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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"I can tell a story that my dads friend tell me" : A corpus- and interview-based study on grammar education, with focus on verb forms.

Lorenzi, Mikaela, Bergström, Sofia January 2015 (has links)
This study consists of two methods: textual analysis and interviews, which are based on text from The Uppsala Learner English Corpus (ULEC), and teachers as interview objects. The textual analysis investigates errors made by students in year seven and year nine, regarding the construction of different verb forms in written English essays. A potential difference between errors made in year seven and nine is also examined. Moreover, the interview based analysis investigates professional junior high school teachers’ teaching methods and attitudes towards grammar. The errors investigated in the textual analysis are compared with the responses of the teachers’ perception of common errors in verb forms made by their students.    The textual analysis showed that the most common errors made regard spelling within the verb phrase, auxiliary verbs, subject-verb agreement, and irregular verbs, and that year seven had a higher frequency of errors than year nine in most categories, even if the results differed inconsiderably.    The analysis of the interviews of the teachers found that teachers, in general, enjoy grammar, and aim to have a student-centered approach, however, the teachers testify of characteristics of traditional teacher-centered grammar teaching. It is reasoned that traditional teacher-centered grammar teaching is fundamentally established, where teachers today appear not to acquire the tools to move away from the teacher-centered approach onwards to a student-centered grammar teaching.    We reason that the education of L2 teachers needs to be reformed and provide tools to help teachers achieve a student-centered approach, and therein enable students to become more successful in grammar.

Sposoby wyrażania honoryfikatywności w polszczyźnie mieszkańców Niemenczyna (w przekroju pokoleniowym) / Mandagumo raiškos būdai Nemenčinės gyventojų lenkų kalboje (trijų kartų lyginimas) / Honorific forms in polish language of Niemenczyn people (comparison of three generations)

