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Free ASAP Rocky, ASAP : En diskursanalys av fallet ”ASAP Rocky” i svensk kvällspress / Free ASAP Rocky, ASAP : A discourse analysis of the case “ASAP Rocky” in Swedish tabloidsJurak, Emilie, Arslanovic, Aida January 2019 (has links)
The trial and verdict of Rakim Mayers, also known as ASAP Rocky, caused major media attention during the summer of 2019. The aim of this bachelor study was to examine how news journalism represented the case “ASAP Rocky” in Swedish tabloids. The research questions examined were: How does journalism portray the story of the victim and perpetrator in the case “ASAP Rocky” ? What are the differences and similarities in how victim and perpetrator are constructed? How does the story develop in Swedish tabloids during the case “ASAP Rocky”? We used Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis (CDA) to identify reoccurring discourses in the description of the case “ASAP Rocky”. By examining the characters, victim and perpetrator in Swedish tabloids, we found that there was no idealistic role portrayed in the case. Both the victim and the perpetrator were described as insufficient. One discursive theme was that the victim is inadequate since ASAP Rocky´s status as a celebrity provides him an advantage. This discourse is identified also in texts describing ASAP Rocky as a perpetrator. The study showed that the different discourses concern moral values in various contradictions, such as good - evil, right - wrong and “we” versus “them”. Our study shows that the discourses we found contributes to the creation of celebrities and the discourse that celebrities are unreachable. The conclusion of this study is that media contributes to the stereotype of celebrities.
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Relationship initiation and progression in the online matchmaking environment : phenomenology, idealistic distortion, and alternative dating partnersSteffek, Lisa Marie 26 January 2011 (has links)
With the capacity to connect millions of singles through the virtual world, online matchmaking has altered the traditional, face-to-face romantic relationship initiation process. Users of online matchmaking sites have easy access to thousands of available singles and can communicate with partners before ever meeting face-to-face. Specific mechanisms by which online matchmaking environments operate are likely to distort both users’ appraisals of other users and users’ appraisals of themselves. This phenomenon in dating has left researchers to speculate about the effectiveness of romantic relationship initiation in such a context, and for relationships that are successfully formed online, whether the effects of online matchmaking extend beyond the relationship initiation process to influence the subsequent progression of romantic relationships. Seventy-five single men and women were recruited and agreed to subscribe to the online matchmaking site Match.com for 30 days. Participants completed measures assessing their individual background characteristics, sociosexual orientation, personality and attachment. In the event that participants scheduled a first date with someone they met through Match.com, they completed pre and post-date measures assessing idealistic distortion of, attention to, and ease of finding alternative dating partners. Upon completion of their 30 days in the study, participants completed a follow-up questionnaire assessing the degree to which they idealistically distorted themselves to other users and their overall satisfaction and experience using Match.com. Logistic regression analyses revealed that the more users’ distorted the vitality and attractiveness of dating partners the less likely users were to experience a second date initiated by the dating partner. Future studies need to consider that traditional models of relationship initiation are out-dated and not applicable to the study of relationship initiation and progression in the context of online matchmaking. Relationship researchers need to investigate: gender differences in filtering potential partners, the function of filtering in such a context, the developmental progression of filtering and the subsequent potential heightened importance of physical attraction verses the importance of compatibility in predicting relationship initiation in the online matchmaking environment. Additionally, future research should involve comparisons of various matchmaking services’, should utilize larger sample sizes and should follow participants for a longer period of time. / text
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...och sedan skapade människan organisationen : En fallstudie av organisationskultur i en församling i Svenska kyrkanMelberg, Sandra, Björnsdotter, Kristin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The purpose for writing this essay is to study the culture of kindness in the Church of Sweden, as the church constitutes as an idealistic organization (non-profit or voluntary organization).</p><p>The focal point is on how such a culture affects the employees, and if any new components</p><p>that can amplify the concept can be distinguished.</p><p>To do this a case study-design has been employed. The primary sources are qualitative</p><p>interviews with six employees in a congregation in the Church of Sweden, and participant</p><p>observations on two different occasions at the same congregation.</p><p>Theories of organizational sociology has been applied to the material, more specific Edgar H</p><p>Schein’s definition of organizational culture and the concept of a culture of kindness (deriving</p><p>from a report by the Swedish Work Environment Authority) as a specific part of the church’s</p><p>organizational culture.</p><p>The conclusions we can make from our study is that a culture of kindness affect employees in</p><p>both a positive and a negative way. There are many expectations that come with working in</p><p>the Church of Sweden, and these do have an effect on the work performed. There is also</p><p>evidence pointing to the fact that leadership can counteract the fear of conflicts that otherwise</p><p>is associated with the culture of kindness. Finally one can conclude that the concept of</p><p>kindness culture could be elaborated, for instance with a notion of leadership.</p>
