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Zájem sester aplikovat holistický přístup v praxi s ohledem na současný stav ošetřovatelství / The interest of nurses to apply a holistic approach in practice with regard to the current state of nursingNOVOTNÁ, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
The theme was chosen on the basis of their own experience, when new treatments, tools and nurses appear in the workplace, which are also required to constantly improve the quality of nursing care. The state approach to the patient forms the philosophical basis of nursing care. To give nurses of quality pastry about the bio-psycho-social and spiritual needs of the patient, it is necessary to have the knowledge, conditions and personal relationship to provide holistic care. At present, it is not possible that these are health and safety risk factors. Aims, research questions and hypotheses: The subject of the research is to find out the interest of nurses to apply a holistic approach in practice considering the current situation in nursing. Three objectives were set based on the subject of the research. Goal 1: Find out, if nurses are interested in providing modern nursing care based on patient needs. Goal 2: Identify nurses' personal views on providing holistic care. Goal 3: Determine the satisfaction level among nurses about the nursing care provided with regard to the current situation in practice. Methods and research file: Quantitative data collection method was used for the research. Anonymous questionnaire was distributed to nurses in selected healthcare facilities (Liberec Hospital, Turnov Hospital, Jablonec nad Nisou Hospital). The survey sample size is 180 respondents. Findings and conclusion: It follows from the research, that more than half of the respondents have already encountered the concept of holistic nursing care and they also understand what needs should be met by patients/clients and how to satisfy them. Some of them have already used the help of a social service or psychologist. However, it has turned out, that more than half of the responding nurses are not interested in spiritual needs. It has not been confirmed, that nurses' interest in providing this modern nursing care based on patient needs would depend on capacity of staff. The survey also shows, that the holistic care is provided in their hospitals according to one third of responding nurses. Nevertheless, the respondents think, that a holistic approach cannot be applied in their workplace because of lack of time, lack of staff and time consuming administration. Based on the results of Hypothesis 2, we can confirm, that nurses' opinion on the implementation of noursing care provided is influenced by the workload of nurses. The holistic approach moderately affects the job satisfaction level of nurses according to the survey. However, more than half of the responding nurses are satisfied with care they provide at their workplace, because they can see satisfied patients/clients. Hypothesis 3 has not proved any relationship between the satisfaction level of nurses and current situation in health care, where a holistic approach can be effectively applied. There will be a seminar for general nurses within the lifelong learning of nurses focusing on holistic care as an outcome of this diploma thesis.
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Rural tourism in the 'Third World' : the dialectic of development : the case of Desa Senaru at Gunung Rinjani National Park in Lombok IslandSchellhorn, Matthias January 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the effectiveness of tourism as an agent of rural development, focusing on culture and nature-based destinations in the 'developing world'. The village of Desa Senaru at Gunung Rinjani National Park in Lombok Island, Indonesia, served as a case study.
Conservation agencies frequently support tourism development as a sustainable alternative to more extractive resource uses. Integrated conservation models, in particular, present 'eco'tourism as an effective instrument to enhance rural livelihoods while protecting the environment. Alongside international aid agencies, the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) also promotes the sector for its poverty reduction potential in 'third world' countries. Rural communities hold concomitant expectations of tourism's socio-cultural development potential. Furthermore, 'eco'tourism functions as a growing niche market for the globally expanding tourism industry and local entrepreneurs. As such it fits well into the economic rationale that underpins neo-liberal market strategies. With such a diversity of interests at stake, the question "What kind of business is tourism?" has become more complex, critical and pertinent than ever before.
Informed by development theories and the sociology of tourism, this analysis focuses on the multiple dichotomies that characterise 'third world' tourism. In the case of tourism development in Desa Senaru, several paradoxical outcomes have been identified. The most profound of these is the 'social justice paradox' that describes the way tourism costs and benefits are distributed within a heterogeneous community of native residents and migrant settlers. While most of the case study's tourism attractions are part of the cultural heritage of the wetu telu Sasak hamlets, these derive few economic benefits and struggle to access the new development opportunities 'eco'tourism offers. Filtered and directed by historical political relations, several key barriers to a meaningful participation of these native people in the 'business of tourism' have been identified. These include the prevailing conditions of education, culture, ethnicity, socio-economy, location, mobility, skills and knowledge.
Expectations of 'eco'tourism as a 'soft' industry analysed vis-à-vis the global biosphere effects of air transport highlight the 'eco-paradox' of international tourism. The cleavage between the poverty-focused aid policies of the New Zealand Government and an integrated conservation project, whose benefits local elites have largely captured, illustrates the 'project paradox' of rural tourism development programmes.
