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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El intelectual y el poder: El discurso contestatario en Jacobo Timerman y Aleksandr Solzhenitsin

Davenport, Evguenia 01 January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of an intellectual confronted with the power of a totalitarian state. It is based on a literary analysis of two literary works: Prisoner without a name, cell without a number by Jacobo Timerman and Archipelago Gulag by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. This work explores the dynamics manifested in the language used by an intellectual (a writer) at the level of discourse to challenge the status quo and question power relations established in a society with a repressive state system. The main focus of the analysis lies in establishing how social reality is reflected through discourse of an intellectual who is at the same time a writer, a former political prisoner, a witness, a victim and a judge. Furthermore, the purpose is to examine the notion of power and its relation in respect to such concepts as discourse, literature, knowledge, state and an individual and how the existing power relations affect and contribute to construction and / or deconstruction of individual and collective identity. The thesis's particular interest consists in the transformative effect of discourse on power relations (indoctrination, dominance, collaboration, etc.) which exist within a society as reflected through literary discourse. The theoretical foundation for the analysis will be partially based on the concepts proposed by Michel Foucault in his theory of power, Mikhail Bakhtin in his literary theory and Norman Fairclough in his CDA (critical discourse analysis) theory.

Bringing Stalin Back In: Creating A Useable Past in Putin’s Russia

Nelson, Todd Halsey 17 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Förintelsen och kommunistiska regimers brott mot mänskligheten i svensk undervisning : En innehållsanalys av svenska läroböcker ämnade för gymnasieskolans historiekurser / The Holocaust and communist regimes' crimes against humanity in Swedish education : A content analysis of Swedish textbooks intended for upper secondary school history courses

Gratte, Noel January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study The Holocaust and Crimes Against Humanity by Communist Regimes in Swedish Education: A Content Analysis of Swedish Textbooks Intended for High School History Courses is to investigate how the changes in the swedish curriculum regarding genocide have affected the content of history textbooks aimed at highschool. The essay therefore investigates how and why the textbooks have remained the same or changed. Both a qualitative and quantitative method is used to answer the study’s purpose. The quantitative method aims to count the amount of words and characters, to gain a broad picture of which crimes against humanity the textbooks focuses on. The qualitative method has two parts, a content analysis on six textbooks and a connection of the textbooks and the study’s theory, Hayden Whites theory Metahistory. The study's analysis showed that the publisher of the textbooks was a large factor in what influenced which crimes against humanity would be given the most space. Regarding White's categories, the presentation of the crimes against humanity was similar, consisting mostly of tragedy and formism. The Holocaust had a larger space in most of the books that were examined than the communist crimes against humanity.

Útěk do Sovětského svazu a věznění v gulagu ve vzpomínkách přeživších Rusínů a Židů z Podkarpatské Rusi / Escape to the Soviet Union and imprisonment in the gulag in memories of surviving Ruthenians and Jews from Carpathian Ruthenia

Urban, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with interpretations of the memories of Ruthenians and Jews who fled to the Soviet Union after the occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia by the Hungarian army in 1939 to find freedom and justice, but instead encountered imprisonment and repression and they ended up in the gulag for several years. On a daily basis, they were exposed to hard physical labor, hunger, thirst, Arctic frost, disease, cruel treatment and a permanent struggle for life. While Czechoslovak citizenship guaranteed Ruthenian citizens a pardon of the remainder of their sentences, early release from Stalinist concentration camps and participation in a training center in Buzuluk, Jews did not get such an opportunity due to alleged Hungarian nationality and had to live in the gulag on and on, even for more time than was determined by the court during the trumped-up political trials. Therefore, the Ruthenians had a significant presence in the formed Czechoslovak military unit and participated in the final defeat of the Hitlerˈs army. For the most part, they did not return to Carpathian Ruthenia because they did not agree with its post-war accession to the USSR, which hurt them so much. Despite this, they did not lose their left-wing orientation, many even joined the Communist Party, believing that Czechoslovak socialism...

