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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude du polymorphisme du gène majeur d’histocompatibilité de classe IIb (MHIIb) chez l’omble de fontaine (Salvelinus fontinalis)

Croisetière, Sébastien 10 1900 (has links)
Les molécules classiques du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité de classe II (CMHII) sont des glycoprotéines de surface spécialisées dans la présentation de peptides, principalement dérivés de pathogènes extracellulaires, aux récepteurs des lymphocytes T CD4+ afin d’initier la réponse immunitaire adaptative. Elles sont encodées, avec celles du CMH de classe I, par les gènes les plus polymorphiques identifiés jusqu’à maintenant, avec plusieurs loci et une grande diversité allélique à chacun d’eux. De plus, le polymorphisme des gènes du CMHII n’est pas limité qu’aux séquences codantes. Il est également observé dans les promoteurs où on a démontré ses effets sur le niveau d’expression des gènes. La variation de la régulation d’un gène est considérée comme un facteur important et pour laquelle des modifications morphologiques, physiologiques et comportementales sont observées chez tous les organismes. Des séquences d’ADN répétées impliquées dans cette régulation ont été identifiées dans les régions non-codantes des génomes. D’un autre côté, la sélection par les pathogènes permettrait l’évolution et le maintien du polymorphisme des gènes du CMH chez les vertébrés. À ce sujet, plusieurs études ont montré l’implication de différents allèles du CMH dans la résistance ou la susceptibilité aux maladies. Cette étude avait pour objectifs de caractériser le polymorphisme du gène MHIIb chez l’omble de fontaine (Salvelinus fontinalis) et de documenter ses effets au niveau de la survie conférée par des allèles et/ou génotypes particuliers lors d’une infection, ainsi que sur la variation du niveau d’expression du gène dans différentes conditions. Dans une première partie, nous avons identifié un total de 6 allèles du gène MHIIb, désignés Safo-DAB*0101 à Safo-DAB*0601, qui montrent une grande similarité avec les séquences codantes provenant de poissons téléostéens et de l’humain. L’analyse des séquences du domaine b1 a permis de détecter l’effet d’une pression sélective positive pour maintenir le polymorphisme dans cette région de la molécule. Quatre de ces allèles ont été testés lors d’une expérience d’infection avec le pathogène Aeromonas salmonicida afin d’évaluer l’effet qu’ils pouvaient avoir sur la survie des poissons. Nous avons trouvé que l’allèle DAB*0101 était significativement associé à la résistance à la furonculose. En plus d’avoir été identifié chez les individus homozygotes pour cet allèle, l’effet a également été remarqué au niveau de la survie les poissons de génotype DAB*0101/*0201. À l’opposé, les facteurs de risque élevé obtenus pour les génotypes DAB*0201/*0301 et DAB*0301/*0401 suggèrent plutôt une association à la susceptibilité. Étant donné la faible fréquence à laquelle l’allèle DAB*0101 a été retrouvé dans la population, le modèle de la sélection dépendante de la fréquence pourrait expliquer l’avantage conféré par ce dernier et souligne l’importance de ce mécanisme pour le maintien du polymorphisme du gène MHIIb chez l’omble de fontaine. Dans une seconde partie, nous avons rapporté la présence d’un minisatellite polymorphique formé d’un motif de 32 nucléotides dans le second intron du gène MHIIb, et pour lequel un nombre exclusif de répétitions du motif a été associé à chaque allèle (69, 27, 20, 40, 19 et 25 répétitions pour les allèles DAB*0101 à DAB*0601 respectivement). L’expression relative de quatre allèles a été évaluée dans des poissons hétérozygotes aux températures de 6 ºC et 18 ºC. Les résultats indiquent que les allèles possédant un long minisatellite montrent une réduction de l’expression du gène d’un facteur 1,67 à 2,56 par rapport aux allèles qui en contiennent un court. De même, des allèles qui incluent des minisatellites de tailles similaires n’affichent pas de différence significative au niveau de l’abondance du transcrit aux deux températures. De plus, l’effet répressif associé aux longs minisatellites est amplifié à la température de 18 ºC dans des poissons de trois génotypes différents. Nous avons finalement observé une augmentation significative par un facteur 2,08 de l’expression totale du gène MHIIb à la température