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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of moral cognition and emotions in remitted major depressive disorder

Workman, Clifford January 2016 (has links)
Background: The aim of this thesis was to investigate the relationship of moral cognition and emotions to the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder (MDD). Patients with MDD may experience excessive guilt or self-blaming biases despite recovery from the depressed state. Since guilt is a moral emotion thought to motivate altruistic behaviours, it has been hypothesized that elevated self-blame in MDD may result in pathological increases to altruism in some patients. The relationship of self-blame to altruistic choices in individuals with remitted MDD (rMDD), however, has not been established. Guilt has been shown to activate the subgenual cingulate and adjacent septal region (SCSR) which is of known importance to the pathophysiology of MDD. Since MDD is thought to arise from network-level dysfunctions, and moral cognition and emotions are hypothesized to emerge from network-level binding, investigating resting-state SCSR functional connectivity in rMDD patients and healthy control (HC) participants could reveal networks of potential relevance both to MDD and to moral cognition and emotions. Chapter 2: We investigated whether melancholic rMDD patients could be distinguished from non-melancholic and HC groups on the basis of resting-state functional connectivity to an SCSR seed region. Lower SCSR-amygdala connectivity distinguished the melancholic rMDD group from non-melancholic and HC groups. Chapter 3: We investigated whether patients who remained resilient to recurring depressive episodes were distinguishable from recurring episode MDD and HC groups on the basis of resting-state connectivity to an SCSR seed region. Lower interhemispheric SCSR connectivity distinguished the resilient MDD patients from the recurring episode MDD and HC groups. Chapter 4: We measured explicit and implicit preferences for social options with and without altruistic motivations relative to selfish options in the rMDD and HC groups during emotion priming to modulate feelings of guilt. The rMDD patients explicitly preferred prosocial options (i.e., social options and altruism directed towards friends or colleagues) less than HC participants. Regardless of group, guilt priming increased explicit and implicit preferences for altruism towards strangers. Chapter 5: We investigated whether explicit and/or implicit preferences for prosocial options during guilt priming were correlated with resting-state connectivity to an SCSR seed region, and whether this relationship could distinguish the rMDD and HC groups. Across all participants, implicit prosocial choice preference negatively correlated with connectivity between the SCSR and right temporoparietal junction (TPJ). The relationship of SCSR-TPJ connectivity to implicit preferences for social options and for altruism towards friends and colleagues was weaker in the rMDD group compared to the HC group, particularly for implicit altruism. Conclusions: We identified resting-state SCSR networks associated with vulnerability to melancholia and with resilience to recurring depressive episodes. Patients with rMDD explicitly preferred options entailing social withdrawal, a symptom associated with MDD vulnerability. Irrespective of group, guilt motivated altruism towards strangers but not friends and colleagues. Implicit prosociality was negatively associated with connectivity in a social agency network, and the comparatively weak relationships between connectivity and implicit choice preferences in rMDD patients may reflect a vulnerability factor for MDD.

Le rôle du juge répressif dans les mesures pénales d'enfermement / Role of criminal judges in confinement measures