Remembering the GULAG: Community, Identity and Cultural Memory in Russia’s Far North, 1987-2018

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation explores how rank-and-file political prisoners navigated life after release and how they translated their experiences in the Gulag and after into memoirs, letters, and art. I argue that these autobiographical narratives formed the basis of an alternate history of the Soviet Union. This alternate history informed the cultural memory of the Gulag in the Komi Republic, which coalesced over the course of the late 1980s and 1990s into an infrastructure of memory. This alternate history was mobilized by the formation of the Soviet Union’s first civic organizations, such as the Memorial Society, that emerged in the late 1980s. However, Gulag returnees not only joined post-Soviet civil society, they also formed a nascent civil society after their release in the 1950s. The social networks and informal associations that Gulag returnees relied upon to reintegrate back into Soviet society after release, also played an essential role in the memory project of coming to terms with the Stalinist past after the collapse of the Soviet Union. As one of the first and most populous epicenters of the Gulag archipelago located in the Far North, from 1929-1958 Komi saw hundreds of thousands of prisoners, in addition to hundreds of thousands more who were exiled to the region from all over the Soviet Union. While some left the region after they were released, many were not able to leave or chose not to when given the choice. Regardless of where they lived when the Soviet Union collapsed, many former prisoners sent their autobiographies to branches of the Memorial Society and local history museums in Komi. For many, this was the very first time they had shared their stories with anyone. While Komi is unique in many ways, it is emblematic of processes that unfolded throughout the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe at the end of the Twentieth Century. This project expands our understanding of how civil societies form under conditions of authoritarian rule and illuminates the ways in which survivors and societies come to terms with difficult pasts. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation History 2019

Les anciens détenus du Goulag : libérations massives, réinsertion et réhabilitation dans l'URSS poststalinienne, 1953-1964

Elie, Marc 21 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Staline mort, le 5 mars 1953, les membres de son entourage définirent de nouvelles orientations pour le système soviétique dont ils avaient désormais la charge. Une fois les portefeuilles redistribués, ils s'attaquèrent en urgence à l'héritage répressif colossal laissé par le dictateur. En quelques années seulement, ils firent relâcher plusieurs millions de détenus des camps du Goulag. Cette thèse pose le caractère fondamental de ces libérations massives pour les transformations de la société soviétique dans la période dite du " Dégel " et pour la redéfinition du modèle soviétique sous la direction de Nikita Khrouchtchev (Premier secrétaire du Comité central du PCUS de 1953 à 1964). Souvent supposée, la portée des libérations massives n'a jamais fait l'objet d'une étude complète, intégrant tous les prisonniers, et non les seuls " politiques ", et portant sur les aspects sociaux, politiques et pénitentiaires du démontage du Goulag et du retour à la liberté de millions de réclusionnaires. Quatre questions ont guidé cette recherche. Quels desseins présidèrent aux amnisties massives, qui menaçaient d'être impopulaires et qui sabordaient un modèle économique fondé sur le travail forcé des détenus ? Pour comprendre comment les héritiers de Staline en vinrent à démonter le Goulag, il faut interroger les connaissances qu'ils avaient des réalités économiques et sociales du système pénitentiaire, leur hiérarchie des problèmes et les solutions qu'ils avaient à leur disposition pour les résoudre. De plus, il faut faire la part de la prise de risque, favorisée par l'atmosphère de lutte pour le pouvoir qui encourageait les actions hardies chez les membres du Présidium du Comité central en concurrence. Il faut également prendre en compte que les conséquences des libérations massives étaient souvent inattendues, essentiellement parce que les opérations elles-mêmes étaient mal préparées. Enfin, l'époque du " Dégel " est une ère d'expérimentation. En quête de moyens de réactiver le projet socialiste, les dirigeants, Khrouchtchev en tête, croyaient à la nécessité de réformer les criminels pour les intégrer à la société. Deuxième interrogation à la base de ce travail : quel a été l'impact du retour de millions d'anciens détenus sur la société soviétique ? C'est par l'intermédiaire des dispositifs administratifs, policiers et judiciaires que nous accèderons aux conditions de leur réinsertion. Cela commence par l'organisation logistique du rapatriement des multitudes libérées, rendue difficile par l'éloignement de certains centres pénitentiaires géants et l'engorgement des transports. La plupart des anciens détenus étaient astreints à des règles extrêmement limitatives de séjour et d'établissement connues sous le nom de " réglementation spéciale " des passeports intérieurs. D'autres dispositifs, plus lâches, étaient à l'œuvre pour favoriser leur " mise au travail ". Enfin, la répression pénale menaçait les repris de justice. Nous verrons que les libérés vinrent gonfler les marges sociales du chômage, du vagabondage, de la mendicité et de la prostitution, hors d'atteinte des dispositifs susmentionnés. Quelle fut la profondeur de la politique de "réhabilitation" ? La reconnaissance de préjudices infligés à des innocents, hier encore stigmatisés comme les principaux ennemis du régime, est l'un des événements sociopolitiques majeurs du Dégel. Ce travail montre comment les hommes de l'entourage de Staline, qui appliquèrent docilement ses ordres les plus sanglants, en sont venus néanmoins à faire annuler un grand nombre de condamnations pour crimes " contre-révolutionnaires " au nom du retour à la légalité. Il analyse si cette déclaration d'innocence a été suivie de mesures concrètes en faveur des réhabilités et comment étaient traitées les revendications de ceux qui estimaient avoir été injustement stigmatisés et réclamaient de recouvrer leurs biens, leur emploi et leur honneur. Une quatrième et dernière problématique concerne la redéfinition du maintien de l'ordre public. En effet, si les libérations massives du Goulag s'enchâssent dans la thématique du retour des populations déplacées par la contrainte pendant la période stalinienne, elles ne s'y épuisent pas. Le système carcéral a continué à recevoir de nouveaux contingents de prisonniers après la mort de Staline. Dès lors, le contrôle sur les libérations occupait une place primordiale dans le maintien de l'ordre et la lutte contre la criminalité. Les mécanismes optimums de libération des détenus ne pouvaient être inventés qu'en prenant en considération la récidive et généralement les conséquences criminogènes des sorties. Le contrôle des flux carcéraux devint un enjeu considérable dans les nouveaux schémas de maintien de l'ordre qui se développèrent sous Khrouchtchev.

