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Las redes sociales como generadoras de nuevas preferencias de consumo mediante la comunicación boca a boca. Dirigido al sector comida saludable en un público millennial peruano Caso: Restaurante Va Bien / Social networks as generators of new consumer preferences through word of mouth. Aimed at the healthy food sector in a Peruvian millennial audience Case: Va Bien RestaurantMatienzo Fuentes, Josue Alonso 24 August 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación se desarrolla para conocer las estrategias utilizadas por medio de la comunicación boca a boca en las redes sociales para generar preferencias de compra en el consumidor. Debido a que los estudios dirigidos a la comida saludable y los millennials desde una perspectiva publicitaria son escasos, creemos que es un tema potencial para tener un mejor conocimiento del mercado lo que sería favorable para las marcas y agencias. Además, el estudio se realizará con técnicas cualitativas, lo que nos permitirá observar desde las opiniones y publicidad compartidas por los consumidores e influencers como también la comunicación que realizan las marcas por medio de las redes sociales y cómo son vistas. Por medio de esto podremos tener una mejor base largo de la investigación
Nuestro estudio ve como un consumidor potencial al público millennial de NSEC A y B. Si entendemos al público millennial como el grupo de personas que utilizan las redes sociales para conectarse con con una red inmensa de contactos. No se definirá a los millennials por su edad, sino por sus características psicográficas. / The present research is developed to know the strategies used through word of mouth communication in social networks to generate purchasing preferences in the consumer. Because studies targeting healthy food and millennials from an advertising perspective are scarce, we believe that it is a potential topic for better understanding of the market that would be favorable for brands and agencies. In addition, the study will be carried out with qualitative techniques, which will allow us to observe from the opinions and publicity shared by consumers and influencers as well as the communication that brands make through social networks and how they are seen. Through this we can have a better basis throughout the investigation
Our study sees the millennial audience of NSEC A and B as a potential consumer. If we understand the millennial audience as the group of people who use social networks to connect with a huge network of contacts. Millennials will not be defined by their age, but by their psychographic characteristics.
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La NueceryBernal Champa, Julio César, Hidalgo Quesada, Flavia Lorena, Jáuregui Nizama, María Isabel, Montoya Gómez, Kelly Giselle, Ovalle Rodríguez, Mirella Fiorella 19 June 2021 (has links)
La Nuecery es un proyecto innovador de investigación, el cual se basa en la venta en gramos de nueces, pecanas, maníes, almendras y pasas libres de preservantes, que pueden ser complementados con yogurt o miel. Estos frutos secos serán dispensados en un vaso biodegradable a través de máquinas que estarán ubicados estratégicamente en los distritos de San Isidro, Miraflores, Surquillo, Lince, Jesús María, de tal manera que nos permita llegar a nuestro público objetivo de nivel socioeconómico A, B y C.
Para la investigación del modelo de negocio, el equipo de trabajo utilizó la metodología exploratoria a través de entrevistas de profundidad, donde se revela el interés de las personas por conseguir rápidamente un snack saludable de su preferencia a un precio justo. Con la finalidad de que el cliente tenga una óptima experiencia de compra, la empresa implementará una app donde el cliente tendrá la opción de escoger y pagar el fruto seco que ofrece la máquina dispensadora desde la comodidad de cualquier dispositivo móvil con conexión a internet. Asimismo, La Nuecery dispondrá del pago en línea a través de monederos digitales, con la digitación del código de la app o con el escaneo del código QR.
Con este proyecto puesto en marcha las personas, no solo ya no tendrán la necesidad de trasladarse a una tienda con dinero en físico para poder adquirir un snack saludable, sino que además incentivará una alimentación sana y personalizada a través de la tecnología. / La Nuecery is an innovative research project, which is based on the sale in grams of nuts, pecans, peanuts, almonds and raisins free of preservatives, which can be complemented with yogurt or honey. These nuts will be dispensed into a biodegradable glass through machines that will be strategically located in the districts of San Isidro, Miraflores, Surquillo, Lince, Jesús María, in such a way that allows us to reach our target audience of socioeconomic level A, B and C.
