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Förutsättningar för ett bra hälsosamtal utifrån ungdomars perspektiv / Prerequisites for a good health dialogue from adolescents' perspectiveVinterljung, Sandra, Eek, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Hälsosamtal med elever i skolan är ett arbetssätt för att främja barns hälsa. Studiens syfte är att beskriva förutsättningar för ett bra hälsosamtal utifrån ungdomars perspektiv. 16 individuella intervjuer med ungdomar på högstadiet och gymnasiet genomförda inom ramen för ett större forskningsprojekt har analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar hur ett elevcentrerat, tryggt och strukturerat hälsosamtal skapar förutsättningar för lärande, reflektion, motivation, relation och delaktighet. Ungdomarna uttrycker önskemål om ett elevcentrerat hälsosamtal, anpassat efter deras individuella behov och önskemål. Hälsosamtalet stärkte ungdomen och relationen till skolsköterskan som genom sin personlighet och sina strategier bidrog till känslan av trygghet. Ungdomarna upplevde att de fick ökad kunskap genom struktur, delaktighet och respekt. De beskrev vikten av delaktighet i samtalet för att kunna förmedla sina tankar och åsikter till skolsköterskan. Hälsoverktyget upplevdes skapa struktur i samtalet, förberedelse, en större förståelse, ett helhetsperspektiv över hälsan samt motivation till ändrade levnadsvanor. Resultatet talar för vikten av ett elevcentrerat hälsosamtal där ungdomen görs delaktig för att skapa möjligheter att främja hälsan. Resultatet har i enlighet med tidigare forskning pekat på fördelen med användandet av ett strukturerat hälsoverktyg och hälsosamtalets betydelse för ungdomars tankar om sin hälsa. / Health dialogue with pupils, a way to promote children’s health. The Purpose of the study is to describe prerequisites for a good health dialogue from adolescents´ perspective. 16 individual interviews with adolescents in upper level lower secondary school and high school completed within a major research project were analysed with qualitative content analysis. The result show that Pupil centred, secure and structured health dialogues creates conditions for learning, reflection, motivation, relation and participation. Adolescents express wishes of pupil centred health dialogues, adjusted to individual needs and requests. Helath dialouge strengthened adolescent and relation to school nurse, whom through strategies and personality contributes to the sense of security. Importance of freedom of choice and voluntariness was emphasized by adolescents. Adolescents experienced increased knowledge through structure, participation and respect. The health and lifestyle tool perceived to create structure, preparedness, a greater understanding, holistic perspectives over one’s health and motivation for lifestyle changes. Results indicates importance of pupil centred health dialogues where adolescents is made participant to create possibilities to promote health. In concurrence with previous research results points to advantage of using structured health and lifestyle tools and health dialogue’s importance for adolescents thoughts about health.
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Persuasive digital health technologies for lifestyle behaviour changeWhelan, Maxine E. January 2018 (has links)
BACKGROUND. Unhealthy lifestyle behaviours such as physical inactivity are global risk factors for chronic disease. Despite this, a substantial proportion of the UK population fail to achieve the recommended levels of physical activity. This may partly be because the health messages presently disseminated are not sufficiently potent to evoke behaviour change. There has been an exponential growth in the availability of digital health technologies within the consumer marketplace. This influx of technology has allowed people to self-monitor a plethora of health indices, such as their physical activity, in real-time. However, changing movement behaviours is difficult and often predicated on the assumption that individuals are willing to change their lifestyles today to reduce the risk of developing disease years or even decades later. One approach that may help overcome this challenge is to present physiological feedback in parallel with physical activity feedback. In combination, this approach may help people to observe the acute health benefits of being more physically active and subsequently translate that insight into a more physically active lifestyle. AIMS. Study One aimed to review existing studies employing fMRI to examine neurological responses to health messages pertaining to physical activity, sedentary behaviour, smoking, diet and alcohol consumption to assess the capacity for fMRI to assist in evaluating health behaviours. Study Two aimed to use fMRI to evaluate physical activity, sedentary behaviour and glucose feedback obtained through wearable digital health technologies and to explore associations between activated brain regions and subsequent changes in behaviour. Study Three aimed to explore engagement of people at risk of type 2 diabetes using digital health technologies to monitor physical activity and glucose