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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heat Transfer Characteristics of Natural Convection within an Enclosure Using Liquid Cooling System.

Gdhaidh, Farouq A.S. January 2015 (has links)
In this investigation, a single phase fluid is used to study the coupling between natural convection heat transfer within an enclosure and forced convection through computer covering case to cool the electronic chip. Two working fluids are used (water and air) within a rectangular enclosure and the air flow through the computer case is created by an exhaust fan installed at the back of the computer case. The optimum enclosure size configuration that keeps a maximum temperature of the heat source at a safe temperature level (85℃) is determined. The cooling system is tested for varying values of applied power in the range of 15−40𝑊. The study is based on both numerical models and experimental observations. The numerical work was developed using the commercial software (ANSYS-Icepak) to simulate the flow and temperature fields for the desktop computer and the cooling system. The numerical simulation has the same physical geometry as those used in the experimental investigations. The experimental work was aimed to gather the details for temperature field and use them in the validation of the numerical prediction. The results showed that, the cavity size variations influence both the heat transfer process and the maximum temperature. Furthermore, the experimental results ii compared favourably with those obtained numerically, where the maximum deviation in terms of the maximum system temperature, is within 3.5%. Moreover, it is seen that using water as the working fluid within the enclosure is capable of keeping the maximum temperature under 77℃ for a heat source of 40𝑊, which is below the recommended electronic chips temperature of not exceeding 85℃. As a result, the noise and vibration level is reduced. In addition, the proposed cooling system saved about 65% of the CPU fan power.

Повышение теплоотвода из зоны резания при точении резцом с внутренним воздушным охлаждением : магистерская диссертация / Increasing heat removal from the cutting zone when turning with a cutter with internal air cooling

Мусина, Д. М., Musina, D. M. January 2022 (has links)
В данной магистерской диссертации представлены разработки и результаты исследования влияния конструктивных решений на теплоотвод при точении резцом с внутренним воздушным охлаждением. Разработана конструкция резца с увеличенным теплоотводом. Она позволяет существенно расширить область использования резцов с внутренним воздушным охлаждением вместо традиционных резцов с охлаждением СОЖ. Результаты диссертационной работы опубликованы в V номере инженерного журнала «Справочник». Также по результатам проведенного исследования был получен патент на полезную модель №209971 «Металлообрабатывающий инструмент с внутренним охлаждением». Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, 5 глав, заключения. Объем диссертационной работы – 72 страниц, в том числе 33 рисунка, 6 таблиц. Библиографический список содержит 25 источников. / This master's thesis presents the developments and results of a study of the influence of design solutions on heat removal when turning with a cutter with internal air cooling. A cutter design with increased heat sink has been developed. It allows you to significantly expand the scope of use of cutters with internal air cooling instead of traditional cutters with coolant. The results of the dissertation work were published in the 5th issue of the engineering journal Spravochnik. Also, based on the results of the study, a patent for utility model No. 209971 "Metalworking tool with internal cooling" was obtained. Master's thesis consists of introduction, 5 chapters, conclusion. The volume of the dissertation work is 72 pages, including 33 figures, 6 tables. The bibliographic list contains 25 sources.

Forced Convection Over Flat and Curved Isothermal Surfaces with Unheated Starting Length

Roland, Jason Howard January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Pyrolytic Decomposition of Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene Fuel Compared to JP-7 and JP-8 Aviation Fuels

Parker, Grant Houston 30 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Design and Development of an Experimental Test Rig for Heat Sinks / Utveckling och konstruktion av en experimentell testrigg för värmesänkor

