröjd med en tidsperiod för att kunna testa omhushållens föregående uppfattningar påverkade framtida skuldtillväxt för hushållen.Resultaten från regressionsanalysen antyder på att hushållens förtroende inte är ensignifikant variabel för att kunna förutse hushållens skuldtillväxt.
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