In the 'development paradox' of cultural tourism, symbolic constructs of 'otherness' (such as 'aesthetic poverty') contrast with various development agendas; in their search for the 'real' traditional village, for example, the tourists reject all signifiers of material progress and modernity. Their curious gaze at the spiritual practices and everyday life world of the wetu telu villagers manifests opposite a recent history of state-sanctioned religious discrimination. Taken together, these paradoxical local outcomes emphasize the significance of power relations and political dimensions within the globally expanding 'business of tourism'.
Ethical considerations are an important aspect of this study as they contribute towards an 'ethic of development' that, so far, has found little theoretical resonance amongst scholars of tourism studies. To operationalise the ethical concerns raised, the thesis posits a model of a holistic approach to development. This recognises tourism as a complex open system.
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Create accurate numerical models of complex spatio-temporal dynamical systems with holistic discretisationMacKenzie, Tony January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the further development of creating accurate numerical models of complex dynamical systems using the holistic discretisation technique [Roberts, Appl. Num. Model., 37:371-396, 2001]. I extend the application from second to fourth order systems and from only one spatial dimension in all previous work to two dimensions (2D). We see that the holistic technique provides useful and accurate numerical discretisations on coarse grids. We explore techniques to model the evolution of spatial patterns governed by pdes such as the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation and the real-valued Ginzburg-Landau equation. We aim towards the simulation of fluid flow and convection in three spatial dimensions. I show that significant steps have been taken in this dissertation towards achieving this aim. Holistic discretisation is based upon centre manifold theory [Carr, Applications of centre manifold theory, 1981] so we are assured that the numerical discretisation accurately models the dynamical system and may be constructed systematically. To apply centre manifold theory the domain is divided into elements and using a homotopy in the coupling parameter, subgrid scale fields are constructed consisting of actual solutions of the governing partial differential equation(pde). These subgrid scale fields interact through the introduction of artificial internal boundary conditions. View the centre manifold (macroscale) as the union of all states of the collection of subgrid fields (microscale) over the physical domain. Here we explore how to extend holistic discretisation to the fourth order Kuramoto-Sivashinsky pde. I show that the holistic models give impressive accuracy for reproducing the steady states and time dependent phenomena of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation on coarse grids. The holistic method based on local dynamics compares favourably to the global methods of approximate inertial manifolds. The excellent performance of the holistic models shown here is strong evidence in support of the holistic discretisation technique. For shear dispersion in a 2D channel a one-dimensional numerical approximation is generated directly from the two-dimensional advection-diffusion dynamics. We find that a low order holistic model contains the shear dispersion term of the Taylor model [Taylor, IMA J. Appl. Math., 225:473-477, 1954]. This new approach does not require the assumption of large x scales, formerly absolutely crucial in deriving the Taylor model. I develop holistic discretisation for two spatial dimensions by applying the technique to the real-valued Ginzburg-Landau equation as a representative example of second order pdes. The techniques will apply quite generally to second order reaction-diffusion equations in 2D. This is the first study implementing holistic discretisation in more than one spatial dimension. The previous applications of holistic discretisation have developed algebraic forms of the subgrid field and its evolution. I develop an algorithm for numerical construction of the subgrid field and its evolution for 1D and 2D pdes and explore various alternatives. This new development greatly extends the class of problems that may be discretised by the holistic technique. This is a vital step for the application of the holistic technique to higher spatial dimensions and towards discretising the Navier-Stokes equations.
