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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le "cosmopolitisme" de Valery Larbaud (1881-1957) : écrivain, critique et traducteur / The "cosmopolitanism" of Valery Larbaud (1881-1957) : writer, critic and translator

Auzoux, Amélie 23 November 2018 (has links)
Le « cosmopolitisme » de Valery Larbaud est un présupposé qu’il faut aujourd’hui passer au crible d’un réexamen critique. Toute la complexité de l’ensemble de l’œuvre larbaldienne tient à son traitement des frontières géographiques, politiques, littéraires ou linguistiques. Dans quelle mesure ce dit « métis des lettres » – dont le métissage s’avérera des plus calculés – s’ouvre-t-il à l’Autre, renouvelle-t-il la représentation littéraire autant que la reproduction linguistique de l’étranger ? Quelles sont les révolutions et les réactions du cosmopolitisme larbaldien, dont les traits contradictoires réagissent à l’environnement intellectuel contemporain ? Devenu un « cliché », dans son sens le plus photographique, le cosmopolitisme larbaldien, qui n’a longtemps offert qu’un « index » de noms ou un « kaléidoscope » d’images, exige aujourd’hui une fouille complète de ses données. Substituant aux approches in vitro de l’œuvre larbaldienne prélevée sous verre et sortie de tout contexte, une analyse in vivo rendant compte du mouvement même d’une œuvre à l’intime complexité, nous souhaitons offrir une lecture intégrale, historique et critique du cosmopolitisme larbaldien. Larbaud, que la critique hagiographique a élevé au-dessus des hommes, est un homme de son temps, dont l’image figée sur papier glacé doit céder la place à un portrait mouvant des plus nuancés. / Valery Larbaud’s “cosmopolitanism” is a presupposition that must now be sifted through a critical review. The complexity of Valery Larbaud’s work undeniably comes from his treatment of geographical, political, literary and linguistic borders. But to which extent can it be said that this “métis des lettres” – whose métissage still remains carefully calculated – welcomes the Other, or renews the linguistic and literary representation of the stranger? What are the revolutions or counter-revolutions of his cosmopolitanism, whose contradictory features react to contemporary intellectual environment? Larbaud’s cosmopolitanism has become a cliché in the exact photographical sense, offering nothing but an “index” of names or a “kaleidoscope” of images. I argue that it should undergo critical analysis, on the basis of a much more encompassing set of data. Substituting to in vitro approaches of Larbaud’s work taken under glass and out of context the more accurate nuance and movement of in vivo approaches, we aim at offering a thorough historical and critical reading of his work. Larbaud, whose hagiographic criticism has raised above men, is a man of his time, whose image, frozen on glossy paper, must give way to the most nuanced moving portrait.

Registro de insumos farmacêuticos ativos: impactos e reflexos sobre as indústrias farmoquímica e farmacêutica instalada no país / Registration of active pharmaceutical ingredients: impacts and effects on the pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical industries installed in the country

Arrepia, Diva Barrio January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-19T13:52:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 13.pdf: 7121518 bytes, checksum: a7c8e7a7bd443ccd7df30b5090abf1e0 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos/Farmanguinhos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar e avaliar a possível contribuição que a obrigatoriedade do registro de Insumos Farmacêuticos Ativos (IFAs), estabelecida pela Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada da ANVISA (RDC) n° 57/2009, a partir de 2010, teve no estabelecimento da isonomia regulatória entre o fabricante do IFA no Brasil e o fabricante internacional e que efetividade essa isonomia teve no restabelecimento da produção local de IFAs quando aliada à implementação de outras ações demandadas pela indústria farmoquímica brasileira, como a isonomia tributária, os incentivos fiscais, as parcerias para o desenvolvimento produtivo e o poder de compra do Estado. A pesquisa foi do tipo bibliográfica, documental e longitudinal. Constatou-se que, passados dois anos desde o início da exigência do registro de IFA, esta se mostrou efetiva na obtenção da isonomia regulatória. Porém, o tempo de análise não foi suficientemente longo para assegurar que a mesma, conjugada com outras ações do governo para o incentivo à produção local de IFAs, tenha sido capaz de promover o aumento, via substituição das importações desses produtos, apesar de haver sinalizações de que isso acontecerá. Como consequência espera-se que traga um aumento da produção do IFA e a redução da dependência do Brasil ao fornecimento externo, possibilitando o aumento da oferta interna desses insumos aos laboratórios farmacêuticos instalados no país, sejam eles públicos ou privados, além de melhorar a qualidade e o acesso dos medicamentos disponibilizados à sociedade brasileira. / The present study had as objectives to investigate and evaluate the possible contribution that the requirement of registration of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), established by the Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada of ANVISA Nr. 57/2009, as of 2010, had on the establishment of the regulatory isonomy between the producer of the API in Brazil and the international producer as well as the effectiveness this isonomy had in the reestablishment of the local production of APIs, when applied in parallel with the implementation of other actions demanded by the Brazilian pharmochemical industry, like the tax isonomy, the fiscal incentives, the partnerships for the productive development and the State buying power. The investigation involved bibliographic, documental and longitudinal analysis of the material available. It was concluded that, after two years since the beginning of the registration requirement, it turned out to be effective in bringing up the desired regulatory isonomy. However, the space of time used for the analysis was not sufficiently long to ensure that the registration, coupled with other governmental actions to promote the local production of APIs, could have been capable to promote the increase, via substitution of importations, of these products, although there are some signs that this will happen. As a consequence it is expected that it will bring an increase of the API production and the reduction of the Brazilian dependence of external supply, giving space to the internal offer of these products to the pharmaceutical laboratories located in Brazil, either public or private, besides improving the quality and the access of the medicines made available to the Brazilian society.