levels. METHODS. Study One was a systematic review of published studies investigating health messages relating to physical activity, sedentary behaviour, diet, smoking or alcohol consumption using fMRI. Study Two asked adults aged 30-60 years to undergo fMRI whilst presented personalised feedback on their physical activity, sedentary behaviour and glucose levels, following a 14-day wear protocol of an accelerometer, inclinometer and flash glucose monitor. Study Three was a six-week, three-armed randomised feasibility trial for individuals at moderate-to-high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The study used commercially available wearable physical activity (Fitbit Charge 2) and flash glucose (Freestyle Libre) technologies. Group 1 were offered glucose feedback for 4 weeks followed by glucose plus physical activity feedback for 2 weeks (G4GPA2). Group 2 were offered physical activity feedback for 4 weeks followed by glucose plus physical activity feedback for 2 weeks (PA4GPA2). Group 3 were offered glucose plus physical activity feedback for six weeks (GPA6). The primary outcome for the study was engagement, measured objectively by time spent on the Fitbit app, LibreLink app (companion app for the Freestyle Libre) as well as the frequency of scanning the Freestyle Libre and syncing the Fitbit. RESULTS. For Study One, 18 studies were included in the systematic review and of those, 15 examined neurological responses to smoking related health messages. The remaining three studies examined health messages about diet (k=2) and physical activity (k=1). Areas of the prefrontal cortex and amygdala were most commonly activated with increased activation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex predicting subsequent behaviour (e.g. smoking cessation). Study Two identified that presenting people with personalised feedback relating to interstitial glucose levels resulted in significantly more brain activation when compared with feedback on personalised movement behaviours (P < .001). Activations within regions of the prefrontal cortex were significantly greater for glucose feedback compared with feedback on personalised movement behaviours. Activation in the subgyral area was correlated with moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at follow-up (r=.392, P=.043). In Study Three, time spent on the LibreLink app significantly reduced for G4GPA2 and GPA6 (week 1: 20.2±20 versus week 6: 9.4±14.6min/day, p=.007) and significantly fewer glucose scans were recorded (week 1: 9.2±5.1 versus week 6: 5.9±3.4 scans/day, p=.016). Similarly, Fitbit app usage significantly reduced (week 1: 7.1±3.8 versus week 6: 3.8±2.9min/day p=.003). The number of Fitbit syncs did not change significantly (week 1: 6.9±7.8 versus week 6: 6.5±10.2 syncs/day, p=.752). CONCLUSIONS. Study One highlighted the fact that thus far the field has focused on examining neurological responses to health messages using fMRI for smoking with important knowledge gaps in the neurological evaluation of health messages for other lifestyle behaviours. The prefrontal cortex and amygdala were most commonly activated in response to health messages. Using fMRI, Study Two was able to contribute to the knowledge gaps identified in Study One, with personalised glucose feedback resulting in a greater neurological response than personalised feedback on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. From this, Study Three found that individuals at risk of developing type 2 diabetes were able to engage with digital health technologies offering real-time feedback on behaviour and physiology, with engagement diminishing over time. Overall, this thesis demonstrates the potential for digital health technologies to play a key role in feedback paradigms relating to chronic disease prevention.
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The health knowledge mechanism: evidence on the link between education and health lifestyle in the PhilippinesHoffmann, Roman, Lutz, Sebastian Uljas 03 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Studies have found substantial differences in health-related behavior and health care usage between educational groups, which may explain part of the well-documented educational gradient in health. The allocative efficiency hypothesis offers a behavioral explanation for these reported differences. According to this theory, the educated possess more health knowledge and information, allowing them to make better health choices. We perform a mediation analysis to study this mechanism using original survey data from the Philippines, a lower-middle-income country. As an extension of previous empirical research, we construct a comprehensive index that captures different dimensions of health knowledge. Using generalized propensity scores, we find strong support for the allocative efficiency argument. Schooling is significantly associated with health knowledge levels, which explain up to 69% of the education effect on health lifestyle. This corresponds to twice the mediation strength of economic resources, suggesting an important role of this factor in explaining education effects on health decisions.