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Framgångsfaktorer för arbete med funktionsöverskridande processer : En fallstudie vid Ericsson ABKekonius, Henrik, Martinsson, Gustaf January 2008 (has links)
<p>A product often consists for the most part of purchased materials and to reduce the total cost of production, therefore, companies often focus on reducing their purchase prices. Pushing supplier prices in this way is a popular way to improve the company's short-term profits.</p><p>Ericsson negotiates annually with its suppliers to reduce their purchase prices, which is considered to reduce purchasing costs and thus the production costs. This is achieved by the sourcing function in a process known as the VPA process. The VPA process requires information from the local supply functions, which, however, has no documented approach for these activities. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to create a support processes to sourcing VPA process. We have also from a theoretical approach critically reviewed the existing process.</p><p>What we found is that Ericsson's approach could be sub optimized, focusing on achieving internal goals within the function creates obstacles for other functions. Often, if not always, each function focuses on its own goals and do not have a holistic view on organizational performance. This means that the organization as a whole may suffer when instead of optimizing process output, local optimization leads to total sub optimization.</p><p>To prevent sub optimization, functions needs to create an understanding of the other functions goals, communication between the functions are therefore of critical nature. However, this is not enough, to reduce the focus on goals within functions and instead focus on process goals requires that senior management will create this opportunity.</p> / <p>En produkt består ofta till större delen av inköpt material och för att minska den totala tillverkningskostnaden fokuserar företagen därför ofta på att minska sina inköpspriser. Att pressa leverantörernas priser på detta vis är ett populärt sätt att förbättra företagets kortsiktiga vinster.</p><p>Ericsson förhandlar årligen med sina leverantörer för att minska sina inköpspriser, vilket alltså anses ska minska inköpskostnader och därmed även tillverkningskostnaderna. Detta sker genom funktionen sourcing i en process som kallas för VPA-processen. VPA-processen kräver information från de lokala supplyfunktionerna, vilka dock inte har något dokumenterat arbetssätt för dessa aktiviteter. Syftet med denna studie är därför att skapa en stödprocess till sourcings VPA-process. Vi har även utifrån ett teoretiskt synsätt kritiskt granskat den befintliga processen.</p><p>Vad vi kommit fram till är att Ericssons arbetssätt kan vara suboptimerat med fokusering på interna funktionsmål som skapar hinder för andra funktioners mål. Ofta, om inte alltid, fokuserar varje funktion på sitt eget mål och ser inte till helheten. Detta medför att helheten kan få lida då istället för att processutfallet blir optimerat leder lokal optimering till total suboptimering.</p><p>För att förhindra suboptimering måste förståelse för de andra funktionerna skapas, kommunikation mellan funktionerna är av kritisk natur. Dock är detta inte nog, för att minska fokuseringen på funktionsmål och istället fokusera på processmål kräver att företagsledningen skapar denna möjlighet.</p>
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Social media framework for the destination Usedom : <em>How to create awareness and dialogue by using social media for the destination Usedom taking into account the new Usedom WelcomeVisitor Centre</em> / : <em> </em>Stuebs, Susanne Stuebs January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose –</strong> Target of this study is to develop a social media framework, the essential “ingredient” for a social media concept for the destination Usedom. The following question is in the centre of this investigations attention: How to create awareness and dialogue by using Social Media for the destination Usedom taking into account the new Usedom Welcome Visitor Centre that will be open 2011?</p><p><strong>Methodology/approach</strong> – Mainly, an observational approach as research method is used to answer the research question, collecting empirical data not by questioning respondents, but by observing different forms of activity. Writing about social media, to use the Internet for observational research is natural and can be further enhanced due to the accessibility and retrieval of information and cross-validation of the information available from several sources.</p><p><strong>Findings</strong> – Social media marketing eliminates the middlemen and provides destinations with the unique opportunity to have a direct relationship with their customers. In today’s knowledge-society where</p><ul><li>people want to engage – want to be active – want to create content on their own </li><li>people talk: online and offline - positive or negative – with or without the destination</li></ul><p>NOT participating is NO option. In case of the isle of Usedom, the Social media concept should be of listening and outreach character. As a holistic marketing approach where “everything matters” is needed for destinations, online and offline activities need each other. In addition to social media marketing even search engine optimisation, ad words and target mails are important tools for a successful online strategy.