de 6 ºC. Ces résultats appuient l’implication des séquences d’ADN répétées dans la régulation de l’activité transcriptionnelle d’un gène et suggèrent qu’un minisatellite sensible aux différences de températures pourrait être soumis aux forces sélectives et jouer un rôle important dans l’expression de gènes et l’évolution des organismes poïkilothermes. / Classical major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) molecules are cell-surface glycoproteins specialized in the presentation of peptides, mainly derived from extracellular pathogens, to the antigen receptors of CD4+ T cells in the adaptive immune system. They are encoded, with those of the MHC class I, by the most polymorphic genes known to date, with multiple loci and high allelic diversity at each one. Moreover, the polymorphism within MHCII genes is not restricted to coding sequences. It has also been observed in promoters where it was shown to affect the expression level of the genes. Variation in gene regulation is believed to be an important factor from which modification in morphology, physiology or behaviour can be observed in all organisms. Repeated DNA sequences with functional roles in this regulation have been identified within the non-coding parts of the genomes. On the other hand, pathogen-driven selection is also believed to be important in the evolution and maintenance of the polymorphism of the MHC genes in vertebrates. Studies have shown the implication of different MHC alleles in disease resistance or susceptibility. In this study, our aims were to characterize the polymorphism of the MHIIb gene in brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis), to document its effects on the survival conferred by specific alleles and/or genotypes following an infection and on the variation of the expression level of the gene in different environmental conditions. In a first part, we identified a total of 6 MHIIb alleles, designated Safo-DAB*0101 to Safo-DAB*0601, showing a high similarity to coding sequences from teleost fish and human. Analysis of the b1 domain sequences indicates the effect of a positive selection pressure to select polymorphic mutations in that region of the molecule. Four of these alleles were tested in a challenge experiment against the pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida to evaluate their effect on fish survival. We found that one allele, DAB*0101, was significantly associated with resistance to furonculosis. In addition to homozygotes for this allele, its resistance effect was also detected in the heterozygote individuals of the DAB*0101/*0201 genotype. In contrast, other allelic combinations, namely heterozygous genotypes DAB*0201/*0301 and DAB*0301/*0401 were significantly associated with increased susceptibility. Given that its frequency was relatively low in the population, the negative frequency dependant selection hypothesis could explain the advantage associated with the allele DAB*0101 over the other alleles and highlight the importance of this mechanism to sustain variation at the MHC in brook charr. In a second part, we reported the identification of a polymorphic minisatellite formed of a 32 nucleotides motif in the second intron of MHIIb gene, and for which distinctive repeat numbers of the motif were associated to each alleles (69, 27, 20, 40, 19 and 25 repeats for the DAB*0101 to DAB*0601 alleles respectively). Relative expression levels of four alleles were determined in heterozygous fish at temperature of 18 ºC and 6 ºC. Results indicate that alleles carrying the longest minisatellite showed a 1.67 to 2.56-fold reduction in the transcript expression relatively to the shortest one. In contrast, no significant differences were seen in the expression levels between alleles with comparable minisatellite length at both temperatures. Furthermore, the repressive activity associated to the longest minisatellite was more effective at temperature of 18 ºC in fish from three different genotypes. We finally observed a significant 2.08-fold up-regulation of the total MHII transcript amount at 6 ºC. The results support the implication of repeated DNA sequences in the regulation of the gene transcriptional activity and suggest that a temperature-sensitive minisatellite could potentially be submitted to selective forces and therefore play an important role in gene expression and evolution in ectothermic organisms.

