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[pt] A tese CEP 20.000 - Centro de Experimentação Poética - Uma Utopia Falada
percorre e registra os 30 anos do CEP 20.000, um dos mais importantes e influentes
eventos de poesia do Rio de Janeiro através de um olhar jornalístico, documental,
historiográfico mas também testemunhal - visto que seu autor fez parte,
como artista e também como produtor de uma fatia considerável dessa história.
Abrindo espaço para experimentações artísticas nas mais diversas frentes - com enfoque especial na poesia falada - o CEP 20.000 já recebeu dezenas de milhares de
artistas em suas três décadas de atividades, para participarem em apresentações curtas diante de um público ávido. A tese busca localizar o CEP, a partir das premissas estabelecidas por Michel Foucault, como uma heterotopia que merece seu lugar em uma espécie de linha pontilhada ou rizoma histórico da contracultura - partindo do Cabaret Voltaire, passando pelos Beats, os hippies, a geração marginal e os punks. A trajetória do CEP é contada de dentro do Espaço Cultural Sérgio Porto, seu palco principal, mas também pelo trabalho e a vida das tantas pessoas ligadas ao evento - e, com isso, a história do CEP supera seus próprios limites e acaba indo além dos 30 anos e das paredes de seu palco, contando também um pouco a história de um período da contracultura e da cena literária e musical do Rio de Janeiro, desde os anos 1990 e até hoje. / [en] The dissertation CEP 20.000 - Center of Poetic Experimentation - A Spoken
Utopia covers the 30 years history of CEP 20.000, one of the most important and
influential poetry events in Rio de Janeiro. Built on a journalistic, documentary,
historiographic perspective, the dissertation also has a testimonial essence - given the author took part of it as cast and crew for over a decade. An open stage to all styles of artistic expression - with deeper focus on spoken poetry - CEP 20.000 has received tens of thousands of artists for short performances in front of an avid audience of around 200 people since 1990. This work seeks to positioning CEP 20.000, based on Michel Foucault s premisses, as an heterotopia, who deserves its place in a kind of dot line or historical rhizome of counterculture through history - from Cabaret Voltaire, the Beat generation, hippies, the marginal generation in Brazil, to punk and beyond. The trajectory of CEP is revisited from within Espaço Cultural Sergio Porto theater, its main venue, but also through the work and life of all the people connected to the event - transcending the boundaries of its own three decade existence and the limits of its stage to find its place as part of Rio s counterculture history, literary and musical scene, since the 1990 s till today.
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Post-authoritarian governmentality? : renegotiating the 'other' spaces of National Socialism in unified BerlinCopley, Clare January 2015 (has links)
Building on a literature that identifies the technologies of liberal governance in the urban fabric of the nineteenth-century ‘liberal city’, my thesis explores the built environment of unified Berlin as a space within which power relations are performed and resisted. The original contribution to knowledge made by this thesis is through its contention that none of the forms of governmentality that have thus far been identified in the literature are adequate for an analysis of the Berlin Republic. To this end it posits the existence of a specifically post-authoritarian governmentality and uses the built environment of Berlin to explore its features and the ways in which it is continually (re)asserted, challenged and (re)negotiated in the German context. More specifically, it analyses post-1990 responses to National Socialist prestige buildings in Berlin which had also been incorporated into the highly politicised narratives of the Cold War: the former Aviation Ministry, the Olympic Stadium and the former Tempelhof Airport. Using these sites’ status as heterotopia, or ‘other spaces’, it highlights how the politics of the past inform the negotiation of the tensions between the celebration / delimitation of heterogeneity, the valorisation / instrumentalisation of ‘objective’ knowledge and the balance between freedom/ control. As well as uncovering evidence to support the idea of post-authoritarian governmentality, the thesis also finds indications that this is a transitional phase and that, in some respects, Germany can be seen to be moving towards the advanced liberal governance seen elsewhere in the western world.