</p><p><strong>Research limitations/implications – </strong>Most important is the time limitation. The validity period is limited. A Social Media framework of today is not the social media framework of the future. Social media is changing rapidly. New channels appear - others disappear. Moreover, another limitation is the subjectivity: the author of this study observes the Internet in accordance to the research question and allocates a sample pursuant to her knowledge and experience.</p><p><strong>Practical implications</strong> – Aside from the destinations’ website being adapted by social media elements, Facebook serves as ideal tool to nurture relationships between the customer and the destination by being creative, honest and assessing competitors as partners. As one of the easiest and most versatile social networks for professionals today, Facebook is a profile and presence aggregator, channelling all online activity through one main hub and combining almost every online social tool that can be used.</p><p><strong>Originality/value –</strong> Targeting the destination Usedom, but also being applicable for other German tourist destinations, this study provides both: a theoretical and with ideas filled framework to create awareness and dialogue by using social media as complement to traditional marketing activities. Being the first investigation that has been done for the destination Usedom in the field of social media, this study aims to inspire other tourist destinations as well as students to learn about social media and to further investigate in this field.<strong> </strong></p><p> </p>
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Mjuk massage och diakoni : Ett holistiskt perspektiv / Tactile Massage and Deaconry : A Holistic PerspectiveEdebol, Maria January 2009 (has links)
<p>Introduction</p><p>Tactile Massage is a generic term that for example includes Massage therapy, Effleurage, Gentle touch, Tactile stimulation, Soft massage and Aromatherapy massage (SBU 2009). Tactile Massage has been proven to activate the perception receptors of the body and stimulates the system of oxytocin and in that way Tactile massage increase wellbeing and decrease pain. The Church of Sweden was formally separated from the state in the year of 2000 and by this means created greater freedom in facilitating its own social and Deaconal programs in separate parishes. Since 2004 a few numbers of deacons have been integrating Tactile massage as a method in Deaconal ministry within the framework of holistic care in the Church of Sweden.</p><p>Aim/Research questions</p><p>The aim: From a holistic perspective investigate the use of and to increase the problem-awareness of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden.</p><p>The research questions: How is Tactile massage being used and how are we to describe the experiences of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry? What possibilities and difficulties are related to the use of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden?</p><p>Method</p><p>This study is the first explorative research about Tactile massage in Swedish church diaconal context. The study follows Kvales method as seven steps of qualitative interview studies. 1) Aim and research questions were formulated according to the acquired theory. 2) Three respondents were chosen for in-depth interviews to be able to understand and describe experiences, possibilities and clarify difficulties with the use of Tactile massage within the Church of Sweden. 3) Qualitative interviews were carried out with the help of semi-structured questions. The interviews were recorded and observations were done. 4) The interviews were transcribed and re-read several times. In the process of research the material was coded and interpreted into experiences, possibilities and difficulties. 5) The process of interpretation and analysis of collected data and applied observations were carried out with the help of hermeneutical approach, ten theoretical perspectives and current research. 6) Results. The results were tested according to requirements of reliability, validity and generalization. 7) Report. In this study the results were reported with methodological, ethical and hermeneutical considerations.</p><p>Results</p><p>Tactile massage was described as an extraordinary tool where the experiences pointed out a general longing for touch in the lived body. The power of touch released courage, relaxation, new energy, pain relief and balance. Spiritual presence was experienced as Gods presence in the bodies of both massage-givers and massage-receivers. Possibilities with Tactile massage were described as practical care, where the non-verbal intervention could support the communication when words did not last. Quiet and relief was created through the freeing of the internal oxytocin-system of the body giving the massage-receiver social confirmation and renewal of the body. Difficulties in using Tactile massage within the deaconry were described as physical and mental vulnerability and unclear professional identity of the massage-givers. Difficulties where related also to integrity, boundaries and limitations of gender due to the majority of the female massage-givers and massage-takers in the present situation. One more difficulty was pointed out as the organizational unsecurity about what Tactile massage is and this difficulty was partly related to views of Deaconry and Church. ‘Deaconal Touch’ is the new concept and the practical result of this study. Deaconal Touch can be described as a deaconal tool to be handled in the context of the Church of Sweden.