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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Side effects of being tired : burnout among Swedish sport coaches / Sidoeffekter av trötthet : utbrändhet hos svenska idrottstränare

Lundkvist, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Burnout is a psychological concept that have got much attention since it was first defined in the middle of the 1970s. Although the definition of burnout differ there is consensus about exhaustion as the most important part of the concept. Burnout have also been in focus in sport psychology research. Mostly athletes have been studied but interest the coach profession have also been of interest. Research on coach burnout have mostly been directed towards demographic variables, organizational issues, behaviors and emotions and more holistic perspectives covering larger models or theories. The aims with this thesis was to try to fill some of the knowledge gaps from earlier coach burnout research with three studies. Study 1 aimed to study subjective experiences associated with perceived causes and symptoms of burnout and the subsequent recovery process. Eight elite soccer coaches who previously had been troubled with high scores of the exhaustion was interviewed. We found two burnout profiles that matched the coaches’ perceived causes of burnout. The first was associatedwith problems in handling the performance culture itself and the second had to do with the overall situation, including workload, family and health. Our findings describe coach burnout as stemming from a combination of issues, related to both home and work. When combined with work overload, coaches who have problems handling the performance culture in elite sports, and who lack the tools to enhance recovery, are particularly vulnerable to burnout. Study 2 focused on evaluating three self-report burnout measures that are available for researchers to use. Our analysis included Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) and Coach Burnout Questionnaire (CBQ). The main findings were that there are psychometric problems with all three measures and that MBI and OLBI cover similar definitions of burnout and CBQ cover somewhat different dimensions. Of the three methods that were tested CBQ seem to be most suitable for the coaching context. However, CBQ also have several problems and other burnout measures need to be evaluated in the coach context. Study 3 focused on the associations between workaholic tendencies and combining coaching job with having a family or a spouse, which can be a stressor since the work situation and family situation can be hard to combine. The main findings were that work seem to interfere more with family life than family life interfere with working live. Further workaholic tendencies and exhaustion was not associated. When interpreting the aggregated results from the thesis there are two main findings. First, the way coach burnout has been measured until now is unsatisfying. Although the development of a coach specific measure (CBQ) is promising, further development is needed, both when it comes to the theoretical aspects of the burnout construct and psychometric issues. Second, the symptoms and perceived causes in coach burnout is highly individual and makes burnout a very personal experience. Future research should focus on both the origins as well as the measurement of thisdetrimental concept. / Utbrändhet är ett psykologiskt begrepp som har fått mycket uppmärksamhet sedan den först introducerades i mitten av 1970-talet. Även om synen på vad utbrändhet är skiljer sig åt finns en enighet om att utmattning är huvudsymptomet. Utbrändhet har studerats inom idrottspsykologisk forskning sedan början av 1980-talet. Mestadels har intresset legat på idrottare men intresse har också riktats mot tränaryrket. Forskning om tränares utbrändhet har främst intresserat sig för demografiska variabler, organisationens påverkan, beteenden och känslor samt mer övergripande modeller eller teorier som täcker flera områden. Syftet med denna avhandling var att försöka fylla en del av de kunskapsluckor som funnits i tidigare forskning med tre studier. Studie 1 syftade till att studera tränares subjektiva upplevelser av utmattning kopplat till upplevda orsaker och symptom av utbrändhet samt vägen tillbaka från utbrändhet. Åtta elitfotbollstränare som tidigare hade haft problem med utmattning intervjuades. Huvudresultatet i studien var att det fanns två sätt att uppfatta utbrändhetsprocessen. Antingen såg man miljön runt elitfotbollen som den stora orsaken eller så upplevdes hela livssituationen med små stressande händelser kopplade till arbetsbelastning, familj och hälsa som problematiska. Studie 2 fokuserade på att utvärdera tre frågeformulär som är lämpliga i en tränarkontext. I analysen ingår Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), som oftast använts, Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) och Coach Burnout Questionnaire (CBQ). De viktigaste resultaten var att det dels finns problem med alla tre samt att MBI och OLBI täcker liknande definitioner av utbrändhet medan CBQ mäter lite andra aspekter. Slutsatsen från studien är att CBQ verkar passa bäst för den kontext där idrottstränare arbetar även om CBQ också har en del problematiska inslag. Studie 3 fokuserade på arbetsnarkomani och att kombinera tränarjobb med familjeliv har ett samband med utmattning. Huvudresultaten i studie 3 var att det framförallt verkar vara arbetet som störa familjelivet än familjelivet som stör arbetslivet. Ytterligare fanns inget statistiskt stöd att arbetsnarkomani skulle ha ett samband med utmattning. När det sammanlagda resultatet från hela avhandlingen tolkas utifrån vilken ny kunskap denna avhandling tillför finns två huvudbidrag. Det första är att problemen med de frågeformulär som hittills använts för att mäta utbrändhet har lyfts upp. Även om det är lovande att det utvecklats ett idrottsspecifikt formulär finns tillgängligt så finns det både teoretiska och mättekniska aspekter som behöver utvecklas. Det andra bidraget är att de symptom som ingår i upplevelsen av utbrändhet verkar vara olika för olika individer. Framtida forskning bör fokusera både på hur teoretiska och mättekninska aspekter av utbrändhetsbegreppet.

