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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studium vlivu fytohormonů a ektomykorhizních hub při maturaci a konverzi somatických embryí jehličnanů

Filippova, Mariia January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the exploration of the influence of various phytohormones, primarily the influence of abscisic acid on the process of maturation and the influence of auxin and gibberellin on the process of germination of two types of conifers, Abies alba and Picea abies, often used as a material in the discovery of somatic embryogenesis. Each genotype prefers specific concentration ABA. 15 uM and 45 uM is the most effective for the cell lines Abies alba; 15 uM and 30 uM ABA for Picea abies. Auxin (IBA) and gibberellin (GA3) did not support the growth of roots of Abies alba. The interaction between fungal cultures Paxillus involutus and Amanita muscaria and between the embryos during the germination was studied as well. Fungal culture Paxillus involutus had very fast speed of growth on the germination medium. Fungal culture Amanita muscaria was growing very slowly. The effect of fungi on the germination has not been observed.

Reações de transferência de acila em microemulsões água/óleo: hidrólise de benzoatos de fenila catalisada pelo ânion o-iodosobenzoato. / Acyl-transfer reactions in water/oil microemulsions: phenyl benzoates hydrolysis catalysed by the o-iodosobenzoate anion.

Reinaldo Camino Bazito 25 July 1997 (has links)
Foi estudado o mecanismo da hidrólise de benzoatos de fenila substituídos catalisada pela 1-oxi-1,2-benziodoxol-3(1H)-ona (ânion o-iodosobenzoato, IBA-), em microemulsão água/óleo (mE A/O) de cloreto de benzil-hexadecil-dimetil-amônio (CBzCl) em benzeno. Duas séries de ésteres foram utilizadas: 4-X-benzoatos de 4-nitrofenila (X= NO2, CN, Cl e H) e 4-nitrobenzoatos de Y-fenila (Y= 4-NO2, 3-NO2, 4-CN, 3-CN, 4-Cl e H). Os resultados de IV (detecção do intermediário 1-(4-X-benzoiloxi)-1,2-benziodoxol-3(1H)-ona, benzoil-IBA), ausência de catálise pelo grupo abandonador, e efeito isotópico cinético de solvente inverso mostraram que a catálise pelo IBA- é nucleofílica, ocorrendo em duas etapas: - ataque do IBA- sobre o éster produzindo o intermediário benzoil-IBA e o fenol correspondente; - hidrólise desse intermediário formando os produtos finais da reação, ácido benzóico substituído e IBA-. A intensa absorção do solvente (benzeno) no UV impediu a observação do intermediário benzoil-IBA, por isso somente a primeira etapa da reação (ataque do IBA- sobre o éster, formando o intermediário benzoil-IBA) foi estudada nesta Dissertação. A natureza da etapa lenta da reação, o ataque do IBA- para formar o intermediário tetraédrico éster-IBA, foi determinada pela aplicação da equação de Hammett. Uma comparação entre os dados obtidos em mE A/O e em misturas binárias de solventes orgânicos e água mostrou que a reação aparentemente é pouco sensível a efeitos do meio. As constantes catalíticas de velocidade em mE A/O, em 14% CH3CN/H2O, em 35,1% CH3CN/H2O e em 56,5% CH3OH/H2O são similares. A entalpia de ativação para a reação micelar é cerca de 3 kcal.mol-1 menor que para as reações em meio aquoso, mas isso é compensado por uma diminuição da mesma ordem no termo entrópico. A sensibilidade da reação à substituição no grupo acila aumenta ao se transferir a reação das misturas binárias aquosas para a mE A/O, ao passo que aos substituintes no grupo fenila permanece praticamente igual em todos os meios. Esses efeitos aparentemente são ocasionados por uma dessolvatação parcial tanto do IBA- (em maior intensidade) como do estado de transição (em menor intensidade) na região interfacial da mE A/O. O mecanismo de catálise pelo IBA- parece ser o mesmo, com a mesma etapa lenta (ataque do IBA- sobre o éster) em todos os meios estudados. As diferenças observadas para a reação na mE A/O (maior sensibilidade à substituição no grupo acila do éster, entalpias e entropias menores que nos outros meios) devem ser resultantes da dessolvatação parcial do IBA- nesse meio. / The mechanism of hydrolysis of the following two series of phenylbenzoate esters catalyzed by 1-oxi-1,2-benziodoxol-3(1H)-one (o-iodosobenzoate anion, IBA-), was studied in water-in-oil microemulsion (W/O mE) of benzylhexadecyl- dimethylammonium chloride (CBzCl) in benzene. 4-nitrophenyl 4-X-benzoates (X= NO2, CN, Cl and H) and Y-nitrophenyl 4-nitrobenzoates (Y= 4-NO2, 3-NO2, 4-CN, 3-CN, 4-Cl and H). The following results show that IBA- is acting as a nucleophilic catalyst: detection of the intermediate 1-(4-X-benzoyloxi)-1,2-benziodoxol-3(1H)-one (benzoyl-IBA) by FT-IR; absence of catalysis by the leaving group; and inverse kinetic solvent isotopic effect. The reaction proceeds by a two-step mechanism: - nucleophilic attack of IBA- on the ester, resulting in the formation of benzoyl-IBA and liberation of the corresponding phenol; - hydrolysis of this intermediate, giving the final products of the reaction, substituted benzoates and IBA-. Absorbance by the solvent precluded observation of the reaction intermediate, consequently only the first part of the reaction (i.e., micellar attack of IBA- on the ester) was studied in this Dissertation. The nature of the rate determining step, formation of the tetrahedral intermediate (Ester-IBA), was determined from application of the Hammett equation. A comparison between the data in W/O microemulsions and in binary organic solvent-water mixtures showed that the reaction is rather insensitive to medium effects. The catalytic rate constants in W/O microemulsion, in 14% CH3CN/H2O, in 35,1% CH3CN/H2O, and in 56,5% CH3OH/H2O are very similar. The activation enthalpy of the micellar reaction is 3 kcal.mol-1 lower than the value in aqueous media, but this is compensated by a decrease of the same order in the entropic term. The sensitivity of the reaction to substitution in the acyl group increases in going from aqueous media to the W/O microemulsions, while the sensitivity to substitution in the phenyl moiety is almost the same in all media. These effects are apparently caused by a partial desolvation of both IBA- and the transition state in the interfacial region, the former desolvation being more pronounced. The catalysis mechanism by IBA- seems to be the same, with the same rate determining step (nucleophilic attack of IBA- on the ester), for all the studied systems. The differences observed for the reaction in W/O mE (greater sensitivity to substitution in the ester acyl group, lower values of enthalpy and entropy) are a result of the partial desolvation of IBA- in this system.