To research the business model, the work team used the exploratory methodology through in-depth interviews, where people's interest in quickly obtaining a healthy snack of their choice at a fair price is revealed. In order for the customer to have an optimal shopping experience, the company will implement an app where the customer will have the option to choose and pay for the dried fruit offered by the dispensing machine from the comfort of any mobile device with an internet connection. Likewise, La Nuecery will have online payment through digital wallets, by entering the app code or by scanning the Qr code.
With this project launched, people will not only no longer have the need to move to a store with physical money to buy a healthy snack, but it will also encourage a healthy and personalized diet through technology. / Trabajo de investigación
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Delivery de comida saludable “Power Food”Arroyo Baca, Alberto Leónidas, Durán Avant, Carlos Alfonso, Merino Ruiz, Luis Javier, Ortega Rivera, Roxana Silvia, Rivas Salazar, Manuel Alexander 19 July 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se propone implementar un modelo de negocio de venta de comida saludable a través del delivery, deseamos tener un impacto positivo en nuestros consumidores, contribuyendo a su bienestar para que puedan ahorrar el tiempo que invierten en acudir a un restaurante para poder utilizarlo, por ejemplo, con sus familiares, amigos, seres queridos, en general.
Nace POWER FOOD como un emprendimiento que pretende contribuir dentro lo que son los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible propuestos por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) en materia tanto de salud y bienestar, como de producción y consumo responsable.
En POWERFOOD se ofrece comida saludable y fresca. El presente trabajo muestra la situación y contexto actual analizando distintos factores que influyen en su creación y desarrollo, realizando el respectivo estudio de mercado, donde se analiza y se proponen estrategias con un plan de marketing para la captación de clientes. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis financiero en el cual se busca demostrar la viabilidad del proyecto correspondiente a la necesidad de recursos, costos de producción, implementación entre otros. Asimismo, se menciona el análisis de sensibilidad donde se sustenta el retorno de la inversión del proyecto y demostrar la rentabilidad de este a los inversionistas. / In this research work it is proposed to implement a business model for the sale of healthy food through delivery, we want to have a positive impact on our consumers, contributing to their well-being so that they can save the time they invest in going to a restaurant to be able to use it, for example, with your family, friends, loved ones, in general.
POWER FOOD is born, an undertaking that aims to contribute to the sustainable development objectives proposed by the United Nations (UN) in terms of both health and well-being, as well as responsible production and consumption.
Healthy and fresh food is offered at POWERFOOD. This work shows the current situation and context by analyzing different factors that influence its creation and development, going through the respective market study, where strategies are analyzed and proposed, as well as a marketing plan to attract customers. Finally, a financial analysis is carried out, in which it is sought to demonstrate the viability of the project in terms of resources, production costs, implementation costs, among others. Likewise, sensitivity analyzes are mentioned where the return on investment of the project is supported and the profitability of the project is demonstrated to investors. / Trabajo de investigación
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Proyecto para producción y venta de Arroz de ColiflorAlvitez Sánchez Gutiérrez, María Fernanda, Bernedo Moreno, Gonzalo Diego, Camacho Miyasato, Suemi Melisa, Del Castillo Romani, Sebastian Leonel, Eyzaguirre Alarcon, Miguel Anthony 01 December 2021 (has links)
El proyecto de “The Coliflower” ha sido desarrollado pensando en aquellas personas que desean cuidar su salud y realizar un cambio de alimentación significativo. En la actualidad, es evidente que el arroz tradicional ha ganado más protagonismo en la mesa familiar y existen pocos alimentos saludables, de buena calidad y con nutrientes que puedan sustituirlo. Por ello, se ha desarrollado un plan de negocio, el cual les brinda a los consumidores la opción de poder reemplazar el arroz convencional por una opción más completa nutricionalmente, de similar sabor y versatilidad en su preparación. Además, “The Coliflower” ha integrado una estrategia de marketing, el cual busca interconectar a los usuarios con las redes sociales del proyecto, como Facebook e Instagram para poder tener una interacción directa, cercana y brindarles toda la información y actualización de los productos.
