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Försvaret i skolan : En studie om total- och civilförsvarundervisning i skolan under 70-talets kallakrigsår. / The education of defense : A study of total and civil defense education in schools during the 70´sÖsterberg, Sara January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the preparation of total and civil defense education in schools in the 1970s to gain insight into how the school looked and pondered the complicated world that existed outside the school's doors. By using the concepts of welfare state, welfare and civil defense culture, I have studied relevant materials to get answers to questions treating the total and civil education in schools after Lgr69, the way the state sees the subject and if it is possible to detect a civil defense culture in schools and if so, how it will be expressed. The results show that the state emphasized education as incredibly important because knowledge of how to act in a crisis or war could be extremely crucial for the individuals and their survival. The education was so important that it got a role as a main factor in Lgr69. But even if the education was important the teachers had huge problems with the schedule and many teachers couldn´t educate all facts because they didn´t have enough time. To deal with the problem many schools learn about total and civil defense on outdoors days or sports days. The students were generally in favor of the subject but some thought it was too much fact to learn in so little time. The question about the civil defense in school is a question that doesn´t have an obvious answer but can be seen from different perspectives. Since the total and civil defense education was a main factor in Lgr69 it appears obvious that there was a civil defense culture and the constant threat of war led to a way of thinking and acting, even in school. One purpose of the education was to see the total and civil defense as a social function in a larger context, and that goal could be related to the country's goal to build a successful welfare society that would be characterized by security - economically, politically and socially. Another factor that points to the existence of a civil defense culture was the opportunity for the students to practice on different parts of civil defense such as self protection and accident care. The idea of a non-existent civil defense culture in schools existed because the obvious time constraints and, to some extent, nonchalance that existed among the Swedish population. Furthermore, the non-existent idea strengthens when Lgr69 itself (and even other textbooks) emphasize that all parts of the total and civil education didn´t need to be examined, it depended on the time that was available.
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Fred och säkerhet? : En studie om det Svenska Försvaret utifrån tre perspektiv, Bonsdorff, Andrén och ClausewitzKarlsson, Sixten January 2015 (has links)
Following an increase in hostile foreign activity. The discussion regarding Sweden’s defense force´s ability to perform its task has come to a new heading. With the end of the cold war as a major revolution in matters of international security, a major overhaul has taken place to transform the static total defense plan of the nation to a less rigid operational system. Following an analysis of the budgets total amount from the governments of 2002 until 2015 it is clear that while the amount of resources has never directly been lowered, it has shrunk in relation to the countries total GDP. The possible futures for the defense of Sweden bring three possibilities forward in correlation three unique perspectives on military and political policy. Out of the three possibilities the focus on military strength as a political resource seems to be garnering the most support with the latest incursions made my foreign submersibles and the ever growing presence of 5th generation of warfare. And for as long as the potential threats remain it is unlikely that the current course will change.
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SVERIGES BRISTANDE KRISBEREDSKAP – VARFÖR NEDMONTERADES TOTALFÖRSVARET? : Den rådande coronapandemin har lamslagit världen. Sveriges förmåga att hantera viruset har ifrågasatts och brister i beredskapen har återigen uppdagats. Varför nedrustades totalförsvaret?Larsson, Markus January 2020 (has links)
Den pågående coronapandemin har lamslagit stora delar av världen och brister i den svenska krisberedskapen har därmed uppdagats. Uppsatsens syfte är att förklara varför det svenska totalförsvaret nedrustades. För att kunna ge svar på forskningsfrågan kommer fem försvarsbeslut – försvarsbeslutet 1992, försvarsbeslutet 1996, försvarsbeslutet 2000, försvarsbeslutet 2004 och försvarsbeslutet 2009 – att analyseras. Besluten studeras utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, där Rational Actor Model används. Innehållsanalysen kompletteras med en kvalitativ forskningsintervju med den tidigare svenske försvarsministern Anders Björck. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna som studien följer är säkerhetisering, risker och hot. Bakgrundskapitlet behandlar den svenska beredskapen i nutid och det svenska försvarets historia. Tidigare forskning om beredskap och försvar internationellt lyfts fram tillsammans med hur delar av den svenska beredskapen har påverkats under de senaste 30 åren. Det rådande säkerhetsläget efter kalla kriget bidrog till nedskärningar i försvarsorganisationen, avskaffandet av ett invasionsförsvar och skapandet av ett insatsförsvar. Insatsförsvaret skulle ha hög operativ förmåga, såväl nationellt som internationellt och krävde därför förband av hög kvalitet, varpå värnplikten avskaffades. Beredskapslager ansågs inte vara lika behövande under det nya säkerhetsläget och det fördjupade samarbetet med den Europiska unionen skapade en naiv trygghet i att försörjningsberedskapen skulle kunna säkras genom medlemskapet. Arbetets slutsats till varför totalförsvaret nedrustades var det förändrade säkerhetsläget och en tilltagande tro på stöd från EU vid hanteringen av krissituationer i kombination med bristande historiekunskaper. / The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has paralyzed large parts of the world and shortcomings in the Swedish crisis preparedness have thus been discovered. The purpose of the thesis is to explain why the Swedish total defense was disarmed. In order to answer the research question, five defense decisions – the defense decision in 1992, the defense decision in 1996, the defense decision in 2000, the defense decision in 2004 and the defense decision in 2009 – will be analyzed. The decisions are studied based on a qualitative content analysis, using the Rational Actor Model. The content analysis is supplemented by a qualitative research interview with the former Swedish Defense Minister Anders Björck. The theoretical starting points that the study follows are security, risks, and threats. The background chapter deals with the Swedish preparedness of today and the history of the Swedish defense. Previous research on preparedness and defense internationally has been highlighted as well as how parts of Swedish preparedness have been affected over the past 30 years. The prevailing security situation after the Cold War contributed to cuts in the defense organization, the abolition of an invasion defense and the creation of an intervention defense. The intervention defense would have high operational capability, both nationally and internationally and therefore required high-quality associations and the military duty was abolished. Emergency preparedness stocks were not considered to be as needed during the new security situation, and the deeper cooperation with the European Union created a naive security that security of supply could be secured through the membership. The work's conclusion as to why the total defense was disarmed was the changed security situation and a growing belief in support from the EU in dealing with crisis situations, in combination with lack of historical knowledge.