Pelletier, Laure 10 July 2015 (has links)
La thèse se propose d’aborder l’enfermement strictement pénal sous l’angle des pouvoirs du juge répressif. À partir du choix d’une classification binaire des mesures pénales d’enfermement, articulée autour du critère de culpabilité, deux mouvements distincts ont pu être identifiés. Tout d’abord, la première évolution porte sur le rôle du juge répressif dans l’enfermement qui se fonde sur le critère de culpabilité, autrement dit qui se justifie par la commission certaine de l’infraction pénale et qui vise principalement à punir son auteur. L’étude s’emploie à déterminer le degré de liberté qui est accordé au juge dans le processus de la peine d’enfermement. Sa souveraineté est sujette à une double mutation. Tandis qu’elle se trouve limitée dans le processus de recours à la peine d’enfermement, tantôt par le parquet, tantôt par le législateur, elle est au contraire pleinement consacrée lorsqu’il s’agit pour le juge d’adapter son exécution, de manière prépondérante au stade post-sentenciel et de manière plus ponctuelle au stade sentenciel. Ensuite, la seconde partie de la thèse tend à démontrer que le rôle du juge, dans le cadre de l’enfermement qui n’est pas la conséquence directe de la culpabilité, car ne remplissant pas une fonction essentiellement punitive, est en construction. L’étude distingue alors les mesures privatives de liberté pré-sentencielles, destinées au bon déroulement d’une procédure pénale, qualifiées d’ « enfermement procédural », de celles qui se fondent essentiellement sur la dangerosité de l’individu auquel elles s’appliquent, qualifiées d’« enfermement-sûreté ». Pour les premières, le rôle du juge semble être en quête d’équilibre, eu égard à l’impérieuse nécessité de concilier le respect de la présomption d’innocence et les nécessités de la détention comme ultima ratio, à travers la recherche permanente de la garantie judiciaire idéale. S’agissant des secondes, on assiste à l’émergence d’un rôle original, inédit, dépassant les frontières classiques du droit de punir. Pour preuve, depuis 2008, le juge peut, d’une part, tirer les conséquences juridiques de l’irresponsabilité pénale de l’auteur de l’infraction atteint d’un trouble mental et d’autre part, prononcer un nouvel enfermement à l’encontre d’une personne ayant déjà exécuté une première condamnation. Dans ces deux situations, le fondement de la dangerosité vient se substituer à la responsabilité pénale classique. En conclusion, à la charnière du droit de la peine et de la procédure pénale, cette étude se présente comme un essai de théorisation de l’évolution du rôle du juge répressif en matière d’enfermement et s’inscrit dans une réflexion plus globale sur l’office du juge au XXIème siècle. / The thesis proposes to apprehend the criminal confinement strictly in terms of the role of criminal court. From a binary classification of criminal confinement measures, centered around the culpability test, two separate movements could be identified. The first change concerns the role of the criminal court in confinement which is based on the criterion of guilt. The study then examines the freedom granted to it in the process of the sentence of imprisonment. It appears that the sovereignty of the judge is subject to a double mutation. While sovereignty appears weakened in the process of recourse to the death of confinement, due to authorities that exercise some influence on him, it is fully devoted to the contrary when it comes to the judge to adapt the execution of that sentence. This development questions more broadly about the meaning and the future of the office sanctioning the criminal courts.The second change concerns the judge's role in the custodial measures that stand in contrast to the foundation of guilt. The judge appears here under construction. The study then distinguishes the deprivation of liberty prior to sentencing, for the proper conduct of criminal proceedings, described as "entrapment-procedural ', those are mainly based on the dangerousness of the individual to whom they s'apply, described as "confinement-security". For the former, the role of the judge appears in search of balance, given the need to balance respect for the presumption of innocence and the needs of investigations. Regarding the second, we are seeing the emergence of an original role, unique, transcending the boundaries traditionally assigned.

Les enjeux psychiques de la relation d'aide entre l'aidant familial et son proche atteint de maladie d'Alzheimer ou de maladies apparentées, lorsque le patient vit à domicile / Psychic challenges of helping relationship between the caregiver and his relative with Alzheimer's disease or related diseases where the patient lives at home

