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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Concepção otimizada de semi-submersíveis visando oscilações verticais mínimas sob excitação de ondas. / Semi-submersible optimized conception aiming heave under sea waves excitation.

Arnstein Hosaas 13 April 2007 (has links)
Plataformas semi-submersíveis, utilizadas como estruturas flutuantes na prospecção e exploração de petróleo em águas profundas, têm sua geometria composta basicamente por elementos horizontais totalmente submersos (pontoons), pelo convés, e por elementos verticais que cruzam a superfície livre (colunas), estes últimos ligando os pontoons ao convés. Tal geometria é eficaz para manter reduzidas as oscilações sob a ação de ondas, mormente o heave, bem como para prover flutuação, área de convés e estabilidade estática compatíveis com a missão. Neste trabalho aplicam-se modelos bastante simplificados para representação de características geométricas e dos atributos acima mencionados. De fato, pontoons e colunas são representados por trechos de cilindros, enquanto que as oscilações sob ondas são determinadas a partir de formulação semelhante à Equação de Morison. Tais modelos compõem um processo de otimização para determinar dimensões principais e proporções que satisfaçam certos requisitos quanto ao peso, à área de convés, à estabilidade estática e ao heave. Resultados numéricos para as oscilações sob ondas são confrontados com dados experimentais obtidos para plataformas em escala reduzida ensaiadas no canal de ondas do Laboratório de Engenharia Naval e Oceânica da EPUSP, observando-se boa aproximação. O processo de otimização é aplicado a situações descritas na literatura, chegando-se a resultados compatíveis com aqueles publicados, com a vantagem da simplicidade dos modelos analítico-numéricos aqui adotados. / Semi-submersible platforms, which are used as floating structures for oil production and exploration in deep waters, have their geometry composed basically of totally submerged horizontal elements (pontoons), the deck, and vertical elements that cross the free surface, these latter linking the pontoons to the deck. This geometry is efficient for keeping the oscillations due to wave excitation at small levels, specially the heave, as well to provide floatation, deck area and static stability compatible to the platform?s mission. In the present work, rather simplified models are applied for the representation of the geometric characteristics and of the other above mentioned attributes. In fact, pontoons and columns are represented by cylinders, and oscillations due to waves are determined by a formulation similar to Morison?s equation. These models take part in an optimization process for the determination of the main dimensions and proportions that satisfy certain requirements concerning weight, deck area, static stability and the heave. Numerical results for the oscillations due to waves are compared to experimental data obtained for scaled platforms tested in the wave channel of the Naval and Oceanic Engineering Laboratory of EPUSP, leading to reasonable approximations. The optimization process is applied to some cases described in the Literature, leading to results compatible with the published ones, but with the advantage of the simplicity of the analytic-numerical models here adopted.

Environmental effects on cryoturbation along bioclimatic gradients in subarctic Sweden : The importance of soil disturbance proxy, spatial scale and mesoclimatic regime

Klaus, Marcus January 2012 (has links)
Cryoturbation is a fundamental soil forming process with large importance for ecosystem functioning in the Arctic. Recent investigations have emphasized the effect of climate change on cryoturbation, but contrast in their predictions on cryoturbation under future climate warming. This study analyzed to what extent conclusions on the response of cryoturbation to environmental conditions depend on: 1) the proxy of cryogenic activity used; 2) the spatial scale of environmental predictor variables; and 3) the mesoclimatic regime of the study site. As an example of cryoturbated soil, 48 non-sorted patterned-ground features were sampled at eight sites along an elevational and a precipitation gradient and vegetation gradients nested within each site in the Abisko area, northernmost Sweden. To quantify cryogenic activity, eight proxies of cryogenic activity were used. In addition, environmental data were obtained at two spatial scales from field surveys and existing geodata. The results suggest a significant correlation between most activity proxies. Cryogenic activity increased along the precipitation gradient and peaked at intermediate elevations, while within-site variation was similar to between-site variation. The response of cryogenic activity to environmental factors was largly independent of the proxy used but varied with the spatial scale of predictor variables and across mesoclimatic regimes, with precipitation and vegetation cover being the most important predictors. The study indicates that spatial scale and mesoclimate should be considered when assessing the sensitivity of cryoturbation to climate changes. The results therefore provide possible explanations for contrasting previous predictions on the fate of cryoturbated patterned-ground ecosystems under future climate warming.

