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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da relação entre os indicadores de desempenho das universidades federais da Região Sul do Brasil e os resultados obtidos no Índice Geral de Cursos (IGC)

Dalla Nora, Rosângela January 2014 (has links)
A Constituição da República de 1988 já previa que os poderes deveriam manter, de forma integrada, um sistema de controle com a finalidade de comprovar a legalidade e avaliar os resultados, quanto à eficácia e eficiência, da gestão orçamentária, financeira e patrimonial nos órgãos e entidades da administração federal. Dessa forma, observamos que a Administração Pública vem continuamente avançando nos controles e aprimorando seus métodos para avaliar os resultados alcançados com as políticas públicas. Diante da necessidade de avaliação das Instituições Federais de Educação Superior (IFES) o Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), através da Decisão nº 408/2002, determinou que as IFES incluíssem nos relatórios de gestão das contas anuais uma série de indicadores de desempenho. Além destes indicadores instituídos pelo TCU, as Universidades também são avaliadas periodicamente pelo Ministério da Educação por meio dos resultados alcançados no Índice Geral de Cursos (IGC). Tal índice trata-se de um indicador de qualidade das instituições de educação superior, que considera em sua composição a qualidade dos cursos de graduação e de pós-graduação (mestrado e doutorado). Considerando esses dois métodos distintos de avaliação a que estão sujeitas as Universidades Federais, este trabalho buscará verificar se há alguma relação entre os resultados dos indicadores de desempenho definidos pelo TCU e os resultados obtidos nos indicadores de qualidade acadêmicos medidos através do IGC. O referencial teórico dessa dissertação contempla além do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional (PES), a utilização dos princípios do PES no Brasil, como são avaliados os programas de governo e o que são os indicadores de desempenho. O instrumental utilizado foi: análise e descrição dos Indicadores de Gestão das Universidades Federais da região sul do país, no período compreendido entre 2007 e 2011 e dos conceitos obtidos por estas Universidades no IGC neste período. Conclui-se a pesquisa com uma análise sobre as possíveis relações entre os Indicadores de Desempenho e os conceitos obtidos no IGC. / The Republic´s Constitution of 1988 predicted that the powers should retain, in an integrated manner, a control system with the purpose of verify the legality and evaluate the results, on the effectiveness and efficiency of budget management, financial and patrimonial in organs and entities of the federal administration .Therefore, we noted that the Public Administration is continually advancing in controls and improving their methods to evaluate the results achieved with public policies. Thereby the need to assess the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES), the Court of Auditors (TCU), through the Decision No 408/2002, determined that IFES include the annual reports of a series of annual accounts performance indicators. Beyond these established indicators imposed by TCU, the Federal Public Universities also are periodically evaluated by the Ministry of Education evaluated through the results achieved in the General Index of Courses (IGC). This index is a quality indicator of Federal Public Universities, which it considers in its composition the quality of graduate and post-graduate courses (master's and doctoral degrees). Considering these two different methods of evaluation that the Federal Public Universities are subjected, this work will check if there is any relation between the results of performance indicators defined by TCU and the results obtained in the indicators of academic quality measured by the General Index of Courses (IGC). The theoretical framework of this thesis includes in addition to the Strategic Planning Situational (PES), the application of the principles of PES in Brazil, as are evaluated the programs of government and what are the indicators of performance. The instrument used was: analysis and description of the Indicators for the Management of Federal Public Universities in the southern region of the country, in the period between 2007 and 2011 and the concepts obtained by these Universities in IGC in this period. It is concluded that the research with an analysis of the possible relations between Performance Indicators and concepts obtained in IGC.

Análise da relação entre os indicadores de desempenho das universidades federais da Região Sul do Brasil e os resultados obtidos no Índice Geral de Cursos (IGC)