Pierron, Géraldine 15 June 2015 (has links)
Si la littérature fait état des réticences des aidants familiaux, à demander de l'aide, leurs ressortspsychiques restent mal connus. Pourtant le sentiment de culpabilité a déjà été repéré, comme un obstacle à lademande d'aide de l'aidant, mais ce facteur a été peu exploré dans un axe de recherche. Cette rechercherepose sur l'hypothèse que le sentiment de culpabilité de l'aidant familial, représenterait le principal frein,susceptible d'empêcher sa demande d'aide et de soutien, face à la maladie d'Alzheimer ou à la maladieapparentée de son proche, lorsque le patient vit à domicile. Une sous-hypothèse vise à situer différemment lesentiment de culpabilité de l'aidant familial, selon sa position de conjoint, ou plus largement de descendant(enfant, belle-fille, gendre...), dans la relation d'aide. Pour tester cette hypothèse trente huit entretiens semidirectifsont été réalisés, et complétés par la passation des échelles d'attachement (RSQ), du caregiver(CRA), et de dépression (Beck).Cette recherche vise à expliciter les fondements, et les mécanismes du sentiment de culpabilité des aidantsfamiliaux, en l'articulant à la problématique de perte, qui est coeur de la maladie d'Alzheimer ou desmaladies apparentées. Elle apporte donc un éclairage nouveau sur le travail psychique de l'aidant familial,qui s'écarte de son seul abord sous l'angle du fardeau et de l'épuisement, pour l'envisager à la lumière dutravail du pré-deuil, qui apparaît comme la clé de voûte de la relation d'aide. Par conséquent, la recherchesuivra le cycle de la dépendance du patient, pour dégager à chacun de ses stades, les incidences de la pertedans l'espace psychique et intersubjectif chez l'aidant familial, selon la nature des liens d'attachementdéveloppés avec le patient, mais aussi avec le groupe familial. A partir de là, nous tenterons de relier leregistre principal d'élaboration de la perte, à un profil d'aidant singulier dans la relation d'aide, afin d'éclairerles liens entre ses manifestations de culpabilité, et sa demande d'aide. / If the litterature states reservations of the family caregivers, to ask for help, their psychic springsremain badly known. Nevertheless the sense of guilt was already located, as an obstacle at the request ofhelp, of the caregiver, but this factor was little explored in a research theme. This research bases on thehypothesis that the sense of guilt of the family caregiver, would represent the main brake, susceptible toprevent his request of help and support, in front of the Alzheimer's disease or the related disease, when thepatient lives at home. A sub-hypothesis aims at placing differently the sense of guilt of the familiy caregiver,according to its spouse's position, or more widely of descendant (child, son-in-law, daughter-in-law) in therelation of help. To test this hypothesis, thirty eight semi-directive conversations were realized andcompleted by the signing of the scales of attachment (RSQ), the caregiver (CRA), and depression (Beck).This research aims at clarifying foudations, and mechanisms of the sense of guilt of the family caregivers, byarticulating it in the problem of loss, which is heart of Alzheimer's disease or the related diseases. It thusgives a new perspective on the psychic work of the family caregiver, which deviates from its only accessunder the angle of the burden and the exhaustion, to envisage it in the light of the work of the pre-mourning,which appears at the keystone of the relation of help. Consequently, the research will follow the cycle of thedependence of the patient, to release in each of its stages, the incidences of the loss in the psychic andintersubjective space at the family caregiver, according to the nature of the links of attachment developpedwith the patient, but also with the family group. From there, we shall try to connect the main register ofelaboration of the loss, in a profile of singular caregiver in the relation of help, to light the links between hisdemonstrations of guilt and his demand of help.

We Need to Talk about Shame : The Concept of Shame in Lionel Shriver's We Need to Talk about Kevin

Rosén, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This essay analyses Lionel Shriver’s We Need to Talk about Kevin (2003) from a feminist perspective. The objective of the essay is to demonstrate that a feminist reading of We Need to Talk about Kevin sheds light on the concept of shame and generates a discussion on the implications of the expectations that are placed upon a woman when she becomes a mother. The essay draws on the work of cultural feminists, such as Elspeth Probyn and Adrienne Rich, to demonstrate how shame and motherhood are entwined in the novel. This approach illuminates how patriarchal patterns in today’s society can restrict women’s abilities to lead a full life by blaming and by making them feel ashamed of not only their own actions but also of those of their children. The concept of shame is outlined as a gendered emotion, and the essay then examines the novel’s description of a mother’s responsibilities. These are then contrasted with the way in which shame functions for the community. The conclusion of the essay is that patriarchal structures are ever present in the novel and in society as a whole, and the location of shame in the mother, brought on by other members of the community as well as by the protagonist herself, results in the community being unable to heal itself.

