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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the landscape of actionable HLA I-associated tumor antigens across cancers

Apavaloaei, Anca 08 1900 (has links)
Presque toutes les cellules nucléées expriment des peptides associés au CMH I (HLA I chez l’humain)(MAP) qui sont échantillonnés à partir du protéome cellulaire et transportés vers la surface cellulaire pour inspection par les lymphocytes T CD8. En tant que tel, la collection de MAP à la surface des cellules, ou immunopeptidome, informe les lymphocytes T CD8 de l’état cellulaire interne. L’immunosurveillance du cancer repose sur la capacité des lymphocytes T CD8 à reconnaître les MAP anormaux sur les cellules tumorales et à les éliminer tout en épargnant les cellules saines. Par conséquent, l’existence du cancer indique que bien souvent, les lymphocytes T CD8 spécifiques à la tumeur sont impuissants, dysfonctionnels ou incapables d’exercer leur fonction. Les vaccins anticancéreux peuvent actionner la destruction des tumeurs en stimulant la reconnaissance des MAP anormaux. Toutefois, le développement de vaccins anticancéreux efficaces est entravé par le manque de MAP exploitables, ou antigènes tumoraux (TA), exprimés exclusivement sur les cellules tumorales. La recherche et l’identification de TA ont été largement limitées aux MAP dérivés de mutations non synonymes situées dans des exons canoniques codant pour des protéines. Ces régions génomiques ne représentent que 2% du génome humain. Le fait que les MAP puissent potentiellement dériver de la traduction non canonique de toutes les régions génomiques n’a été pleinement compris que récemment. Ici, nous avons utilisé la protéogénomique pour découvrir des TA exploitables dérivés de produits de traduction canoniques et non canoniques partagés au sein ou entre divers types de cancers humains. Premièrement, nous avons utilisé des cellules souches pluripotentes induites (iPSC) pour identifier les MAP associés à la pluripotence (paMAP) étant partagés par les cellules cancéreuses. Les antigènes pluripotents sont exprimés dans les tissus embryonnaires et absents des tissus adultes sains, mais anormalement réexprimés par les cellules cancéreuses. Ainsi, bien qu'ils ne soient pas mutés, les paMAP constituent des cibles idéales et spécifiques au cancer. Nous avons identifié un ensemble de 48 paMAP dérivés de transcrits codants et non codants (48 %) impliqués dans le maintien de la pluripotence et exprimés de manière aberrante dans plusieurs types de cancer. Ainsi, bien qu’elles proviennent de différents types de cellules et de tissus, des tumeurs 4 distinctes convergent vers un programme transcriptionnel associé à la pluripotence. En effet, l’expression des paMAP dans les cancers est corrélée à l’hypométhylation récurrente de leurs gènes sources, la présence d’aberrations génomiques courantes et l’adoption par les tumeurs de stratégies d’évasion immunitaire communes. Enfin, comme plusieurs paMAP sont immunogènes, leur utilisation comme cibles dans des vaccins anticancéreux pourrait entrer en synergie avec les inhibiteurs disponibles des voies d'évasion immunitaire et améliorer le traitement de plusieurs cancers agressifs. Ensuite, nous avons évalué l’ensemble des TA ayant un potentiel thérapeutique dans deux types de tumeurs présentant une charge mutationnelle particulièrement élevée, le mélanome et le cancer du poumon non à petites cellules (NSCLC). Nous avons constaté que les TA mutés (mTSAs) représentent une minorité (1 %) des TA exploitables dans ces deux types de cancer. Cela peut s'expliquer par une faible expression d'ARN de la plupart des mutations non synonymes ainsi que par leur localisation en dehors des régions génomiques les plus efficaces pour la génération de MAP. En revanche, 99 % des TA dérivent de séquences génomiques non mutées spécifiques au cancer (aeTSA), surexprimées dans le cancer (TAA) ou spécifiques à la lignée cellulaire d'origine (LSA, exprimés par les mélanocytes ou par les cellules épithéliales pulmonaires, pour le mélanome et le NSCLC, respectivement). Tout comme les paMAP, environ 50 % des aeTSA identifiés dans le mélanome et le NSCLC proviennent de séquences non