Mikelevič, Alicija 29 June 2009 (has links)
Współczesna polszczyzna jest rozwiniętym językiem narodowym, zdolnym do zaspokojenia różnorodnych potrzeb komunikacyjnych, w których istotną rolę odgrywa odpowiedni wybór form adresatywnych, służących zwróceniu uwagi rozmówcy oraz wyrażających grzeczność wobec nadawcy. Celem mojej pracy magisterskiej "Sposoby wyrażania honoryfikatywności w polszczyźnie mieszkańców Niemenczyna (w przekroju pokoleniowym)" jest pokazanie sposobów zwracania się do rozmówcy w mowie Polaków zamieszkujących w jednej miejscowości z uwzględnieniem zmian pokoleniowych. Wyznaczony cel będzie wymagał wykonania w pracy następujących zadań: 1. wypracowania zasad metodologicznych opisu środków honoryfikatywności w języku polskim; 2. zanalizowania zebranych drogą ankietową danych językowych na podstawie wybranej metodologii; 3. porównania teraźniejszego stanu sytuacji językowej w wybranej miejscowości z wnioskami, pochodzącymi z wcześniejszych opracowań na ten temat; 4. ukazania pewnych rozbieżności w tendencjach ogólnopolskich i regionalnych. W niniejszej pracy uwaga została skupiona na gramatycznych wykładnikach wyrażania honoryfikatywności w języku polskim, które obejmują formy adresatywne (proszę pana/pani; pan/pani + imię/nazwisko, tytuł), zaimkowe (pan/pani; Wy) i czasownikowe (zero godnościowe; samodzielne użycie bezokolicznika). W niniejszej pracy magisterskiej analizie został poddany materiał językowy, zebrany w Niemenczynie za pomocą ankietowania. Ankieta zawierała 19 pytań, wymagających... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Kreipiniai yra vartojami komunikacijos procese tam, kad būtų atkreiptas pašnekovo dėmesys ir išreikštas mandagumas. Mandagumo raiškos būdai skiriasi ne tik kalbose, bet ir jų teritoriniuose variantuose. Šio magistro darbo tikslas yra parodyti Nemenčinės gyventojų lenkų kalba reiškiamus mandagumo raiškos būdus, lyginant tris kartas. Pasiekti šį tikslą yra įmanoma išsprendus šias užduotis: 1. sudaryti metodologijos taisykles, remiantis kuriomis bus aprašyti mandagumo raiškos būdai lenkų kalboje; 2. išanalizuoti anketos būdu surinktus duomenis; 3. palyginti Nemenčinės gyventojų esamą kalbinę būklę su išvadomis, padarytomis remiantis kitais darbais šia tema; 4. parodyti skirtumus tarp lenkų ir Vilniaus krašto lenkų kalbų. Lenkų kalboje mandagumo raiškos būdai yra reiškiami trimis gramatinėmis priemonėmis: leksikos, stiliaus ir gramatikos. Magistro darbe ypatingas dėmesys buvo skiriamas gramatinėms mandagumo raiškos priemonėms: kreipiniams (proszę pana/pani; pan/pani + vardas, pavardė, titulas), mandagumo įvardžiams (pan/pani; Wy) ir veiksmažodžių formoms (tiesioginėje ir tariamojoje nuosakoje savarankiškai vartojama 3 asmens forma, o liepiamojoje – bendratis). Kalbinė medžiaga, reikalinga magistro darbui parašyti, buvo surinkta naudojantis anketine gyventojų apklausa. Anketą užpildė 30 Nemenčinės gyventojų (įvairaus amžiaus ir išsilavinimo), kur lenkų tautybės žmonės sudaro daugumą. Tokiu būdu buvo sukaupta 530 pasisakymų, kurie leido palyginti mano tyrimų rezultatus su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Manner of address in communication process is used in order to bring message to somebody’s notice or to express politeness. Honorific forms differ not only in various languages, but in various regional dialects as well. Main objective of this Master Thesis is to present honorific forms in polish language used by Niemenczyn people by comparison of three generations. Main objective shall be achieved if following tasks will be accomplished: 1. Structure methodological rules which shall be the basis for description of honorific forms in polish language; 2. Analyze survey data; 3. Compare existing language state with conclusions made in previous studies on this topic; 4. Present the differences between Polish language used in Vilnius region and in Poland. Honorific forms in polish language are expressed by three grammar means: lexis, style and grammar. Master Thesis emphasizes grammatical means of honorific forms, i.e. manners of address (proszę pana/pani; pan/pani + name, last name, title), honorific pronouns (pan/pani; Wy) and verb forms (independent 3rd conjugation in indicative and subjunctive and infinitive form in imperative). Survey data was used as basis of this Master Thesis. 30 inhabitants of Niemenczyn, where Polish nationality people makes majority, have answered the survey questions (people of different ages and with various education). 530 sayings were collected which were compared with conclusions of previous studies, and as a consequence specific features of... [to full text]

Subordinação Adverbial : um estudo cognitivo sobre o infinitivo, o clítico SE e as formas verbais finitas em proposições adverbiais do Português Europeu / Adverbial subordination : a cognitive study on the infinitive, the clitic SE and finite verb forms in European Portuguese adverbial clauses

Vesterinen, Rainer January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to analyse the variation between infinitive and finite verb adverbial clauses in European Portuguese. In order to understand this variation, three central questions are raised: (1) What determines the use of the uninflected vs. the inflected infinitive in same-subject adverbial clauses? (2) What does the pronoun SE signal in these adverbial clauses? (3) What difference is there between the use of the inflected infinitives vs. finite verbs in different subject adverbial clauses?</p><p>Earlier investigations about these three questions are discussed. One conclusion of this review is that former research almost exclusively has been conducted from a traditional or formalistic point of view that has given priority to structural descriptions instead of semantic or conceptual explanations. In contrast to this, the present study endeavours to examine these issues from a cognitive linguistic perspective.</p><p>It is claimed that the use of the inflected infinitive in adverbial same-subject clauses may be explained by contextual factors which create a cognitive need to highlight the subject of the adverbial clause. Further, an analysis about how the grammatical micro-context can determine the interpretation of the clitic pronoun SE as a marker for a generic trajector is conducted. It is also argued that the difference between infinitive and finite adverbial clauses can bee explained by means of theories of subjectification and mental spaces.</p><p>The conclusion is drawn that a cognitive approach to grammar can, indeed, shed light on the issues considered. In particular, it is shown that different adverbial constructions can express different conceptual meaning. In the light of this fact, other issues concerned with finite and infinite verb forms are raised.</p>