Systems biology of the human MHC class I immunopeptidome

Granados, Diana Paola 10 1900 (has links)
Le système de différenciation entre le « soi » et le « non-soi » des vertébrés permet la détection et le rejet de pathogènes et de cellules allogéniques. Il requiert la surveillance de petits peptides présentés à la surface cellulaire par les molécules du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité de classe I (CMH I). Les molécules du CMH I sont des hétérodimères composés par une chaîne lourde encodée par des gènes du CMH et une chaîne légère encodée par le gène β2-microglobuline. L’ensemble des peptides est appelé l’immunopeptidome du CMH I. Nous avons utilisé des approches en biologie de systèmes pour définir la composition et l’origine cellulaire de l’immunopeptidome du CMH I présenté par des cellules B lymphoblastoïdes dérivés de deux pairs de fratries avec un CMH I identique. Nous avons découvert que l’immunopeptidome du CMH I est spécifique à l’individu et au type cellulaire, qu’il dérive préférentiellement de transcrits abondants, est enrichi en transcrits possédant d’éléments de reconnaissance par les petits ARNs, mais qu’il ne montre aucun biais ni vers les régions génétiques invariables ni vers les régions polymorphiques. Nous avons également développé une nouvelle méthode qui combine la spectrométrie de masse, le séquençage de nouvelle génération et la bioinformatique pour l’identification à grand échelle de peptides du CMH I, dont ceux résultants de polymorphismes nucléotidiques simples non-synonymes (PNS-ns), appelés antigènes mineurs d’histocompatibilité (AMHs), qui sont les cibles de réponses allo-immunitaires. La comparaison de l’origine génomique de l’immunopeptidome de soeurs avec un CMH I identique a révélé que 0,5% des PNS-ns étaient représentés dans l’immunopeptidome et que 0,3% des peptides du CMH I seraient immunogéniques envers une des deux soeurs. En résumé, nous avons découvert des nouveaux facteurs qui modèlent l’immunopeptidome du CMH I et nous présentons une nouvelle stratégie pour l’indentification de ces peptides, laquelle pourrait accélérer énormément le développement d’immunothérapies ciblant les AMHs. / The self/nonself discrimination system of vertebrates allows detection and rejection of pathogens and allogeneic cells. It requires the surveillance of short peptides presented by major histocompatibility class I (MHC I) molecules on the cell surface. MHC I molecules are heterodimers that consist of a heavy chain produced by MHC genes and a light chain encoded by the β2-microglobulin gene. The peptides presented by MHC I molecules are collectively referred to as the MHC I immunopeptidome. We employed systems biology approaches to define the composition and cellular origin of the self MHC I immunopeptidome presented by B lymphoblastoid cells derived from two pairs of MHC-identical siblings. We found that the MHC I immunopeptidome is subject- and cell-specific, derives preferentially from abundant transcripts, is enriched in transcripts bearing microRNA response elements and shows no bias toward invariant vs. polymorphic genomic sequences. We also developed a novel personalized approach combining mass-spectrometry, next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics for high-throughput identification of MHC I peptides including those caused by nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (ns-SNPs), termed minor histocompatibility antigens (MiHAs), which are the targets of allo-immune responses. Comparison of the genomic landscape of the immunopeptidome of MHC-identical siblings revealed that 0.5% of ns-SNPs were represented in the immunopeptidome and that 0.3% of the MHC I-peptide repertoire would be immunogenic for one of the siblings. We discovered new factors that shape the self MHC I immunopeptidome and present a novel strategy for the identification of MHC I-associated peptides that could greatly accelerate the development of MiHA-targeted immunotherapy.

