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Professional speech-language pathologists' perceptions of appropriate clinical dressStegeman, Joanna Cathleen. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of Speech Pathology and Audiology, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p.33-34).
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De l’impression d'enfance à l’expression adulte : l’enfance poétique comme modèle implicite d’une esthétique narrative moderne chez Pierre Loti, Marcel Proust, Colette, Virginia Woolf et Katherine Mansfield / Childhood Impressions, Adult Expression : Poetical Childhood as an Implicit Model for Modern Narrative Aspects in Works by Pierre Loti, Marcel Proust, Colette, Virginia Woolf and Katherine MansfieldPfister, Alice 20 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’explorer les rapports entre enfance et sentiment poétique pour considérer la manière dont l’impression enfantine peut se faire le modèle, en filigrane, d’une esthétique narrative moderne. Un corpus composé de récits de Pierre Loti, Marcel Proust, Colette, Virginia Woolf et Katherine Mansfield permet d’analyser l’inscription fictionnelle de personnages enfants pour montrer la similitude de caractéristiques supposément enfantines et de traits relevant d’une certaine conception du récit moderne, au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles : le primat de la subjectivité, une pénétration du texte par le sentiment poétique et une esthétique de la discontinuité cristallisant le récit sur des moments privilégiés. L’analyse convoque également des représentations de l’enfant, tant scientifiques que littéraires, du XVIIIe au XXe siècle. Les écrits des premiers psychologues de l’enfance, les textes romantiques mettant en scène des enfants poètes, et l’affirmation baudelairienne qui fait du génie une « enfance retrouvée » sont interrogés pour mettre au jour les conceptions fantasmatiques de l’enfant implicitement activées par les auteurs de ces récits. La croyance et l’imagination proverbiales de l’enfant, la supposée authenticité d’un âge proche des origines, sont autant de projections utopiques que charrie la littérature, et que cautionnent, dans une certaine mesure, les pensées philosophiques et scientifiques jusqu’au premier tiers du XXe siècle. Cette étude sonde les sources et les enjeux de ces représentations pour comprendre ce qui les motive et explorer leurs résonances avec certaines modalités d’écriture, entre poésie, mysticisme et impressionnisme. / This thesis explores the relationship between childhood and poetical feeling to consider how childhood impressions can implicitly model a modern narrative aesthetics. A corpus of narratives by Pierre Loti, Marcel Proust, Colette, Virginia Woolf and Katherine Mansfield serves to analyse the fictional inscription of child characters and show the likeness between allegedly childish characteristics and traits related to a certain conception of the modern narrative, at the corner of the 19th and 20th centuries. Among these characteristics : the predominance of subjectivity, a poetical feeling pervading the text, and a discontinuous narrative focusing on moments of being. The analysis summons both literary and scientific representations of the child, from 18th to 20th century. It convokes the theories of the first child-psychologists along with Romantic texts figuring child poets and questions the premise, according to Baudelaire, that genius is based on « childhood recovered ». In doing so it means to shed light on the phantasmatic conceptions of the child implicitly activated by the authors of these narratives. The child’s proverbial imagination and credulity, the presumed authenticity of an age closer to origins are as many utopic projections conveyed by literature and cautioned, to a certain point, by philosophic and scientific thoughts until the first third of the 20th century. This study examines their sources and their stakes to understand what accounts for them and to investigate their resonance with certain writing dimensions, such as poetry, mysticism and impressionism.
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You don't know me but can I be your friend? Accepting strangers as friends in Facebook.Leow, Serena 12 1900 (has links)
Users in social networking sites, such as Facebook, are increasingly receiving friend requests from strangers and accepting strangers as friends. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the Big Five personality traits and strangers' gender in affecting Facebook users' decisions to accept the stranger's friend request by adopting a 2 (gender of the stranger: male vs. female) x 5 (stranger's personality: Neuroticism vs. Extraversion vs. Openness vs. Conscientiousness vs. Agreeableness) factorial design. Results revealed that participants were more likely to accept the stranger's friend request when the participant's and stranger's personalities matched. This effect was more pronounced when the stranger was a female. Participants accepted female stranger's friend request due to the inflated perception of stereotypical female characteristics, which supported the hyperpersonal effect. Majority of the participants accepted the stranger's friend request based on textual cues that were displayed in the friend request message, which supported social information processing theory, suggesting that impression formation of the stranger was not constrained to the lack of nonverbal cues setting.
