Spelling suggestions: "subject:"honoring""
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Uliční názvosloví v městě Písek / The Street Name Terminology in the Town of PísekSTEHLÍKOVÁ, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
The master's thesis examines street names, names of the public areas and also names of particular buildings in the city of Pisek. Firstly, the developments of the street names as well as their changes since the beginning of the twentieth century are described. Toponymy of names found both in historical centre as well as other city districts is analysed in the main part of the thesis. Urbanonyms are semantically classified with a special attention to honorific theme. The linguistic classification analyzing word-forming structure is also attached. The aim of the thesis is to contribute to the known toponymy of the city of Pisek.
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Sposoby wyrażania honoryfikatywności w polszczyźnie mieszkańców Niemenczyna (w przekroju pokoleniowym) / Mandagumo raiškos būdai Nemenčinės gyventojų lenkų kalboje (trijų kartų lyginimas) / Honorific forms in polish language of Niemenczyn people (comparison of three generations)Mikelevič, Alicija 29 June 2009 (has links)
Współczesna polszczyzna jest rozwiniętym językiem narodowym, zdolnym do zaspokojenia różnorodnych potrzeb komunikacyjnych, w których istotną rolę odgrywa odpowiedni wybór form adresatywnych, służących zwróceniu uwagi rozmówcy oraz wyrażających grzeczność wobec nadawcy.
Celem mojej pracy magisterskiej "Sposoby wyrażania honoryfikatywności w polszczyźnie mieszkańców Niemenczyna (w przekroju pokoleniowym)" jest pokazanie sposobów zwracania się do rozmówcy w mowie Polaków zamieszkujących w jednej miejscowości z uwzględnieniem zmian pokoleniowych.
Wyznaczony cel będzie wymagał wykonania w pracy następujących zadań: 1. wypracowania zasad metodologicznych opisu środków honoryfikatywności w języku polskim; 2. zanalizowania zebranych drogą ankietową danych językowych na podstawie wybranej metodologii; 3. porównania teraźniejszego stanu sytuacji językowej w wybranej miejscowości z wnioskami, pochodzącymi z wcześniejszych opracowań na ten temat; 4. ukazania pewnych rozbieżności w tendencjach ogólnopolskich i regionalnych.
W niniejszej pracy uwaga została skupiona na gramatycznych wykładnikach wyrażania honoryfikatywności w języku polskim, które obejmują formy adresatywne (proszę pana/pani; pan/pani + imię/nazwisko, tytuł), zaimkowe (pan/pani; Wy) i czasownikowe (zero godnościowe; samodzielne użycie bezokolicznika). W niniejszej pracy magisterskiej analizie został poddany materiał językowy, zebrany w Niemenczynie za pomocą ankietowania. Ankieta zawierała 19 pytań, wymagających... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Kreipiniai yra vartojami komunikacijos procese tam, kad būtų atkreiptas pašnekovo dėmesys ir išreikštas mandagumas. Mandagumo raiškos būdai skiriasi ne tik kalbose, bet ir jų teritoriniuose variantuose.
Šio magistro darbo tikslas yra parodyti Nemenčinės gyventojų lenkų kalba reiškiamus mandagumo raiškos būdus, lyginant tris kartas. Pasiekti šį tikslą yra įmanoma išsprendus šias užduotis: 1. sudaryti metodologijos taisykles, remiantis kuriomis bus aprašyti mandagumo raiškos būdai lenkų kalboje; 2. išanalizuoti anketos būdu surinktus duomenis; 3. palyginti Nemenčinės gyventojų esamą kalbinę būklę su išvadomis, padarytomis remiantis kitais darbais šia tema; 4. parodyti skirtumus tarp lenkų ir Vilniaus krašto lenkų kalbų.