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Mean Green: A Visual Cultural Analysis of the National Border Patrol MuseumMoreno, Gabriela Elena January 2012 (has links)
The National Border Patrol Museum (NBPM) in El Paso, Texas presents a view of the history, culture and life along the U.S.-Mexico border that no other museum in the world can offer. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to study and understand people and life in the border through the different forms in which they are representing themselves and how others view them as well. Mean Green: A Visual Cultural Analysis of the National Border Patrol Museum is a visual cultural analysis of the museum that deploys theoretical approaches in the disciplines of visual and cultural studies, Border Studies, Ethnic Studies, discourse analysis, museology, and spatial theory. The objectives of this dissertation are: 1) to study the varied representations, i.e., the hypermasculine white American male and the disenfranchised "illegal" immigrant, that reinforce and challenge the dominant discourse present in the hegemonic state and which are deconstructed when rearticulated in everyday border life; 2) to analyze why the museum represents a homotopia within the limits of a heterotopia; 3) to learn how the museum creates imagined communities through the use of its historical patrimony; 4) to observe the practices in relations of power by employing the notion of panopticon in their design and impose power over its visitors; and finally 5) to understand how the museum is providing a commodification of symbols to promote the hegemonic state. I reference historical events to frame the research for this project: history of the border, especially the El Paso border region, the creation of The Fraternal Order of Retired Border Patrol Officers, the history of the Border Patrol and the NBPM. Altogether, this work shows how the National Border Patrol Museum's exhibits and artifact displays are a reflection of what is happening in the border region.
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A History Revealed: The Inventions of Minnie Eureka YoungWilliams, Erin Colleen 01 January 2007 (has links)
With my thesis work I question the evidence of history and how this evidence is read. I examine the theory of fractured history and alternate history, two examples of how perception of the past is completely altered when the science of reality is merged with imagination and mystery. As a vehicle for this examination, I use my own family history, something I am familiar with on many levels but also completely foreign to. As a curator of the story of my own history, I ask, "How can we know what is real?" and "If I say it is real, does that make it so?"
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Nová divočina a její teoretické uchopení na příkladu Rohanského ostrova / New wilderness and its theoretical context on the example of Rohan islandHořejší, Johana January 2015 (has links)
New wilderness is a term denoting a particular kind of environment which is considerably modified by human activity and then abandoned. These places are left to their own development defined mostly by natural processes. This work describes the phenomenon of new wilderness both in Czech and international context. It attempts to capture not only the general nature of new wilderness but also to point out various features which are provoked by its character. Subsequently it discusses the theory of Umwelt by Jakob von Uexküll describing the relation of individual to the world and treating the space as perceived individually. Second part of this work is dedicated to concrete example of new wilderness - Rohan island in Prague. It summarizes its history and natural conditions. The concepts of Umwelt and heterotopia are then applied to this locality. The two theories in question, conceiving space in a specific way, develop further the complexity and richness of the phenomenon of new wilderness.
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Jiná místa: utopické vize ve vybraných afroamerických románech / Other Places: Visions of Utopia in Selected African-American NovelsHamšíková, Marie January 2013 (has links)
1 Abstract The thesis analyzes three novels with utopian features written by African American authors: Sutton E. Griggs's Imperium in Imperio (1899), George S. Schuyler's Black Empire (1936-1937) and Toni Morrison's Paradise (1997). The novels and their description of alternative all-black spaces are analyzed on the background of Michel Foucault's theory of heterotopias. In the first part of the thesis, I provide the introduction to the genre of utopia and its brief history, and I state a definition of utopia for the purposes of the thesis. Next I discuss the specificity of American context and introduce the concept of heterotopias as opposed to traditional utopias. The crucial features are simultaneity, juxtaposition, mutual relationships and mirroring. In the latter part of the thesis, I proceed to the analysis of the novels themselves, stressing mainly their treatment of race and racism. In Griggs's Imperium in Imperio, I describe the parallels between the white and black world in their use of rhetoric and in the Imperium's inspiration by the American War of Independence. I also examine the role of Du Boisian double-consciousness and its working in the concept of heterotopia. In the analysis of Schuyler's Black Empire, I focus on the fascist rhetoric resembling that of Italy in Italo-Ethiopian War,...