Diffusion du mobilier de Golasecca au nord des Alpes au premier âge du Fer : des éléments vestimentaires aux réseaux de circulations à moyenne et à longue distance / Diffusion of Golasecca culture to the North of the Alps in the early iron age : from personal ornaments to medium and long-distanxe trade networks

Cicolani, Veronica 14 June 2010 (has links)
À partir du récolement critique de plus de cinq cents accessoires vestimentaires sud-alpins découverts au nord des Alpes, le présent travail vise à caractériser la participation de la culture de Golasecca dans l’accroissement des réseaux de circulation reliant la Méditerranée occidentale aux sociétés celtiques. Les objets personnels découverts dans de nombreux habitats et sépultures alpins et transalpins indiquent une implication directe du domaine de Golasecca dans les échanges à moyenne et longue distance. Elle se traduit par des phénomènes de métissage culturel, de transfert technologique et de mixité de population, lisibles dans certains sites du massif alpin, mais aussi à travers des déplacements et des fréquentations relativement longues des nombreux sites hallstattiens, de nature et statut différents. Phénomène en partie lié avec l’émergence des sociétés aristocratiques, la circulation de ces objets et de biens plus luxueux illustre le rôle d’intermédiaire privilégié joué par Golasecca dans les circuits à très longue distance. / Based on the critical inventory of more than five hundred clothing accessories from the southern-Alps discovered in the northern-Alps, the present work aims at characterising the role of the Golasecca civilisation in the growth of circulation networks linking up the western Mediterranean to Celtic civilisations. Personal belongings discovered in many alpine and transalpine settlements and burial places bear witness of a direct implication of the Golasecca culture in medium and long-distance trades. This implication results in phenomena of cultural mix, technological transfer and mixed nature population, that are perceptible in certain areas of the alpine massif as well as through some displacements and relatively long-time frequenting of the main Hallstattian local settlements of varied kind and status. As a phenomenon which is partly linked to the emergence of aristocratic societies, the circulating of luxurious objects and ornaments illustrates the fact that Gollasecca has been a major go-between in the trade and communication networks between Mediterranean cultures and Hallstatt chiefs.

Institutional Misconduct Among Gang Related and Non-Gang Related Institutionalized Delinquents

Kawucha, Soraya K. 12 1900 (has links)
The problems that gang members create within adult correctional facilities continue to receive attention in the literature. Gang members within juvenile institutions have received far less attention from researchers, and misconduct of these juveniles, both serious and non-serious, is relatively unexplored. This study explored the institutional misconduct of 4,309 male delinquents released from the Texas Youth Commission. Youths younger at commitment, those with a higher TYC risk score, and those youths with emotional problems were found more likely to commit both serious and non-serious institutional misconduct, regardless of gang membership. This thesis concludes with suggestions for additional research on gang members within juvenile institutions and the relationship of gang membership to institutional misconduct.

