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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Las mujeres en la actividad mercantil, financiera y marítima del Río de la Plata a fines del Antiguo Régimen

Aguirrezabala, Marcela Silvia 29 November 2010 (has links)
La propuesta de esta tesis pasa por analizar el impacto de la problemática de género en el ámbito laboral rioplatense, a partir de la actividad de las mujeres de los sectores medios y altos de la sociedad, en el comercio mayorista, las finanzas y la navegación, en el período que se extiende entre fines del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX. Por otro lado, examinar como se fueron construyendo los comportamientos de las mujeres en relación a los varones, específicamente, a través de la práctica económica de unos y otros; además de explorar có-mo se concebía la injerencia en la actividad a través del inter-juego de las relaciones generadas entre quienes se involu-craban en las transacciones económicas. En este trabajo subyace una idea central, respecto de las variadas formas a través de las cuales el sistema de género permea las distintas especificidades de la vida, tal el caso del trabajo, que es la que nos ocupa. Creemos que en el período y área geográfica de este estudio, la perspectiva de género nos permite obser-var la existencia de manifiestas asimetrías en el acceso de las mujeres y varones a la actividad mercantil, lo cual presupo-ne a simple vista la imposición de las obligaciones de género por encima de la participación que pudieron tener en las dis-tintas ocupaciones. Sin embargo, pensamos que en algún punto, fue la lógica mercantil la que prevaleció más allá de cualquier atribución de género. Sobre todo, desde el momento que las mujeres como agentes económicos activos, tuvieron un papel clave en la continuidad de los negocios y en el rea-seguro de la permanencia del circuito mercantil, sin dejar de considerar su aporte a la sustentabilidad familiar, lo cual no sólo involucró la dimensión local sino también la regional e in-ternacional. De allí que el rol de estas mujeres en el período y ámbito estudiado, no sólo pudo ser complementario y suple-torio, sino que a veces, también fue indispensable. En cuanto a la relevancia de la presente investigación, la misma pretende contribuir al conocimiento de la función económica de las mu-jeres en América Hispana a fin del Antiguo Régimen en su contexto sociocultural y laboral. Asimismo, a propiciar la posi-bilidad de replicar este estudio focalizado en el ámbito riopla-tense en otras sociedades con fuerte identidad marítima y comercial, sin dejar de sopesar el aporte de comprender la forma de organización de la sociedad como un proceso de construcción susceptible de cambio, con la trascendencia que ello tiene en términos de conformar sociedades más justas y equitativas para mujeres y varones. El material heurístico de esta investigación proviene del Archivo General de la Nación (Argentina), Archivo General de Indias (Sevilla, España), Archivo General de Simancas (Simancas, España), Archivo General de la Nación (Uruguay), a lo que debe agregarse material édito y bibliografía específica. / The proposal of this thesis addresses the impact of gender issues in the in River Plate as an ambit of work and more specifically as the scenario of port trade. We analyze the female activity in the wholesale trade, finance and shipping in the period that extends between the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. In this regard, we are interested in contributing to the knowledge of the economic role of women as well as to deepen the socio-cultural and labor context in which they developed during the given period. In view of these general objectives, the present research aims to discover the gravitation and interference of women of the middle and high society in the wholesale trade, finance and shipping, during the phase of expansion of commercial activity. At the same time, we analyze how the behavior of women was constructed in relation to the behavior of men, specifically, in the economic interaction with each other. In addition, we explore the interplay of relationships generated among those involved in economic transactions. This inves-tigation focuses the varied ways in which the gender system permeates the different spheres of life, as, for example, the sphere of work. We believe that in the period and geographi-cal area of this study the gender perspective allows us to observe the existence of graet disparities in relation to the access of women and men in commercial activity, which presupposes the imposition of gender obligations on the participation of both women and men in the various occupa-tions. However, we believe that at some point commercial logic prevailed over any matter of gender attribution. Especially, from the moment in which women, as active econo-mic agents, played a key role in the continuity of business and in the reinsurance of permanence within the commercial circuit, their contribution to family support, which did not involve only the local scale but also the regional and interna-tional scale, was of towering importance. Hence, the role of these women in the period and area studied, can be carach-terized both as complementary and supplementary, and sometimes also as indispensable. The heuristic material of this research comes from the Archivo General de Indias (Seville, Spain), Archivo General de Simancas (Spain), Archivo General de la Nación (Uruguay), Archivo General de la Nación (Argen-tina), to which published material and specific bibliography is added.