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p> / <p>Introduktion</p><p>Mjuk massage är ett samlingsbegrepp för t.ex. beröringsmassage, effleurage, hudmassage, taktil stimulering, taktil massage och aromaterapimassage (SBU 2009). Forskning och erfarenhet visar att Mjuk massage genom stimulering av kroppens känselreceptorer och oxytocinsystem ökar välbefinnandet och bidrar till stress- och ångestreduktion samt möjliggöra smärtlindring. Svenska kyrkans skiljande från staten år 2000 möjliggör för varje församling att forma en egen diakonal profil. Efter år 2004 har enskilda diakoner och församlingar börjat använda Mjuk massage som ett diakonalt redskap i syfte att tillgodose människors kroppsliga, själsliga, andliga och sociala behov inom ramen för Svenska Kyrkans helhetssyn.</p><p>Syfte/frågeställningar</p><p>Syfte: Att utifrån ett holistiskt perspektiv undersöka användningen av och öka problemmedvetenheten om Mjuk massage i Svenska Kyrkans diakonala arbete.</p><p>Frågeställningar: Hur används Mjuk massage och vilka är erfarenheterna av Mjuk massage inom Svenska Kyrkans diakoni? Vilka möjligheter och svårigheter kan vara förenade med användningen av Mjuk massage i Svenska Kyrkans diakoni?</p><p>Metod</p><p>Studien är en första explorativ studie om Mjuk massage inom Svenska kyrkans diakonala kontext. Studien följer Kvales metod som sju steg för kvalitativa intervjustudier.<strong> </strong>1) Syfte och frågeställning formulerades utifrån inläst teori. 2) Tre respondenter valdes för att genom djupintervjuer förstå och beskriva erfarenheter, möjligheter och synliggöra svårigheter i användningen av Mjuk massage inom Svenska Kyrkan. 3) Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med semistrukturerade frågor. Intervjuerna bandades och observationer gjordes. 4) Intervjuerna transkriberades och lästes flera gånger. I forskningsprocessen kodades och tolkades materialet utifrån huvudorden erfarenheter, möjligheter och svårigheter. 5) Bearbetning, analys och tolkning genomfördes utifrån en hermeneutisk ansats med hjälp av tio teoretiska perspektiv och vetenskaplig aktuell forskning. 6) Resultat. Här prövades resultaten inför kraven på reliabilitet, validitet och generaliserbarhet. 7) Rapportering. I föreliggande arbete har resultaten redovisats med metodologiska, forskningsetiska och hermeneutiska överväganden.</p><p>Resultat</p><p>Mjuk massage beskrivs som ett extraordinärt redskap där erfarenheterna visade att beröringslängtan finns i den levda kroppen och att beröringens kraft frigör till mod, avslappning, ny energi, smärtlindring och balans. Andlig närvaro upplevdes av både givare och mottagare som Guds närvaro i kroppen. Möjligheter med Mjuk massage beskrevs som praktisk omsorg där den ickeverbala interventionen kunde stödja kommunikationen när orden inte räckte till. Lugn och lindring skapades genom att kroppens eget oxytocinsystem frigjordes och gav mottagaren social bekräftelse och kroppens upprättelse. Svårigheterna med att använda Mjuk massage inom diakoni beskrevs som kroppslig och själslig sårbarhet och oklar professionell identitet hos massagegivarna. Svårigheter relaterades även till integritet, gränssättning och könets begränsning, då majoriteten massagegivare och mottagare i nuläget utgörs av kvinnor. Ytterligare en svårighet utgjorde den organisatoriska osäkerheten om vad Mjuk massage är och denna svårighet hörde delvis samman med diakoni- och kyrkosyn. ´Diakonal beröring´ är det nya begrepp som utgör det praktiska resultatet av denna studie vilket beskriver Mjuk massage som diakonalt redskap i Svenska kyrkans kontext. Diakonal beröring tydliggörs i studien som ett värdefullt komplement till annan diakonal och själavårdande verksamhet.</p>
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Dramapedagogik som demokratisk fostran? : Fyra dramapedagogiska perspektiv : dramapedagogik i fyra läroplanerSternudd, Mia Marie F. January 2000 (has links)
<p>The dissertation deals with the issue of reflection, democracy and educational drama. The overarching aim of the dissertation is to investigate whether educational drama may be perceived as fostering democratic values in the literature and curricula.</p><p>The dissertation shows that, based on various different theoretical and philosophical values, an interplay does exist between the goals for an activity and the choice of content and work method, which creates a number of opportunities for reflection in the various different perspectives of educational drama. It also indicates, however, that attitudes towards educational drama shift in the different curricula, where the artistically oriented perspective is the one most sought after. As a result, education in democratic values, which does not necessarily problemize social and political issues, is demanded from educational drama.</p><p>The literature analyses made in the dissertation reveal four perspectives. Within <i>the artistically oriented perspective,</i> a democratic potential exists in giving the individual tools with which to learn both how to achieve and to create knowledge. Every performance is a story about life and, for every performance the individual takes part in, his knowledge of art and human problems at different times and in different situations increases.</p><p>Within <i>the personal development perspective</i> the individual. acquires tools to understand himself in relation to others and to understand the connection between various dynamic processes occurring at individual, group and community levels. The aesthetic form as well as the participant s' own experience of life gives cause for adaptation and reflection.</p><p>The democratic potential contained in <i>the critically liberating perspective</i> are that the individual acquires the necessary tools to investigate both in word and deed power relationships in society and how such power relationships are made apparent in concrete human situations. </p><p>The idea of fostering democratic values contained in <i>the holistic learning perspective</i> is characterised by acquiring tools with which to understand the universal human significance behind every problem. In the communicative process, the varying language skills of the individual are developed, skills in which artistic expression is fundamental for understanding complex human situations.</p>