Comment la méditation pleine conscience a conquis l’Occident : une étude de cas montréalaise sur les conditions d’importation d’une pratique aux origines orientales

Moriceau, Mélissa 02 1900 (has links)
Depuis une trentaine d’années, la méditation a fait une entrée fracassante dans nos vies. En renaissant sous le nom de pleine conscience, ou « mindfulness », elle est aujourd’hui mobilisée dans de nombreux contextes comme le travail, la prison ou l’hôpital. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre comment la méditation a pu s’implanter durablement dans un régime temporel marqué par l’accélération et la rentabilité, alors que la philosophie sur laquelle s’arc-boute cette pratique se situe aux antipodes de la vision consumériste de notre société. Comme d’autres pratiques de bien-être importées d’Asie, la méditation a dû s’ajuster aux besoins et aux aspirations occidentales. À travers son déploiement au sein de contextes variés et la façon dont elle est distribuée au sein de plusieurs professions, elle a subi des adaptations qui entrent parfois en contradiction avec ses valeurs telles qu’elles avaient été pensées initialement. À la frontière du bien-être, de l’économie et de la spiritualité, la pleine conscience cristallise les défis qui sont en jeu lors de la marchandisation d’une activité nouvelle. / It’s been thirty years since meditation made a dramatic entrance into our lives. Rebranded under the name « mindfulness », meditation has found her place in many environments, such as the workplace, the carceral system or the hospital sector. The objective of this thesis is to understand how meditation sustainably implanted itself in a modern setting that relies on acceleration and profit, although the philosophy it relies on is in direct conflict with the consumerist vision of our society. As other « well-being » practices imported from Asia, meditation knew how to adjust to the occidental needs and aspirations. During its expansion in the hearts of many diverse environments and the way it is distributed in several professions, it has gone through some changes that are sometimes in contradiction with its original values. Well-being, economy and spirituality are now at a crossroad and meditation marks down the challenges that arise from the commodification of a new activity.

Les gangs de rue en prison

Charland, Marie-Pier 12 1900 (has links)
Les gangs de rue suscitent aujourd’hui l’intérêt de nombreux chercheurs en raison de la menace qu’ils semblent poser à la société et ses institutions. En effet, depuis quelques années, les Services Correctionnels du Québec connaissent une hausse du nombre de personnes incarcérées associées aux gangs de rue et plusieurs questionnements sont soulevés face à la recrudescence de ces groupes en prison. Peu de recherches se sont penchées sur la question des gangs de rue en prison, alors que ceux-ci semblent être à la source de plusieurs problèmes aigus dans les institutions carcérales. Ainsi, ces derniers sont souvent associés à la criminalité et à la violence, que ce soit dans les médias ou dans la littérature scientifique et semblent être la source de plusieurs inquiétudes de la part du grand public; considérés comme imprévisibles et violents, ils font peur. Groupes diversifiés et difficiles à saisir, leur étude se veut non seulement primordiale vu leur nature, mais nécessaire afin d’en saisir la complexité et pouvoir agir, que ce soit au niveau de la prévention, de la gestion ou encore de la répression. Ce mémoire vise donc la compréhension de l’expérience des membres de gangs de rue dans les prisons provinciales québécoises. Dans ce cadre, nous avons procédé par une approche qualitative au moyen d’entretiens de type qualitatif menés auprès de détenus considérés par les services correctionnels comme étant proches ou membres de gangs de rue. Les vingt-et-une entrevues menées nous ont permis d’approfondir et de saisir le vécu de ces derniers en détention. De ces entretiens, trois grandes dimensions sont ressorties, soit l’organisation sociale des gangs de rue en prison, les conditions de détention difficiles dans lesquelles évoluent ces groupes ainsi que leur fonctionnement en prison. Nos analyses nous ont permis de dégager certains constats. À leur arrivée en prison, les individus affiliés aux gangs de rue sont doublement étiquetés, et se retrouvent dans des secteurs de détention spécifiques où les conditions sont particulièrement difficiles à vivre. Dans ce contexte, les gangs de rue tendent à reproduire en prison certains attributs associés aux gangs de rue, notamment une certaine structure et hiérarchie organisationnelle et un esprit de cohésion. Il ressort ainsi de notre étude que cette solidarité semble permettre aux gangs de rue de s’adapter à l’environnement hostile que représente la prison. Toutefois, cette solidarité nous parait être un obstacle ou du moins une difficulté inhérente à la prise en charge et à la gestion des gangs de rue en prison. / Today, street gangs are of great interest for many researchers because of the threat they seem to pose to society and its institutions. In recent years, the Quebec Correctional Services has seen an increase of incarcerated street gang members which has created a number of issues related to the growth of these groups in prison. Furthermore, few studies have addressed the issue of street gang members in prison although they seem to be the source of several serious problems in penal institutions. Street gangs are often associated with criminality and violence, whether in the medias or in scientific papers. They seem to be a great source of concern for the public; and, in general; they are perceived to be unpredictable, and violent, which is creating fear. These groups are ever-evolving, diversified and constantly re-immerging. Thus, the study of these groups is essential largely due to their characteristics, but also necessary in order to grasp their complexity and eventually, to be able to succeed in the control, repression and prevention of these groups. This master seeks to understand the experience of street gang members in provincial prisons. In this context, the choice of the qualitative approach seems entirely justified. The qualitative interviews we conducted with individuals identified by the correctional services to be closely associated to or members of street gangs seemed to us to be in line with the choice of the qualitative approach and were necessary in order to focus on the views and experiences of their life in prison. The twenty-one interviews we conducted with inmates that are associated to a street gang have permitted us to further understand and capture the mentality of those in detention. From these interviews, three major issues have emerged; firstly, the social organization of street gangs, secondly, the harsh prison conditions in which these groups operate and thirdly, how they function and operate in prison. Finally, we have identified some facts from our interviews. When street gang members arrive in prison, they are experiencing a double-labelling, are living in harsh prison conditions and are all housed together. Thus, the characteristics displayed of street gangs in prison is somewhat similar to the behaviour within the community; such as, their subculture, their structure, their positions, the family spirit that characterizes them in the community, their solidarity and violence. The deprivation endured by incarceration added to the characteristics of street gangs lead to a further form of solidarity. This solidarity allows the street gang members to adapt to any hostile environment, including the prison. Finally, this solidarity is certainly an important inherent obstacle to the control of these groups in prison.