canoniques et sont régulés de manière épigénétique. Alors que les mTSA sont exclusivement spécifiques à chaque patient patient, les aeTSA sont partagés entre les échantillons tumoraux. De plus, leur absence dans les tissus normaux, leur abondance et leur capacité à activer les lymphocytes T CD8 en font des cibles idéales pour traiter les mélanomes et les NSCLC. En conclusion, cette thèse fournit un aperçu de la biogenèse de différents types de TA dans diverses cohortes de patients et ouvre la voie au développement d’immunothérapies ciblées et efficaces contre une grande variété de cancers. / Nearly all nucleated cells express MHC I (HLA I in humans)-associated peptides (MAPs) which are sampled from the cellular proteome and transported to the cell surface for inspection by CD8 T cells. As such, the collection of cell-surface MAPs, or the immunopeptidome, informs CD8 T cells on the inner cell state. Cancer immunosurveillance relies on the capacity of CD8 T cells to recognize abnormal MAPs on tumor cells and eliminate them while sparing healthy cells. Hence, the existence of cancer indicates that tumor-specific CD8 T cells are underpowered, dysfunctional or inhibited from exerting their function. Anti-cancer vaccines can boost tumor killing by stimulating the recognition of abnormal MAPs. The development of effective anti-cancer vaccines is limited by the identification of actionable MAPs, or tumor antigens (TAs), expressed exclusively on tumor cells. The TA search space has been largely limited to MAPs derived from non-synonymous mutations in canonical protein-coding exons which represent a mere 2% of the human genome. That MAPs can derive from the non-canonical translation of potentially all genomic regions has only recently been fully appreciated. Herein, we used proteogenomics to discover actionable TAs derived from canonical and non-canonical translation products shared within or across different types of human cancer. First, we used induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to identify pluripotency-associated MAPs (paMAPs) shared by cancer cells. Pluripotency antigens are restricted to embryonic tissues and absent from healthy adult tissues but abnormally re-expressed by cancer cells, which makes them ideal tumor-specific targets despite being unmutated. We identified a set of 46 paMAPs derived from coding and allegedly non-coding (48%) transcripts involved in pluripotency maintenance and aberrantly expressed in multiple cancer types. Thus, despite originating from different cell types and tissues, distinct tumor types converged towards a pluripotency-associated transcriptional program. Indeed, the expression of paMAPs across cancers correlated with recurrent source gene hypomethylation, genomic aberrations, and immune evasion properties. Several paMAPs were immunogenic, thus their targeting could synergize with available inhibitors of immune evasion pathways to improve the outcome of multiple aggressive cancers. 7 Next, we evaluated the actionable TA landscape of two tumor types with particularly high mutational load, melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We found that mutated TAs (mTSAs) represent a minority (1%) of actionable TAs in both cancer types, which can be explained by a low RNA expression of most non-synonymous mutations and their localization outside genomic regions proficient for MAP generation. By contrast, 99% of TAs derived from unmutated genomic sequences specific to cancer (aeTSAs), overexpressed in cancer (TAAs), or specific to the cell lineage of origin (LSAs, expressed by melanocytes or by lung epithelial cells, for melanoma and NSCLC LSAs, respectively). As for paMAPs, around 50% of aeTSAs in melanoma and NSCLC were non-canonical and were epigenetically regulated. Whereas mTSAs were exclusively patient-specific, aeTSAs were shared among tumor samples and exhibited all characteristics of targetable TAs, including tumor-specificity, high abundance, and immunogenicity. Altogether, this thesis provides insights into the biogenesis of different TA types in various patient cohorts and paves the way for the development of effective TA-based immunotherapies against a large variety of cancers.