Dalyvių, pusdalyvių ir padalyvių vartojimas „Respublikos“ ir „Lietuvos ryto“ dienraščiuose / Participles and adjectivial forms in “Lietuvos rytas“ and “Respublika“ daily newspapers

Klemiato, Beata 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šis darbas skirtas didžiausių Lietuvos dienraščių – „Lietuvos ryto“ ir „Respublikos“ – dalyvių, pusdalyvių ir padalyvių vartojimo analizei. Norėta išsiaiškinti, ar dalyviai iki šiol yra dažnai tebevartojami, koks jų santykis minėtuose dienraščiuose. Dalyvių vartojimo polinkiai publicistikoje anksčiau beveik nebuvo tirti, tad darbas galėtų būti tolimesnių bei išsamesnių tyrimų pradžia. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti visų minėtų dalyvinių formų dažnumą, aptarti rašytinės kalbos dalyvinių konstrukcijų vartojimo ypatumus minėtuose dienraščiuose ir palyginti abiejų laikraščių kalbą. Analizuojant tiriamąją medžiagą buvo keliami šie uždaviniai: 1) apžvelgti lingvistinę literatūrą, susijusią su nagrinėjimo objektu; 2) išrinkti iš minėtų dienraščių analizuojamųjų straipsnių dalyvius, pusdalyvius ir padalyvius, sugrupuoti juos; 3) nustatyti ir aptarti dalyvių vartojimo dėsningumus (ypatumus); 4) palyginti dalyvių, pusdalyvių ir padalyvių vartojimą, t. y. nustatyti jų vartojimo santykį dviejuose populiariausiuose Lietuvos dienraščiuose; 5) statistiškai pateikti gautus rezultatus, analizuoti, apibendrinti. Išanalizavus didžiausių Lietuvos dienraščių „Respublika“ ir „Lietuvos rytas“ 50 straipsnių ir ištyrus juose rastus dalyvius, pusdalyvius bei padalyvius, buvo prieita tam tikrų išvadų. Tyrimas parodė, kad dažniausiai „Respublikos“ ir „Lietuvos ryto“ dienraščiuose vartojami būtojo kartinio laiko veikiamieji ir neveikiamieji dalyviai. Būtojo kartinio laiko neveikiamasis dalyvis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work is aimed at the analysis of usage of participles, half-participles, verbal adverbs in “Lietuvos rytas“ and “Respublika“ newspapers. The purpose was to find out if participles are still often used and what is the frequency of this usage in the magazines. The usage of participles has not been examined yet that is why this work could be the beginning of the further examinations. The main purpose of the work was to assume the frequency of the participles and their forms, discuss the peculiarities of their spelling in the above-mentioned magazines and compare their language. While analyzing the newspapers I set the main goals: 1) examine linguistic literature related to the object of analysis; 2) choose the participles, half-participles and verbal adverbs from the above mentioned newspapers and group them; 3) ascertain and discuss the rules (peculiarities) of the usage of participles; 4) compare the usage of participles, half-participles and verbal adverbs and ascertain the frequency of their usage in the above mentioned magazines; 5) establish the statistics of the results, discuss them and sum up. The results have been made after the analysis and examination of participles, half-participles and verbal adverbs found in 50 articles in the daily newspapers “Respublika“ ir “Lietuvos rytas“. The examination showed that the most frequently used participles are past participles and passive participles. Past passive participles are a little more frequently used in... [to full text]

Subordinação Adverbial : um estudo cognitivo sobre o infinitivo, o clítico SE e as formas verbais finitas em proposições adverbiais do Português Europeu / Adverbial subordination : a cognitive study on the infinitive, the clitic SE and finite verb forms in European Portuguese adverbial clauses