Les contrats inter-entreprises dans le commerce de produits périssables : le cas des exportations de fruits du Chili analysé avec la Théorie des Coûts de Transaction et l’Analyse Institutionnelle / Inter-firm contracts in the international perishable products trade : the case of Chilean fruit exports through the lens of Transaction Cost Economics and Institutional Analysis

Pavez, Iciar 10 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse examine les déterminants qui expliquent les types de contrats choisis par les exportateurs et les importateurs pour gérer les risques du commerce international. Elle analyse le cas des exportations chiliennes comme l'un des leaders de l'hémisphère sud sur le commerce des fruits. En appliquant la Théorie de Coûts de Transaction et l'Analyse Institutionnelle, ce travail étudie l'influence de l'incertitude environnementale et comportementale ainsi que la spécificité des actifs sur le degré de complétude, la formalisation et l'exécution des contrats. Cette recherche applique une méthodologie multistrand intégrant des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives. L'analyse utilise les informations provenant de 39 entretiens directs avec des exportateurs et des importateurs et de 65 enquêtes auprès d' exportateurs conduites à l'aide d'un questionnaire. Elle s'appuie également sur une base de données exhaustive issue des douanes chiliennes et documentant les 170370 transactions avec leurs contrats respectifs réalisées par le Chili dans ses exportations vers l'ensemble du monde sur la période 2009-2010. Elle s'appuie enfin sur 44 cas d'arbitrage international dans le commerce de fruits et légumes. Les résultats montrent que les niveaux d'incertitude environnementale liés aux « risques - pays importateurs » conduisent à des contrats plus complets tandis que des niveaux d'incertitude liés à la périssabilité des fruits conduisent à des contrats moins complets. De son côté, la pénurie d'offre sur le marché met l'entreprise exportatrice dans une position favorable pour négocier des contrats plus complets. Ces transactions internationales sont supportées par des moyens oraux et écrits; dans le négoce international des fruits, les contrats signés sont plus importants que pressenti, et leur rôle est davantage destiné à satisfaire les exigences institutionnelles qu'à compenser les risques. Pour faire respecter les contrats, les entreprises adoptent des mécanismes formels comme les inspections, les assurances et l'arbitrage, ainsi que des mécanismes informels tels que la confiance et la réputation. Cette étude a ses limites car elle porte principalement sur le point de vue de l'exportateur, la base de données des douanes ne fournissant pas l'identité de l'importateur et l'analyse transversale ne permettant pas d'observer l'évolution des pratiques contractuelles dans la durée. Jusqu'à présent, peu de recherches empiriques ont été faites sur les contrats intégrés dans différents contextes institutionnels; cette thèse contribue donc à la connaissance des choix contractuels dans 117 pays importateurs et plus généralement à la compréhension du commerce international des produits périssables. Elle est sur le plan académique, une contribution à la littérature économique et gestionnaire des contrats (complétude, formalisation, exécution) et des changements de forme de gouvernance dans les filières internationales. / This doctoral dissertation examines the determinants explaining the type of contracts chosen by exporters and importers to manage the hazards of international trade. It analyzes the case of Chilean off-season exports as one of the southern-hemisphere leaders in the fruit trade. Applying Transaction Cost Economics and Institutional Analysis as a framework, this work will analyze the influence of environmental and behavioral uncertainty and time-specificity on the degree of completeness, formalization and enforcement of contracts. A multi-strand research design integrating qualitative-quantitative methods is applied to analyze information gathered through: 39 face-to-face interviews with exporters and importers; questionnaire surveys from 65 exporters; an exhaustive Chilean customs database containing 170,370 shipments and contracts from Chile to worldwide buyers; and 44 international arbitration cases for the fruit and vegetable trade. The results show that high levels of uncertainty in the alternative importing countries increase the use of more complete contracts. When levels of fruit perishability are high, this often leads to less complete contracts. Shortage of market supply allows the exporting company a favorable position to negotiate a more complete contract. International transactions are supported by oral and written means; the use of signed contracts is more important than perceived in the fruit industry, but its role is more oriented to respond to institutional requirements rather than as a mechanism to offset hazards, such as exporting to risky countries or dealing with distrustful importers. To enforce contracts firms adopt formal and informal mechanisms. These include inspections, insurance, arbitration, in addition to trust and reputation. Limitations of this study include: the customs database does not include the identity of the importer, the cross-sectional analysis performed does not allow observing the evolution of contracting practices, the study is placed predominately from the exporter's perspective. There is also little empirical research on contracts analyzing transactions embedded in different institutional settings. This thesis contributes to the knowledge of contractual choices in 117 importing countries. It contributes to the understanding of international trade of perishable products. It also contributes to the economics and management literature on international contract completeness, formalization, enforceability, and to literature focusing on the changes of governance in the international supply chains.