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Dramapedagogik som demokratisk fostran? : Fyra dramapedagogiska perspektiv : dramapedagogik i fyra läroplanerSternudd, Mia Marie F. January 2000 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the issue of reflection, democracy and educational drama. The overarching aim of the dissertation is to investigate whether educational drama may be perceived as fostering democratic values in the literature and curricula. The dissertation shows that, based on various different theoretical and philosophical values, an interplay does exist between the goals for an activity and the choice of content and work method, which creates a number of opportunities for reflection in the various different perspectives of educational drama. It also indicates, however, that attitudes towards educational drama shift in the different curricula, where the artistically oriented perspective is the one most sought after. As a result, education in democratic values, which does not necessarily problemize social and political issues, is demanded from educational drama. The literature analyses made in the dissertation reveal four perspectives. Within the artistically oriented perspective, a democratic potential exists in giving the individual tools with which to learn both how to achieve and to create knowledge. Every performance is a story about life and, for every performance the individual takes part in, his knowledge of art and human problems at different times and in different situations increases. Within the personal development perspective the individual. acquires tools to understand himself in relation to others and to understand the connection between various dynamic processes occurring at individual, group and community levels. The aesthetic form as well as the participant s' own experience of life gives cause for adaptation and reflection. The democratic potential contained in the critically liberating perspective are that the individual acquires the necessary tools to investigate both in word and deed power relationships in society and how such power relationships are made apparent in concrete human situations. The idea of fostering democratic values contained in the holistic learning perspective is characterised by acquiring tools with which to understand the universal human significance behind every problem. In the communicative process, the varying language skills of the individual are developed, skills in which artistic expression is fundamental for understanding complex human situations.
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Learning in Collaboration : Academics’ experiences in collaborative partnershipsKarlsson, Jan January 2008 (has links)
There is an ongoing debate both in the United States and Europe about the need to develop a broader view of scholarship and the different activities connected with it, including “service to the community”. In Sweden, service takes the form of practice-oriented engagement and collaboration with the surrounding community, as stipulated by Swedish law regulating universities’ activities. Collaboration is frequently perceived as a supplementary task, in addition to education and research, hence the name ‘the third task’. Many academics, university teachers and researchers, are today involved in different collaborative partnerships. This thesis focuses academics’ learning in two different contexts: collaboration with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and in a multidisciplinary research programme at the National Institute for Working Life in Sweden (NIWL). The results of the first investigation reveal that the academics learn different strategies to instigate, accomplish, deepen and further develop collaboration between universities and SMEs. The results also show also that academic professionals engaged in this type of activity need to handle the rigid structures of the academic organisation, which neither encourage nor reward these individuals’ efforts to collaborate. However, this study shows that although academics and practioners from SMEs come from different working cultures with their various traditions associated with language and interaction, a continuous exchange and dialogue creates trust and competence for all parties, as well as learning in the form of new knowledge that is useful for both the academia and SMEs. Collaboration across disciplines is rapidly becoming an integral feature of research, due to the desire to explore problems and questions that are not confined to a single discipline and the need to solve societal problems. The second empirical investigation focuses on the workplace learning of researchers in a multidisciplinary research (MDR) programme at the National Institute for Working Life in Sweden (NIWL), and their collaboration with practitioners. The results show that academics in this multidisciplinary context reach a deepened awareness of the perspectives of their own and others’ fields of research, as well as a heightened curiosity to learn more. The learning also involves gaining new insights about their own learning and how this takes place; its impact on their own professional development, and discovering, sometimes surprisingly, how their competence can be used in new areas of research. The interaction of knowledge