The Immunogenetics of Dental Caries

McCarlie, Van Wallace, Jr. January 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Background: Bacterial adherence to the acquired dental pellicle, important in caries, is mediated by receptor-adhesin interactions such as Streptococcus mutans antigen I/II (I/II). Ten I/II epitopes from the A, V, P and C regions were chosen to determine their reactivity in human saliva. Underlying the body’s ability to immunologically respond to bacteria that lead to caries are the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes, specifically HLA class II (HLA-II) genes that control antigen presentation. Previous studies suggested that a specific HLA biomarker group (HLA-DRB1*04) may have differential control of immune responses to I/II. However, it was not known whether secretory IgA (SIgA) responses to the selected epitopes from HLA-DRB1*04 positive subjects were different compared to their non-biomarker counterparts (negative), or across other caries factors, since no study to date had thus assessed these questions. Methods: Per IRB approval, the study population was divided into age, sex and race matched DRB1*04 positive (n=16) and negative groups (n=16). SIgA-epitope (and whole cell) reactivity was determined using ELISA. Other caries factors were measured. Subjects received a clinical exam by a trained examiner. ix Differences between DRB1*04 positive and negative groups were examined using a two-sided, two-sample t-test. Results: DRB1*04 positive subjects had numerically, but not statistically, higher reactivity to 9 out of 10 epitopes, the exception being residues 834-853 from the V and P regions of I/II across multiple measures. Though statistically insignificant, DRB1*04 positive subjects also exhibited 25-30 μg mL-1 less total IgA (TIgA) than negative counterparts. All clinical caries data proved inconclusive when comparing groups, likely due to exogenous factors and sample size. Conclusion: DRB1*04 positive subjects showed a trend toward lower TIgA. Moreover, they also showed a lower SIgA response across multiple measures to 834-853, the I/II V and P region epitope. This region forms a sort of functional epicenter involved in collaboration between domains along the entire I/II antigen, and governs the region involved in initial attachment to the acquired dental pellicle. This region may be involved in an in vivo discontinuous conformationally specific immunogenic epitope that serves as an HLA-II binding motif which remains elusive.

Role of 26S Proteasome and Regulator of G-Protein Signaling 10 in Regulating Neuroinflammation in the Central Nervous System

Maganti, Nagini 17 December 2015 (has links)
Major histocompatibility complex molecules (MHCII) are cell surface glycoproteins that present extracellular antigens to CD4+ T lymphocytes and initiate adaptive immune responses. Apart from their protective role, overexpression of MHCII contributes to autoimmune disorders where the immune system attacks our own tissues. Autoimmune diseases are characterized by self-reactive responses to autoantigens, promoting tissue damage, inflammation mediated by proinflammatory cytokines, autoreactive lymphocytes, and autoantibodies. MHCII molecules are tightly regulated at the level of transcription by Class II transactivator (CIITA). CIITA associates with an enhanceosome complex at MHCII promoters and regulates the expression of MHCII. It is thus crucial to understand the regulation of CIITA expression in order to regulate MHCII in autoimmune diseases. Our lab has shown that the 19S ATPases of the 26S proteasome associate with MHCII and CIITA promoters and play important roles in gene transcription, regulate covalent modifications to histones, and are involved in the assembly of activator complexes in mammalian cells. The mechanisms by which the proteasome influences transcription remain unclear. Here, we define novel roles of the 19S ATPases Sug1, S7, and S6a in expression of CIITApIV genes. These ATPases are recruited to CIITApIV promoters and coding regions, interact with the elongation factor PTEFb, and with Ser5 phosphorylated RNA Pol II. Both the generation of CIITApIV transcripts and efficient recruitment of RNA Pol II to CIITApIV are negatively impacted by knockdown of 19S ATPases. Alternatively, inflammation is also suppressed via the Regulator of G-protein signaling 10 (RGS10) in microglial cells which express high levels of RGS10 and promote homeostasis in the central nervous system. However, chronic activation of microglial cells leads to release of cytokines which cause neuroinflammation. Our investigation of roles played by RGS10 in chronically activated microglial cells indicates that RGS10 binds to promoters of IL-1β, and TNF-α and regulates these genes, while the molecular mechanism remains to be investigated. Together, our observations indicate roles for the UPS in modulating gene expression and for RGS10 in regulating proinflammatory cytokines in microglial cells, each of which provides novel therapeutic targets to combat inflammation in autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases.