Analise do perfil das restrições comerciais à carne bovina nos acordos SPS e TBT / Analyzis of trade restrictions profile on beef in SPS and TBT agreements

Machado, Ricardo de Queiroz 19 June 2007 (has links)
As questões sanitárias e técnicas assumem uma importância crescente no âmbito das negociações internacionais. Diante disto, este trabalho busca verificar o perfil das medidas dessa natureza, que afetam o mercado internacional de carne bovina. Para tanto, foram utilizadas como principais fontes de dados, as notificações aos Acordos sobre Barreiras Técnicas (TBT) e para aplicação de Medidas Sanitárias e Fitossanitárias (SPS) da Organização Mundial do Comercio. Os países analisados foram Brasil, Chile, Estados Unidos e União Européia, no período entre 1995 e 2005. Totalizaram 536 notificações relacionadas a bovinos e carne bovina. Como instrumento metodológico para sua avaliação, este trabalho baseou-se no conjunto de critérios proposto por Josling, Orden e Roberts (2004). Como resultados, revelaram-se algumas tendências a partir desse processo de notificação. A União Européia tem sido o país mais freqüentemente alvo de questionamentos de suas medidas sanitárias no âmbito das Preocupações Comerciais Específicas (STC). Em grande parte, as notificações analisadas, para o período estudado trataram principalmente de controles aduaneiros sanitários. A doença da vaca louca e a da febre aftosa respondem pela maior parte dos regulamentos aplicados pelos países sobre o mercado de carne bovina. Ademais, a maior parte das notificações refere-se a medidas reativas aos eventos sanitários que ocorreram nos países, visando impedir sua entrada em países livres das mesmas. Os regulamentos, tanto notificados junto ao SPS quanto ao TBT, evidenciaram uma tendência crescente de controlar produtos que utilizam derivados de bovinos em sua composição, como cosméticos e drogas, bem como um controle sobre produtos que servem de alimentação animal. / The sanitary and technical issues present a growing importance in the scope of international negotiations. Therefore, this work aims to analyze the profile of measures of this kind, which affect the international beef market. Thus, it was used as main sources of data, the notifications to the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and to the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement (SPS) from the World Trade Organization. The countries analyzed were Brazil, Chile, the United States and the European Union, between 1995 and 2005. It was totalled 536 notifications regarding bovine and beef. As a methodologic instrument of evaluation, this paper was based on a set of criteria proposed by Josling, Orden and Roberts (2004). As results, some trends were identified from this notification process. The European Union has been the most questioned player related to its sanitary measures in the scope of Specific Trade Concerns (STC). Most analyzed notifications, for the period considered, focused on sanitary customs controls, mainly. The mad cow and the Foot-and-Mouth diseases account for most applied regulations by countries as for the beef market. Moreover, most part notifications refer to reactive measures to sanitary outbreaks, aiming to prevent them from spreading to other countries. The regulations, both notified to the SPS and TBT, showed an increasing tendency to control goods that use bovine derivates in their composition, such as cosmetics and drugs, as well as products that are used in animal feeding.

