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Vårdcentralens arbetssätt för en attraktiv arbetsplats / Health center's approach to an attractive workplaceHedin, Kerstin, Larsson, Carolina January 2015 (has links)
Ett ämne som är återkommande i medier är användningen av stafettläkare. Ämnet är aktuellt och enligt oss outforskat. Denna studie har genomförts för att ge en inblick av vårdcentralens ledning och sätt att arbeta för att vara en attraktiv arbetsplats. Vi har genom en intervjustudie skapat en bild av stafettläkarnas syn av att arbeta på en vårdcentral och om varför de väljer denna form av anställning. För att få fram data har vi utgått från en teoretisk referensram som har omfattat hur ett samspel kan uppstå mellan fördelningen av arbetsuppgifterna, sätt att leda och sätt att skapa motivation. Detta har legat till grund för vårt val av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den tydligaste faktorn som varit avgörande för att välja en anställning som stafettläkare istället för en fast anställning visa sig vara friheten. Denna frihet har lett till att läkaren själv kan styra över sin arbetande tid och val av semester såväl när som varaktighet. Något som tydligt framkommer i denna studie är tidsbristen som ofta nämns i flertalet sammanhang. Verksamhetschefer anser sig ha för lite tid för utveckling och läkare anser sig ha för lite tid för patienterna och det administrativa arbetet. Tidigare forskning berör ledning och organisering inom sjukvård främst inom storsjukhus, medan forskningen på mindre enheter saknas i stor utsträckning. Vidare öppnar denna undersökning upp för vidare forskning inom primärvården då denna studie påvisar att det finns tydliga brister gällande resurser och arbetsbelastning. / A subject that is recurrent in media is the use of relay doctors. The topic is current and according to us unexplored. This study was conducted to provide insight of health center's management and ways of working to be an attractive workplace. We have through interviews created a picture of the relay doctors' views of working in a health center and about why they choose this form of employment. To obtain data, we have assumed a theoretical framework that has covered how an interaction can occur between the allocation of functions, ways to lead and ways to create motivation. This has been the basis for our choice of semi-structured interviews. The most obvious factor has been crucial to select a position as a relay doctor instead of a permanent employment proves to be freedom. This freedom has given the doctors has more control over their working time and choice of holiday in terms of both duration and when. Something that clearly emerges from this study is the lack of time that is often mentioned in most contexts. Health care managers feel that they do not have enough time for development and doctors consider themselves have too little time for patients and administrative work. Previous research involves management and organization in healthcare mainly in large hospitals, while research on smaller units is largely lacking. Furthermore, this study opens up for further research in primary care as this study demonstrates that there are clear gaps existing resources and workload. The language of this paper is Swedish.
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Modulation of implicit working memory in temporal groupingPaine, Llewyn Elise 09 December 2010 (has links)
A critical function of perception is the organization of temporally spaced input. This is accomplished through grouping, a process by which within-group elements are integrated with one another to form a cohesive unit. Grouping also requires boundaries to set off within-group elements from unrelated stimuli. In the temporal domain, grouping may be accomplished through use of an implicit working memory system that connects temporally spaced information. Temporal group boundaries may be created by reductions in the default integrative processes of this memory system. The present experiments probed integration strength by embedding priming tasks within temporal groups (i.e., events). Because priming also draws upon implicit working memory, priming strength should reflect the strength of integration. If modulation of temporal integration is responsible for grouping, this should be manifested as a reduction of priming across boundaries.
Irrelevant feature priming tasks were used to assess integration strength. Participants responded to one of two independently varying object features. In this form of priming, change consistency of relevant and irrelevant features produces faster reaction times, resulting in a crossed interaction. This interaction served as a meter for the strength of temporal integration.