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...och sedan skapade människan organisationen : En fallstudie av organisationskultur i en församling i Svenska kyrkanMelberg, Sandra, Björnsdotter, Kristin January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The purpose for writing this essay is to study the culture of kindness in the Church of Sweden, as the church constitutes as an idealistic organization (non-profit or voluntary organization). The focal point is on how such a culture affects the employees, and if any new components that can amplify the concept can be distinguished. To do this a case study-design has been employed. The primary sources are qualitative interviews with six employees in a congregation in the Church of Sweden, and participant observations on two different occasions at the same congregation. Theories of organizational sociology has been applied to the material, more specific Edgar H Schein’s definition of organizational culture and the concept of a culture of kindness (deriving from a report by the Swedish Work Environment Authority) as a specific part of the church’s organizational culture. The conclusions we can make from our study is that a culture of kindness affect employees in both a positive and a negative way. There are many expectations that come with working in the Church of Sweden, and these do have an effect on the work performed. There is also evidence pointing to the fact that leadership can counteract the fear of conflicts that otherwise is associated with the culture of kindness. Finally one can conclude that the concept of kindness culture could be elaborated, for instance with a notion of leadership.
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[pt] Na presente tese realizamos uma análise crítica acerca da presença de ontologias
idealistas no Campo do Design que, até onde pudemos observar, é legitimada e
reproduzida nos meios de consagração do saber (os bancos escolares) que se
propõem a ensinar teorias e fundamentos do design, especialmente sobre o uso das
cores. Oferecemos a exame, em primeiro lugar, o que denominamos de
individualismo carismático, i.e., indagando se o designer possuiria a capacidade
inata de criar algo completamente diferente do que já existe conforme obscuros dons
que são dados por alguma entidade inexplicável e ideal. Depois, propomos a
abordagem do que chamamos de funcionalismo monista, qual seja o ensino de ideais
calcados em princípios ou fundamentos fixos, como se fossem verdadeiros em todos
os lugares e em todos tempos históricos. Afirmamos que as duas noções são larga e
amplamente divulgadas no Campo do Design por meio de suas ditas teorias, com
pouco ou nenhum exame crítico, e que contribuem para a alienação dos estudantes
e profissionais do campo, tanto os que trabalham no meio acadêmico quanto os que
exercem a profissão no mercado de trabalho. Ademais, defendemos que ao propor o
aprendizado destas teorias, é muito raro uma instrução do contraditório que acate e
analise o movimento histórico concreto como parte fundamental do estudo, de forma
a apagar as razões socioculturais que determinam de fato os porquês de
empregarmos a configuração desta ou daquela maneira. Para tanto, utilizaremos
exemplos históricos concretos, tanto na História da Filosofia quanto na História do
Design. / [en] In this thesis we carry out a critical analysis of the presence of idealistic ontologies
in the Field of Design which, as far as we have been able to observe, is legitimized
and reproduced in the means of consecration of knowledge (school benches) that
propose to teach theories and foundations of design, especially on the use of colors.
We offer for examination, firstly, what we call charismatic individualism, i.e.,
asking whether the designer would possess the innate ability to create something
completely different from what already exists according to obscure gifts that are
given by some inexplicable and ideal entity. Then, we propose the approach of what
we call monist functionalism, which is the teaching of ideals based on fixed
principles or foundations, as if they were true in all places and at all historical times.
We affirm that the two notions are widely and widely disseminated in the Field of
Design through their so-called theories, with little or no critical examination, and
that they contribute to the alienation of students and professionals in the field, both
those who work in academia and who exercise their profession in the labor market.
Furthermore, we argue that when proposing the learning of these theories, it is very
rare for a contradictory instruction that accepts and analyzes the concrete historical
movement as a fundamental part of the study, in order to erase the sociocultural
reasons that actually determine why we employ the configuration of this or that
way. To do so, we will use concrete historical examples, both in the History of
Philosophy and in the History of Design.