Lenkų kalboje mandagumo raiškos būdai yra reiškiami trimis gramatinėmis priemonėmis: leksikos, stiliaus ir gramatikos. Magistro darbe ypatingas dėmesys buvo skiriamas gramatinėms mandagumo raiškos priemonėms: kreipiniams (proszę pana/pani; pan/pani + vardas, pavardė, titulas), mandagumo įvardžiams (pan/pani; Wy) ir veiksmažodžių formoms (tiesioginėje ir tariamojoje nuosakoje savarankiškai vartojama 3 asmens forma, o liepiamojoje – bendratis).
Kalbinė medžiaga, reikalinga magistro darbui parašyti, buvo surinkta naudojantis anketine gyventojų apklausa. Anketą užpildė 30 Nemenčinės gyventojų (įvairaus amžiaus ir išsilavinimo), kur lenkų tautybės žmonės sudaro daugumą. Tokiu būdu buvo sukaupta 530 pasisakymų, kurie leido palyginti mano tyrimų rezultatus su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Manner of address in communication process is used in order to bring message to somebody’s notice or to express politeness. Honorific forms differ not only in various languages, but in various regional dialects as well.
Main objective of this Master Thesis is to present honorific forms in polish language used by Niemenczyn people by comparison of three generations. Main objective shall be achieved if following tasks will be accomplished: 1. Structure methodological rules which shall be the basis for description of honorific forms in polish language; 2. Analyze survey data; 3. Compare existing language state with conclusions made in previous studies on this topic; 4. Present the differences between Polish language used in Vilnius region and in Poland.
Honorific forms in polish language are expressed by three grammar means: lexis, style and grammar. Master Thesis emphasizes grammatical means of honorific forms, i.e. manners of address (proszę pana/pani; pan/pani + name, last name, title), honorific pronouns (pan/pani; Wy) and verb forms (independent 3rd conjugation in indicative and subjunctive and infinitive form in imperative).
Survey data was used as basis of this Master Thesis. 30 inhabitants of Niemenczyn, where Polish nationality people makes majority, have answered the survey questions (people of different ages and with various education). 530 sayings were collected which were compared with conclusions of previous studies, and as a consequence specific features of... [to full text]
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Názvy ulic ve Volyni / The street names in the town of VolyněKUNEŠ, Václav January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with names of streets, squares, embankments and parks in the town Volyně in the district of Strakonice. Based on archival sources, it researches the development of the local street names in seven historical periods since the first designation in 1871 to the present. In every period the names are organized into a dictionary that explains their semantic motivation. A classification according to particular semantic categories is included, too. Attention is paid to the development of honorific motivation in street designation which means giving names of significant personalities, historical events, places and values that mostly have no connection with the designated place. The final part analyses the formation of both present and defunct street names and brings their structural classification. The aim of the diploma thesis is to explore systematically the designations of streets in Volyně and their development, and thus contribute to the knowledge of the local toponymy and the history of the town.
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澳門吉祥語研究 / Research of lucky words of Macao周菲凡 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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Civic image and civic patriotism in Liverpool 1880-1914Vickers, Matthew January 2000 (has links)
The late Victorian and Edwardian period saw ritual become increasingly important in political life. Towns and cities were involved in conscious efforts to construct and project attractive images of themselves. These images were intended to encourage a sense of civic patriotism. Ceremonies, honorific titles, public events and civic architecture were essays in the invention of tradition. However, historians have applied the concept of the invention of tradition unevenly. Previous research has dwelt on the construction of images. Perceptions of official images and responses to them have been overlooked. This thesis employs a model which recognises images as processes with foundaitons in human relationships. It evaluates images in terms of intentionality, power, context and participation. The participative dimension is of particular importance, because images aimed to instil a sense of civic patriotism which would encourage citizens to make emotional and financial investments in their communities. Liverpool attained the status of a city in 1880. The civic ideology of the city was dominated by images of commerce and by notions of Imperial duty and public service which celebrated commercial virtues. Many aspects of urban life were shaped by civic image. This study does not confine itself to public events and pageantry, instead it explores such spheres as municipal art policy, Liverpool's public health record, the attempts to extend the city boundaries, civic hagiography, the foundation of the University, women and the ideal of citizenship and the influence of football on civic identity to demonstrate the importance of images in the city's social, political and institutional history. The purpose of the thesis is three-fold: to suggest that civic image opens new perspectives on Liverpudlian history, to discover why there were more conscious attempts to construct civic image and to restore participation to the study of civic image by unravelling the connections between image and patriotism.