The experiments included a variety of temporal grouping manipulations. Experiments involving rhythmic groups, spatial shifts, rotations, pitch, and timbre, as well as higher-level conceptual shifts, demonstrated reduced priming in across-boundary conditions. Both visual and auditory events were used, and experiments demonstrated that viewers’ interpretation of a scene contributed to the observed effects. Temporal integration does appear to be reduced at certain event boundaries, suggesting that this may be the general manner in which temporal grouping is accomplished. Motion change, a boundary from event segmentation research, did not reduce priming, indicating that the process presently under study differs from that studied using explicit segmentation procedures. The reduction of integration may correspond to a subjective, amodal experience of separation. The present technique may therefore offer an objective, implicit method to assess this sense of separation. Using this method, it is possible to reliably determine when people are experiencing temporal group boundaries even when they are not deliberately attending to them. / text
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Measuring Academic Vocabulary Size and Depth in the Writing Classroom: Does it Really Matter?Nadarajan, Shanthi January 2007 (has links)
This is an in-depth study of word knowledge where the researcher attempts to investigate the need to systematically teach vocabulary in the language classroom. It is motivated by findings within second language (L2) vocabulary testing research that state that the current communicative language learning environment is insufficient for L2 learners to acquire adequate vocabulary knowledge and L2 learners need help with vocabulary learning (Laufer, 2005). This semester-long study explores the need to provide explicit vocabulary instruction from within a meaningful environment. It also investigates the relevance of focus on forms and focus on form practices in helping second language (L2) learners increase the size and depth of word knowledge. The study involved 129 undergraduates from a writing program, and used a pretest and posttest design to measure gains in L2 learners vocabulary knowledge. .The results indicate that the vocabulary gains for both implicit (control) and explicit (treatment) instructional context were not very different though the subjects in the implicit instructional group learned slightly more words compared to the explicit instructional group. However, this has more to do with individual instructor effectiveness and learner proficiency. In terms of word use, L2 learners subjected to explicit focus on forms and focus on form tasks increased their word use while the first language (L1) learners and L2 learners from the control groups did not increase their academic words. Therefore, it is possible to suggest that L2 learners can be taught to increase the depth of their vocabulary knowledge through explicit instructional practices. In terms of L1 and L2 learners, the initial findings revealed that the L2 learners did not benefit from explicit instruction. However, additional analysis revealed that subjects with sufficient vocabulary knowledge at the 2000 word level can increase their word size much more rapidly than the proficient L2 learners in the control group. An additional test on L1 and L2 learners' word collocation skills indicated that while explicit instruction did not help increase L2 learners vocabulary size, it was able to help L2 learners increase their word collocation skills and also make word associations that are closer to L1 learners' associations.
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Syntactic Persistence Within and Across Languages in English and Korean L1 and L2 SpeakersPark, Boon-Joo January 2007 (has links)
During the production of language, speakers tend to use the same structural patterns from one utterance to the next if it is possible to do so. For example, if a speaker uses a passive or dative construction, he/she is relatively more likely to use the same construction again in the next utterance (e.g., Bock, 1986; Bock & Loebell, 1990; Hartsuiker & Kolk, 1998): the sentence structure "persists".The current study investigates syntactic persistence in first and second language speakers of English and Korean using within-language primes (Experiments 1A, 1B, and 2) and across-language primes (Experiment 3). The target structures were transitive alternate structures (active and passive) and dative alternate structures (double object dative/DAT-ACC dative and prepositional dative/ACC-DAT dative). The experimental paradigm involved repetition of an auditory stimulus, followed by picture description. Overall, syntactic priming effects were found, although various magnitudes were observed as a function of structure; strong effects were found for "shared" syntactic constructions across languages (e.g., active vs. passive) and weak priming effects were found for syntactic constructions not shared (e.g., double object dative vs. prepositional dative) between English and Korean. Other asymmetrical priming effects were observed, reflecting differences between Korean and English such that reliable priming effects were found from L1 to L2, but not from L2 to L1 for Korean-as-L2 speakers (English-as-L1) These patterns of asymmetrical priming imply that cross-linguistic differences might interfere with syntactic persistence in production process unless speakers are highly advanced proficient bilinguals. Also, the present study showed that syntactic priming appears to be sensitive to the order of case-marked phrases in the cross-language priming condition. This finding indicates that the order of case-marked arguments is involved in syntactic repetition. It shed lights on further universal accounts of syntactic priming.