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Heterotopias no país do milagre : os corpos indígenas e as histórias filmadas /Neves-Corrêa, Maurício January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maria do Rosário de Fátima Valencise Gregolin / Banca: Vanice Sargentini / Banca: Denise Gabriel Witzel / Banca: Nilton Milanez / Banca: Israel de Sá / Resumo: Os dizeres "ordem e progresso" estampados na bandeira nacional rememoram discursos que atravessam as histórias do Brasil e constituem a nação como "o país do futuro, o país do milagre". Há, entretanto, em nossa sociedade, lugares que flutuam em fuga deste "milagre" e deste "progresso". Chamamos esses espaços, hoje, de aldeias indígenas. Lugares que despertam fascínio e medo. Permeiam o imaginário nacional de onde vai emergir o corpo indígena pintado e com um arco e flecha, seja para admiração ou para o pavor. Esses espaços estão presentes nas margens de nossa sociedade, são o contrário do que não tem lugar, eles são heterotopias. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma pesquisa arquegenealógica a partir dos estudos de Michel Foucault a fim de problematizar acontecimentos discursivos que inventaram e inventam identidades de povos indígenas em histórias filmadas no decorrer do século XX até a contemporaneidade. Pretendemos analisar processos discursivos construídos em materialidades fílmicas que agenciam uma ética e uma estética da corporalidade, da sexualidade e do gênero cujos efeitos de sentido objetivam/subjetivam o indígena brasileiro. Essa análise pressupõe focalizar os regimes de verdade que constituem esses discursos. Por que determinados enunciados ganharam destaque na mídia e outros foram interditados, excluídos? Que relações de saber e poder agenciaram e agenciam o movimento dessas agitações históricas? Quais os interesses e as oposições de atores tão distintos como... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Résumé: Les mots «ordre et progrès» imprimés sur le drapeau national rappellent des discours qui traversent les histoires du Brésil et constituent la nation comme «le pays du futur, le pays du miracle». Il y a cependant, dans notre société, des lieux qui flottent en fuite de ce «miracle» et de ce «progrès». Nous appelons ces espaces, aujourd'hui, des villages indigènes. Des lieux qui suscitent la fascination et la peur. Ils imprègnent l'imaginaire national d'où sortira le corps indien peint et avec un arc et une flèche, soit par admiration, soit par peur. Ces espaces sont présents en marge de notre société, ils sont à l'opposé de ce qui n'a pas de place, ce sont des hétérotopies.L'objectif de ce travail est de réaliser une recherche archéo-généalogique basée sur les études de Michel Foucault afin de problématiser les événements discursifs qui ont inventé et inventent les identités des peuples autochtones dans des histoires filmées au cours du XXe siècle jusqu'à la contemporanéité. Nous avons l'intention d'analyser des processus discursifs construits sur des matérialités filmiques qui favorisent une éthique et une esthétique de la corporalité, de la sexualité et du genre dont les effets de sens objectivent / subjectivent l'indigène brésilien. Cette analyse suppose de se concentrer sur les régimes de vérité qui constituent ces discours. Pourquoi certaines déclarations ont-elles pris de l'importance dans les médias et d'autres ont été interdites, exclues ? Quels rapports de savoir et de... (Résumé complet accès életronique ci-dessous) / Abstract: The words "order and progress" printed on the national flag recall speeches that cross the histories of Brazil and constitute the nation as "the country of the future, the land of the miracle." There are, however, in our society, places that float in flight from this "miracle" and from this "progress." We call these spaces, today, indigenous villages. Places that arouse fascination and fear. They permeate the national imaginary from where the painted native body will emerge with a bow and arrow, either for admiration or for fear. These spaces are present on the margins of our society, they are the opposite of what has no place, they are heterotopias. The objective of this work is to carry out an archeogenealogical research from the studies of Michel Foucault in order to problematize discursive events that invented and invent identities of indigenous peoples in stories filmed during the course of the 20th century to contemporaneity. We intend to analyze discursive processes built on filmic materialities that promote ethics and an aesthetic of corporality, sexuality and gender whose effects of meaning objectify / subjectivate the Brazilian native. This analysis presupposes focusing on the regimes of truth that constitute these discourses. Why have certain statements gained prominence in the media and others have been interdicted, excluded? What relations of knowledge and power have promoted and promote the movement of these historical agitations? What are the interests and oppo... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Experiências educativas com professores de Matemática : imagem-formação-fissuras /Cabral, Lêda Ferreira. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: César Donizetti Pereira Leite / Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo produzir movimentos de pensamento em torno da formação continuada de professores a partir de imagens, falas e narrativas de um grupo de professores de Matemática, do município de Caxias, Estado do Maranhão. A base de estudo emergiu de mobilizações com imagens ou filmagens produzidas e/ou escolhidas por eles. Além da experiência da autora como docente e formadora, o ponto de partida desta pesquisa considerou as inquietações ligadas à formação de professores, especialmente, da concepção de modelos, padrão, espaço formativo e da ideia de falta que tem constituído, em alguma medida, os discursos que estão nas cercanias dessa temática. Os achados constitutivos deste trabalho que se desdobram no formato de tese, foram produzidos com o grupo de professores convidados e mobilizados a escolher ou produzir imagens, que os remetesse a pensar sobre sua prática de sala de aula, formação e também sobre aspectos que pudessem ou não estar circunscritos ao cotidiano da escola, mas que os tocassem enquanto professores ou formadores. A partir dessa produção, os docentes foram convidados a falar sobre os motivos das escolhas de suas imagens e, ainda, das marcas que expressam em suas vidas. Em meio a esse movimento, procuramos pensar com imagens e a fala dos docentes, entre outras questões: o que podem os registros desses professores – mobilizados por imagens, declarações e recortados por sua experiência de vida – nos dar a pensar acerca da formação de professores? ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present study had as its objective the stimulation of movement and thoughts concerning the continuous formation of teachers through the use of images, talks, and narratives, and involved a group of mathematics teachers in the municipality of Caxias, Maranhão State, Brazil. The basis for the study emerged through the mobilization of images or films produced and/or chosen by those educators. In addition to the experience of the present author as a professor and instructor, the initiation of this research considered questions revolving around the professionalization of teachers, especially in terms of the concept of models, standards, formative spaces, and ideas of deficiency that have structured discussions of that theme. The constitutive findings of this work, which resulted in the elaboration of this thesis, were produced while working with a group of teachers invited to choose or produce images that caused them to contemplate their classroom practices, training, and other aspects that may or may not have been directly related to the school environment, but nonetheless influenced them as educators. After gathering those visual images, the teachers were invited to discuss their motivations for choosing each specific visual context and its relationship to their lives. In the midst of those movements, we sought to discuss the images and the manifestations of those educators and consider (among other questions): what could the impressions of those teachers – mobilized through... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Os chifres entre a cruz e a espada : um estudo das festas de touros na Espanha nos séculos (XV-XVI)Ungari, Diego de Freitas January 2016 (has links)
