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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Der Schulddiskurs in der frühen Nachkriegszeit ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des sprachlichen Umbruchs nach 1945

Kämper, Heidrun January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Mannheim, Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2005

Die strafrechtliche Dogmatik von Vorbereitung, Versuch und Rücktritt im europäischen Vergleich unter Einbeziehung der aktuellen Entwicklungen zur "Europäisierung" des Strafrechts

Brockhaus, Matthias January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Potsdam, Univ., Diss., 2006

Posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in combat veterans within group based exposure therapy treatment a correlation between grief and guilt? : a project based upon an investigation at Atlanta Veterans Administration Medical Center, Atlantic, Ga. /

Richter, Erin Hamilton. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--Smith College School for Social Work, Northampton, Mass., 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 39-40).

Mäns attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet i arbetslivet och förekomsten av mäns kollektiva skuld gentemot kvinnor.

Oliver, Langenberg, Albin, Andersson January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvantitativa studie var att kartlägga förekomsten av mäns kollektiva skuld gentemot kvinnor i arbetslivet och dess eventuella samvarians med mäns attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet på arbetsplatsen. Även skillnader i kollektiv skuld och attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet mellan unga (18–41 år) och äldre (42–65 år) män undersöktes. En enkät delades ut till manliga anställda på ett internationellt telekombolag. Enkäten bestod av frågor översatta från Branscombe Collective Guilt Scale (BCGS) som mätte grad av kollektiv skuld samt frågor från Men´s Polarized Gender Thinking Questionnaire (MPGQ) som mätte mäns attityd till könsbaserad ojämlikhet på arbetsplatsen. Resultatet visade att kollektiv skuld hos män förekommer. En signifikant korrelation uppmättes mellan MPGQ och BCGS. Unga män rapporterade signifikant högre grad av kollektiv skuld jämfört med äldre män. Ingen signifikant skillnad uppmättes i attityd mellan grupperna. Denna studie belyser förekomsten av kollektiv skuld, dess koppling till attityd samt ålders inverkan på kollektiv skuld. / The purpose of this study was to examine the occurrence of collective guilt among men against women in working life and its possible correlation with men's attitude towards gender-based inequality at the workplace. Differences in collective guilt and attitude towards gender-based inequality between young (18-41 years) and elder (42-65 years) men was studied. A survey was distributed to an international telecom company. The survey was based on the Branscombe Colletive Guilt Scale (BCGS) which measured the level of collective guilt and the Men´s Polarized Gender Thinking Questionnaire (MPGQ) which measured men's attitude towards gender-based inequality in the workplace. The result demonstrated that collective guilt in men occurred. A significant correlation was measured between MPGQ and BCGS. Young men reported significantly higher levels of collective guilt compared to older men. This study illustrates the existence of collective guilt, its link to attitude, as well as the age's impact on collective guilt.

“Subjetivicing the objectivity”. On purpose of the determination of customs infringements / “Subjetivando la objetividad”: A propósito de la determinación de las infracciones aduaneras

Guadalupe Báscones, Julio, Vargas Ginocchio, Enrique 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article addresses the issue referred to the sanctioning power of the State, which is exercised in two areas (penal and administrative) derived from a single power that allows the State to repress behaviors considered harmful to the development of society. Likewise, the authors have analyzed the Administrative General Procedure Law, where it has been clearly established that all sanctioning administrative procedure should apply the basic principles that protect the rights of the citizens. In this way, the State must apply the principle of guilt, principles of causation, presumption of innocence, among others, to judge customs infringements. / El presente artículo aborda la temática referida al poder sancionador del Estado, el cual es ejercido en dos ámbitos (penal y administrativo) derivados de una única potestad (ius puniendi) que le permite reprimir conductas consideradas nocivas para el desarrollo de la sociedad. Asimismo, se analiza la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General donde se ha establecido con claridad que en todo procedimiento administrativo sancionador se deben aplicar los principios básicos que tutelan los derechos de los administrados. De esta forma, se deberá aplicar el principio de culpabilidad, principios de causalidad, presunción de inocencia, entre otros, para juzgar las infracciones aduaneras.

