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以重複事件分析法分析信用評等 / Recurrent Event Analysis of Credit Rating陳奕如, Chen, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis surveys the method of extending Cox proportional hazard models (1972) and the general class of semiparametric model (2004) in the upgrades or downgrades of credit ratings by S&P. The two kinds of models can be used to modify the relationship of covariates to a recurrent event data of upgrades or downgrades. The benchmark credit-scoring model with a quintet of financial ratios which is inspired by the Z-Score model is employed. These financial ratios include measures of short-term liquidity, leverage, sales efficiency, historical profitability and productivity. The evidences of empirical results show that the financial ratios of historical profitability, leverage, and sales efficiency are significant factors on the rating transitions of upgrades. For the downgrades data setting, the financial ratios of short-term liquidity, productivity, and leverage are significant factors in the extending Cox models, whereas only the historical profitability is significant in the general class of semiparametric model. The empirical analysis of S&P credit ratings provide evidence supporting that the transitions of credit ratings are related to some determined financial ratios under these new econometrics methods.
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多期邏輯斯迴歸模型應用在企業財務危機預測之研究 / Forecasting corporate financial distress:using multi-period logistic regression model卜志豪, Pu, Chih-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究延續Shumway (2001) 從存活分析(Survival Analysis)觀點切入,利用離散型風險模型(Discrete-time Hazard Model)──亦即Shumway 所稱之多期邏輯斯迴歸模型(Multi-period Logistic Regression Model),建立企業財務危機預警模型。研究選取1986 年至2008 年間718 家上市公司,其中110 家發生財務危機事件,共計6,782 公司/年資料 (firm-year)。有別於Shumway 提出的Log 基期風險型式,本文根據事件發生率圖提出Quadratic 基期風險型式,接著利用4組(或基於會計測量,或基於市場測量)時間相依共變量 (Time-dependent Covariate)建立2 組離散型風險模型(Log 與Quadratic),並與傳統僅考量單期資料的邏輯斯迴歸模型比較。實證結果顯示,離散型風險模型的解釋變數與破產機率皆符合預期關係,而傳統邏輯斯迴歸模型則有時會出現不符合預期關係的情況;研究亦顯示離散型風險模型預測能力絕大多數情況下優於傳統邏輯斯迴歸模型,在所有模型組合中,以Quadratic 基期風險型式搭配財務變數、市場變數的解釋變數組合而成的離散型風險模型,擁有最佳預測能力。 / Based on the viewpoint of survival analysis from Shumway (2001), the presentthesis utilizes discrete-time hazard model, also called multi-period logistic regression model, to forecast corporate financial distress. From 1986 to 2008, this research chooses 718 listed companies within, which includes 110 failures, as the subjects, summing to
6,782 firm-year data. Being different from Shumway’s log baseline hazard form,we proposed to use quadratic baseline hazard form according to empirical evidence. Then, four groups of time-dependent covariates, which are accounting-based measure or market-based measure, are applied to build two sets of discrete-time hazard model, which is compared
with the single-period logistic regression model. The results show that there exists the expected relationship between covariates and predict probability in discrete-time hazard model, while there sometimes lacks it in single-period logistic regression model. The results also show that discrete-time hazard model has better predictive capability than single-period logistic regression model. The model, which combines quadratic baseline hazard form with market and accounting variables, has the best predictive capability among all models.
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財務危機公司舞弊的決定因素 / The determinants of financial crisis of corporations with fraud余耀祖 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從財務危機公司中,分出財務舞弊公司與正常經營公司,因此研究樣本包含發生舞弊的財務危機公司與正常經營而發生財務危機的公司。研究變數則從文獻篩選23個財務解釋變數,以及13個公司治理解釋變數,運用羅吉斯迴歸法進行實證,結果顯示3個財務變數和1個公司治理變數在區分財務危機公司中的財務舞弊公司與正常經營公司有顯著的區別能力,公司治理變數的董監事持股比率尤其顯著。 / Financial distress prediction is usually based on both financial distressed firms and non-distressed firms. Based on financial distressed firms, this study further investigates the factors distinguishing financial fraud firms from non-fraud firms. The sample includes fraud and no-fraud firms while both are financial distressed. Twenty-three financial and thirteen corporate governance variables are surveyed from literature. The empirical result of logit regression shows that three financial variables and one corporate governance variable are significant factors in distinguishing fraud from no-fraud firms in distressed companies. Especially, the percentage of holding stocks of board of directors is the most significant variable.