Abraham, Gabriel Kaduvinal January 2020 (has links)
Heat sinks are used mainly to take away the excessive heat which are produced in a component. This transfer of heat enables a smooth operation of the system with the heat generating component. The efficiency of heat sink is often dependent on the amount of heat it can take away within the smallest duration of time. Several designs and manufacturing techniques have been developed to improve this performance of heat sinks. This project aims at building a test rig which can be used to test the efficiency of heat sinks. The test rig should be designed to be modular, i.e. it should be able to test heat sinks of different sizes and also adhering to the design requirements. The project started with a broad information search on heat sinks and different testing methods. A system architecture was formulated for this test rig as a beginning stage and to find the different architectural components. The main principal components were selected fulfilling the design requirements. A chiller with pump, a flow meter with controller, temperature and pressure sensors and piping’s including a flexible pipe were the main components of the system created. When the specific components were chosen, the design was embodied and the components were arranged in a compact manner as a SolidEdge CAD-model. After several design iterations, a final design was selected. The experimental test rig was then built in the flow lab. The built experimental test setup is able to be adjusted to install heat sinks of different sizes making it modular in design. Future work to improve the performance of the test rig is also suggested. / Värmesänkor, som exempelvis kylflänsar, används främst för att transportera bort värme som orsakas av förluster i en komponent. Denna värmeöverföring möjliggör en smidig drift av systemet där den värmegenererande komponenten ingår. Värmesänkans effektivitet beror på hur mycket värmeeffekt den kan transportera bort. Flera olika konstruktioner och tillverkningstekniker har utvecklats för att förbättra värmesänkors kylprestanda. Målet med detta projekt är att bygga en testrigg som kan användas för att testa kylflänsars effektivitet. Testriggen ska utformas så att den är modulär, dvs. den ska kunna användas för att testa kylflänsar av olika storlekar. Projektet startade med en bred informationssökning om kylflänsar och olika testmetoder. En systemarkitektur skapades som ett början och för att hitta systemets olika principkomponenter. De viktigaste huvudkomponenterna som uppfyllde designkraven valdes sedan. En kylare med pump, en flödesmätare med regulator, temperatur- och tryckgivare och rörledningar, inklusive ett flexibelt rör var de viktigaste komponenterna i det system som skapades. De specifika komponenterna valdes sedan och de representerades och arrangerades på ett kompakt sätt som en system-CAD-modell i SolidEdge. Efter flera iterationer valdes en slutlig konstruktion, och den experimentella testriggen byggdes sedan i flödeslaboratoriet. Den experimentella testriggen kan justeras för att installera kylflänsar av olika storlekar, vilket innebär att den, i viss mån, är modulär. Framtida arbeten för att förbättra testriggens prestanda föreslås också.

Modelado matemático y simulación numérica de disipadores de calor para luminarias LED. Aplicaciones a alumbrado público

Alarcón Correa, Diego Francisco 25 November 2020 (has links)
[ES] En esta tesis se plasma un ejemplo paradigmático de Matemática Industrial: se define un problema real de enorme interés actual, se presenta un modelo matemático del mismo, se resuelve numéricamente mediante métodos de elementos Finitos, se realiza diferentes prototipos y se verifican experimentalmente las predicciones teóricas; además, en este caso particular, los prototipos aquí analizados se llevaron al mercado, cerrando un ciclo que se inicia con el modelado matemático y se termina con la transferencia a la sociedad de una solución competitiva a un problema real. El problema que se aborda en esta tesis se enmarca en el desarrollo de soluciones de iluminación basadas en tecnología de diodos emisores de luz (LED, por su abreviación en inglés) de alta potencia. De hecho, el problema que