Immunological properties of parthenogenetic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes and their application in cardiac tissue engineering

Galla, Satish 14 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Statistical HLA type imputation from large and heterogeneous datasets

Dilthey, Alexander Tilo January 2012 (has links)
An individual's Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) type is an essential immunogenetic parameter, influencing susceptibility to a variety of autoimmune and infectious diseases, to certain types of cancer and the likelihood of adverse drug reactions. I present and evaluate two models for the accurate statistical determination of HLA types for single-population and multi-population studies, based on SNP genotypes. Importantly, SNP genotypes are already available for many studies, so that the application of the statistical methods presented here does not incur any extra cost besides computing time. HLA*IMP:01 is based on a parallelized and modified version of LDMhc (Leslie et al., 2008), enabling the processing of large reference panels and improving call rates. In a homogeneous single-population imputation scenario on a mainly British dataset, it achieves accuracies (posterior predictive values) and call rates >=88% at all classical HLA loci (HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1, HLA-DRB1) at 4-digit HLA type resolution. HLA*IMP:02 is specifically designed to deal with multi-population heterogeneous reference panels and based on a new algorithm to construct haplotype graph models that takes into account haplotype estimate uncertainty, allows for missing data and enables the inclusion of prior knowledge on linkage disequilibrium. It works as well as HLA*IMP:01 on homogeneous panels and substantially outperforms it in more heterogeneous scenarios. In a cross-European validation experiment, even without setting a call threshold, HLA*IMP:02 achieves an average accuracy of 96% at 4-digit resolution (>=91% for all loci, which is achieved at HLA-DRB1). HLA*IMP:02 can accurately predict structural variation (DRB paralogs), can (to an extent) detect errors in the reference panel and is highly tolerant of missing data. I demonstrate that a good match between imputation and reference panels in terms of principal components and reference panel size are essential determinants of high imputation accuracy under HLA*IMP:02.

L’immunoprotéasome : producteur de peptides-CMH I et régulateur de l’expression génique

de Verteuil, Danielle Angeline 01 1900 (has links)
Le système ubiquitine-protéasome est le principal mécanisme par lequel les protéines intracellulaires sont dégradées. Le protéasome dit constitutif (PC) est donc essentiel à l’homéostasie mais aussi à la régulation de la majorité des processus cellulaires importants. La découverte d’un deuxième type de protéasome, appelé immunoprotéasome (IP), soulève toutefois de nouvelles questions. Pourquoi existe-t-il plus d’un type de protéasome ? L’IP a-t-il des rôles redondants ou complémentaires avec le PC ? L’IP étant présent principalement dans les cellules immunitaires ou stimulées par des cytokines, plusieurs groupes ont tenté de définir son rôle dans la réponse immunitaire. Or, l’implication de son homologue constitutif dans un éventail de processus non spécifiquement immunitaires nous laisse croire que l’IP pourrait lui aussi avoir un impact beaucoup plus large. L’objectif de cette thèse était donc de caractériser certains rôles cellulaires de l’IP dans les cellules dendritiques. Nous avons d’abord étudié l’impact global de l’IP sur la présentation antigénique de classe I. Ce faisant, nous avons pu déterminer ses deux contributions principales, soit l’augmentation drastique du nombre et de la diversité des peptides présentés sur les complexes majeurs d’histocompatibilité de classe I. Les différences de clivage entre le PC et l’IP pourraient expliquer en partie cette diversité du répertoire peptidique, notamment par l’affinité apparente de l’IP pour les régions protéiques non structurées. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons dévoilé un nouveau rôle de l’IP sur un processus dépassant le cadre immunitaire : la transcription. Nous avons découvert que l’IP modifie l’abondance des ARNm en agissant principalement au niveau de leur synthèse. L’impact de l’IP sur le transcriptome est majeur et serait dû en partie à une dégradation différente de facteurs de transcription des familles IRF, STAT et NF-kB. Les cellules dendritiques IP-déficientes activent moins efficacement les lymphocytes T CD8+ et nous croyons que cette défaillance est causée (du moins en partie) par la perturbation transcriptomique provoquée par l’absence d’IP. Il importe donc de comprendre les différents rôles moléculaires de l’IP afin de mieux définir sa contribution globale au fonctionnement de la cellule et comprendre l’avantage évolutif, au niveau de l’organisme, procuré par une telle plasticité du système ubiquitine-protéasome. / The ubiquitin-proteasome system is the major mechanism by which intracellular proteins get degraded. Constitutive proteasomes (CPs) are thus essential for cellular homeostasis but also to regulate the majority of important cellular processes. However, the discovery of a second type of proteasome, named immunoproteasome (IP), raises new questions. Why are there more than one type of proteasome? Does the IP perform redundant or complementary roles with the CP? The IP is predominantly expressed in immune or cytokine-stimulated cells and several groups worked at defining its role during the immune response. Yet, the implication of its constitutive homolog in a variety of processes suggests that the IP may also have a much broader impact. The objective was to characterize cellular roles of the IP in dendritic cells. We first studied the global impact of the IP on class I antigen presentation. We discovered that the IP drastically increases the number and the diversity of peptide presented by class I major histocompatibility complexes. Cleavage differences between the CP and the IP are likely part of the explanation for this peptide repertoire diversity, notably due to IP’s apparent affinity for unstructured protein regions. Second, we discovered a new role for the IP in a process unrestricted to the immune system: transcription. We found that the IP affects transcript abundance mostly at the level of mRNA synthesis. The impact of IPs on the transcriptome is major and would be partly based on a different degradation of IRF, STAT and NF-kB transcription factor family members by the two types of proteasomes. IP-deficient dendritic cells are less potent activators of CD8+ T cells and we believe that this defect is at least partly caused by the transcriptome alterations induced by the absence of IPs. It is therefore important to understand the different molecular roles of the IP in order to better define its global contribution to cellular functions and to understand the evolutionary advantage, at the level of the organism, brought by such plasticity of the ubiquitin- proteasome system.

