Spelling suggestions: "subject:"host.""
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Climate simulations of hot Jupiters : developing and applying an accurate radiation schemeAmundsen, David S. January 2015 (has links)
To date more than 1500 exoplanets have been discovered. A large number of these are hot Jupiters, Jupiter-sized planets orbiting < 0.1 au from their parent stars, due to limitations in observational techniques making them easier to detect than smaller planets in wider orbits. This is also, for the same reasons, the class of exoplanets with the most observational constraints. Due to the very large interaction between these planets and their parent stars they are believed to be tidally locked, causing a large temperature contrast between the permanently hot day side and colder night side. There are still many open questions about these planets. Many are observed to have inflated radii, i.e. the observed radius is larger for a given mass than evolutionary models predict. A mechanism that can transport some of the stellar heating into the interior of the planet may be able to explain this. The presence of hazes or clouds has been inferred on some planets, but their composition and distribution remain unknown. According to chemical equilibrium models TiO and VO should be present on the day side of the hottest of these planets, but these molecules have not yet been detected. Cold traps, where these molecules condense out on the night side, have been suggested to explain this. The efficiency of the heat redistribution from the day side to the night side has been found to vary significantly between different planets; the mechanism behind this is still unknown. To begin to answer many of these questions we need models capturing the three-dimensional nature of the atmospheres of these planets. General circulation models (GCMs) do this by solving the equations of fluid dynamics for the atmosphere coupled to a radiative transfer scheme. GCMs have previously been applied to several exoplanets, but many solve simplified fluid equations (shallow water or primitive equations) or highly parametrised radiation schemes (temperature-forcing, gray or band-averaged opacities). We here present an adaptation of the Met Office Unified Model (UM), a GCM used for weather predictions and climate studies for the Earth, to hot Jupiters. The UM solves the full 3D Euler equations for the fluid, and the radiation scheme uses the two-stream approximation and correlated-k method, which are state of the art for both Earth and exoplanet GCMs. This makes it ideally suited for the study of hot Jupiters. An important part of this work is devoted to the adaptation of the radiation scheme of the UM to hot Jupiters. This includes calculation of opacities for the main absorbers in these atmospheres from state-of-the-art high temperature line lists, the calculation of k-coefficients from these opacities, and making sure all aspects of the scheme perform satisfactorily at high temperatures and pressures. We have tested approximations made in previous works such as the two-stream approximation, use of band-averaged opacities and different treatments of gaseous overlap. Uncertainties in current models, such as the lack of high temperature line broadening parameters for these atmospheres, are discussed. We couple the adapted radiation scheme to the UM dynamical core, which has been tested independently. Our first application is devoted to one of the most well-observed hot Jupiters, HD 209458b. Differences between previous modelling works and our model are discussed, and we compare results from the full coupled model with results obtained using a temperature-forcing scheme. We have also developed a tool to calculate synthetic phase curves, and emission and transmission spectra from the output of our 3D model. This enables us to directly compare our model results to observations and test the effect of various parameters and model choices on observable quantities.