and experience with researchers of different disciplines and practitioners creates a context that demands a different type of learning for the academics, compared to working in their own disciplines. Both investigations give an understanding of how academics experience their learning in collaboration with practitioners and researchers from different disciplines. It shows how the holistic integration of knowledge deriving from the academic functions of collaboration, teaching and research contributes to development within the academia and in working environments outside it. / Det finns en pågående debatt, både i USA och i Europa om behovet att utveckla en bredare syn på akademisk kompetens och de olika aktiviteterna som den innefattar, bland annat det som kallas “tjänster riktade mot samhället”. I Sverige tar dessa samhällsorienterade tjänster formen av praktik orienterad involvering och samarbete med det omgivande samhället, i enlighet med den lagstiftning som reglerar högskolans verksamhet. Samarbete uppfattas ofta som en uppgift som ligger utöver utbildning och forskning; den kallas därför också “den tredje uppgiften”. Många akademiker, universitetslärare och forskare, är idag engagerade i olika former av samverkan. Avhandlingen fokuserar akademikers lärande i två olika sammanhang: samverkan med små och medelstora företag (SMF), och samverkan inom ramen för ett flervetenskapligt forskningsprogram vid Arbetslivsinstitutet (ALI). Resultaten från den första undersökningen visar att akademikerna lär sig olika strategier för att initiera, genomföra, fördjupa och vidareutveckla samverkan mellan högskolan och SMF. Resultaten visar också att akademikerna som är verksamma inom detta område behöver hantera den akademiska organisationens rigida strukturer, som varken uppmuntrar eller belönar dessa individers ansträngningar att samverka. Akademiker och praktiker i SMF kommer från olika arbetskulturer, med olika traditioner förknippade med språk och interaktion. Undersökningen visar dock att kontinuiteten i utbytet och dialogen skapar ett förtroende och kompetensutveckling för alla involverade parter, samt ett lärande i form av ny kunskap som är användbar både för akademin och för SMF. Tvärvetenskapligt samarbete håller på att bli en grundläggande del av all forskning, beroende på önskan att utforska problem och frågeställningar som inte är begränsade till ett enstaka ämnesområde, och behovet att lösa de problem samhället ställs inför. Den andra empiriska undersökningen fokuserar forskares lärande på arbetsplatsen inom ett flervetenskapligt forskningsprogram vid (ALI), samt deras samarbete med praktiker. Resultaten visar att det som akademiker lär i detta flervetenskapliga sammanhang är en fördjupad medvetenhet om perspektiven i deras egen och andras forskningsfält, samt en förstärkt nyfikenhet att lära mer. Lärandet innebär även att komma till nya insikter om deras eget lärande, och hur detta äger rum; hur det påverkar deras egen professionella utveckling, och att upptäcka - ibland överraskande – hur deras kompetens kan användas i nya forskningsområden. Samspelet mellan kunskap och erfarenhet hos forskare med olika ämnesbakgrund och med praktiker skapar ett sammanhang som kräver en annan typ av lärande for akademikerna, jämfört med deras inomdisciplinära arbete. Resultaten från båda undersökningarna ger en förståelse av hur akademiker upplever sitt lärande i samarbete med praktiker och andra forskare från olika ämnen. Det visar hur den holistiska kunskapsintegrationen som härrör från de tre akademiska funktionerna samverkan, undervisning och forskning, samtidigt bidrar till utveckling i arbetsmiljöer både inom och utanför akademin. / Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning på svenska av artiklarna I-IV.
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Mjuk massage och diakoni : Ett holistiskt perspektiv / Tactile Massage and Deaconry : A Holistic PerspectiveEdebol, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Introduction Tactile Massage is a generic term that for example includes Massage therapy, Effleurage, Gentle touch, Tactile stimulation, Soft massage and Aromatherapy massage (SBU 2009). Tactile Massage has been proven to activate the perception receptors of the body and stimulates the system of oxytocin and in that way Tactile massage increase wellbeing and decrease pain. The Church of Sweden was formally separated from the state in the year of 2000 and by this means created greater freedom in facilitating its own social and Deaconal programs in separate parishes. Since 2004 a few numbers of deacons have been integrating Tactile massage as a method in Deaconal ministry within the framework of holistic care in the Church of Sweden. Aim/Research questions The aim: From a holistic perspective investigate the use of and to increase the problem-awareness of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden. The research questions: How is Tactile massage being used and how are we to describe the experiences of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry? What possibilities and difficulties are related to the use of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden? Method This study is the first explorative research about Tactile massage in Swedish church diaconal context. The study follows Kvales method as seven steps of qualitative interview studies. 1) Aim and research questions were formulated according to the acquired theory. 2) Three respondents were chosen for in-depth interviews to be able to understand and describe experiences, possibilities and clarify difficulties with the use of Tactile massage within the Church of Sweden. 