Prediction of the Variation of Swelling Pressure and 1-D Heave of Expansive Soils with respect to Suction

Tu, Hongyu January 2015 (has links)
The one-dimensional (1-D) potential heave (or swell strain) of expansive soil is conventionally estimated using the swelling pressure and swelling index values which are determined from different types of oedometer test results. The swelling pressure of expansive soils is typically measured at saturated condition from oedometer tests. The experimental procedures of oedometer tests are cumbersome as well as time-consuming for use in conventional geotechnical engineering practice and are not capable for estimating heave under different stages of unsaturated conditions. To alleviate these limitations, semi-empirical models are proposed in this thesis to predict the variation of swelling pressure of both compacted and natural expansive soils with respect to soil suction using the soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) as a tool. An empirical relationship is also suggested for estimating the swelling index from plasticity index values, alleviating the need for conducting oedometer tests. The predicted swelling pressure and estimated swelling index are then used to estimate the variation of 1-D heave with respect to suction for expansive soils by modifying Fredlund (1983) equation. The proposed approach is validated on six different compacted expansive soils from US, and on eight field sites from six countries; namely, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Canada, China, US, and the UK. The proposed simple techniques presented in this thesis are friendly for the practitioners for using when estimating the heave in unsaturated expansive soils.

Grundläggningsmetoder : En jämförelse mellan krypgrund, källargrund och platta på mark

Khabat, Sarwar, Anabella, Antar January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: This study aims to identify three different types of house foundation. These house foundations are so called full basement foundation, crawlspace foundation and concrete slab foundation. When beginning a new construction, no matter if the house is small or large, there are many decisions that must be made. Including which foundation method is most suitable for the existing area. The house foundation must be able to stand firm for many years to come without suffering problems such as cracks and frost heave. It is important to choose at an early stage the foundation method that is most cost-effective and the ability to minimize the risks of frost heave. Method: The work is built up of two different methods; a literature study and a case study which contains several interviews with construction officials in Västerås region. Results: shows that concrete slab foundation is the primary construction that is chosen when choosing a house foundation for a new project aiming to build multiple single-family houses in Barkarö in Västerås city. All representatives decided that this construction has many advantages compared to the other house foundation methods, such as basement foundation and crawl space. It is the most proven basic method for this new construction of single-family houses. Conclusion: The conclusion of the thesis is that many of the representatives which works in the construction area choose concrete slab over other house foundations when there is no requirement for a specific house foundation from the customer.

Development of a Frost Heave Test Apparatus

Lay, Russell David 11 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Frost heave damage to roadways costs millions of dollars every year. The need for an improved understanding of the fundamental mechanisms associated with frost heave and methods for efficiently improving frost-susceptible materials prompted the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Brigham Young University (BYU) to undertake a project to design, construct, and verify the functionality of a new frost heave testing apparatus. Frost heave research has been carried out for more than 75 years. The equipment used to conduct this testing has advanced in accuracy and utility over the years. To establish a background in past and current frost heave research, a survey of 12 frost heave devices, including their construction and capabilities, was performed in this research. Several design objectives were then delineated, and a nine-specimen frost heave device was designed and constructed to meet the specifications. The apparatus uses one collective heat source and one collective heat sink for all nine specimens. Heave data and temperature data are collected electronically, while the weights of the specimens before and after frost heave testing are measured manually. Preparatory tests were conducted to confirm the functionality of the data acquisition systems, the uniformity of conditions experienced by all specimens, and the replication of natural roadway freezing conditions. Once preparatory testing was complete, a full-scale frost heave test was performed using the apparatus to investigate the efficacy of cement stabilization in reducing the frost susceptibility of a Montana silt and to validate the functionality of the finished device. Results from the testing indicate that adding 2.0 percent cement actually induces frost heave in excess of that exhibited by the untreated soil. However, additions of 3.5 percent and 5.0 percent were found to be effective in preventing frost heave. Although minor, recommendations for further improvements to the frost heave apparatus include provisions to further decrease the thermal gradient across the specimen and installation of an automatic temperature control device for the water source.