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Goda journalister, eviga hjältar : En diskursanalys om nyhetsjournalistikens gestaltning av Kim Wall och Nils Horners eftermäle / Good journalists, eternal heroes : A discourse analysis of news journalisms portrayal of Kim Wall and Nils Horners posthumous reputationSamuelsson, Julia, Pliscovaz, Julia January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to examine how news journalism represented the two swedish journalists Kim Wall and Nils Horner, when describing their posthumous reputation after they were murdered during assignments. The research questions examined were: How does the journalism, in describing their posthumous reputations, portray the story of Kim Wall, and Nils Horner? What differences and similarities can be found in how they are portrayed as journalists, and as victims? We used Faircloughs critical discourse analysis (CDA) to find reoccurring discourses in the description of Horner and Wall. By examining the characteristics they were assigned and what conclusions the audience were offered to draw about their journalistic competence and about them as victims of murder, we found many similarities between Horner and Wall. They are both described as exceptionally competent. They are also portrayed as born with a “calling” towards the journalistic profession, and in both cases, they are ascribed with next to supernatural characteristics. As victims of murder we found them to be portrayed as idealistic, with some variations in relation to the description of the content of their character, and where the murder took place. Our study shows that the discourses we found contribute to the creation of heroic myths in the news journalisms description of them. They are elevated, and our conclusion is that by elevating their murdered colleagues as heroes, the news journalists are also elevating themselves and, in turn, the journalistic profession.
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"Att mata monstret" : en kvalitativ studie om gymnasieelevers kroppsuppfattning / "Feeding the monster" : a qualitative study about body image among high school studentsBerg, Miriam, Zaaroura, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Background: Previous research has shown that body image can have an impact on wellbeing. A negative body image can increase psychological suffering and have physical implications on health. A positive body image can provide protection against external factors that could lead to a negative body image. Aim: The aim of the study is to explore high school students body image and which situations and environments that has an impact on their body image. Method: The study was conducted through a qualitative method with semi structured interviews, the high school students was in the age range of 15-18. The data was gathered without any pre decided codes for analyzing. Result: The study showed that body image was not static within the high school students, body image could change from day to day and from situation, often depending on the mood. Negative body image could have effect on wellbeing overall, like thinking less of themselves, and also limit the high school students in their everyday life. Most high school students felt strongly that the body is something that you can control, with the right amount of motivation, physical activity and limited food intake, everybody could achieve their dream body. Social media had a negative impact on many of the high school students but could, for some work as a way of controlling what images they meet by unfollowing accounts that made them feel bad about themselves. Conclusion: The result of this study shows that body image can be fluid and strongly affected on the situation. Further research, focusing on what influences body image in this specific target group, could have a great impact on future interventions to improve body image. / Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar att kroppsuppfattning kan påverka välmående. En negativ kroppsuppfattning kan medföra psykiskt lidande och fysiska konsekvenser för hälsan. En positiv kroppsuppfattning kan medföra ett skydd mot yttre påverkansfaktorer som skulle kunna leda till en negativ kroppsuppfattning. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka gymnasieelevers kroppsuppfattning samt vilka situationer och miljöer som har en påverkan på deras kroppsuppfattning. Metod: Studien har genomförts med kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer där 10 gymnasieelever i åldersgruppen 15–18 fått representera resultatet. Analys skedde löpande under insamling av data enligt induktiv ansats där koderna tog form under arbetets gång. Resultat: Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att gymnasieeleverna kunde känna både positiva och negativa känslor inför den egna kroppen, där kroppsuppfattning kunde variera beroende på situation, dagsform samt umgänge. En negativ kroppsuppfattning kunde begränsa i vardagen genom undvikande beteende men det kunde även påverka tankemönster och däri skapa lidande. Kroppen ansågs vara något som kan kontrolleras och förändras med rätt motivation, träning och mat. Sociala medier påverkade negativt i stor utsträckning men kunde även fungera som ett skydd där gymnasieeleverna tog aktiva val om att avfölja konton som påverkade negativt och följa konton med normbrytande kroppar. Konklusion: Resultatet visar att kroppsuppfattning inte är något statiskt utan varierar kraftigt mellan individer och tillfällen. Vidare forskning rörande påverkansfaktorer hos målgruppen skulle kunna förbättra utsikten för framgångsrika interventioner för att förbättra kroppsuppfattningen.
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