Ecologie évolutive de la malaria aviaire : effets des caractéristiques de l'hôte et de l'environnement / Evolutive ecology of avian malaria : effects of host and environment characteristics

Bichet, Coraline 18 December 2012 (has links)
L’étude des interactions hôtes-parasites est devenue un thème de recherche incontournable pour les sciences de l’évolution. Cette coévolution complexe dépend de nombreux compromis évolutifs et peut être grandement influencée par les facteurs environnementaux. Nous nous proposons ici d’étudier les interactions hôtes-parasites à plusieurs échelles, à travers des approches expérimentales et des études en populations naturelles, en étudiant les parasites de la malaria aviaire. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’influence des caractéristiques de l’hôte et notamment au système immunitaire. Le système immunitaire est bénéfique pour l’hôte dans sa lutte contre le parasite, mais peut également engendrer des coûts immunopathologiques. Des traits d’histoire de vie, comme l’âge ou le statut social peuvent modifier la parasitémie au sein des hôtes, sans toutefois avoir d’effet sur la prévalence. Dans un second temps, l’effet de certains facteurs environnementaux a été évalué au sein des interactions hôtes-parasites. La température et la contamination en métaux lourds ont un effet sur la prévalence dans les populations, mais n’affectent pas la parasitémie. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons également montré l’influence directe des parasites sanguins sur la structure génétique des populations hôtes, notamment au niveau des gènes du CMH. / Host-parasite interactions are one of the main topics in evolutionary sciences. This complex coevolution depends on several trade-offs and can be influenced by environmental factors. Here, we propose to study host-parasite interactions with a multi-level approach, using experimental and natural population studies, focusing on avian malaria parasites. First, we studied the effect of host characteristics, and more precisely the immune system. The immune system confers benefits in terms of protection against the parasite, but can also generated immunopathological costs. Life history traits, like age or social status, appear to modify parasitemia but not prevalence. In a second part, we evaluated the effect of environmental factors on host-parasite interactions. We found that temperature and heavy metal contamination had an effect on population prevalence, but not on host parasitemia. We also showed the direct parasite influence on host population genetic structure, and more precisely on MHC genes.