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What we live for and what we live in : A socio-spatial perspective on willingness to defendGebre-Medhin, Malin January 2024 (has links)
Willingness to defend has been stated as a fundamental prerequisite for the Swedish total defense. Despite this, research regarding the subject is limited, and there is a lack of knowledge on what willingness to defend means from the citizens’ point of view. Drawing on theories on territory, national identity and institutionalization processes, I explore the conceptualization of willingness to defend from a socio-spatial perspective through semi-structured interviews. This study engages in what people believe is worth defending, and why, and how this differs depending on the geographical scale. The results show that willingness to defend is a versatile concept with a breadth of connotations, as are the ideas about what is worth defending. The democratic system is recurrently described as a central issue worthy of defense, but this also creates a dilemma in the context of the total defense service. Some consider engaging in defense a citizen-duty, others express that participation must be based in free choice. On the global scale, willingness to defend is connected to, challenged, and affected by international actors and events, such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Additionally, Sweden's new NATO membership creates another moral dilemma, as considered positive from a security perspective, while at the same time challenging Swedish exceptionalism as a moral superpower.
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Rätt person på rätt plats? : Om intressekonflikter i personalförsörjningen i ett växande totalförsvar / The right person in the right position? : About conflicts of interest in the supply of personnel within a growing total defenceFröjd, Kally January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to problematize the conflicts of interest in the supply of personnel within Sweden's growing total defense. By analyzing the government's policy for the total defense obligation and its ability to steer towards its policy goals based on its ability to manage the supply of personell according to prioritized needs. The study adopts a qualitative approach and the essay constitutes a case study of a broader policy formulation and central governance problem in a complex society with multiple implementing agencies. The study of the policy for the total defense obligation is theory-consuming, and the empirical material has been analyzed using a framework and a qualitative content analysis. It appears that the framework regarding a successful implementation is only partially met. This is because there is a conflict in the goals of the policy about what should be prioritized as most important. There are no clear guidelines on where one or several individuals should be drafted for war duties in a conflict of interest between the different categories of the total defense obligation, especially at an aggregated level. It is expected that the implementing actors can adopt a holistic perspective on where an individual should be placed for war duties to create the best conditions for the total defense. The holistic assessment assumes that the implementing actors have extensive access to information and knowledge about the country's war planning. Furthermore, it is evident that the actors responsible for the personell of supply can register all or parts of their personnel with the support of the general service obligation, which leads to a "first come, first served" principle where the number of individuals who are available for the total defense obligation that can be claimed with military or civil duty decreases. The policy for the total defense obligation does not take into account that the total defense will need to economize the personnel resources when the total defense is growing.
