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Les origines des oppida en Bohême : le rôle de la Méditerranée et les processus d'urbanisation dans l'âge du Fer européen. / The origin of the oppida in Bohemia : the role of the Mediterranean and the urbanisation processes in the European Iron AgeKysela, Jan 30 September 2013 (has links)
Le travail presenté étudie à l’exemple de la Bohême la question dans quelle mesure la naissance des oppida (ou plus largement la transformation culturelle de la Transalpine à La Tène récente) a-t-elle été influencée par des impulsions venues depuis la Méditerranée et dans quelle mesure, par contre, peut elle être expliquée comme phénomène local. La carte historique et culturelle de la problématique est analysée en détail. La question même est étudiée à travers une analyse du corpus des importations méditerranéennes en Europe Centrale, ciblée à évaluer dans le cadre de l‘Europe centrale le rôle et la position de la Bohême dans les contacts avec la Méditerranée; ensuite les correspondances et différences entre les oppida et les systèmes d’habitat dont ils font partie et les villes méditerranéennes. Les contacts du monde transalpin avec la Méditerranée paraissent constants et très significatifs pour la Transalpie, les oppida se présentent toutefois plutôt comme un phénomène local. / The presented study analyses on the example of Bohemia the question in what extent the creation of oppida (and more broadly the cultural transformation of the Transalpine world in the recent La Tène period) were influenced by Mediterranean impulses and to what extent they may be on the other hand considered as a local phenomenon. The historical and chronological background are studied in detail, the question itself is approached by an analysis of the corpus of Mediterranean imports in central Europe intended to evaluate the role of Bohemia (within the central European context) in the contacts with the Mediterranean. In the concluding chapter the oppida and their settlement systems are confronted with the Mediterranean towns. The contacts with the Mediterranean turn out to have been constant and significant for the Transalpine word, the oppida, however, seem to be a largely local phenomenon.
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[pt] As operações de importação de uma empresa com abrangência nacional apresentam custos de transporte muito significativos na composição do custo total de sua cadeia de suprimento. Esta dissertação de mestrado contribui para a criação de uma ferramenta de análise que irá favorecer o planejamento das operações de importação da empresa. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho é otimizar os fluxos de transportes internacionais realizados pela empresa no período de 2003 e 2004 englobando os custos, os modais e os prazos de transporte associados aos contratos logísticos existentes. A modelagem da rede e dos fluxos de transporte se baseou num problema de transporte não capacitado no qual foram testadas oito
soluções para cada um dos 5857 embarques realizados. Alguns resultados se mostraram diferentes da solução original adotada pela empresa uma vez que os nós de passagem situados no estado de São Paulo se apresentam com maior oferta e menor custo associado aos serviços de transporte marítimo e aéreo quando comparados aos demais nós de passagem. / [en] The import operations of a company with national coverage present very significant transportation costs in its total cost composition supply chain. The present Master Dissertation contributes for the creation of an analysis tool that will favour the planning of the company import operations. Therefore, the present study aims at optimizing the company s international transportation flow in the period of 2003 and 2004 taking in consideration the costs, transportation modals and transportation deadlines associated with the existent logistical contracts. The network modeling and the transportation flows were based on a non-capacitated transportation problem, in which eight solutions were tested for each of the 5857 boarding performed. Some results obtained are different from the original solution adopted by the company, once the gateway nodes at the state of São Paulo have lower costs and greater service offer associated to the maritime and aerial
transport system, when compared to the other gateway nodes.