Dalla Nora, Rosângela January 2014 (has links)
A Constituição da República de 1988 já previa que os poderes deveriam manter, de forma integrada, um sistema de controle com a finalidade de comprovar a legalidade e avaliar os resultados, quanto à eficácia e eficiência, da gestão orçamentária, financeira e patrimonial nos órgãos e entidades da administração federal. Dessa forma, observamos que a Administração Pública vem continuamente avançando nos controles e aprimorando seus métodos para avaliar os resultados alcançados com as políticas públicas. Diante da necessidade de avaliação das Instituições Federais de Educação Superior (IFES) o Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), através da Decisão nº 408/2002, determinou que as IFES incluíssem nos relatórios de gestão das contas anuais uma série de indicadores de desempenho. Além destes indicadores instituídos pelo TCU, as Universidades também são avaliadas periodicamente pelo Ministério da Educação por meio dos resultados alcançados no Índice Geral de Cursos (IGC). Tal índice trata-se de um indicador de qualidade das instituições de educação superior, que considera em sua composição a qualidade dos cursos de graduação e de pós-graduação (mestrado e doutorado). Considerando esses dois métodos distintos de avaliação a que estão sujeitas as Universidades Federais, este trabalho buscará verificar se há alguma relação entre os resultados dos indicadores de desempenho definidos pelo TCU e os resultados obtidos nos indicadores de qualidade acadêmicos medidos através do IGC. O referencial teórico dessa dissertação contempla além do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional (PES), a utilização dos princípios do PES no Brasil, como são avaliados os programas de governo e o que são os indicadores de desempenho. O instrumental utilizado foi: análise e descrição dos Indicadores de Gestão das Universidades Federais da região sul do país, no período compreendido entre 2007 e 2011 e dos conceitos obtidos por estas Universidades no IGC neste período. Conclui-se a pesquisa com uma análise sobre as possíveis relações entre os Indicadores de Desempenho e os conceitos obtidos no IGC. / The Republic´s Constitution of 1988 predicted that the powers should retain, in an integrated manner, a control system with the purpose of verify the legality and evaluate the results, on the effectiveness and efficiency of budget management, financial and patrimonial in organs and entities of the federal administration .Therefore, we noted that the Public Administration is continually advancing in controls and improving their methods to evaluate the results achieved with public policies. Thereby the need to assess the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES), the Court of Auditors (TCU), through the Decision No 408/2002, determined that IFES include the annual reports of a series of annual accounts performance indicators. Beyond these established indicators imposed by TCU, the Federal Public Universities also are periodically evaluated by the Ministry of Education evaluated through the results achieved in the General Index of Courses (IGC). This index is a quality indicator of Federal Public Universities, which it considers in its composition the quality of graduate and post-graduate courses (master's and doctoral degrees). Considering these two different methods of evaluation that the Federal Public Universities are subjected, this work will check if there is any relation between the results of performance indicators defined by TCU and the results obtained in the indicators of academic quality measured by the General Index of Courses (IGC). The theoretical framework of this thesis includes in addition to the Strategic Planning Situational (PES), the application of the principles of PES in Brazil, as are evaluated the programs of government and what are the indicators of performance. The instrument used was: analysis and description of the Indicators for the Management of Federal Public Universities in the southern region of the country, in the period between 2007 and 2011 and the concepts obtained by these Universities in IGC in this period. It is concluded that the research with an analysis of the possible relations between Performance Indicators and concepts obtained in IGC.

Análise da relação entre os indicadores de desempenho das universidades federais da Região Sul do Brasil e os resultados obtidos no Índice Geral de Cursos (IGC)