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Zdraví všeobecných sester a studentů ošetřovatelství / Health of nurses and nursing studentsPŘIBYLOVÁ, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with health of nurses and nursing students. The World Health Organization defines health as follows: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This definition includes three components - physical, mental and social. In case that it comes to disharmony in one of the three components, it means a disorder of human health, what is subsequently blending into the other components. By this reason it is important for people to be concerned about their health properly. However, health care should not only be the task of health service. Everyone should realize the value of health and should have a big share of its sustaining. The thesis includes two parts. The theoretical part focuses on the prevention of health, personality of nurses and their health care. There is also described how can employers take care of nurses´ health and what lifestyle do the nursing students keep. The conclusion of the theoretical part deals with healthy lifestyle and proper observance of wholesome principles. The second part of this thesis presents an empirical part. The research has been realized in the form of quantitative survey. There were used electronic questionnaires within the research addressed to two groups of respondents, i.e. nurses and nursing students. The questions in the questionnaires have been focused on health and compliance being in accordance with the wholesome principles of respondents. The first research group has been formed of nurses who pursue their profession in various medical facilities in the Czech Republic.There have been provided five goals For the purpose of this research work. The purpose of the first goal has been to compare how the nurses and students keep their own health. The results showed that in the context of compliance with health wholesome activities are not striking differences between the nurses and students. Both groups (nurses, students) take care about their health almost to the same degree. There are no significant differences even in case of doing harmful activities (smoking, alcohol consumption, taking drugs). The second goal of this work has been to determine what health problems start the students their studies with. By the research there was found out that the most students have been gone on their studies with chronic health problems such as asthma and allergies (26%), diseases and musculoskeletal pains (17%) and diseases of gastrointestinal tract (11%). The third aim should determine whether their health - from the perspective of students - was changed during their studies. The results of that survey have showed that 17% of students really changed the state of their health during their studies. The fourth aim has been to find out which health problems take nurses to their jobs with. The nurses commence with more diseases and musculoskeletal pains (23%) following by asthma and allergy (14%) unlike the students. The last aim has been set in order to find out if the health status of nurses is changing during the pursuit of their professions. The results have been pointed out that 46% of nurses changed their health status during their careers.The thesis has been conceived very widely because of the extensive concept of health and healthcare. Moreover, the both experimental groups represent a large part of the population and include various differences. In this work have been outlined various issues that could definitely be a good basis for further research. In case that anyone would be able to deal with this issue, it could be good to split the two groups and focus on the specific problems of selected groups only. Definitely it is necessary to start dealing with the health status of nursing students.
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Projekt se zaměřením na zdravý životní styl předškolních dětí / Project focusing on healthy lifestyle of preschool childrenHrdá, Edita January 2011 (has links)
Project focusing on healthy lifestyles of preschool children According to the recent epidemiological examination has more than half the Czech population overweight. Overweight and obesity are associated with many serious health problems, higher mortality and significant are also high financial charges of their treatment. This thesis deals with a healthy life style and children's obesity issue. It's divided into theoretical and practical part. Theoretical chapters discuss about issues associated with health, nutrition, drinking regime, physical activity, relaxation, causes and consequences of children's obesity, food allergies and outline the principles of healthy nursery school. The practical part is about week project developing principles of a healthy life style. This inspiring instruction aims to take children and gently pull them to the topic and develop healthy living habits and attitudes. Due to the project realisation I was able to find out, that most pre-school children have acquired knowledge regarding healthy life style. However there are mainly parents, who are affecting food and leisure time their child, unfortunately not always in the right way.