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Surface Plasmon Hybridization in Novel Plasmonic PhenomenaRamirez, Francisco 01 May 2017 (has links)
We explore the effects of surface plasmon hybridization in graphene nanostructures and silver nanoparticles as applied to novel plasmonic phenomena. The analysis is based on the theory of surface plasmon hybridization under the boundary charges method. This method, which is based in the electrostatic approximation, has been largely used to predict the resonant frequencies in strongly coupled nanoparticle clusters. Here, we extend this formalism to analyze novel plasmonic phenomena such as the blueshift of modes in graphene plasmonics, near-field radiation, thermal transport and plasmon-induced hot carrier generation in silver nanoparticles. Furthermore, we develop analytical solutions for graphene nanodisks and metallic spheres that allow for fast and accurate modeling. The analytic models provide the basis to derive a large number of results, including prediction of hybrid eigenmodes and bandstructures, far-field response, and near-field response under thermally induced fluctuations. We predict that the strong near-filed coupling in graphene nanodisk stacks can induce a blueshift in the resonant frequencies up to the near-infrared part of the spectrum. We find that the strong near-filed coupling between disks can also lead to large values of radiative thermal conductance when thermally induced fluctuations are included. In this regard, an enhancement over the blackbody limit of up to two and four orders of magnitude was observed for co-planar and co-axial disk configurations. The strong coupling between coplanar disks was also explored for the development of plasmonic waveguides by considering long co-planar disk arrays. It was observed that the array posseses great potential for plasmonic waveguiding, with a strong degree of confinement for disks smaller than 200 nm. Thermal activation of the guided modes showed a thermal conductivity of up to 4.5 W/m K and thermal diffusivity of up to 1:4 x 10-3 m2/s. The large values of thermal diffusivity suggest the potential of graphene disk waveguides for thermotronic interconnects. The plasmon-induced hot carrier generation in silver nanosphere dimers was also studied. The modeling considered analytical solution for metallic nanospheres, from which the electrostatic potential of each sphere was obtained. Using these results, the hot carrier generation was explored under the basis of the Fermi golden rule. The results show a large number of hot carriers at the low frequency modes. This values exceed the number of generated hot carriers on a single sphere. The energy distribution of photogenerated electrons and holes showed a large energy gap that can be explored in photocatalysis and photovoltaic energy conversion.
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Spatial variability of the ambient noise field associated with the Marginal Ice Zone and its relationship to environmental parametersBiggs, Kristian Pedersen 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / During the month of July 1987 an acoustical experiment was
conducted by the United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
in the East Greenland Sea Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) . Ambient
noise "hot spots" or concentrated areas of relatively high
noise levels were found along the ice edge using a towed
array. Ambient noise levels were obtained on 27 and 28 July
using AN/SSQ-57A and AN/SSQ-57XN5 calibrated sonobuoys . The
temperature structure of the area was determined using XBT
(ship) and AXBT (P3C aircraft) buoys placed inside and outside
the ice edge. The ice edge was determined from coincident
satellite photos, 90 GHz microwave imagery and P3 radar ice
edge maps. Weather data (sea state and wind speed and direction)
were recorded on the ship. The data seem to indicate a correlation between the high ambient noise levels of the hot
spots and the presence of a large topographically controlled
mesoscale eddy located at the southeastern extent of the MIZ. / http://archive.org/details/spatialvariabili00bigg / Lieutenant, United States Navy
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Bristande samsyn i lärares definition av hot och våld : En kvalitativ studie om förekomst av hot och våld mot lärare på högstadieskolor. / Lack of consensus in teachers definition of threats and violence : A qualitative study on the occurrence of threats and violence against teachers in high school.Eklund, Anton, Johansson, Tommy January 2017 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att studera förekomsten av hot och våld mot lärare på högstadieskolor, hur man på de undersökta skolorna arbetar med att minimera förekomsten av hot och våld samt hur lärare definierar sin syn på vad som kan vara hot och våld från föräldrar och elever. Studien är baserad på ett riktat bekvämlighetsurval där skyddsombud på högstadieskolor i den undersökta kommunen valdes ut. I samband med analysen av studiens resultat har Lintons rollteori använts för att skapa ett perspektivseende på det undersökta problemet. Resultatet i studien visar att hot och våld mot lärare på högstadieskolor är ett förekommande problem, men att lärare har olika definition av begreppen hot och våld. Det skapar en osäkerhet i hur vanligt förekommande hot och våld gentemot lärare verkligen är. Resultaten visar att en stor brist finns i samsynen på problemet samt att det saknas handlingsplaner på de undersökta skolorna, vilket gör det svårt för skolorna att arbeta med att minimera hot och våld mot lärare. De skolor som undersökts arbetar trots avsaknaden av gemensamma handlingsplaner på olika sätt för att förebygga uppkomsten av hot och våld mot lärare, ofta genom personalkonferenser och relationsbyggande aktiviteter mellan lärare och elever.
