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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kris- och krigsberedskap som fastighetsägare : En intervjustudie om ansvar med myndighetspersoner och en företagsorganisation / Crisis and war preparedness as property owner : An interview study about responsibilities with government officials and a business organization

Möller, Philip, Marbe Bernhardsson, Michael January 2024 (has links)
Kriser avlöser varandra i världen. Klimatförändringar leder till extrema väderfenomen såsom långvarig torka men också översvämningar och stormar, pandemier som lamslår stora delar av världen samt krig både i mellanöstern men också i Sveriges omedelbara närhet. Omvärldssituationen gör att kris- och krigsberedskap återigen är ett aktuellt ämne som prioriteras högt av den svenska regeringen. Syftet med denna studie är att konkretisera och medvetandegöra svenska fastighetsägares ansvar under kris och krig samt att presentera åtgärdsförslag för svenska fastighetsägare att vidta för att effektivt höja beredskapen i sina organisationer. Studien är avgränsad till att avhandla bostadsbolag men många av de slutsatser och åtgärder som presenteras går att tillämpa också på annat fastighetsbestånd. Studien är av kvalitativ sort där den teoretiska referensramen bygger på ett kanadensisk ramverk/ process  för “emergency management”, den lagstadgade ansvarsfördelningen, skyddsrummet och fastighetsägaren ur ett försörjningsperspektiv samt tidigare och nuvarande beredskapsarbete i Sverige. Insamlingen har skett med semistrukturerade intervjuer som följt fyra huvudteman: Sveriges civila beredskap, offentliga- och privata organisationers ansvar, beredskapsarbete i fastighetsbranschen samt framtida beredskapsarbete. Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på den lagstadgade ansvarsfördelningen, skyddsrummet och fastighetsägaren ur ett försörjningsperspektiv samt tidigare och nuvarande beredskapsarbete i Sverige. Slutsatsen i studien är att fastighetsbolag har få krav kopplade till hanteringen av kris- och krigsberedskap. I Sverige tar det offentliga en central roll i hanteringen av uppkomna situationer men man efterlyser samtidigt ett större ansvarstagande från näringslivet, något som näringslivet just nu håller på att göra men man ser hellre ett större ansvarstagande genom ekonomiska incitament hellre än utökade lagstadgade krav eftersom beredskap anses vara en statlig angelägenhet, slutligen presenteras ett åtgärdsförslag. / Crises follow one another in the world. Climate change leads to extreme weather phenomena such as droughts, but also floods and storms, pandemics that paralyze large parts of the world, as well as wars both in the Middle East and in Sweden's geographical proximity. The international situation makes crisis- and wartime preparedness once again a relevant topic that is highly prioritized by the Swedish government. The purpose of this study is to concretize and raise awareness of the responsibility of Swedish property owners during crises and wartime, as well as to present proposals for measures that Swedish property owners can take to effectively enhance preparedness in their organizations. The study is limited to discussing housing companies, but many of the conclusions and actions presented can also be applied to other real estate portfolios. The study is of a qualitative nature, with the theoretical framework based on a canadian process of emergency management, the statutory allocation of responsibilities, sheltering, and the property owner from a supply perspective, as well as previous and current preparedness efforts in Sweden. Data collection has been conducted through semi-structured interviews following four main themes: Sweden's civilian preparedness, the responsibilities of public and private organizations, preparedness efforts in the real estate industry, and future preparedness work. The conclusion of the study is that property owners have few requirements related to the handling of crisis and wartime preparedness. In Sweden, the public sector plays a central role in managing emerging situations, but at the same time, there is a call for greater responsibility from the business sector, something that the business sector is currently addressing, but would prefer to see a greater sense of responsibility through economic incentives rather than expanded statutory requirements, as preparedness is considered a matter for the state. Finally, a proposal for measures is presented.

Analysis of the implementation of Johannesburg inner city renewal strategies.

Nkokoto, Mokela 28 February 2007 (has links)
Student number: 0200613W Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Master of Property Development and Management. / This paper is a report on the research undertaken to evaluate the implementation of the Urban Renewal strategies that the City of Johannesburg adopted for the CBD renewal through the Blue IQ. The study was restricted to the views expressed by the general community, business community, Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA). Johannesburg Housing Company (JHC), Blue IQ, Gauteng Development Agency and Gauteng Economic Development Agency (GEDA), which are the main role players in the CBD renewal effort. There was administered questioner to the members of the Business and general communities that were randomly picked using the fish bowl method. Interviews were conducted with the senior executive staff of JDA. Blue IQ, JHC. Statistics derived from the above company s websites was used as well. The results of the study show that the renewal strategy has been largely successful in so far as a number of factors, which have contributed to the CBD decay such as poor infrastructure and slumps. There have also been considerable efforts to address acute shortage of parking space by private partners such as financial institutions. Although crime has decreased it is still posing a serious challenge as most people still consider the CBD high risk. However there is still a room for improvement, which includes: the enhancement of safety and security, the infrastructure maintenance policy and the enforcement of the municipality by laws and town planning scheme. Overall the strategies have also improved the economic performance of the city significantly though unemployment still remain high with the ever increasing number of people coming to seek opportunities.