Nessa pesquisa OS CHIFRES ENTRE A CRUZ E A ESPADA: um estudo das festas de touros (XV-XVI) na Espanha, buscamos identificar como se deu essa emergência de um discurso de controle régio e clerical sob as chamadas festas de touros nos séculos XV e XVI – sendo aquilo que chamamos de “os chifres entre a cruz e a espada” justamente essa leitura das festas taurinas que legitimaram e deram vasão a essa construção das festas mais austeras e em conformidade com as doutrinas e dogmas cristãos, naquilo que denominamos de discurso de ordenança festiva. Para isso, analisamos uma gama de documentos, entre uma Crônica (Crónica del Condestable de Castilla Don Lucas de Iranzo), um Tratado (Tratado do Jogo), Bula (Salute Gregis Dominici) e o prólogo de um Cancioneiro (Cancionero de Juan Alfonso de Baena) na tentativa de construir e identificar nessa tipologia diversa de documentos, as várias maneiras utilizadas para compor o discurso de ordenança festiva. Observáveis em três frentes de análise – o discurso clerical, o discurso clerical percebido e praticado ou não pela nobreza e o discurso espacial/heterotopológico (sendo esse último, de suma importância, e tendo sido analisado partindo do conceito foucaultiano de heterotopia e as várias possibilidades que ele pode representar na análise dos mais diversos espaços). Também, perseguimos ao longo da pesquisa um tema que apesar de já há muito debatido mostrou que ainda encontra terreno fértil para novos debates historiográficos, as festas em si – analisadas partindo da proposta da festa como questão e como discurso. / In this research HORNS BETWEEN THE CROSS AND THE SWORD : a study of the bulls parties (XV- XVI) in Spain, we seek to identify how was this emergence of a regal control speech and clerical specifically under the so-called bulls parties in the XV and XVI - being what we call " the horns between a rock and a hard place " just this reading of bullfighting festivals that legitimized and gave arterial runoff to that construction of the austere celebrations and they were in accordance with the Christian doctrines and dogmas , what We call the ordinance festive speech and gave way to this construction of more austere celebrations that were in accordance with the Christian doctrines and dogmas, in what we call the festive ordinance speech. In order to do so, we analyzed a range of documents, from a chronicle (Crónica del Condestable de Castilla Don Lucas Iranzo), a treaty (Tratado del Juego), a bula (Salute Gregis Dominici) and the prologue of a songbook (Cancionero de Juan Alfonso de Baena) in an attempt to identify and construct in this different typology the various ways used to compose the festive ordinance speech. Observable in three fronts of analysis - the clerical speech, the clerical speech perceived and practiced (or not) by the nobility and the space/heterotopological speech (the latter, of paramount importance, has been analyzed with Foucault's concept of heterotopia and the various possibilities that it can represent in the analysis of the most diverse spaces as a starting point). We also seek throughout the research a theme that, although it has been discussed many times before, still shows that there is fertile ground for new historiographical debates: the parties themselves – analyzed from the premises of parties as problem and as speech.
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Experiências educativas com professores de Matemática: imagem-formação-fissuras / Educational experiences with Mathematics teachers:images-training-openingsCabral, Lêda Ferreira [UNESP] 05 September 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-09-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este estudo teve como objetivo produzir movimentos de pensamento em torno da formação continuada de professores a partir de imagens, falas e narrativas de um grupo de professores de Matemática, do município de Caxias, Estado do Maranhão. A base de estudo emergiu de mobilizações com imagens ou filmagens produzidas e/ou escolhidas por eles. Além da experiência da autora como docente e formadora, o ponto de partida desta pesquisa considerou as inquietações ligadas à formação de professores, especialmente, da concepção de modelos, padrão, espaço formativo e da ideia de falta que tem constituído, em alguma medida, os discursos que estão nas cercanias dessa temática. Os achados constitutivos deste trabalho que se desdobram no formato de tese, foram produzidos com o grupo de professores convidados e mobilizados a escolher ou produzir imagens, que os remetesse a pensar sobre sua prática de sala de aula, formação e também sobre aspectos que pudessem ou não estar circunscritos ao cotidiano da escola, mas que os tocassem enquanto professores ou formadores. A partir dessa produção, os docentes foram convidados a falar sobre os motivos das escolhas de suas imagens e, ainda, das marcas que expressam em suas vidas. Em meio a esse movimento, procuramos pensar com imagens e a fala dos docentes, entre outras questões: o que podem os registros desses professores – mobilizados por imagens, declarações