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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Olika historiska perspektiv i historieundervisning och deras påverkan på historiemedvetande

Granlund, Elin January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this basic independent project is to create a research summary of previous research made within the field of how historical perspectives included in regular history teaching affect the development of historical consciousness and historical thinking. The questions aimed to be answered in this text are: how can one work with different perspectives and historical thinking in history education?; how can different historical perspectives affect the learners’ historical consciousness and historical thinking?; and, what possibilities and/or dilemmas can occur when working with different perspectives in developing historical consciousness and historical thinking? To answer these questions extensive research has been made to find previous studies that deal with these issues, mainly through digital databases such as SwePub and ERIC, and also through the physical university library. The research resulted in ten research articles and dissertations, that deal with developing historical consciousness and historical thinking. The studies conducted in these texts conclude that working with various perspectives within the teaching of history is complex, and must be well thought out and be given time to be successful. However, if performed correctly, working with various historical perspectives can be influential in the development of historical consciousness and historical thinking.

Digitaliserade källor i historieundervisning - möjligheter och problem

Sjöberg, Markus January 2016 (has links)
Dagens elever lever i en tillvaro där vi blir alltmer beroende av teknologi av olika slag En tillvaro där elever ständigt uppslukas i en teknologisk verksamhet där sociala medier och internet är en stor del av elevernas livsvärld. Även skolan karakteriseras alltmer av teknologi, historieämnet är rimligtvis inget undantag. Denna undersökning syftar till att undersöka om skolans värld och verksamma historielärare ”har hängt med” i den digitala utvecklingen. En naturlig ingång till historieämnet är användandet av digitaliserat källmaterial i undervisningen. Undersökningen har som mål att ta reda på i vilka syften denna eventuella användning sker, vilka plattformar som nyttjas samt vilka eventuella möjligheter och problem högstadielärare kan identifiera kring detta. I en ansats att finna svar använder jag mig av semistrukturerade intervjuer utifrån kvalitativ metod. Resultaten relateras sedan till historiedidaktisk teori som är av relevans. Efter att undersökningen genomförts står det klart att det ser väldigt annorlunda ut på våra skolor, dels utifrån lärarnas undervisningspraktik och dels utifrån teknologiska förutsättningar.

En väg in i historien : Historielärares syn på skönlitteratur i historieundervisningen på gymnasiet / A Way Into History : History teachers views on fiction in history teaching at upper secondary school

Andersson, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
Uppsatsen diskuterar fem historielärares erfarenhet av att arbeta med skönlitteratur ihistorieundervisningen samt deras syn på dess användbarhet och roll i historieämnet.Studien har använt en kvalitativ metod och det empiriska materialet har bestått av femintervjuer med fem olika historielärare. Materialet har transkriberats och genomgått bådesortering samt reducering med hjälp av kodning där erfarenheter av att använda skönlitteratur ihistorieundervisningen på gymnasiet, hur skönlitteratur använts samt vilka möjligheter ochsvårigheter som finns med att arbeta med skönlitteratur i historieundervisningen var det somsöktes. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av tidigare forskning samt tre begrepp, historisksignifikans, historiskt perspektiv samt evidens, från Seixas och Mortons teori kring historiskttänkande.Resultatet visar hur de fem lärarna arbetat med skönlitteratur i historieundervisningen ochde många fördelar som finns med skönlitteratur i historieundervisningen. Framför alltskönlitteraturens möjligheter att skapa ett intresse för ämnet hos eleverna, möjligheter att arbetamed källkritik och historiebruk samt för att hjälpa elever att utveckla sitt historiskaperspektivtagande sågs som positivt. Den stora svårighet som nämndes var den tidsbrist somfinns i historieämnet på gymnasienivå vilket har lett till att skönlitteraturen inte används i denutsträckning som hade önskats av lärarna. / This paper discusses five history teachers experience working with fiction in history teachingas well as their views on its usefulness and role in the subject of history.The study has used a qualitative method and the empirical material has consisted of fiveinterviews with five different history teachers. The material has been transcribed and then beensorted and reduced with the help of coding, where experiences of using fiction in historyteaching at upper secondary school, how fiction has been used and what opportunities anddifficulties there are in working with fiction in history teaching were what was sought. Theresult was analyzed using previous research and three concepts, historical significance,historical perspective, and evidence, from Seixas and Morton’s theory of historical thinking.The result shows how the five teachers worked with fiction in history teaching and themany advantages of using fiction in history teaching. Above all, fiction’s opportunities to createan interest in the subject among the students, opportunities to work with source criticism andthe use of history and to help the students develop their historical perspective-taking were seenas positive. The major difficulty that was mentioned was the lack of time in the history subjectat upper secondary school level, which led to fiction not being used to the extent that mighthave been desired by the teachers.