RAE-1, acteur et marqueur de la prolifération de cellules neurales

Popa, Natalia 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les cellules neurales expriment des molécules dites immunes qui peuvent exercer des rôles différents de ceux exercés dans le système immunitaire. Les molécules du CMH-I classiques présentent des peptides représentatifs du contenu protéique de chaque cellule aux sentinelles du système immunitaire. Cependant, il est documenté que ces molécules ont aussi des fonctions « non immunes ». En effet, les molécules du CMH-I classiques jouent un rôle dans l'établissement et la plasticité des synapses. Sur divers types cellulaires, elles peuvent aussi interagir avec des récepteurs membranaires en cis, moduler leur stabilité à la membrane et en conséquence leur activité. RAE-1 est un membre de la famille des molécules du CMH-I, décrite initialement dans le système nerveux central embryonnaire. Pour le système immunitaire, RAE-1 est un ligand du récepteur activateur NKG2D, exprimé par les cellules NK, NKT, les lymphocytes T γδ et CD8+. RAE-1 est peu ou pas exprimé dans la plupart des tissus adultes. Son expression est induite par le stress génotoxique, la transformation tumorale ou l'infection virale ce qui permet au système immunitaire d'éliminer les cellules « malades » grâce à l'activation des cellules cytotoxiques exprimant NKG2D. Je décris l'expression de RAE-1 par les cellules neurales progénitrices et le rôle non immun de cette molécule dans la prolifération cellulaire. L'expression de RAE-1 est fortement corrélée au niveau de prolifération cellulaire et est dépendante du facteur de croissance EGF. / Neural cells express immune molecules which roles differ from those in the immune system. Classical MHC-I molecules present peptides originated from the proteic content of each cell to patrolling immune cells. However, these molecules can also have nonimmune roles. Indeed, classical MHC-I molecules participate in the establishment of synapses and synaptic plasticity. They can also interact in cis with different membrane receptors on different cell types, and modulate the receptors' membrane stability and activity. RAE-1, a member of MHC-I family, was initially described in the embryonic central nervous system. In the immune system, RAE-1 is a ligand of the activating receptor NKG2D, expressed by NK cells and by NKT, γδT and some CD8+ T lymphocytes. RAE-1 is weakly or not expressed in most adult tissues. Its expression is induced by genotoxic stress, tumoral transformation or viral infection and triggers the elimination of transformed cells by the cytotoxic immune cells which express NKG2D. I describe here the expression of RAE-1 by neural progenitor cells and its role in cell proliferation. RAE-1 expression level is highly correlated with the rate of cell proliferation and depends on the presence of epidermal growth factor (EGF). Exposition to EGF induces the colocalization of RAE-1 and phosphorylated EGF-receptor (EGFR) inside lipid rafts and endocytosed vesicles, which supports a role of RAE-1 as a partner of EGFR. RAE-1 expression is also induced in the nervous tissue in different models of CNS pathologies. In these conditions, RAE-1 could be expressed by proliferating microglia under the control of M-CSF.

Estudo do poliformismo genético na hepatite auto-imune na infância: busca de genes e haplótipos de suscetibilidade / Study of genetic polymorphism in children: searching for susceptibility genes and haplotypes

