Spelling suggestions: "subject:"högerpopulism partier"" "subject:"populistiska partier""
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Ett Radikalt Högerpopulistiskt Parti i Regeringen : En studie av FPÖ och dess valframgång i Österrike 1999 / A Radical Right Populist Party in the Government : A study of FPÖ and its electoral success in Austria 1999Schulstad, Mattias January 2005 (has links)
<p>In this research paper I have interpreted and analysed how it is possible for a Radical Right Populist Party such as FPÖ (The Freedom Party) to obtain electoral success in the end of the last millennium. In 1999 they were elected into the national legislative parliament with 26.9% of the votes and participated in the Shüssel government from February 2000. I believe this is an extreme case study and my method is the so called Disciplined-configurative case study. I’ve conducted this study by using earlier published research and than dividing these old theories into to three analytical categories. By doing this I hopefully came closer to understand the problem with FPÖ: s electoral success in a better way than before. The interpretation of the data was enabled by a structural theory-method and my findings were that the FPÖ used the rapid and macro-societal changes in an effective way by mobilising a great share of some strata that to some extent were of a cross-class nature in the Austrian electorate 1999. This was possible as a consequence of bad management by the conventional political parties (SPÖ, ÖVP) and their party-functionaries. Other findings were that the electorate system is crucial for the success of Radical Right Populist Partiers such as FPÖ and that the Austrian party system was a match with its low threshold for parliamentary representation and its proportional electoral system.</p><p>Key words: Radical Right Populist Parties, FPÖ, Austrian domestic politics</p> Read more
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Sverigedemokraternas ökade inflytande i kommunvalen 2010, 2014 & 2018 : En kvantitativ studie av hur kommunpolitiken utmanas av interna och externa faktorer i relation till politiskt väljarbeteende och Sverigedemokraternas lokala valframgångar / The Sweden Democrats' increased influence in the municipal elections 2010, 2014 & 2018 : A quantative study of the local politcs being challenged by internal and external factors in relation to political behavior and Sweden Democrats' local election successBrambeck, Fredrika January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to investigate the internal and external supply in relation to citizens’ demand for radical populist parties. To explore how the Sweden Democrats between 2010 and 2018 has developed its party organisation and how this has changed over time. The essay is based on the theory of Cas Mudde which claims demand and supply as a reason and understanding for the increasing growth of radical right parties in Western democracies. The theory divides Sweden Democrats into three different aspects; demand, internal and external supply which explain the stability and increased support for the party. Socio-economic factors such as unemployment, education and level of immigration are significant explanation factors for radical right parties to establish on long term. However, the essay concludes that the internal aspects of the party organisation, in relation to lack of trust for the traditional parties and low party identification, are crucial explanations. The importance of these factors have gradually increased during the years 2010-2018, while the level of significance for socioeconomic factors have decreased.
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Sverigedemokraternas sympatisörer : En statistisk studie om vad som påverkar graden av sympati för Sverigedemokraterna / The Sweden Democrats' sympathizers : A statistical study on what affects the degree of sympathy for the Sweden DemocratsBrandberg, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to investigate what influences the degree of sympathy for the Sweden Democrats in between 2007-2015 and how this has changed over time. The essay is based on two different theories, one of which claims that the Sweden Democrats' sympathizers are ”losers of modernisation”, where the socio-economic factors are the most important explanation factor for explaining their sympathy for the Sweden Democrats. The second theory highlights instead that the Sweden Democrats' sympathizers focus on issues and party leaders, so their preferences in these areas are the most important explanatory factors for their sympathy for the Sweden Democrats. This essay is based on regression analyzes that utilize data from Super-Riks-SOM, which is collected by the SOM-Institute in Gothenburg. The essay concludes that the issues and the party leadership are the most important factors explaining to the degree of sympathy for the Sweden Democrats in 2007-2015, and that the importance of these factors have gradually increased during these years while the importance of socio-economic factors have decreased.