Upplevelser av egenvård hos personer med hjärtsvikt : En litteraturöversikt

Woods, Rebecka, Eriksson, Helena January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige finns det 225 000 personer som lever med hjärtsvikt. Hjärtsvikt har en stor påverkan i det dagliga livet där personerna upplever socialt utanförskap till följd av livsstilsbegränsningar och fatigue. En förutsättning för att kunna hjälpa och stötta personer i sin sjukdom är att sjuksköterskan har kunskap om hur egenvård ska bedrivas.  Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelser av egenvård hos personer med hjärtsvikt.  Metod: Litteraturöversikten har genomförts utifrån kvalitativ metod med deduktiv ansats. Teorin som använts är personcentrerad vård.   Resultat: Analysen av 12 vetenskapliga artiklar resulterade i två huvudteman; Partnerskap med subtema Brist på information ifrån vården och Personens berättelse med subtema Socialt stöd, Transition samt Känsla av skuld. Personer med hjärtsvikt upplever att de har för lite information om sin sjukdom för att egenvård ska kunna bedrivas fullt ut. De upplever även en känsla av skuld för att de har insjuknat. Socialt stöd är en viktig del i att kunna bedriva egenvård. Slutsats: Deltagarna i studierna upplevde sig ha för lite kunskap om hur de skulle bedriva sin egenvård.  De upplevde också att informationen de fått var för vag för att kunna omsättas i det dagliga livet. Här behöver sjukvården bli bättre på att informera och utbilda. Socialt stöd upplevdes som viktigt för att klara av att förändra sin situation. Här kan självhjälpsgrupper vara till god hjälp. Nyckelord: information, kunskap, personcentrerad vård, skuld, socialt stöd. / Title: Experiences of self-care in people with heart failure Background: In Sweden, there are 225,000 people living with heart failure. Heart failure has a major impact in daily life where people experience social inclusion as a result of lifestyle restrictions and fatigue. A presumption for being able to help and support people in their illness is that nurses has knowledge of how their self-care should be conducted. Purpose: To describe experiences of self-care in people with heart failure.  Method: The literature review has been based on a qualitative method with a deductive approach. The theory used is person-centered care.  Results: The analysis of 12 scientific articles resulted in two main themes. Partnership with the subtheme Lack of information from Healt Care and the Person's narrative with subtheme Social support, Transition and Feeling of guilt. People with heart failure feel that they have too little information about their illness to be able to fully conduct self-care. They also feel a sense of guilt for being sick. Social support is an important part of being able to conduct self-care. Conclusion:  Participants in the studies experienced too little knowledge of how to conduct selfcare. They also experienced that the information they received was too vague to be practised into daily life. Health professionals must be better at informing and educating. Social support was seen as important in managing to change their situation. Self-help groups can play an important role in this. Keywords: Guilt, information, knowledge person-centered care,  social support.

Stolthet och Skuld : en netnografisk studie om underliggande känslor i hållbarhetsredovisningar / Pride and Guilt : A netnographic study of underlying feelings insustainability reporting

Fundell, Linnéa, Precht, Nathalie January 2020 (has links)
Hållbarhetsrapporter utförs årligen av företag i enligt svensk lag. Rapporten kommunicerar hur företagens hållbarhetsarbete har genomförts under det senaste året. Detta innebär att företag ges utrymme att presentera sitt hållbarhetsarbete och på så sätt välja hur budskapet ska kommuniceras. Det är dock inte givet att det uttryckta budskapet nödvändigtvis är det som är av intresse, utan vad som är det underliggande budskapet. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för uppsatsen har varit teori som behandlar hållbarhetskommunikation tillsammans med en fördjupning av moraliska känslor av stolthet och skuld. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur företag kommunicerar underliggande känslor kring stolthet och skuld i sin hållbarhetsrapportering, och hur kommunikationen om hållbarhet påverkar gestaltningen av företags hållbarhetsarbete. Detta genom att svara på forskningsfrågorna: hur kommunicerar företag underliggande känslor av stolthet i hållbarhetsrapporter​, hur kommunicerar företag underliggande känslor av skuld i hållbarhetsrapporter samt hur bidrar denna kommunikation av känslor till gestaltningav företagets hållbarhetsarbete? En form av netnografisk undersökning genomfördes på hållbarhetsrapporterna med hjälp av nyckelord. Utifrån denna undersökning identifierades flertal sammanhang där stolthet och skuld kunde utläsas. Resultaten bearbetades sedan genom innehållsanalys, vilket möjliggjorde eftersökningar av mönster samt tolkningar av det underliggande kommunicerade budskapet. Samtliga företag visade efter analys på underliggande känslor av stolthet och skuld med varierande grad av övermodig stolthet och autentisk stolthet, samt både skuld med och utan spår av empati. Analys av resultat medförde slutsatsen att tolkningen av företagens hållbarhetskommunikation är komplex. Gestaltning av underliggande känslor genom kommunikation av hållbarhetsarbete påverkar hur budskapet kring hållbarhet uppfattas. / Sustainability reports are carried out annually by companies according to Swedish accounting law. The report communicates how companies sustainability work has been performed during the past year. This facilitates the companies to present their sustainability work and thus to choose how the message is to be communicated. However, it is not given that the expressed message is necessarily what is of interest, but what lies beneath the message. The theoretical background for this essay has been theory which processes sustainability communication along with a deepening of moral feelings of pride and guilt. The purpose of this study has been to examine how companies communicate underlying feelings of pride and guilt in their sustainability reporting, and how the communication of sustainability affects the perception of the companies' sustainability work. This by answering the research questions: how does underlying themes of emotions show pride in companies' sustainability reporting ,how does underlying themes of emotions show guilt in companies´ sustainability reporting and how does this communication of emotions contribute to the figuration of the company’s sustainability work? A form of netnographic survey was conducted on sustainability reports using keywords, which resulted in several contexts where pride and guilt could be found. The results were then processed through content analysis, which allowed the search for patterns and to interpret the underlying communicated message. By analysis, all companies showed underlying feelings of pride and guilt, with varying degrees of hubristic pride and authentic pride, as well as guilt with and without traces of empathy. Discussion of results and analysis accounted in the conclusion that the interpretation of companies' sustainability communication is complex. The figuration of underlying emotions through communication of sustainability affects how the message of sustainability is perceived. This report is written in Swedish.