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Dynamic Assessment in Foreign Language Individualized InstructionLEE, SOO YUN 28 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Family matters in Roman Asia Minor : elite identity, community dynamics and competition in the honorific inscriptions of imperial AphrodisiasMorgan, Ann Marie, active 2014 20 June 2014 (has links)
In the city centers of Roman Asia Minor, honorific monuments, which consisted of a portrait sculpture and biographical inscription, filled the agoras, aedicular facades, and colonnaded avenues. While some monuments were for Roman emperors and magistrates, the majority celebrated and memorialized the most important members of the local community, male and female, individuals who held public offices, sponsored festivals, and funded large scale construction projects. Honorific monuments were collaborative productions that involved civic institutions, the honored benefactor, and the family or friends of the honorand. Because of the multiplicity of actors involved in the honorific process, an examination of honorific inscriptions allows for a discussion of identity construction at different scales from the individual honorand and his or her family to an entire civic community. In a city in Asia Minor during the empire, the identities conveyed included Roman imperial allegiances, Greek cultural values, and ties to the local community, often combined in compositions that justified claims of status or fulfilled political ambitions.
This dissertation investigates the honorific inscriptions from one city in Asia Minor, Aphrodisias, from the mid-1st century BCE to the mid-3rd century CE, which consists of 206 instances of honor for 183 local Aphrodisians. The analysis examines developments in elite self-fashioning and the evolution of the reciprocal relationship between a community and its benefactors, with particular focus on references to ancestry and familial connections in the language of the inscriptions. The evidence indicates that the Aphrodisian elite deployed epigraphic formulations that mention family background and Roman connections in order to construct composite cultural identities and to affirm their place among the city’s aristocratic factions. The contextualization of these texts in an historical and archaeological framework demonstrates that the observed epigraphic changes responded both to internal factors, such as demographic shifts, and external ones, such as the spread of Roman citizenship. This analysis highlights the internally-stratified and competitive aristocratic order that functioned in Imperial Aphrodisias and articulates how the elite employed references to ancestral background, local ties, and Roman familial connections strategically in ways that had tangible impacts on the landscape of the city. / text
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Être et paraître : les modalités de la représentation honorifique dans les cités grecques des origines à la fin de l’époque hellénistique / As good as he seems : aspects of the honorific representation in the greek cities from the origins to the end of the hellenistic periodBiard, Guillaume 01 December 2012 (has links)
Qu’est-ce que la représentation honorifique ? Cette simple question guide l’exploration de la pratique, née au IVe siècle et développée à l’époque hellénistique, qui consiste à offrir aux bienfaiteurs un monument à leur image. Fondée sur les décrets honorifiques et les sources archéologiques, l’analyse est d’abord matérielle. Sont ainsi examinées les contraintes et les attentes qui déterminent le choix du support de la représentation, de son matériau et de son emplacement. Dans le cas des statues, la forme de la base, les dimensions de l’œuvre et son mode de fixation sont étudiés. La vie des œuvres ne s’arrête cependant pas avec leur installation : plusieurs chapitres analysent leur entretien et, à rebours, leur mutilation, leur destruction et leur remploi. Une étude iconographique de la représentation honorifique est ensuite proposée. La description des œuvres conservées permet de brosser le portrait de la cité idéale que reflète la représentation honorifique, des stratèges vainqueurs aux femmes. Les marges du genre sont aussi explorées, à travers les représentations de héros et de souverains, mais aussi d’enfants. Ces études matérielle et iconographique sont le fondement de l’analyse historique. L’élucidation des origines de la représentation honorifique, qui remontent à l’époque archaïque, permet ainsi de dégager les spécificités de la représentation honorifique publique. Celle-ci sert ensuite de référence dans l’analyse des représentations honorifiques privées et commémoratives. Forte de cette exploration large, l’étude se clôt sur un examen des fonctions politiques et sociales de la représentation honorifique et de leur évolution à la basse époque hellénistique. / What does honorific representation stand for? Starting from this apparently simple question, the present study explores the many aspects of the habit, beginning in the 4th