Hur begriplig är historien? : Elevers möjligheter och svårigheter i historieundervisningen i skolan / Making History Understandable : Problems and Possibilities Facing Students When Learning History

Stymne, Anna-Carin January 2017 (has links)
The thesis focuses on how students learn history in the classroom, more precisely on their possibilities and difficulties in developing competence in the school subject of history. There is a particular emphasis on how they explain and understand historical processes and concepts within the subject of history. Participants are students of different grades, 8–19 years old. The purpose of the study is to explore how students learn history in concrete learning situations and my focus is on the types of knowledge students understand, learn, develop and use in comparison with what they are expected to learn.  This is done based on three fundamental and well-established principles of learning. To examine what kinds of knowledge students need I use three main types of knowledge: declarative content knowledge (facts and concepts), procedural knowledge (knowledge about how to do things) and self-regulatory knowledge (knowledge about how to regulate our memory, thought and learning). I also use concepts and insights from systemic functional linguistics (SFL) in order to explain why the students use language and communicate the way they do. The thesis shows that history is challenging for young students. Young students have difficulties with complex and abstract concepts in history as they treat concepts as facts. Older, more competent, students use concepts on a more abstract level and use different kinds of linguistic resources when formulating explanations of higher complexity, more similar to the way explanations in the domain of history are commonly written. The youngest students and some of the older students lacked factual knowledge, concept knowledge, domain specific self-regulatory knowledge and linguistic resources. Declarative content knowledge and facts are more important and more difficult for young students to understand, develop, organize and learn than previous scholars have shown empirically. Students’ abilities to understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework and to organize and structure facts with the help of concepts at different level of abstraction (conceptual understanding) are crucial. Students also need linguistic resources, both lexical knowledge and knowledge of text structures. Language is crucial both in the process of acquiring knowledge and in the process of communication. In the learning process, teaching is crucial, since individual students’ potential to develop competence depend on the potential of the teacher to discover and engage their preconceptions and arrange for learning in a way that give students the kind of knowledge they need.

Historical Consciousness, Historical Media, and History Education / Historiemedvetande, historiska medier och historieundervisning

Thorp, Robert January 2014 (has links)
This thesis by publication contains an introductory summary chapter and three papers. The first paper presents a study of how the concept of historical consciousness has been defined, applied, and justified in Swedish history didactical research. It finds that there is consensus regarding the definition of what a historical consciousness is, but that there is variation in how the concept is applied. It is suggested that this variation makes historical con­sciousness a complex and vague concept.      The second paper uses the results presented in the first paper as a point of departure and from thence argues for a broadened understanding of the concept of historical consciousness that incorporates its definition, applica­tion, development, and significance. The study includes research about his­torical consciousness primarily from Sweden, the UK, the USA and Canada. The paper presents a typology of historical consciousness and argues that level of contextualisation is what distinguishes different types of historical consciousnesses and that an ability to contextualise is also what makes his­torical consciousness an important concept for identity constitution and morality.      The third paper proposes a methodological framework of historical con­sciousness based on the theory of historical consciosusness presented in the second paper. It presents arguments for why the framework of historical consciousness proposed can be useful for the analysis of historical media and it discusses how aspects of the framework can be applied in analysis. It then presents a textbook analysis that has been performed according to the stipulated framework and discusses its results regarding how textbooks can be used to analyse historical consciousness and its development. / Forskarskolan Historiska Medier (ForHiM)