Elastische Rückstoßatomspektrometrie leichter Elemente mit Subnanometer-Tiefenauflösung

Kosmata, M. January 2012 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird erstmals das QQDS-Magnetspektrometer für die höchstauflösende Ionenstrahlanalytik leichter Elemente am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf umfassend vorgestellt. Zusätzlich werden sowohl alle auf die Analytik Einfluss nehmenden Parameter untersucht als auch Methoden und Modelle vorgestellt, wie deren Einfluss vermieden oder rechnerisch kompensiert werden kann. Die Schwerpunkte dieser Arbeit gliedern sich in fünf Bereiche. Der Erste ist der Aufbau und die Inbetriebnahme des QQDS-Magnetspektrometers, der zugehörige Streukammer mit allen Peripheriegeräten und des eigens für die höchstauflösende elastische Rückstoßanalyse entwickelten Detektors. Sowohl das umgebaute Spektrometer als auch der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gebaute Detektor wurden speziell an experimentelle Bedingungen für die höchstauflösende Ionenstrahlanalytik leichter Elemente angepasst und erstmalig auf einen routinemäßigen Einsatz hin getestet. Der Detektor besteht aus zwei Komponenten. Zum einen befindet sich am hinteren Ende des Detektors eine Bragg-Ionisationskammer, die zur Teilchenidentifikation genutzt wird. Zum anderen dient ein Proportionalzähler, der eine Hochwiderstandsanode besitzt und direkt hinter dem Eintrittsfenster montiert ist, zur Teilchenpositionsbestimmung im Detektor. Die folgenden zwei Schwerpunkte beinhalten grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Ionen-Festkörper-Wechselwirkung. Durch die Verwendung eines Magnetspektrometers ist die Messung der Ladungszustandsverteilung der herausgestreuten Teilchen direkt nach einem binären Stoß sowohl möglich als auch für die Analyse notwendig. Aus diesem Grund werden zum einen die Ladungszustände gemessen und zum anderen mit existierenden Modellen verglichen. Außerdem wird ein eigens entwickeltes Modell vorgestellt und erstmals im Rahmen dieser Arbeit angewendet, welches den ladungszustandsabhängigen Energieverlust bei der Tiefenprofilierung berücksichtigt. Es wird gezeigt, dass ohne die Anwendung dieses Modells die Tiefenprofile nicht mit den quantitativen Messungen mittels konventioneller Ionenstrahlanalytikmethoden und mit der Dickenmessung mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie übereinstimmen, und damit falsche Werte liefern würden. Der zweite für die Thematik wesentliche Aspekt der Ionen-Festkörper-Wechselwirkung, sind die Probenschäden und -modifikationen, die während einer Schwerionenbestrahlung auftreten. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass bei den hier verwendeten Energien sowohl elektronisches Sputtern als auch elektronisch verursachtes Grenzflächendurchmischen eintreten. Das elektronische Sputtern kann durch geeignete Strahlparameter für die meisten Proben ausreichend minimiert werden. Dagegen ist der Einfluss der Grenzflächendurchmischung meist signifikant, so dass dieser analysiert und in der Auswertung berücksichtigt werden muss. Schlussfolgernd aus diesen Untersuchungen ergibt sich für die höchstauflösende Ionenstrahlanalytik leichter Elemente am Rossendorfer 5-MV Tandembeschleuniger, dass die geeignetsten Primärionen Chlor mit einer Energie von 20 MeV sind. In Einzelfällen, wie zum Beispiel der Analyse von Bor, muss die Energie jedoch auf 6,5 MeV reduziert werden, um das elektronische Sputtern bei der notwendigen Fluenz unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze zu halten. Der vierte Schwerpunkt ist die Untersuchung von sowohl qualitativen als auch quantitativen Einflüssen bestimmter Probeneigenschaften, wie beispielsweise Oberflächenrauheit, auf die Form des gemessenen Energiespektrums beziehungsweise auf das analysierte Tiefenprofil. Die Kenntnis der Rauheit einer Probe an der Oberfläche und an den Grenzflächen ist für die Analytik unabdingbar. Als Resultat der genannten Betrachtungen werden die Einflüsse von Probeneigenschaften und Ionen-Festkörper-Wechselwirkungen auf die Energie- beziehungsweise Tiefenauflösung des Gesamtsystems beschrieben, berechnet und mit der konventionellen Ionenstrahlanalytik verglichen. Die Möglichkeiten der höchstauflösenden Ionenstrahlanalytik werden zudem mit den von anderen Gruppen veröffentlichten Komplementärmethoden gegenübergestellt. Der fünfte und letzte Schwerpunkt ist die Analytik leichter Elemente in ultradünnen Schichten unter Berücksichtigung aller in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Modelle, wie die Reduzierung des Einflusses von Strahlschäden oder die Quantifizierung der Elemente im dynamischen Ladungszustandsnichtgleichgewicht. Es wird die Tiefenprofilierung von Mehrschichtsystemen, bestehend aus SiO2-Si3N4Ox-SiO2 auf Silizium, von Ultra-Shallow-Junction Bor-Implantationsprofilen und von ultradünnen Oxidschichten, wie zum Beispiel High-k-Materialien, demonstriert.

Procena efektivnosti zaštićenih područja i IBA mreže za odabrane vrsta ptica u Srbiji / Estimating the effectiveness of protected areas and IBA network in the conservation of selected bird species in Serbia