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Využití pohybových aktivit pro ovlivnění aktuálního stavu vrcholných manažerů / The affects of physical activities on contemporary managerial performanceVojáček, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Title: Utilization of physical activity to the influence of the health of top managerr Author: Bc. Martin Vojáček Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Václav Bunc CSc. Objective: Author of the diploma thesis Utilization of physical activity to the influence of the health of top managers deals with health issues stemming from the specific nature of the job of top managers. A key issue is the work related stress and its impact on the health of managers. The negative effects of stress and poor lifestyle are "lifestyle diseases" such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, burnout syndrom and chronic fatigue syndrome. Appropriately chosen physical activity based on the temperament can reduce risk, mitigate health problems and prevent the development of disease in all the aforementioned cases. The research survey conducted for 6 months on a group of five top managers attending in Fitness Slavia showed that exercise programs individually prepared on the basis of temperament have a positive impact both on mental and physical health of top managers. Methods: In this thesis these methods are used: measuring and testing, interviews, observation, study of specific literature and research. Results: The results obtained should help formulate the basis of the next...
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Povědomí žáků základní školy o pojmu zdraví jako základní lidské hodnotě / Primary school pupils' awareness of the coccept of health as a fundamental human valuePařezová, Ivana January 2022 (has links)
This diploma dissertation is about health concept and contemporary lifestyle of pupils of the 2 nd grade of primary school. I worked with students on 2nd grade Elementary school in Suchdol. Healthy lifestyle is very important as a basic human value. I reseached integration of school subject Health Education acording General Education Plan. I define term health and factors affecting health. The level is depend on education and age. The target of my work is surway about knowledges and awarenes of students on 2nd grade. I put them pretest to find their incoming informations. This result I used for my lesson plans. The basic facts were taken by questionnares. The results were compared and analysed. This reseached found out that informations and knowledges were different. The upper grade was better than lower. These proofs showes that Health Education is one of the most important parts in elementary education. KEYWORDS health, health lifestyle, health education, health literacy, physical health, mental health, social health, spiritual health
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健康生活型態與兩性憂鬱情緒落差之分析 / Health Lifestyles and Gender Differences in Distress in Taiwan林孟瑢, Lin, Meng Jung Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,憂鬱情緒一直是自然科學與社會科學界關注的重要議題,而其中女性較男性憂鬱的現象也受到重視。雖然自然科學界的研究一再指出健康行為對減輕憂鬱情緒的幫助,但並不是每個人都有機會擁有健康的生活型態。尤其在性別方面,性別間的健康行為差異是否能解釋兩性的憂鬱情緒落差即是本研究的課題。本文將透過檢驗暴露差異性以及脆弱差異性假設,了解性別間的憂鬱情緒落差是如何由本身脆弱差異性,以及兩性暴露的風險不同所造成。本研究使用「台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫」在2005年以及2010年的資料,以吸菸、喝酒、運動,三個健康行為作為健康生活型態的指標,對此問題進行分析。研究結果發現,健康生活型態對台灣民眾的憂鬱情緒有影響,吸菸有增加憂鬱情緒的效果,而運動則有減輕憂鬱情緒的效果。將吸菸、喝酒加入模型後,性別落差會增加,而運動的加入則有助於降低性別落差,支持暴露差異性假設。在性別上,吸菸對於男性有顯著增加憂鬱情緒的效果,對女性則無;而運動對於女性降低憂鬱情緒的效果則較大。然而,兩指標的性別差異並沒有達到統計上的顯著水準,因此只能部分支持脆弱差異性假設。希望本文的研究結果有助於了解兩性間的憂鬱情緒落差,並提供憂鬱情緒的影響機制更完整的圖像。 / Gender differences in distress has been well documented in literatures. However, it is unclear about the effect of health lifestyles on gender disadvantage in mental health. To explain the gender gap in distress, there are two hypotheses: differential exposure hypothesis and differential vulnerability hypothesis. In this study, the data are from Taiwanese Social Change Survey conducted in 2005 and 2010. The three indices I choose are the frequency of smoking, drinking, and exercising. The two main findings are: (1) Smoking deteriorates distress while exercising ameliorates it. Also, adding smoking and drinking into the predicting model increases the gender gap in distress, whereas adding exercising decreases the gap. These findings support the differential exposure hypothesis; (2) the effect of smoking is significant for men but not for women. However, the effect of exercising is more important to women. Although the gender differences in smoking and exercising effects are not significant, the findings support the differential vulnerability hypothesis partially.
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