Managing Expectations After Expecting: A Phenomenological Study of Anger and Societal Expectations in New Motherhood

DeMella, Jennifer Monahan 13 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The influence of values, beliefs, norms on thepro-environmental behavior of Generation Z : The case of the aviation industry

Madeira, Gabriel, Rello, Salomé January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to deepen the knowledge of the field of sustainability,more specifically, the current understanding of how values, beliefs, and norms influencepro-environmental behavior towards the aviation industry, within Generation Z. Background: Sustainability is now a topic of focus from governments and companies. Theaviation industry is one of the most polluting industries within the transportation sector, however,with promises to change this phenomena. Furthermore, Generation Z is now the most digitallyknowledgeable, environmentally friendly generation, which could support this change. Methodology: The Value Belief Norm model was applied in order to study the influence ofvalues, beliefs and norms on pro-environmental behavior and the impact of eco-guilt. Aself-completion questionnaire was responded by 174 French members of Generation Z, for aquantitative and deductive approach, using a PLS-SEM analysis. Findings: The research held in this thesis found that biospheric values were the only values tohave a strong positive impact on awareness of consequences, that in turn, had a strong influenceon ascription of relationship. Following this causal chain, ascription of responsibility stronglyinfluenced personal norms and the same for the latter with pro-environmental behavior. Eco-guiltwas found to have no moderator effect between personal norms and pro-environmental behavior. Value: This thesis demonstrates how physiological characteristics can influencepro-environmental behavior, creating scientific and practical knowledge on a field of increasedimportance (sustainability), within a generation which has not yet been studied in detail(Generation Z) and in a context of substantial environmental damage (aviation industry).

Entre honte et culpabilité, méandres de la maternalité chez la femme enceinte suite à une interruption médicale de grossesse / Between shame and guilt, meanders of maternality for a pregnant woman after a medical termination of pregnancy