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CFO Turnover, Firm’s Debt-Equity Choice and Information EnvironmentTalukdar, Muhammad Bakhtear U 29 June 2016 (has links)
The CEO and CFO are the two key executives of a firm. They work cohesively to ensure the growth of the firm. After the adoption of the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) in 2002, the importance of CFOs has increased due to their personal legal obligation in certifying the accuracy of financial statements. Only a few papers such as Mian (2001), Fee and Hadlock (2004), and Geiger and North (2006) focus on CFOs in the pre-SOX era. However, a vacuum exists in research focusing exclusively on CFOs in the post-SOX era. The purpose of this dissertation is to delve into a comprehensive investigation of the CFOs. More specifically, I answer three questions: a) does the CEO change lead to the CFO change? b) does the CFO appointment type affect the firm’s debt-equity choice? and c) does the CFO appointment affect the firm’s information environment?
I use Shumway’s (2001) dynamic hazard model in answering question ‘a’. For question ‘b’, I use instrumental variable (IV) regression under various estimation techniques to control for endogeneity. For part ‘c’, I use the cross sectional difference-in-difference (DND) methodology by pairing treatment firms with control firms chosen by the propensity scores matching (PSM).
I find there is about a 70% probability of CFO replacement after the CEO replacement. Both of their replacements are affected by prior year’s poor performance. In addition, as a custodian of the firm’s financial reporting, the CFO is replaced proactively due to a probability of restatement of earnings. I find firms with internal CFO hires issue more equity in the year of appointment than firms with external hires. The promoted CFO significantly improves the firm’s overall governance which helps the firm obtain external financing from equity issue. However, I find that CFO turnover does not significantly affect the firm’s information environment. To ensure that my finding is not due to mixing up of samples of good and distressed firms together, I separated distressed firms and re-ran my models and my finding still holds.
This dissertation fills the gap in the literature with regards to CFOs and their post SOX relationship with the firm.
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Some Inferential Results for One-Shot Device Testing Data AnalysisSo, Hon Yiu January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, we develop some inferential results for one-shot device testing data analysis. These extend and generalize existing methods in the literature.
First, a competing-risk model is introduced for one-shot testing data under accelerated life-tests. One-shot devices are products which will be destroyed immediately after use. Therefore, we can observe only a binary status as data, success or failure, of such products instead of its lifetime. Many one-shot devices contain multiple components and failure of any one of them will lead to the failure of the device. Failed devices are inspected to identify the specific cause of failure. Since the exact lifetime is not observed, EM algorithm becomes a natural tool to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters. Here, we develop the EM algorithm for competing exponential and Weibull cases.
Second, a semi-parametric approach is developed for simple one-shot device testing data. Semi-parametric estimation is a model that consists of parametric and non-parametric components. For this purpose, we only assume the hazards at different stress levels are proportional to each other, but no distributional assumption is made on the lifetimes. This provides a greater flexibility in model fitting and enables us to examine the relationship between the reliability of devices and the stress factors.
Third, Bayesian inference is developed for one-shot device testing data under exponential distribution and Weibull distribution with non-constant shape parameters for competing risks. Bayesian framework provides statistical inference from another perspective. It assumes the model parameters to be random and then improves the inference by incorporating expert's experience as prior information. This method is shown to be very useful if we have limited failure observation wherein the maximum likelihood estimator may not exist.