El proyecto incorporara su propio aplicativo móvil, además de una página web, donde las personas tendrán la opción de registrarse y navegar a través del interfaz. Mediante estas plataformas, las personas van a poder adquirir el arroz de coliflor sin la necesidad de salir de su casa, pagando de manera rápida y segura y descubriendo las variedades de platos que se pueden elaborar a base de este producto. / The “The Coliflower” project has been developed thinking of people who want to take care of their health and make a significant change in their lives. Nowadays, it is evident that traditional rice is essential in family lunches and there are not many healthy foods, with nutrients that can replace it. For this reason, a business plan has been developed, which offers consumers the option of being able to replace conventional rice with a more nutritious option, with a similar flavor and versatility in its preparation. In addition, "The Coliflower" has integrated a marketing strategy, which seeks to interconnect users with the project's social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram in order to have a direct and close interaction and provide them with all the information and updates of the products.
The project will incorporate its own mobile application, as well as a web page, where people will have the option to register and navigate through the interface. Through these platforms, people will be able to buy cauliflower rice without having to leave their home, paying faster and safer and discovering the varieties of dishes that can be made based on this product. / Trabajo de investigación
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Proyecto de pack de ingredientes listos para cocinarGutiérrez Escurra, Cristina Beatriz, Mamani Alave , Yenny Lisbeth, Magallanes Atuncar, Luis Antonio, Ramos Cárdenas, Patricia, Vidaurre Calle, Stephany Beatriz 18 July 2021 (has links)
Según un informe de Adex acerca de tendencia y hábitos del consumidor en el año 2020, publicado en mayo del mismo año señala que los consumidores han revaluado sus prioridades de vida, hábitos y comportamiento en esta nueva normalidad, entre los cambios mencionan un mayor cuidado en su bienestar, no realizar actividades como viajar y comer fuera ya que existe un miedo a contraer el virus del COVID, informa además que estos hábitos se quedaran establecidos post COVID; por otro lado el mismo informe señala según datos de la consultora Nielsen que existe un incremento de consumo de frescos de 10 y 15% por encima de la alimentación preparada, la cual se incrementó en 8%, se señala también la vuelta a la cocina casera.
Bajo estas premisas encontramos una oportunidad en el mercado de ofrecer un pack de alimentos listos para preparar en Lima Metropolitana, el cual mantendrá su valor nutricional y sabor casero.
Por otro lado, el segmento al que nos dirigimos se caracteriza por su interés en obtener ingredientes frescos para la preparación de comida casera en menor tiempo, razón por la cual el producto representa un proyecto con gran potencial.
En el presente trabajo se presentará un análisis sobre el mercado, factores macroeconómicos, investigación de la competencia y del segmento a atender. A partir de ese análisis se proponen objetivos, estrategias y tácticas que permitirán alcanzar las metas trazadas. Finalmente, se definirán los principales indicadores claves de éxito que permitirán supervisar cumplimiento de objetivos y rentabilidad del negocio. / An Adex report about trends and habits of the consumer in the year 2020, published on may of the same year, says that consumers have been revaluing their priorities in life, also their habits and behavior during this new normality, between the changes they mention more interest in their wellness, they prefer not to travel or eat outside, for the fear of catch the Covid-19 virus. They informed too, that these habits will remain after the pandemic. On the other side, the report says that according to data of the Nielsen consultant, there is an 10% -15% increase in the consume of fresh products compared with prepared food, which only increased in 8%. They talk about going back to home cooked food too.
Under this premise, we found an opportunity in the market to offer meal packs ready to cook in Lima Metropolitana, this packs will remain their nutritional value and their homecooked flavor.
On the other side, the segment we’re pointing to is specially interest on getting fresh ingredients for make homecooked meals in less time, which is the reason why, the project represents a big potential.
In this project it will be present an analysis of the market , macroeconomic factors, competition investigation and the segment to attend .From that analysis we will propose targets, strategies and tactics that will allow us to reach the goal set. Finally, we will be defined the principal key succeed indicators that will allow to supervise the fulfillment of the target and the profitability of the project. / Trabajo de investigación
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Proyecto De Empresa Cuy’s BurgerAbellaneda Cubas, Jhon Leyneker, Ccopa Ruiz, Jackeline Yolanda, Izaguirre Canturín, Jonh Wilder, Sanchez Huaman, Angel Goordon 13 December 2018 (has links)
Actualmente, nuestra gastronomía se está haciendo conocida a nivel mundial y las personas buscan practicidad en su alimentación, además de productos saludables, de calidad, con bajo nivel de grasa y con un alto nivel proteico. Por ello, nace Cuy’s Burger, hamburguesas basadas en carne de cuy con sabor casero.