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In a description of language, Ellis (1994) claims that "the bedrock of L2 is its vocabulary" (p. 11); while for Lewis (1993), language consists of "grammaticalized lexis", not "lexicalized grammar", and Nation (2001) adds that attention to vocabulary is unavoidable. This status of vocabulary determines its pervasiveness and implies the need for attention as claimed by Meara (1980). In second and foreign language teaching and learning, instruction is an important contributor in the development and consolidation of vocabulary knowledge while Computer-Assisted Language Learning has been described as facilitative in mediating instruction and improving learner independence (Chapelle 1998, 2001; Warschauer, 1998).The present study investigates narrative comprehension, immediate and delayed vocabulary retention as a result of implicit and explicit teaching and learning of vocabulary (Hunt & Beglar, 2005), with a hypertext reading task. Many researchers support that enhanced vocabulary activities and reading for meaning affect vocabulary acquisition (Krashen, 1989, Zahar et al., 2001; Paribakht & Wesche, 1997; Lee & VanPatten, 2003). For others, the degree of involvement in the processing and the noticed properties of words determine the degree of retention (Groot, 2000; Smith, 2004).Seventy-eight fourth-semester students of French as a foreign language from six classes at an American university participated in the study. They were randomly assigned to either the implicit or the explicit conditions, and received differential treatments. The subjects read the same enhanced electronic text with permanently highlighted target items in the explicit condition, and temporarily highlighted target items in the implicit condition. The target items were hyperlinked to the same textual, auditory, and graphic enhancements. The study also makes an overview of the effect of the motivation type on the subjects' performance levels.The statistical analyses reveal both strengths and weaknesses in the two modalities with regards to immediate and delayed retention; as one of the modalities favors immediate gain and the other longer-term retention. It is thus suggested that both modalities can be jointly implemented in a Computer-Assisted Teaching and Learning condition in order to achieve higher learning outcomes. The combination may favor the dual improvement in gain and retention in the learning process.
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Procedural and Declarative Memory in Children with Developmental Disorders of Language and LiteracyHedenius, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The procedural deficit hypothesis (PDH) posits that a range of language, cognitive and motor impairments associated with specific language impairment (SLI) and developmental dyslexia (DD) may be explained by an underlying domain-general dysfunction of the procedural memory system. In contrast, declarative memory is hypothesized to remain intact and to play a compensatory role in the two disorders. The studies in the present thesis were designed to test this hypothesis. Study I examined non-language procedural memory, specifically implicit sequence learning, in children with SLI. It was shown that children with poor performance on tests of grammar were impaired at consolidation of procedural memory compared to children with normal grammar. These findings support the PDH and are line with previous studies suggesting a link between grammar processing and procedural memory. In Study II, the same implicit sequence learning paradigm was used to test procedural memory in children with DD. The DD group showed a learning profile that was similar to that of children with SLI in Study I, with a significant impairment emerging late in learning, after extended practice and including an overnight interval. Further analyses suggested that the DD impairment may not be related to overnight consolidation but to the effects of further practice beyond the initial practice session. In contrast to the predictions of the PDH, the sequence learning deficit was unrelated to phonological processing skills as assessed with a nonword repetition task. Study III examined declarative memory in DD. The performance of the DD group was found to be not only intact, but even enhanced, compared to that of the control children. The results encourage further studies on the potential of declarative memory to compensate for the reading problems in DD. In sum, the results lend partial support for the PDH and suggest further refinements to the theory. Collectively, the studies emphasize the importance of going beyond a narrow focus on language learning and memory functions in the characterization of the two disorders. Such a broader cognitive, motor and language approach may inform the development of future clinical and pedagogical assessment and intervention practices for SLI and DD.
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The effects of input enhancement and metalinguistic/collaborative awareness on the acquisition of plural-s : an ESL classroom experimentKleinman, Eva January 2003 (has links)
This study evaluated the effects of input enhancement techniques and metalinguistic/collaborative awareness on the acquisition of the plural -s morpheme. Additionally, the durability of these interventions on the target linguistic feature was examined. The two treatment groups and the comparison group consisted of 101 grade 5 students enrolled in a French-language school board in the Montreal area. A pretest-posttest design was used to assess participants before and after the treatments. A series of 8 oral and written treatment activities focusing on plural -s were specifically created for the study, which lasted 4 weeks. The findings demonstrate that both groups showed durable, definite intervention effects for written production. The metalinguistic/collaborative group significantly outperformed the input enhancement group in oral production, indicating that input enhancement in conjunction with metalinguistic awareness is effective. Nonetheless, the learning effect for oral production was found to be robust for both groups, 5 months after the end of the treatment period, as well as for a small subsample selected from each group 10 months later.