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Ett Radikalt Högerpopulistiskt Parti i Regeringen : En studie av FPÖ och dess valframgång i Österrike 1999 / A Radical Right Populist Party in the Government : A study of FPÖ and its electoral success in Austria 1999Schulstad, Mattias January 2005 (has links)
In this research paper I have interpreted and analysed how it is possible for a Radical Right Populist Party such as FPÖ (The Freedom Party) to obtain electoral success in the end of the last millennium. In 1999 they were elected into the national legislative parliament with 26.9% of the votes and participated in the Shüssel government from February 2000. I believe this is an extreme case study and my method is the so called Disciplined-configurative case study. I’ve conducted this study by using earlier published research and than dividing these old theories into to three analytical categories. By doing this I hopefully came closer to understand the problem with FPÖ: s electoral success in a better way than before. The interpretation of the data was enabled by a structural theory-method and my findings were that the FPÖ used the rapid and macro-societal changes in an effective way by mobilising a great share of some strata that to some extent were of a cross-class nature in the Austrian electorate 1999. This was possible as a consequence of bad management by the conventional political parties (SPÖ, ÖVP) and their party-functionaries. Other findings were that the electorate system is crucial for the success of Radical Right Populist Partiers such as FPÖ and that the Austrian party system was a match with its low threshold for parliamentary representation and its proportional electoral system. Key words: Radical Right Populist Parties, FPÖ, Austrian domestic politics Read more
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LO-förbunden i ett nytt politiskt landskap : En kvalitativ studie om LO-förbundens förhållningssätt till medlemmarnas ökade stöd för SverigedemokraternaBergsten, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Allt sedan Sverigedemokraternas intåg i riksdagen 2010 har det politiska klimatet tillika det politiska landskapet i Sverige kraftigt påverkats och förändrats. Sverigedemokraterna betraktas av vissa som ett rasistiskt och högerpopulistiskt parti, som lyckats förankrat sig hos arbetarklassen. För varje riksdagsval har stödet för Sverigedemokraterna bland arbetarklassväljarna ökat, vilket resulterat i att arbetarrörelsens ställning i svensk politik försvagats. För arbetarrörelsen som b l a utgörs av Landsorganisationen (LO) och Socialdemokraterna har denna försvagning skapat ett ideologiskt skavsår. Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka LO-förbundens förhållningssätt gentemot det ökade stöd för Sverigedemokraterna som finns bland förbundens medlemmar. För att besvara forskningsfrågan har fem samtalsintervjuer med förtroendevalda representanter från fyra av LO:s förbund genomförts. Resultatet visar att en förklaring till att medlemmar röstar på Sverigedemokraterna beror på att förbunden misslyckats med att berätta för medlemmarna om deras grundläggande värden, ideologi och den svenska modellen. Vidare framkommer att det råder en viss okunskap bland förbundens medlemmar om hur samhället fungerar. För att motverka att stödet för Sverigedemokraterna fortsätter öka är förbundens främsta strategier utbildningsinsatser samt att påvisa att Sverigedemokraternas politik missgynnar LO:s medlemmar. Denna uppsats pekar på hur viktigt det är att ständigt föra diskussioner om värderingar, ideologier och arbetsvillkor för vilken samhällsutveckling vi vill ha. Read more
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Från nytta till belastning : En jämförelse av svenska partiledares perspektiv på invandring och positionering i invandringsrelaterade debatter 2014 och 2017Sandell, Albin January 2018 (has links)
The autumn 2015 represented a critical juncture for Swedish migration politics. Prime Minister Löfven’s government tightened immigration policies in accordance with proposals made since long by the radical right wing party the Sweden Democrats (SD). But did the critical juncture and the following migration policies involve new political strategies against SD, and how have the mainstream parties’ leaders’ perspective on immigration been affected? The analysis is based on systemic functional grammar and scholarly literature concerning perspectives on immigration. Policy proposals, party leaders’ perspectives on immigration and party leaders’ positioning in immigration-related television debates from 2014 and 2017 are compared. The results confirm previous research showing that there was a strong convergence amongst mainstream parties 2014, in migration politics as well as in positioning against SD. In 2017, the migration issue has split up into more detailed issues like family reunification, temporary residence permits and differentiated welfare. The utility perspective on immigration was salient in 2014. In 2017, two new central perspectives on immigration were constructed: the strain perspective and the reversed rights perspective. The study suggests that immigration-related issues has gone from being a forum for distance making between mainstream parties and SD, to be like any other issue – a forum for the usual political dynamics between governing parties and opposition. Read more
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