Bitches and Thieves: Gulag Guards, Administrators, and Professional Criminals in the Bitches War

Rodger, Adam R. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Dimitrij LUPEJ - životní příběh válečného veterána 2. světové války / Dimitrij Lupej - A Life Story of the 2nd World War Veteran

Lupejová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je zpracovat do podoby biografické studie životní osudy autorčina dědy Dimitrije Lupeje (roč. 1917), rodáka z Podkarpatské Rusi, který prošel nechvalně proslulými pracovními tábory Gulagu a následně se připojil k čs. jednotkám generála L. Svobody. S jeho armádou bojoval u Kyjeva, na Dukle, kde byl zraněn a posléze došel až do Prahy. Po válce zůstal v československé armádě až do svého odchodu do penze v roce 1972. Ve své diplomové práci by se autorka chtěla především zaměřit na tři okruhy dědova života - gulag, východní fronta a poválečná armáda. Získaný materiál, doprovázen vzpomínkami jeho vrstevníků - též válečných veteránů, by měl být doplněn a konfrontován o poznatky z archívních zdrojů a příslušné odborné literatury. Autorka práce využije při analýze životního příběhu svého předka metodu orální historie a zároveň se pokusí začlenit celý příběh do kontextu obecných dějin, přičemž nabídne ucelený pohled na osud jednotlivce, jenž byl ovlivněn převratnými historickými událostmi tehdejší Evropy. Klíčová slova: Dimitrij Lupej, válečný veterán, druhá světová válka, gulag, armáda, čs. jednotky, Ludvík Svoboda, Sovětský svaz, Podkarpatská Rus, komunismus. ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to elaborate a biographical study of the life story of the author's grandfather...