O trabalho domiciliar e seus impactos na saúde do trabalhador: uma aproximação à realidade dos trabalhadores têxteis em Juiz de Fora

Braz, Aline de Carvalho January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-15T17:35:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 alinedecarvalhobraz.pdf: 810477 bytes, checksum: 08140a17c588724ceb648c594ddfb3b4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-26T20:20:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 alinedecarvalhobraz.pdf: 810477 bytes, checksum: 08140a17c588724ceb648c594ddfb3b4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-26T20:20:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 alinedecarvalhobraz.pdf: 810477 bytes, checksum: 08140a17c588724ceb648c594ddfb3b4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Este trabalho realiza uma análise preliminar da relação trabalho-saúde, especificamente, do trabalho em domicílio no setor de confecções e seus impactos na saúde dos trabalhadores que desenvolvem esta atividade no município de Juiz de Fora. Esta modalidade de trabalho, existente desde os primórdios do capitalismo sofre reconfigurações com o desenvolvimento da sociedade capitalista. Com o processo de reestruturação produtiva, tal atividade vem se expandindo através dos processos de terceirização e subcontratação, submetendo os trabalhadores à condições precárias. O trabalho domiciliar enquanto atividade realizada no domicílio do trabalhador é uma fonte de renda para muitas famílias juizforanas. Diante deste contexto, o Departamento de Saúde do Trabalhador de Juiz de Fora (DSAT/JF) realizou, no ano de 2007, um estudo-piloto intitulado “Mapeamento das atividades econômicas domiciliares realizado em área de abrangência da Estratégia de Saúde da Família: integralidade e intersetorialidade das ações em Saúde do Trabalhador”, na Unidade de Atenção Primária à Saúde (UAP) Jardim da Lua localizada no Parque Burnier, com o objetivo de identificar estes trabalhadores e acompanhá-los. Outro projeto de pesquisa que permitiu identificar trabalhadores domiciliares foi “Indústria, Trabalho e Operariado Têxtil em Juiz de Fora”, que está sendo realizada pelo grupo de pesquisa Políticas Públicas, Trabalho e Mercado de Trabalho em Juiz de Fora, da Faculdade de Serviço Social da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Para fundamentar esta reflexão foram feitas pesquisas bibliográficas, atualização de dados e estudos teórico-analíticos. Além disso, a metodologia utilizada pautou-se em entrevistas qualitativas com os trabalhadores em domicílio identificados nos estudos acima (total de doze pessoas), que buscou apreender o processo de trabalho em domicílio, a relação entre trabalho-saúde e seus desdobramentos no quadro de saúde do trabalhador. / This work makes a preliminary analysis of the relationship between work and health, specifically, work at home in the garment sector and its impacts on the health of workers who develop this activity in the municipality of Juiz de Fora. This type of work, existing since the dawn of capitalism suffers reconfigurations with the development of capitalist society. With the restructuring process, such activity has been expanding through the processes of outsourcing and subcontracting, subjecting workers to poor conditions. Home-based work activity performed at home while the worker is a source of income for many families Juiz de Fora. Given this context, the Department of Occupational Health of Juiz de Fora (DSAT / JF) held in 2007, a pilot study entitled "Mapping of household economic activities carried out in the coverage area of the Family Health Strategy: integration and intersectoral actions in Occupational Health ", Unit of Primary Health Care (UAP) located in the Garden of the Moon Park Burnier, in order to identify these workers and accompany them. Another research project which identified home workers was "Industry, Labor and textile worker in Juiz de Fora" which is being conducted by the research group Public Policy, Employment and Labour Market in Juiz de Fora, the School of Social Work Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). To support this reflection were made literature searches, updating data and theoretical and analytical studies. Furthermore, the methodology was based on interviews with homeworkers identified in the above studies (total of twelve people), which sought to seize the process of working at home, the relationship between work and health and its consequences within worker