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A Seed has been Planted : Examining public-private cooperation in the civil preparedness sector of food supply and drinking waterStövling, Gustaf January 2024 (has links)
The resurgence and increased use of the total defense concept in the political landscape of Sweden comes in a time of global geopolitical uncertainties and multifaceted security crises. Despite its stated importance, how the private sector should be incorporated into this structure remains somewhat unclear. As such, the aim of this thesis was to analyze the interconnection between organizational and human behavior from the perspective of public-private cooperation in today’s Swedish total defense. To achieve this aim, six interviews were conducted with representatives from government agencies and business organizations in the civil preparedness sector of food supply and drinking water. The study sought to identify key factors defining this public-private relationship, use a theoretical framework based on rationalist organizational and social-psychological perspectives, and discern what combined impact they have on contemporary inter-organizational crisis cooperation. The analysis indicates that the preparedness sector of food supply and drinking water is inherently robust, with a great deal of trust between individual agencies and private actors. However, there is a needfor greater organizational clarity and clear expectations, while a general lack of personnel and resources means that the risk of economic loss often takes precedence over further investments in civil preparedness. Furthermore, the establishment of the preparedness sector entailed a greater capacity for coordinating inter-organizational preparedness efforts but may have created an uncertain hierarchy with informational blind spots. Also, it is argued that government agencies have clearer expectations and goals within the total defense in general due to their identity in crisis and preparedness being firmly established, something that private actors lack
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Civilbefolkningens roll i det svenska totalförsvaret : - Vad förväntas civilbefolkningen göra? / The role of the civilian population in the Swedish total defense : - What are civilian population expected to do?Övermo, Niclas January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to find out what role the Swedish civilian population is expected to have in the country's total defense and what the civilians are expected to do in cases where there is a high level of preparedness, crisis, or war. This purpose includes finding out if the authorities questioned have varying views of said role. Method: The research method on which this essay is based in an interview study and a document analysis. The informants are made up by five different Swedish authorities and one municipality. Material: All the policy documents that this essay analyzes are taken from the government's data base and deal with the various proposals that came about during the closing down of total defense at the turn of the millennium and the rearmament around the mid 2010's. Furthermore, the material also consists of interviews as mentioned above. Conclusion: The analysis of the various policy documents and the interviews resulted in a clarification of the civilian population's role in total defense. This is because the authorities gave tangible examples of what they believe the civilian population should do in the event of heightened alert, crisis, or war. The previous ambiguity of the role is explained with the help of the policy documents and reflections from the informants. The study is concluded with a discussion about the role of the civilian population and offers suggestions for further research on the role of the civilian population in the Swedish total defense.
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Kris- och krigsberedskap som fastighetsägare : En intervjustudie om ansvar med myndighetspersoner och en företagsorganisation / Crisis and war preparedness as property owner : An interview study about responsibilities with government officials and a business organizationMöller, Philip, Marbe Bernhardsson, Michael January 2024 (has links)
Kriser avlöser varandra i världen. Klimatförändringar leder till extrema väderfenomen såsom långvarig torka men också översvämningar och stormar, pandemier som lamslår stora delar av världen samt krig både i mellanöstern men också i Sveriges omedelbara närhet. Omvärldssituationen gör att kris- och krigsberedskap återigen är ett aktuellt ämne som prioriteras högt av den svenska regeringen. Syftet med denna studie är att konkretisera och medvetandegöra svenska fastighetsägares ansvar under kris och krig samt att presentera åtgärdsförslag för svenska fastighetsägare att vidta för att effektivt höja beredskapen i sina organisationer. Studien är avgränsad till att avhandla bostadsbolag men många av de slutsatser och åtgärder som presenteras går att tillämpa också på annat fastighetsbestånd. Studien är av kvalitativ sort där den teoretiska referensramen bygger på ett kanadensisk ramverk/ process för “emergency management”, den lagstadgade ansvarsfördelningen, skyddsrummet och fastighetsägaren ur ett försörjningsperspektiv samt tidigare och nuvarande beredskapsarbete i Sverige. Insamlingen har skett med semistrukturerade intervjuer som följt fyra huvudteman: Sveriges civila beredskap, offentliga- och privata organisationers ansvar, beredskapsarbete i fastighetsbranschen samt framtida beredskapsarbete. Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på den lagstadgade ansvarsfördelningen, skyddsrummet och fastighetsägaren ur ett försörjningsperspektiv samt tidigare och nuvarande beredskapsarbete i Sverige. Slutsatsen i studien är att fastighetsbolag har få krav kopplade till hanteringen av kris- och krigsberedskap. I Sverige tar det offentliga en central roll i hanteringen av uppkomna situationer men man efterlyser samtidigt ett större ansvarstagande från näringslivet, något som näringslivet just nu håller på att göra men man ser hellre ett större ansvarstagande genom ekonomiska incitament hellre än utökade lagstadgade krav eftersom beredskap anses vara en statlig angelägenhet, slutligen presenteras ett åtgärdsförslag. / Crises follow one another in the world. Climate change leads to extreme weather phenomena such as droughts, but also floods and storms, pandemics that paralyze large parts of the world, as well as wars both in the Middle East and in Sweden's geographical proximity. The international situation makes crisis- and wartime preparedness once again a relevant topic that is highly prioritized by the Swedish government. The purpose of this study is to concretize and raise awareness of the responsibility of Swedish property owners during crises and wartime, as well as to present proposals for measures that Swedish property owners can take to effectively enhance preparedness in their organizations. The study is limited to discussing housing companies, but many of the conclusions and actions presented can also be applied to other real estate portfolios. The study is of a qualitative nature, with the theoretical framework based on a canadian process of emergency management, the statutory allocation of responsibilities, sheltering, and the property owner from a supply perspective, as well as previous and current preparedness efforts in Sweden. Data collection has been conducted through semi-structured interviews following four main themes: Sweden's civilian preparedness, the responsibilities of public and private organizations, preparedness efforts in the real estate industry, and future preparedness work. The conclusion of the study is that property owners have few requirements related to the handling of crisis and wartime preparedness. In Sweden, the public sector plays a central role in managing emerging situations, but at the same time, there is a call for greater responsibility from the business sector, something that the business sector is currently addressing, but would prefer to see a greater sense of responsibility through economic incentives rather than expanded statutory requirements, as preparedness is considered a matter for the state. Finally, a proposal for measures is presented.
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