e recortados por sua experiência de vida – nos dar a pensar acerca da formação de professores? No limiar desse pensamento, como um dos caminhos possíveis para a investigação, nos propormos um exercício de aproximação ao pensamento de autores, como Benjamin (1993, 1995), Deleuze (2006, 2011), Deleuze; Guattari (1977, 1992, 1996, 1997), Foucault (2009, 2012), Rancière (1995, 2009, 2012), Larrosa (2002), Leite (2011, 2012), Jobim e Souza (1994), Clareto (2009, 2010), Fiorentini; Lorenzato (2006), entre outras vozes que ajudaram a mobilizar conceitos e sensações nessa tecitura acerca da formação continuada. Caminhando por entre os achados, uma diversidade de questões emergiu do currículo, da sala de aula, do conhecimento matemático, da experiência educativa de cada sujeito, sua vivência em sala e suas afetações no exercício de suas funções, seja no âmbito de suas práticas de sala de aula, assim como também do que a rodeia e, ao mesmo tempo, a transpassa e atravessa e, ao atravessar, nos transforma. Estes achados apontam que uma formação que conceba o professor como autor do processo formativo pode produzir ‘formação-menores’ ou heterotopia nos processos de formação. Em outras palavras, caminham em direção a formações que não partem de modelos e protocolos preestabelecidos, dados a priori da experiência, mas, que considera o que se faz na superfície, na experiência do acontecimento, no encontro com os sujeitos do processo formativo. / The present study had as its objective the stimulation of movement and thoughts concerning the continuous formation of teachers through the use of images, talks, and narratives, and involved a group of mathematics teachers in the municipality of Caxias, Maranhão State, Brazil. The basis for the study emerged through the mobilization of images or films produced and/or chosen by those educators. In addition to the experience of the present author as a professor and instructor, the initiation of this research considered questions revolving around the professionalization of teachers, especially in terms of the concept of models, standards, formative spaces, and ideas of deficiency that have structured discussions of that theme. The constitutive findings of this work, which resulted in the elaboration of this thesis, were produced while working with a group of teachers invited to choose or produce images that caused them to contemplate their classroom practices, training, and other aspects that may or may not have been directly related to the school environment, but nonetheless influenced them as educators. After gathering those visual images, the teachers were invited to discuss their motivations for choosing each specific visual context and its relationship to their lives. In the midst of those movements, we sought to discuss the images and the manifestations of those educators and consider (among other questions): what could the impressions of those teachers – mobilized through images, declarations, and life experience memories – lead us to conclude about the formation of school instructors? Within those thoughts, and as a possible path of investigation, we proposed exercises of approximation to the thoughts of authors such as Benjamin (1993, 1995), Deleuze (2006, 2011), Deleuze; Guattari (1977, 1992, 1996, 1997), Foucault (2009, 2012), Rancière (1995, 2009, 2012), Larrosa (2002), Leite (2011, 2012), Jobim e Souza (1994), Clareto (2009, 2010), Fiorentini; and Lorenzato (2006), among other voices, which could aid in mobilizing concepts and sensations leading towards continuous formative activities. Considering our findings, a diversity of questions emerged concerning the curriculum, the classroom environment, the understanding of mathematics, the educational history of each person, their experiences in classrooms, their presumptions in terms of the execution of their functions (whether in terms of their practices in the classroom or the environment that surrounds them) that, while at the same time, passing over them and through them, thereby transformed them. Those findings point to the concept of the professor as the author of processes that are ‘minor training’, or heterotopia, in the transformation process – moving in directions that do not originate from pre-established models and protocols given the a priori nature of experiences, that do not consider what is done on the surface, during the moments of those events, at the moment of encounter with the objects of the formative process.
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