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Opinionsbildande journalisters upplevelser av hot och trakasserier : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med sex verksamma journalisterKaranatsiou, Alexia, Lindenbaum, Maja January 2017 (has links)
Hot och trakasserier mot journalister har under våren 2017 blivit mycket uppmärksammat. Denna undersökning syftar till att undersöka opinionsbildande journalisters upplevelser och erfarenheter av hot och trakasserier i deras yrkesverksamhet. Opinionsbildande journalister är en grupp inom den journalistiska yrkeskåren som är särskilt utsatt. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med sex verksamma journalister. Vi har i uppsatsen utgått från följande frågeställningar: Hur ser hoten/trakasserierna ut och vilka medel används för att framföra dessa? Vilka konsekvenser har hoten/trakasserierna fått för deras privatliv samt yrkesutövning? Vilka strategier har journalisterna utvecklat för att kunna fortsätta utföra sitt arbete trots hot och trakasserier? Vad tror journalisterna att hoten/trakasserierna kan innebära för den oberoende journalistiken och det öppna samhället? När vi analyserat journalisternas levda erfarenheter och upplevelser har vi använt oss av copingstrategier i syfte att se hur de hanterar påfrestande situationer. Vi har i vårt arbete även varit intresserade av om och i så fall hur hotbilden mot journalister påverkar yrket i stort samt i förlängningen även demokratin. För att analysera detta har vi använt oss av demokratimodellernas olika krav på journalistiken. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det är vanligt att man som opinionsbildande journalist får motta hot eller trakasserier. Samtliga intervjupersoner menar att den digitala utvecklingen med sociala medier har påverkat hotens karaktär och även gjort det lättare för de som hotar eller trakasserar att nå fram till journalisterna. Hoten och trakasseriernas förekomst leder till en viss självcensur och att journalisterna periodvis undviker vissa ämnen för att få en andningspaus. Det här kan i förlängningen få allvarliga konsekvenser för journalistikens demokratiska uppdrag. Journalisterna påverkas även på ett privatrelaterat plan. Samtliga av respondenterna menar att hot och trakasserier har blivit en del av den redaktionella vardagen, men det är ovanligt att journalisterna överväger att byta yrke helt.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hotfulla situationer på en somatisk akutmottagning: En intervjustudieTrygg, Hannes, Gitter, Alfred January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hotfulla situationer har blivit en del av sjuksköterskors vardag på somatiska akutmottagningar. Detta medför risk för att utveckla ett nedsatt psykiskt välbefinnande och att arbetsförmågan påverkas, vilket i sin tur kan påverka omvårdnaden av patienter. För att patienterna ska kunna erbjudas en patientsäker och god omvårdnad krävs det att sjuksköterskan mår bra och att arbetsplatsen är trygg. Sjuksköterskors upplevelser vid hotfulla situationer varierar och behovet av stöd är stort. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hotfulla situationer på en somatisk akutmottagning. Metod: En intervjustudie användes för att besvara syftet. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys beskriven av Graneheim och Lundman. Resultat: Resultatet ledde fram till tre kategorier: Otrygghet, frustration och trygghet. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hotfulla situationer kan påverka deras välbefinnande och arbetsförmåga. Detta kan i sin tur leda till att de brister i sitt omvårdnadsarbete och sin kärnkompetens säker vård. Sjuksköterskorna efterfrågade mer utbildning i hur de ska agera i hotfulla situationer och kollegorna ansågs som den mest värdefulla tryggheten.