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Impact of Female Adolescents’ Motivations for Managing Online Photographic Self-Presentations on Their Social and Psychological WellbeingEsmeier, Chelsea Marie January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Acting with the best of intentions... or not: A typology and model of impression management in leadershipPeck, Jessica A. 29 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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A laboratory evaluation of detail reproduction, contact angle, and tear strength of three elastomeric impression materialsSun, Ming January 2011 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Fabrications of desirable fixed or removable dental prostheses depend upon accurate casts or dies. Recently, the most frequently used impression materials have been polyether (PE) and polyvinyl siloxane (PVS). However, both have their limitations: PVS is inherently hydrophobic, and PE is rigid. In order to take advantage of the desirable qualities of both PVS and PE impression materials, a new generation of impression material is being developed called vinyl polyether silicone (VPES, GC).
The purpose of the present study was to compare the properties of hydrophilic PVS, PE, and VPES in regard to surface detail reproduction, contact angle, and tear strength. The hypotheses to be tested were: 1) VPES will show a significant superiority insurface detail reproduction compared with PVS and PE impression materials; 2) VPES will show a significant superiority in wettability compared with PVS and PE impression materials; 3) VPES will show a significant superiority in tear strength compared with PVS and PE impression materials.
In order to test the surface detail reproduction, impressions were made of stainless steel dies with a parallel series of 15 different width lines on the surface and tested under dry and moist conditions. The wettability was assessed by contact angles of saturated CaSO4 aqueous solution drops on flat impression surfaces. A trouser tear test was employed to test the tear strength. The trouser-shaped specimens were prepared and tested in the Instron Universal Testing Machine. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Pearson‘s Chi square, (p < 0.05).
All the materials showed better detail reproduction under the dry conditions than the moist conditions. There were no differences between the three materials in detail reproduction when impressing under either moist conditions or dry conditions. All the materials showed good wettability in the contact angle test. PVS rendered a contact angle as low as 34.19º. The contact angle of VPES was 44.84º, which was lower than 54.76º for PE. In the tear strength test, PE showed nearly two time higher tear strength than the other two impression materials. VPES showed slightly lower tear strength than PVS. The tear strength of the three materials tested in increasing order was VPES, PVS, PE.
VPES showed comparable detail reproduction to PVS and PE and better wettability than PE, but showed the lowest tear strength compared with PE and PVS.
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”Du ser ju och hör mer när du är på kontoret” : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares kommunikativa synlighet på den hybrida arbetsplatsenJohansson, Jenny, Ohlsson, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and working from home conditions, hybrid work is becoming an increasingly common practice among companies. However, the mix of employees working from home and from the office creates a new environment for communication between employees and supervisors. Physical interactions in the office have proved to be important in allowing employees to present themselves and their work to colleagues and supervisors. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate how hybrid work affects employees’ opportunities to make themselves and their work visible on equal terms. The method used is semi-structured interviews with employees and supervisors at two large Swedish companies. Results show that employees use continuous dialog, fostering close relations, and supporting colleagues to create favorable impressions in the hybrid workplace. These impression management tactics were motivated by both wanting to look good, as well as do good in the organization. Supervisors likewise agree these behaviors create favorable impressions, although supervisors are more likely to acknowledge behaviors that directly or indirectly assist the supervisors’ work. The study identified four aspects that affect employees’ impression management: routines for mutual meetings, trust and openness within the group, transparency in the work environment, and informal channels for interactions. The results indicate that a hybrid workplace with equal opportunities for managing impressions will decrease the risk of employees experiencing impression management as a sacrifice. However, the biggest challenge to create equal opportunities was identified as providing adequate informal channels for interaction - both generally in the remote environment, as well as informal channels that connect to the wider organization and higher ups in the physical office. / I kölvattnet av COVID-19-pandemin och påtvingat hemarbete, har hybridarbete blivit en alltmer vanligt förekommande arbetsform bland företag. Däremot skapar blandningen av att medarbetare arbetar delvis hemifrån och delvis från kontoret nya förutsättningar för kommunikation medarbetare emellan och med ens chefer. Fysiska interaktioner på kontoret har tidigare visats vara viktigt för medarbetare för att framställa sig själva och sitt arbete inför kollegor och chefer. Denna studie ämnar därav besvara hur hybridarbete påverkar medarbetares möjligheter att på lika villkor synliggöra sig själva och sitt arbete. Metoden som används är semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare och chefer på två stora svenska företag. Resultaten visar att medarbetarna använder kontinuerlig dialog, främjande av närhet, och att stötta kollegor för att inge positiva intryck på den hybrida arbetsplatsen. Dessa taktiker för att skapa intryck motiveras både av viljan att se bra ut, och att göra gott för organisationen. Cheferna instämmer med att dessa beteenden skapar ett positivt intryck, även om cheferna är mer troliga att uppmärksamma beteenden som direkt eller indirekt underlättar deras arbete. Studien identifierar fyra aspekter som påverkar medarbetarnas möjligheter att skapa intryck: rutiner för gemensamma träffar, tillit och öppenhet, transparens i arbetsmiljön, samt informella kontaktvägar. Resultaten indikerar att en hybrid arbetsplats med jämlika möjligheter för medarbetarna att skapa intryck minskar risken av att medarbetarna uppfattar sina ansträngningar som uppoffringar. Däremot identifierades den största utmaningen i att skapa jämlika förutsättningar som att förse medarbetarna med lämpliga informella kontaktvägar - både generellt i distansarbetet, men även informella kontaktvägar till den större organisationen och högre uppsatta chefer på kontoret.