Radišić Dimitrije 23 September 2019 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; analizirana&nbsp; efektivnost&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenih područja&nbsp; Srbije&nbsp; u&nbsp; sada&scaron;njosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; budućnosti&nbsp; na osnovu&nbsp; zastupljenosti&nbsp; povoljnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i centara&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; 116&nbsp; običnih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; ptica odabranih na osnovu 11 kriterijuma. Zasebno su evaluirana&nbsp; za&scaron;tićena&nbsp; prirodna&nbsp; dobara, međunarodno značajna područja za ptice (IBA) i mreža nastala preklapanjem dva tipa za&scaron;tićenih područja.&nbsp; Povoljna&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; istraživanih&nbsp; vrsta utvrđena su modelovanjem distribucije vrsta uz pomoć&nbsp; MaxEnt&nbsp; pristupa,&nbsp; a&nbsp; modeli&nbsp; distribucije projektovani&nbsp; su&nbsp; na&nbsp; četiri&nbsp; različita&nbsp; scenarija klimatskih&nbsp; promena&nbsp; u&nbsp; budućnosti&nbsp; (2050. godina).&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; se&nbsp; kao&nbsp; značajno<br />efektivnija za za&scaron;titu stani&scaron;ta istraživanih vrsta i centara&nbsp; njihvog&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; mrežu za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; dobara,&nbsp; a&nbsp; slična&nbsp; situacija predviđena&nbsp; je&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; budućnosti.&nbsp; Oba&nbsp; tipa za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; područja&nbsp; pokrivala&nbsp; su&nbsp; u&nbsp; proseku srazmerno&nbsp; mali&nbsp; procenat&nbsp; povoljnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta istraživanih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; (za&scaron;tićena&nbsp; prirodna&nbsp; dobra&nbsp; &ndash;<br />10,4%;&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 21,9%)&nbsp; i&nbsp; dovela&nbsp; su&nbsp; do ostvarivanja konzervacionih ciljeva malog broja vrsta (za&scaron;tićena prirodna dobra&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 11; IBA&nbsp; -&nbsp; 37), dok&nbsp; su&nbsp; centri&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; istraživanih&nbsp; vrstasrazmerno&nbsp; slabo&nbsp; zastupljeni&nbsp; unutar&nbsp; obe&nbsp; mreže (za&scaron;tićena&nbsp; prirodna&nbsp; dobra&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 9,8%;&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; &ndash; 25,4%).&nbsp; Za&scaron;tićena&nbsp; područja&nbsp; nisu&nbsp; pokazale<br />značajno&nbsp; veću&nbsp; efektivnost&nbsp; za&nbsp; konzervaciono prioritetnt&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; i&nbsp; njihov&nbsp; diverzitet.&nbsp; Za&scaron;tićena prirodna&nbsp; dobra&nbsp; i&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; u&nbsp; Srbiji&nbsp; značajno bolje&nbsp; pokrivaju&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i&nbsp; centre&nbsp; diverziteta &scaron;umskih vrsta i vrsta kamenjara, klisura i litica, dok&nbsp; su&nbsp; povoljna&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i&nbsp; centri&nbsp; diverziteta gnezdarica&nbsp; poljoprivrednih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta,&nbsp; naselja&nbsp; i vodenih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; izrazito&nbsp; slabo&nbsp; zastupljena. Stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; gnezdarica&nbsp; nizijskih&nbsp; poljoprivrednih<br />stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; naročito&nbsp; su&nbsp; slabo&nbsp; zastupljena&nbsp; unutar za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; dobara&nbsp; i&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; mreže,&nbsp; koja za&nbsp; ovu&nbsp; grupu&nbsp; nisu&nbsp; dovela&nbsp; do&nbsp; postizanja konzervacionih&nbsp; ciljeva.&nbsp; Razlike&nbsp; u&nbsp; efektivnosti za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; područja&nbsp; za&nbsp; gnezdarice&nbsp; različitih tipova&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; u&nbsp; budućnosti&nbsp; će&nbsp; se&nbsp; generalno povećavati,&nbsp; usled&nbsp; predviđenog&nbsp; smanjivanja<br />areala većine &scaron;umskih vrsta koje će se povlačiti u&nbsp; za&scaron;titom&nbsp; bolje&nbsp; pokrivene&nbsp; planinske&nbsp; predele&nbsp; i &scaron;irenja areala većine gnezdarica poljoprivrednih i&nbsp; vodenih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; na&nbsp; neza&scaron;tićena&nbsp; nizijska područja. Za deo vrsta među kojima dominiraju<br />gnezdarice&nbsp; brdsko-planinskih&nbsp; &scaron;umskih&nbsp; i&nbsp; drugih prirodnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; glavna&nbsp; strategija&nbsp; za&scaron;tite podrazumeva&nbsp; precizno&nbsp; pro&scaron;irenje&nbsp; granica sada&scaron;njih&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; područja&nbsp; uz&nbsp; upravljanje orentisano&nbsp; ka&nbsp; očuvanju&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i smanjenju&nbsp; iskori&scaron;ćavanja&nbsp; resursa.&nbsp; Sa&nbsp; druge strane,&nbsp; za&nbsp; većinu&nbsp; gnezdarica&nbsp; poljoprivrednih&nbsp; i<br />travnih stani&scaron;ta, naročito u nizijskim predelima, efektivna&nbsp; strategija&nbsp; bila&nbsp; bi&nbsp;&nbsp; definisanje&nbsp; potpuno novih&nbsp; i&nbsp; prostranih&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; područja orijentisanih&nbsp; ka&nbsp; održavanju&nbsp; povoljnog&nbsp; režima upravljanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenja&nbsp; prostora.&nbsp; Rad&nbsp; ukazuje<br />na velike mogućnosti kori&scaron;ćenja nesistematično prikupljenih&nbsp; podataka&nbsp; profesionalnih&nbsp; i amaterskih&nbsp; ornitologa&nbsp; uz&nbsp; primenu&nbsp; tehnika modelovanja&nbsp; distribucije&nbsp; vrsta,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; nagla&scaron;ava potrebu&nbsp; za&nbsp; pokretanjem&nbsp; &scaron;irokih&nbsp; programa<br />sistematskog&nbsp; popisa,&nbsp; kartiranja&nbsp; i&nbsp; monitoringa običnih vrsta ptica.