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Étude de cas d'un réseau d'importateurs de drogues : l'apport des participants complémentairesGiguère, Cynthia January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Factores que influyen en las importaciones de papas prefritas congeladas, subpartida nacional 2004.10.00.00, desde Estados Unidos en el período 2015-2018 / Main Factors influencing imports of frozen prefried potatoes from the United States of America from 2015 to 2018Moscoso Zevallos, Maria Fernanda, Oré Ysuiza, Sandy Lisset 27 June 2020 (has links)
La papa es el tercer cultivo más importante del mundo, después del arroz y el trigo. El Perú es considerado como el principal productor de papas en Latinoamérica. A pesar de ello, en los últimos años se ha registrado un incremento en la demanda de importaciones de papas prefritas congeladas, motivo por el cual la presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo determinar los factores que influyen en las importaciones de papas prefritas congeladas, subpartida nacional 2004.10.00.00, desde Estados Unidos en el período 2015 - 2018, dentro de los cuales se determinan como los principales: costo de importación, requisitos no arancelarios, tipo de cambio y producto bruto interno.
El estudio tuvo un enfoque mixto, el cual se basó en la técnica de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a actores pertenecientes al sector público, sector privado, gremios y organismos relacionados. Mientras que, para el análisis cuantitativo, se utilizó el modelo de regresión lineal.
Finalmente, el resultado obtenido en el estudio determina que el costo de importación y los requisitos no arancelarios son los factores que influyen significativamente en las importaciones de papas prefritas congeladas desde Estados Unidos. / Potatoes are the third most important crop in the world, after rice and wheat. Peru is considered the main producer of potatoes in Latin America. Despite this, in recent years there has been an increase in the demand for imports of frozen pre-fried potatoes. In that sense, the main objective of this research is to determine the main factors influencing imports of frozen pre-fried potatoes, national subheading 2004.10.00.00, from the USA from 2015-2018. For this, different factors have been identified in the chosen theoretical framework which the following are listed: import costs, non-tariff treatment, exchange rate and GDP (Gross Domestic Product).
The study has a mixed approach, which was based on the technique of semi-structured interviews, carried out with actors from the public sector, from the private sector, from business associations and related organizations. While, for the quantitative analysis, the linear regression model was conducted.
Finally, the results obtained in the following study determines that import costs, and non-tariff treatment are the main factors that influence on imports of frozen pre-fried potatoes from the United States of America from 2015-2018. / Tesis
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Exploring Factors Affecting Prison Misconduct in JapanOkado, Hiroyuki 01 December 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to add an understanding on the relationship between characteristics of prison population and environmental characteristics of prisons with prison misconduct in the context of Japan, where little empirical research on prison misconduct has been conducted. To aid in the analysis, three theories (the deprivation, importation, and administrative control models) that had been developed in Western countries will be utilized. This study will test thirteen predictors derived from these theories. Using time-series data obtained from annual official reports of Japanese prisons between 1972 and 2019, the relationships between characteristics of prison population (gender, age, violent conviction, criminality, and health problems) and environmental characteristic of prisons or environment-driven characteristics of prisoners (occupancy rate, sentence length, foreign prisoners, drug conviction, and staff-to-inmate ratio) on prison misconduct (total, violent, and non-violent misconduct and refusal to work) were examined through descriptive analysis, graphical portrayal, bivariate correlations, and multivariate analysis using ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) analysis. The results showed that all models can predict prison misconduct partially. Staff-to-inmate ratio was the most consistently significant predictor in this study. Occupancy rate and old age were also significantly related to several types of prison misconduct. Limitations and policy implications are discussed considering these results.
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Jeffersonianism and 19th Century American Maritime Defense Policy.Ziegler, Christopher Taylor 13 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This paper analyzes the fundamental maritime defense mentality that permeated America throughout the early part of the Republic. For fear of economic debt and foreign wars, Thomas Jefferson and his Republican party, opposed the construction of a formidable blue water naval force. Instead, they argued for a small naval force capable of engaging the Barbary pirates and other small similar forces. For protection of the nation and commerce, they wanted a strictly defensive strategy developed around coastal gunboats and harbor fortifications. This research will analyze the naval aspect of this defense mentality from its creation in 1794, through the War of 1812. The coastal defense analysis will begin at the same time and conclude with the end of the American Civil War.