Análise da instabilidade paramétrica de risers retos via modelo de ordem reduzida baseado em modo não linear com função do tipo Bessel. / Analysis of parametric instability of vertical risers by reduced-order model based on non-linear method with bessel-like function.

Dias, Thiago 03 September 2015 (has links)
Recentes descobertas de campos de petróleo e gás, a centenas de quilômetros da costa Sudeste do Brasil, em lâmina d\'água acima de 2.000m, demandam avanços científicos e tecnológicos para sua exploração segura. Entre os desafios para os engenheiros, a análise dinâmica de risers offshore é de extrema relevância devido à propensão à fadiga do material estrutural. Os movimentos de unidades flutuantes, que ocorrem devido às ondas de gravidade, impõem um tipo particular de carregamento dinâmico para os risers. Por uma questão de simplicidade, apenas o movimento de heave é considerado, embora pitch and roll também possam desempenhar um papel relevante na análise. De fato, o efeito de heave provoca a modulação de tensãoamplitude ao longo da estrutura tubular e flexível, o que pode conduzir à ressonância paramétrica como consequência da conhecida instabilidade de Mathieu. O riser vertical será o foco desse trabalho. A teoria bidimensional de vigas de Bernoulli-Euler é utilizada para se obter uma equação diferencial não linear de movimento para o riser submetido a uma carga axial e peso submerso. Modelos matemáticos - conhecidos como modelos de ordem reduzida (MORs) - com poucos graus de liberdade são adotados, mas com capacidade adequada para representar a resposta estrutural tanto qualitativa como quantitativamente. Utilizando os modos não lineares como funções de projeção no procedimento de Galerkin não linear, a interpretação física vem da igualdade dos trabalhos virtuais tanto no modelo de alta hierarquia quanto do MOR, com a consequente introdução de vínculos rígidos nos modos excluídos da análise. Aqui, a relação não linear entre as amplitudes modais e modos de vibração/frequências são levados em conta. Os resultados obtidos estão de acordo com os resultados dos testes experimentais de um modelo em escala reduzida realizado sob coordenação do LIFE&MO (Laboratório de Interação Fluido-Estrutura e Mecânica Offshore), fornecendo uma calibração do coeficiente de arrasto equivalente, para se levar em conta o sistema dissipativo que inclui tanto o amortecimento hidrodinâmico e estrutural. As respostas também são comparadas com as obtidas através do estudo de um modelo de elementos finitos, elaborado com o auxílio de um software comercial, o OrcaFlex®, e com funções clássicas de projecção, em particular, a função trigonométrica. Em seguida, variando-se os parâmetros de controle, as respostas do estado estacionário pós-crítica são mapeadas e plotadas em um diagrama policromático. / Recent discoveries of oil and gas fields, hundreds of kilometers off the Southeast coast of Brazil, in water depths above 2,000m, demand scientific and technological advances to support their safe exploitation. Among the challenges posed to engineers, the dynamic analysis of offshore risers is of utmost relevance, due to fatigue of the structural material. The motions of floating units, which occur due to gravity waves, impose a particular type of dynamic loading to the risers. As a matter of simplicity, only heave is considered herewith, although pitch and roll can also play a relevant role in the analysis. In fact, the effect of heave causes tension-amplitude modulation to the long and flexible tubular structure, which may drive parametric resonance as a consequence of the well-known Mathieus instability. The vertical riser will be the focus of this work. Bernoulli-Euler two-dimensional beam theory is used to obtain a nonlinear differential equation of motion for the riser subjected to an axial thrust and submerged weight. Mathematical models known as reduced-order models (ROMs) with few degrees of freedom are used, but with adequate capacity to represent the structural response both qualitatively and quantitatively. Using non-linear modes as projection functions within the non-linear Galerkins procedure, the physical interpretation of which being the identification of virtual works in both the high-hierarchy model and the ROM, with consequent introduction of rigid constraints in the modes excluded from the analysis. Here the non-linear relationship between modal amplitudes and mode shapes/frequencies are taken into account. The results obtained here agree well with those of experimental tests with a small-scale model carried out under coordination LIFE&MO (Laboratory of Fluid-Structure Interaction & Offshore Mechanics), provided calibration of the equivalent drag coefficient is carried out, to account for the overall system dissipation including both hydrodynamic and structural damping. The responses are also compared with those given by finite element models studied with the help of commercial software, the OrcaFlex® and with classical projection functions, in particular the trigonometric function. Then varying the control parameters, the responses of post-critical steady state are mapped and plotted in diagram polychromatic.