As normas brasileiras para importação de plantas e sementes.

Bonachela, Fabio Silveira 31 October 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2016-04-13T17:27:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio S. Bonachela.pdf: 962287 bytes, checksum: f6b9b2114655bf3914aabe7d34c3e65b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-13T17:27:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio S. Bonachela.pdf: 962287 bytes, checksum: f6b9b2114655bf3914aabe7d34c3e65b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-10-31 / The International Environmental Law, its evolution and the most striking moments as far as the development of standards and basic principles is concerned, being a branch of public international law, has known an evolution in recent years, mainly due to the increasing attention that environmental issue are getting in the world, either because environmental conditions are deteriorating each year, or because there is a much larger awareness of the need to take precautions so that we can remedy what has been done wrong and to prevent the future. The definition of the environment and the evolutionary steps that trod International Environmental Law, an indication of its key moments, while defining standards, treaties and conventions on environmental protection, as it is known, are topics discussed throughout this dissertation. The issue of international trade, specifically the importation of plants and seeds and rules that this activity is submitted, according to the Brazilian legislation, based on the determinations of the United Nations is also an integral part of this job. / O Direito Internacional Ambiental, a sua evolução e os momentos mais marcantes, no que à elaboração de normas e princípios base diz respeito enquanto ramo do Direito Internacional Público, tem conhecido uma evolução nos últimos anos, sobretudo devido à cada vez maior atenção que a temática ambiental vem ganhando no mundo, seja porque as condições ambientais se têm deteriorado a cada ano que passa, seja porque existe uma maior consciência de que é necessário tomar precauções para que se possa remediar o que já foi feito de errado e prevenir o futuro. A definição de meio ambiente e os passos evolutivos que o Direito Internacional Ambiental trilhou, a indicação dos seus momentos chaves, enquanto definidor de normas, Tratados e Convenções na defesa do meio ambiente, tal como se conhece, são temas abordados no decorrer desta dissertação. A questão do comércio internacional, mais concretamente a importação de plantas e sementes e as regras que essa atividade está submetida, em função da legislação brasileira, com base nas determinações das Nações Unidas é também parte integrante deste trabalho.

Tourists' Awareness, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Wildlife Souvenirs: A Case Study in Cuba

Woronuk,Jennifer January 2008 (has links)
Considerable research has been conducted on tourist souvenirs but one area that has been widely neglected in souvenir literature is the concept of wildlife souvenirs. Many tourists purchase wildlife products when they go traveling, as evidenced by the continued production, sale, and confiscation of wildlife items such as coral/shell jewellery and animal skin/fur accessories around the world. Endangered species are often infiltrated into the souvenir trade and tourists both knowingly and unknowingly purchase endangered items as trip memorabilia. While the economic, environmental, and legal implications of the trade in wildlife have been well documented, the impacts of wildlife souvenirs have not; particularly the environmental consequences which are predominantly unknown. The purpose of this research was to assess tourists’ awareness, attitudes, and perceptions of wildlife souvenirs by exploring their purchase behaviour, general awareness, attitudes and perceptions, perception of environmental impact, and awareness of importation laws. A survey was conducted in the resort town of Varadero, Cuba in order to assess the frame of mind of international tourists (and potential souvenir consumers) while abroad. The findings revealed that there were significant differences in the way tourists identify with wildlife souvenirs and that these differences were occasionally attributed to sex and age but frequently attributed to geographic region (or place of origin). In general, tourists were found to be largely unaware of the concept of wildlife souvenirs and their implications, and fickle in terms of their attitudes and behaviours. A greater effort to educate the traveling public about the trade in wildlife and wildlife souvenirs would be a valuable strategy in enhancing overall awareness, promoting sustainable consumer practices, and conserving the world’s wildlife resources.

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