Jackson Duke Harris (14232836) 07 December 2024 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Immunotherapy as a treatment for cancers that do not respond to surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy is a powerful technique in which immune cells are modified to exert cytotoxic effects against a specified tissue. A classic technique in immunotherapy is the use of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) expressing immune cells (typically T lymphocytes; referred to as CAR-T) to drive an immune response against cancerous tissue. The efficacy of CAR-T is reduced in solid tumors due to limitations of T lymphocytes as an effector cell in a tumor microenvironment. In this study we demonstrate that CAR-neutrophils differentiated from genetically-modified human pluripotent stem cells displayed a strong cytotoxic effect against prostate-specific membrane antigen expressing LNCaP cells as a model for prostate cancer <em>in vitro</em>. Additionally, we found that modification of the neutrophil differentiation scheme resulted in suspended, CD4+ cells, demonstrating potential to rapidly generate T lymphocytes under a feeder-free, xeno-free scheme <em>in vitro</em>. </p>

Imunoterapie nádorů asociovaných s virem HPV16 a regulace protinádorové imunitní odpovědi / Immunotherapy of HPV16 - associated cancers and regulation of antitumour immune response

Štěpánek, Ivan January 2013 (has links)
The MHC class I status of tumour cells during immunotherapy is often underestimated. It represents one of important tumour escape mechanisms and thus can contribute to the failure of most of the cancer clinical trials that are usually based on the induction of cytotoxic T cell responses. Epigenetic changes in the promoters of genes involved in the MHC class I Ag presentation can result in decreased expression of the cell surface MHC molecules on tumour cells. Thus, epigenetic modifiers can restore an expression of the MHC class I molecules and make tumours visible to the CD8+ effector cells. Besides the epigenetic changes on the tumour cells, epigenetic modulators affect cells of the immune system such as dendritic cells (DC). Tumour cells can escape from the immune response not only by changes in the cancer cells, but also by influencing, expanding and/or activating immunoregulatory cell populations, such as regulatory T cells (Treg). This thesis focuses on the potential of the DC-based vaccines against HPV-16-associated tumours with a different MHC class I expression, on the combination of cancer immunotherapy with the treatment using epigenetic modifiers, with special attention paid to their effects on DC, and, finally, on the impacts of the anti-CD25 antibody (used for Treg elimination) on Treg and NKT...

Mechanisms of Endosomal Membrane Translocation Leading to Antigen Cross-presentation / Mécanismes de translocation de membrane endosomale menant à l'antigène présentation croisée

Garcia-Castillo, Maria Daniela 27 November 2014 (has links)
Dans l'introduction, diverses voies de trafic intracellulaire et endocytose seront discutées. Je familiarise le lecteur avec des protéines inactivant les ribosomes, en mettant l'accent sur la structure, l'endocytose, et le trafic intracellulaire de la toxine bactérienne Shiga toxin (STX). STx et la ricine suivent la voie rétrograde pour exercer leur effet toxique sur les cellules. Ils sont respectivement, une menace maladie infectieuse pour la santé humaine et des outils potentiels pour le bioterrorisme pour lequel aucun antidote n’existe actuellement. D'un criblage à haut débit, Retro-1 et Retro-2 avaient déjà été identifiés comme de puissants inhibiteurs de la voie rétrograde à l'interface des endosomes précoces-TGN, et Retro-2 a été démontré pour protéger les souris contre la ricine. Parmi les facteurs de trafic analysés, seule la protéine SNARE syntaxine-5 a été ré- localisée dans les cellules traitées avec Rétro - 2. / In the introduction, various endocytic and intracellular trafficking pathways will be discussed. I acquaint the reader with ribosome-inactivating proteins, with emphasis on the structure, endocytosis, and intracellular trafficking of the bacterial toxin Shiga toxin (STx). STx and ricin follow the retrograde route to exert their toxic effect on cells. They are respectively, an infectious disease threat to human health and potential tools for bioterrorism for which no antidote currently exists. From a high throughput screening, Retro-1 and Retro-2 had previously been identified as potent inhibitors of the retrograde route at the early endosomes-TGN interface, and Retro-2 was demonstrated to protect mice against ricin. Of the trafficking factors analyzed, only the SNARE protein syntaxin-5 was re-localized in Retro-2 treated cells. Yet, whether syntaxin-5 is the direct target of Retro-2 and whether its re-localization was directly responsible for retrograde transport inhibition remained to be established.