Informationssäkerhet i en pandemivärld: En analys av omställningen till hemarbete

Lerdell, Andrea, Rengholt, Emma January 2023 (has links)
När COVID-19 pandemin slog till över hela världen i början av 2020 tvingades företag snabbt agera för att hantera medarbetarna och deras arbete. Denna studie undersöker hur företag hanterade informationssäkerhet när arbete flyttades från kontor till hem, och vilka lärdomar som kan dras för att identifiera framgångsfaktorer och fallgropar vid framtida hantering av krissituationer. En stor utmaning vid övergången till distansarbete var bristen på säkerhetsspecialister och utbildning inom säkerhet, samt en bristande förståelse för de risker som följer med hanteringen av företagsinformation och data. Syftet med studiens frågeställning ”Vilka lärdomar kan dras gällande informationssäkerhet från omställningen från kontor till hemarbete i samband med pandemin?” är att ge företag och organisationer en djupare förståelse och medvetenhet för att undvika tidigare misstag och ta efter andra företags framgångsrika metoder för hantering av krissituationer. Studien har utförts i form av en ansikte-mot-ansikte-undersökning och data har samlats in genom sju semi-strukturerade intervjuer. För att analysera den insamlade data har en tematisk analys genomförts. Resultaten av studien visat att förberedelser, hög medvetenhet och förståelse för säkerhet hos medarbetare, kontinuerlig utbildning, placering av säkerhetsansvariga på rätt plats och ett effektivt samspel mellan chefer och medarbetare markant ökar chanserna att hantera en krissituation utan större påverkan. / When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world in early 2020, companies were forced to act quickly to manage employees and their work. This study examines how companies handled information security when work moved from the office to the home, and what lessons can be learned to identify success factors and pitfalls in future crisis management. A major challenge in the transition to remote work was the lack of security specialists and training in security, as well as a lack of understanding of the risks that come with handling company information and data. The purpose of the study's question "What lessons can be learned regarding information security from the transition from office to working from home in connection with the pandemic?" is to give companies and organizations a deeper understanding and awareness to avoid past mistakes and to imitate other companies' successful methods of handling crisis situations. The study has been carried out in the form of a face-to-face-survey and data has been collected through seven semi-structured interviews. To analyse the collected data, a thematic analysis has been carried out. The results of the study showed that preparation, high awareness and understanding of security among employees, continuous training, placement of security officers in the right place and an effective interaction between managers and employees significantly increase the chances of handling a crisis without major impact.

Påverkan av post-COVID hybridarbetsmodell på anställdas arbetslivsbalans / Influence of Post-COVID Hybrid Work Model on Employees´ Work-Life Balance