Oliveira, Léa Campos de 02 October 2008 (has links)
A hepatite auto-imune (HAI) é uma doença inflamatória crônica do fígado, de etiologia desconhecida, que acomete preferencialmente mulheres, com destruição progressiva do parênquima hepático e que, sem tratamento imunossupressor, evolui freqüentemente para cirrose. É uma doença rara na infância, com menos de 10% dos pacientes com doença hepática crônica, porém de alta mortalidade. Caracteriza-se pela presença de hipergamaglobulinemia, auto-anticorpos não órgãos-específicos e infiltrado inflamatório portal linfoplasmocitário. Cerca da metade dos pacientes atendidos no Instituto da Criança, apresenta também níveis elevados de IgE, sem causas aparentes como parasitoses ou atopia. A suscetibilidade genética à doença está principalmente associada a genes que codificam as moléculas de histocompatibilidade (HLA). A presença do HLA-DR é importante, mas não suficiente para o desenvolvimento dessa doença rara, fazendo inclusive supor um forte componente externo/ambiental no desencadeamento da doença. Genes recém descritos, localizados na região de classe III do Complexo Principal de Histocompatibilidade (CPH) e ligados ao controle da resposta imune, em especial, alguns próximos à junção com a região de classe I, têm sido investigados como \"loci\" secundários para o desenvolvimento de doenças auto-imunes. A forte associação da HAI com genes na região do MHC, bastante comuns na população, aliada a incidência muito baixa da doença, leva à questão da presença de genes adicionais de suscetibilidade, que, junto com o HLA-DR, seriam responsáveis pela suscetibilidade genética observada. Dessa forma, o HLADRB1* 13, além de um fator por si, também pode ser um marcador da região cromossômica, ou seja, de um haplótipo específico e que, portanto, carrega mais de um gene de suscetibilidade. Estudamos polimorfismos, tipo SNP, de xx genes próximos ao HLA-DRB1, como TNFA, LTA, NFKBIL1 e BAT1, buscando haplótipos de susceptibilidade à doença, em pacientes HAI-1 (n=105) e controles sadios (n=227). O haplótipo ancestral 8.1 que inclui HLA-DRB1*03 e o alelo raro na posição -308 do gene TNFA estava aumentado (p=0.0005). Já o alelo HLA-DRB1*13, presente na maioria dos pacientes, não mostrou haplótipo específico associado. Também avaliamos genes de citocinas envolvidas na produção de IgE, elevado em parte dos pacientes HAI-1. Na comparação com controles, a freqüência dos SNPs IL- 4+33 e IL13+110, localizados em genes vizinhos, apresentou aumento estatisticamente significante nos pacientes, sugerindo haver um grupo gênico adicional no cromossomo 5q31 envolvido na susceptibilidade à HAI / Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an inflammatory chronic liver disease of unknown etiology found predominantly in females, leading when untreated, to cirrhosis. It is a rare disease in the childhood, corresponding to about 10% of patients with chronic hepatitis, but exhibits high mortality. It is characterized by hipergammaglobulinemia, organ nonspecific circulating autoantibodies, and an inflammatory liver-infiltrating lymphocytes and plasma cells. Almost half of patients investigated at Instituto da Criança had increased plasma IgE levels, without any apparent cause such as parasite infestation or atopy. Genetic predisposition to AIH has been mainly linked to genes coding for HLA class II molecules. HLA-DR is important but not sufficient to explain this rare disease, suggesting there is an external/environmental component triggering the disease. Recently, several genes in the class III region of MHC, linked to immune responses, especially near the junction with the MHC class I region have been investigated as secondary loci for autoimmune disease susceptibility. The strong association of AIH with genes in the MHC region, common in the population, but a disease with the very low incidence, suggests additional genes linked with HLA-DR could add to the disease susceptibility. So, HLA-DR*13 besides being a factor by itself, could also be a chromosomal region marker, taking part of a specific haplotype carrying more than one susceptibility gene. We studied single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in genes near HLA-DRB1, like TNFA, LTA, NFKBIL1 and BAT1 searching for disease susceptibility haplotypes, in HAI-1 patients (n=105) compared to healthy controls (n=227). The ancestral haplotype 8.1, which includes HLA-DRB1*03 and the rare TNFA allele at position -308 was increased (p=0.0005). However, HLA-DRB1*13, though present in the majority of the patients, did not show any specific haplotype associated to it. xxii We also analyzed cytokine genes involved in IgE production, which is increased in a part of the AIH type 1 patients. In comparison with controls, the frequency of the SNPs IL-4+33 and IL13+110 was significantly increased, suggesting the existence of an additional gene cluster in chromosome 5q31 involved in the susceptibility to AIH

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