Industrial Welfarism in Australia 1890-1965

Balnave, Nikola Robyn January 2002 (has links)
This thesis examines industrial welfarism in Australia from 1890 to 1965. This period witnessed the gradual spread of the welfarism movement throughout Australian industry as employers sought ways to increase productivity and control in the face of external challenges. Once reaching its peak in the immediate post-War period, the welfarism movement was gradually subsumed as part of the increasing formalisation of personnel management. Waves of interest in welfare provision coincided with periods of labour shortage and/or labour militancy in Australia, indicating its dual role in the management of labour. Firstly, by offering benefits and services beyond that made necessary by the law or industrial awards, welfarism was designed to create a pool of good quality workers for management to draw from. Secondly, managers sought to enhance their control over these workers and their productive effort, using welfarism as a technique to build worker consent to managerial authority. This could be achieved through subtle methods aimed at boosting loyalty and morale, or through more direct programs designed to increase worker dependency on the company. In both ways, individual and collective worker resistance could be minimised, thereby reinforcing managerial prerogative. Despite its adoption by a variety of companies, a number of economic, political and institutional factors limited the extent of industrial welfarism in Australia. These include the small-scale of most enterprises prior to the Second World War, state involvement in the area of industrial relations and welfare provision, and the strength of organised labour. While the welfarism movement did not reach the heights experienced overseas, it nonetheless provided an important contribution to the development of formal labour management in Australia.

Förenklad riskbedömning av byggvaruprodukter innehållande kemiska ämnen : För anställdas hälsa på kommunalägda Bostads AB Mimer

Svensson, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
This bachelor thesis is about chemical products from the construction industry which are being used by the company Bostads AB Mimer (Mimer), owned by the municipality Västerås in Sweden. The company owns apartments and houses around the city. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to do a simplified risk assessment of the chemical products from a health and  environmental point. The report also gives suggestions of substitutional products. The thesis work consists of a literature study, an analysis of how other companies within the housing sector are working with chemical products and a case study, in addition to the simplified risk assessment. The case study contains a selection of Mimer's chemical products. In order to succeed with the simplified risk assessment, the chemical product’s risks and hazards has been identified through safety data sheets (SDS). Different aspects have been taken into account in the simplified risk assessment. The selection of the chemical products were made after existence frequency and legislative product labeling. The report's results gave 16 selected chemical products, that are risk assessed. Of the 16 chemical products, eight products have a high risk score from a heath point. Suggestions of less hazardous chemical products are given to nine chemical products. The essay's conclusions are that some of the selected chemical products are hazardous to the health and the environment, due to their chemical substances. The staff at Mimer's has a high frequency of use of the chemical products in general. Most of the other companies in the housing sector that  were investigated in the analysis, had a systematic work on chemicals.

Industrial Welfarism in Australia 1890-1965

Balnave, Nikola Robyn January 2002 (has links)
This thesis examines industrial welfarism in Australia from 1890 to 1965. This period witnessed the gradual spread of the welfarism movement throughout Australian industry as employers sought ways to increase productivity and control in the face of external challenges. Once reaching its peak in the immediate post-War period, the welfarism movement was gradually subsumed as part of the increasing formalisation of personnel management. Waves of interest in welfare provision coincided with periods of labour shortage and/or labour militancy in Australia, indicating its dual role in the management of labour. Firstly, by offering benefits and services beyond that made necessary by the law or industrial awards, welfarism was designed to create a pool of good quality workers for management to draw from. Secondly, managers sought to enhance their control over these workers and their productive effort, using welfarism as a technique to build worker consent to managerial authority. This could be achieved through subtle methods aimed at boosting loyalty and morale, or through more direct programs designed to increase worker dependency on the company. In both ways, individual and collective worker resistance could be minimised, thereby reinforcing managerial prerogative. Despite its adoption by a variety of companies, a number of economic, political and institutional factors limited the extent of industrial welfarism in Australia. These include the small-scale of most enterprises prior to the Second World War, state involvement in the area of industrial relations and welfare provision, and the strength of organised labour. While the welfarism movement did not reach the heights experienced overseas, it nonetheless provided an important contribution to the development of formal labour management in Australia.

Technické zhodnocení budovy / Technical Assessment of Building

Vyhnánková, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I am trying to explain a technical assessment from the legal, accounting, tax perspective and determine the value of technical assessment of building in CZK. The theoretical part is devoted to a description of a technical assessment and its legal rules. The practical part is focused on two specific projects: a shopping centre and a block of flats. It contains the budgets of these projects and determination of the extent of a technical assessment for individual objects.

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