Análise da instabilidade paramétrica de risers retos via modelo de ordem reduzida baseado em modo não linear com função do tipo Bessel. / Analysis of parametric instability of vertical risers by reduced-order model based on non-linear method with bessel-like function.

Thiago Dias 03 September 2015 (has links)
Recentes descobertas de campos de petróleo e gás, a centenas de quilômetros da costa Sudeste do Brasil, em lâmina d\'água acima de 2.000m, demandam avanços científicos e tecnológicos para sua exploração segura. Entre os desafios para os engenheiros, a análise dinâmica de risers offshore é de extrema relevância devido à propensão à fadiga do material estrutural. Os movimentos de unidades flutuantes, que ocorrem devido às ondas de gravidade, impõem um tipo particular de carregamento dinâmico para os risers. Por uma questão de simplicidade, apenas o movimento de heave é considerado, embora pitch and roll também possam desempenhar um papel relevante na análise. De fato, o efeito de heave provoca a modulação de tensãoamplitude ao longo da estrutura tubular e flexível, o que pode conduzir à ressonância paramétrica como consequência da conhecida instabilidade de Mathieu. O riser vertical será o foco desse trabalho. A teoria bidimensional de vigas de Bernoulli-Euler é utilizada para se obter uma equação diferencial não linear de movimento para o riser submetido a uma carga axial e peso submerso. Modelos matemáticos - conhecidos como modelos de ordem reduzida (MORs) - com poucos graus de liberdade são adotados, mas com capacidade adequada para representar a resposta estrutural tanto qualitativa como quantitativamente. Utilizando os modos não lineares como funções de projeção no procedimento de Galerkin não linear, a interpretação física vem da igualdade dos trabalhos virtuais tanto no modelo de alta hierarquia quanto do MOR, com a consequente introdução de vínculos rígidos nos modos excluídos da análise. Aqui, a relação não linear entre as amplitudes modais e modos de vibração/frequências são levados em conta. Os resultados obtidos estão de acordo com os resultados dos testes experimentais de um modelo em escala reduzida realizado sob coordenação do LIFE&MO (Laboratório de Interação Fluido-Estrutura e Mecânica Offshore), fornecendo uma calibração do coeficiente de arrasto equivalente, para se levar em conta o sistema dissipativo que inclui tanto o amortecimento hidrodinâmico e estrutural. As respostas também são comparadas com as obtidas através do estudo de um modelo de elementos finitos, elaborado com o auxílio de um software comercial, o OrcaFlex®, e com funções clássicas de projecção, em particular, a função trigonométrica. Em seguida, variando-se os parâmetros de controle, as respostas do estado estacionário pós-crítica são mapeadas e plotadas em um diagrama policromático. / Recent discoveries of oil and gas fields, hundreds of kilometers off the Southeast coast of Brazil, in water depths above 2,000m, demand scientific and technological advances to support their safe exploitation. Among the challenges posed to engineers, the dynamic analysis of offshore risers is of utmost relevance, due to fatigue of the structural material. The motions of floating units, which occur due to gravity waves, impose a particular type of dynamic loading to the risers. As a matter of simplicity, only heave is considered herewith, although pitch and roll can also play a relevant role in the analysis. In fact, the effect of heave causes tension-amplitude modulation to the long and flexible tubular structure, which may drive parametric resonance as a consequence of the well-known Mathieus instability. The vertical riser will be the focus of this work. Bernoulli-Euler two-dimensional beam theory is used to obtain a nonlinear differential equation of motion for the riser subjected to an axial thrust and submerged weight. Mathematical models known as reduced-order models (ROMs) with few degrees of freedom are used, but with adequate capacity to represent the structural response both qualitatively and quantitatively. Using non-linear modes as projection functions within the non-linear Galerkins procedure, the physical interpretation of which being the identification of virtual works in both the high-hierarchy model and the ROM, with consequent introduction of rigid constraints in the modes excluded from the analysis. Here the non-linear relationship between modal amplitudes and mode shapes/frequencies are taken into account. The results obtained here agree well with those of experimental tests with a small-scale model carried out under coordination LIFE&MO (Laboratory of Fluid-Structure Interaction & Offshore Mechanics), provided calibration of the equivalent drag coefficient is carried out, to account for the overall system dissipation including both hydrodynamic and structural damping. The responses are also compared with those given by finite element models studied with the help of commercial software, the OrcaFlex® and with classical projection functions, in particular the trigonometric function. Then varying the control parameters, the responses of post-critical steady state are mapped and plotted in diagram polychromatic.