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In the 90 s, Argentina and Brazil went through economical stabilization reforms, commercial flexibility and an integration in the prevailing external trade. In this
context, this work aims at analyzing if the exports and imports are affected by changes both in the intern and extern income for the two economies from 1992 to
2006. Based on the Thirlwall Increase Model and using the literature techniques of unit root and co-integration, the long-term balance among the variables was tested:
exportation and external income, importation and internal income. The Error Correction Mechanism was determined and in case of a serial autocorrelation, such a problem is corrected with Gauss Newton algorithm. For the economies studied it was concluded that exportations and importations are affected by changes in the external and internal incomes respectively. Brazil presented a higher importation flexibility-income than an exportation one, while Argentina showed a lower importation flexibility-income than an exportation one. / Na década de 90 a, Argentina e o Brasil, passaram por reformas de estabilização econômica, flexibilização comercial e maior integração na corrente de comércio exterior. Sob esse contexto, o objetivo do trabalho é verificar se as exportações e as importações são afetadas por variações, na renda externa e interna, para as duas economias no período de 1992 a 2006. Inspirando-se no Modelo de Crescimento de
Thirlwall e utilizando técnicas da literatura de raiz unitária e co-integração, testa-se o equilíbrio de longo prazo entre as variáveis: exportação e renda externa, importação e renda interna. Estima-se o Mecanismo de Correção de Erros e no caso de presença de autocorrelação serial, corrige-se tal problema com a estimação pelo algoritmo de Gauss Newton. Conclui-se para as economias em estudo que as exportações e importações são afetadas por variações das respectivas rendas externa e interna. O Brasil apresentou elasticidade-renda das importações maior que a elasticidade-renda das exportações, ao passo que a Argentina demonstrou
elasticidade-renda das importações menor que a elasticidade renda das exportações.
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Le rapport du droit administratif national aux droits administratifs étrangers : les cas de la France et de l'Espagne / The relationship of national administrative law to foreign administrative laws : cases in France and SpainNeyrat, Anna 25 November 2016 (has links)
Les droits administratifs français et espagnol sont traditionnellement présentés comme des idéaux-types opposés dans leur rapport aux droits administratifs étrangers. Comme exportateur, le droit administratif français considère ses homologues étrangers comme un réceptacle de son influence ; comme importateur, le droit administratif espagnol les envisage comme source de son enrichissement. Si une telle présentation repose sur des raisons temporelles et culturelles qui ont fait du droit administratif français un modèle et du droit administratif espagnol un imitateur, et s’illustre par de nombreuses manifestations, elle se révèle être partiellement inexacte. Historiquement, elle est trop réductrice en envisageant l’exclusivité de ces deux postures. Elle est ensuite dépassée aujourd’hui, à l’heure de la globalisation, puisque les solutions juridiques circulent sans que l’on identifie clairement des exportateurs ou des importateurs. Cette recherche invite alors à poser un regard différent sur ces présupposés qui considèrent le droit administratif français comme un exportateur et le droit administratif espagnol comme un importateur. / French and Spanish Administrative Laws are, traditionally, presented as two opposed “ideal-types”. Indeed, their relations to foreign Administrative Laws and their way to think these relations are deeply different. While French Administrative Law is viewed as understanding its foreign equivalents as recipients of its own influence, Spanish Administrative Law is seen as using them as a way to enrich its own representations. A such picture is induced by temporal and cultural reasons that make French administrative law a model for other administrative laws and Spanish one an imitator. This observation has many manifestations but is partially inaccurate . Historically, these two positions are too reductive. Moreover, nowadays, in a time of globalization a such affirmation is outdated. The increase of interactions between legal systems makes difficult to identify which concept is derived from which legal system. Hence, the purpose of this study is to view in a critical way the assumptions that make French administrative law an exporter and Spanish administrative law an importer.