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; study&nbsp;&nbsp; analyzes&nbsp; the&nbsp; effectiveness&nbsp; of protected areas in Serbia presently as well as in the&nbsp; future,&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; representation&nbsp; of suitable habitats and centers of diversity for 116 common&nbsp; species of&nbsp; birds,&nbsp; selected on the&nbsp; basis of&nbsp; 11&nbsp; criteria.&nbsp; Nationally&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas, Important&nbsp; Bird&nbsp; and&nbsp; Biodiversity&nbsp; areas&nbsp; (IBAs) and&nbsp; networks formed&nbsp; by overlapping these two types&nbsp; of&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; have&nbsp; been&nbsp; evaluated separately. Suitable habitats of the species in the study&nbsp; were&nbsp; determined&nbsp; by&nbsp; species&nbsp; distribution modeling&nbsp; using&nbsp; the&nbsp; MaxEnt&nbsp; approach,&nbsp; and&nbsp; the distribution&nbsp; models&nbsp; were&nbsp; projected&nbsp; to&nbsp; four different&nbsp; climate&nbsp; change&nbsp; scenarios&nbsp; in&nbsp; future (year&nbsp; 2050).&nbsp; The&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; network&nbsp; proved&nbsp; to&nbsp; be significantly more effective for the&nbsp; protection of habitats&nbsp; of&nbsp; studied&nbsp; species&nbsp; and&nbsp; centers&nbsp; of&nbsp; their diversity, compared&nbsp; to the network of nationally protected&nbsp; areas,&nbsp; and&nbsp; a&nbsp; similar&nbsp; situation&nbsp; is projected for the future. Both types of protected areas&nbsp; on&nbsp; average&nbsp; covered&nbsp; a&nbsp; relatively&nbsp; small percentage of suitable habitats for most species (10.4%&nbsp; in&nbsp; nationaly&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas,&nbsp; 21.9%&nbsp; in IBA)&nbsp; and&nbsp; meet&nbsp; conservation&nbsp; goals&nbsp; only&nbsp; for&nbsp; a&nbsp; small&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; species&nbsp; (11&nbsp; for&nbsp; nationaly protected&nbsp; areas,&nbsp; 37&nbsp; for&nbsp; IBA).&nbsp; Diversity&nbsp; centers for&nbsp; species&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; study&nbsp; are&nbsp; relatively&nbsp; poorlyrepresented within all three networks&nbsp; (9.8% for nationaly&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; and&nbsp; 25.4%&nbsp; for&nbsp; IBA). Protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; did&nbsp; not&nbsp; show&nbsp; significantly higher&nbsp; effectiveness&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; conservation&nbsp; of priority&nbsp; species&nbsp; and&nbsp; their&nbsp; diversity.&nbsp; Nationaly protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; network&nbsp; in&nbsp; Serbia have&nbsp; a&nbsp; significantly&nbsp; better&nbsp; coverage&nbsp; of&nbsp; habitats and&nbsp; centers&nbsp; of&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; for&nbsp; forest&nbsp; species&nbsp; and species&nbsp; of&nbsp; rocky&nbsp; habitats,&nbsp; cliffs&nbsp; and&nbsp; gorges, while&nbsp; suitable&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; and&nbsp; centers&nbsp; of&nbsp; diversity for breeding birds of farmlands, settlements and aquatic&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; are&nbsp; very&nbsp; poorly&nbsp; represented. Habitats of breeding birds of lowland&nbsp; armlands are&nbsp; particularly&nbsp; poorly&nbsp; represented&nbsp; within protected&nbsp; natural&nbsp; assets&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; IBA&nbsp; network, and this measure does not meet the conservation goals for this group of birds. Differences in the effectiveness&nbsp; of&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; for&nbsp; breeding birds&nbsp; of&nbsp; various&nbsp; habitat&nbsp; types&nbsp; will&nbsp; generally increase&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; future,&nbsp; due&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; anticipated range decrease&nbsp; for&nbsp; most forest species that will withdraw&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; better&nbsp; conserved&nbsp; mountainous areas, whereas range of the majority o f breeding birds&nbsp; of&nbsp; farmland&nbsp; and&nbsp; aquatic&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; will&nbsp; be expanded&nbsp; to&nbsp; unprotected&nbsp; lowland&nbsp; areas.&nbsp; For some&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; species,&nbsp; mostly&nbsp; birds&nbsp; of&nbsp; hill&nbsp; and mountain&nbsp; forests and other natural&nbsp; habitats, the main&nbsp; conservation&nbsp; strategy&nbsp; implies&nbsp; precise boundaries&nbsp; extension&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; current&nbsp; protected areas&nbsp; with&nbsp; management&nbsp; directed&nbsp; towards preserving&nbsp; natural&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; and&nbsp; reducing&nbsp; the utilization&nbsp; of&nbsp; resources.&nbsp; On&nbsp; the&nbsp; other&nbsp; hand,&nbsp; for most&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; farmland&nbsp; and&nbsp; grassland&nbsp; species, especially in the lowlands, an effective strategy would&nbsp; be&nbsp; to&nbsp; define&nbsp; completely&nbsp; new&nbsp; and spacious&nbsp; protected&nbsp; areas&nbsp; oriented&nbsp; towards maintaining a favorable regime for management and&nbsp; landuse. The&nbsp; study&nbsp; demonstrates that there are&nbsp; great&nbsp; possibilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; using&nbsp; nonsystematically&nbsp; collected&nbsp; data&nbsp; from&nbsp; professiona l and&nbsp; amateur&nbsp; ornithologists,&nbsp; for&nbsp; application&nbsp; in species&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; modeling,&nbsp; but&nbsp; also emphasizes&nbsp; the&nbsp; need&nbsp; to&nbsp; launch&nbsp; extensive programs for systematic inventory, mapping and monitoring of common bird species.</p>