Tolerância de espécies florestais arbóreas e fungos ectomicorrízicos ao cobre / Tolerance arboreal forestry species and ectomycorrhizal fungi of the copper

Silva, Rodrigo Ferreira da 13 December 2007 (has links)
The contamination of soil for copper had refusal contribute to plants establishment in mining and vineyards areas of South Brazil. Mycorrhyzal forestry species could be one alternative to viable the development of plants in contaminated areas for heavy metals. The work was developed at Soil Department and Botanical Garden, in Federal University of Santa Maria; FEPAGRO- FLORESATA, Santa Maria-RS and Camaquã Mines, RS. Firstly, it was evaluated the mycorrhizal occurrence in forestry species like Luehea divricata Mart. et Zucc., Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth) Brenan, Peltophorum dubium (Sprengel) Tauber., Cedrela fissilis Vell., Eugenia involucrata Dc., Fícus puschnathiana (Miq.) Miq., Apuleia Ieiocarpa (J. Vogel) J.F. Macbr., Inga marginata Willd., Tabebuia Alba (Cham.) Sandwith, Tabebuia heptaphylla (Vell.) Toledo, Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong., Tipuana tipu (Benth.) O. Kuntze and Phytolacca dioica L. Roots and soil sampling were performed at Botanical Garden of Federal University of Santa Maria and in native forest on Boca do Monte, district of Santa Maria, RS. No one of studied species had found ectomycorrhizal association in natural environment conditions. Roots of Luehea divricata, Parapiptadenia rigida, Peltophorum dubium, Cedrela fissilis, Fícus puschnathiana, Ingá marginata, Tabebuia Alba, Tabebuia heptaphylla, Enterolobium contortisiliquum, Tipuana tipu and Phytolacca dioica had arbuscular mycorrhizal. An experiment in liquid and solid culture medium was conducted to select copper tolerant ectomycorrhizal fungi. The fungi tested in solid medium were: Pisolitus microcarpus UFSC-Pt116, Suillus sp. UFSM RA2.8, Suillus sp. UFSM RA118, Scleroderma sp. UFSM SC3.6 and Scleroderma sp. UFSC-Sc124. In liquid culture medium were tested the species: Pisolitus microcarpus UFSC-Pt116, Pisolitus tinctorius UFSC-Pt24, Scleroderma sp. UFSC-Sc124, UFSM MC and UFSM RA2.8. The fungi UFSC-Pt116 showed copper tolerance and produced high amount of fungi mycelium. Latter, it was characterized ectomycorrizal on Parapiptadenia rigida, Peltophorum dubium, Apuleia Ieiocarpa and Enterolobium contortisiliquum seedlings in vitro conditions, cultivated and previously inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungi UFSC-Pt116. Seedlings of Parapiptadenia rigida, Peltophorum dubium and Enterolobium contortisiliquum was formed association with UFSC Pt 116. The region of transcribed internal space was studied and evaluated the differences in sequencing polymorphism of this region of isolated UFSC-Pt116, it was compared to other ectomycorrhizal fungi like Pisolithus, Sclerodrema, Rhizopogon and Suillus available in the GenBank data. It was confirmed the morphological identification of the isolates as belonging to the genus Pisolithus. However, with molecular results did not confirm the species of this fungus. The second part, it was evaluated the tolerance to copper for forestry species like Parapiptadenia rigida, Peltophorum dubium, Cedrela fissilis and Enterolobium contortisiliquum. Seedlings of Cedrela fissilis was evidenced copper accumulation on leaves, stem and roots. Seedlings of Enterolobium contortisiliquum was accumulated copper on roots, but the metal was not translocated to stem and leaves. It is possible to consider Parapiptadenia rigida as a cooper excluding plant. Peltophorum dubium, Parapiptadenia rigida and Enterolobium contortisiliquum was showed high tolerance to contaminated soil with copper. The thirdly part, it was evaluated the behavior Peltophorum dubium seedlings inoculated with the UFSC Pt 116 ectomycorrhizal fungi in soil with high copper concentrations. The increasing of copper doses was reduced root length, specific root surface area, height and stem diameter of Peltophorum plants. Seedlings of inoculated Peltophorum were showed less copper concentration on tissues and reduced copper absorption on more elevated doses. It was concluded that isolates UFSC-Pt116, UFSC-Pt24 and UFSC-SC124 were efficient on mycelium production in medium with high copper amounts. The isolated UFSC-Pt116 was not efficient to promote Peltophorum growth in soil with high copper concentration, but this isolated was reduced the copper absorption for plant. / A contaminação do solo por cobre tem contribuído negativamente para o estabelecimento de plantas em áreas de mineração e áreas vinícolas do sul do Brasil. Espécies florestais micorrizadas podem ser uma alternativa para viabilizar o desenvolvimento de plantas em áreas contaminadas por metais. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Departamento de Solos, no Jardim Botânico da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; na FEPAGRO FLORESTA, Santa Maria e nas Minas do Camaquã, Caçapava do Sul, RS. A primeira etapa objetivou avaliar a ocorrência de associação micorrízica nas espécies florestais Luehea divricata Mart. et Zucc. (açoita-cavalo), Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth) Brenan (angico-vermelho), Peltophorum dubium (Sprengel) Tauber. (canafístula), Cedrela fissilis Vell. (cedro), Eugenia involucrata Dc. (cerejeira), Fícus puschnathiana (Miq.) Miq. (figueira-do-mato), Apuleia Ieiocarpa (J. Vogel) J.F. Macbr. (grápia), Inga marginata Willd. (ingá-feijão), Tabebuia Alba (Cham.) Sandwith (ipê-ouro), Tabebuia heptaphylla (Vell.) Toledo (ipê-roxo), Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong. (timbaúva), Tipuana tipu (Benth.) O. Kuntze (tipuana) e Phytolacca dioica L. (umbu). As coletas de raízes e de solo foram realizadas no Jardim Botânico da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e em mata nativa no distrito municipal de Boca do Monte, Santa Maria, RS. Nenhuma das espécies estudadas apresentaram associação com fungos ectomicorrízicos em ambiente natural. Raízes de açoita-cavalo, angico-vermelho, canafístula, cedro, figueira, ingá-feijão, ipê-ouro, ipê roxo, timbaúva, tipuana e umbu apresentam micorrizas arbusculares. Um segundo experimento foi desenvolvido para selecionar fungos ectomicorrízicos tolerante a cobre em meio de cultura líquido e sólido. Os fungos testados no meio de cultura sólido foram: Pisolithus microcarpus UFSC-Pt116, Suillus sp. UFSM RA2.8, Suillus sp. UFSM RA118, Scleroderma sp. UFSM SC3.6 e Scleroderma sp. UFSC-Sc124. No meio de cultura líquido foram testados os fungos: Pisolithus microcarpus UFSC-Pt116, Pisolithus tinctorius UFSC-Pt24, Scleroderma sp. UFSC Sc124, o fungo UFSM MC e o UFSM RA2.8. O fungo UFSC-Pt116 apresentou tolerância ao cobre e produziu maior quantidade de massa seca do micélio fúngico. Posteriormente, caracterizou-se a formação de ectomicorrizas em plântulas de angicovermelho, canafístula, grápia e timbaúva cultivadas in vitro, inoculadas com o fungo UFSCPt116. Plântulas de angico-vermelho, canafístula e timbaúva formam associação com fungo ectomicorrízico UFSC-Pt116. Estudou-se a região do espaço interno transcrito e analisaramse as diferenças no polimorfismo da seqüência desta região no isolado UFSC-Pt116 com as seqüências dos isolados de Pisolithus, Scleroderma, Rhizopogon e Suillus do GenBank. Confirmou-se a identificação morfológica do isolado como pertencente ao gênero Pisolithus. Contudo, com os resultados moleculares não foi possível confirmar a espécie do fungo. A segunda etapa objetivou avaliar o comportamento de angico-vermelho, canafístula, cedro e timbaúva tolerantes ao cobre. Mudas de cedro acumulam cobre na parte aérea e radicular. Mudas de timbaúva acumulam cobre na raiz da planta, não o translocam para a parte aérea. O angico-vermelho pode ser considerado uma planta exclusora de cobre. Canafístula, angicovermelho e timbaúva apresentaram maior tolerância a solo contaminado por cobre. A terceira etapa objetivou avaliar o comportamento de mudas de canafístula inoculadas com fungo ectomicorrízico em solo com excesso de cobre. O fungo ectomicorrízico utilizado como inoculante foi o isolado UFSC-Pt116. O incremento das doses de cobre reduziu o comprimento radicular, área superficial específica radicular, altura e diâmetro das plantas de canafístula. Mudas de canafístula inoculadas com fungo ectomicorrízico apresentaram menor teor de cobre em seu tecido e reduziram a absorção de cobre em dose mais elevada. Concluiuse que os isolados UFSC-Pt116, UFSC-Pt24 e UFSC-Sc124 foram eficientes in vitro na produção de micélio com elevada quantidade de cobre. O isolado UFSC-Pt116 não respondeu suficientemente para favorecer o desenvolvimento de canafístula em solo com excesso de cobre. Entretanto, este isolado reduziu a absorção de cobre pela planta.