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Import of macromolecules : structural studies of the Pesticin toxin and of an engineered variant / Import des macromelecules : analyses structurales de la toxine bactérienne pesticine et d'un derive hybrideSeddiki, Nadir 27 September 2010 (has links)
Chez les bactéries à Gram-négatif, deux systèmes très bien conservés et essentiels à la survie de la cellule bactérienne ont été identifiés : les systèmes Tol et TonB. Ces deux systèmes utilisent la force proton motrice, issue de la membrane interne et transfert l’énergie associée pour le transport actif de molécules (TonB) ou nécessaire au maintien de l’intégrité membranaire (Tol). Ces 2 systèmes ont été détournés de leurs fonctions initiales et parasités par les colicines, leur conférant un rôle primordial dans le mécanisme d’import de la colicine. Une colicine est une bactériocine (toxine) produite par Escherichia coli pour tuer des souches apparentées. Ce sont des toxines spécifiques et hautement actives. Cependant E.coli a développé des mécanismes de protection afin de résister à l’action cytotoxique des colicines. Ces mécanismes de résistance consistent essentiellement à produire des protéines d’immunité, qui vont pour la plupart se fixer sur le domaine catalytique de la colicine et l’empêcher d’exercer son action létale. La bactérie Yersinia pestis, agent de la peste, possède une colicin-like bactériocine, la pesticine, dont l’activité est de dégrader le peptidoglycane. L’action de la pesticine est inhibée par une protéine d’immunité, Pim, localisée dans le périplasme. Le principal objectif de ce projet est de comprendre les mécanismes d’inhibition de la pesticine par sa protéine d’immunité, grâce à des données biochimiques et structurales, mais aussi d’apporter des solutions pour contourner ce problème de résistance. La structure de la pesticine révèle des homologies structurales avec le T4 lysozyme du bactériophage T4. Pour contourner le problème de la résistance bactérienne liée à la protéine d’immunité, une solution a été de fusionner le domaine de réception/translocation de la pesticine avec le T4 lysozyme. Nous avons ainsi pu créer et résoudre la structure tridimensionnelle d’une protéine chimère fonctionnelle, capable de se fixer sur FyuA (récepteur de la pesticine) et tuer une souche exprimant ce récepteur et dont l’activité létale n’est pas inhibée par Pim. / In Gram-negative bacteria, two essential systems for cell survival have been characterized: the Tol and TonB system. Both Ton and Tol systems are very well conserved in Gram-negative bacteria and coupled to the proton motive force across the inner membrane, acting as energy transducers for active transport (Ton) or maintenance of outer envelope integrity (Tol). Both systems have been embezzled from their primary function and hijacked by colicins as part of the colicin killing pathway. Colicin is a bacteriocin (toxin) produced by and toxic to some strains of Escherichia coli. Colicins are highly effective toxins. However E.coli could develop protective mechanisms to resist to colicin cytotoxic effect. These mechanisms essentially consist to produce an immunity protein. These proteins bind to colicin catalytic domain and inhibit its lethal activity. Yersinia pestis, plague agent, possesses its own colicin-like bacteriocin, Pesticin, which degrades murein. Pesticin activity is inhibited by an immunity protein, Pim, localized in the periplasm. The main goal of this project is to understand inhibition mechanisms between Pim and Pesticin by biochemical and structural data and to provide solution to overcome the resistance issue, since Pesticin was thought to be used as antimicrobial agent. The Pesticin structure has revealed that Pesticin share structural homologies with the T4 lysozyme from the bacteriophage T4. To overcome the resistance issue due to the immunity protein, one solution has been to fuse the Pesticin binding/translocation domain with the T4 lysozyme. Thus, we could engineered and solved the three-dimensional structure of a chimera protein, able to bind FyuA (Pesticin physiological receptor) and kill a FyuA expressing strain, in which the lethal activity is not affected by Pim.