Gerhard Richter e Herta Müller ou: quando as imagens se posicionam / Gerhard Richter and Herta Müller or: when images take a stance

Cuadros, Lóren Cristine Ferreira 21 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-07-17T18:47:50Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Loren_Cristine_Ferreira_Cuadros.pdf: 4331024 bytes, checksum: 6f0813758e58cdd14dc44163a7ad1238 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-07-17T21:24:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Loren_Cristine_Ferreira_Cuadros.pdf: 4331024 bytes, checksum: 6f0813758e58cdd14dc44163a7ad1238 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-17T21:24:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_Loren_Cristine_Ferreira_Cuadros.pdf: 4331024 bytes, checksum: 6f0813758e58cdd14dc44163a7ad1238 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-21 / Sem bolsa / O artista plástico alemão Gerhard Richter tem causado certa controvérsia com sua abordagem do Holocausto que utiliza a técnica da pintura abstrata. Uma de suas obras mais recentes, “Birkenau”, tem como pano de fundo as fotografias tiradas pelos prisioneiros judeus que integravam o Sonderkommando em 1944. Alguns críticos acusam o trabalho de Richter de esconder a verdade de Auschwitz. Por sua vez, o romance “Tudo o que tenho levo comigo”, da escritora romeno-alemã Herta Müller, é constituído por uma série de imagens poéticas que são produto da visão pictórica de seu narrador, Leo Auberg. Aos dezessete anos, o jovem romeno é deportado para um gulag após a ocupação de seu país pelas tropas soviéticas e encontra na observação da beleza dos elementos de seu cotidiano no campo de trabalhos forçados uma forma de resistir à violência física e psicológica a que é submetido. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo sugerir que em vez de encobrir os horrores dos campos de concentração e de trabalhos forçados, a estetização presente nas obras de Richter e Müller evidencia a crueldade dos crimes cometidos pelos nazistas e soviéticos. / The German artist Gerhard Richter has caused some controversy through his use of the abstract painting technique to approach the Holocaust. One of his most recent works, “Birkenau”, uses as its background images the photographs taken by some of the Jewish prisoners who were part of the Sonderkommando group in 1944. Some critics accuse Richter of hiding Auschwitz’s truth. On its turn, “The Hunger Angel”, a novel by Romanian-born German author Herta Müller, consists of successive poetic imagery arising from the picturesque vision of its narrator, Leo Auberg. At the age of seventeen, the young Romanian is deported to a gulag after the occupation of his country by Soviet troops and finds in observing the beauty of the elements of his daily life at the forced labor camp a way of resisting the physical and psychological violence to which he is subjected. This research project aims to suggest that instead of concealing the horrors of the concentration and forced labor camps, the aestheticization found in Richter's and Müller's works emphasizes the cruelty of the crimes committed by the Nazis and Soviets.

Elevers förklaringar i det nationella provet i historia / Students’ explanations in the Swedish national test in history

Westberg, Oskar, Voigt, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker elevers förklaringar i det nationella provet 2014. Provet skall tas i särskilt beaktning och därmed är det viktigt att förstå hur elever förklarar historiska skeenden vid provtillfället. Syftet med studien är att undersöka elevers uttryck av historiska förklaringar när de resonerar om orsaker till Förintelsen, Gulag och slavhandeln över Atlanten. Frågeställningarna utgår från elevers hantering av tankebegrepp och de mönster som återfinns i deras förklaringar. För studien användes en kvalitativ metod där 53 katalogiserade prov som bedömts med A analyserades. Resultatet delades upp i två grupper: Elevers hantering av kausalitet samt elevers hantering av aktör och struktur. Materialet inhämtades från arkivet vid Malmö Universitet, som på uppdrag av Skolverket utvecklar och utvärderar det nationella provet i historia. Resultatet visar att elever uttrycker komplexa förklaringar utifrån kausalitet och ett implicit förklarande av aktör och struktur. Därutöver visade resultatet att elever lägger stor vikt vid aktörers intentioner i sina framställningar av historia. Studien visar också att komplexiteten i förklaringarna skiljer sig mellan de olika frågorna, möjligtvis då de har olika platser i historiekulturen. Därutöver är en av studiens slutsatser att lärare i sin undervisning måste vara medvetna om hur de förklarar historiska skeenden. Studien visar ett behov av mer forskning kring hur lärare undervisar om svårhanterliga historiska skeenden och hur marginaliserade grupper framställs av lärare.

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