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Recognizing discrimination explicitly while denying it implicitly: Implicit social identity protectionPeach, Jennifer M. January 2010 (has links)
Past research suggests that members of devalued groups recognize their group is discriminated against. Do the implicit responses of members of these groups demonstrate the same pattern? I argue that they do not and that this is due to a motivated protection of members of devalued groups’ social identity. Study 1 demonstrates that, at an explicit level African-Canadians recognize that their group is discriminated against, but at an implicit level African-Canadians think that most people like their group to a greater extent than do European-Canadians. Study 2 replicates this implicit finding but demonstrates that devalued and majority groups do not have different implicit normative regard about a non-devalued group. Study 3 again replicates the implicit finding with Muslim participants while demonstrating that, when affirmed, this group difference disappears. Study 4 demonstrates that implicit normative regard can predict collective action over and above implicit attitudes and explicit normative regard. The implications for social identity theory and collective action are discussed.
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Nekontekstinė ir kontekstinė implikacija / Non-contextual and contextual implicatureBlažytė, Ingrida 31 May 2005 (has links)
The process of communication involves two types of meaning: explicit and implicit. An attempt is made to draw a distinction between two carriers of implicit meaning- presupposition and implicature. It is argued that presupposition is what the speaker assumes before making an utterance, and implicature is what the addressee infers from a linguistic structure used in an appropriate linguistic context. Implicature is of two types: non-contextual (or non-situational) and contextual (or situational). Although both types of implicature are determined by the context, they are generated using different types of context. Non-contextual implicature arises in contexts which are familiar to the addressee, while contextual implicature arises in contexts (situations) which are new to the addressee. Pragmatic competence is the ability to discover implicit meaning. Thus, of great importance is the description of the mechanism that carries implicit meaning. There are two such mechanisms: 1) linguistic structures used in appropriate linguistic contexts and 2) linguistic structures used in appropriate situations. The first mechanism is responsible for the generation of non-contextual implicature while the second mechanism is responsible for the generation of contextual implicature. Both types of implicature contribute to the economy of language. However, of the two types of implicature, the more important in the respect is contextual implicature- it makes possible to use one and the same... [to full text]
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"Jag vill ju bara att dom ska bli bra människor" : En kvalitativ studie om lärares arbete med och tankar om skolans värdegrundWictorsson, Malin, Gunnarsson, Linda January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med följande kvalitativa studie är att med hjälp av intervjuer undersöka lärares arbete med och tankar om skolans värdegrund när det kommer till demokrati, fostran, ett mångkulturellt samhälle och jämlikhet. Frågeställningarna inkluderar även en avsikt att studera hur undervisningen går till, om denna enbart är planerad eller om de intervjuade lärarna vittnar om icke planerade lärsituationer. Metoden som används är semistrukturella intervjuer som sammanställs, transkriberas och analyseras genom att applicera Deweys teorier om intelligent action på resultatet. Även Colnerud och Thornbergs begrepp värdepedagogik används i analysen av empirin, samt Thornbergs definition av explicit och implicit värdepedagogik. Resultatet visar att lärare använder sig av planerad undervisning men att icke planerade lärsituationer spelar en betydande roll. Den förra kan bestå av speciella lektioner vikta för värdegrundsarbete eller ämneslärares arbete med att välja material för att främja diskussioner om värdegrundsfrågor. Den senare består av lärares attityder, deras vilja att förmedla vikten av respekt och en vilja av att via sin person förmedla de värderingar som skolan står för. Slutsatsen av studien visar att lärare både med explicita och implicita värdegrundspedagogiker kan bidra till elevers omedelbara och fördjupade erfarenheter av sin utbildning men att den implicita värdegrundspedagogiken har större effekt för elevers erfarenheter än den explicita, även om det är den explicita som beskrivs och synliggörs av skolor. Inte förrän dagens elever är integrerade i samhället som vuxna kommer ett resultat att kunna mätas av lärares värdegrundsarbete.
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