se afronta es el desarrollo de disipadores pasivos de calor que garanticen la correcta evacuación del calor producido en el dispositivo LED y aseguren su adecuado funcionamiento. Para ello, se modela el problema de transferencia de calor (incluyendo conducción, radiación y convección) en diferentes prototipos, se resuelve con técnicas de Elementos Finitos y se optimizan los diseños propuestos, garantizando siempre que la temperatura de operación del chip LED sea correcta. Una vez realizado este análisis teórico, se construyen los prototipos y se verifican experimentalmente las predicciones realizadas. Por último, en los anexos se recoge una serie de aportaciones complementarias: una sobre el gas de van der Waals y la Geometría de Contacto y otras dos sobre la convergencia de métodos iterativos. / [CA] En aquesta tesi es plasma un exemple paradigmàtic de Matemàtica Industrial: es defineix un problema real d'enorme interès actual, es presenta un model matemàtic del mateix, es resol numèricament mitjançant mètodes d'Elements Finits, es realitza diferents prototips i es verifiquen experimentalment les prediccions teòriques; a més, en aquest cas particular, els prototips aquí analitzats es van dur a mercat, tancant un cicle que s'inicia amb el modelatge matemàtic i s'acaba amb la transferència a la societat d'una solució competitiva a un problema real. El problema que s'aborda en aquesta tesi s'emmarca en el desenvolupament de solucions d'il·luminació basades en tecnologia LED d'alta potència. De fet, el problema que s'afronta és el desenvolupament de dissipadors passius de calor que garanteixin la correcta evacuació de la calor produïda da en el dispositiu LED i assegurin la seva adequat funcionament. Per a això, es modela el problema de transferència de calor (incloent conducció, radiació i convecció) en diferents prototips, es resol amb tècniques d'Elements Finits i s'optimitzen els dissenys proposats, garantint sempre que la temperatura d'operació de l'xip LED sigui correcta. Un cop realitzat aquest anàlisi teòrica, es construeixen els prototips i es verifiquen experimentalment les prediccions realitzades. Finalment, en els annexos es recull una sèrie d'aportacions complementàries: una sobre el gas de van der Waals i la Geometria de Contacte i dues sobre la convergència de mètodes iteratius. / [EN] In this thesis, a paradigmatic example of Industrial Mathematics is captured: a real problem of enormous current interest is defined, a mathematical model of it is presented, it is solved numerically using Finite Element methods, different prototypes are made and the theoretical predictions are experimentally verified; Furthermore, in this particular case, the prototypes analyzed here were brought to the market, closing a cycle that begins with mathematical modeling and ends with the transfer to society of a competitive solution to a real problem. The problem addressed in this thesis is part of the development of lighting solutions based on high-power LED technology. In fact, the problem being faced is the development of passive heat sinks that guarantee the correct evacuation of the heat produced in the LED device and ensure its proper operation. For this, the heat transfer problem (including conduction, radiation and convection) is modeled in different prototypes, it is solved with Finite Element techniques and the proposed designs are optimized, always guaranteeing that the operating temperature of the LED chip is correct. Once this theoretical analysis has been carried out, the prototypes are built and the predictions made are experimentally verified. Finally, the annexes contain a series of complementary contributions: one on van der Waals gas and Contact Geometry and two others on the convergence of iterative methods. / A la Secretarıa de Educación Superior, Ciencia,Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT) por el apoyo económico para poder realizar mis estudios en el extranjero con el fin de fortalecer el talento humano en el Ecuador. / Alarcón Correa, DF. (2020). Modelado matemático y simulación numérica de disipadores de calor para luminarias LED. Aplicaciones a alumbrado público [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/155989