3) Qualitative interviews were carried out with the help of semi-structured questions. The interviews were recorded and observations were done. 4) The interviews were transcribed and re-read several times. In the process of research the material was coded and interpreted into experiences, possibilities and difficulties. 5) The process of interpretation and analysis of collected data and applied observations were carried out with the help of hermeneutical approach, ten theoretical perspectives and current research. 6) Results. The results were tested according to requirements of reliability, validity and generalization. 7) Report. In this study the results were reported with methodological, ethical and hermeneutical considerations. Results Tactile massage was described as an extraordinary tool where the experiences pointed out a general longing for touch in the lived body. The power of touch released courage, relaxation, new energy, pain relief and balance. Spiritual presence was experienced as Gods presence in the bodies of both massage-givers and massage-receivers. Possibilities with Tactile massage were described as practical care, where the non-verbal intervention could support the communication when words did not last. Quiet and relief was created through the freeing of the internal oxytocin-system of the body giving the massage-receiver social confirmation and renewal of the body. Difficulties in using Tactile massage within the deaconry were described as physical and mental vulnerability and unclear professional identity of the massage-givers. Difficulties where related also to integrity, boundaries and limitations of gender due to the majority of the female massage-givers and massage-takers in the present situation. One more difficulty was pointed out as the organizational unsecurity about what Tactile massage is and this difficulty was partly related to views of Deaconry and Church. ‘Deaconal Touch’ is the new concept and the practical result of this study. Deaconal Touch can be described as a deaconal tool to be handled in the context of the Church of Sweden. / Introduktion Mjuk massage är ett samlingsbegrepp för t.ex. beröringsmassage, effleurage, hudmassage, taktil stimulering, taktil massage och aromaterapimassage (SBU 2009). Forskning och erfarenhet visar att Mjuk massage genom stimulering av kroppens känselreceptorer och oxytocinsystem ökar välbefinnandet och bidrar till stress- och ångestreduktion samt möjliggöra smärtlindring. Svenska kyrkans skiljande från staten år 2000 möjliggör för varje församling att forma en egen diakonal profil. Efter år 2004 har enskilda diakoner och församlingar börjat använda Mjuk massage som ett diakonalt redskap i syfte att tillgodose människors kroppsliga, själsliga, andliga och sociala behov inom ramen för Svenska Kyrkans helhetssyn. Syfte/frågeställningar Syfte: Att utifrån ett holistiskt perspektiv undersöka användningen av och öka problemmedvetenheten om Mjuk massage i Svenska Kyrkans diakonala arbete. Frågeställningar: Hur används Mjuk massage och vilka är erfarenheterna av Mjuk massage inom Svenska Kyrkans diakoni? Vilka möjligheter och svårigheter kan vara förenade med användningen av Mjuk massage i Svenska Kyrkans diakoni? Metod Studien är en första explorativ studie om Mjuk massage inom Svenska kyrkans diakonala kontext. Studien följer Kvales metod som sju steg för kvalitativa intervjustudier. 1) Syfte och frågeställning formulerades utifrån inläst teori. 2) Tre respondenter valdes för att genom djupintervjuer förstå och beskriva erfarenheter, möjligheter och synliggöra svårigheter i användningen av Mjuk massage inom Svenska Kyrkan. 3) Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med semistrukturerade frågor. Intervjuerna bandades och observationer gjordes. 4) Intervjuerna transkriberades och lästes flera gånger. I forskningsprocessen kodades och tolkades materialet utifrån huvudorden erfarenheter, möjligheter och svårigheter. 5) Bearbetning, analys och tolkning genomfördes utifrån en hermeneutisk ansats med hjälp av tio teoretiska perspektiv och vetenskaplig aktuell forskning. 6) Resultat. Här prövades resultaten inför kraven på reliabilitet, validitet och generaliserbarhet. 7) Rapportering. I föreliggande arbete har resultaten redovisats med metodologiska, forskningsetiska och hermeneutiska överväganden. Resultat Mjuk massage beskrivs som ett extraordinärt redskap där erfarenheterna visade att beröringslängtan finns i den levda kroppen och att beröringens kraft frigör till mod, avslappning, ny energi, smärtlindring och balans. Andlig närvaro upplevdes av både givare och mottagare som Guds närvaro i kroppen. Möjligheter med Mjuk massage beskrevs som praktisk omsorg där den ickeverbala interventionen kunde stödja kommunikationen när orden inte räckte till. Lugn och lindring skapades genom att kroppens eget oxytocinsystem frigjordes och gav mottagaren social bekräftelse och kroppens upprättelse. Svårigheterna med att använda Mjuk massage inom diakoni beskrevs som kroppslig och själslig sårbarhet och oklar professionell identitet hos massagegivarna. Svårigheter relaterades även till integritet, gränssättning och könets begränsning, då majoriteten massagegivare och mottagare i nuläget utgörs av kvinnor. Ytterligare en svårighet utgjorde den organisatoriska osäkerheten om vad Mjuk massage är och denna svårighet hörde delvis samman med diakoni- och kyrkosyn. ´Diakonal beröring´ är det nya begrepp som utgör det praktiska resultatet av denna studie vilket beskriver Mjuk massage som diakonalt redskap i Svenska kyrkans kontext. Diakonal beröring tydliggörs i studien som ett värdefullt komplement till annan diakonal och själavårdande verksamhet.
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