Vesterinen, Rainer January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse the variation between infinitive and finite verb adverbial clauses in European Portuguese. In order to understand this variation, three central questions are raised: (1) What determines the use of the uninflected vs. the inflected infinitive in same-subject adverbial clauses? (2) What does the pronoun SE signal in these adverbial clauses? (3) What difference is there between the use of the inflected infinitives vs. finite verbs in different subject adverbial clauses? Earlier investigations about these three questions are discussed. One conclusion of this review is that former research almost exclusively has been conducted from a traditional or formalistic point of view that has given priority to structural descriptions instead of semantic or conceptual explanations. In contrast to this, the present study endeavours to examine these issues from a cognitive linguistic perspective. It is claimed that the use of the inflected infinitive in adverbial same-subject clauses may be explained by contextual factors which create a cognitive need to highlight the subject of the adverbial clause. Further, an analysis about how the grammatical micro-context can determine the interpretation of the clitic pronoun SE as a marker for a generic trajector is conducted. It is also argued that the difference between infinitive and finite adverbial clauses can bee explained by means of theories of subjectification and mental spaces. The conclusion is drawn that a cognitive approach to grammar can, indeed, shed light on the issues considered. In particular, it is shown that different adverbial constructions can express different conceptual meaning. In the light of this fact, other issues concerned with finite and infinite verb forms are raised.

Le participe dans les grammaires des langues romanes (XVe-XVIIIe siècles). Histoire comparée d'une classe grammaticale / The participle in the Romance Languages' grammars (15th-18th centuries). A compared history of a grammar category / El participio en las gramáticas de las lenguas románicas (siglos XV-XVIII). Historia comparada de una clase gramatical

Diaz Villalba, Alejandro 13 September 2017 (has links)
L’étude présente l’histoire de la classe du participe à travers un corpus de grammaires del’espagnol, du français, de l’italien et du portugais parues entre le XVe et le XVIIIe siècle.La démarche comparative s’appuie sur le principe méthodologique de la mise en série d’une centaine d’ouvrages regroupés et confrontés selon des paramètres variables : la chronologie, le thème ou la tradition grammaticale de la langue-objet.La première partie aborde la question de la catégorisation en linguistique et s’interroge sur la nature des formes non finies du verbe, tout particulièrement du participe et de son emploi dans les formes verbales analytiques. La deuxième partie traite de l’histoire du participe sous un angle général. Ainsi, après avoir donné un aperçu des aspects problématiques qui intéressent les grammairiens grecs et latins, l’analyse se centre sur le traitement de la classe dans les grammaires des langues romanes. La troisième partie s’attache à étudier les approches et les concepts dont se servent les grammairiens de la Renaissance pour traiter les temps composés ainsi que la façon dont ils décrivent et (re)catégorisent les formes participiales de ces temps verbaux. / The study investigates the history of the word-class of participle through a close study of a corpus of French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian grammars which were published between the 15th and 18th centuries. The comparative approach is based on the methodological principle of “series of texts”, by grouping and collating a hundred works according to several variable parameters: the chronology, the theme or the grammatical tradition of the language in question.The first part of the study deals with the linguistic categorization and questions the nature of the non-finite verbal forms, especially the participle and its use in an analytical verbal form. The second part deals with the history of the participle from a more general point of view. Thus, after an overview of the problematic aspects of Greek and Latin grammarians, the analysis focuses on the treatment of the word-class in the grammars of the Romance languages. The third part focuses on the approaches and concepts used by the Renaissance grammarians to deal with compound tenses and on how they described and (re)-categorized the participle forms of these verbal tenses. / El estudio presenta la historia de la clase del participio a través de un corpus de gramáticas de español, francés, italiano y portugués publicadas entre los siglos XV y XVIII. El enfoque comparativo se basa en el principio metodológico de la constitución de series textuales, que nos permite agrupar y cotejar un centenar de textos en función de parámetros variables: la cronología, el tema o la tradición gramatical de la lengua objeto.La primera parte aborda el asunto de la categorización en lingüística e indaga la naturaleza de las formas no finitas del verbo, especialmente la del participio y su utilización en las formas analíticas del verbo. La segunda parte propone una aproximacióna la historia del participio desde una perspectiva más general. Así pues, tras una cala en los aspectos problemáticos relacionados con el participio tratados por los gramáticos griegos y latinos, el análisis se centra en el tratamiento de la clase en las gramáticas de las lenguas romances. La tercera parte investiga sobre los enfoques y los conceptos que emplean los gramáticos del Renacimiento para tratar los tiempos compuestos, y sobre el modo en que describen y (re)categorizan las formas participiales de esos tiempos verbales.

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