Teniendo en cuenta que existen muy pocos lugares donde ofrecen este tipo de hamburguesas, decidimos proyectar esta idea de negocio. Además, el análisis de los resultados de las entrevistas, que no solo nos permitió validar el problema que enfrenta el cliente al buscar carne de cuy en presentación de hamburguesas, sino también plantear una serie de soluciones como las alianzas estratégicas con supermercados más conocidos en el ámbito local y plantear supuestos riesgos. En la actualidad, existe una demanda insatisfecha en nuestro mercado local, personas que buscan alimentarse sanamente.
Finalmente, nosotros somos un equipo altamente capacitado con una amplia experiencia en diferentes áreas como Finanzas, Negocios Internacionales, Logística, Comercial. Nuestra planificación del proyecto empieza como un periodo mínimo de 5 años, dado que es factible y sostenible en el tiempo. Cuy’s Burger está comprometido en cumplir las exigencias del mercado. / Currently, our cuisine is becoming known worldwide and people are looking for practicality in their diet, as well as healthy, quality products with low levels of fat and a high protein level. Therefore, Cuy's Burger was born. It means hamburgers based on guinea pig meat with homemade flavor.
Considering that there are very few places where they offer this type of hamburgers, we decided to project this business idea. In addition, the analysis of the results of the interviews, which not only allowed us to validate the problem faced by the client when looking for guinea pig meat in hamburger presentations, but also to propose a series of solutions such as strategic alliances with well-known supermarkets in the local level and pose supposed risks. Currently, there is an unsatisfied demand in our local market, people who seek to eat healthily.
Finally, we are a highly trained team with extensive experience in different areas such as Finance, International Business, Logistics, Commercial. Our project planning begins as a minimum period of 5 years, given that it is feasible and sustainable over time. Cuy's Burger is committed to meeting market demands. / Trabajo de investigación
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Natural clubDiez Canseco Soto, Fernando Alonso, Carbajal Delgado, Silvio Enrique, Maquera Gómez, Noemí, Ramos Cardenas, Renata Del Rocio, Chávez Coral, Javier Andres 04 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como finalidad la implementación de un negocio enfocado en la unificación de la oferta y la demanda de productos saludables selectos por medio de una plataforma online (marketplace), que busca promover y motivar al público a que adopte estilos de vida saludables. Este trabajo de investigación fue realizado en Lima Metropolitana a los NSE “A” Y “B”; teniendo un principal enfoque en quienes tienen perfiles digitales y buscan dinamismo en sus compras. Este modelo de negocio es atractivo, ya que vemos un consumidor interesado en mejorar su alimentación y tener un estilo de vida saludable, pero que no encuentra un lugar que le brinde una oferta unificada de todo lo que busca. Aprovechando que en el mercado existen pocas opciones que vuelvan dinámica la interacción entre ofertantes y demandantes, creamos Natural Club. Es un emprendimiento que permite a los vendedores ofertar sus productos, selectos y de alta calidad, de una manera rápida y sencilla, así como para el consumidor adquirirlos de la misma manera. Encargándose, además, de todos los envíos a domicilio y asegurándose de que cumplan con los altos estándares de salubridad que requiere la coyuntura COVID-19.
Para el desarrollo de este proyecto se efectuó un análisis exhaustivo que cubrió lo siguiente: Validación del Modelo de Negocio, Análisis Interno y Externo y Desarrollo de Plan Estratégico. Todo lo realizado se hizo con el objetivo de validar la viabilidad y sostenibilidad del presente proyecto. / The purpose of this entrepreneurial project is to implement a business focused on unifying the supply and demand of select healthy products through an online platform (marketplace), which seeks to promote and motivate our consumers to adopt a healthier lifestyle. This project was carried out in Metropolitan Lima at SES (Socioeconomic status) "A" and “B”. We adopted a main focus on consumers with digital profiles that seek for dynamism in their purchases. This business model is attractive, since we see there are consumers willing to improve their diet and adopt a healthier lifestyle, but they do not find a place that provides a unified offer of everything they are looking for. Taking advantage that there are few options in the market where the interaction between suppliers and demanders is dynamic, we created Natural Club. This entrepreneurial project allows sellers to offer their selected and high quality products, quickly and easily, just as it is for our consumers to acquire them. All this while taking care of the delivery process, with all the sanitation and hygiene measures, due to Covid-19.