Historical Consciousness, Historical Media, and History Education / Historiemedvetande, historiska medier och historieundervisning

Thorp, Robert January 2014 (has links)
This thesis by publication contains an introductory summary chapter and three papers. The first paper presents a study of how the concept of historical consciousness has been defined, applied, and justified in Swedish history didactical research. It finds that there is consensus regarding the definition of what a historical consciousness is, but that there is variation in how the concept is applied. It is suggested that this variation makes historical con­sciousness a complex and vague concept.      The second paper uses the results presented in the first paper as a point of departure and from thence argues for a broadened understanding of the concept of historical consciousness that incorporates its definition, applica­tion, development, and significance. The study includes research about his­torical consciousness primarily from Sweden, the UK, the USA and Canada. The paper presents a typology of historical consciousness and argues that level of contextualisation is what distinguishes different types of historical consciousnesses and that an ability to contextualise is also what makes his­torical consciousness an important concept for identity constitution and morality.      The third paper proposes a methodological framework of historical con­sciousness based on the theory of historical consciosusness presented in the second paper. It presents arguments for why the framework of historical consciousness proposed can be useful for the analysis of historical media and it discusses how aspects of the framework can be applied in analysis. It then presents a textbook analysis that has been performed according to the stipulated framework and discusses its results regarding how textbooks can be used to analyse historical consciousness and its development. / Forskarskolan Historiska Medier (ForHiM)

Att ta ansvar för historien : Elevers historiska tänkande kring Förintelsen / Take Responsibility for History : Students’ Historical Thinking and the Holocaust

Andersson, Mikaela January 2020 (has links)
The Holocaust is an important part of Swedish history teaching. It tends to exemplify human rights violations and has become a means to educate students to be better citizens. Swedish studies have often focused on students’ historical consciousness. This study aims to examine students’ historical thinking about the Holocaust. Three questions are addressed; how students express substantive knowledge, how students express procedural concepts, and how do students express moral aspects about the Holocaust. The material was created during the authors’ teaching practice (in Swedish VFU) and consists of 28 students’ texts. To analyze the material qualitative content analysis was used. Procedural concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, historical agency and, moral aspects, were also used as tools to interpret students’ texts about what was the cause of the Holocaust. The results show that students made implicit references to different procedural concepts when describing how the Holocaust happened. Students often referred to anti-Semitism, Adolf Hitler, and the developed train system as causes for the Holocaust. They tended to understand Hitler as the founder of anti-Semitism and Nazism. He was described to convince the German people to vote for him. Structures and agency of other actors, therefore, disappeared leading to a shallow understanding of the Holocaust. The author of the study argues for a Holocaust education that uses Alice Pettigrews’ concept of “powerful knowledge” and Gert Biestas’ notion of qualification, socialization, and subjectification, to develop students’ moral and civic understanding.

Hur man bevisar historia : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av fem läroböcker i historia på gymnasiet och dessa framförande av historiska källor / How to prove history : A Qualitative Content Analysis of Five History Textbooks and Their Presentation of Historical Sources

Tingström, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
A central aspect of Swedish history teaching is to develop one's ability to use history and to develop historical awareness. As a support for the teacher, there are several different textbooks, but the content may differ in terms of both factual knowledge and methods. With this as a starting point and with focus on using history, the purpose of this essay is to investigate how source management can be applied to different historical events and people, as well as how historical awareness can be developed with the help of different thinking tools. The questions that will be answered are which people and events the books cover withthe source management chapters that exist, how source management methods can be applied to this course of events and how historical awareness can be developed through these books.The method that will be used is a qualitative content analysis to analyze and interpret theteaching books. To examine these issues, Peter Seixa's thinking tool guide and Niklas Ammert's learning material theory will be used as the theoretical framework. With the help ofthese, the content must be assimilated to investigate how the development of historical thinking. Based on previous research, there are abilities and knowledge students must develop through history teaching, but how textbooks can be used is not presented to the same extent.