Sexualidad y sociedad en la colonia marginal: Santa Fe, 1680-1780

Suárez, Teresa January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

La parroquia de Magdalena a fines del siglo XVIII

Citterio, Diego Ezequiel January 2001 (has links)
No description available.


12 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Essa tese contém três artigos sobre o impacto da história sobre desenvolvimento econômico de longo prazo, através dos canais de instituições e cultura. O primeiro artigo estuda instituições de administração da terra na Índia colonial e identifica mecanismos através de que variações naquela instituição têm consequências de longo prazo sobre investimento e produtividade agrícola. O segundo artigo estuda a relação entre várias dimensões de diversidade cultural e crescimento em distritos Indianos, usando uma estratégia de variáveis instrumentais. Esses resultados acham os mais fortes impactos para diversidade religiosa. O impacto significativo da diversidade religiosa em melhorar produtividade e reduzir pobreza pode ser resultado da ênfase maior sobre instituições seculares em face da concorrência religiosa. O ultimo artigo examina a formação dos valores culturais como canal através de que desenvolvimento econômico pode ser impactado por condições iniciais. Achamos que traços geográficos inerentes tornam algumas regiões mais propensas a serem agrícolas. Essas regiões, dominados por homens, têm menos templos dedicados às divindades femininas e também têm piores índices da alfabetização feminina. / [en] This thesis consists of three papers examining the impact of history on long-run development processes through the channels of institution and culture. The first paper studies land revenue institutions in colonial India and identifies a multi-channel mechanism through which variations in that institution have long-run consequences for agricultural investment and productivity. The second paper examines the relationship between various dimensions of cultural diversity and growth in Indian districts using an instrumental variables strategy. These results find the strongest impacts for religious diversity. The significant impact of religious diversity in increasing productivity and reducing poverty may be due to increased emphasis on secular institutions in the face of religious competition. The last paper studies the formation of cultural values as a channel through which development outcomes may be impacted by initial conditions. We find that inherent geographical traits render certain regions more likely to be agricultural, male-dominated societies with a lower propensity to worship female deities, which in turn leads to worse female literacy outcomes.


MARIA LUIZA PENNA MOREIRA 20 July 2004 (has links)
[pt] A biografia intelectual de Luiz Camillo de Oliveira Netto foi construída a partir de antigas anotações que mostram a marca fundadora de sua personalidade: Itabira e o povo do Girau. Desde seu primeiro trabalho, percebe-se como a pequena cidade calçada de ferro era o núcleo moral de sua personalidade, Itabira com seus parentes mortos e vivos, sua paisagem circunspecta, sua tradição, seu estilo. Daí sairiam seu amor aos estudos históricos e seu destino de intelectual, pesquisador e ativista político. Seu arquivo constitui-se em fonte primária, inédita; possui interesse para os pesquisadores que desejem compreender os limites e a importância da sua atuação no mundo da cultura e da política e entender, através dos seus olhos, o espírito do tempo em que viveu. As cartas e demais documentos com os quais se trabalhou datam em sua maior parte de momento cultural e histórico preciso, situado entre 1904-1953, no ponto de encontro de diferentes fatores que os fazem objeto da história, da sociologia, dos gêneros literários; desses documentos, acrescidos de entrevistas com pessoas que com ele conviveram, retiraram-se temas e preocupações do mundo intelectual brasileiro e a caracterização de uma época - com mapeamento de mentalidades, entrelaçamento de relações de amizade, parentesco e trabalho. / [en] Luiz Camillo de Oliveira Netto s intellectual biography is reconstructed on the basis of old jottings that point to the founding mark of his personality: the town of Itabira and the people of Girau. Since his first job, it is clear that the small, iron-paved town was the moral core of his personality - Itabira with its dead and living relatives, its reserved landscape, its traditions, its style. This was the origin of his love for the study of history and his destiny as an intellectual, researcher, and political activist. His archive includes primary and unpublished sources; it holds interest for researchers who would like to understand the limits and importance of his activities in the cultural and political world and to grasp, from his perspective, the spirit of the times he lived in. Most of the letters and documents upon which this work is based date from a precise cultural and historical moment: between 1904 and 1953. These materials are located at the intersection of different factors which make them the object of history, sociology, and literary genres; from these documents, to which were added interviews with people who lived around him, were drawn themes and concerns of the Brazilian intellectual world and the characterization of a historical period, with the mapping out of mentalities, the interlacing of relationships between friends, family members and fellow workers.