Hydrodynamic Study of a Suction Stabilized Float (SSF)

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: In this work, the hydrodynamics of Suction Stabilization is studied. Suction stabilization was found to stabilize floating platforms/floats in a much better way as compared to the conventional methods. This was achieved by an effective increment in the metacentric height due to the Inverse Slack Tank (IST) effect. The study involves the analysis of the existing designs and optimizing its performance. This research investigates the stability of such floats and the hydrodynamic forces acting on the same for offshore applications, such as wind turbines. A simple mathematical model for the condition of parametric resonance is developed and the results are verified, both analytically and experimentally. / Dissertation/Thesis / Real time working of SSF in heavy wind and rain conditions / Animation explaining working of SSF / Experiment with patio umbrella mounted on SSF / Masters Thesis Mechanical Engineering 2014

Investigation of the response of groups of wave energy devices

Bellew, Sarah Louise January 2011 (has links)
Placing wave energy devices within close proximity to each other can be beneficial as the costs of deployment, maintenance and infrastructure are reduced significantly compared to if the devices are deployed in isolation. A mathematical model is presented in this thesis which combines linear wave theory with a series of linear driven harmonic oscillators to model an array (group) of floating wave energy devices which move predominantly in heave (vertically) in a train of incident regular waves. Whilst similar mathematical models have been used previously to investigate interactions between fluids and groups of structures, much of the published work does not address array configurations or device constraints that are relevant to designers of structure-supported array devices. The suitability of linear theory for application to closely spaced arrays is assessed in this thesis through comparison to small-scale experimental data and by evaluation of the magnitude of second-order hydrodynamic forces. Values of mechanical damping and mass are determined for each element of an array in order to achieve the maximum power from an array of floats without requiring the knowledge of the motion of every float within the array in order to apply the forces to any one float. Further to this, the analysis of floats of varying geometry is performed in order to assess the possibility of array optimisation through the variation of float geometries within a closely spaced array.It is shown in this thesis that linear theory provides a reasonable prediction of the response of floats that are sufficiently close together to interact for most wave frequencies to which the arrays are likely to be subjected. Under the assumption of easily implementable mechanical damping, it is determined that the power output from an array of floats of equal geometry can be increased by specifying different magnitudes of mechanical damping on each float independently of the radiation damping. Variations in submerged float geometries for the purpose of manipulating array characteristics according to the incident wave frequency are best applied through the variation in draft of a single geometry. Variations in submerged float geometry which occur close to the free surface are found to be of the greatest significance. Where the float is uniform in cross-section, the most appropriate method to select float drafts within an array is found to be based on the evaluation of the total damping on each float.

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