An Investigation of Target Poisoning during Reactive Magnetron Sputtering

Güttler, Dominik 23 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Objective of the present work is a broad investigation of the so called &amp;quot;target poisoning&amp;quot; during magnetron deposition of TiN in an Ar/N2 atmosphere. Investigations include realtime in-situ ion beam analysis of nitrogen incorporation at the Ti sputter target during the deposition process and the analysis of particle uxes towards and from the target by means of energy resolved mass spectrometry. For experiments a planar, circular DC magnetron, equipped with a 2 inch titanium target was installed in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber which was attached to the beam line system of a 5 MV tandem accelerator. A manipulator allows to move the magnetron vertically and thereby the lateral investigation of the target surface. During magnetron operation the inert and reactive gas flow were adjusted using mass flow controllers resulting in an operating pressure of about 0.3 Pa. The argon flow was fixed, whereas the nitrogen flow was varied to realize different states of target poisoning. In a fi?rst step the mass spectrometer was used to verify and measure basic plasma properties e.g. the residual gas composition, the behavior of reactive gas partial pressure, the plasma potential and the dissociation degree of reactive gas molecules. Based on the non-uniform appearance of the magnetron discharge further measurements were performed in order to discuss the role of varying particle fluxes across the target during the poisoning process. Energy and yield of sputtered particles were analyzed laterally resolved, which allows to describe the surface composition of the target. The energy resolving mass spectrometer was placed at substrate position and the target surface was scanned by changing the magnetron position correspondingly. It was found, that the obtained energy distributions (EDF) of sputtered particles are influenced by their origin, showing signi?ficant differences between the center and the erosion zone of the target. These results are interpreted in terms of laterally different states of target poisoning, which results in a variation of the surface binding energy. Consequently the observed energy shift of the EDF indicates the metallic or already poisoned fraction on target surface. Furthermore the EDF's obtained in reactive sputtering mode are broadened. Thus a superposition of two components, which correspond to the metallic and compound fractions of the surface, is assumed. The conclusion of this treatment is an discrete variation of surface binding energy during the transition from metallic to compound target composition. The reactive gas target coverage as derived from the sputtered energy distributions is in reasonable agreement with predictions from model calculations. The target uptake of nitrogen was determined by means of ion beam analysis using the 14N(d, )12C nuclear reaction. Measurements at varying nitrogen gas flow directly demonstrate the poisoning eff?ect. The reactive gas uptake saturates at a maximum nitrogen areal density of about 1.1016 cm-2 which corresponds to the stoichiometric limit of a 3 nm TiN layer. At sufficiently low reactive gas flow a scan across the target surface discloses a pronounced lateral variation of target poisoning, with a lower areal density in the target race track compared to the target center and edge. Again the findings are reproduced by model calculations, which confirm that the balance of reactive gas injection and sputter erosion is shifted towards erosion in the race track. Accomplished computer simulations of the reactive sputtering process are similar to Berg's well known model. Though based on experimental findings the algorithm was extended to an analytical two layer model which includes the adsorption of reactive gas as well as its different kinds of implantation. A distribution of ion current density across the target diameter is introduced, which allows a more detailed characterization of the processes at the surface. Experimental results and computer simulation have shown that at sufficiently low reactive gas flow, metallic and compound fractions may exist together on the target surface, which is in contradiction to previous simulations, where a homogeneous reactive gas coverage is assumed. Based on the results the dominant mechanisms of nitrogen incorporation at different target locations and at varying reactive gas admixture were identified. / Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Targetvergiftung beim reaktiven Magnetronsputtern von TiN in Argon-Sticksoff Atmosphäre. Die Untersuchungen beinhalten die Echtzeit in-situ Ionenstrahlanalyse des Stickstoffeinbaus in das Titantarget während des Depositionsprozesses sowie die Analyse der Teilchenflüsse vom – und hin zum Sputtertarget mittels energieaufgelöster Massenspektrometrie. Das Magnetron wurde in einer Vakuumkammer installiert, welche an die Beamline des 5 MV Tandembeschleunigers angeschlossen war. Die Position des Magnetrons konnte mittels eines Manipulator verändert werden, was die laterale Untersuchung der Targetoberfläche ermöglichte. Während des Magnetronbetriebes wurde der Argonfluss in die Kammer konstant gehalten, während der Stickstofffluss variiert wurde um verschiedene Ausprägungen der Targetvergiftung zu erreichen. In einem ersten Schritt wurden die Eigenschaften des Plasmas, z.B. die Zusammensetzung des Sputtergases, das Verhalten des Reaktivgaspartialdruckes, das Plasmapotenzial und der Dissoziationsgrad der Reaktivgasmoleküle im Plasma, mit dem Massenspektrometer ermittelt. Aufgrund der ungleichmäßigen Gasentladung vor dem Magnetrontarget, wurden auch lateral variierende Teilchenflüssen und eine ungleichmäßige Targetvergiftung angenommen. Die Energie und die Ausbeute von gesputterten Teilchen wurde deshalb lateral aufgelöst untersucht. Das Massenspektrometer wurde zu diesem Zweck am Ort des Substrates positioniert und die Targetoberfläche konnte gescannt werden indem die Magnetronposition verändert wurde. Die so aufgenommenen Energieverteilungen der gesputterten Teilchen zeigen eine räumliche Abhängigkeit. Teilchen die aus dem Targetzentrum stammen unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich ihrer Energie signifikant von den Teilchen die in der Target-Erosionszone gesputtert werden. Dieses Resultat zeigt die ungleichmäßige Targetvergiftung, wodurch es zu einer Veränderung der Oberflächenbindungsenergie kommt. Über die Verschiebung in der Energieverteilung lässt sich somit der Zustand der Targetoberfläche beschreiben. Diese experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen Übereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen der Modellrechnungen. Der Stickstoffgehalt des Targets wurde weiterhin mittels Ionenstrahlanalyse (NRA) bestimmt. Messungen bei verschiedenen Stickstoffflüssen demonstrieren direkt die Vergiftung des Targets. Die maximale Stickstoffkonzentration sättigt bei einem Wert, der dem Stickstoffgehalt in einer ca. 3 nm dicken Titannitridschicht entspricht. Bei ausreichend niedrigem Stickstofffluss zeigt die Messung quer über den Targetdurchmesser eine Variation im Stickstoffgehalt. Die Stickstoffkonzentration in der Erosionszone ist deutlich geringer als im Targetzentrum oder am Targetrand. Die Resultate wurden wiederum durch Modellrechnungen bestätigt. Die durchgeführten Computersimulationen basieren auf Sören Bergs Modell des reaktiven Sputterprozesses. Der Algorithmus wurde jedoch auf der Basis der experimentellen Ergebnisse erweitert. Das Modell beinhaltet nun Mechanismen des Reaktivgaseinbaus in das Target, wie Adsorption, Implantation und Recoilimplantation. Des Weiteren wurde die Ionenstromverteilung als Funktion des Targetdurchmessers in das Modell aufgenommen, was eine detailliertere Beschreibung des Prozesses ermöglicht. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse und die Resultate der Computersimulation zeigen, dass bei niedrigen Reaktivgasflüssen metallische und vergiftete Bereiche auf der Targetoberfläche gemeinsam existieren. Das ist im Widerspruch zu älteren Simulationen, in denen von einer homogenen Targetbedeckung durch das Reaktivgas ausgegangen wird. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen wurden die dominierenden Mechanismen des Reaktivgaseinbaus in das Sputtertarget, in Abhängigkeit von der Position und von der Sputtergaszusammensetzung, identifiziert.