L'Encomienda d'Indiens de Copiapo : un processus de disparition ethnique aux marges du Royaume du Chili, 1544-1806 / The Encomienda of Indians from Copiapo : An ethnic disappearance process at the margins of the Kingdom of Chile, 1544-1806

Cortes Larravide, Enrique Alberto 16 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail se propose d’étudier l’histoire de l’ethnie des Indiens de Copiapo, groupe situé au Chili, dans la vallée de Copiapo, aux marges méridionales du désert d’Atacama. C’est ainsi que la période abordée (1544-1806) répond au développement-même de ce groupe durant la période coloniale, depuis sa création en tant que groupe d’encomienda jusqu’à sa disparition. En effet, ce groupe apparaît lorsque le gouverneur du Royaume du Chili don Pedro de Valdivia décide d’octroyer en encomienda l’ensemble des habitants de la vallée, qui constituaient jusqu’alors une ethnie, les transformant en tributaires et Indiens de service, et étant emmenés à vivre sous la tutelle politique et économique de leur encomendero, déracinés de la majorité de leur territoire ancestral. Ce système juridique et son application au Chili d’une manière générale, et à Copiapo d’une façon plus spécifique, provoqua toute une série de ruptures au niveau même des structures sociales de ce groupe : déclin démographique rapide, perte des terres communautaires, changement des formes politiques, perte de la langue et de la religion. A travers l’étude du développement de ces différents processus, nous montrons comment cette ethnie disparut, car perdant l’ensemble des caractéristiques de leur identité et des moyens qui leur auraient permis de se reformuler en tant que communauté. / The purpose of this work is to study the history of Copiapo Indians ethnic group, situated in Chile, specifically in the valley of Copiapo, in the southern borders of the Atacama Desert. Thus the treaty period (1544-1806) follows the development of this group during the Colony, from its birth as an encomienda to its disappearance. Indeed, this group appears on the time that the governor of the Kingdom of Chile, Don Pedro de Valdivia decided to entrust all the inhabitants of the valley on a single encomienda, which were previously an ethnic group, transforming them into fiscal persons and servant Indians, and taken to live under the political and economic tutelage of their encomenderos, uprooted from the majority of their ancestral territory. This legal system and its application in Chile in general, and specifically in Copiapo, triggered a series of ruptures at the level of the social structures of this group: rapid population decline, loss of community lands, changing political forms, loss of language and religion. Through the study of the development of these various processes, we show how this ethnic group disappeared, having lost the feature set of its identity and the means that would have allowed them to rebuild as a community.Keywords : / El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la historia de la etnia de los Indios de Copiapó, grupo situado en Chile, específicamente en el valle de Copiapó, en los márgenes meridionales del desierto de Atacama. Es así que el periodo tratado (1544-1806) responde al desarrollo mismo de este grupo durante la Colonia, desde su nacimiento como grupo encomendado hasta su desaparición. En efecto, esta grupo aparece en el momento en el que el gobernador del Reino de Chile don Pedro de Valdivia decide encomendar a todos los habitantes del valle, que hasta entonces conformaban una etnia, transformándolos en tributarios e indios de servicio, y llevados a vivir bajo la tutela política y económica de su encomendero, desarraigados de gran parte de su territorio ancestral. Este sistema jurídico y su aplicación en Chile de forma general, y en Copiapó específicamente, provocó una serie de rupturas a nivel de las estructuras sociales de este grupo: veloz descenso demográfico, pérdida de las tierras comunitarias, cambio de las formas políticas, pérdida de la lengua y de la religión. A través del estudio del desarrollo de estos diferentes procesos, mostramos cómo esta etnia desapareció, al haber perdido el conjunto de características de su identidad y de los medios que les habrían permitido reconstruirse como comunidad.

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