Dalla Nora, Rosângela January 2014 (has links)
A Constituição da República de 1988 já previa que os poderes deveriam manter, de forma integrada, um sistema de controle com a finalidade de comprovar a legalidade e avaliar os resultados, quanto à eficácia e eficiência, da gestão orçamentária, financeira e patrimonial nos órgãos e entidades da administração federal. Dessa forma, observamos que a Administração Pública vem continuamente avançando nos controles e aprimorando seus métodos para avaliar os resultados alcançados com as políticas públicas. Diante da necessidade de avaliação das Instituições Federais de Educação Superior (IFES) o Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), através da Decisão nº 408/2002, determinou que as IFES incluíssem nos relatórios de gestão das contas anuais uma série de indicadores de desempenho. Além destes indicadores instituídos pelo TCU, as Universidades também são avaliadas periodicamente pelo Ministério da Educação por meio dos resultados alcançados no Índice Geral de Cursos (IGC). Tal índice trata-se de um indicador de qualidade das instituições de educação superior, que considera em sua composição a qualidade dos cursos de graduação e de pós-graduação (mestrado e doutorado). Considerando esses dois métodos distintos de avaliação a que estão sujeitas as Universidades Federais, este trabalho buscará verificar se há alguma relação entre os resultados dos indicadores de desempenho definidos pelo TCU e os resultados obtidos nos indicadores de qualidade acadêmicos medidos através do IGC. O referencial teórico dessa dissertação contempla além do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional (PES), a utilização dos princípios do PES no Brasil, como são avaliados os programas de governo e o que são os indicadores de desempenho. O instrumental utilizado foi: análise e descrição dos Indicadores de Gestão das Universidades Federais da região sul do país, no período compreendido entre 2007 e 2011 e dos conceitos obtidos por estas Universidades no IGC neste período. Conclui-se a pesquisa com uma análise sobre as possíveis relações entre os Indicadores de Desempenho e os conceitos obtidos no IGC. / The Republic´s Constitution of 1988 predicted that the powers should retain, in an integrated manner, a control system with the purpose of verify the legality and evaluate the results, on the effectiveness and efficiency of budget management, financial and patrimonial in organs and entities of the federal administration .Therefore, we noted that the Public Administration is continually advancing in controls and improving their methods to evaluate the results achieved with public policies. Thereby the need to assess the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES), the Court of Auditors (TCU), through the Decision No 408/2002, determined that IFES include the annual reports of a series of annual accounts performance indicators. Beyond these established indicators imposed by TCU, the Federal Public Universities also are periodically evaluated by the Ministry of Education evaluated through the results achieved in the General Index of Courses (IGC). This index is a quality indicator of Federal Public Universities, which it considers in its composition the quality of graduate and post-graduate courses (master's and doctoral degrees). Considering these two different methods of evaluation that the Federal Public Universities are subjected, this work will check if there is any relation between the results of performance indicators defined by TCU and the results obtained in the indicators of academic quality measured by the General Index of Courses (IGC). The theoretical framework of this thesis includes in addition to the Strategic Planning Situational (PES), the application of the principles of PES in Brazil, as are evaluated the programs of government and what are the indicators of performance. The instrument used was: analysis and description of the Indicators for the Management of Federal Public Universities in the southern region of the country, in the period between 2007 and 2011 and the concepts obtained by these Universities in IGC in this period. It is concluded that the research with an analysis of the possible relations between Performance Indicators and concepts obtained in IGC.

Caractérisation de la forme et de la surface de poudres laitières et céréalières : Relations entre propriétés et réactivité des particules / Shape and surface characterization of milk and wheat powders : Relation between properties and reactivity of the particles

Murrieta-Pazos, Ingrid 16 October 2012 (has links)
Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de la présente thèse se positionnent dans le contexte de la caractérisation des propriétés de surface des particules. La forme ainsi que les propriétés de surface sont fortement reliées aux propriétés fonctionnelles et à la réactivité des poudres alimentaires. Toutefois, le nombre de techniques disponibles pour l'étude et la caractérisation de la surface d'une particule alimentaire sont très réduites. Ainsi, l'objectif de ce travail a été de développer de nouvelles techniques et protocoles de caractérisation de la forme et de la surface des particules de poudre de lait et de semoule. L'objectif ultime est de mettre en relation les propriétés de surface et la réactivité des particules. Le fil conducteur de ce travail est une approche multi-échelle mettant en jeu différentes techniques d'analyse et de caractérisation. A l'échelle atomique, des techniques pour caractériser la surface et le coeur des particules par EDX ont été développées (permettant de sonder la particule à 1 µm de profondeur). L'adaptation de l'EDX couplé à l'XPS (5 nm de profondeur) permet de remonter à des valeurs de composition de surface (lactose, lipides, protéines) à partir des pourcentages atomiques. A l'échelle moléculaire, les gradients de composition par couplage de l'EDX et l'XPS ainsi que les différentes fractions de matière grasse (matière grasse libre, encapsulée et totale) ont été étudiés. En parallèle, un protocole de caractérisation a permis d'évaluer les propriétés de forme à l'aide d'un granumorpholomètre. L'énergie libre de surface a été déterminée par la CGI et la Monté Capillaire. Ces techniques novatrices dans le domaine des poudres alimentaires ont démontré leur intérêt. Finalement, à l'échelle de la microstructure, la modification de la surface par des contraintes externes a été étudié. Ainsi, les interactions particule/eau et la modification de la surface par enrobage à sec ont été étudiés Pour cela, des composants purs comme enrobant (carbohydrates ou protéines) ont été utilisés / The work carried out on this PhD thesis is positioned in the context of the characterization of the food particle surface properties. The shape and surface characteristics are strongly related to the functional properties and reactivity of food powders. However, the number of techniques available, to perfromethe study and characterization of food particles surface is reduced. Thus, the objective of this work was to develop new techniques and protocols in order to characterize the shape and surface of milk powder and semolina particles. The ultimate goal is to relate the particle surface properties and reactivity. A multi-scale approach raised in this work involves different analytical techniques and characterization. At the atomic scale, techniques to characterize the surface and the heart of particles by EDX were developed (exploration of the particle at 1 micron depth). The adaptation of the EDX coupled to the XPS (5 nm depth) permit figure out the values of surface composition (lactose, fat, protein) from atomic percentages. At the molecular level, the composition gradients studied by coupling the EDX and XPS as well as different fractions of fat (fat free, encapsulated and total) were studied. In parallel, a characterization protocol was used to evaluate the shape properties using a granumorpholometer. The surface free energy was determined by IGC and Capillary rise. These innovative techniques in the field of food powders have demonstrated to be of interest. Finally,a at the microstructural scale, the surface modification by external contraintswas studied. Thus, interactions particle / water and surface modification by dry coating,to do it, pure components as coating (carbohydrates or proteins) were used