An Investigation of Target Poisoning during Reactive Magnetron Sputtering

Güttler, Dominik 12 March 2009 (has links)
Objective of the present work is a broad investigation of the so called &amp;quot;target poisoning&amp;quot; during magnetron deposition of TiN in an Ar/N2 atmosphere. Investigations include realtime in-situ ion beam analysis of nitrogen incorporation at the Ti sputter target during the deposition process and the analysis of particle uxes towards and from the target by means of energy resolved mass spectrometry. For experiments a planar, circular DC magnetron, equipped with a 2 inch titanium target was installed in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber which was attached to the beam line system of a 5 MV tandem accelerator. A manipulator allows to move the magnetron vertically and thereby the lateral investigation of the target surface. During magnetron operation the inert and reactive gas flow were adjusted using mass flow controllers resulting in an operating pressure of about 0.3 Pa. The argon flow was fixed, whereas the nitrogen flow was varied to realize different states of target poisoning. In a fi?rst step the mass spectrometer was used to verify and measure basic plasma properties e.g. the residual gas composition, the behavior of reactive gas partial pressure, the plasma potential and the dissociation degree of reactive gas molecules. Based on the non-uniform appearance of the magnetron discharge further measurements were performed in order to discuss the role of varying particle fluxes across the target during the poisoning process. Energy and yield of sputtered particles were analyzed laterally resolved, which allows to describe the surface composition of the target. The energy resolving mass spectrometer was placed at substrate position and the target surface was scanned by changing the magnetron position correspondingly. It was found, that the obtained energy distributions (EDF) of sputtered particles are influenced by their origin, showing signi?ficant differences between the center and the erosion zone of the target. These results are interpreted in terms of laterally different states of target poisoning, which results in a variation of the surface binding energy. Consequently the observed energy shift of the EDF indicates the metallic or already poisoned fraction on target surface. Furthermore the EDF's obtained in reactive sputtering mode are broadened. Thus a superposition of two components, which correspond to the metallic and compound fractions of the surface, is assumed. The conclusion of this treatment is an discrete variation of surface binding energy during the transition from metallic to compound target composition. The reactive gas target coverage as derived from the sputtered energy distributions is in reasonable agreement with predictions from model calculations. The target uptake of nitrogen was determined by means of ion beam analysis using the 14N(d, )12C nuclear reaction. Measurements at varying nitrogen gas flow directly demonstrate the poisoning eff?ect. The reactive gas uptake saturates at a maximum nitrogen areal density of about 1.1016 cm-2 which corresponds to the stoichiometric limit of a 3 nm TiN layer. At sufficiently low reactive gas flow a scan across the target surface discloses a pronounced lateral variation of target poisoning, with a lower areal density in the target race track compared to the target center and edge. Again the findings are reproduced by model calculations, which confirm that the balance of reactive gas injection and sputter erosion is shifted towards erosion in the race track. Accomplished computer simulations of the reactive sputtering process are similar to Berg's well known model. Though based on experimental findings the algorithm was extended to an analytical two layer model which includes the adsorption of reactive gas as well as its different kinds of implantation. A distribution of ion current density across the target diameter is introduced, which allows a more detailed characterization of the processes at the surface. Experimental results and computer simulation have shown that at sufficiently low reactive gas flow, metallic and compound fractions may exist together on the target surface, which is in contradiction to previous simulations, where a homogeneous reactive gas coverage is assumed. Based on the results the dominant mechanisms of nitrogen incorporation at different target locations and at varying reactive gas admixture were identified. / Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Targetvergiftung beim reaktiven Magnetronsputtern von TiN in Argon-Sticksoff Atmosphäre. Die Untersuchungen beinhalten die Echtzeit in-situ Ionenstrahlanalyse des Stickstoffeinbaus in das Titantarget während des Depositionsprozesses sowie die Analyse der Teilchenflüsse vom – und hin zum Sputtertarget mittels energieaufgelöster Massenspektrometrie. Das Magnetron wurde in einer Vakuumkammer installiert, welche an die Beamline des 5 MV Tandembeschleunigers angeschlossen war. Die Position des Magnetrons konnte mittels eines Manipulator verändert werden, was die laterale Untersuchung der Targetoberfläche ermöglichte. Während des Magnetronbetriebes wurde der Argonfluss in die Kammer konstant gehalten, während der Stickstofffluss variiert wurde um verschiedene Ausprägungen der Targetvergiftung zu erreichen. In einem ersten Schritt wurden die Eigenschaften des Plasmas, z.B. die Zusammensetzung des Sputtergases, das Verhalten des Reaktivgaspartialdruckes, das Plasmapotenzial und der Dissoziationsgrad der Reaktivgasmoleküle im Plasma, mit dem Massenspektrometer ermittelt. Aufgrund der ungleichmäßigen Gasentladung vor dem Magnetrontarget, wurden auch lateral variierende Teilchenflüssen und eine ungleichmäßige Targetvergiftung angenommen. Die Energie und die Ausbeute von gesputterten Teilchen wurde deshalb lateral aufgelöst untersucht. Das Massenspektrometer wurde zu diesem Zweck am Ort des Substrates positioniert und die Targetoberfläche konnte gescannt werden indem die Magnetronposition verändert wurde. Die so aufgenommenen Energieverteilungen der gesputterten Teilchen zeigen eine räumliche Abhängigkeit. Teilchen die aus dem Targetzentrum stammen unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich ihrer Energie signifikant von den Teilchen die in der Target-Erosionszone gesputtert werden. Dieses Resultat zeigt die ungleichmäßige Targetvergiftung, wodurch es zu einer Veränderung der Oberflächenbindungsenergie kommt. Über die Verschiebung in der Energieverteilung lässt sich somit der Zustand der Targetoberfläche beschreiben. Diese experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen Übereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen der Modellrechnungen. Der Stickstoffgehalt des Targets wurde weiterhin mittels Ionenstrahlanalyse (NRA) bestimmt. Messungen bei verschiedenen Stickstoffflüssen demonstrieren direkt die Vergiftung des Targets. Die maximale Stickstoffkonzentration sättigt bei einem Wert, der dem Stickstoffgehalt in einer ca. 3 nm dicken Titannitridschicht entspricht. Bei ausreichend niedrigem Stickstofffluss zeigt die Messung quer über den Targetdurchmesser eine Variation im Stickstoffgehalt. Die Stickstoffkonzentration in der Erosionszone ist deutlich geringer als im Targetzentrum oder am Targetrand. Die Resultate wurden wiederum durch Modellrechnungen bestätigt. Die durchgeführten Computersimulationen basieren auf Sören Bergs Modell des reaktiven Sputterprozesses. Der Algorithmus wurde jedoch auf der Basis der experimentellen Ergebnisse erweitert. Das Modell beinhaltet nun Mechanismen des Reaktivgaseinbaus in das Target, wie Adsorption, Implantation und Recoilimplantation. Des Weiteren wurde die Ionenstromverteilung als Funktion des Targetdurchmessers in das Modell aufgenommen, was eine detailliertere Beschreibung des Prozesses ermöglicht. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse und die Resultate der Computersimulation zeigen, dass bei niedrigen Reaktivgasflüssen metallische und vergiftete Bereiche auf der Targetoberfläche gemeinsam existieren. Das ist im Widerspruch zu älteren Simulationen, in denen von einer homogenen Targetbedeckung durch das Reaktivgas ausgegangen wird. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen wurden die dominierenden Mechanismen des Reaktivgaseinbaus in das Sputtertarget, in Abhängigkeit von der Position und von der Sputtergaszusammensetzung, identifiziert.