century B.C. and developing through the Hellenistic period, of granting the benefactors a representation of themselves. Based on the honorific decrees and the archaeological evidence, the analysis is primarily material. Thus, the expectations and constraints guiding the choice of a medium, of a material and of a place of erection are first examined. In the case of a statue, its size, the type of its base and the way it is fixed are thoroughly studied. But with their erection, the life of the representations just begins: a few chapters are devoted to their cleaning and also to their mutilation, destruction and reuse. Iconography is the second main topic of the study. Through a description of the remaining works of art, a portrait of the ideal city reflected by the honorific representation is drawn, from the victorious generals to the women. The limits of the genre are also explored, through a study of the representations of heroes and kings, but also of children. Both material and iconographic studies support the historical analysis. An introductory focus on the origins of the honorific representation allows a determination of the specific aspects of public representation. Keeping those in mind as a reference, the analysis turns then to the less studied private honorific and commemorative representations. This large scope exploration leads finally to an examination of the social and political role of the honorific representation and of its evolution through the late Hellenistic period.
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Address forms in Xitsonga : a socio-pragmatic perspectiveKubayi, Sikheto Joe 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the nature of socio-cultural rules underlying address behaviour in face-to-face interactions in Xitsonga. In the study, a socio-pragmatic approach is used. This approach is a combination of sociolinguistics and pragmatics. Data are collected using semi-structured interviews from 29 participants in Hlanganani region. Hlanganani is a Xitsonga speech community located in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The participants were selected in terms of five variables, namely their age, gender, marital status, educational status and occupation. Five theories are tested in this study, namely Brown and Gilman’s (1968) theory of power and solidarity, Brown and Levinson’s (1987) politeness theory, the theory of accommodation, the theory of universal grammar and the Gricean theory of conversation. The study finds that Hlanganani is an age-set society in that the age of a person is the primary determiner of address choice. The male gene also receives superior status in address behaviour in Xitsonga. It is also found that women are given the same lower status as children. It is observed that women’s statuses reflect their graduation in terms of marriage and the production of children. It is recommended that more studies of a similar kind should be undertaken based on either different speech communities or on a comparative basis of
particularly African languages. Such studies will go a long way in describing similarities and differences in both the linguistic and the social structures of different cultures. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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Address forms in Xitsonga : a socio-pragmatic perspectiveKubayi, Sikheto Joe 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the nature of socio-cultural rules underlying address behaviour in face-to-face interactions in Xitsonga. In the study, a socio-pragmatic approach is used. This approach is a combination of sociolinguistics and pragmatics. Data are collected using semi-structured interviews from 29 participants in Hlanganani region. Hlanganani is a Xitsonga speech community located in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The participants were selected in terms of five variables, namely their age, gender, marital status, educational status and occupation. Five theories are tested in this study, namely Brown and Gilman’s (1968) theory of power and solidarity, Brown and Levinson’s (1987) politeness theory, the theory of accommodation, the theory of universal grammar and the Gricean theory of conversation. The study finds that Hlanganani is an age-set society in that the age of a person is the primary determiner of address choice. The male gene also receives superior status in address behaviour in Xitsonga. It is also found that women are given the same lower status as children. It is observed that women’s statuses reflect their graduation in terms of marriage and the production of children. It is recommended that more studies of a similar kind should be undertaken based on either different speech communities or on a comparative basis of
particularly African languages. Such studies will go a long way in describing similarities and differences in both the linguistic and the social structures of different cultures. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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