For the development of this project, we carry out an exhaustive analysis that covered the following: Validation of the Business Model, Internal and External Analysis and the Development of the Strategic Plan. All the analysis was done with the aim of validating the viability and sustainability of this project. / Trabajo de investigación
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L'alimentation selon l'âge et la culture : une analyse logico-naturelle des représentations construites par des enfants canadiens/québécois et roumainsGrabovschi, Cristina 02 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse à la question des représentations que les enfants construisent au sujet de l’alimentation dans une perspective épistémologique constructiviste, ancrée dans les traditions de la communication et de la psychologie sociale. Notre but a été de déterminer si les représentations de l’alimentation chez les enfants pouvaient être comprises en tant que représentations sociales, et si la construction de ces représentations variait selon l’âge et selon l’appartenance socioculturelle des enfants. Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé les discours sur l’alimentation des enfants de 7 à 12 ans issus de trois contextes culturels différents. Ainsi, nous avons comparé les représentations de l’alimentation construites par des enfants nés, élevés et éduqués en Roumanie et au Québec, ainsi que celles des enfants nés (ou élevés depuis un très bas âge) au Québec, mais provenant de familles d’immigrants roumains. La méthodologie de recherche a reflété une intégration instrumentale des perspectives issues de la psychologie sociale et de la communication, en étant dérivée de la logique naturelle et des théories sur les représentations sociales. Nos résultats suggèrent que les enfants construisent des représentations sociales de l'alimentation et que ces représentations progressent en complexité, tant du point de vue cognitif que moral, suivant l'âge, en subissant des processus de constructions similaires. De plus, il existerait des influences liées à l'appartenance socioculturelle sur le contenu et sur la complexité des représentations, dans ce sens que les différences et les ressemblances entre les groups socioculturels renvoient soit à des influences culturelles, soit à des influences en lien avec l'idéologie. En fonction des résultats obtenus, nous avons proposé des stratégies communicationnelles visant à accroître l’efficacité des programmes d’éducation à la nutrition. De point de vue théorique, notre recherche contribue au raffinement de la théorie des représentations sociales et du développement de l'enfant, ainsi qu'au développement d’un nouveau regard méthodologique sur cette problématique. / This research focuses on children’s representations of food and nutrition from a constructivist epistemological perspective based on an interdisciplinary approach integrating communication and social psychology. Our goal was to determine which representations of food and nutrition could be understood as social representations, and if children’s age and cultural background interfered with the development of those representations. The subjects were children aged 7 to 12 from three different cultural backgrounds - we compared representations of food and nutrition built by children born, raised and educated in Romania and Quebec, as well as children from families of Romanian immigrants born (or raised from a very young age) in Quebec. The research methodology integrated social psychology and communication perspectives, instrumentally derived from natural logic and theories on social representations. Results suggest that children build social representations of food and nutrition, and that these representations become progressively more complex, undergoing a similar developmental process, according to children’s age, both from a cognitive and moral viewpoint. Moreover, the research highlights that socio-cultural background influences on the representations content and complexity refer either to cultural or ideological influences with regards to the differences and similarities between socio-cultural groups. Furthermore, we proposed scenarios of communication strategies aiming to increase the effectiveness of nutritional education programs. Finally, the research provides contributions to theories of social representations and child development as well as to the development of new methods for the analysis of representations.