Propagação por estaquia de Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urban. (Pau de balsa) / Propagation by cutting of Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. exLam.) Urban. (Balsa wood)

Modenezi, Raul Marcílio 28 January 2019 (has links)
O pau de balsa é uma espécie arbórea que apresenta importância econômica principalmente pelos diversos usos da madeira, e ecológica por sua participação na sucessão florestal. Até o presente momento o principal meio de multiplicação desta espécie tem sido por sementes. A obtenção de mudas clonais é a principal dificuldade para o cultivo em larga escala dessa espécie. Portanto, o uso da técnica de propagação vegetativa para a silvicultura clonal, como por exemplo, o processo de estaquia, torna-se uma ferramenta útil para superar as possíveis dificuldades que as mudas produzidas a partir de sementes trazem para a silvicultura. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do diâmetro da estaca, o tratamento com promotor de enraizamento (AIB), diferentes tipos de substrato e o uso da câmara úmida, avaliando-se o enraizamento, a formação de calos e sobrevivência de estacas de Ochroma pyramidale. Para tanto, quatro experimentos foram instalados, o primeiro foi realizado para avaliar a interação entre o diâmetro das estacas a serem divididas entre o fino, médio e espesso, relacionado ao uso de AIB nas concentrações de 0 e 5.000 mg.L-1. No segundo experimento avaliou-se a interação entre a aplicação de AIB nas concentrações de 0, 1000, 2000 e 4000 mg.L-1 e a região de origem das estacas no ramo, em basal, mediana e apical. No terceiro experimento foram avaliados os tipos de substrato (Areia, Carolina II, Fibra de coco e Vermiculita) em interação com as estacas das duas diferentes origens do ramo (mediana e apical). Por fim, no quarto experimento avaliou-se o uso de ambiente protegido por câmara úmida e a aplicação de diferentes concentrações de AIB (0, 2000, 4000 e 6000 mg.L-1). Concluiu-se que a sobrevivência das estacas é maior entre estacas de diâmetros médio e espesso (1 a 2 cm de diâmetro) e entre estacas provenientes da parte basal do ramo. Quanto ao uso de AIB, os maiores índices de sobrevivência são apresentados quando se aplica 1000 mg.L-1 de AIB, e também sem o uso de ambiente protegido por câmara úmida. A formação de calos é maior entre as estacas de diâmetros médio e espesso (1 a 2 cm de diâmetro) e entre as estacas da parte basal do ramo. Em relação à formação de calos e utilização de AIB, as maiores taxas ocorreram na ausência, 1000 e 4000 mg.L-1 de AIB. O enraizamento das estacas O. pyramidale ocorreu quando 6000 mg.L-1 de AIB foi aplicado. / The balsa wood is a tree species that has economic importance mainly by the many uses of wood, and ecological for its participation in the forest succession. Until the present time, the main way of multiplication of this species have been by seeds. Obtaining clone stakes is the main difficulty for large-scale cultivation of this species. Therefore, the use of the vegetative propagation technique for the clonal silviculture, as for example by cuttings process, becomes useful tools for overcome the possible difficulties that seedlings produced from seeds bring to forestry. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of the diameter of the cutting, the treatment with rooting promoter (IBA), different types of substrate and the use of the chamber moist, by evaluating the rooting, the callus formation and the survival of cuttings of O. pyramidale. For this purpose, four experiments were set up, the first one was carried out to evaluate the interaction between the diameter of the cuttings to be divided between thin, medium and thick, related to the use of AIB in the concentrations of 0 and 5,000 mg.L-1. In the second experiment was evaluated the interaction between the application of IBA at the concentrations of 0, 1000, 2000 and 4000 mg.L-1 and the source region of the cuttings in the branch, in basal, median and apical. In the third experiment was evaluated the types of substrate (Sand, Carolina II, Fiber of coconut, and Vermiculite) in interaction with cutting of the two different origins of the branch (median and apical). Finally, in the fourth experiment we evaluated the use of protected environment by the chamber moist and the application of different IBA concentrations (0, 2000, 4000 and 6000 mg.L-1). It was concluded that the survival of the cutting is higher among the cutting of diameters of medium and thick (1 to 2 cm in diameter) and between the cutting originating from the basal branch. As to the use of IBA, the highest rates of survival are shown when applied to 1000 mg.L-1 of IBA, and without the use of environment-protected chamber moist. The callus formation is greater between medium and thick diameters cuttings (1 to 2 cm in diameter) and between cuttings from the branch basal part. Regarding to callus formation and IBA utilization, the highest rates occurred in the absence, 1000 and 4000 mg.L-1 of IBA. The O. pyramidale cuttings rooting occurred when 6000 mg.L-1 of IBA was applied.

Development Of In Vitro Micropropagation Techniques For Saffron (crocus Sativus L.)

Yildirim, Evrim 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In vitro micropropagation of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) by using direct and indirect organogenesis was the aim of this study. Also, the effect of plant growth regulators on growth parameters, such as corm production, sprouting time and germination ratio were investigated in ex vitro conditions. For in vitro regeneration of saffron, the effects of 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) were tested initially. It was observed that 0,25 mg/L 2,4-D and 1 mg/L BAP combination was superior for indirect organogenesis while 1 mg/L 2,4-D and 1 mg/L BAP combination was favorable for direct organogenesis. During the improvement of direct organogenesis experiments, BAP (1 mg/L) without 2,4-D stimulated further shoot development. For adventitious corm and root induction, NAA (naphthaleneacetic acid) and BAP combinations were tested. Although a few corm formations were achieved, root development was not observed with these treatments. Further experiments with the culture medium supplemented with 1 mg/L IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) and 5% sucrose was effective on obtaining contractile root formation and increasing corm number. As a result, the overall efficiency was calculated as 59.26% for contractile root formation, 35.19% for corm formation and 100% for shoot development. In ex vitro studies, 50 mg/L IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) , 50 mg/L kinetin and 200 mg/L GA3 (gibberellic acid) were used. These applications were not as efficient as expected on assessed growth parameters.