Albardonido Leonardsson, MaFe, Heydari, Ali Reza January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur hybridarbetsmodellen påverkar anställdas arbetslivsbalans i Sverige efter Covid-19-pandemin. Det finns en brist på kvalitativa insikter i detta område, med särskilt fokus på deras personliga erfarenheter och upplevelser inom hybridarbetsmodellen. En kvalitativ studie genomfördes med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tio respondenter samt en tematisk analys med en induktiv ansats. Söktermer relaterade till COVID-19, hybridarbetsmodell, arbetslivsbalans, arbetar hemifrån, arbetar på kontoret, anställda och post-COVID-19 användes för att hitta relevanta studier. Resultaten visade att hybridarbetsmodellen förbättrar anställdas arbetslivsbalans genom att erbjuda flexibilitet, förbättrad arbetsmiljö, ekonomiska fördelar samt möjligheter för social interaktion och kommunikation. Hybridarbete minskar pendling och ger ökad flexibilitet, men introducerar även utmaningar som ergonomiska problem vid hemarbete och minskad social interaktion med kollegor. Utmaningar med att upprätthålla gränser mellan arbete och privatliv identifierades också. För att förklara förändringar i organisationer användes institutionell teori, medan resursbaserad teori användes för att förstå hur resurser kan bidra till en förbättrad arbetsmiljö. Studien bidrar genom att adressera hur arbetsgivare kan stödja anställdas balans mellan arbete och privatliv. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att hybridarbetsmodellen, trots sina utmaningar, erbjuder betydande fördelar som kan bidra till förbättrad arbetslivsbalans och välbefinnande för anställda. / Purpose: This study aims to increase understanding of the impact of the hybridwork model on employees´ work-life balance in the post-COVID-19 era, while also identifying the advantages and disadvantages associated with this workmodel. Design/Methodology/Approach: A qualitative empirical study was conducted using semi-structured interviews analysed through thematic analysis with an inductive approach. The search terms included phrases related to the hybrid workmodel, work-life balance, work from home, work from the office, employees, and post COVID-19. Thorough screening of titles, abstracts, and full texts was performed to select studies that met the inclusion criteria.   Findings: The hybrid work model enhances employees´ work-life balance, encompassing various themes, including flexibility, the work environment, economic advantages, social interaction and communication, technological role, and challenges/boundaries between work and private life. Additionally, advantages and disadvantages were considered in this study. While these themes offer benefits such as flexible time and reduced absences from work and travel expenses, they also present disadvantages such as a lack of ergonomic furniture when working at home, weakened bonds between colleagues, concerns about maintaining a strong organizational culture, and potential decreases in collaboration and cohesiveness in team performance.   Research Limitations/Implications: This study is limited to ten (10) employees working in white-collar jobs in Sweden, and further research should include bluecollar workers and increase the number of respondents to gain deeper insights and understanding into the impact of the hybrid work model on employees´ work-life balance. Furthermore, the study solely focuses on the perspective and experiences of employees, and it could be beneficial to consider both the viewpoints of employers and employees in future research. Originality/Value: This study contributes to existing organizational policies and regulations by providing insights into how organizations can improve their support for employees to achieve a healthy balance between work and private life. By highlighting both the advantages and disadvantages associated with this workmodel in the post-COVID-19 era, organizations can better understand the importance of their role as employers in balancing employees' work life balance in the current hybrid work environment.

A model of personality traits and work-life balance as determinants of employee engagement

Moshoeu, Abigail Ngokwana 02 1900 (has links)
Employee engagement has been conceived as one of the “hottest topics in management” (De Cieri, Holmes, Abbott, & Pettit, 2002; Saks, 2006). Therefore, the need to further understand factors that enhance the level of employee engagement is of utmost importance if organisations are to successfully increase their competitive edge. The purpose of the present study was to develop a model of personality traits and work-life balance as determinants of employee engagement among employees in the various industries in South Africa. In particular, the present study investigated relationships between personality traits adapted by Martins (2000) which include five robust factors: agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness, resourcefulness and emotional stability and work-life balance as measured by the Survey Work-home Interaction/NijmeGen (SWING) which consists of four dimensions, namely, negative work-home interaction, positive work-home interaction negative home-work interaction and positive home-work interaction. The study utilised Schaufeli’s (2002) Utrecth Work Engagement Scale (UWES) which consists of three interrelated dimensions: vigour, dedication and absorption. A quantitative cross-sectional survey was followed and the data was collected from a population of 1 063 working adults through a Web-based survey. The results revealed significant relationships between the variables. Specifically, the results revealed that positive work-home interaction and positive home-work interaction appeared to be stronger correlated to engagement than the five dimensions of personality traits. For instance, a Pearson correlation analysis revealed that positive work-home interaction (r = .33) and positive home-work interaction (r = .30) had the highest correlation with employee engagement. In the same vein, the canonical correlation analysis revealed that positive work-home interaction, positive home-work interaction, agreeableness, conscientiousness and emotional stability exhibited the highest correlation with the canonical employee engagement construct variate. The results of the structural equation modelling further confirmed that the interaction of three personality traits, namely, agreeableness, conscientiousness and emotional stability and two of the work-life balance constructs, which are positive work-home interaction and positive home-work interaction, significantly and positively predicted employee engagement. The outcomes can be useful in informing employee engagement strategies, particularly in the recruitment, selection and retaining of highly skilful talents. Specifically, the study provided practical recommendations for employee engagement practices, based on the literature review and empirical results. This study highlighted the manner in which the personality traits and work-life balance variables impacted on employee engagement behavior. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Litt. et. Phil. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Den digitala arbetsplatsen : En kvantitativ studie om produktivitet vid arbete hemifrån / The Digital Workplace : A quantitative study on productivity when working from home