The thesis proceeds as follows. In Chapter 2, we assume the one-shot devices to have two components with lifetimes having exponential distributions with multiple stress factors. We then develop an EM algorithm for developing likelihood inference for the model parameters as well as some useful reliability characteristics. In Chapter 3, we generalize to the situation when lifetimes follow a Weibull distribution with non-constant shape parameters. In Chapter 4, we propose a semi-parametric model for simple one-shot device test data based on proportional hazards model and develop associated inferential results. In Chapter 5, we consider the competing risk model with exponential lifetimes and develop inference by adopting the Bayesian approach. In Chapter 6, we generalize these results on Bayesian inference to the situation when the lifetimes have a Weibull distribution. Finally, we provide some concluding remarks and indicate some future research directions in Chapter 7. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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<p> </p>
<p>The counting process is the fundamental of many real-world problems with event data. Poisson process, used as the background intensity of Hawkes process, is the most commonly used point process. The Hawkes process, a self-exciting point process fits to temporal event data, spatial-temporal event data, and event data with covariates. We study the Hawkes process that fits to heterogeneous drug overdose data via a novel semi-parametric approach. The counting process is also related to survival data based on the fact that they both study the occurrences of events over time. We fit a Cox model to temporal event data with a large corpus that is processed into high dimensional covariates. We study the significant features that influence the intensity of events. </p>
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以比例危險模型估計房貸借款人提前清償及違約風險鍾岳昌, Chung, Yueh-chang Unknown Date (has links)
借款人決定提前清償及違約與否,除了與借款人自身特性及貸款條件有關外,尚受到隨時間經過而不斷變動的變數所影響,亦即許多影響因子並非維持在貸款起始點的狀態,而是會在貸款存續期間動態調整。進一步影響借款人行為,而這類變數即為時間相依變數(time –dependent variables,或time-varying variables)。因此,本研究利用便於處理時間相依變數的比例危險模型(Proportional Hazard Model)來分析借款人提前清償及違約風險行為,觀察借款人特徵、房屋型態、貸款條件及總體經濟等變數與借款人風險行為的關係。
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Hodnocení zdravotní technologie (HTA): léčba karcinomu prsu, případová studie ČR / Health technology assessment: case study on breast carcinoma treatment in the Czech RepublicŠlegerová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
Health technology assessment: case study on breast carcinoma treatment in the Czech Republic Bc. Lenka Šlegerová January 4, 2019 Abstract This thesis proposes an original method for assessing total costs of med- ical treatment. It defines the semi-Markov model with four states that are associated with specific costs of the treatment, and not with patients' health statuses. This method is applied to individuals' treatment data drawn from the Czech clinical practice in the treatment of the metastatic HER2+ breast cancer. The aim is to assess the cost-effectiveness of adding medication per- tuzumab to the combination of trastuzumab+docetaxel within first-line therapy and to examine whether using individual data on Czech patients and the economic conditions leads to different results from foreign stud- ies. Furthermore, employing censored data from the clinical practice in the thesis complicates the estimation of patients' overall survival in compari- son to clinical-trials data that form random samples. Therefore, survival functions were not only estimated by the Kaplan-Meier estimator but also using the Cox proportional hazard model and the Accelerated failure time model that both control for the effects of included covariates. The addition of pertuzumab does not result in significantly longer pa- tients'...