Hannah Arendtová a její pojetí banality zla / Hannah Arendt and her concept banality of Evil

WERNEROVÁ, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the concept of the banality of evil philosopher Hannah Arendt Along with other interpretations of the notion of evil. This work aims to introduce the concept of the banality of evil take Adolf Eichmann Nazi criminals Which Mel trial in Jerusalem, on the basis of Arendt created already mentioned the term banality of evil. Further more, the work tasked to introduce more starting positions on the question of evil. The work also focuses Another controversial idea of Jewish elites Collaboration with the Nazis. At work I have stated several perspectives on this issue and presented the views of opponents Arendt. The works appear as philosophical Thus sociological and psychological perspectives on the question of evil. To support the thesis of the banality of evil, I introduced the psychological experiments that partially confirmed the concept of Hannah Arendt.

Téma viny v české próze 60. let 20. století / The theme of guilt in Czech prose of the 1960s

HOUZIMOVÁ, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the theme of guilt in the particular texts edited in the 1960s. The theme is followed with regard to the phenomena of holocaust, transfer of Sudeten Germans, collaboration and communist regime. The ties between actual and fictional world are among others considered with a view to refer to the unique character of totalitarian regimes. One of the aims is to find out parallels between the Nazi and the Communist regime and the interface of their ideologies in terms of analysis, comparison and interpretation of the texts. Simultaneously, the narrative discourse is considered within context of the influence it has got upon the interpretation of guilt. The guilt itself is surveyed with regard to the philosophy of existentialism which contributes to the specification of possible ways of defining the particular offences and their evaluation, and at the same time helps to open new ways of discussion about guilt and possibilities of staying innocent as the significant phenomena not only in the realm of the literature of the 1960s.

Fenomén viny a odpuštění z pohledu svépomocné skupiny anonymních alkoholiků vybraného okresního města / The Phenomenon of Guilt and Forgiveness from the Point of View of a Self-supporting Group of Alcoholics Anonymous in the Chosen District Town

ŽILÁKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis introduces perception of guilt and sin in the Bible, in Christian tradition and in contemporary moral theology. It emphasizes that in the mentioned periods both phenomena belonged in the common talk and to the elemental moral concepts. It deals with perception of guilt (sin) and forgiveness at present and it does not omit the findings of empirical sciences. It takes into consideration the facts which led to the loss or deformation of awareness of both phenomena in the society in general. In practice it conducts the survey of the possible idea of the contemporary state of awareness of guilt and forgiveness and relates it to the specific group of Anonymous Alcoholics.

O que é pedofilia e quem é o pedófilo?

Vanessa Carneiro Bandeira de Carvalho 18 May 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente estudo teve como objetivo primordial investigar as representações que os pedófilos possuem sobre si e suas vítimas. Para tanto, interrogamo-nos em que medida houve ou não a instauração do sentimento de culpa. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, com base no referencial teórico da psicanálise; ao mesmo tempo, outras perspectivas teóricas, como a psiquiatria, neurologia, psicologia e direito, também foram utilizadas para enriquecer as discussões. A pesquisa contou com a participação de três indivíduos, um acusado e dois sentenciados pelo crime de pedofilia. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach, aplicado e analisado de acordo com Cícero Vaz, e um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado. A dissertação está dividida em três artigos, sendo um teórico e dois empíricos. O primeiro consta de uma retrospectiva histórica sobre a temática da pedofilia. Salientamos o trabalho da CPI da Pedofilia, como também a inexistência de ações públicas direcionadas ao tratamento dos pedófilos. O segundo abordou um dos participantes, no qual foi observada a existência do sentimento de culpa. Desse modo, foi indagado em que medida o sentimento de culpa, quando transformado em responsabilização, poderia ser um fator de favorecimento no processo de ressocialização. No terceiro, foram abordados os outros dois casos nos quais investigamos as peculiaridades de cada um. Os resultados mostram que não foi encontrada uma marca ou perfil segundo o qual possamos definir o que é o pedófilo, ou seja, não encontramos uma configuração subjetiva específica entre aqueles que são acusados e/ou condenados por abuso sexual tal qual aparece nas definições clínicas psiquiátricas / This study had as aim to investigate pedophiles representations about themselves and their victims. In this way, we question whether there was or not an instauration of the guilt feeling. A qualitative method was used based on psychoanalysis and other theoretical references, such as psychiatry, neurology, psychology and law, which contributed to enrich discussion. Three people participated in the research, one accused and two condemned for pedophilia. The Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test, under Cícero Vazs perspective, and a semi-structured interview were used. The research is divided into three papers, one theoretical and two empirical ones. The first paper is a historical retrospective on pedophilia. We highlight the work of the Pedophilia CPI, as well as the lack of public actions for this matter. The second paper regards one of the participants, in whom the guilt feeling was observed. In this way, we question to what extent the guilt feeling, when transformed in accountability, could favor the process of resocialization. The other two cases were studied in the third paper, in which we investigate the functioning of the denial mechanism. Results show that there is no mark or profile to define what is a pedophile, in other words, we have not found a specific subjective configuration among those who are accused and/or condemned by sexual abuse, such as it appears in clinical classical definitions