Governança corporativa: estudo de médias de retorno entre IGC e Ibovespa no período de Jun/01 à Mar/06

Securato, José Cláudio 31 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Jose Claudio Securato.pdf: 523167 bytes, checksum: 95061ef17be5d247d28aca966bfc8309 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-07-31 / The research intends to show the evidence that the case of existing practices of corporate governance by companies through São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa) in their different levels of value to this companies through the increase in the value of their stocks if compared with the companies that have no corporate governance practices. To prove the evidence true the hypothesis tested is that the average revenue of IGC (Corporate Governance Index) is higher than the average revenue of Ibovespa(EX) (São Paulo Stock Exchange Index Modified, that is the modified Bovespa without the stocks of those companies that comprises the IGC). The Student t and Wilcoxon tests showed to be appropriate to this situation in which the t test is applicable where the supposed P1 and P2 are ordinary with μ and μ + Δ, respectively with the same variance. The Wilcoxon test is applicable to any P1 and P2, being the scale of measures ordinal. Being so for the research to carried out it was necessary to test a priori the equal variances through the Wilcoxon test in order to carry out the t student average test later. The result takes Ho in the test of the same variance this is and proves the hypothesis that Ibovespa(EX) and IGC variances are not different. On the other hand in the average test the null hypothesis was rejected, showing evidence that the IGC average revenue is higher than the Ibovespa(EX) average revenue. It was proved that the revenue of the companies that used different corporate governance practices (IGC) was, in average higher than the revenue of those companies that did not use those practices (Ibovespa(EX)). The Study is limited by the premise that the considered data show ordinary distribution. The same condition applies to the student t and wilcoxon tests. Moreover, it should be considered that being the IGC a recent (since 2001), there is certain restriction in the volume of data. Therefore, the thesis is born by statistic results. Besides showing that Ibovespa(EX) and IGC revenue are different, the results show that, in truth, the companies listed in IGC, as companies that use corporate governance practices (levell, level 2 and new market) had higher revenue than the companies that remained in the Bovespa traditional list / A pesquisa pretendeu verificar a existência de evidências que a adoção de reconhecidas práticas de governança corporativa pelas empresas, por meio do mercado de ações da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (Bovespa), em seus níveis de diferenciação de governança (nível 1 e nível 2) e Novo Mercado geram valor para essas empresas, por meio da valorização da cotação de suas ações em bolsa frente às empresas que não têm tais práticas. Para comprovar essas evidências, testou-se a hipótese que a média de retornos do Índice de Ações com Governança Corporativa (IGC) é maior do que a média de retornos do Ibovespa(EX), ou seja, do Ibovespa modificado com expurgo das ações que compõe o IGC. Os testes t de Student e de Wilcoxon foram apropriados para esse tipo de situação, onde o teste t é aplicável quando P1 e P2 supostas são normais, com médias μ e μ + Δ, respectivamente, e com a mesma variância. O teste de Wilcoxon aplica-se para P1 e P2 quaisquer, mas suponha-se que a escala de medidas seja pelo menos ordinal. Assim, para realizar a pesquisa foi necessário testar preliminarmente a igualdade das variâncias pelo teste de Wilcoxon, para posteriormente realizar o teste de média t de Student. O resultado aceita H0 no teste de mesma variância, isto é , e corrobora a hipótese de que as variâncias do Ibovespa(EX) e do IGC não são diferentes. Por outro lado, no teste de média, rejeitou-se a hipótese nula, mostrando evidências de que o retorno médio do IGC é maior do que o retorno médio do Ibovespa(EX). Comprovou-se a inferência de maiores retornos, na média, das companhias com práticas diferenciadas de governança corporativa (IGC, neste trabalho) frente às corporações que não adotam tais práticas (Ibovespa expurgado, neste trabalho). As limitações do estudo centram-se na premissa que os dados coletados apresentam distribuição normal, pressuposto inclusive dos testes de t de Student e de Wilcoxon que foram realizados. No mais, deve-se considerar que o fato do IGC ser um índice recente (desde 2001) há certa limitação na quantidade de dados. Portanto, os resultados comprovam estatisticamente a tese apresentada. Além dos testes mostrarem que os retornos dos Ibovespa e do IGC são diferentes, os resultados mostraram que, de fato, as empresas que aderiram à listagem diferenciada da Bovespa (IGC), por adotarem práticas diferenciadas de governança corporativa, seja no Nível 1, no Nível 2 ou no Novo Mercado, tiveram retornos superiores às empresas que permaneceram na listagem tradicional da Bovespa