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Uppfattningar om hälsosam mat och attityder till Livsmedelsverkets kostråd hos unga kvinnor och män i åldern 18 till 30 årNyman, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Enligt Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) utgör ohälsosamma matvanor den största risken för ohälsa i Europa. Sveriges regering belyser även ohälsosamma matvanor som den största risken till för tidig död. Svenskarnas intag av hälsosam mat har visat sig vara bristfälligt. Den målgrupp som har sämst matvanor är unga vuxna kvinnor och män. Tidigare studier har även visat på att de kostråd Livsmedelsverket förmedlar inte alltid anses trovärdiga. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka uppfattningar om hälsosam mat och attityder till Livsmedelsverkets kostråd hos unga kvinnor och män i åldern 18 till 30 år. Metod: Denna studie genomfördes med en beskrivande kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Urvalet skedde genom ett ändamålsenligt urval. Totalt rekryterades tio deltagare, sex kvinnor och fyra män. Samtliga deltagare medverkade frivilligt i studien. Den analysmetod som tillämpades var kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet visade på att samtliga deltagare ansåg frukt, bär och grönsaker som hälsosamt. Uppfattningar gällande vad som är hälsosam mat utöver detta överensstämde inte fullt ut med de kostråd Livsmedelsverket förmedlar, då olika åsikter om fett, mejeriprodukter, fisk och skaldjur samt rött kött och charkprodukter framkom. Attityden till en del av Livsmedelsverkets kostråd visade sig i denna studie vara negativ bland flera av deltagarna. Detta gällde främst råden angående fett, mejeriprodukter och proteinkällor. Slutsats: Att arbeta aktivt för att skapa en mer enhetlig bild av innebörden av hälsosam mat kan därför vara av vikt. Genom informationsförmedling från en och samma vetenskapligt grundad källa kan matvanorna hos befolkningen förbättras. Detta kan även medföra att en mer positiv attityd till de fullständiga kostråden ökar. / Background: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), unhealthy eating habits represent the primary cause of illness in Europe. The Swedish Government also highlights unhealthy eating habits as the primary cause of premature death. Swedes´ consumption of healthy food has further proved to be insufficient from a health perspective. Young women and men have generally the poorest eating habits. Previous studies have shown that the dietary recommendations provided by the National Food Agency are in addition not always considered credible. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate perceptions of healthy food and attitudes towards the National Food Agency's dietary guidelines amongst women and men aged 18 to 30 years. Method: The study was conducted with a descriptive qualitative method with semi-structured interviews as data collection method. Selection was made through a targeted selection. In total, ten participants were recruited, six women and four men. They all participated on a voluntary basis. The analytical method applied was qualitative manifest content analysis. Results: All participants considered fruit, berries and vegetables to be healthy food. Perceptions of the participants regarding what constitutes healthy food in addition to this proved to be partly out of line with the recommendations of the National Food Agency. Different opinions about fat, dairy products, fish and shellfish as well as red meat and char products emerged. The attitude towards some of the National Food Agency's dietary guidelines turned out to be negative among several of the participants. This mainly concerned the advice on fat, dairy products and protein sources. Conclusion: Working actively to create a more unified and correct view of what constitutes healthy food is therefore important. By providing information from one and the same scientifically based source, knowledge and as a result eating habits of the population can be improved. This can also generate a more positive attitude towards the complete dietary guidelines.
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Educação alimentar e nutricional no contexto do desenvolvimento rural: estudo de caso do Rio Grande do Sul / Food and nutrition education in the context of rural development: a case study of Rio Grande do SulOliveira, Nádia Rosana Fernandes de 11 August 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A educação alimentar e nutricional (EAN) é campo de prática e reflexão de diversos atores sociais envolvidos na promoção da saúde, entre eles, os serviços de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural, que se relacionam com ações de desenvolvimento local e promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável e de segurança alimentar e nutricional das populações rurais. Objetivo: Analisar percepções e práticas sobre o processo de educação alimentar e nutricional no contexto do Desenvolvimento Rural no RS. Metodologia: Artigo 1: Realizou-se análise do texto do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira, discutindo-se os temas previstos e os temas emergentes a partir da intersecção dos conceitos de promoção da saúde e de desenvolvimento rural sustentável. Artigo 2: Investigaramse normas estabelecidas nos documentos de âmbito nacional e estadual e práticas executadas pelos extensionistas rurais a partir de busca em Sistema de Registros Administrativos que continham a descrição das atividades realizadas. Os dados foram tabulados e processados por