Elevers förklaringar i det nationella provet i historia / Students’ explanations in the Swedish national test in history

Westberg, Oskar, Voigt, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker elevers förklaringar i det nationella provet 2014. Provet skall tas i särskilt beaktning och därmed är det viktigt att förstå hur elever förklarar historiska skeenden vid provtillfället. Syftet med studien är att undersöka elevers uttryck av historiska förklaringar när de resonerar om orsaker till Förintelsen, Gulag och slavhandeln över Atlanten. Frågeställningarna utgår från elevers hantering av tankebegrepp och de mönster som återfinns i deras förklaringar. För studien användes en kvalitativ metod där 53 katalogiserade prov som bedömts med A analyserades. Resultatet delades upp i två grupper: Elevers hantering av kausalitet samt elevers hantering av aktör och struktur. Materialet inhämtades från arkivet vid Malmö Universitet, som på uppdrag av Skolverket utvecklar och utvärderar det nationella provet i historia. Resultatet visar att elever uttrycker komplexa förklaringar utifrån kausalitet och ett implicit förklarande av aktör och struktur. Därutöver visade resultatet att elever lägger stor vikt vid aktörers intentioner i sina framställningar av historia. Studien visar också att komplexiteten i förklaringarna skiljer sig mellan de olika frågorna, möjligtvis då de har olika platser i historiekulturen. Därutöver är en av studiens slutsatser att lärare i sin undervisning måste vara medvetna om hur de förklarar historiska skeenden. Studien visar ett behov av mer forskning kring hur lärare undervisar om svårhanterliga historiska skeenden och hur marginaliserade grupper framställs av lärare.

"Ett snäpp högre" : En studie av historielärares hanterande av tankeredskap.

Estenberg, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The aim with this study is to examine how practicing history teachers in upper secondary school deal with historical thinking concepts. The three main questions are: which concepts do teachers use in their courses and when do they use them? How can teachers’ use of different historical thinking concepts be described in terms of reconstruction and construction? What factors influence teachers when they work with historical thinking concepts?   To answer these questions, the material, for example tests, lesson plans and notes of seven teachers has been analyzed. These analysis were followed by interviews with the teachers.   The empirical data have been handled in two steps. The first step is a survey of what historical thinking concepts teachers use and when they use them. The survey was done as a detailed reading of the teachers’ material. In this survey two historical thinking concepts, evidence and cause and consequence, have been selected for further analysis, which is the second step.   The results show that when teachers deal with the historical thinking concept of evidence they show their students models and ways to handle evidence. This is not the case when teachers handle the historical thinking concept of cause and consequence. Models are shown here as well but not to the same extent. The result also shows that the teachers’ handling of evidence in a greater extent leads to construction compared with their handling of cause and consequence.   The explanations provided in the study also point to the different character between the two concepts and what form of test the teachers’ use and what words are used to communicate for example cause and consequence. Furthermore, the explanations also indicate that the teachers’ view of what historical knowledge contains of, together with what kind of students and what other subject they teach play some part in their dealing with historical thinking concepts. / Vilka tankeredskap hanterar historielärare i sin undervisning och när framkommer dessa i de kurser lärare undervisar i? Hur hanterar lärare tankeredskap i termer av rekonstruktion och konstruktion? Dessa frågor ställs i denna studie som bygger på en analys av sju lärares undervisningsmaterial och på uppföljande intervjuer med lärarna. I den första delen kartläggs de tankeredskap som lärare hanterar i hela kurser som de undervisar i. Ett resultat av denna del är att orsak och konsekvens är det dominerande tankeredskapet som lärare hanterar. Ett annat resultat är att tankeredskapens förekomst i lärarnas kurser uppvisar stora variationer. I den andra delen sker en fördjupad analys av två tankeredskap, källor och källkritik samt orsak och konsekvens. I denna analys framkommer att lärarnas hanterande av källor och källkritik i större utsträckning kan beskrivas i termer av konstruktion, jämfört med lärarnas hanterande av orsak och konsekvens. I analysen framkommer också att lärare kan hantera tankeredskap i två steg; det som i studien kallas tankeredskap som modell respektive tankeredskap som process. / <p>Ingår i CSD-serien.</p> / Ingår i CSD-serien

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