A integração da culpa e do risco na responsabilidade civil dos acidentes de trabalho / The integration of guilt and risk in civil liability of work-related accidents

Luciana Estevan Cruz de Oliveira 06 May 2013 (has links)
A ordem jurídica estabelece normas de proteção à saúde e ao meio ambiente do trabalho que impõe deveres aos empregadores e, por outro lado, conferem direitos subjetivos aos trabalhadores a um ambiente laboral salubre. A falha nessa rede protetiva enseja o acidente do trabalho, que é um evento, súbito ou paulatino, que causa danos morais e patrimoniais à saúde do trabalhador, sendo decorrente do próprio exercício da atividade profissional. A responsabilidade por esses acidentes trilhou uma evolução desde a perseguição da culpa até sua desconsideração e direcionamento pelo risco. O desequilíbrio provocado pelos acidentes do trabalho fez com que o próprio Estado garantisse o pagamento de um benefício de caráter alimentar aos trabalhadores mutilados, por meio do seguro social. Entretanto, devido à insuficiência desse pagamento pelo ente estatal, o empregado socorrese aos postulados do direito civil para complementar por inteiro sua indenização pelos prejuízos sofridos. A responsabilidade civil é, atualmente, sedimentada pelo descumprimento de deveres contratuais de segurança pelo empregador e o risco da atividade econômica, haja vista que o empregador que aufere as vantagens deve suportar os ônus. Em paralelismo à responsabilidade do Estado, a responsabilidade civil do empregador deverá ser garantida por seguro de natureza privada, pois a socialização dos riscos é imprescindível para a manutenção da paz social. Esse sistema misto de indenização dos prejuízos e pagamento de benefícios pelo Estado coaduna-se com o preceito constitucional que determina que a cobertura de acidente de trabalho seja feita, concorrentemente, tanto pela previdência social quanto pelo setor privado. Além disso, o artigo 7º, inciso XXVIII, da Constituição confere um direito aos trabalhadores de ter realizado o seguro, público e privado, por seu empregador. Esse seguro, todavia, não pode ser válvula de escape para o empregador desrespeitar as normas ambientais. A fim de garantir a prevenção ambiental, a ordem jurídica tem um mecanismo de defesa que é o direito regressivo conferido ao INSS e à seguradora, sozinha ou em conjunto com a União, de reaver os valores pagos em caso de dolo ou culpa do empregador. Portanto, a culpa e o risco integram-se na responsabilidade civil dos acidentes do trabalho. / The juridical order establishes health and work environment protection norms which impose obligations on employers and, at the same time, confer workers subjective rights to a healthy work environment. Any failure in this protective net leads to work-related accident, which may be a sudden or gradual event that causes moral and patrimonial damages to the workers health, once it is a result of his/her own professional activity. Responsibility for these accidents evolved from criminal liability to nonconsideration and direction by risk. The unbalance created by these work-related accidents led the State to guarantee food benefits to mutilated workers through social security. However, due to insufficient payment by the state agency, the worker relies on his civil rights postulates to complement his/her indemnization for the suffered damages. Currently, civil liability is based on the non-compliance with safety contract terms by the employer and the economic activity risk, considering that the employer that offers advantages must bear the onus. Alongside with the State liability, employers civil liability must be safeguarded by private insurance, since risk socialization is indispensable to maintain social peace. This mixed system of damages indemnization and State benefits agrees with the constitutional precept which determines that work-related accidents coverage is made, concurrently, by the social security as well as by the private sector. In addition, article 7, subsection XXVIII, from the Constitution confers workers the right of insurance, public and private, by his/her employer. This insurance, however, is not an excuse for employers to break environmental rules. To guarantee environmental protection, the juridical order has a defense mechanism which is the regressive right conferred to the INSS and the insurance company, alone or together with the Union , of getting back the values paid in case of employers misconduct or guilt. Thus, guilt and risk are integrated in work-related civil liability.

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