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AlGaN/GaN Dual Channel HFETs and Realization of GaN Devices on different substratesWu, Mo 25 July 2012 (has links)
GaN-based HFETs demonstrate ubiquitous high power and high frequency performance and attract tremendous research efforts. Even though significant advances have been achieved, there still exist some critical issues needed to be investigated and solved. In particular, high defect densities due to inhomogeneous growth and operation under high power conditions bring many unique problems which are not so critical in the conventional Si and GaAs materials systems. In order to reduce the defect density and heat dissipation of GaN-based HFETs, research work on the realization of GaN-based HFETs on bulk GaN substrate has been carried out and the key problems have been identified and solved. Hot phonon scattering is the bottleneck which limits the enhancement of electron velocity in the GaN 2DEG channel. It is found that the plasmon-phonon coupling is the mechanism for converting of hot phonons into high group velocity acoustic phonons. In order to push more electrons into the GaN 2DEG channel in the plasmon-phonon coupling regime and to further reduce the hot phonon lifetime, a novel AlGaN/GaN dual channel HFET structure has been proposed. The growth, fabrication and characterization of such a AlGaN/GaN dual channel HFET structure has been carried out. Conventionally GaN-based light emitting diodes and laser diodes are grown and fabricated using the c-plane III-nitride expitaxy layers. In c-plane III-nitride epi-layers, the polarization-induced electric field introduces spatial separation of electron and hole wave functions in quantum wells (QW)s used LEDs and laser diodes LDs and degrades quantum efficiency. As well, blueshift in the emission wavelength becomes inevitable with increasing injection current unless very thin QWs are employed. The use of nonpolar orientations, namely, m-plane or a-plane GaN, would solve this problem. So far, m-plane GaN has been obtained on LiAlO2 (100), m-plane SiC substrates, and m-plane bulk GaN, which all have limited availability and/or high cost. Silicon substrates are very attractive for the growth of GaN due to their high quality, good thermal conductivity, low cost, availability in large size, and ease with which they can be selectively removed before packaging for better light extraction and heat transfer when needed To realize the low cost and improve the internal quantum efficiency of GaN based light emitting diodes, the process for m-plane GaN growth on Si (112) substrates has been studied and optimized. The continuous m-plane GaN film is successfully grown on Si (112) substrates.
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A fundamental design study of electrochemical processes for the control of pathogenic bacteriaCossali, Giovanna January 2015 (has links)
Water systems in buildings have been reported to contribute to pseudomonal infection transmission and have been associated with Legionnaires’ disease (LD) outbreaks, for they provide the perfect conditions for bacteria proliferation and biofilms formation. An overview of the problem has highlighted that the economic burden, the healthcare and mortality costs of both LD and pseudomonal infections are significant. Although critical to the safe delivery of water, pathogen control continues to remain a challenge as current hot water treatments are not always effective, are often energy intensive and require expensive maintenance. This thesis was set out to evaluate the potential use of electrochemical disinfection (ED) in controlling pathogens in hot water systems of buildings. In this project, we performed a fundamental systematic study on the effect of geometrical and operational parameters in a flask, to gather an understanding of the effect of each parameter on the rate of bacteria elimination, crucial for the design and optimization of electrolytic cells. ED prototypes were then installed in in the hot water systems of two different buildings operating at 60°C, the temperature recommended for Legionella control (HSE, 2013), and their efficacy was monitored long term. In one of the buildings, 2 to 4– log reductions in total bacteria counts was observed, while Pseudomonas species counts were reduced by 3 log. The apparent failure in the other building was due to the inadequate operation of the water system. In order to achieve the 2019 zero carbon targets for new non-domestic buildings set by the UK government, the energy demand associated with heating water needs to be addressed, but maintaining systems at such high temperatures renders difficult the use of greener technologies that could further reduce the CO2 impact of heating water. Given that ED generates disinfectants and that the Health and Safety Executive advises that if hot water is treated with biocides, water temperatures can be reduced, the efficacy of the prototype device was evaluated under laboratory conditions at temperatures between 30 and 45˚C. The prototype was found to be effective both on laboratory-grown biofilm and on planktonic Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, with 5-log reduction on bacteria counts.