Shulz, Jessica 06 October 2016 (has links)
La recherche explore les traces et remaniements du deuil prénatal au cours d'une grossesse suivant une Interruption Médicale de Grossesse (IMG) pour raison fœtale. Le statut du fœtus/bébé y est triplement complexe: entre humain et non humain sur le plan légal ; objet perceptible mais non directement visible dans la réalité matérielle ; à la fois prolongement narcissique et objet interne - partiel et potentiellement total dans la réalité psychique. Cet extrême paradoxe constitue un défi majeur du travail psychique du deuil prénatal. Selon le contexte culturel et les choix singuliers, maternels et paternels, face à ces possibles, les pratiques autours de sa mort seront différentes et aboutiront à des processus de deuil contrastés. Dans le cas particulier d'une IMG, l'expérience clinique nous invite à envisager deux aspects fondamentaux. D'un côté, la décision prise par la mère avec le choix qui s'impose à elle d'interrompre ou non la grossesse - et par là la vie du fœtus/bébé - interroge d'emblée ses éventuelles traces actualisées de culpabilité. De l'autre, être enceinte d'un fœtus porteur d'une pathologie grave représente pour la femme une blessure narcissique renvoyant au concept de honte. Dans leur articulation avec les processus narcissiques et objectaux, la honte et la culpabilité sont des prismes pertinents pour étudier les spécificités d'une grossesse suivant une IMG au cours de laquelle les liens entre objets internes, objets externes, sujet et groupe sont mis en exergue. Dans ce contexte, trois questions constituent la problématique de cette étude: le mode d'investissement du fœtus/bébé décédé est-il réactualisé par l'investissement du fœtus/bébé de la grossesse actuelle ? La grossesse active-t-elle de manière particulières des traces de honte et de culpabilité que nous nommons pour les singulariser vivances ? De quelle façon ces vivances s'articulent-elles avec les mouvements psychiques de la femme dans les processus de deuil ? Méthodologie: Cette recherche qualitative se réfère à une méthodologie hypothético-déductive et s'inscrit dans un référentiel psychanalytique. La population est constituée de 11 femmes (primipares et multipares) enceintes après avoir vécu une IMG pour raison fœtale après 15 Semaines d'Aménorrhée (SA). Des entretiens semi-structurés ont été menés auprès de ces femmes aux trois trimestres de la grossesse. Elles ont également rempli des auto-questionnaires à chaque temps de la recherche (PAI, PGS, EPDS, STAI, DAS, PCLS). L'analyse des entretiens, audio-enregistrés, croise une observation approfondie de chaque cas avec une analyse de contenu thématique, prenant en compte le vécu subjectif de chaque femme, afin de répondre aux hypothèses de recherche. Résultats : Les résultats mettent en avant une réactualisation du processus de deuil au cours de la grossesse suivante. Ils vont dans le sens de la confirmation de la portée heuristique et clinique de l'étude de la honte et de la culpabilité lors d'une grossesse suivant une IMG. La honte se manifeste chez ces femmes par des vécus de dévoilement et d'exclusion, un sentiment de perte de contrôle, voire d'emprise, et un vécu d'échec et d'indignité. L'élaboration des vivances de honte est un bon marqueur de la possible résolution des dimensions narcissiques et développementales du processus de deuil. La culpabilité est très présente, en lien avec la pathologie fœtale, la décision d'interrompre la grossesse et vis-à-vis du bébé de la grossesse actuelle. Dans ce contexte, la honte et la culpabilité sont à comprendre comme les deux pôles d'un gradient continu. Sur le terrain périnatal, l'articulation sémiologique et psychopathologique de la dialectisation entre honte et culpabilité lors d'une grossesse suivant une IMG, permet de donner des repères cliniquement organisateurs dans le cadre d'une prévention transdisciplinaire médico-psycho-sociale des troubles de la parentalité et des dysharmonies relationnelles précoces. / The aim of this research is to explore the traces and updates of prenatal grief during a pregnancy subsequent to a Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP). The status of the fetus is triply complex: between human and non-human on a legal dimension ; perceptible object but that cannot directly be seen in the plan of material reality; both narcissistic extension and internal object - partial and potentially total - in psychic reality. This extreme paradox is the major challenge of the psychic work during prenatal bereavement. Depending on the cultural background and singular maternal and paternal choices among those possibilities, the practices surrounding the death of the baby will be different and lead to contrasting grieving processes. In the particular case of MTP, the clinical experience leads us to consider two fundamental aspects. On one hand, the decision taken by the mother with the choice that she has to make to interrupt the pregnancy or not - and thereby the fetus/baby's life - questions on possibles feelings of guilt. From the other hand, being pregnant with a fetus with a severe pathology represents a narcissistic injury referring to the concept of shame. Shame and guilt, because of their relationship with narcissistic and object-relation processes seem to be quite relevant to study the specificities of a pregnancy following a MTP. In this context, three main questions constitutes the problematic of this study : Is the investment of the dead fetus/baby updated by the investment of the current fetus/baby ? Is the pregnancy activating in a particular way feelings of shame and guilt ? What is the articulation of these feelings with the grieving process ? Methodology: This qualitative research refers to a hypothetical-deductive method and lays on a psychoanalytic background. Our population is composed with 11 women (primiparous and multiparous) pregnant after a MTP for fetal reasons occurred after 15 weeks of amenorrhea (WA). Semi-structured interviews were conducted on the three trimestre of the pregnancy. They also each time completed self-questionnaires (PAI, PGS, EPDS, STAI, DAS, PCLS). The analysis of the interviews, that were recorded, crosses a thorough observation of each case with a thematic content analysis, taking into account the subjective experience of each woman, in order to answer the research hypotheses. Results: The results highlight an updating of the grieving process during the following pregnancy. They are in line with the confirmation of the heuristic and clinical significance of the study of shame and guilt in a pregnancy following a MTP. For these women, shame is manifested by a feeling of unveiling and exclusion, loss of control, and an experience of failure and unworthiness. The elaboration of shame is a good marker for possible resolution of narcissistic and developmental dimensions of the grieving process. Guilt is very present, connected with fetal pathology, the decision to terminate the pregnancy and towards the baby of the current pregnancy. Shame and guilt can be understood as the two poles of a continuous gradient. Their study in the context of a pregnancy following a medically terminated one makes possible to offer pertinent semiological and psychopathological markers in the framework of primary and secondary prevention of troubles in parentality and in early relational dysharmonies.

Pride, Guilt, and Pro-Environmental Behavior: The Role of Experienced Self-Conscious Emotions in an Individual’s Response to Carbon Footprint Feedback

Adams, Ian J. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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