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Går det att prediktera konkurs i svenska aktiebolag? : En kvantitativ studie om hur finansiella nyckeltal kan användas vid konkursprediktion / Is it possible to predict bankruptcy in swedish limited companies? : A quantitative study regarding the usefullness of financial ratios as bankruptcy predictorsPersson, Daniel, Ahlström, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
Från 1900-talets början har banker och låneinstitut använt nyckeltal som hjälpmedel vid bedömning och kvantifiering av kreditrisk. För dagens investerare är den ekonomiska miljön mer komplicerad än för bara 40 år sedan då teknologin och datoriseringen öppnade upp världens marknader mot varandra. Bedömning av kreditrisk idag kräver effektiv analys av kvantitativa data och modeller som med god träffsäkerhet kan förutse risker. Under 1900-talets andra hälft skedde en snabb utveckling av de verktyg som används för konkursprediktion, från enkla univariata modeller till komplexa data mining-modeller med tusentals observationer. Denna studie undersöker om det är möjligt att prediktera att svenska företag kommer att gå i konkurs och vilka variabler som innehåller relevant information för detta. Metoderna som används är diskriminantanalys, logistisk regression och överlevnadsanalys på 50 aktiva och 50 företag försatta i konkurs. Resultaten visar på en träffsäkerhet mellan 67,5 % och 75 % beroende på vald statistisk metod. Oavsett vald statistisk metod är det möjligt att klassificera företag som konkursmässiga två år innan konkursens inträffande med hjälp av finansiella nyckeltal av typerna lönsamhetsmått och solvensmått. Samhällskostnader reduceras av bättre konkursprediktion med hjälp av finansiella nyckeltal vilka bidrar till ökad förmåga för företag att tillämpa ekonomistyrning med relevanta nyckeltal i form av lager, balanserad vinst, nettoresultat och rörelseresultat. / From the early 1900s, banks and lending institutions have used financial ratios as an aid in the assessment and quantification of credit risk. For today's investors the economic environment is far more complicated than 40 years ago when the technology and computerization opened up the world's markets. Credit risk assessment today requires effective analysis of quantitative data and models that can predict risks with good accuracy. During the second half of the 20th century there was a rapid development of the tools used for bankruptcy prediction. We moved from simple univariate models to complex data mining models with thousands of observations. This study investigates if it’s possible to predict bankruptcy in Swedish limited companies and which variables contain information relevant for this cause. The methods used in the study are discriminant analysis, logistic regression and survival analysis on 50 active and 50 failed companies. The results indicate accuracy between 67.5 % and 75 % depending on the choice of statistical method. Regardless of the selected statistical method used, it’s possible to classify companies as bankrupt two years before the bankruptcy occurs using financial ratios which measures profitability and solvency. Societal costs are reduced by better bankruptcy prediction using financial ratios which contribute to increasing the ability of companies to apply financial management with relevant key ratios in the form of stock , retained earnings , net income and operating income.
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Saskatchewan is the only province in Canada to have routinely tested the antimicrobial susceptibility of all provincially reported human cases of campylobacteriosis. From 1999 to 2006, 1378 human Campylobacter species infections were tested for susceptibility at the Saskatchewan Disease Control Laboratory using the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance panel and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) breakpoints. Of these, 1200 were C. jejuni, 129 were C. coli, with the remaining made up of C. lari, C. laridis, C. upsaliensis and undifferentiated Campylobacter species. Campylobacter coli had significantly higher prevalences of ciprofloxacin resistance (CIPr), erythromycin resistance (ERYr), combined CIPr-ERYr resistance and multidrug resistance (to three or greater drug classes) than C. jejuni. Logistic regression models indicated that CIPr in C. jejuni decreased from 1999 to 2004 and subsequently increased in 2005 and 2006. The risk of CIPr was significantly increased in the winter months (January to March) compared to other seasons. A comparison of logistic regression and Cox proportional hazard survival models found that the latter were better able to detect significant temporal trends in CIPr and tetracycline resistance by directly modeling MICs, but that these trends were more difficult to interpret. Scan statistics detected significant spatial clusters of CIPr C. jejuni infections in urban centers (Saskatoon and Regina) and temporal clusters in the winter months; the space-time permutation model did not detect any space-time clusters. Bernoulli scan tests were computationally the fastest for cluster detection, compared to ordinal MIC and multinomial antibiogram models. eBURST analysis of antibiogram patterns showed a marked distinction between case and non-case isolates from the scan statistic clusters. Multilevel logistic regression models detected significant individual and regional contextual risk factors for infection with CIPr C. jejuni. Patients infected in the winter, that were between the ages of 40-45 years of age, that lived in urban regions and that lived in regions of moderately high poultry density had higher risks of a resistant infection. These results advance the epidemiologic knowledge of CIPr C. jejuni in Saskatchewan and provide novel analytical methods for antimicrobial resistance surveillance data in Canada. / Saskatchewan Disease Control Laboratory (Saskatchewan Ministry of Health); Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses (Public Health Agency of Canada); Centre for Foodborne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (Public Health Agency of Canada); Ontario Veterinary College Blake Graham Fellowship
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