Time Scale Separated Nonlinear Partial Integrated Guidance And Control Of Endo-Atmospheric Interceptors

Das, Priya G 06 1900 (has links)
To address the concern of classical guidance and control designs (where guidance and control loops are designed separately in an “outer loop – inner loop” structure), integrated guidance and control (IGC) ideas have been proposed in the recent literature. An important limitation of the existing IGC algorithms, however, is that they do not explicitly exploit the inherent time scale separation that exist in aerospace vehicles between rotational and translational motions, and hence, can be ineffective unless the engagement geometry is close to the collision triangle. To address this, a time scale separated partial integrated guidance and control (PIGC) structure has been proposed in this thesis. In this two-loop design, the commanded pitch and yaw rates are directly generated from an outer loop optimal control formulation, which is solved in a computationally efficient manner using the recently-developed model predictive static programming (MPSP) and Model Predictive Spread Control (MPSC) techniques. The necessary roll-rate command is generated from a roll-stabilization loop. The inner loop then tracks the outer loop commands using the nonlinear dynamic inversion philosophy. However, unlike classical guidance and control designs, in both the loops the Six-DOF interceptor model is used directly. This intelligent manipulation preserves the inherent time scale separation property between the translational and rotational dynamics, and hence overcomes the deficiency of current IGC designs, while preserving the benefits of the IGC philosophy. The new approach has been applied in the terminal phase of an endo-atmospheric interceptor for engaging incoming high speed ballistic missile targets. Six–DOF simulation results will be presented accounting for a 3-D engagement geometry to demonstrate the usefulness of this method. It offers two important advantages: (i) it leads to very small (near-zero) miss distance, resulting in a “hit-to-kill” scenario and (ii) it also leads to lesser and smoother body-rate demands, relaxing the demand on actuators as well as enlarging the ‘capture region’ (which relaxes the demand on mid-course guidance). Next, to address the problem of modeling inaccuracy that is inherent in aerospace vehicles (mainly because of the inaccuracy of aerodynamic model generated from wind-tunnel testing), a neuro-adaptive design is augmented to dynamic inversion technique in the inner loop. In this design the unmodelled dynamics is adaptively captured using three neural networks in the roll, pitch and yaw channels. Training of the neural networks is carried out online using the Lyapunov stability theory, which results in stability of the inner-loop error dynamics as well as boundedness of network weights. This adaptive body rate tracking loop augmented with the sub-optimal feedback guidance loop results in substantial enhancement of interception performance in presence of realistic (i.e. fairly large) modeling uncertainties of the interceptor. The results have also been validated with representative seeker noise.

Evaluation de la confiance dans les architectures de sécurité / Trust evaluation in security architectures