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Comparing the Accuracy of Intra-Oral Scanners for Implant Level Impressions Using Different Scanable AbutmentsRathi, Nakul H. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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No consequences: an analysis of images and impression management on FacebookPennington, Natalie R.D. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Communication Studies, Theatre, and Dance / Nicole M. Laster / Goffman (1959) suggests that it is through communication that we are able to form impressions of self and express our identity to society. With the emergence of computer-mediated communication and social network sites we’ve witnessed a new form of communication online, and as a result, the traditional forms of impression management used to construct and display identity have shifted to include not just speaking or writing our identity, but displaying who we are through photographs online. This research investigates the connection between the use of a particular social network site, Facebook, and the pattern of impression management techniques through the management and addition of photographs on the site. A two-month ethnography of 16 participants was conducted followed by 3 interviews. Results indicate that digital natives (individuals who have grown up heavily in the presence of technology) tend to convey a variety of conflicting online identities through images, resulting in a “no consequences” generation that, while concerned with privacy, are more concerned with communicating an impression that fits within their primary social roles.
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Compteur microfluidique de radioactivité sanguineMélançon-Emond, Jean-Nicolas January 2015 (has links)
Les études pharmacocinétiques réalisées grâce à la tomographie d’émission par positrons chez le petit animal requièrent la mesure de la concentration du radiotraceur dans le sang, la fonction d’entrée, pendant la séquence d’imagerie. Un détecteur de positrons placé sur une canule prélevant le sang de l’animal a été démontré comme un moyen avantageux de mesurer la fonction d’entrée chez les rongeurs, mais souffre d’une efficacité de détection limitée. Une nouvelle génération de compteur a été développée afin de surmonter ce problème. Des cartouches microfluidiques, fabriquées par impression 3D dans un matériau biocompatible, remplacent les cathéters traditionnellement utilisés et permettent de diminuer la perte d’énergie des positrons dans les parois. De plus, un circuit de différentiation, implanté via une topologie d’amplificateur d’instrumentation, permet la suppression du bruit induit par le fluide conducteur présent entre une paire de détecteurs opposés. Le système est ainsi beaucoup moins vulnérable que ses prédécesseurs aux interférences électromagnétiques présentes dans l’environnement expérimental. L’efficacité de détection du système utilisant un seul détecteur avec un cathéter PE-50 a été caractérisée comme étant de 17,3 % pour le [indice supérieur 18]F, 25,2 % pour le [indice supérieur 11]C et 1,3 % pour le [indice supérieur 99m]Tc, soit des augmentations de facteurs 4, 2 et 6,5 respectivement, lorsque comparé au système en cathéter antérieur. Une caractérisation subséquente à deux détecteurs a vu les efficacités de détection du [indice supérieur 18]F et du [indice supérieur 11]C augmenter d’un facteur 1,9, soit presque doubler. Une diffusion du liquide hors du microcanal a été observée lors de l’utilisation des cartouches microfluidiques, ce qui modifie le volume de détection au cours de l’acquisition et rend impossible la détermination de l’efficacité de détection avec un microcanal. Bien que ceci démontre que la technologie d’impression 3D choisie est inadaptée à l’utilisation dans une application microfluidique, de récents développements dans le domaine font de la stéréolithographie un remplacement fort prometteur pour la fabrication de microcanaux. L’utilisation de cathéters de polyimide avec parois très minces, comme alternative à la microfluidique, a entraîné des augmentations d’efficacité de détection de 3,2 % et 5,7 % pour les isotopes [indice supérieur 18]F et [indice supérieur 11]C respectivement. L’effet du cathéter de polyimide est encore plus marquant avec le [indice supérieur 99m]Tc, faisant passer l’efficacité de détection de 1,0 % à 1,8 %. Ce fort gain s’explique par la détection d’électrons de conversion de faible énergie, indétectables avec un cathéter traditionnel. De plus, l’utilisation d’un unique cathéter élimine la complexité inhérente au raccord entre un cathéter et une composante microfluidique. L’appareil développé permettra une mesure plus précise de la fonction d’entrée et, utilisé de pair avec des techniques d’imagerie moléculaire, facilitera les études pharmacocinétiques visant le développement de nouveaux traitements et radiotraceurs.
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