Yansan, Bilguun, Larsson, Kristoffer, Benites Brutar, Anton January 2023 (has links)
En digital arbetsplats har blivit allt vanligare och många företag ger nu anställda möjligheten att arbeta hemifrån, antingen heltid eller deltid. Den snabba ökningen av arbete hemifrån har väckt frågor om hur produktiva anställda är när de arbetar hemifrån jämfört med på kontoret. Företag försöker utveckla strategier för att anpassa sig till det nya arbetssättet. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka de faktorer som påverkar anställdas produktivitet med hjälp av följande forskningsfråga: Vilka faktorer påverkar produktiviteten på en digital arbetsplats? För att kunna besvara forskningsfrågan genomfördes en kvantitativ studie hos elva olika svenskt företag där anställda erbjuds möjlighet att arbeta hemifrån. Genom att samla in data från deltagarna kunde univariata och bivariata analyser genomföras för att identifiera samband mellan olika faktorer och produktiviteten. Resultaten av studien visade att det finns fyra identifierade samband som påverkar produktiviteten vid arbete hemifrån. Dessa samband kategoriseras in i två huvudkategorier: arbetsmiljö och kommunikation. Inom arbetsmiljön identifierades faktorer som tillgång till lämplig teknik och ergonomiska arbetsplatser som är viktiga för att öka produktiviteten. Inom kommunikation framkom betydelsen av tydlig och effektiv kommunikation mellan anställda och ledningen för att upprätthålla produktiviteten på en digital arbetsplats. Genom att förstå dessa faktorer kan företag utveckla strategier för att kunna skapa en effektiv digital arbetsplats. Denna forskning bidrar till kunskapen om produktivitet vid arbete hemifrån och hjälper organisationer att förbättra sin arbetsmiljö vid arbete hemifrån. Ytterligare forskning kan fördjupa förståelsen av de olika faktorerna och identifiera åtgärder för att förbättra produktiviteten på en digital arbetsplats. / A digital workplace has become increasingly common, and many companies are now offering their employees the opportunity to work from home either full-time or part-time. The rapid rise of working from home has raised questions about the productivity of employees when working from home compared to working in the office. Companies are trying to develop strategies to adapt to this new way of working. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that affect employee productivity based on the following research question: What factors influence productivity in a digital workplace? To answer the research question, a quantitative study was conducted in eleven different Swedish companies where employees are offered the option to work from home. By collecting data from the participants, univariate and bivariate analyzes were conducted to determine correlations between different factors and productivity. The results of the study revealed four identified correlations that influence productivity when working from home. These correlations are categorized into two main categories: workspace environment and communication. Within the workspace environment, factors such as access to appropriate technology and ergonomic workspaces were identified as important for increasing productivity. Within communication, the importance of clear and effective communication between employees and management was revealed to maintain productivity in a digital workplace. By understanding these factors, companies can develop strategies to create an efficient digital workplace. This study contributes to the knowledge of productivity when working from home and helps organizations improve their workspace environment for working from home. Further research can deepen the understanding of the different factors and identify measures to increase productivity in a digital workplace.

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