Investigation of novel techniques to overcome the challenges of mitral isthmus ablation in the treatment of atrial fibrillation

Wong, Kelvin Cheok Keng January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Využití termoelektrického generátoru pro zvýšení využití odpadního tepla / Use of a thermoelectric generator for increasing heat recovery

Laga, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of waste heat, namely, the exhaust gas which are not frequently used. Specifically, it is a design of thermoelectric generators set, power electronics for fan and heat exchanger proposal. The entire system uses the energy of the waste heat to increase the heating efficiency.

Nouzový zdroj elektrické energie s termočlánkem / Emergency back-up power source with a thermoelectric cell

Kubík, Roman January 2009 (has links)
This master´s thesis is directed to an research of thermoelectric cells as power sources. It is discoursing about general properities of thermoelectric cells and their using at practical aplications in the first part. Then a heating and cooling system is designed and made for a selected type of thermoelectric cell which represents the emergency back-up power source. In the next part a DC/DC step-up converter is designed for a selected type of thermoelectric cell. This converter generates the DC load voltage 12V. The converter is controlled by PWM with a carrier frequency 50kHz.


VERONICA DA ROCHA WEAVER 04 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] Diante dos constantes avanços da tecnologia os dispositivos eletrônicos vêm passando por um processo de miniaturização, ao mesmo tempo em que sustentam um aumento de potência. Essa tendência se mostra um desafio para seu gerenciamento térmico, uma vez que os sistemas de resfriamento típicos para eletrônicos utilizam ar como fluido de trabalho, e o seu baixo coeficiente de transferência de calor limita sua capacidade de atender às necessidades térmicas da indústria atual. Nesse sentido, o resfriamento bifásico tem sido considerado uma solução promissora para fornecer resfriamento adequado para dispositivos eletrônicos. Circuitos de termossifão bifásico combinam a tecnologia de resfriamento bifásico com sua inerente natureza passiva, já que o sistema não requer uma bomba para fornecer circulação para seu fluido de trabalho, graças às forças da gravidade e de empuxo. Um dissipador de calor de microcanais, localizado bem em cima do dispositivo eletrônico, dissipa o calor gerado. Isto o torna uma solução de baixo custo e energia. Além disso, ter um circuito de termossifão operando com um refrigerante de baixo GWP, como o R-1234yf, resulta em baixo impacto para o meio ambiente, uma vez que é um refrigerante ecologicamente correto e o sistema tem baixo ou nenhum consumo de energia. Este trabalho fornece um modelo numérico detalhado para a simulação de um circuito de termossifão bifásico, operando em condições de regime permanente. O circuito compreende um evaporador (chip e dissipador de calor de micro-aletas), um riser, um condensador refrigerado a água de tubo duplo e um downcomer. Equações fundamentais e constitutivas foram estabelecidas para cada componente. Um método numérico de diferenças finitas, 1-D para o escoamento do fluido por todos os componentes do sistema, e 2-D para a condução de calor no chip e evaporador foi empregado. O modelo foi validado com dados experimentais para o refrigerante R134a, mostrando uma discrepância em relação ao fluxo de massa em torno de 6 por cento, para quando o sistema operava sob regime dominado pela gravidade. A pressão de entrada do evaporador prevista apresentou um erro relativo máximo de 4,8 por cento quando comparada aos resultados experimentais. Além disso, a maior discrepância da temperatura do chip foi inferior a 1 grau C. Simulações foram realizadas para apresentar uma comparação de desempenho entre o R134a e seu substituto ecologicamente correto, R1234yf. Os resultados mostraram que quando o sistema operava com R134a, ele trabalhava com uma pressão de entrada no evaporador mais alta, assim como, com um fluxo de massa mais alto. Por causa disso, o R134a foi capaz de manter a temperatura do chip mais baixa do que o R1234yf. No entanto, essa diferença na temperatura do chip foi levemente inferior a 1 grau C, mostrando o R1234yf como comparável em desempenho ao R134a. Além disso, o fator de segurança da operação do sistema foi avaliado para ambos os refrigerantes, e para um fluxo de calor máximo do chip de 33,1 W/cm2, R1234yf mostrou um fator de segurança acima de 3. Isso significa que o circuito de termossifão pode operar com segurança abaixo do ponto crítico de fluxo de calor. Dada a investigação sobre a comparação de desempenho dos refrigerantes R134a e R1234yf, os resultados apontaram o R1234yf como um excelente substituto ecologicamente correto para o R134a, para operação em um circuito de termossifão bifásico. / [en] Given the constant advances in technology, electronic devices have been going through a process of miniaturization while sustaining an increase in power. This trend proves to be a challenge for thermal management since commonly electronic cooling systems are air-based, so that the low heat transfer coefficient of air limits its capacity to keep up with the thermal needs of today s industry. In this respect, two-phase cooling has been regarded as a promising solution to provide adequate cooling for electronic devices. Two-phase thermosyphon loops combine the technology of two-phase cooling with its inherent passive nature, as the system does not require a pump to provide circulation for its working fluid, thanks to gravity and buoyancy forces. A micro-channel heat sink located right on top of the electronic device dissipates the heat generated. This makes for an energy and cost-efficient solution. Moreover, having a thermosyphon loop operating with a low GWP refrigerant such as R-1234yf results in low impact for the environment since it is an environmentally friendly refrigerant, and the system has low to none energy consumption. This work provides a detailed numerical model for the simulation of a two-phase thermosyphon loop operating under steady-state conditions. The loop comprises an evaporator (chip and micro-fin heat sink), a riser, a tube-in-tube water-cooled condenser and a downcomer. Fundamental and constitutive equations were established for each component. A finite-difference method, 1-D for the flow throughout the thermoysphon s components and 2-D for the heat conduction in the evaporator and chip, was employed. The model was validated against experimental data for refrigerant R134a, showing a mass flux discrepancy of around 6 percent for when the system operated under gravity dominant regime. The predicted evaporator inlet pressure showed a maximum relative error of 4.8 percent when compared to the experimental results. Also, the chip temperature s largest discrepancy was lower than 1 C degree. Simulations were performed to present a performance comparison between R134a and its environmentally friendly substitute, R1234yf. Results showed that when the system operated with R134a, it yielded a higher evaporator inlet pressure as well as a higher mass flux. Because of that, R134a was able to keep the chip temperature lower than R1234yf. Yet, that difference in chip temperature was slightly lower than 1 C degree, showing R1234yf as comparable in performance to R134a. In addition, the safety factor of the system s operation was evaluated for both refrigerants, and for a maximum chip heat flux of 33.1 W/cm2, R1234yf showed a safety factor above 3. This means the thermosyphon loop can operate safely under the critical heat flux. Given the investigation on the performance comparison of refrigerants R134a and R1234yf, results pointed to R1234yf being a great environmentally friendly substitute for R134a for the two-phase thermosyphon loop.

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