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Commerce et transformation des produits d’arbres et d’arbustes (bois, fruits frais et secs, racines, rameaux, feuilles, fleurs, graines, farine, poudre, parfum, encens, vin et huile) pour l’architecture, l’économie, la médecine, le culte et la magie à Ougarit et dans les royaumes et les empires environnants et au Bronze récent, d’après les données des sciences naturelles, des sources archéologiques et épigraphiques / Trade and transformation of the Trade and transformation of the products of trees and shrubs (wood, fresh and dried fruits, roots, leaves, flowers, seeds, flour, powder, shoots, perfume, incense, wine and oil) for architecture, economic, medicine, religion and magic in Ugarit and the surrounding kingdoms and empires in the Late Bronze Age, according to data from the natural sciences, the archaeological and epigraphic sourcesAlsayed, Mahmoud 01 June 2011 (has links)
Le sujet de cette étude est le commerce et l’utilisation de divers produits issus d’arbres et d’arbustes dans le royaume d’Ougarit, situé sur la côte de la Syrie et dont la documentation écrite nous renseigne sur l’époque du Bronze récent, principalement les XIVe et XIIIe siècles avant J.-C. Ce royaume est particulièrement bien connu grâce aux milliers de tablettes trouvées depuis 82 ans sur le site de Ras Shamra et plus récemment sur celui de Ras Ibn Hani. Ces tablettes sont écrites très majoritairement dans deux langues et deux systèmes d’écriture cunéiforme : d’une part, la langue locale, baptisée « ougaritique », notée grâce à un système alphabétique, d’autre part, l’akkadien babylonien, noté selon un système logo-syllabique. A cheval entre la côte et la montagne, ce royaume était situé entre les deux grandes régions pourvoyeuses de bois dans la plus haute antiquité, comme en atteste la documentation égyptienne et mésopotamienne, ainsi que la Bible, la montagne libanaise et l’Amanus. Le lieu est donc particulièrement important pour ce sujet. Après un aperçu géographique, démographique, linguistique, historique et économique sur le royaume d'Ougarit, nous avons étudié successivement l'ébène, le pin et le sapin, le cèdre, le genévrier, le cyprès, le buis, le ¶rgz, le palmier, l’olivier et le bois-¶lmg, ainsi que le vignoble, la vigne et ses produits.Nous avons commencé chaque chapitre par une identification botanique et linguistique. Puis nous avons tenté de situer quelles étaient les régions qui étaient les sources principales de ces richesses naturelles. Ensuite, nous avons établi un aperçu historique sur le commerce des produits d'arbres et d’arbustes et sur les moyens de transport. Nous avons tenté de préciser leur nature, leur quantité, leur qualité, leur poids et leur prix à Ougarit et à l'extérieur. A la fin, nous avons étudié les diverses utilisations et leur rôle dans l'artisanat, la médecine, la religion et la magie dans l'antiquité. Ce faisant, il nous a été donné aussi d’approcher la valeur symbolique de ces arbres et de ces bois. / The subject of our dissertation is the trade and use of various products derived from trees and shrubs in the Kingdom of Ugarit, located on the coast of Syria and whose written documentation informs us about the Late Bronze Age, mainly fourteenth and thirteenth centuries BC. The kingdom is well known thanks to the thousands of tablets found in the last 82 years on the site of Ras Shamra and more recently that of Ras Ibn Hani. These tablets are written overwhelmingly in two languages and two systems of cuneiform writing: first, the local language, called “Ugaritic”, noted in an alphabetic system, on the other hand, the Babylonian Akkadian, noted by a logo-syllabic script. Situated between the coast and mountains, this kingdom was located between two major regions suppliers of timber in the most remote antiquity, as evidenced by Egyptian and Mesopotamian literature and the Bible, the Lebanese mountains and the Amanus mountain. The place is thus particularly important for this topic. Following an overview of geographical, demographic, linguistic, historical and economic on the kingdom of Ugarit, we studied successively ebony, pine and fir, cedar, juniper, cypress, boxwood, ¶Rgz, palm-tree, olive-tree, ñlmg-wood and vineyard, the vine and its products .We started each chapter with a botanical and linguistical identification. We tried to locate what were the areas that were the main sources of these natural resources. Then, we established a historical overview on the trade in products from trees and transportation. We tried to clarify their nature, quantity, quality, weight and price in Ugarit and outside. Finally, we examined the various uses and their role in craft, medicine, religion and magic. In doing so, we could also approach the symbolic value of these trees and woods.
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