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Atomic force microscopy studies of thermal, mechanical and velocity dependent wear of thin polymer filmsRice, Reginald H. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Physics / Robert Szoszkiewicz / Nanoscale modifications of polymer surfaces by scratching them with sharp tips with curvature radii of tens of nanometers and at variable temperatures are expected to provide wealth of information characterizing wear response of these polymers. Such studies are important in the light of understanding the nanoscale behavior of matter for future applications in advanced polymer coatings.
This thesis describes how Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and hot-tip AFM (HT-AFM) methods were used to characterize thermal and mechanical properties of a 30 nm thick film of poly(styrene-block-ethylene oxide), PS-b-PEO, and modify its lamellar surface patterns. Additionally, it is revealed how contact AFM and HT-AFM methods can efficiently characterize the wear response of two popular polymer surfaces, poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA, and polystyrene, PS.
The AFM and HT-AFM studies on PS-b-PEO copolymer were aimed at producing spatial alignment of respective PS and PEO parts. Instead, however, surface ripples were obtained. These measurements are explained using mode I crack propagation model and stick-and-slip behavior of an AFM tip. In addition, HT-AFM studies allowed extraction of several thermo-physical properties of a PS-b-PEO film at local volumes containing about 30 attograms of a polymer. These thermo-physical quantities are: PEO melting enthalpy of, 111 ± 88 J g[superscript]-1, PS-b-PEO local specific heat of 3.6 ± 2.7 J g[superscript]-1K[superscript]-1, and molecular free energy of Helmholtz of 10[superscript]-20 J nm[superscript]-2 for the PEO within PS-b-PEO.
Utilizing a spiral scan pattern at constant angular speed and at various temperatures at the AFM tip-polymer interfaces, the wear response of PS and PMMA polymers was characterized. Cross-sections along the obtained spiral wear patterns provided plots of polymer corrugation as a function of scanning speed. From these studies it was found that the corrugation of the modified polymer surface decays exponentially with linear velocity of the scanning tip.
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Sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av att möta hot och våld i den kommunala hälso- och sjukvårdenFallqvist, Annika, Vrooman, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Arbetsrelaterat hot och våld är ett ökande problem inom hälso- och sjukvården som kan leda till konsekvenser för den enskilde sjuksköterskan såsom stressrelaterade tillstånd och sjukskrivning. Sjuksköterskor inom den kommunala hälso- och sjukvården är ofta ensamma vid patientbesök och därför extra utsatta. De möter också patienter med skiftande ohälsa och vårdbehov som befinner sig i olika miljöer och behöver hantera oväntade situationer som kan uppstå. Tidigare forskning gällande upplevelsen av arbetsrelaterade hot- och våldssituationer är ofta inriktade på akut- och psykiatrisk vård medan den kommunala hälso- och sjukvården är ett begränsat utforskat område. Syftet med studien är därför att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta hot och våld i den kommunala hälso- och sjukvården. Åtta kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård. Analys av datamaterialet gjordes därefter utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en livsvärldsteoretisk ansats. Ur analysmaterialet framkom fyra kategorier: utsatthet, maktlöshet, vårdrelationen och trygghet samt temat vara utsatt men också vårdande i svåra situationer. Resultatet av studien visar att sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av hot och våld innefattar möten med patienter och anhöriga men också i den omgivande miljön, särskilt kvälls- och nattetid. I situationerna får sjuksköterskorna använda sin intuitiva förmåga för att hantera och bemöta hotfulla och aggressiva patienter. Vårdrelationen påverkas också och sjuksköterskorna kan känna en maktlöshet när de inte når fram till patienterna i mötet. Sjuksköterskorna anser också att det är viktigt med stöd och reflektion för att hantera situationer som uppstått och få en beredskap för liknande situationer i framtiden. Ytterligare forskning inom kontexten behövs, enligt författarna.
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