Aberrations in Cytokine Signaling in Leukemia: Variations in Phosphorylation and O-GlcNAcylation

Tomic, Jelena 31 August 2012 (has links)
Tumor-induced immunosuppression can occur by multiple mechanisms, each posing a significant obstacle to immunotherapy. Evidence presented in this dissertation suggests that aberrant cytokine signaling, as a result of altered metabolism of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) cells, confers a selective advantage for tumor survival and growth. Cells from CLL patients with aggressive disease (as indicated by high-risk cytogenetics) were found to exhibit prolongation in Interferon (IFN)-induced STAT3 phosphorylation, and increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in these cells reflected these signaling processes. Changes in the relative balance of phospho-STAT3 and phospho-STAT1 levels, in response to combinations of IL-2 + Toll-like receptor (TLR)-7 agonist + phorbol esters, as well as IFN, were associated with the immunosuppressive and immunogenic states of CLL cells. In addition, immunosuppressive leukemic cells were found to express high levels of proteins with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) modifications, due to increased metabolic activity through the Hexosamine Biosynthetic Pathway (HBP), which caused impaired intracellular signaling responses and affected disease progression. A conclusion of the studies presented here is that the intrinsic immunosuppressive properties of leukemic cells may be overcome by agents such as Resveratrol that target metabolic pathways of these cells.

Aberrations in Cytokine Signaling in Leukemia: Variations in Phosphorylation and O-GlcNAcylation

Tomic, Jelena 31 August 2012 (has links)
Tumor-induced immunosuppression can occur by multiple mechanisms, each posing a significant obstacle to immunotherapy. Evidence presented in this dissertation suggests that aberrant cytokine signaling, as a result of altered metabolism of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) cells, confers a selective advantage for tumor survival and growth. Cells from CLL patients with aggressive disease (as indicated by high-risk cytogenetics) were found to exhibit prolongation in Interferon (IFN)-induced STAT3 phosphorylation, and increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in these cells reflected these signaling processes. Changes in the relative balance of phospho-STAT3 and phospho-STAT1 levels, in response to combinations of IL-2 + Toll-like receptor (TLR)-7 agonist + phorbol esters, as well as IFN, were associated with the immunosuppressive and immunogenic states of CLL cells. In addition, immunosuppressive leukemic cells were found to express high levels of proteins with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) modifications, due to increased metabolic activity through the Hexosamine Biosynthetic Pathway (HBP), which caused impaired intracellular signaling responses and affected disease progression. A conclusion of the studies presented here is that the intrinsic immunosuppressive properties of leukemic cells may be overcome by agents such as Resveratrol that target metabolic pathways of these cells.

Identification, kinetic and structural characterization of small molecule inhibitors of aldehyde dehydrogenase 3a1 (Aldh3a1) as an adjuvant therapy for reversing cancer chemo-resistance

Parajuli, Bibek 11 July 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / ALDH isoenzymes are known to impact the sensitivity of certain neoplastic cells toward cyclophosphamides and its analogs. Despite its bone marrow toxicity, cyclophos-phamide is still used to treat various recalcitrant forms of cancer. When activated, cyclo-phosphamide forms aldophosphamide that can spontaneously form the toxic phospho-ramide mustard, an alkylating agent unless detoxified by ALDH isozymes to the carbox-yphosphamide metabolite. Prior work has demonstrated that the ALDH1A1 and ALDH3A1 isoenzymes can convert aldophosphamide to carboxyphosphamide. This has also been verified by over expression and siRNA knockdown studies. Selective small molecule inhibitors for these ALDH isoenzymes are not currently available. We hypothe-sized that novel and selective small molecule inhibitors of ALDH3A1 would enhance cancer cells’ sensitivity toward cyclophosphamide. If successful, this approach can widen the therapeutic treatment window for cyclophosphamides; permitting lower effective dos-ing regimens with reduced toxicity. An esterase based absorbance assay was optimized in a high throughput setting and 101, 000 compounds were screened and two new selective inhibitors for ALDH3A1, which have IC50 values of 0.2 µM (CB7) and 16 µM (CB29) were discovered. These two compounds compete for aldehyde binding, which was vali-dated both by kinetic and crystallographic studies. Structure activity relationship dataset has helped us determine the basis of potency and selectivity of these compounds towards ALDH3A1 activity. Our data is further supported by mafosfamide (an analog of cyclo-phosphamide) chemosensitivity data, performed on lung adenocarcinoma (A549) and gli-oblastoma (SF767) cell lines. Overall, I have identified two compounds, which inhibit ALDH3A1’s dehydrogenase activity selectively and increases sensitization of ALDH3A1 positive cells to aldophosphamide and its analogs. This may have the potential in improving chemotherapeutic efficacy of cyclophosphamide as well as to help us understand better the role of ALDH3A1 in cells. Future work will focus on testing these compounds on other cancer cell lines that involve ALDH3A1 expression as a mode of chemoresistance.

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