Community Experiences of Mining in Baker Lake, Nunavut

Peterson, Kelsey C. R. 02 May 2012 (has links)
With recent increases in mineral prices, the Canadian Arctic has experienced a dramatic upswing in mining development and exploration. The communities living in close proximity to proposed mining are poised to experience dramatic change in the face of industrial development and an injection of wage employment. With the development of the Meadowbank gold mine, the nearby Hamlet of Baker Lake, Nunavut is currently experiencing these changes firsthand. In response to an invitation from the Hamlet of Baker Lake, this research seeks to document Baker Lake residents’ experiences with the Meadowbank mine. During two months of fieldwork in 2010 and 2011, these experiences - manifest in stories, opinions and concerns - were recorded. It is evident that the community has changed with the opening of the mine. The employment rates and income have increased, and there have been resulting decreases in food insecurity, increases in hunting participation and increased hope for the future of Baker Lake. However, these outcomes are not felt homogeneously across the community; indeed, residents’ experiences with mining have been mixed. Beyond this core finding, the research suggests four further notable insights. First, employment has provided the opportunity for people to elevate themselves out of welfare/social assistance, provide for their families and pay down debts. Second, the pursuit of high school and post-secondary education has become more common, but some students are leaving high school to pursue mine work. Third, local businesses are benefiting from mining contracts, but this is generally limited to those companies that had the capital and equipment in place before the mine; economic diversification and the development of small business have been minimal. Finally, varied individual experiences are in part generated by an individual’s context; that is, the experience of the mine is conditioned by personal context (finances, education, family, personal history) and personal choices (e.g. alcohol vs. debt repayment, unskilled mine employment vs. education/training). The documentation of these experiences is useful not just for our understating of mining’s impacts on Aboriginal communities, but also for the efforts of the Hamlet of Baker Lake and higher government authorities to develop mitigation measures including niche programs.

Propagação assexuada de fruteiras da família clusiacea (Platonia insignis Mart.) e bacuparizeiro (Garcinia gardneriana (Planch & Triana) Zappi) / Propagation asexual fruit of the family clusiacea: bacurizeiro (Platonia insignis Mart.) and bacuparizeiro (Garcinia gardneriana (Planch and Triana) Zappi)

Leite, Marcondes Lopes 30 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Marcondes Lopes Leite (marcondesleite@ifma.edu.br) on 2018-07-17T03:02:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO_Marcondes (1).pdf: 855505 bytes, checksum: 87f199a0b3c25e7ac6c9ca3496aaff6b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Karina Gimenes Fernandes null (karinagi@fcav.unesp.br) on 2018-07-17T11:51:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 leite_ml_me.pdf: 825599 bytes, checksum: 98eaa2d4a84e378b555cde009287328e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-17T11:51:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 leite_ml_me.pdf: 825599 bytes, checksum: 98eaa2d4a84e378b555cde009287328e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-30 / Outra / PROPAGAÇÃO ASSEXUADA DE FRUTEIRAS DA FAMILIA CLUSIACEA: BACURIZEIRO (Platonia insignis Mart.) E BACUPARIZEIRO (Garcinia gardneriana (Planch & Triana) Zappi). RESUMO As fruteiras bacuri (Platonia insignis Mart.) e bacupari (Garcinia gardneriana (Planch & Triana) Zappi).pertencem à família Clusiaceae e predominam no Norte do Brasil. Estas espécies não são domesticadas e a obtenção de frutos é feita principalmente por meios extrativos sendo raros pomares comerciais. Para à propagação por estaquia do bacurizeiro, ramos jovens foram retirados de uma planta matriz e as estacas foram obtidas como: i. estacas lenhosas, ii. estacas herbáceas com duas folhas e duas gemas na base e iii. estacas herbáceas com duas folhas, sem gemas na base. As estacas foram tratadas com ácido indol butírico (AIB) nas seguintes concentrações: 0.0 (controle), 1.000, 2.000, 3.000 e 4.000 mg.L-1. As estacas lenhosas apresentaram a maior taxa de sobrevivência (95,83%) em relação as estacas herbáceas (70 e 67,5%), sendo que em apenas uma dessas foi observado o desenvolvimento radicular (0,28%). Em relação ao bacuparizeiro, como o estiolamento tem sido utilizado para melhorar o enraizamento em espécies de difícil propagação e como não foram encontrados relatos sobre o uso de estacas estioladas para propagar esta espécie, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a viabilidade dessa técnica de propagação e estudar o efeito de diferentes doses de AIB. As estacas estioladas continham um par de folhas (~12 cm de comprimento) e foram tratadas com AIB por 10 segundos (0 – controle, 500, 1.000 e 2.000 mg.L-1). O estiolamento resultou em 2,5% de estacas enraizadas quando tratadas com 500 e 1.000 mg.L-1 de AIB. O tratamento com IBA afetou a sobrevivência das estacas na fase de propagação, possivelmente ao reduzir a retenção foliar quando estas foram tratadas com concentrações de IBA superiores a 1.000 mg.L-1. Os experimentos foram realizados no outono-inverno, estes devem ser repetidos na primavera-verão, pois espécies neotropicais requerem clima quente e úmido para seu desenvolvimento. / Bacuri (Platonia insignis Mart.) and bacupari (Garcinia gardneriana (Planch & Triana) Zappi.) fruit trees belong to the Clusiaceae family and they predominate in the North of Brazil in the Amazonia basin. These species are not domesticated and fruit are obtained mainly by extractive means due to the inexistence of commercial orchards. To propagate bacuri by cutting, young branches were taken from an matrix bacuri tree and cuttings were obtained as: i. hardwood cuttings, ii. herbaceous stem cuttings with two leaves and two buds on the base, and iii. herbaceous stem cuttings with two leaves without buds on the base. Cuttings were treated with indolbutyric acid (IBA) in the following concentrations: 0,0 mg.L-1 (control), 1,000 mg.L-1 , 2,000 mg.L-1 , 3,000 mg.L-1 , and 4,000 mg.L-1 . The hardwood cuttings presented the biggest survival rate (95.83%) in relation to the herbaceous stem cuttings (70%, 67.50%), and in only one of this cutting was observed root development (0.28%). Regarding bacupari, as etiolation has been used to improve rooting in species which are difficult to propagate and as there is no reports regarding the use of etiolate cuttings to propagate this species, the objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of this technique to propagate bacupari and to study the effect of the different doses of IBA. Etiolate cuttings contained on pair of leaves (~12 cm long), and were treated with IBA for 10 seconds (0,0-control, 500, 1,000, and 2,000 mg.L-1 ). Etiolation resulted in 2.5% rooted cuttings when treated with 500 and 1,000 mg.L-1 IBA. The IBA treatment affected the cuttings surviving the propagate phase possibly by reducing the foliar retention when treated with IBA concentrations superior than 1,000 mg.L-1 . The experiments were set during the autumn-winter season, they should be repeated in the spring-summer season as these species require hot and humid climate to develop.

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