Orfila, Jean-Baptiste 03 July 2018 (has links)
Dans un monde de plus en plus connecté, la question de la confiance dans les sys-tèmes d’information qui nous entourent devient primordiale, et amène naturellement à des interrogations quant à leur sécurité. Les enjeux de cette dernière concernent autant la confidentialité des données individuelles que la protection des architectures critiques, notamment déployées dans le domaine de l’énergie et du transport. Dans cette thèse, nous abordons trois problématiques liées aux architectures de sécurité des systèmes d’information. Tout d’abord, nous proposons une architecture pour un module de rupture protocolaire, fournissant une protection face aux attaques utilisant le réseau comme vecteur. Grâce à l’isolation et le filtrage des échanges qu’il réalise, nous montrons que ce nouvel équipement est particulièrement adapté à la sécurisation des systèmes de contrôle-commandes. Nous abordons ensuite le thème de la sécurité des utilisateurs finaux ou objets connectés, par la définition d’une Infrastructure de Gestion de Clefs (IGC) centrée sur ces derniers, dénommée LocalPKI. Elle repose sur l’utilisation de certificats auto-signés, et son objectif est d’allier la simplicité des IGC pair-à-pair avec la sécurité des IGC hiérarchiques.Enfin, nous nous intéressons à l’amélioration du mécanisme des ancres de confiance pour les autorités de certification, utilisé par exemple dans PKIX et LocalPKI. A cet égard, nous commençons par définir des protocoles multi-parties permettant de calculer des produits scalaires et matriciels, préservant la confidentialité des données. Nous montrons finalement comment les appliquer dans le cadre de l’agrégation de confiance, et par conséquent à la réputation des autorités de certification / In a increasingly connected world, trust in information systems is essential. Thus, many questions about their security arise. Topics of these questions include individual data confidentiality as well as protection of Industrial Critical Systems(ICS). For instance, ICS are deployed in sectors including energy or transportation where security is of high importance. In this thesis, we address three problems related to the security architecture of information systems. We first propose an architecture for a protocol splitting device. This provides protection against networkattacks by isolating and filtering data exchanges. We show that this new security equipment is well suited for ICS. Then, we focus on end-user security. We define a user-centric Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) called LocalPKI. By using self-signed certificates, this infrastructure combines the user-friendliness of PGP-based PKI and the security of hierarchical PKI. Finally, we improve the trust anchormechanism. It is employed by Certification Authorities (CA) and especially used in PKIX or LocalPKI. In that respect, we first define multi-party protocols to securely compute dot and matrix products. Then, we explain how to apply them on trust aggregations and thus on the reputation of certification authorities.

Investigation Into the Localized Corrosion of Aluminum-Copper-Lithium Alloy 2099

Hanna, Benjamin January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The (In)ability of the International Intellectual Property Regime to Adequately Protect Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions : A Legal Analysis on the Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions in the Context of Sustainable Development

Makipour, Sanam January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Surface characterisation of thermally modified spruce wood and influence of water vapour sorption

Källbom, Susanna January 2015 (has links)
Today there is growing interest within the construction sector to increase the proportion of biobased building materials made from renewable resources. By-products or residuals from wood processing could in this case be valuable resources for manufacturing new types of biocomposites. An important research question related to wood-based biocomposites is how to characterise molecular interactions between the different components in the composite. The hygroscopic character of wood and its water sorption properties are also crucial. Thermal modification (or heat treatment) of wood results in a number of enhanced properties such as reduced hygroscopicity and improved dimensional stability as well as increased resistance to microbiological decay. In this thesis, surface characteristics of thermally modified wood components (often called wood fibres or particles) and influencing effects from moisture sorption have been analysed using a number of material characterisation techniques. The aim is to increase the understanding in how to design efficient material combinations for the use of such wood components in biocomposites. The specific objective was to study surface energy characteristics of thermally modified spruce (Picea abies Karst.) under influences of water vapour sorption. An effort was also made to establish a link between surface energy and surface chemical composition. The surface energy of both thermally modified and unmodified wood components were studied at different surface coverages using inverse gas chromatography (IGC), providing information about the heterogeneity of the surface energy. The water vapour sorption behaviour of the wood components was studied using the dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) method, and their surface chemical composition was studied by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Additionally, the morphology of the wood components was studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The IGC analysis indicated a more heterogeneous surface energy character of the thermally modified wood compared with the unmodified wood. An increase of the dispersive surface energy due to exposure to an increased relative humidity (RH) from 0% to 75% RH at 30 ˚C was also indicated for the modified samples. The DVS analysis indicated an increase in equilibrium moisture content (EMC) in adsorption due to the exposure to 75% RH. Furthermore, the XPS results indicated a decrease of extractable and a relative increase of non-extractable compounds due to the exposure, valid for both the modified and the unmodified wood. The property changes due to the increased RH condition and also due to the thermal modification are suggested to be related to alterations in the amount of accessible hydroxyl groups in the wood surface. Recommendations for future work and implications of the results could be related to knowledge-based tailoring of new compatible and durable material combinations, for example when using thermally modified wood components in new types of biocomposites for outdoor applications. / <p>Forskningsfinansiärer och strategiska forskningsprojekt:</p><p>Nils och Dorthi Troëdssons forskningsfond (Projektnr 793/12 Hydro-termo-mekanisk modifiering av trä).</p><p> KTH Royal Institute of Technology.</p><p> COST Action FP0904.</p><p> KK-Stiftelsen.</p><p>Stiftelsen för strategiskt forskning (SSF). QC 20150908</p>

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