meio da estatística descritiva, com o apoio do programa Microsoft Office Excel, versão 2007, em relação à produção e análise qualitativa dos dados; investigaram-se, na periodicidade histórica, rupturas e permanências contidas no material, com apoio do software NVivo 10 for Windows. Artigo 3: Realizaram-se 18 entrevistas individuais para produção de narrativas com os diferentes atores sociais envolvidos na Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural no RS. Foi realizada a análise das narrativas a partir da perspectiva teórica e das categorias analíticas emergentes, sendo os dados interpretados, sistematizados e analisados em seu conjunto, com apoio do software NVivo 10 for Windows. Resultados: Artigo 1: Identificou 13 temas relacionados a quatro dimensões explicativas da interseção dos conceitos, os quais foram identificados a partir dos elementos constitutivos dos itens princípios e diretrizes do Guia Alimentar, dez passos para uma alimentação saudável; superação de obstáculos para realização dos dez passos. Artigo 2: Oito documentos e 212.502 atividades foram analisadas, sendo 11,13 por cento relacionadas à EAN. As normas determinaram número mínimo de atividades a serem realizadas por meio de metas estabelecidas nos contratos de serviços, em contrapartida, as práticas derivaram, majoritariamente, das demandas das famílias assessoradas ligados aos temas da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, Produção de Cuidados em Saúde, e Alimentação Adequada e Saudável. Artigo 3: A compreensão e a estrutura de significações da EAN foram visualizadas sob três eixos: reconhecimento e não reconhecimento da EAN na ATES; a EAN como um dos temas da dimensão social; a EAN como sinônimo de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. Conclusão: Existe uma polissemia de percepções sobre a educação alimentar e nutricional e um espaço permanente de tensões entre as normas e as práticas. Existe uma orientação normativa para a promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável, principalmente na perspectiva de relação com os sistemas alimentares locais. As práticas em educação alimentar e nutricional e as percepções sobre elas se estruturam em um conjunto de valores, signos e sentidos nos quais o alimento é visto como elemento aglutinador-compreensivo de um modelo de extensão rural que é reivindicado. / Introduction: Food and nutrition education (FNE) is a field of practice and reflection of various social actors involved in health promotion, including the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Services, which relate to local development actions and to the promotion of adequate and healthy food, as well as to food and nutrition security of rural populations. Objective: To analyze perceptions and practices about the process of food and nutrition education in the context of Rural Development in RS. Methodology: Article 1: We analyzed the text of the Food Guide for the Brazilian population, discussing the intended and the emerging themes from the intersection of the concepts of health promotion and sustainable rural development. Article 2: We investigated the rules established in the national and state level documents and practices implemented by rural extension agents from a search in Administrative Records System containing the description of activities. The data were compiled and processed through descriptive statistics, with the support of Microsoft Office Excel 2007 concerning the production and qualitative analysis; we investigated, in the historical basis, ruptures and continuities contained in the material, with the support of the software NVivo 10 for Windows. Article 3: We conducted 18 individual interviews to produce narratives with the different social actors involved in the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension in RS. The analysis of the narratives was performed from the theoretical perspective and emerging analytical categories; the data were interpreted, systematized and analyzed as a whole with the support of NVivo 10 for Windows. Results: Article 1: We identified 13 themes related to four explanatory dimensions of the intersection of the concepts, which were identified from the constituent elements of the items principles and guidelines of the Food Guide, ten steps to a healthy diet; overcoming obstacles to achieving the ten steps. Article 2: Eight documents and 212,502 activities were analyzed, being 11.13 per cent related to FNE. The rules determined minimum number of activities to be performed by goals established in service contracts, in contrast, the practices mainly come from the demands of advised families linked to the themes of Food and Nutritional Security, Care Production in Health, and Adequate and Healthy Food. Article 3: The understanding and the structure of meanings of FNE were viewed under three axes: recognition and non-recognition of FNE in TSEA; EAN as one of the themes of the social dimension; FNE as a synonym for Food and Nutrition Security. Conclusion: There is a polysemic perception about food and nutrition education and a permanent space of tensions between rules and practices. There is a normative guidance to promote adequate and healthy food, especially from the perspective of relationship with local food systems. The practices in food and nutrition education and the perceptions about them are structured in a set of values, signs and meanings in which food is seen as a unifying-understanding element of a claimed rural extension model.
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